SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#907: Huge hand imprint

Just arrived at the rock red high-quality mystical place dead a person, the corpse fell down, the blood by the high temperature of rock boiling the ebullition, in the air has been filling the thick smell of blood. 刚到岩红高级秘境就死了一人,尸体倒在地上,鲜血被岩石的高温给煮的沸腾,空气中弥漫着浓浓的血腥味。 „The Half Monster Feng Feiyun aura, he has not died.” Gu Aying said. 半妖风飞云的气息,他果真没有死。”顾阿鹰道。 The remaining four people call to protect body Spirit Artifact, in the dantian depart the black war sword, the strength of revolution Nirvana, has shelled toward the place bottom. 剩下的四人都唤出护体灵器,丹田之中飞出黑色的战剑,运转涅槃之力,向着地底轰击了下去。 Bang!” “轰!” The Nirvana 3rd-layer member destructive power is very astonishing, each sword air/Qi falls to the ground, together the earth plate cutting off. 涅槃第三重的修士破坏力无比惊人,每一道剑气落地,就会将一块大地板块给斩断。 Four people are the Nirvana 3rd-layer boundaries, has practiced the top merit law of looking after the household, the strength these cultivation ordinary merit law Half Monster the member of in Nirvana 3rd-layer is much more formidable, Gu Aying cultivation base was, already has achieved the Nirvana 3rd-layer side boundary. 四人都是涅槃第三重的境界,都修炼过顾家的顶尖功法,战力比那些修炼普通功法的半妖之中的涅槃第三重的修士要强大得多,其中顾阿鹰修为最是了得,已经达到了涅槃第三重的极境。 The surrounding earth was cut broken, a complete stone does not save. 周围的大地都被斩破,连一块完整的石头都不存。 At this time, Feng Feiyun broke the rock, flying, the hand grasped the long spear/gun, punctured toward the second person, the speed of body was fast like the meteor. 这个时候,风飞云破开岩石,飞天而起,手握长枪,向着第二人刺了过去,身体的速度快得就像流星。 Gu Aying first discovered Feng Feiyun, the arm has wielded, Jianhe flew together, the sword air/Qi had dozens heads fully. 顾阿鹰第一个发现了风飞云,手臂一挥,一道剑河飞了出来,剑气足有数十里长。 The body of Feng Feiyun like a vortex, the movement is not the straight line, walks the say/way of world samsara, this together sword air/Qi avoiding the past, the long spear/gun shells this that Nirvana 3rd-layer the vest of member, the black armor blasts open, the long spear/gun gives the penetration his body. 风飞云的身体就像一个涡旋,身法并不是直线,走天地轮回之道,将这一道剑气给躲避了过去,长枪轰击这那一个涅槃第三重的修士的背心,黑色的铠甲炸裂出去,长枪将他的身体给穿透。 The blood splashes, has bone powder dust to fall to the ground. 鲜血飞溅出来,有骨头碎末落地。 Gives me dead!” “给我去死!” That has not died by the member who the long spear/gun penetrates, the vitality is extremely formidable, tribulations talisman throwing a thunder, has hit toward Feng Feiyun. 那一个被长枪穿透的修士并没有死,生命力极其强大,将一枚雷劫符箓给扔出,向着风飞云打了过去。 A small jade symbol is actually breeding the huge strength, has not erupted to destroy the strength, makes the air obstruct on already. 一枚小小的玉符却孕育着庞大的力量,还没有爆发出摧毁力,就已经让空气为之一窒。 Feng Feiyun also felt that the danger, the body has exploded draws back, speed quickly like ghosts and demons. 风飞云也感觉到了危险,身体爆退,速度快如鬼魅。 thunder Jiefu splits, the bowl mouth thick thunder and lightning chops to fall together, gives the disintegration the surrounding area several hundred miles earth, cracks spacious cracks. 雷劫符裂开,一道碗口粗的雷电劈落下来,将方圆数百里的大地给崩碎,裂出一道道宽大的裂纹。 After thunder tribulation, in the air has the innumerable tiny thunder and lightning to shuttle back and forth as before, is electricity snakes, above the rock of ground also has the electric light to flash likely. 雷劫过后,空气之中依旧有无数的细小的雷电在穿梭,像是一条条电蛇,地面的岩石之上也有电光在闪动。 That four member of looking after the household encircled in one, was gazing at the four directions vigilantly, sought for the Feng Feiyun trail. 顾家的那四个修士围在了一起,警惕的注视着四方,寻找风飞云的踪迹。 „...... Bastards......” “咳咳……王八蛋……” That was pierced the member of body by Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall in coughing up blood of keeping, therapy under the Spirit Pill clothing/taking one, above the chest has a giant blood hole, the wound is unable to heal, flowing that blood keeping. 那一个被天髓兵胆洞穿了身体的修士在不停的咳血,将一枚疗伤灵丹服下,胸口之上有一个巨大的血窟窿,伤口无法愈合,血液在不停的流淌。 Has killed unexpectedly also in us a person, was too simply hateful.” “竟然还杀了我们中的一人,简直太可恶了。” This Half Monster should run away......!” The sound board of this member in the throat, probably had been given to press firmly between the fingers the neck, struggling that he keeps, like a person of being drowned, the hand and foot is rocking. “这个半妖应该是逃走……啊!”这个修士的声音卡在了喉咙之中,就好像是被人给捏住了脖子,他不停的挣扎,就像一个溺水的人,手足都在晃动。 Bang!” “嘭!” His neck bewildered broke, probably by the ghost to break asunder stiffly, the shinbone was pulled apart, the body lay above the red rock, in bowl mouth thick neck in keeping was welling up the blood, the class above the red rock, made „” the sound. 他的脖子莫名其妙的就断了,就好像是被鬼魂给硬生生的拗断,胫骨都被扯断,身体倒在了红色的岩石之上,碗口粗的脖子之中在不停的涌着鲜血,流在了红色的岩石之上,发出“哧哧”的声音。 The remaining three member alarmed and afraid were lived, this is too strange. 剩下的三位修士都被惊惧住了,这一幕实在太诡异。 This does Half Monster also meet the stealth to be inadequate?” Gu Aying sound cold Chen, in the pupil is having the electric light very much, displays a move of clairvoyant, wants looking for Feng Feiyun. “难道这一个半妖还会隐身不成?”顾阿鹰的声音很冷沉,瞳孔之中带着电光,施展出一招天眼通,想要将风飞云给找出来。 !” “噗!” Now was pierced that member of body by Feng Feiyun, the chest caved, changes into beach blood mud, the five main internal organs (entrails) in body is crushed, vitality thorough cutting off. 现在被风飞云洞穿身体的那个修士,胸口塌陷了下去,化为一滩血泥,身体之中的五脏六腑都被击碎,生机彻底的断绝。 Remaining two member of looking after the household no longer stayed, open the door of wormhole, the preparation ran away. 剩下的两位顾家的修士不再停留,打开了虫洞之门,准备逃回去。 They just jumped in the gate of wormhole, Feng Feiyun also jumped, has taken off the hidden silkworm gauze, coldly looked at their one eyes, said: Is who sends you to kill me?” 他们刚跳进虫洞之门,风飞云也跟着跳了进去,脱下了隐蚕纱罗,冷冷的看了他们一眼,道:“到底是何人派遣你们来杀我?” Above the space channel, full is the dense gas, the space rule the shuttle that keeps in the side. 空间通道之上,满是氤氲的气体,空间规则在身边不停的穿梭。 Feng Feiyun stands there, palm still in the drop blood, was strikes to kill a moment ago that person of blood. 风飞云就站在那里,手掌还在滴血,是击杀刚才那人的血液。 Gu Aying coldly stared at Feng Feiyun, saying with a smile of mock: You so act recklessly unexpectedly, dares to enter the gate of wormhole, so long as returned to the barracks, will be your time of death.” 顾阿鹰冷冷的盯了一眼风飞云,讥诮的笑道:“你居然如此不知死活,敢进入虫洞之门,只要回到了兵营,就将是你的死期。” Feng Feiyun said with a smile: You did not say that who I also know am, is Eighth Young Master Gu sends you to kill my?” 风飞云笑道:“你们不说我也知道是谁,是顾八少爷派遣你们来杀我的吧?” Gu Aying and another looking after the household the member of did not speak, stood above the space channel, only and other gates of wormhole opened once more. 顾阿鹰和另外一位顾家的修士并不说话,站在空间通道之上,只等虫洞之门再次打开。 You think that you can also return to the barracks?” “你们以为你们还能回到兵营之中?” Feng Feiyun contemptuous smiles, above arm presents mark seal of ten thousand beasts, above the fist the ray reveals completely, a huge strength condenses above the arm. 风飞云轻蔑的一笑,手臂之上出现万兽的纹印,拳头之上光芒毕露,一股庞大的力量在手臂之上凝聚。 Two member of looking after the household changed color finally, Gu Aying said: You insane inadequate, dares to begin in the space channel unexpectedly, the space channel is together stave, we must die in this.” 顾家的两位修士终于变色了,顾阿鹰道:“你疯了不成,竟然敢在空间通道之中动手,一道空间通道破碎,我们都要死在这里面。” Feng Feiyun cracks into a smile, during a fist bombardment above the space channel, the space channel then the disintegration, three people simultaneously falls into at once endless was void. 风飞云咧嘴一笑,一拳轰击在空间通道之上,空间通道旋即便崩碎,三人同时掉进了无尽虚空之中。 That two member of looking after the household send out to curse angrily and call out pitifully, was involved in the space storm, the body is torn into shreds the blood piece, but Feng Feiyun offered a sacrifice to Bronze Ancient Vessel, stood above the Ancient Vessel bow, navigated in void, flew toward the rock red high-quality mystical place. 顾家的那两位修士都发出怒骂和惨叫,被卷进了空间风暴,身体被撕碎成血片,而风飞云则祭出了青铜古船,站在古船的船头之上,航行在虚空之中,向着岩红高级秘境飞去。 Stands above Bronze Ancient Vessel, can clear sees mystical places float in void, some look like the float mainland in universe, some likely huge space air bubbles, some such as huge meteorite stars...... 站在青铜古船之上,可以清晰的看到一座座秘境悬浮在虚空之中,有的像宇宙之中的悬浮大陆,有的像一个个巨大的空间气泡,有的如庞大的陨石星辰…… This is one type compared with roaming through the picture of starry sky also Yao Hongwei atmosphere, each mystical place has represented an out of the ordinary world, seeming like the tentacle may, but has actually been separated by surely. 这是一种比遨游星空还要宏伟大气的景象,每一座秘境都代表了一座与众不同的世界,看似触手可及,但是却又相隔了千万里。 That is the rock red high-quality mystical place, likely is together the scarlet red rock mainland, feared that must have over a hundred million heads! Cannot see the boundary completely.” Mao Wugui squats in the shoulder of Feng Feiyun, looks at void beside that scarlet red mainland, the mainland is given the package by faint gas, one type shocks the inexplicable feeling to the person. “那就是岩红高级秘境,像是一块赤红色的岩石大陆,怕是得有上亿里长吧!完全看不到边际。”茅乌龟蹲在风飞云的肩头,望着虚空之外的那一片赤红色的大陆,大陆被一层淡淡的气体给包裹,给人一种震撼莫名的感觉。 Looks from afar, the rock red high-quality mystical place like a giant egg, the surrounding is the thin gas, inside is the scarlet-red rock, has the rivers and streams lake sea that the innumerable magma collect above the rock. 远远望去,岩红高级秘境就像一个巨大的鸡蛋,外围乃是稀薄的气体,里面是赤红的岩石,在岩石之上有无数岩浆汇集成的江河湖海。 At this moment, a huge strength has shelled from the rock red high-quality mystical place. 就在这时,一股庞大的力量从岩红高级秘境轰击了过来。 Wear white long gown a powerhouse of extremely, stands above magma sea in rock red high-quality mystical place, toward several hundreds of millions miles beyond looked at one void, as if can see the picture several hundreds of millions miles away. 一个穿着白色的长袍的绝顶强者,站在岩红高级秘境之中的一片岩浆海洋之上,向着数亿里之外的虚空看了一眼,仿佛能够看到数亿里之外的景象。 Navigates Ancient Vessel in void, is it possible that is the antique god ship is inadequate?” “一只航行在虚空之中的古船,莫非是太古神船不成?” He has lifted the palm, has made a giant palm toward Bronze Ancient Vessel. 他抬起了手掌,向着青铜古船打出了一只巨大的手掌。 This palm feared that must have several tens of thousands miles big, surmounts several hundreds of millions miles, gives to wrap entire Bronze Ancient Vessel. 这一只手掌怕是得有数万里大,跨越数亿里,将整个青铜古船都给包裹住。 Stands Feng Feiyun feeling above Bronze Ancient Vessel is very obvious, can clear saw that giant hand is in charge from the rock red high-quality mystical place departs, likely is a god palm, surmounted several hundreds of millions miles formidable, the strength to the boundary that is unable to contend with. 站在青铜古船之上的风飞云感受十分明显,可以清晰的看到那一只巨大的手掌印从岩红高级秘境之中飞出,像是一位神祗的手掌,跨越了数亿里,力量强大到无法抗衡的境界。 In rock red high-quality mystical place really has such powerhouse! Also does not know that is the Human Race overlord, is the Monster Clan worthy people of former times.” “岩红高级秘境之中竟然有如此强者!也不知是人族的霸主,还是妖族的先贤。” Feng Feiyun controls Bronze Ancient Vessel forcefully, wants to turn around the bow, departs this huge hand imprint the attack range. 风飞云强行控制青铜古船,想要掉转船头,飞出这一个巨大的手印的攻击范围。 However this hand imprint actually looks like a piece of backdrop, so is limitlessly big, cannot fly Bronze Ancient Vessel, saw that hand imprint must pat to press, obliterates all. 但是这个手印却像一片天幕,无边无际那么大,就连青铜古船都飞不出去,眼看那一个手印就要拍压下来,磨灭一切。 The Bronze Ancient Vessel deep place, broadcasts a strange sound suddenly, is an ancient is sighing likely, is Great Desolate is likely beastly is crying loud and long, a vast inexplicable strength spread from the Bronze Ancient Vessel interior, vibrates periphery these mystical places violently to shiver. 青铜古船的深处,突然传来一声奇怪的声音,像是一位古人在叹息,又像是一只洪荒蛮兽在长啸,一股浩瀚莫名的力量从青铜古船的内部传出,震动得周围的那些秘境都猛烈的颤抖了一下。 Is the world is rocking likely. 像是天地都在晃动。 Bang!” “嘭!” That huge hand imprint instantaneous disintegration, changed into empty shades to vanish without the trace. 那一个巨大的手印瞬间崩碎,化为了一道道虚影消失无踪。 Float that person's shadow the body of above magma sea shivered together violently, the body is flushed to fly several hundred miles, white long gown was exploded is split up, distressedly to the extreme. 悬浮在岩浆海洋之上的那一道人影的身体猛烈的颤抖了一下,身体被冲飞出去了数百里,身上的白色长袍被炸得四分五裂,狼狈到了极点。 The sound of this person's shadow full is astonished, by a Great God anchorage the body, turned toward beyond several hundreds of millions miles to look once more, during was void did not have the Bronze Ancient Vessel shadow again. 这个人影的声音满是惊异,以大神通定住了身体,再次向着数亿里之外望去,虚空之中却再也没有了青铜古船的影子。 Very powerful big strength, is did the character of what rank arrive at the rock red high-quality mystical place?” In the heart of this person's shadow shocks completely, during that strength was too fearful, shakes periphery is void several hundred mystical places to rock. “好强大的力量,到底是什么级别的人物来到了岩红高级秘境?”这个人影的心中满是震撼,刚才的那一股力量实在太可怕,震得周围虚空之中数百座秘境都在晃动。 What strength is this? 这是一股什么样的力量? In the heart of this together person's shadow full is the question, does not dare to get rid again, the next quarter then vanished above the magma sea. 这一道人影的心中满是疑问,不敢再出手,下一刻便消失在了岩浆海洋之上。 Meanwhile, descended immediately to receive Bronze Ancient Vessel to Feng Feiyun of rock red high-quality mystical place, restrained the aura, the body escapes instantaneously into the rock, fled toward the distant place. 于此同时,降落到岩红高级秘境的风飞云则立即收起了青铜古船,收敛气息,身体瞬间遁入了岩石之中,向着远处奔逃。 Above rock red high-quality mystical place has powerhouse extremely, that strength that if not for a moment ago the Bronze Ancient Vessel deep place spread destroyed the hand to be in charge, perhaps Feng Feiyun already dies in void several hundreds of millions miles away now. 岩红高级秘境之上有绝顶强者,刚才若不是青铜古船的深处传出的那一股力量打碎了手掌印,恐怕风飞云现在都已经死在了数亿里之外的虚空之中。 Continually ran away for three days, Feng Feiyun does not know where ran away, thought that after that extremely powerhouse was not possible to find itself again, he departed the bottom, appeared in the ground. 一连逃了三天,连风飞云也不知逃到了什么地方,觉得那一位绝顶强者不可能再找到自己之后,他才飞出了地底,出现在了地面上。 Feng Feiyun examines without enough time oneself in any position, saw that above now the backdrop had monster armed forces to fly, this monster armed forces were dense and numerous, block the sky, tens of thousands , the body of each monster sent out the white ray. 风飞云来不及查看自己现在在什么位置,就看到天幕之上有一支妖军飞了过去,这一支妖军密密麻麻,遮天蔽日,成千上万,每一只妖的身上都散发出白色的光芒。 Is White Spider Monster Clan, how to have these many White Spider Monster Clan armies?” “是白蛛妖族,怎么会有这么多白蛛妖族的军队?” Above the backdrop the monster armed forces corridor, the front of monster armed forces is flying great carriage, is the silver refining up to make, is directed by ten flood dragon Ancient Beast, ten shackles tie up on the body of flood dragon Ancient Beast, speedily goes toward the Eastern line. 天幕之上妖军过道,妖军的前方飞着一尊巨辇,乃是白银炼造而成,由十头蛟龙古兽拉引,十条铁链绑在蛟龙古兽的身上,疾速的向着东方行去。 Feng Feiyun saw a familiar beautiful shade above this great carriage, was once with that Nirvana 4th-layer white spider seductress/evil spirit that he fights, she cultivated the jade xuan sword territory, cultivation base was extremely formidable. 风飞云在这一尊巨辇之上看到了一道熟悉的丽影,是曾经和他交手的那一只涅槃第四重的白蛛妖精,她修炼出了琅嬛剑域,修为极其强大。 At this moment she sits above great carriage, the body is covering the white monster light, simple and beautiful moving, lofty solemn, the pupil light is sharp, has the prestige near the world bearing. 此刻她坐在巨辇之上,身上笼罩着白色的妖光,清丽动人,高雅端庄,眸光锋利,有威临天下的气度。 After these White Spider Monster Clan officers see her, kneels down to salute, respects to her extremely. 那些白蛛妖族的将士见到她之后,都下跪行礼,对她极其尊敬。
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