SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#908: Monster Clan fights

In White Spider Monster Clan has cultivation base terrifying powerhouse, Divine Sense is tyrannical, even if Feng Feiyun put on the hidden silkworm gauze almost to be discovered. 白蛛妖族之中有修为恐怖的强者,神识强横无比,就算风飞云穿上了隐蚕纱罗都差一点被发现。 This absolutely is in Monster Clan, lets the will of the people mesozoic fear. 这绝对是妖族之中的至强,让人心中生畏。 Comes to be able with the White Spider Monster Clan army are getting more and more, the army was also getting more and more huge, draws a several thousand miles large team, the leader was throwing over the war beast opening of scales, threw over the Monster Clan man of white long hair to change into the human form, raised is fighting Ge stands to fight carrying on the back of beast, deities. 前来会和的白蛛妖族军队越来越多,大军也越来越庞大,拉成了一支数千里的庞大队伍,有一头头披着鳞甲的战兽开路,披着白色长发的妖族男子化为了人形,提着战戈站在战兽的背上,就一尊尊天神。 Also one is assimilated into society for the human form female seductress/evil spirit, flesh like the flying snow, the stature concave-convex send, curve graceful unparalleled, although they are very beautiful, however the status in Monster Clan is very high, waits for in the Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan side. 也有一群化为了人形的女妖精,一个个都肌肤如飞雪,身材凹凸有致,曲线曼妙无双,她们虽然很是妖艳,但是在妖族之中的地位很高,守候在妃媛公主的身边。 Feng Feiyun sneaks in the place bottom, distant following in White Spider Monster Clan behind of Monster Clan army, crossed hundreds of thousands of miles probably, a smell of blood crashes in the nose throat of Feng Feiyun, there is a blood to seep from the ground. 风飞云在地底潜行,远远的跟在白蛛妖族妖族大军的后面,大概过了数十万里,一股血腥味冲进风飞云的鼻喉之中,有鲜血从地面之上渗透下来。 The Feng Feiyun drilling ground quietly, saw a piece slaughters the field, in the ground full is the monster corpse, the huge corpse is piled up, the blood gathers in the lake, the war dagger-axe and iron sword of abandonment insert above the monster corpse the town soul. 风飞云悄悄的钻出地面,看到了一片屠戮场,地面上满是妖尸,庞大的尸体堆积成山,鲜血汇集成湖,还有遗弃的战戈和铁剑插在妖尸之上镇魂。 Here once was an oppressor Monster Clan lair, but oppressor Monster Clan monster already dies now completely, Formation already that in the lair arranged completely was broken through, became torn to pieces. 这里曾经乃是一座虎狼妖族的巢穴,但是现在虎狼妖族的妖都已经死尽,巢穴之中布置的阵法已经被完全攻破,变得支离破碎。 Difficult spoken parts spider Saint ancestor's grave in this region? White Spider Monster Clan must above all living thing this region give to cut completely, other Monster Clan does not let off, this is clearing.” “难道白蛛圣祖的墓葬就在这一片地域?白蛛妖族要将这一片地域之上所有的生物都给斩尽,连别的妖族也不放过,这是在清场。” This oppressor Monster Clan lair is given to exterminate by the White Spider Monster Clan army, the cultivation base most formidable monster corpse and monster already was given to carry off by them, the ground is some small monsters corpses, fully 100,000, moreover is much more broken, the half body of many monster corpse changed into the powder powder. 这一个虎狼妖族的巢穴乃是被白蛛妖族的大军给剿灭,修为最强大的妖尸和妖器都已经被它们给带走,地上都是一些小妖的尸体,足有100000具,而且都残破得厉害,很多妖尸的半个身体都化为了齑粉。 White Spider Monster Clan cannot have a liking for these small monsters the monster corpses, but Feng Feiyun is impolite, gave to receive the monster corpses of these 100,000 small monsters. 白蛛妖族看不上这些小妖的妖尸,但是风飞云却并不客气,将这100000具小妖的妖尸都给收了起来。 Although a small monster exchange many military exploits, but wins in the huge quantity, can exchange several hundred military exploits as before. 一只小妖虽然兑换不了多少军功,但是胜在数量庞大,依旧可以兑换数百点军功。 Feng Feiyun fast after completing these matters, then continues with going toward the White Spider Monster Clan army, all the way, the White Spider Monster Clan army has exterminated six Monster Clan lairs, for example: Stone Monster Clan and garment person wooden Monster Clan, great ant Monster Clan wait/etc., they give to carry off the cultivation base strong monster corpses in these Monster Clan, only remains some small monsters the corpses. 风飞云快速的做完这些事之后,便继续向着白蛛妖族的大军跟去,一路上,白蛛妖族的大军剿灭了六座妖族的巢穴,比如:石妖族、衫人木妖族、巨蚁妖族等等,他们将那些妖族之中的修为较强的妖尸都给带走,只剩一些小妖的尸体。 Feng Feiyun discovered that is not only he follows in the Monster Clan army, other person also follows in behind of Monster Clan army, they also in receiving these abandonment the monster corpses of small monster, stone Monster Clan the monster corpses of hundreds of thousands of small monsters ahead of time were taken away by them, when Feng Feiyun rushes, above the battlefield only remains several broken war soldiers. 风飞云发现不仅是他跟在妖族大军的身后,还有别的人也跟在妖族大军的后面,他们也在收那些遗弃的小妖的妖尸,石妖族的数十万具小妖的妖尸就被他们给提前收走,当风飞云赶到的时候,战场之上只剩几件残破的战兵。 Unexpectedly also some people dare to follow in the Monster Bead army, does not know any person such big courage.” “居然还有人敢跟在妖珠大军的身后,也不知什么人这么大的胆子。” Feng Feiyun dares to follow in the White Spider Monster Clan army , because he puts on the hidden silkworm gauze, so long as careful will not be discovered that also some people the techniques of concealment formidable to this region, can hide the truth from Divine Sense of White Spider Monster Clan powerhouse? 风飞云敢跟在白蛛妖族大军的身后,是因为他穿着隐蚕纱罗,只要小心一点就不会被发现,难道还有人的隐匿之术强大到这个境地,能够瞒过白蛛妖族强者的神识 Feng Feiyun then became cautiously, does not want to run upon with another native of Poland, so as to avoid conflict, has taken away three Monster Clan small monster monster corpses, saw two person's shadows above the battlefield of fourth Monster Clan lair. 风飞云接下来便变得小心翼翼了起来,不想和另一波人撞上,免得起冲突,又是收走了三座妖族的小妖妖尸,在第四座妖族巢穴的战场之上看到了两个人影。 Originally is they!” “原来是他们!” This is two wears the youngster and young girl of Daoist robe, is very young, the Daoist robe youngster is very handsome, the black hair crown is positive, the delicate god is abundant, to person a feeling of Immortal Family child Daoist novice. 这是两个身穿道袍的少年和少女,都十分年轻,道袍少年十分俊朗,青丝冠正,清秀神丰,给人一座仙家道童的感觉。 That young girl is extremely beautiful, the jade body is slender, the chest is plentiful, the both legs compared with it, wear the azure Daoist robe, is wears the azure skirt to dance likely in the sky, there is a fresh refined beauty. 那一个少女极其美丽,玉躯修长,胸部丰满,双腿比之,穿着青色的道袍,像是穿着青裙当空舞,有一种清新脱俗之美。 They go into hiding aura, monster corpses taking in Spirit Stone, the speed is extremely fast, the quarter is less , the monster corpses of 100,000 small monsters were given to receive by them ** only. 他们隐匿身上的气息,将一具具妖尸给收进界灵石之中,速度极快,一刻钟不到,100000具小妖的妖尸就被他们给收**净。 Elder sister, you said that who another native of Poland is? The courage such greatly unexpectedly dares to follow in behind of Monster Clan army.” You Zilin wears the azure Daoist robe, is bringing the amethyst Daoist temple, the head float the primal chaos is gossipping seal, gives the package his body, covers aura completely. “姐,你说另一波人是谁?胆子这么大竟然敢跟在妖族大军的后面。”游紫林穿着青色道袍,带着紫晶道观,头上悬浮着太极八卦印,将他的身体给包裹,将身上的气息给完全掩盖。 Does not need to manage him, heard that a White Spider Monster Clan Holy Saint grave is going to open, I thought that this White Spider Monster Clan army likely is opens the grave, we quickly with, don't with.” In the You Ziling exquisite pure white palm is holding a magic lamp, the beautiful woman, the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow like the picture, the body azure clothes Daoist robe, around the tender body the immortal smoke winds around. “不用管他,听说白蛛妖族的一位圣灵的墓葬将要开启,我觉得这一支白蛛妖族的大军很可能就是去开启墓葬,我们快跟上去,别跟掉了。”游紫菱细腻洁白的手掌中托着一盏神灯,明眸皓齿,黛眉如画,身上青衣道袍,娇躯周围仙烟缭绕。 This pair of twin sister and brother's jump gently in void disappear without the trace. 这一对双胞胎姐弟在虚空之中轻轻的一跳跃就消失无踪。 Does not have that two young member in longevity god palace! 正是无寿星宫的那两位年轻修士! Feng Feiyun has not pursued, but retreating quietly. 风飞云并没有追上去,而是悄悄的退走。 After at nightfall, entire rock red high-quality mystical place dark. 入夜之后,整个岩红高级秘境都暗了下来。 White Spider Monster Clan pitches camp in piece of mountain ridges, the camp covers several thousand miles, does not know that gathered many Monster Clan, had the war beast to roar in the mountain ridge, has the seductress/evil spirit to change into the human form to go on patrol in all directions, guards extremely strictly. 白蛛妖族在一片山岭之间扎营,营地覆盖数千里,不知聚集了多少妖族,有战兽在山岭之中咆哮,有妖精化为了人形在四处巡逻,防范得极其严密。 According to the words that the Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan maidservant spoke, white Zhusheng ancestor's grave should in the rock red high-quality mystical place, it seems like that this Monster Clan army really be possible be opens the gate of grave.” “根据妃媛公主的侍女所说的话,白蛛圣祖的墓葬应该就在岩红高级秘境,看来这一支妖族大军真的有可能是去开启墓葬之门。” Feng Feiyun sits in bank of the magma river, has three thousand li (500 km) to be far to the Monster Clan camp fully, occasionally has the Monster Clan patrol leader to fly from the space, under Formation by Feng Feiyun arrange/cloth was given to hoodwink, has not given the discovery him. 风飞云坐在一条岩浆大河之畔,离妖族的营地足有三千里远,偶尔有妖族的巡逻队从天上飞过,也都被风飞云布下的阵法给蒙蔽,并没有将他给发现。 In the Mao Wugui hand takes a broach, the crown of broach is stringing together a fish, it sits in the bank of magma river, in the magma grilled fish with river, is appearing is very satisfied. 茅乌龟手中拿着一根铁叉,铁叉的顶部串着一条鱼,它坐在岩浆大河之畔,正在用大河之中的岩浆烤鱼,显得很是惬意。 That fish does not know that is where it from makes, wants large number ten times compared with its body, does not know that it can unable to eat up. 那鱼也不知是它从什么地方弄来,比它的身体都要大数十倍,也不知它能不吃得下。 Mao Wugui grilled fish, while said: „The Holy Saint grave will not be easy to open, even if opens also surely creates the huge vibration, I think them definitely before Holy Ghost Tomb will open entire rock red mystical place void will give the seal. Now should in clearing, the human and Monster Clan in rock red high-quality mystical place is killed clear.” 茅乌龟一边烤鱼,一边道:“圣灵的墓葬不会那么容易开启,就算开启也必定造成巨大震动,我觉得他们肯定会在圣灵墓葬开启之前将整个岩红秘境的虚空都给封闭。现在应该是在清场了,岩红高级秘境之中的人类和妖族都会被清杀。” Bang!” “轰!” A loud sound transmits from dozens miles, shakes the ground to tremble. 一声巨响从数十里之外传来,震得地面为之一颤。 In that flash that the sound resounds, the Feng Feiyun reflective ejection, flies in the direction that sound conveys, but Mao Wugui cares to eat, sits in the bank of magma river as before is roasting soon the ripe fish. 就在声音响起的那一刹那,风飞云反射性的弹射而起,向着那声音传来的方向飞去,而茅乌龟则更在乎吃,依旧坐在岩浆大河之畔烤着快要熟的鱼。 Two azure person's shadows have flown above sky. 两道青色的人影在天空之上飞过。 Is that youngster and young girl in non- longevity god palace, they were given the discovery by the Monster Clan powerhouse, has encountered an attack of troop Monster Clan army. 是无寿星宫的那一个少年和少女,他们被妖族的强者给发现,遭到了一大群妖族军队的攻击。 Primal chaos gossips seal!” “太极八卦印!” You Zilin offered a sacrifice to a say/way seal, like one round Yin-Yang god moon/month, float nine days, gave suppress and kill several hundred White Spider Monster Clan, wanted to open a gap to kill. 游紫林祭出了一枚道印,像一轮阴阳神月,悬浮九天,将数百只白蛛妖族镇杀,想要打开一条缺口杀出去。 This pair of sister and brother's cultivation base is very formidable, is non- longevity god palace younger generation most formidable two people, in the hand is grasping the unsurpassed war soldier, rushes ahead in the Monster Clan army, kills gloomily, monster armor flies in all directions horizontally, the monster blood splashes above the Daoist robe everywhere is. 这一对姐弟的修为都十分强大,乃是无寿星宫年轻一代最强大的两人,手中掌握着无上战兵,冲杀在妖族大军之中,杀得天昏地暗,妖甲四处横飞,妖血溅得道袍之上到处都是。 Does not have the absurd subdue demons lamp!” “无妄降妖灯!” Being slim of You Ziling, the purple light circles body, cultivation base is stronger than it her younger brother a point, the body has the Taoism purest spiritual energy to revolve, like surging waves fairy maiden general standing in void, ancient Deng in hand erupted Xumi Daoguang, shook earth-shakingly, gave to raise to fly several thousand White Spider Monster Clan, rumbled a gap. 游紫菱的身材苗条,紫霞绕体,修为比之她弟弟更强一分,身上有道家最纯粹的灵气在运转,像凌波仙子一般的站在虚空,手中的古灯爆发出须弥道光,震得天翻地覆,将数千只白蛛妖族都给掀飞了出去,轰出了一道缺口。 However at this time, in Monster Clan had powerhouse to get rid, made two hands to be in charge beside void, gave the suppression these two sister and brother directly, by the Monster Clan army capturing. 但是这个时候,妖族之中有强者出手,在虚空之外打出了两道手掌印,直接将这两姐弟给镇压,被妖族的军队给擒拿。 A cultivation base profound female seductress/evil spirit walked, the seal their cultivation base, have then locked the shackle to carry off them. 一位修为高深的女妖精走了出来,封印了他们的修为,然后锁上铁链将他们带走。 Feng Feiyun hides in not far away, suddenly has thought means that hastily the revolution mystique, human aura suppressing, Monster Qi has covered on his body. 风飞云就藏身在不远处,突然想到了一个办法,连忙运转秘法,将身上的人类气息给压制了下去,一股妖气笼罩在他的身上。 Then revolution Gold Silkworm Scripture, turned into the white long hair, nails above five finger become tall and slender clear, the vision has filled charming monster, puts on monster armor that formerly must come on the body, the body moved, then has flown in that pair of monster armed forces, the portable war sword followed in the position of final side, then turned toward in the Monster Clan camp the line to go. 然后又运转金蚕经,将长发变成了白色,五根手指之上的指甲变得细长晶莹,目光充满了迷人的妖性,将一副先前得来的妖甲穿在了身上,身体一动,便飞到了那一对妖军之中,手提战剑跟在了最后方的位置,然后向着妖族营地之中行去。 The White Spider Monster Clan armies from all directions collect, does not know very well, after Feng Feiyun mixes, had not been discovered. 白蛛妖族的大军都是从四面八方汇集过来,相互之间并不熟知,风飞云混进去之后,并没有被发现。 Your several come, together detaining to fight these two human member with me.” That walks in the female seductress/evil spirit of front line, the body throws over fine gold gold/metal Shenjia, the long hair is dragging, has referred to Feng Feiyun and another three changing from monsters. “你们几个过来,跟我一起将这两个人类修士给关押到战牢之中。”那一个走在最前方的女妖精,身上披着鎏金神甲,长发拖地,指了指风飞云和另外三个化形的妖。 In the hand of Feng Feiyun pinches shackle, another of shackle is tying up above that unconventional idea bone the jade neck of Daoist robe young girl, that Daoist robe young girl beautiful pupil flow of tears, are staring at the Feng Feiyun back, the feeling is very familiar. 风飞云的手中捏着铁链,铁链的另一头绑在那个仙心道骨的道袍少女的玉颈之上,那个道袍少女美眸涟涟,盯着风飞云的背影,感觉很熟悉。 Feng Feiyun follows to seem like in that the female seductress/evil spirit of leader behind, enters in hanging fortress that a fine iron refine to make, in this fortress detains is the human member who captures, the quantity is numerous, is some many ancient clan old ancestors. 风飞云跟在那个看似头领的女妖精身后,走进了一座精铁炼造的悬空堡垒之中,这堡垒之中关押的都是擒拿来的人类修士,数量众多,其中更是不乏有一些古族的老祖。 Seductress, do you want to do? Can be what kind of us?” An old man of having hair dishevelled tied up above the iron wall, above the hands and feet is wrapping the shackle, the body full is the blood stain, cultivation base already is sealed, but vision actually quite fearful, making these small monsters not dare to approach him. “妖女,你们到底要干嘛?要将我们怎么样?”一个披头散发的老者被绑在铁壁之上,手脚之上都套着铁链,身上满是血污,修为已经被封,但是目光却相当的慑人,让那些小妖都不敢接近他。 That female seductress/evil spirit of lead faint stared at that old man one eyes, the sexy corners of the mouth appear a cruel smiling face, is beautiful like the angel, but the smiling face actually looks like the devil, said: Enjoys his 30 god whips, making him know that we must be what kind of him. Hehe!” 领头的那一只女妖精淡漠的盯了那个老者一眼,性感的嘴角浮现出一丝残忍的笑容,美丽得就像天使,但是笑容却像魔鬼,道:“赏他30神鞭,让他知道我们要将他怎么样。呵呵!” The sound of whip resounds, like is brushing the soul of person, making his old man send out pitiful yells. 鞭子的声音响起,就像在抽打人的灵魂,让他老者发出一声声惨叫。 Human of one crowd of thinking oneself infallible, plunders my clan territory, restrains my clan wealth, kills my clan clansman, even if makes them die 10,000 times also insufficient to pity.” Female seductress/evil spirit sound of lead ice-cold, looked that each human has been full of the hostility. “一群自以为是的人类,掠夺我族疆土,收敛我族财富,杀我族族人,就算让他们死10000次也不足惜。”领头的女妖精声音冰冷,看每一个人类都充满了敌意。 Sir Bai Yi, says is really.” Three wear monster armor saying of Monster Clan cold Chen. 白怡大人,所言甚是。”三个穿着妖甲的妖族都冷沉的说道。 Feng Feiyun has also echoed one. 风飞云也跟着附和了一句。
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