SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#906: Prescribes medicine to the female seductress/evil spirit

Mao Wugui dialog spider Saint ancestor's grave also very much drools, that is the Holy Saint losing treasure, the inside casual thing unearthed is the unsurpassed god treasure. 茅乌龟对白蛛圣祖的墓葬也很垂涎,那是圣灵的遗宝,里面随便一件东西出土都是无上神宝。 It claimed that has the means to make White Spider Monster Clan that princess start talking, the spirit ran very much stimulated this island, after a double-hour carried big basket of medicinal herbs to run. 它声称有办法让白蛛妖族的那一位公主开口说话,精神很亢奋跑出了这一座海岛,直到一个时辰之后才又背着一大筐药草跑了回来。 Must to start talking, controls her spirit is only the plan of one after next, the best method is to let her says.” Mao Wugui confident saying. “要让一个人开口说话,控制她的精神只是下下之策,最好的方法是让她自己说出来。”茅乌龟信心满满的说道。 Feng Feiyun said: „Do you have what brocade sack ingenious plan?” 风飞云道:“难道你有什么锦囊妙策?” Copes with the female seductress/evil spirit with coping with the method of woman is the same, the most direct method then applies drugs!” Mao Wugui just imposing say/way. “对付女妖精和对付女人的方法都是一样,最直接的方法便是用药!”茅乌龟正义凛然的道。 Sweat! This method as if not unusual refined.” Feng Feiyun is somewhat speechless. “汗!这个方法似乎也不怎么超凡脱俗。”风飞云有些无语。 Young people, you do not understand!” “年轻人,你不懂!” Mao Wugui no longer pays attention to Feng Feiyun, wonder drug that the wholly absorbed mixture it is said, has fiddled with after for quite a while, will modulate good one bowl of medicine soup to drink to that female seductress/evil spirit. 茅乌龟不再理会风飞云,专心致志的调制它所说的神药,捣鼓了半天之后,将调制好的一碗药汤给那一只女妖精喝下。 Feng Feiyun had thought Mao Wugui is not reasonable, but these time had some confidence to it, because Feng Feiyun questioned this female seductress/evil spirit put on underpants no time, her complexion very tranquil returned to one not. 风飞云一直觉得茅乌龟不怎么靠谱,但是这一次却对它有了一些信心,因为风飞云寻问这个女妖精穿底裤没有的时候,她脸色很平静的回到了一句“没有”。 Has saying that although this method not unusual refined, indeed is very direct. 不得不说,这个方法虽然不超凡脱俗,却的确很直接。 Then a person of Itsukame starts to interrogate this female seductress/evil spirit, the medicine soup effect of Mao Wugui mixture is indeed extremely good, the female seductress/evil spirit all has incurred in blurry, the answer of but ultimately getting actually gives to shock a person of Itsukame. 然后一人一龟开始盘问这一只女妖精,茅乌龟调制的药汤的确效果极好,女妖精在迷迷糊糊之间将所有的一切都招了,但是最终得到的答案却将一人一龟都给震惊住。 Opens the Holy Saint grave, making Holy Saint reappear...... This...... This some are too rather shocking.” Mao Wugui has drawn back backward two steps, scared witless, then sat on the ground. “开启圣灵的墓葬,让圣灵重现……这……这未免有些太骇人听闻。”茅乌龟向后退了两步,魂不守舍,然后一屁股坐在了地上。 Feng Feiyun and Mao Wugui knew that in the mouth of this female seductress/evil spirit an astonishing news, White Spider Monster Clan real already knew white Zhusheng ancestor's the approximate position of grave, must open this holy sepulchre, found white Zhusheng ancestor's remains and Holy Saint Container, must make Holy Saint reveal world again. 风飞云茅乌龟在这个女妖精的口中得知到了一个惊人的消息,白蛛妖族真的已经知道了白蛛圣祖的坟墓的大致位置,要开启这一座圣墓,找到白蛛圣祖的遗骸和圣灵器皿,要让圣灵再显世间。 This is impossible, the person and monster life has the limit, once Celestial Five Wanings, absolutely is then impossible to live, even if Holy Saint absolutely is impossible.” Feng Feiyun shakes the head again and again. “这不可能,人和妖的寿命都有极限,一旦天人五衰,便绝对不可能活过来,就算是圣灵也绝对不可能。”风飞云连连摇头。 Mao Wugui also nodded, looked at that female seductress/evil spirit one of the ground, said: This indeed is the impossible matter, she after all is only side a Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan maidservant, definitely cannot contact the genuine secret matter. I guessed that some people the arrange/cloth in her mind have gotten down the mark intentionally, making us unable to guess correctly the White Spider Monster Clan real motive.” 茅乌龟也点了点头,看了地上的那一只女妖精一眼,道:“这的确是不可能的事,她毕竟只是妃媛公主身边的一个侍女,肯定接触不到真正机密的事。我猜测是有人故意在她的脑海之中布下了印记,让我们猜不到白蛛妖族的真实目的。” This female seductress/evil spirit is not Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan, merely is only Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan maidservant. 这个女妖精并不是妃媛公主,仅仅只是妃媛公主身边的侍女。 What regardless of she said is real situation, a little can affirm, Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan arrived at the wooden god to put up the war zone, moreover because of white Zhusheng ancestor's grave. 无论她说的是不是真实情况,有一点可以肯定,妃媛公主真的来到了木神架战区,而且是因为白蛛圣祖的墓葬而来。 I thought that I should know who Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan was!” In the Feng Feiyun vision is having the ray of wisdom, after pondering was very long, said such one. “我觉得我应该知道妃媛公主是谁了!”风飞云的目光之中带着睿智的光芒,沉思了很久之后,说出了这么一句。 Feng Feiyun anxiously to departure heaven, has closed the heaven channel, appears in the barracks again, outside of room has the tyrannical aura to appear, often some large clans arrive at the wooden god to put up the war zone, making the tranquil barracks somewhat chaotic and noisy. 风飞云急冲冲的离开天国,关闭了天国通道,再次出现在兵营之中,房间的外面有很多强横的气息出现,不时就有一些大族来到木神架战区,让原本平静的兵营变得有些混乱和嘈杂。 In the original barracks cannot mutual battle and killing one another, because of these large clans' powerhouse's arrivals, these rule thorough breaks. 本来兵营之中不能相互争斗、自相残杀,但是因为这些大族的强者的到来,将这些规则彻底的打破。 The war king in barracks, worthy people of former times who also does not dare to offend the large clan. 就连兵营之中的战王,也不敢得罪大族的先贤。 Feng Feiyun is not interested in these ancient clan great people, is interested in Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan and Holy Ghost Tomb, is planning to inspire the wormhole Spirit Stone going rock red high-quality mystical place. 风飞云对这些古族的大人物并不感兴趣,更对妃媛公主圣灵墓葬感兴趣,正打算引动虫洞灵石前去岩红高级秘境。 At this time murderous aura transmitted from void, was very swift and violent, making the person whole body ice-cold, has fallen into the ice hole likely. 这个时候一股杀气从虚空之中传来,十分迅猛,让人浑身冰冷,像是掉进了冰窟之中。 In the air swings ripple, the position of ripple center departed black sword edge, the straight thrust Feng Feiyun forehead. 空气之中荡出一圈圈波纹,波纹中心的位置飞出了一道黑色的剑锋,直刺风飞云的眉心。 Bang!” “轰!” Feng Feiyun called Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall immediately, changed into a handle sword, that together black sword edge dividing. 风飞云在第一时间唤出了天髓兵胆,化为了一柄战刀,将那一道黑色的剑锋给劈了出去。 What person? Dares to get rid to kill people in the barracks unexpectedly?” Feng Feiyun sat above stone platform, grasped the sword, the complexion was tranquil, launched Divine Sense completely, was paying attention to the surrounding sound closely. “什么人?竟然敢在兵营之中出手杀人?”风飞云坐在了石台之上,手持战刀,脸色平静,将神识给完全展开,密切的注意着周围的动静。 Since the opposite party dares to begin in the barracks, means that they do not fear the war king in barracks, definitely is a person of side large clan. 对方既然敢在兵营之中动手,也就意味着他们并不惧兵营之中的战王,肯定是一方大族的人。 Bang! Bang......” “轰!轰……” At this time, four handles fought the sword simultaneously to puncture from void, sword air/Qi brilliant, cut toward Feng Feiyun from four directions, has blocked his all escape routes. 这个时候,四柄战剑从虚空之中同时刺出,剑气灼灼,从四个方向向着风飞云斩去,封死了他所有退路。 Feng Feiyun jumps from the ground suddenly, wants to dash the roof, runs out of the barracks, but above the top of the head presented a big hand imprint, has pressed toward his top of the head. 风飞云豁然从地面上跃起,想要撞破屋顶,冲出兵营,但是头顶之上出现了一只大手印,向着他头顶压了下来。 Feng Feiyun also divided a palm, separated to empty with that person to rumbling has struck, gave the disintegration the big hand imprint, during was void transmits one to remain silent, by being in charge of Feng Feiyun shaking wound. 风飞云也同时劈出了一掌,隔空与那人对轰了一击,将大手印给崩碎,虚空之中传来了一个闷声,被风飞云的掌印给震伤。 The opposite party comes prepared, during is void does not know that hides many powerhouses, Feng Feiyun is not daring protracted battle, has inspired wormhole Spirit Stone hastily, opened the door of wormhole, the body jumped instantaneously. 对方有备而来,虚空之中不知隐藏着多少强者,风飞云不敢久战,连忙引动了虫洞灵石,打开了虫洞之门,身体瞬间跳跃了进去。 Also wants to run away!” “还想逃!” cold Chen a voice resounds. 一个冷沉的声音响起。 The sword air/Qi runs into the gate of wormhole together, has cut toward Feng Feiyun. 一道剑气冲进虫洞之门,向着风飞云斩了过去。 Feng Feiyun strided in the gate of wormhole, stands above the space channel, the portable sword, welcomed spatially cuts, that together sword air/Qi blocking. 风飞云跨入了虫洞之门,站在空间通道之上,手提战刀,迎空一斩,将那一道剑气给挡住。 However at the same time the space channel of under foot cannot withstand that strength, cracks cracks, finally the disintegration changed into the fragment, Feng Feiyun has haunched hastily slightly spread out the world, the foot steps on void, the body leapt, flushed. 但是与此同时脚下的空间通道承受不住那一股力量,裂出一道道碎纹,最终崩碎化为了碎片,风飞云连忙撑起了小衍世界,脚踩虚空,身体一跃,冲了出去。 Above the midair in rock red high-quality mystical place, a luminous spot flashed, then changes into a piece of light halo, the body of Feng Feiyun jumps out from the light halo, the body has crashed, in taking off more than ten zhang (3.33 m) places, the body emits golden, gives the cradling his body, then falling slowly to ground. 岩红高级秘境的半空之上,一个光点闪动了起来,然后化为一片光圈,风飞云的身体从光圈之中跳出,身体坠落了下来,在离地十多丈的地方,身上冒出金色的佛芒,将他的身体给托住,然后缓缓的落到了地面上。 In the air had one wisp to punish, falling of flying upwards on the ground. 空气之中有一缕头发落了下来,飞扬的掉在地上。 Good fierce sword air/Qi, cut a wisp of hair luckily.” “好厉害的剑气,幸好只是斩掉了一缕头发。” Feng Feiyun traces own neck, in eye has given birth to thick killing intent, is who is killing me? 风飞云摸了摸自己的脖子,眼中生出了浓浓的杀意,到底是谁在杀我? In barracks, side of stele. 兵营之中,一块石碑的旁边。 A body slender man stands there, the footsteps are calm, long hair pitch-black, the skin is fair, the body has a aura of high-rank, gently is shutting both eyes, as if in any people. 一个身躯修长的男子站在那里,脚步沉稳,长发乌黑,皮肤白皙,身上有着一种上位者的气息,轻轻的闭着双眼,似乎在等什么人。 Whish!” “哗!” The ripples appear in his behind void together. 一道涟漪在他身后的虚空之中出现。 Five wear the member of black armor to depart, kneels down in this man from void, eight young masters, ran away by him.” 五个身穿黑色铠甲的修士从虚空之中飞出,跪倒在这个男子的身后,“八少爷,被他逃走了。” The Eighth Young Master Gu vision became colder, said: Your five people are Nirvana 3rd-layer cultivation base, is in the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals palace repository that enters looks after the household has practiced, is difficult to meet with the match with the boundary, couldn't kill Nirvana 2nd-layer Half Monster unexpectedly? Don't you think very laughable?” 顾八少爷的目光变得更冷了,道:“你们五人都是涅槃第三重修为,更是进入顾家的洞天秘府之中修炼过,同境界难遇对手,竟然都杀不了一个涅槃第二重半妖?你们不觉得很可笑吗?” Eight young masters make reparations, he is opens wormhole Spirit Stone to run away, I used the sword air/Qi to cut off the space channel, during his present already fell into was void, perhaps the already body died.” That man gloomy saying of in five people leads. “八少爷赎罪,他乃是打开虫洞灵石逃走,我用剑气斩断了空间通道,他现在已经掉进了虚空之中,恐怕已经身死。”五人之中领头的那一个男子阴沉的说道。 He called Gu Aying, already has practiced in 4000, was one of the Eighth Young Master Gu trusted friends, cultivation base has achieved the Nirvana 3rd-layer side boundary, was very confident to own sword Secret Art, believes that Feng Feiyun already striking to kill by him. 他叫顾阿鹰,已经修炼了4000年,乃是顾八少爷的心腹之一,修为达到了涅槃第三重的极境,对自己的剑诀很有信心,坚信风飞云已经被他给击杀。 My Spiritual Awareness told me, he has not died. Cuts the grass, if non- root, but the disciple keeps the disaster.” Say/Way that Eighth Young Master Gu coldly: Calculates the wormhole Spirit Stone space coordinate direction?” “我的灵觉告诉我,他还没有死。斩草若是不除根,只是徒留祸患。”顾八少爷冷冷的道:“推算出虫洞灵石的空间坐标方向没有?” Calculated, was the rock red high-quality mystical place.” That cultivation base achieved male Gu Aying of Nirvana 3rd-layer boundary to say extremely. “推算出了,是岩红高级秘境。”那一个修为达到了涅槃第三重极境的男子顾阿鹰说道。 Eighth Young Master Gu took out wormhole Spirit Stone, threw on the ground directly, said: You then hurry to space coordinate the position to investigate now, lives to see the person, dies to see the corpse.” 顾八少爷取出了一枚虫洞灵石,直接扔在了地上,道:“你们现在便赶去空间坐标的位置探查一番,生要见人,死要见尸。” This time will again certainly not have the mistake.” “这次一定不会再出差错。” The men of five wear black armor have picked up ground wormhole Spirit Stone, opened the door of wormhole, jumped, goal rock red high-quality mystical place. 五个穿着黑色铠甲的男子捡起了地上的虫洞灵石,打开了虫洞之门,跳跃了进去,目标岩红高级秘境。 Eighth Young Master Gu stands before the stele, look is icy cold, for a very long time, stretch/leisurely launches, mutters: Half Monster that's all, I was too as if anxious. Heard that Moonwater Saintess also arrived at wooden god to put up the war zone, must prepare a generous gift to visit.” 顾八少爷站在石碑之前,眼神冰凉,久久之后,才又舒展开,喃喃自语道:“一个半妖罢了,我似乎太紧张了。听说水月圣女也来到了木神架战区,得准备一份厚礼去拜访一下。” A Half Monster life and death for him is not the big matter, gave the subordinate the solution is, but Moonwater Saintess arrived at the wooden god to put up the war zone, this was actually a huge matter, he must result in the total involvement to treat. 一个半妖的生死对他来说并不是多大的事,交给手下人解决便是了,但是水月圣女来到木神架战区,这却是一件天大的事,他必须得全身心对待。 The voice just fell, his body then vanished in same place. 话音刚刚落下,他的身体便消失在了原地。 ...... …… Above the earth full is the scarlet red rock, temperature very boiling hot, every iron will place above the stone together, before long will be roasted distorts. 大地之上满是赤红色的岩石,温度十分滚烫,将一块凡铁放在石头之上,不一会儿都会被烤得变形。 Not far away is a magma river, the scarlet wave is dreadful, the steam unceasing impact, burning twists the air, looks at the mountain peak of distant place, the line of sight becomes twists. 不远处是一条岩浆大河,赤浪滔天,热气不断的冲击过来,将空气给烧得扭曲,看着远处的山峰,视线都变得扭曲。 At this time, during was void opened a Dao Sect household once more, five black person's shadows walked from inside, put on the jet black armor, the body had one to wither, but woods cold aura. 这个时候,虚空之中再次打开了一道门户,五个黑色的人影从里面走了出来,都穿着漆黑的铠甲,身上带着一股肃杀而森寒的气息。 Eight young masters were also much more discrete, Half Monster Feng Feiyun affirmed that already died during was void, actually must make us go back his corpse belt to be relieved.” “八少爷也谨慎得过头了一些,半妖风飞云肯定已经死在了虚空之中,却非要让我们将他的尸体带回去才安心。” Everybody is more careful, here is ten thousand clan battlefields, does not pay attention possibly dead slightly here.” Leader Gu Aying said. “大家还是小心一些,这里可是万族战场,稍不注意就可能死在这里。”领头人顾阿鹰说道。 At this moment...... 就在这时…… White fine glow departs from the rock suddenly, has the strength of Xi Tianjuan place, toward a man of wear black armor punctures. 一道白色的精芒突然从岩石之中飞出,拥有席天卷地的力量,向着其中一个穿着黑色铠甲的男子刺去。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Male Spiritual Awareness of this wear black armor is very keen, ahead of time discovered the murderous intention, the body ejection opened fiercely, in the dantian departed a handle black war sword, has kept off toward that white fine glow. 这个穿着黑色铠甲的男子灵觉十分敏锐,提前发现了杀机,身体猛地弹射开,丹田之中飞出一柄黑色的战剑,向着那一道白色的精芒挡了过去。 Bang!” “嘭!” Black war sword succeeded in giving up two sections. 黑色的战剑断成了两截。 !” “噗!” The man of that wear black armor has not escaped Extreme Disaster finally, by that white small sword piercing the throat, half neck by the sword air/Qi cutting, only had a muscle continually above, body straight pouring on the ground. 那一个穿着黑色铠甲的男子最终还是没有逃过死劫,被那一枚白色的小剑给洞穿了喉咙,半个脖子都被剑气给斩掉,只有一根筋连在上面,身体直挺挺的倒在地上。
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