SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#909: Day longevity god female

Before this pair puts on the sister and brother of Daoist robe to be sent under escort a prison, that is called all Spirit Treasure of female seductress/evil spirit of Sir Bai Yi on them to give to take away, Spirit Stone was also taken down. 这一对穿着道袍的姐弟被押解到了一座大牢前,那一个叫做白怡大人的女妖精将他们身上的所有灵宝都给收走,就连界灵石也被取下。 Non- longevity god palace, this should human state the name in Immortal Sect.” In the hand of Sir Bai Yi pinches the token that the meteoric iron is building up to produce together, above being correct vigor is carving non- longevity god palace four large characters, the token above say/way vigor by cancelling of her powerful. “无寿星宫,这应该人类国度之中的一个仙门的名字。”白怡大人的手中捏着一块陨铁炼造的令牌,上面有道劲刻着“无寿星宫”四个大字,令牌上面的道劲都被她强势的抹去。 At this time a middle-aged person was brought, about 40 years old, above the lip kept two to cast aside the beard. 这个时候一个中年人被带了上来,大约40来岁,嘴唇之上留着两撇胡须。 This is a member of human, cultivation base is not low. 这是一个人类的修士,修为不低。 After this middle-aged person sees Sir Bai Yi, then both legs one soft, kneels down in her front, continually has knocked three knocks, respectful say/way: Lackey, pays a visit Sir Bai Yi.” 这个中年人见到白怡大人之后,便双腿一软,跪倒在她的面前,一连磕了三个响头,恭恭敬敬的道:“奴才,拜见白怡大人。” Fights to broadcast a sound of big cursing immediately, acts servilely, human rebel.” 战牢之中顿时传来一大片咒骂的声音,“卑躬屈膝,人类叛徒。” Gu Changkong, you kneel down to Monster Clan, does not match to cultivate the behavior the kind, was inferior including Half Monster.” 顾长空,你向一个妖族下跪,不配做人类,连半妖都不如。” „The person of your unseemly behavior Middle Ages aristocratic family.” “你妄为中古世家的人。” ...... …… Many human member are obloquying that middle-aged person, but actually encounters one to beat mercilessly, shouting curses the sound of gradually became is short. 很多人类修士都在大骂那个中年人,但是却遭到一顿毒打,渐渐的叫骂的声音变得少了。 That is called the Gu Changkong middle-aged person, standing up slowly, is detaining in fighting in human member to these long says with a smile: You have the strength of spirit actually, but some people who can see? Cultivates the behavior understands what has to done, this kneeling down time must kneel down, let alone I kneel am White Spider Monster Clan Sir Bai Yi, I thought that I am honorable. Haha!” 那一个叫做顾长空的中年人,缓缓的站起身来,对着那些关押在战牢之中的人类修士长笑道:“你们倒是有骨气,但是有人谁看得见?做人得识时务,该下跪的时候还是得下跪,更何况我跪得乃是白蛛妖族白怡大人,我觉得我光荣。哈哈!” In Sir Bai Yi threw hand iron sign to Gu Changkong, indifferent say/way: Has heard this Immortal Sect?” 白怡大人将手中的铁牌丢给了顾长空,冷漠的道:“听说过这个仙门没有?” Gu Changkong awed facing this Monster Clan female seductress/evil spirit, shrank, greeted with a smile, the iron sign meeting, after seeing the above carving article, saying with a smile of acting servilely: Sir Bai Yi, the non- longevity god palace was a Middle Ages Confucianism of sixth Yang Dynasty, the influence is extremely reply huge. These two backgrounds of young people are very not small, is the non- longevity god palace younger generation most outstanding character, is called day longevity god female and long-lived planetesimal, the status can compares with these Saint government offices Young Lord and saintesses.” 顾长空面对这个妖族女妖精十分敬畏,畏畏缩缩了起来,笑脸相迎,将铁牌给接了过去,看到上面的刻文之后,卑躬屈膝的笑道:“回禀白怡大人,无寿星宫乃是第六中央王朝的一座中古大教,势力极其庞大。这两个年轻人的来头也很不小,乃是无寿星宫年轻一代最杰出的人物,被称为‘天寿星女’和‘地寿星子’,地位可以和那些圣府的少主和圣女相比拟。” You Zilin raised weak spiritual energy, on the face full is the angry look, in the double pupil projects two sword souls, has cut toward Gu Changkong. 游紫林提起了身上微弱的灵气,脸上满是怒色,双瞳之中射出两道剑魂,向着顾长空斩了过去。 Bang!” “嘭!” Gu Changkong waving gently, the pupil sword was then scattered, then his fist bang in the chest of You Zilin, has hit a You Zilin blood to put out, scolds: Gu Changkong, you were the senior of Middle Ages aristocratic family, hired oneself unexpectedly Monster Clan, didn't you think ignominious?” 顾长空轻轻的一挥手,瞳剑便被打散,然后他一拳轰在了游紫林的胸口,打得游紫林一口鲜血吐出,骂道:“顾长空,你乃是中古世家的前辈,竟然投靠妖族,你不觉得可耻吗?” Did not think.” Gu Changkong said with a smile. “不觉得。”顾长空笑道。 You Ziling beautiful woman generation, has the saintess beautiful appearance certainly, the figure is slim and exquisite, the long hair hangs the waist, Ok-hee ices the skin, resembles immortal standing grain being near dust, appears very tranquil, the body has the unusual refined fairyism, even if degenerated into the captive, as before very proudly. 游紫菱倾城绝代,有圣女美貌,身材修长而玲珑,长发垂腰,玉姬冰肤,似一株仙禾临尘,显得十分平静,身上有着超凡脱俗的仙气,即便是沦为了阶下囚,依旧很傲然。 Sir Bai Yi gives to take out two Spirit Stone, inside thinks of the massive monster corpses, is the meritorious military service that You Ziling and You Zilin accumulate, the huge quantity, in Spirit Stone piled up. 白怡大人将两枚界灵石给取出,里面装着大量的妖尸,都是游紫菱游紫林积累的战功,数量庞大,在界灵石之中堆积成山。 Feng Feiyun stood in the rear area, the heart sighed secretly, if these two Spirit Stone fell into his hand to be good, that was the massive military exploits! Now fell into the hand of Sir Bai Yi, it seems like has not hoped. 风飞云站在后方,心头暗自叹息了一声,若是这两枚界灵石落入他手中就好了,那可是大量的军功啊!现在落入了白怡大人的手中,看来是没希望了。 Sir Bai Yi two Spirit Stone receiving, then looked at has been seeing through the youngster and young girl of Daoist robe, grinned says with a smile: Heard that human seizes in Monster Clan the beautiful appearance female and handsome man will take away to trade, some turned into the immortal kiln monster prostitute, some degenerate into the desire above human powerhouse bed. Slaves. This day longevity god female, absolutely is the beautiful woman beautiful woman, gave you to entertain well, as for this place longevity planetesimal...... This place carried off. Hehe!” 白怡大人将两枚界灵石给收起,然后看了看穿着道袍的少年、少女,咧嘴一笑道:“听说人类抓捕到妖族之中美貌的女子和英俊的男子都会拿去贩卖,有的变成了仙窑妖妓,有的沦为人类强者床榻之上的欲.奴。这位天寿星女,绝对是倾城美人,就交给你们好好招待了,至于这个地寿星子……本座就带走了。呵呵!” Sir Bai Yi held the iron lock, You Zilin carrying off. 白怡大人的抓住了铁锁,将游紫林给带走。 Elder sister, elder sister, your this crowd of small monsters, if dares to move my elder sister's hair, I must make your nine generations completely extinguish surely, samsara that ten thousand refuse stubbornly......” You Zilin sound hatred, full is cold intent, to person malignant influences and resentfulness. “姐,姐,你们这群小妖若是敢动我姐的一根头发,我必定要让你们九族尽灭,万死不的轮回……”游紫林声音怨毒,满是冷意,给人一种煞气和愤懑。 However also merely annoys one crowd of Monster Clan laughter that's all, nobody believes that he can also live coming back, falls into the men in Bai Yi big person hand difficultly to run away is picked to make up the lifespan the destiny. 不过也仅仅只是惹来一群妖族的笑声罢了,没有人相信他还能活着回来,落入白怡大人手中的男子都难逃被采补阳寿的命运。 You Ziling wears the azure clothes Daoist robe, the autumn waters for Shenyu are the bone, the nape of the neck are slender, the beautiful woman is beautiful, the body faint spiritual energy is also pasting, in the beautiful pupil seems covering fog, sends the silk to be slender and pitch-black, the gently beautiful moving cheek, making these Monster Clan member see that her first is somewhat crazy on already, in the heart one's blood bubbles up to the brim, in the eye full is ** the flame, wants to press her very much under the body devastates, simultaneously turned toward her to throw. 游紫菱穿着青衣道袍,秋水为神玉为骨,脖颈纤细,娥眉美丽,身上还有一丝淡淡的灵气在流转,美眸之中仿佛笼罩着一层雾霭,发丝纤细而乌黑,柔美动人的脸蛋,让那些妖族修士看到她的第一眼就已经有些疯狂,心中热血沸腾,眼中满是**的火焰,很想将她压在身下蹂躏,同时向着她扑了过去。 Regarding these Monster Clan member, You Ziling makes them go crazy on such as the Immortal Fairy outstanding person simply generally. 对于这些妖族的修士来说,游紫菱简直就如仙姬尤物一般的让他们发狂。 The star pupil of You Ziling stared on the face of Feng Feiyun, although the hair of Feng Feiyun turned into the white, the body was flowing the monster light, made her feel that as before the familiar, ruddy lip opened, what said gently? 游紫菱的星眸盯在了风飞云的脸上,虽然风飞云的头发变成了白色,身上流动着妖光,却依旧让她感觉到了熟悉,红润的嘴唇微启,轻轻的说了一句什么? Unexpectedly was recognized by her, early knows that also together changes on this even/including appearance.” “居然被她认出来了,早知道就该连容貌也一起改变。” You Ziling can become the day longevity god female in non- longevity god palace, Spiritual Awareness is very formidable, mental also belongs extremely rare, gives to recognize Feng Feiyun, that is holding Half Monster of big department official stamp, therefore opens the mouth to seek help. 游紫菱能够成为无寿星宫的天寿星女,灵觉无比强大,心智也属于凤毛麟角,将风飞云给认出,正是那一个持着大司部官印的半妖,所以开口求助。 Seeks help from Half Monster, regarding this day longevity god female is a difficult matter, but this is also she now the only means. 向一个半妖求助,对于她这个天寿星女来说是一种难以启齿的事,但是这也是她现在唯一的办法。 Feng Feiyun did not think oneself have ability in rescuing a human female at the Monster Clan war, does not want to brave such danger, but actually has to this at this moment. 风飞云并不觉得自己有能力在妖族的战牢之中将一个人类女子给救走,更不想冒这样的生命危险,但是此刻却又不得不这样做。 Feng Feiyun grasps to fight the sword, wields in the sky, gives to compel to draw back White Spider Monster Clan that these throw, has walked sideways, the spacious palm has clapped the fragrant shoulder of You Ziling, touched her faint body temperature, severe say/way: „This young woman of human is a father! Anyone of you his mother dares to contend with the father, the father wants its life!” 风飞云手持战剑,当空一挥,将那些扑过来的白蛛妖族都给迫退了回去,横着走了出来,宽大的手掌拍了拍游紫菱的香肩,摸到了她身上的淡淡的体温,厉道:“这人类的小娘们是老子的了!你们谁他妈敢和老子相争,老子就要它的命!” You Ziling by racket of Feng Feiyun above the fragrant shoulder, the jade body was shivered gently, the beautiful woman selects, is somewhat disgruntled. 游紫菱风飞云在香肩之上一拍,玉躯轻轻的颤抖了一下,娥眉微挑,有些不悦。 She spoke to request Feng Feiyun a moment ago, is actually is also threatening Feng Feiyun, she also calculates that what person does not permit Feng Feiyun is, can renege on a promise? Can kill eliminating a potential informant her? Can also same have to her with these Monster Clan improper ambition? 她刚才出言相求风飞云,其实也是在威胁风飞云,她也算不准风飞云到底是一个什么样的人,会不会出尔反尔?会不会将她杀了灭口?会不会也和那些妖族一样对她有非分之想? In her heart has many questions, after all Feng Feiyun is Half Monster. 她心中有很多疑问,毕竟风飞云乃是一个半妖 Half Monster in the human state is the minority groups, slave same existence, was bullied innumerably, in the heart also definitely has many discontented to human, will he lend a hand to help itself? Seizes the chance to vent the disaffection in heart? 半妖在人类国度之中乃是弱势群体,奴隶一样的存在,受到无数的欺压,心中对人类也肯定有诸多不满,他是会出手帮助自己?还是趁机发泄心中的不满? You Ziling thinks own mental exceeds the average person, can from one small clue one can see what is coming, be perceptive of the finest detail, but how is actually not able to completely understand Feng Feiyun, this Half Monster seems like a good person, but very much looks like the bad person, lets in her heart is very disturbed. 游紫菱自认为自己的心智超越一般人,能够见微知著,明察秋毫,但是却怎么都无法将风飞云看透,这个半妖看似好人,但是又很像坏人,让她的心中很是忐忑。 This is one is difficult to distinguish good and evil Half Monster! 这是一个难辨善恶的半妖 Feng Feiyun must lord over a human the day the arrogant female, this naturally aroused Monster Clan these member to be discontented, Monster Clan said: You want a person to keep everything for oneself, this rather did was also excessive a point, a beautiful human female, did you wrest away?” 风飞云要独霸一个人类的天之骄女,这自然是激起了妖族的那些修士不满,其中一个妖族道:“你想要一个人吃独食,这未免做得也太过分了一点,如此美丽的一个人类女子,你霸占得了吗?” Father likes wresting away, in today, on, will your his mother be able to manage tomorrow every night?” “老子就喜欢霸占,今天上,明天上,夜夜上,你们他妈管得着吗?” The Feng Feiyun full mouth meat words, hearing You Ziling to wrinkle the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow again and again, although clearly knows that Feng Feiyun this is saving her, but makes her feel very disgruntled. But she day longevity god female in non- longevity god palace, the status is lofty, was respected by countless people, these ancient clan old ancestors saw that she is respectful, how could do some people dare to say the so shameless words before her? 风飞云满口荤话,听得游紫菱连连皱黛眉,虽然明知道风飞云这是在救她,但还是让她感到很不悦。她可是无寿星宫的天寿星女,地位崇高,受无数人尊敬,就连那些古族的老祖见到她都要恭恭敬敬,何曾有人敢在她面前说出如此无耻的话? If in sixth Yang Dynasty, meets to dare to the member who she spoke like this, was already regarded by her obscenely very gives to put to death, which possessed forbearance him to maintain a livelihood? 若是在第六中央王朝,遇到敢对她这样说话的修士,早就被她当成淫贼给诛杀,哪有容他活命的到底? She has rubbed the tooth, warned, hopes the Feng Feiyun mouth cleanly. 她磨了磨牙齿,以示警告,希望风飞云嘴巴干净一点。 Has saying that Feng Feiyun is overbearing of performance, is the full mouth meat words, these White Spider Monster Clan more have not doubted his real identity. 不得不说,风飞云越是表现的霸道,越是满口荤话,那些白蛛妖族就越是没有怀疑他的真实身份。 Monster Clan originally compared with human overbearing, respects the powerhouse, the weakness that if displays, instead will be being been looking down upon. 妖族本来就比人类更加的霸道,更加的尊敬强者,若是表现的软弱,反而会被人瞧不起。 Saliva You Ziling beautiful appearance Monster Clan, some impatient say/way: Brother, this human female absolutely is the top goods, you are first bloom the bud, can't make us not result in soup drinks?” 一个垂涎游紫菱美貌的妖族,有些不耐烦的道:“兄弟,这个人类女子绝对是顶级货,你就算是第一个开苞,也不能让我们连一口汤也没得喝?” Right, the first position can give you, but you actually cannot lord over.” Some monsters echo. “没错,第一个的位置可以让给你,但是你却不能独霸。”有妖跟着附和。 Feng Feiyun has gotten angry immediately, said: His paternal grandmother, whose his mother is chatty? father said this young woman turns over to me now, now the father goes to bloom the bud to her, whose his mother dares to struggle with me, I have chopped his head.” 风飞云顿时怒了,道:“他奶奶的,谁他妈再敢唧唧歪歪?老子说了这小娘们现在归我,现在老子就去给她开苞,谁他妈敢跟我争,我剁了他的脑袋。” The war sword in Feng Feiyun hand condenses huge Monster Qi, changed into a huge monster shade, has divided a sword in the sky, Monster Qi is vast and fearful, the vibration is void, gives to daunt these White Spider Monster Clan, does not dare to go forward. 风飞云手中的战剑凝聚出庞大的妖气,化为了一尊庞大的妖影,当空劈了一剑,妖气浩大而慑人,震动虚空,将那些白蛛妖族都给吓住,不敢上前。 Feng Feiyun held the You Ziling front piece, almost must pull her Daoist robe, makes an effort to give to draw a washer her firmly, threw on the ground, then during the iron was firm then broadcasts the clothes torn into shreds sound, You Ziling call for help. 风飞云抓住了游紫菱的衣襟,几乎将她身上的道袍都要扯了下来,用力将她给拖进一座铁牢里面,扔在了地上,然后铁牢之中便传来衣服被撕碎的声音,还有游紫菱的呼救声。 Outside these White Spider Monster Clan lived to the fear by the Feng Feiyun that sword, look at each other in blank dismay, does not dare to go forward. 外面的那些白蛛妖族都被风飞云刚才的那一剑给慑住,一个个都面面相觑,不敢上前。 In your hand is actually grasping a high-quality mystical place!” You Ziling sits cross-legged near the corner, body was given to cover by one group of Xianxia, a position dense vast piece of forehead, is indistinct can see that ancient Deng glitters in. “你的手中竟然掌握着一座高级秘境!”游紫菱盘坐在墙角边上,身上被一团仙霞给笼罩,眉心的位置氤氲浩瀚的一片,隐约间可以看到一盏古灯在里面闪烁。 She in using forehead does not have absurd subdue demons lamp to attack the seal, the double pupil is beautiful, the eyelash is slender, in the heart has filled curiously to Feng Feiyun, stared at him to carry over a Monster Clan female seductress/evil spirit from the heaven. 她在利用眉心之中的“无妄降妖灯”冲击封印,双瞳美丽,睫毛纤长,心中对风飞云充满了好奇,盯着他从天国之中带出了一个妖族的女妖精。 This female seductress/evil spirit was given to be killed by shock by a Feng Feiyun palm, then innumerable Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi will have infiltrated in within the body of female seductress/evil spirit, changes her appearance, quick becomes her appearance and You Ziling is exactly the same. 这个女妖精被风飞云一掌给震死,然后将无数的金蚕佛气打入了女妖精的体内,改变她的容貌,很快就将她的容貌变得和游紫菱一模一样。 Monster Qi in her body by the Buddha Qi thorough purification, transforms with the mystique as the aura of human. 她身体之中的妖气佛气彻底净化,又用秘法转化为人类的气息。 Takes a quick look around, lies down like You Ziling on the ground. 一眼看去,就像游紫菱躺在地上。 After Feng Feiyun completes all these, looked at one to You Ziling, said with a smile: Takes off your Daoist robe, puts on to her.” 风飞云做完这一切之后,才对游紫菱看了一眼,笑道:“将你身上的道袍脱下来,给她穿上。”
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