SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#905: white Zhusheng ancestor

Solid overly fraud people, casual two words have to receive 1.6 million Spirit Stone, appointed everybody will think oneself turned into the fool. 实在太坑人,随便两句话就有收1600000枚灵石,任谁都会觉得自己变成了冤大头。 However sometimes, the person is willing to be the fool! 但是有些时候,人就偏偏愿意做冤大头! white Zhusheng ancestor's the news of holy sepulchre really makes Feng Feiyun excited, this is a news about Holy Saint, the no small matter, the value cannot weigh with Spirit Stone. 白蛛圣祖的圣墓的消息实在太让风飞云心动,这可是关于一座圣灵的消息,非同小可,价值不能用灵石来衡量。 Even if the news is false is also worth a letter. 就算消息是假的也值得一信。 Feng Feiyun has written two bills signed in acknowledgment of debt with the monster skin, has given the old woman, asked: Now can you tell me the answer of issue?” 风飞云用妖皮写下了两张欠条,递给了老妪,问道:“现在你可以告诉我问题的答案了吧?” This is Spirit Stone of first two issue, you must call a bill signed in acknowledgment of debt me again.” The old woman received two monster skins cautiously, on the face has the smiling face that the sinister plot is prevailing, probably did not fear that Feng Feiyun repudiates a debt general. “这是前两个问题的灵石,你还得再给我打一张欠条。”老妪将两块妖皮小心翼翼的收了起来,脸上带着奸计得逞的笑容,就好像根本不怕风飞云赖账一般。 Feng Feiyun has given the old woman the third monster skin. 风飞云将第三张妖皮交给了老妪。 The old woman received the monster skin, said: Ten years ago, White Spider Monster Clan counter-attacked the wooden god to put up the war zone, but actually once more defeated.” 老妪接过了妖皮,道:“十年前,白蛛妖族就反攻了木神架战区,但是却再次战败。” Feng Feiyun asked again: white Zhusheng ancestor's holy sepulchre where?” 风飞云再次问道:“那白蛛圣祖的圣墓到底在哪里?” The old woman has extended putting out a hand toward Feng Feiyun, on the wrinkled face full is the smiling face. 老妪向着风飞云伸了伸手,皱巴巴的脸上满是笑容。 Smiling of Feng Feiyun coldly, has handed over in the fourth bill signed in acknowledgment of debt monster skin the hand of old woman. 风飞云冷冷的笑了笑,将第四张欠条妖皮交到了老妪的手中。 white Zhusheng the ancestor when the ancient times own body buried during was void, afterward the air/Qi of condensation world vitality huge Holy Saint, changed into a mystical place world. But this mystical place world in any position, only then three people know.” The old woman spoke of here, then stopped, closely has closed the mouth. “在远古之时白蛛圣祖将自己的身体葬在了虚空之中,后来庞大的圣灵之气凝聚天地元气,化为了一座秘境世界。而这一座秘境世界到底在什么位置,只有三个人知道。”老妪说到了此处,便又停了下来,紧紧的闭上了嘴巴。 Feng Feiyun naturally understood, carved a bill signed in acknowledgment of debt, gave the old woman. 风飞云自然懂了,又刻下了一张欠条,递给老妪。 The old woman only smiles the eye to remain a seam, said: Consults white Zhusheng ancestor's the person in exact location, is Great Sage in White Spider Monster Clan, is now the White Spider Monster Clan Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan teacher. Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan wants to rally White Spider Monster Clan wholeheartedly, therefore secret arrived at the wooden god to put up the White Spider Monster Clan army remnants of defeated troops that the war zone related these to defeat, wanted to open Holy Ghost Tomb, found the losing treasure of remote ancestor, making White Spider Monster Clan welcome again magnificently.” 老妪笑得眼睛只剩一道缝,道:“查阅到白蛛圣祖的具体位置的人,乃是白蛛妖族之中的一位大贤者,也是当今白蛛妖族妃媛公主的师尊。妃媛公主一心想要重振白蛛妖族,所以秘密的来到了木神架战区联系那些战败的白蛛妖族的大军残部,想要开启圣灵墓葬,找到远祖的遗宝,让白蛛妖族再次迎来辉煌。” Monster Clan Great Sage, is Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan, except for them, who the third person?” Feng Feiyun said. 妖族大贤者,妃媛公主,除了他们两人,第三个人是谁?”风飞云道。 Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan maidservant.” The old woman said. 妃媛公主的侍女。”老妪道。 In the Feng Feiyun vision has had the strange color, deep looked at this old woman one eyes, said with a smile \; Why does senior such clearly know?” 风飞云的目光之中生出了奇异的色彩,深深的看了这个老妪一眼,笑道\;“前辈为何知道得这么清楚?” Old woman deep place a withered palm! 老妪深处了一只干瘪的手掌! Feng Feiyun has therefore handed over in the sixth bill signed in acknowledgment of debt her hand. 风飞云于是将第六张欠条交到了她的手中。 The voice of old woman is hoarse, the smiling face on face, said: I blindly guessed that you do believe?” 老妪的声音沙哑,脸上的笑容更甚,道:“我瞎猜的,你信吗?” The old woman no longer pays attention to Feng Feiyun, six bills signed in acknowledgment of debt touching, in Feng Feiyun at present shook shaking, smiles: Young people, you owe me now 4.8 million Spirit Stone.” 老妪不再理会风飞云,将六张欠条给摸了出来,在风飞云的眼前晃了晃,笑着:“年轻人,你现在可是欠我4800000枚灵石。” Then I had Spirit Stone, gives you again!” Feng Feiyun turns around to walk. “那就等我有灵石之后,再给你吧!”风飞云转身就走。 The old woman smiled, sat, started to call, bought the news! Bought the news! The startled day informed in secret, so long as 800,000 Spirit Stone \; The hearsay, 10,000 Spirit Stone asked \; The foothold in Monster Clan lair, influence inventorying of major Monster Clan, the situation in each mystical place, various news disclosed greatly, only feared your money is insufficient, did not fear that I do not know.! The little misses, the old woman I thought that you are one dare to take risk, dares to be the person of important matter, here had a huge news to sell to you......” 老妪笑了笑,又坐了回去,又开始吆喝了起来,“买消息了!买消息了!惊天密闻,只要800000枚灵石\;小道消息,10000枚灵石一问\;妖族巢穴的据点,各大妖族的势力盘点,每一座秘境的形势,各种消息大爆料,只怕你钱不够,不怕我不知道。诶!小姑娘,老婆子我看你是一个敢冒险,敢做大事的人,这里有一个天大的消息卖给你……” This old woman really overly fraud people, ancient clan a day arrogant female blocking, mystical was saying anything to her! 这个老婆子实在太坑人,将一个古族的天之骄女给拦下,神神秘秘的给她说着一些什么! This day the arrogant female also thought otherwise, but listens to listen to the eye actually even more brightly, on the face has shown the shocking look, arrived in bills signed in acknowledgment of debt the hand of old woman. 这个天之骄女本来还不以为然,但是听着听着眼睛却越发的明亮,脸上露出了震惊的神色,将一张张欠条抵到了老妪的手中。 Regarding the words of this old woman, Feng Feiyun naturally smiles, but in the mind has thought in that White Spider Monster Clan female seductress/evil spirit that in the rock red mystical place catches, how many minutes in the heart were also many to have doubts, in a mind of ordinary female seductress/evil spirit will have the mark that Great Sage left behind? 对于这个老妪的话,风飞云自然是一笑而过,但是脑海之中又想到了在岩红秘境之中抓到的那一个白蛛妖族的女妖精,心中又多了几分疑惑,一个普通的女妖精的脑海之中怎么会有大贤者留下的印记? This matter was too indeed suspicious. 这件事的确太可疑了。 Massive monster corpses of Feng Feiyun in the immortal collection will give to trade, has purchased then a number of talisman, when passed by that the stall of old woman once more, that old woman already disappears, but in the immortal collection many people are actually looking for her. 风飞云在仙集之中将大量的妖尸都给贩卖了出去,然后又购买了一批符箓,当再次路过那一个老妪的地摊的时候,那一个老妪已经不见了,但是仙集之中却有很多人都在找她。 News about Holy Ghost Tomb is centered on the immortal collection spread. 一个关于圣灵墓葬的消息以仙集为中心蔓延开了。 Regardless of the authenticity of this news, but is only Holy Ghost Tomb these four characters, gave to alarm many member on already, has created the enormous mighty waves, was not only 875 barracks, neighbor some barracks already started to pass on this matter. 姑且不论这个消息的真实性,但光是“圣灵墓葬”这四个字,就已经将很多修士都给惊动,造成了极大的波澜,不仅是875兵营,就连附近的一些兵营都已经开始传这一件事。 Three days later, the Holy Ghost Tomb news then spread over the entire wooden god to put up the war zone, the influence that had was getting bigger and bigger, finally has fed in the human state. 三天之后,圣灵墓葬的消息便传遍了整个木神架战区,造成的影响越来越大,最终传回了人类国度。 More and more powerhouses hear the news to catch up from the human state, the barracks must be pushed to explode, can see the attire attractive large clan juniors and elders member everywhere, even included that Middle Ages aristocratic family, Immortal City and Saint mansion worthy people of former times. 越来越多的强者都从人类国度闻讯赶来,兵营都要被挤爆,随处都能看到衣着光鲜的大族子弟、老辈修士,其中甚至包括那种中古世家、仙城、圣府的先贤。 The character of older generation came to be many, many people were seeking for that old woman, heard that some people of already guessed correctly her real status, was a formidable character. 老一辈的人物来了不少,很多人都在寻找那一位老妪,听说有人已经猜出了她的真实身份,是一位让人敬畏的人物。 In a while, the precise information comes. 没过多久,确切的消息传来。 Originally after the Holy Ghost Tomb news feeds in human state, some Wiseman glance through the material, starts to verify this matter. 原来圣灵墓葬的消息传回人类国度之后,就有一些智师翻阅资料,开始查证此事。 Some people looked up the legend about white Zhusheng ancestor above the ancient times old book, above the old book have recorded, this white Zhusheng ancestor's cultivation base ascending the throne peak, before death invincible in world, old age time will bury in void, the Great Sage verifications according to some people ancestor dwelling places of Buddhist immortals, the position that white Zhusheng the ancestor buried likely puts up war zone position in the wooden god. 有人在远古的古籍之上查到了关于白蛛圣祖的传说,古籍之上记载,这位白蛛圣祖的修为登极巅峰,生前无敌于世,晚年的时候将自己葬在虚空之中,根据一些人祖洞天的大贤者查证,白蛛圣祖自葬的位置很可能就在木神架战区这个位置。 This news spreads from person ancestor dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, immediately has caused the difficult situation, the troops of big will influence give to alarm. 这个消息从人祖洞天之中传出,顿时引起了惊涛骇浪,将很多大势力的人马都给惊动了过来。 Naturally more people actually think otherwise, thought that this people borrow this matter to seek to obtain profit intentionally, Holy Saint buries in this piece of space, was not the trivial mortal can find. 当然更多的人却不以为然,觉得这是有人故意借此事来谋取私利,圣灵就算葬在这一片空间之中,也不是区区凡人可以找到。 Heard that has Holy Saint to hide in the wooden god puts up some place of war zone, the worthy people of former times of many Middle Ages aristocratic families have caught up.” “听说有一尊圣灵藏在木神架战区的某一地,有很多中古世家的先贤都赶了过来。” Some people have dug out the bone of Holy Saint in tiger's roar day universe, does not know that is the fake, many people hurried to the tiger's roar day.” “有人在虎啸天小千世界挖出了圣灵的骨头,也不知是真是假,很多人都赶去了虎啸天。” „, This believes that couple days ago also some people claimed had discovered in the Dapu high-quality mystical place a Saint hole, the Immortal City worthy people of former times overtake personally, actually discovers in that only one boundary boundary that's all.” “切,这都信,前几天还有人声称在大浦高级秘境发现了一处圣洞,有一座仙城的先贤亲自赶过去,却发现那只一座境中境罢了。” ...... …… Various news spread in the barracks, momentarily will spread the news about Holy Ghost Tomb, making many person already numb. 各种消息在兵营之中蔓延,随时都会传来关于圣灵墓葬的消息,让很多人都已经麻木了。 Feng Feiyun stays in the barracks these days. 风飞云这段时间都呆在兵营之中。 Feng Feiyun opened the heaven channel, again entered the heaven, then hurried to above an island directly. 风飞云打开了天国通道,再一次进入了天国,然后径直的赶去了一座海岛之上。 In the island, has been covered with purple ancient Zhu, each has the bucket to be so thick, is breeding a faint trace spiritual energy in the bamboo tube, enters the bamboo grove, breathes one, as if the air is bringing several points of sweetness. 岛上,长满了紫色的古竹,每一根都有水桶那么粗,孕育着一丝丝灵气在竹筒之中,走进竹林,呼吸一口,仿佛空气都带着几分甘甜。 In the deep place of bamboo grove, five bamboo rooms, the surroundings of bamboo room were given the package by Formation. 在竹林的深处,有五座竹屋,竹屋的周围被阵法给包裹。 Feng Feiyun opened Formation, arrived at outside of bamboo room directly, stands in bank of the blue azure lake. 风飞云打开了阵法,径直的来到了竹屋的外面,站在一座碧青色的湖泊之畔。 Feng Feiyun, did the Princess Luofu already bosom child, you still in the outside adopted daughter seductress/evil spirit, you do right by the kid who that had not been born?” Mao Wugui lies down in the lake suns, a face is the languid expression. 风飞云,萝浮公主已经怀孩子了,你还在外面养女妖精,你对得起那还没有出生的娃儿吗?”茅乌龟躺在湖泊之中晒太阳,一脸都是懒洋洋的表情。 Feng Feiyun entered in a bamboo room directly, a wear monster skin Ruanjia female seductress/evil spirit dragging, saying: „Are you White Spider Monster Clan Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan?” 风飞云径直的走进了一座竹屋之中,将一个穿着妖皮软甲的女妖精给拖了出来,道:“你到底是不是白蛛妖族妃媛公主?” This female seductress/evil spirit throws down in lakeside, the back flesh is exquisite and smooth, the white long hair scatters place, some fell in the lake water, splashed the slight ripples. 这个女妖精摔倒在湖畔,背部的肌肤细腻而光滑,白色的长发散落一地,有的落到了湖水之中,溅起细微的涟漪。 Her eye pupil such as amber general clear, has dispersed at this moment actually flustered, the first opens the mouth, the sound is simple and elegant, is very beautiful, said: How do you know Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan?” 她的眼眸如琥珀一般的清亮,此刻却散过了一丝慌张,第一次开口,声音清雅,很是美丽,道:“你怎么知道妃媛公主?” Feng Feiyun stands in the lakeside, looks at the white turtle in lake, said: I not only know that you are White Spider Monster Clan Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan, knows that you go to the goal of rock red high-quality mystical place are to seek for white Zhusheng ancestor's tomb pit.” 风飞云站在湖畔,看着湖中的白色的乌龟,道:“我不仅知道你是白蛛妖族妃媛公主,更知道你去岩红高级秘境的目的是为了寻找白蛛圣祖的墓穴。” Although Feng Feiyun has not visited her, but Divine Sense actually completely condenses on her body, said such words to test her intentionally. 风飞云虽然没有看她,但是神识却全部都凝聚在她的身上,故意说出这样的话来试探她。 Really -- After leaving white Zhusheng ancestor's tomb pit these characters, her look obvious becomes must be flurried. 果然--出“白蛛圣祖的墓穴”这几个字之后,她神色明显的变得慌乱。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦!” Mao Wugui that suns in the lake is also given to alarm by the Feng Feiyun words, turned a body in the water, arouses the big piece water spray, in a pair of tortoise mung bean eye completely is the greedy ray, said: white Zhusheng was ancestor's tomb pit found? How not to tell me earlier, I heard when cultivation base of that old fogy was unparalleled, was alive the unmatched in the world, almost led to become Saint Monster Clan White Spider Monster Clan.” 原本在湖中晒太阳的茅乌龟也被风飞云的话给惊动,在水里翻了一个身,激起大片水浪,一双王八绿豆眼之中尽是贪婪的光芒,道:“白蛛圣祖的墓穴被找到了?怎么不早点告诉我,我听说那老家伙的修为盖世,在世之时天下无敌,差一点将白蛛妖族带领成为圣妖族。” „Do this you know?” Some Feng Feiyun surprise, after all white Zhusheng the ancestors were ancient times Monster Clan Holy Saint, Feng Feiyun also merely has heard the name to it, not too many reflections. “这你都知道?”风飞云有些诧异,毕竟白蛛圣祖都是远古的妖族圣灵,就连风飞云对它也仅仅听说过名字而已,并没有太多的映像。 Mao Wugui heaved a deep sigh, said: white Zhusheng ancestor's cultivation base in Holy Saint is very strong existence, homemade «All generations undying Merit», cultivated Greater Stage, lived for 120,000 years the body to fall. Wants many 30,000 years of lives compared with it Phoenix Monster Clan «Undying Phoenix Physique», once had defeated same period Phoenix Monster Clan Holy Saint, you said that his cow isn't good?” 茅乌龟长叹一声,道:“白蛛圣祖的修为圣灵之中都算是很强的存在,自创《万劫不死功》,修炼到了大乘,活了120000年才身陨。比之凤凰妖族的《不死凤凰身》都要多30000年的寿命,曾击败过同时期凤凰妖族圣灵,你说他牛不牛?” «Undying Phoenix Physique» cultivates Greater Stage, cultivates 999 Phoenix Bones , can only live merely for 90,000 years. 不死凤凰身》修炼到大乘,修炼出999块凤骨,也仅仅只能活90000年。 Feng Feiyun say/way decisively: Is impossible, «Undying Phoenix Physique» is the first under heaven body refining technique, can it be that «All generations undying Merit» can compare? Also a blood relationship of phoenix lineage/vein it White Spider Monster Clan does not know how many times is higher, Phoenix Monster Clan Great Saint possibly defeats in white Zhusheng ancestor's hand? Isn't this is cracking a joke?” 风飞云断然的道:“不可能,《不死凤凰身》乃是天下第一炼体术,岂是《万劫不死功》可以比拟?再说凤凰一脉的血统比之白蛛妖族不知高多少倍,凤凰妖族大圣怎么可能败在白蛛圣祖的手中?这不是在开玩笑?” Funny! Your boy is too young, lots do not understand. Although the phoenix is called the undying bird, life is glorious than other Monster Clan life, but under between not the deficient having god-given wisdom rare talent, won't the bloodlines defeat in the bloodlines humble person hand on this day noblly? In the world do the most formidable characters only stem from four big Monster Clan? You were too rather naive!” Mao Wugui self-important saying. “哏哏!你小子太年轻,很多东西都不懂。凤凰虽然被称为不死鸟,寿命远比别的妖族的寿命悠久,但是这天下之间并不缺乏天纵奇才,难道血脉高贵就不会败在血脉低贱的人手中?难道天地之间最强大的人物都只出于四大妖族?你未免太天真了一些!”茅乌龟老气横秋的说道。 This point indeed lets --. 这一点的确让--。 Like his present bloodlines is humblest Half Monster, Half Monster really having god-given wisdom rare talent? Isn't Half Monster really able to defeat the juniors of Middle Ages aristocratic family? 就像他现在血脉乃是最低贱的半妖,难道半妖就真的出不了天纵奇才?难道半妖就真的无法将中古世家的子弟击败? The bloodlines do not decide all! 血脉并不决定一切!
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