SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#904: Immortal collection

The wooden Divine Palace choice cultivation merit law regarding other Half Monster naturally is the excited matter, but regarding lacked on the interest, in his mind had the innumerable cultivation merit law, moreover was the topest merit law. 神宫挑选修炼功法对于别的半妖来说自然是兴奋至极的事,但是对于就兴趣缺缺了,他脑海里面就有无数的修炼功法,而且都是最顶尖的功法。 Feng Feiyun thought that merit law of cultivation are too many, instead mixed, but not fine, therefore only has practiced strongest body refining technique «Undying Phoenix Physique» that's all. As for cultivating «Gold Silkworm Scripture», is because after he wants the path of personal character double cultivating, starts to cultivate, if not for thought that «Gold Silkworm Scripture» is broad and profound, he will not practice absolutely. 只是风飞云觉得修炼的功法太多,反而杂而不精,所以才只修炼了最强炼体术《不死凤凰身罢了。至于修炼《金蚕经》,也是因为他想要走体气双修的道路之后才开始修炼,若不是觉得《金蚕经》博大精深,他也绝对不会修炼。 Now «Undying Phoenix Physique» and «Gold Silkworm Scripture» slightly has the achievement, Feng Feiyun is naturally impossible to discard these two cultivation merit laws, but cultivates other thing, therefore to going to the wooden Divine Palace then interest lacked. 现在《不死凤凰身》和《金蚕经》都小有成就,风飞云自然不可能舍弃这两种修炼功法,而去修炼别的东西,所以对去木神宫便兴趣缺缺了。 „Do you take a person to keep ten thousand clan battlefields?” “你要一个人留在万族战场?” The Half Monster Union member chose merit law to come out from wooden Divine Palace, excitedly, prepared to return to leaf Hongjing, but Feng Feiyun proposed that took a person to keep ten thousand clan battlefields. 半妖盟的修士从木神宫之中挑选了功法出来,一个个都兴奋至极,准备返回叶红境,但是风飞云却提出要一个人留在万族战场。 Sir Qing Zhai favors Feng Feiyun, wants to cultivate the Half Monster Union unsurpassed hero him very much, went to and talents of these Middle Ages aristocratic families on behalf of Half Monster Union fights, will therefore not allow Feng Feiyun to act unreasonably, said: Do not deliberately create trouble, now then together goes back along with us.” 青祭大人十分看好风飞云,很想将他栽培成半妖盟的无上英杰,代表半妖盟去和那些中古世家的才俊相争锋,所以不会允许风飞云乱来,道:“不要胡闹,现在便随我们一起回去。” Ten thousand clan battlefield bad risks, a person stays above the battlefield, was too dangerous.” Sir Fu Ying said. “万族战场十分凶险,一个人呆在战场之上,太危险了。”蝠应大人说的。 Sir Kong Hou also very appreciates Feng Feiyun, does not have the slightest bit rack, has patted the shoulder of Feng Feiyun, saying with a smile quietly: Your that soldier growing up person very aggressive woman, you may not anger her, otherwise your fate will be very miserable.” 孔侯大人也十分欣赏风飞云,没有半分架子,拍了拍风飞云的肩膀,悄声的笑道:“你的那位兵长大人可是很凶悍的女人,你可千万别惹怒了她,要不然你的下场会很惨。” The Feng Feiyun complexion is very tranquil, said again: I want to keep above ten thousand clan battlefields informed and experienced, three-year, three years later returns to the Half Monster Union big camp registration surely, asking Sir Qing Zhai to help.” 风飞云脸色是十分平静,再次说道:“我想要留在万族战场之上历练,为期三年,三年之后必定返回半妖盟大营报到,请青祭大人成全。” Shi Dakai loudly exclaimed: Must stay behind stays behind together, where has you alone throws the truth above ten thousand clan battlefields?” 石大开大吼道:“要留下一起留下,哪有将你一个人扔在万族战场之上的道理?” Right, stays behind together!” “对,一起留下!” Stays behind together!” “一起留下!” Feng Feiyun said: No, you must go back! Reason that I keep ten thousand clan battlefields, is the merit law that because I cultivation is special, only then in the life and death, can the quickest breakthrough.” 风飞云道:“不,你们得回去!我之所以留在万族战场,是因为我修炼的功法特殊,只有在生死之间,才能最快的突破。” The Half Monster Union three soldiers long know that Feng Feiyun opinion is greatly strengthened, once he has decided matter, even if ten dragons cannot pull back. 半妖盟的三位兵长都知道风飞云的主见性极强,一旦他决定了的事,就算是十头龙都拉不回来。 Sir Qing Zhai deep snort/hum, said: You should better give me to live honestly, if dares dead above ten thousand clan battlefields......” 青祭大人深深的哼了一声,道:“你最好给我老老实实的活着,若是敢死在万族战场之上……” Woman is womanishly fussy, you are quick! Waits for three years later, you see me again, should ask me the wind to fight the king.” “女人就是婆婆妈妈,你们都快回去吧!等三年之后,你们再见到我,就该叫我风战王了。” Your courage was too big, said that who is womanishly fussy?” Sir Qing Zhai already marched into ancient array platform, if not for gives to block by Sir Fu Ying and Sir Kong Hou, perhaps a moment ago ran out of ancient array platform on already, must Feng Feiyun stunning, has then shouldered. “你的胆子太大了,说谁婆婆妈妈?”青祭大人都已经步入了古阵台之中,若不是被蝠应大人和孔侯大人给拦住,说不定刚才就已经冲出了古阵台,要将风飞云给打昏了,然后扛走。 Feng Feiyun gazes after Half Monster Union these elites to vanish in ancient array platform, the corners of the mouth have emerged several points of happy expression, Half Monster Union these people, gets down to Shi Dakai, Elder Mu and Yu Dai, on is long to three soldiers, gives people an intense affinity. 风飞云目送着半妖盟的那些精英消失在古阵台之中,嘴角不禁浮出了几分笑意,半妖盟的这些人,下到石大开木长老玉黛,上到三位兵长,都给人一种强烈的亲和力。 Even if formidable Sir Qing Zhai and Sir Kong Hou does not have the appearance that type keeps aloof cannot be contacted, in brief, to person one type person on one's own side feeling. 即便是强大的青祭大人、孔侯大人也没有那种高高在上不可接触的样子,总之,给人一种“自己人”的感觉。 This is a sense of belonging! 这是一种归属感! Once Feng Family and Divine Jin Dynasty emperor's clan, has not given him to feel like this. 曾经的风家神晋王朝的皇族,都没有给他这样的感觉。 Feng Feiyun!” 风飞云!” A front surface purple clothes young master walked, wears the feather turban, the long hair bunch , the elegant bearing, like the beautiful youngster who has been charmed myriad young girls. 迎面一个紫衣公子走了上来,头戴羽巾,长发束在后,风度翩翩,像极了一位迷倒万千少女的美少年。 Feng Feiyun receives to have an intention the train of thought that saw the purple clothes young master, said with a smile: Originally is famous Young Master Zi, is really the fortunate meeting fortunate meeting!” 风飞云收起心中的思绪,看了看紫衣公子,笑道:“原来是大名鼎鼎的紫公子,真是幸会幸会!” The Liu Suzi physique side relies on, the long gown was elegant, swung the amethyst silkworm egg paper folding fan of finger, said: „A your boy alternative, Half Monster Union these soldier long already left actually, why haven't you left?” 琉苏紫身姿侧倚,长袍飘逸,摇了摇手指的紫晶蚕纸折扇,道:“你小子倒是一个另类,半妖盟的那些兵长都已经离开了,你为什么还不离开?” Feng Feiyun stands there, the finger blowing tip of the nose gently, said: Young Master Zi, although is famous, but feared that couldn't have controlled my this Half Monster?” 风飞云站在那里,手指轻轻的刮了刮鼻头,道:“紫公子虽然大名鼎鼎,但怕是还管不了我这个半妖吧?” Snort! Fellow of not knowing good from bad, you although keeps in ten thousand clan battlefields, died has also gotten what one deserves.” Liu Suzi directly walks toward ancient array platform, before will soon stride in a stage, stamped the foot the step, said: Visits you to rescue in a I time share, told you a matter, Gu eight must kill you. Oneself put best into it!” “哼!不知好歹的家伙,那你就尽管留在万族战场上,死了也活该。”琉苏紫径直的向着古阵台走去,在即将跨入阵台之前,又顿了顿脚步,道:“看你救过我一次的份上,告诉你一件事,顾老八要杀你。自己好自为之吧!” Said that this saying, her then does not return entered above ancient array platform, the ancient array platform radiance started to flash. 说完这话,她便头也不回的走进了古阵台之上,古阵台的光华开始闪动了起来。 Feng Feiyun looks in the ancient array platform that together beautiful figure, smiled, thanked!” 风飞云看着古阵台里面的那一道倩影,笑了笑,“谢谢了!” The ancient array platform ray flashes, Liu Suzi already vanished in a stage. 古阵台的光芒一闪,琉苏紫已经消失在了阵台之中。 The smiling face on Feng Feiyun face vanished gradually, Eighth Young Master Gu must kill me unexpectedly, definitely because of the reason of that 12 Half Monster maidservants, making him think that the success and failure the face, must strike to kill him me to be resigned. 风飞云脸上的笑容渐渐的消失了,顾八少爷竟然要杀我,肯定是因为那12个半妖女奴的原因,让他觉得失了面子,要将我击杀他才会甘心。 Feng Feiyun this moment already can feel in secret the vision attention of some people on his body, but he did not worry that Eighth Young Master Gu will begin in the barracks, after all in the barracks has the war king to assume personal command, everything dares to kill one another in the barracks, severely will be punished. 风飞云此刻已经能感觉到暗中有人的目光注意在他的身上,但是他并不担心顾八少爷会在兵营之中动手,毕竟兵营之中有战王坐镇,凡是敢在兵营之中自相残杀,都会遭到严厉的惩罚。 Such being the case does not have what good worry. 既然如此也就没有什么好担心的了。 Heard that has an immortal collection to the barracks not far place, can trade the monster corpse, the monster soldier and Monster Bead there, moreover can purchase talisman and efficacious medicine.” “听说离兵营不远的地方有一座仙集,在那里可以贩卖妖尸、妖兵、妖珠,而且又可以购买符箓、灵药。” Feng Feiyun inquired that in the barracks this news, in the rock red high-quality mystical place, Feng Feiyun gave to use up the larger part talisman, just needs to supplement many talisman. 风飞云在兵营之中打听到了这个消息,在岩红高级秘境,风飞云将身上的符箓都给用掉了一大半,正需要去补充更多的符箓 Feng Feiyun thinks this news is Eighth Young Master Gu puts, tempts him to pass specially, when he overtakes, actually discovered that there has an immortal collection. 风飞云本来以为这个消息是顾八少爷放出来,专门诱他过去,但是当他赶过去的时候,却发现那里真的有一座仙集。 This immortal collection is located the 800 miles away of barracks, establishes in top of the mountain. 这一座仙集就位于兵营的800里之外,建立在一座大山之顶。 Stands under the mountain, can only see the absolute high steep cliff wall, these clear away the fog above cliff wall, occasionally can see Gu Song to hang upside down on the cliff wall, to person an immortal imaginary charming picture. 站在山下,只能看到高绝险峭的崖壁,还有那些涤荡在崖壁之上的云雾,偶尔可以看见一颗颗古松倒悬在崖壁上,给人一种仙幻迷人的景象。 In the barracks there are many member to catch up with this immortal collection, has flown the summit directly, enters in immortal palace jade palaces. 兵营之中有很多修士都赶来这一座仙集,直接飞上了山顶,走进一座座仙宫玉殿之中。 Feng Feiyun toward steps forward void one step, next quarter then already stood above the summit, this was an ancient road of winding, the surroundings had many crystal jade refinement palace, some float dwelling place of Buddhist immortals above void, these were the immortal shops that the major influences opened here. 风飞云向着虚空跨出一步,下一刻便已经站在了山顶之上,这是一条蜿蜒的古道,周围有很多晶玉炼制的宫殿,还有一些悬浮在虚空之上洞天,这些都是各大势力在这里开设的仙铺。 Naturally besides these immortal shops , many member pull a straw mat directly, spreads one's wares on the ground for sale in the nearby of ancient road, above the stall suspends has sections of monster corpses and monster bones, strange monster soldier, even also has the attire in jar inside monster blood. 当然除了这些仙铺之外,也有很多修士直接扯来一张草席,就在古道的边上摆地摊,地摊之上摆的有一截截妖尸、妖骨,还有稀奇古怪的妖兵,甚至还有装在瓶子里面的妖血。 Bought the map! The map of tiger's roar day universe, the map of Dapu high-quality mystical place, the map of rock red high-quality mystical place......” some people are buying the map, claimed that the wooden god puts up the map of war zone any mystical place to sell. “买地图了!虎啸天小千世界的地图,大浦高级秘境的地图,岩红高级秘境的地图……”有人在买地图,声称木神架战区任何一座秘境的地图都有卖。 Everybody comes to have a look, this has dug out Divine Bone from the tiger's roar day universe, the legend was the bone of ancient times Holy Saint, everybody came to see! Buys appointed everybody is voluntary, looks does not ask for money.” “大家都过来看看,这是从虎啸天小千世界挖出了神骨,传说乃是远古圣灵的骨头,大家都来看看啊!买不买任大家自愿,看一看不要钱。” Bought the news! Bought the news! The startled day informed in secret, so long as 800,000 Spirit Stone \; The hearsay, 10,000 Spirit Stone asked \; The foothold in Monster Clan lair, influence inventorying of major Monster Clan, the situation in each mystical place, various news disclosed greatly, only feared your money is insufficient, did not fear that I do not know.” “买消息了!买消息了!惊天密闻,只要800000枚灵石\;小道消息,10000枚灵石一问\;妖族巢穴的据点,各大妖族的势力盘点,每一座秘境的形势,各种消息大爆料,只怕你钱不够,不怕我不知道。” Here immortal collection various public figure accumulations, the advertisement hits very brightly, boasted also had, sold the member of Holy Saint bone like that was confirmed a moment ago, that was actually only together rare ancient stone that's all. 这里的仙集各种人士聚集,招牌都打得很亮,其中吹牛的也有很多,像那一位卖圣灵骨头的修士,刚才就被证实,那其实只是一块稀有的古石罢了 Now also some people boasted oneself are omniscient, knows that the Monster Clan lair foothold, knows the startled day secret in Monster Clan. 现在又有人吹嘘自己无所不知,知道妖族的巢穴据点,知道妖族之中的惊天秘闻。 Many people hear such hawking sound, then smiles. This not being able to put out solid treasure, deceived the swindler who ate to deceive to drink too to be really many by a mouth, if he can provide these messages, let alone was 800,000 Spirit Stone, was 8 million Spirit Stone some big influences gives up to pull out. 很多人听到这样的叫卖声,便都是一笑而过。这种拿不出实在的宝物,靠一张嘴巴骗吃骗喝的骗子实在太多了,若是他真的能够提供这些消息,别说是800000枚灵石,就是8000000枚灵石都有很多大势力舍得掏。 Feng Feiyun looked at one toward old woman of that frontline propaganda, this old woman sits above a stone stool, the hair is chaotic, in the hand is taking a dead wood walking stick, smiles, her tooth leaks out. 风飞云向着那个喊话的老妪看了一眼,这个老妪坐在一根石凳之上,头发乱糟糟,手中拿着一根枯木拐杖,一笑起来,她的牙齿就漏风。 Saw that Feng Feiyun looked toward her, the dusky eye immediately becomes bright as snow, probably saw the fat sheep that can butcher is common, ran over hastily, has blocked the Feng Feiyun way, said: Little brother, the old body looked that you are that type dare to take risk, dares to be the person of important matter, old woman here has a startled huge news to buy for you, looked that you hit it off well with one another with me, only buys your 800,000 Spirit Stone.” 看到风飞云向着她看了过来,原本灰蒙蒙的眼睛顿时变得雪亮,就好像看到了可以宰的肥羊一般,连忙跑了过来,拦住了风飞云的去路,道:“小兄弟,老身一看你就是那种敢冒险,敢做大事的人,老婆子这里有一个惊天大消息要买给你,看你跟我投缘,只买你800000枚灵石。” Her look is very sincere, like a gentle and friendly grandma. 她的眼神十分真诚,就像一个慈祥而友善的老奶奶。 800,000 Spirit Stone, this is snatching the person simply! 800000枚灵石,这简直就是在抢人啊! Feng Feiyun has coughed two, said: This...... On me does not have that many Spirit Stone, will wait next time!” 风飞云干咳了两声,道:“这个……我身上没那么多的灵石,还是等下次吧!” Must sneak off! 着就要溜走! 800,000 Spirit Stone to do not calculate many big numbers, but cannot pound Spirit Stone casually randomly. 800000枚灵石对并不算多大的数目,但是也不能将灵石随便乱砸。 Is unimportant, is unimportant, gives a IOU to be also good.” “不要紧,不要紧,打一张欠条也行。” The old woman is not willing to put Feng Feiyun to walk, closely is drawing the arm of Feng Feiyun, passes message in a low voice to Feng Feiyun said, this news relates to a White Spider Monster Clan Holy Saint tomb pit, once that tomb pit were found, will have the Holy Saint losing treasure born, the value is 800,000 Spirit Stone thousands of times.” 老妪不肯放风飞云走,紧紧拉着风飞云的手臂,低声传音给风飞云道,“这个消息关系到白蛛妖族一位圣灵的墓穴,一旦那一座墓穴被找到,将会有圣灵的遗宝出世,价值是800000枚灵石的千万倍。” Heard that Holy Saint is the White Spider Monster Clan first ancestor, fell from the sky in the high antiquity, in White Spider Monster Clan some people have consulted the grave site of that first ancestor, likely put up some position of this war zone in the wooden god, buried in a mystical place.” “听说那一位圣灵乃是白蛛妖族的始祖,陨落在了远古时代,白蛛妖族之中有人查阅到那一位始祖的坟墓所在地,很可能就在木神架这片战区的某个位置,葬在一座秘境之中。” Feng Feiyun heard White Spider Monster Clan several characters, the heart moved immediately, asks: „Did wooden god put up the war zone once is the White Spider Monster Clan area?” 风飞云听到了“白蛛妖族”几个字,心头顿时一动,问道:“木神架战区曾经乃是白蛛妖族的疆域?” Really is the smart person, naturally is the White Spider Monster Clan area, just the White Spider Monster Clan army was given to defeat by human, now here turned into the area of human.” The old woman saw Feng Feiyun to swallow the bait, immediately has revealed the understanding smiled, the eye smiled to narrow the eyes. “真是聪明人,当然是白蛛妖族的疆域,只不过白蛛妖族的大军被人类给击败,现在这里变成了人类的疆域。”老妪见风飞云上钩了,顿时露出了会心的一笑,眼睛都笑眯起来了。 Feng Feiyun naturally knows that White Spider Monster Clan was born Holy Saint when the ancient times, is called white Zhusheng the ancestor, but that counted by the hundred million years ago matters, White Spider Monster Clan already no longer the past power, the present strength differed compared with it Human Race too far. 风飞云自然知道白蛛妖族在远古之时诞生过一位圣灵,被称为“白蛛圣祖”,不过那都是数以亿年前的事了,白蛛妖族早已不复当年的强盛,现在的实力比之人族都相差太远。 Feng Feiyun also asked hastily: Since they looked up white Zhusheng ancestor's tomb pit, why didn't counter-attack the wooden god to put up the war zone immediately?” 风飞云连忙又问道:“既然它们查到了白蛛圣祖的墓穴,为何不立即反攻木神架战区?” You give me first 1.6 million Spirit Stone.” The old woman said with a smile. “你先给我1600000枚灵石。”老妪笑道。 Why?” “为什么?” Because your already knew two news a moment ago!” The old woman smiles as before. “因为刚才你已经知道了两个消息!”老妪依旧笑着。
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