SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#903: Exciting

In military exploit section disturbance resounding, gradually likely was the cooker generally, many people have burst with joy. 军功部之中吵杂声更加的响亮,渐渐的像是炸锅了一般,很多人都跟着沸腾了起来。 These member already in military exploit section were shocked, looks that these Half Monster come out piles of monster corpses but actually, gives to pack the entire square. 军功部之中的那些修士都已经被惊呆了,看着那些半妖将一堆堆妖尸给倒出来,将整个广场都给装满。 Broke an arm to lack a Half Monster youngster of leg, has referred to the monster corpse of nearby that mountain, said: Big Brother, that is I kills, helping me calculate how many military exploits can exchange?” 一个断了一条胳膊缺了一条腿的半妖少年,指了指旁边的那一大山的妖尸,道:“大哥,那都是俺杀的,帮俺算算可以兑换多少军功?” That wear armor, in hand pinched the sergeant of burin to be also shocked, quite a while responded, looked at this Half Monster youngster, looked at that pile of monster corpses, has swallowed saliva crazily, said: „Really is this you kills?” 那一个穿着铠甲,手中捏着铁笔的军士也被惊呆了,半天才反应过来,看了看这个半妖少年,又看了看那一堆妖尸,狂咽了一口唾沫,道:“这真是你杀的?” Your his mother idle talk! The father has lacked an arm, was short of a leg to be false? This is wounded for the human fight, I am honorable!” The Half Monster youngster said. “你他妈废话嘛!难道老子缺了一只胳膊,少了一条腿都是假的?这是为人类战斗而负伤,俺光荣!”半妖少年说道。 That pinched the sergeant of burin to wipe the sweat on forehead, took inventory the quantity of monster corpse hastily, said: Altogether is 20 Nirvana 3rd-layer monsters, 675 Nirvana 2nd-layer monsters, 3241 Nirvana 1st-layer monsters, 2850 Heaven's Mandate 9th-layer monsters, the Heaven's Mandate 8th-layer monster is...... Altogether is a military exploit, congratulations, congratulations, the first over ten thousand clan battlefields are labeled as human hero.” 那个捏着铁笔的军士擦了擦额头上的汗水,连忙清点了一下妖尸的数量,道:“一共是20只涅槃第三重的妖,675只涅槃第二重的妖,3241只涅槃第一重的妖,2850只天命第九重的妖,天命第八重的妖是……一共是点军功,恭喜,恭喜,第一次上万族战场就被封为‘人类功臣’。” The Half Monster youngster has laughed immediately, has not thought that my first over ten thousand clan battlefields become the human heroes, accumulated the military exploit too to be also easy!” 半妖少年顿时哈哈大笑了起来,“没想到我第一次上万族战场就成为人类功臣,积累军功也太容易了嘛!” Surrounding naturally has many human member, at this moment is staring at that Half Monster with the look that envying the envy hates, this luck was also too good! 周围自然有很多人类修士,此刻都是用羡慕嫉妒恨的眼神盯着那个半妖,这运气也太好了吧! Accumulated so many military exploits one time unexpectedly! 一次性竟然积累了如此多的军功! These ancient clan various talent at this moment types envy the envy, Half Monster can accumulate these many military exploits, this was also too exasperating. 就连那些古族的才俊此刻都各种羡慕嫉妒,一个半妖都能积累这么多的军功,这也太气人了。 Liu Suzi, Eighth Young Master Gu and golden Saint mansion Young Lord and galaxy Saint mansion saintess and the others, has revealed the surprised vision, looks at a mountain monster corpse, on the face full is incredible. 琉苏紫顾八少爷、黄金圣府的少主、星河圣府的圣女等人,也都纷纷露出了惊讶的目光,看着一大山妖尸,脸上满是不可置信。 However incredible still in behind, Half Monster Union these elites gave upside-down a mountain monster corpse, lifted in Half Monster that these above stretcher were seriously injured has also put out a monster corpse of mountain, piled everywhere is. 但是更加不可信的还在后面,半妖盟的那些精英一个个都将一大山妖尸给倒了出来,就连抬在担架之上的那些受了重伤的半妖也都拿出了一座大山的妖尸,堆得到处都是。 These member already of military exploit section completely petrify, his mother too has also exaggerated, one crowd remnants Half Monster, each throws a mountain monster corpse, but also the pitiful say/way, Big Brother, helping me calculate the military exploit, my Half Monster Union iron ox.” 军功部的那些修士都已经完全石化,这他妈也太夸张了,一群“残兵败将”的半妖,每一个都丢出一大山妖尸,还可怜兮兮的道,“大哥,帮俺算算军功,俺半妖盟张铁牛。” Member already of these computation military exploits in slow the god had come from frightening, starts point aggressively to calculate the monster corpse, calculates the military exploit. 那些计算军功的修士都已经从“惊吓”之中缓过神来了,开始紧锣密鼓的点算妖尸,计算军功。 Half Monster Union, opens the iron ox, 107.76 point military exploits, reward human hero token.” 半妖盟,张铁牛,107.76点军功,奖励‘人类功臣’令牌一枚。” Half Monster Union, a wood pavement military exploit, rewards human hero token.” 半妖盟,木道一点军功,奖励‘人类功臣’令牌一枚。” Half Monster Union, a Yu Dai military exploit, rewards human hero token.” 半妖盟,玉黛点军功,奖励‘人类功臣’令牌一枚。” ............ ………… ...... …… The Half Monster Union elite altogether 87 people are living coming back, almost every person accumulated more than 100 points of military exploits, became the human hero. 半妖盟的精英一共有87人活着回来,几乎每个人都积累了100多点军功,成为了人类功臣。 87 human heroes are also born, was too simply neat. 87个人类功臣同时诞生,简直太整齐了。 Feng Feiyun also has naturally put out a mountain monster corpse, attractive female seductress/evil spirit that in addition, 13 capture alive, each beautiful beautiful appearance, the sex appeal is attractive, making many member drool with envy. 风飞云自然也是拿出了一大山妖尸,除此之外,还有13只生擒的漂亮女妖精,每一个都妖艳美貌,性感漂亮,让很多修士垂涎欲滴。 Half Monster Union, a Feng Feiyun military exploit, rewards human hero token.” The member of that computation military exploit arrived in a token the hand of Feng Feiyun. 半妖盟,风飞云点军功,奖励‘人类功臣’令牌一枚。”那一个计算军功的修士将一枚令牌抵到了风飞云的手中。 After Feng Feiyun received has been printing merit the token of character, slightly looked at one in the Eighth Young Master Gu direction, faint had smiled, a little military exploit, it seems like also needs to try hard!” 风飞云接过了印着‘功’字的令牌之后,微微的向着顾八少爷的方向看了一眼,淡淡的笑了笑,“才这么一点军功,看来还需要努力啊!” The muscle on Eighth Young Master Gu face has twitched two! 顾八少爷脸上的肌肉抽动了两下! At this time Sir Qing Zhai and Sir Fu Ying also to exchanged the military exploit, they have put out dozens rank high monster corpses, finally exchanged more than 1000 points of military exploits, received human big hero token. 这个时候青祭大人和蝠应大人也对去兑换军功,他们都拿出了数十具级别较高的妖尸,最终都兑换到了1000多点军功,领到了“人类大功臣”的令牌。 At this time finally was one's turn Sir Kong Hou to enter with the lights ablaze, has fished out three Spirit Stone from the pants pocket, monster corpse in a Spirit Stone will give to pour, directly has brought in big screams. 这个时候终于轮到孔侯大人闪亮登场,从裤兜里摸出了三枚界灵石,将其中一枚界灵石之中的妖尸给倒出,就直接引来了一大片的惊呼声。 This is one pile of Nirvana 3rd-layer monster corpse, more than 6000, shocked many people on the scene to be scared fully. 这是一堆涅槃第三重的妖尸,足有6000多具,震惊得在场很多人都傻眼了。 The berm old people of these Middle Ages aristocratic families, ancient clan the old ancestor, at this moment were startled dumbfoundedly, this was also too scary. 就连那些中古世家的护道老人,古族的老祖,此刻都惊得目瞪口呆,这也太吓人了。 More than 6000 Nirvana 3rd-layer monster corpses, this is more than 6000 points of military exploits! 6000多具涅槃第三重的妖尸,这可是6000多点军功! When did the Nirvana 3rd-layer monster turn into cabbage? 涅槃第三重的妖什么时候变成大白菜了? Sir Kong Hou installed to compel, was waving to the people, comforted the mood indifferently, gave to open second Spirit Stone, inside departed several tens of thousands monster corpses directly, piled a mountain. 孔侯大人装逼了一把,对着众人挥了挥手,淡然安抚情绪,又将第二枚界灵石给打开,里面直接飞出数万具妖尸,堆成了一座大山。 Then he gives to open third Spirit Stone, inside only then dozens monster corpses, but the aura of each monster corpse is very formidable, was given to cover by the demonic fog, the undying monster soul occupies above the corpse, from time to time sends out severe howl. 接着他又将第三枚界灵石给打开,里面只有数十具妖尸,但是每一具妖尸的气息都很强大,被妖雾给笼罩,还有不死妖魂在尸体之上盘踞,时而发出一声声厉吼 Altogether is...... Altogether is...... 10,000 military exploits!” That computation military exploit the hand of member somewhat trembling, has criticized repeatedly, confirmed unmistakable nod of finally. “一共是……一共是……10000点军功!”那一个计算军功的修士的手都有些颤巍巍的了,清算了一遍又一遍,最终确认无误的点了点头。 !” !” Kong Hou big humanity: Really 10,000 points?” 孔侯大人道:“真的才10000点?” Really 10,000 points!” “真的10000点!” Sir Kong Hou pats the forehead, heaved a deep sigh, said: Damn, is really the narrow squeak! Almost cannot become fights king.” 孔侯大人一拍额头,长叹一声,道:“他妈的,真是好险啊!差一点就不能成为战王了。” flatter ! 阿噗! At this time, the impulsion that the member one type on the scene wanted to shout 'motherfucker', his mother also installed to compel! 这个时候,在场的众修士都有一种想要骂娘的冲动,这他妈也太装逼了! Fights the king! Was this one fights the king born? 战王啊!这是一尊战王诞生了吗? Many people by this news shocking, and not only because of fighting the birth of king, but is this fights the king is Half Monster, first time mounts ten thousand clan battlefields Half Monster! 很多人都被这个消息给震惊住,并不仅仅只是因为战王的诞生,而是这一尊战王是一个半妖,还是第一次登上万族战场的半妖 The talents of these Middle Ages aristocratic families, were Immortal City Saint mansion Young Lord, this moment complexion slightly changed. 那些中古世家的才俊,还是仙城圣府的少主,此刻脸色都微微的变了变。 Especially Eighth Young Master Gu, face on at this moment must ugly ugly, formerly he still in telling the Feng Feiyun reality was very brutal, making all people think his fan ruthlessly a Half Monster Union palm of the hand, but he discovered at this moment that palm of the hand unexpectedly was the fan on own face. 特别是顾八少爷,此刻的脸上要多难看就有多难看,先前他都还在告诉风飞云现实很残酷,让所有人都觉得他狠狠的扇了半妖盟一巴掌,但是此刻他才发现那一巴掌竟然是扇在了自己的脸上。 Formerly these ridiculed that the Half Monster Union member could not smile at this moment, felt face burning burning, does not know that was envying the military exploit that Half Monster Union established, felt by the pain of hitting the face. 先前那些嘲笑半妖盟的修士此刻也都笑不出来了,感觉脸火辣辣的烫,也不知是在嫉妒半妖盟立下的军功,还是自己也感觉到了被打脸的痛楚。 It seems like Half Monster Union has also exterminated a Monster Clan lair, you look at monster corpse over nine that they have are the White Spider Monster Clan corpses.” “看来半妖盟也剿灭了一座妖族巢穴,你们看他们带回来的妖尸九层以上都是白蛛妖族的尸体。” „To know how really they achieve, the trivial 500 people have exterminated a Monster Clan lair unexpectedly, even if four seven levels of Half Monster get rid, this was also a miracle, it seems like Half Monster Union of entire human state must make a stir.” “真想知道他们是如何做到的,区区500人竟然剿灭了一座妖族巢穴,就算有四位七级半妖出手,这也算是一个奇迹了,看来整个人类国度的半妖盟都要轰动起来了。” These monster corpses were made the military exploit symbol, that 13 attractive female seductress/evil spirit that Feng Feiyun captures, there is the powerhouse in barracks to infiltrate the military exploit mark in their bodies. 那些妖尸都被做下了军功记号,就连风飞云擒拿的那13个漂亮的女妖精,也有兵营之中的强者在她们的身体之中打入了军功印记。 Gives after these monster corpses receives, the entire Half Monster Union elite then feels proud and elated goes toward the wooden Divine Palace line. 将这些妖尸又给收起来之后,整个半妖盟的精英便都扬眉吐气的向着木神宫行去。 The member who any military exploit has reached 100 points, has in qualifications going wooden Divine Palace to choose the same merit law, this was all Half Monster already the long-awaited matter, at this moment was naturally impatient. 凡是军功达到了100点的修士,都有资格前去木神宫之中挑选一样功法,这是所有半妖早就梦寐以求的事,此刻自然是迫不及待了。 Today's 875 barracks were double happiness descend on the house, the victory report have fed in leaf Hongjing immediately, has created the huge stir. 今天的875兵营算是双喜临门,捷报在第一时间传回了叶红境,引起了巨大的震动。 First is, the God's favored ones of younger generation collaborated to exterminate the great ant Monster Clan lair. 第一个是,年轻一代的天之骄子联手剿灭了巨蚁妖族的巢穴。 Another is, Half Monster Union at 500 people of military strength, has exterminated the White Spider Monster Clan lair. 另一个是,半妖盟以500人的兵力,剿灭了白蛛妖族的巢穴。 ...... …… This is a miracle, has started the giant mighty waves in leaf Hongjing. 这都算是一个奇迹,在叶红境掀起了巨大的波澜。 The news passed to Half Monster Union of major territories, these territory hegemons are excited are hard to calm the mind to cultivate. 消息传到了各大域的半妖盟,那些域盟主一个个都激动得难以静下心来修炼。 Half Monster Union these member are more excited dash about wildly, is unable to conceal the joy in heart, was venting this excitement with various ways. 半妖盟的那些修士则更是激动得狂奔,一个个都无法掩饰住心中的喜悦,用各种方式在发泄这种兴奋的心情。 After this news travels thoroughly, entire leaf Hongjing trillion Half Monster excited bursting into tears. 当这个消息彻底传开之后,整个叶红境的亿万半妖都激动的流泪。 Participated in elite camp trials eliminated Half Monster, at this moment tight is pinching the fist, yelled: I am only poor, only almost can enter ten thousand clan battlefields, can with their same establishment of merit by killing the enemy, why I miss a little? I must cultivation, I must cultivation, next year I can certainly defeat all people to enter ten thousand clan battlefields.” 一个参与了精英营选拔赛被淘汰的半妖,此刻紧紧的捏着拳头,大叫:“我只差一点,只差一点就可以进入万族战场,也可以和他们一样杀敌立功,为何我就差了那么一点?我要修炼,我要修炼,明年我一定能够击败所有人进入万族战场。” Each is passed on Half Monster that above ten thousand clan battlefields renders meritorious service for the Half Monster hero, their legends start to spread in the Half Monster slave, everyone was deified, making these young child Half Monster hear one's blood bubbles up to the brim, since childhood resolves, in the future must become the hero in Half Monster. 每一个在万族战场之上立功的半妖都被传为了半妖的英雄,他们的传奇故事开始在半妖奴之中传开,每一个人都被神化,让那些年纪还不大的小孩子半妖听得热血沸腾,从小立志,将来也要成为半妖之中的英雄。 In a mine tunnel, on several hundred Half Monster slave feet wears the shackle, in inside laborious digging a pit, the whole body is the sweat, the wrist/skill and ankle were produced the blood. 一座矿坑之中,数百个半妖奴脚上戴着铁链,在里面辛苦的挖坑,浑身都是汗水,手腕和脚腕都被磨出了鲜血。 At this time a Half Monster slave ran while has crashed in the mine tunnel, loudly exclaimed: Major success of Half Monster Union above ten thousand clan battlefields! 500 people cut to kill hundreds of thousands of Monster Clan, Sir Kong Hou became Half Monster Union first fights the king in history! How Half Monster is not the inborn slave, how can also render meritorious service, how can also kill the enemy, how can also become fights the king!” 这个时候一个半妖奴边跑边冲进了矿坑之中,大吼道:“半妖盟在万族战场之上大捷!500人斩杀数十万妖族,孔侯大人成为了半妖盟有史以来第一位战王!咋们半妖并不是天生的奴隶,咋们也能立功,咋们也能杀敌,咋们也能成为战王!” Bang!” “轰!” The Half Monster slaves in entire mine tunnel filled with bitter, in the heart quiet several hundred hundred million years of distresses crazily vented at this time, many people at the rave of doom, how are not the inborn slaves!” 整个矿洞之中的半妖奴都满腔酸涩,心中沉寂了数百亿年的苦楚这个时候都疯狂的发泄了起来,很多人都在死命的狂吼,“咋们并不是天生的奴隶!” How is not the inborn slave!” “咋们并不是天生的奴隶!” This is performing in many places, mine tunnel, medicine field, slave camp and prostitute kiln...... 这一幕正在很多地方上演,矿洞、药田、奴隶营、妓窑…… Several hundred for hundred million years, were regarded slave same regarding by human, even were inferior including the slaves, at this moment they saw the hope, saw the future, saw the self-respect and self-confidence. 数百亿年来,都被人类当成奴隶一样的看待,甚至连奴隶都不如,这一刻他们看到了希望,看到了未来,看到了自尊和自信。 Perhaps this Half Monster Union major success looks like in these Ascension sages cannot be regarded anything, the influence that but it creates is not anybody is conceivable, is not only leaf Hongjing, but also is turning toward the surrounding these boundaries to spread. 这一次半妖盟的大捷在那些羽化贤者们看来或许算不得什么,但是它所造成的影响力却不是任何人可以想象,不仅是叶红境,还在向着周围的那些境蔓延。 Half Monster Union these member as for major territories, in abundance turn toward the red leaves star to well up, ahead of time several days on ancient array platform side, have created beside ancient array platform the picture of sea of people. 至于各大域的半妖盟的那些修士,都纷纷向着红叶星涌去,提前几天就等在了古阵台的旁边,造成古阵台之外人山人海的景象。 They must welcome the return of hero immediately. 他们要在第一时间迎接英雄的回归。
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