SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#902: Triumphal returns to turn over to the camp

Experienced for more than 20 days, Half Monster Union returned to 875 barracks once more, here was the wooden god puts up the war zone 875 th barracks, gathered tens of millions human member. 经历20多天,半妖盟再次回到了“875兵营”,这里乃是木神架战区第875座兵营,聚集了数千万人类修士。 Each barracks is a logistics supply strategic place, here not only can make the member who returns from ten thousand clan battlefields rest and build up strength, but also can exchange the military exploit and purchase in the material that above the battlefield consumes. 每一座兵营都是一座后勤补给重镇,在这里不仅可以让从万族战场之上归来的修士休养生息,而且也可以兑换军功和购买在战场之上消耗的材料。 „Do you look at that are not leaf Hongjing Half Monster Union that crowd of Half Monster?” “你们看那不是叶红境半妖盟的那群半妖?” Hehe, is really they, unexpectedly completely has not died above the battlefield, the luck is really good.” “嘿嘿,真的是他们,居然都没有全部死在战场之上,运气真好。” Perhaps is poor, 500 people enter ten thousand clan battlefields, now only then dozens individual returns, died eight.” “恐怕不怎么好,500人进入万族战场,现在只有数十个人归来,死了八层。” Estimate was scared, runs away.” “估计是被吓破了胆,逃回来了。” Because of Half Monster Union special xing, has caused in 875 barracks surrounding of many member, some nature many ancient clan young talents, the outstanding characters of some Middle Ages aristocratic families, they were ridiculing that Half Monster Union these member, like was looking that one flock of mourning watchdogs run away general. 因为半妖盟的特殊xing,引起了875兵营之中很多修士的围观,其中自然不乏一些古族的年轻才俊,更是有一些中古世家的杰出人物,他们都在嘲笑半妖盟的那些修士,就像在看一群丧家犬逃回来一般。 The people always like taking pleasure in others' misfortunes, the ancient clan juniors who especially these keeps aloof, look down upon Half Monster this crowd of base and low living thing very much, at this moment naturally is continues to tease and ridicule. 人总是喜欢幸灾乐祸,特别是那些一个个都高高在上的古族子弟,很看不起半妖这群卑微的生物,此刻自然是继续调侃和嘲笑。 The Half Monster Union member was stained with completely the blood, many people were injured, some received the heavy losses, was lifted by other Half Monster. 半妖盟的修士一个个身上都沾满了鲜血,很多人都受了伤,其中更是有的受了重创,乃是被别的半妖抬回来。 However these member do not have slightest bit to sympathize, instead in the unscrupulous language attack, as if has regarded the monkey the Half Monster jing brave, Half Monster Union these jing UK , Vietnam are grasp crazily, they are happy. 但是这些修士却并没有半分同情,反而在肆无忌惮的语言攻击,似乎将半妖的jing英都当成了猴子,半妖盟的那些jing英越是抓狂,他们便越是开心。 This is most people have mentality that bullying the weak and fearing the strong. 这就是绝大多数的人都有的心态“欺软怕硬”。 If weak, is the person of exercising forbearance, then more will be bullied. 若是软弱,越是忍让的人,便越是会被欺负。 Also is considered that bullies. 也越是被人认为好欺负。 Naturally some these also people sympathize with the Half Monster Union member, an old man of features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality scolds own disciple, leaves saying: After all they are the human fights, even if has defeated, died, injured, was remnant, already was very good, was worth respectable.” 当然这其中也有一些人同情半妖盟的修士,一个仙风道骨的老者呵斥自己的门人,出言道:“毕竟他们是在为人类战斗,就算是败了,死了,伤了,残了,也已经很不错了,值得让人尊敬。” Another is riding Immortal Crane the say/way of Saint mansion female successor also sympathy: Half Monster Union on the weak trend, merely is only in 500 people battlefield that's all, moreover suffers preemption and becoming estranged of human, cannot obtain the aid of allied armies, can run away already to be very good, you little said several.” 另一个骑着仙鹤的圣府女传人也同情的道:“半妖盟本来就弱势,仅仅只是500人上战场罢了,而且又遭受人类的排挤和疏远,得不到盟军的援助,能够逃回来已经很不错了,你们还是少说几句。” The Half Monster Union member silently entered the barracks, although died in battle over eight member, moreover everyone is scarred, however their bodies are bringing thick blood xing, on the face does not have fear and timidness of slightest bit, the pride that in the eye instead one type said. 半妖盟的修士只是默默的走进了兵营,虽然战死了八层以上的修士,而且每个人都伤痕累累,但是他们的身上却带着一股浓浓的血xing,脸上并没有半分的畏惧和怯弱,眼中反而有一种说之不出的骄傲。 Well! They went to military exploit section unexpectedly directly, did they still contribute to the military exploit to be inadequate above the battlefield?” Some people are surprised. “咦!他们竟然直接去了军功部,难道他们还在战场之上立了军功不成?”有人感到惊讶。 Along with even if also some people said with a smile: Several soldier long somewhat cultivation base in Half Monster Union, put to death some powder monsters not to have the issue.” 随即便又有人笑道:“半妖盟之中的几位兵长有几分修为,诛杀一些散妖还是没有问题。” Some many member are having the mentality of watching the fun, gathers outside the military exploit section, how many military exploits wants to have a look at Half Monster Union this crowd of base and low biological energy to contribute to? 有很多修士都带着看热闹的心态,聚集到军功部外,想要看看半妖盟这群卑微的生物能立多少军功? This group of fellows were really too excessive, actually wanted to come to see our jokes.” The Shi Dakai whole face is the blood, black color/look grows hair still in tumbling the blood bead, in the voice of speech full is resentful. “这群家伙真是太过分了,竟然想要来看我们的笑话。”石大开满脸都是鲜血,身上的黑sè长毛都还在滚落血珠,说话的声音之中满是愤懑。 The body of Feng Feiyun is much cleaner, even if received many wounds, but actually already by Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi convalescing healing, appears extremely indifferent, said: Looks looks! Well...... They also came back unexpectedly.” 风飞云的身上则干净得多,就算受了很多伤,但是却都已经金蚕佛气给疗养痊愈,显得极其的淡然,道:“看就看呗!咦……他们居然也回来了。” Shi Dakai looked at the past following the Feng Feiyun vision, saw only a horizon army to crash in the military compound, dense and numerous big pieces, returned the nest like the group bee. 石大开顺着风飞云的目光看过去,只见天边一支大军冲进了军营,密密麻麻的一大片,就像群蜂还巢。 Hundreds of thousands of member, vast majority of wear fight the armor fully, sets upright the flag, above the flag somewhat writes attending to character, some write golden Saint mansion, Murong, yellow, the banner is towering, the Saint light is graceful, ray shè of war flag results in the person eyes unable to open. 足有数十万修士,绝大多数都穿着战铠,竖着大旗,大旗之上有些写着“顾”字,有的写着“黄金圣府”,“慕容”,“黄”,旗号参天,圣光盈盈,战旗的光芒shè得人眼睛都睁不开。 What lead is the men and women of more than ten peerless grace and talent, was not the Middle Ages aristocratic family outstanding person with outstanding ability, was Immortal City Young Lord, the Saint mansion saintess, the male heroic bearing was outstanding, if female beautiful the fairy maiden, were young people, talking and laughing merrily entered the barracks. 领头的是十多个风华绝代的男女,不是中古世家杰出英才,就是仙城少主,圣府的圣女,男的英姿卓绝,女的美若仙子,都是年轻人,谈笑风生的走进了兵营。 Was the God's favored ones of Middle Ages aristocratic family came back from the tiger's roar day universe, that hundreds of thousands of member armies, were their family guard army.” “是中古世家的天之骄子们从虎啸天小千世界回来了,那数十万修士大军,都是他们的家族护卫军队。” The return of this group of young talents, has caused the huge stir in 875 barracks, many people go out from the barracks, surround their elegant demeanors, this does not know in a big way many times compared with the vibration that the Half Monster Union return created. 这一群年轻才俊的归来,在875兵营之中引起了巨大的轰动,很多人都从兵营之中走出,围观他们的风采,这比半妖盟归来造成的震动不知大了多少倍。 That wear gold fights the man of armor is golden Saint mansion Young Lord, is unsurpassed heavenly talent, 18 years old entered ten thousand clan battlefields, already accumulated more than 3000 points of military exploits above ten thousand clan battlefields.” “那一个穿着黄金战铠的男子乃是黄金圣府的少主,是一位无上天骄,18岁就进入万族战场,已经在万族战场之上积累了3000多点军功。” That by the female of beautiful appearance beautiful woman immortal light covers, is the galaxy Saint mansion saintess, has the fairy maiden reputation, the talents of many Middle Ages aristocratic family extremely admired to her, respect for the beauty.” “那一个被仙光笼罩的美貌倾城的女子,乃是星河圣府的圣女,有仙子美名,很多中古世家的才俊都对她极其爱慕,敬为天人。” This is one crowd by the outstanding talent who talent halo covers, is enormous in the reputation of younger generation, own cultivation base is also unattainable, formidable. 这是一群被天才光环笼罩的杰出才俊,在年轻一代的名声极大,自身的修为也都高不可攀,让人生畏。 Liu Suzi and Eighth Young Master Gu, the talents and days of some Middle Ages aristocratic families arrogant female also, captured the attention of all people. 琉苏紫顾八少爷,还有一些中古世家的天才和天之骄女也在其中,吸引了所有人的目光。 The Eighth Young Master Gu wear fights armor, heroic, has a Yingwei's threatening imposing manner, discussed says with a smile: Tiger's roar day universe is also mediocre, does not have what fearfulness, cuts to kill Monster Clan, such as slaughter pig dog.” 顾八少爷穿着战甲,豪迈至极,有着一种英伟逼人的气势,谈笑道:“虎啸天小千世界也不过如此,没有什么可怕,斩杀妖族,如屠猪狗。” Murong Jiankang rides in one fights carrying on the back of beast, in the hand raises side heaven to draw the halberd, the speaker says with a smile: How this time to collaborate to exterminate a hundreds of thousands of Monster Clan lair, was great merit one, everyone should be able to exchange several hundred military exploits.” 慕容建康骑在一头战兽的背上,手中提着一根方天画戟,扬声笑道:“这次咋们联手剿灭了一座数十万妖族的巢穴,也算是大功一件了,每个人应该都能兑换数百点军功。” He probably feared that others could not hear them to establish the military exploit to be common, the sound was extremely soaring, the member in half barracks heard his words. 他就好像怕别人听不到他们立下了军功一般,声音极其高昂,半个兵营的修士都听到了他的话。 His words indeed have also caused the stir, has exterminated hundreds of thousands of Monster Clan, indeed already was the great merit, they so will be no wonder happy, who made so the great merit to take to show off. 他的话也的确是引起了轰动,剿灭了数十万的妖族,的确已经算是大功了,也难怪他们会如此高兴,谁立下如此大功都要拿出来炫耀一番。 Has exterminated a hundreds of thousands of Monster Clan lair unexpectedly, is really too extraordinary, how 875 barracks, already had several years of not such victory report.” “竟然剿灭了一座数十万妖族的巢穴,真是太了不得,咋们875兵营,已经有好几年没有这样的捷报了。” Monster Clan may very sly, moreover Spiritual Awareness is extremely keen, wants to exterminate a Monster Clan lair to be easier said than done, worthily is the leaf Red Army younger generation topest that group of people.” 妖族可都十分的狡猾,而且灵觉极其敏锐,想要剿灭一座妖族巢穴谈何容易,不愧是叶红军年轻一代最顶尖的那一批人。” The talent of this crowd of younger generation, directly toward the military exploit section line, must exchange the military exploit. 这一群年轻一代的才俊,径直的向着军功部行去,要去兑换军功。 The Half Monster Union person also stands in the crowd lines up, after all the member of exchange military exploit are many, everyone must line up to exchange. 半妖盟的人则还站在人群之中排队,毕竟兑换军功的修士很多,每个人都必须排队去兑换。 Compared with the young talent of that crowd of peerless grace and talent, Half Monster that Half Monster Union dozens whole bodies are bathed in blood appears too is common. 与那一群风华绝代的年轻才俊相比,半妖盟的数十名浑身浴血的半妖就显得实在太不起眼。 However some people noted them as before. 但是依旧有人注意到了他们。 Well! Isn't that the Half Monster Union jing brave? It is not altogether 500 armies, how only to remain such several people?” Saying that a Eighth Young Master Gu behind house slave ridiculed, aggravated „the jing brave intentionally two characters. “咦!那不是半妖盟的jing英?不是一共有500大军,怎么就只剩这么几个人了?”顾八少爷身后的一个家奴嘲笑的说道,故意加重了“jing英”两个字。 That by Feng Feiyun has taught „the flatter dog. 正是那个被风飞云教训过的“阿狗”。 Has no need for you managing.” Shi Dakai bellows, in the sound full is the anger. “用不着你们管。”石大开大吼一声,声音之中满是怒火。 Eighth Young Master Gu also stopped the footsteps, looked at Half Monster Union remnants, stared at the vision finally on the body of Feng Feiyun, nodded saying: Good, unexpectedly had not died in battle above the battlefield, is somewhat the skill. Does not know how many military exploits you did accumulate?” 顾八少爷也停下了脚步,看了看半妖盟的“残兵败将”,最后将目光盯在了风飞云的身上,点了点头道:“不错,居然没有战死在战场之上,还是有几分本事。不知你们都积累了多少军功?” Feng Feiyun tranquil smiling, said: Our Half Monster Union is the first on battlefield, where can compared with your big enterprise has lots of assets talent outstanding, be able to maintain life is very good.” 风飞云平静的笑了笑,道:“我们半妖盟乃是第一次上战场,哪能和你们这些家大业大的天才俊杰相比,能够保命就很不错了。” Many people can listen to a sour odor from the Feng Feiyun tone, was saying likely, you have contributed to the great merit, was because the family property was thick, had the powerhouse to you berm, had the family army to dispatch, did not rely on the real skill.” 很多人都能从风飞云的语气之中听出一股酸味,像是在说,“你们就算立了大功,也都是因为家底厚,有强者给你们护道,有家族军队可以调遣,并不是凭借真本事。” Eighth Young Master Gu smiled, said: Sometimes the reality is very indeed brutal, is unacceptable, your Half Monster Union does not support actually easily, can live is coming back well, military exploit! Later can stand slowly!” 顾八少爷笑了笑,道:“有些时候现实的确很残酷,让人无法接受,其实你们半妖盟也挺不容易,能够活着回来就好,军功嘛!以后可以慢慢立!” Many people can look, during these two's dialogue, Eighth Young Master Gu has obtained the absolute place above, in the situation in not revealing the mountain non- dew, then must be a mass of cuts and bruises to the attack Half Monster Union. 很多人都看得出来,在这两人的对话之中,顾八少爷取得了绝对的上方,在不显山不露水的情况下,便将半妖盟给打击得体无完肤。 This is in puts salt toward the Half Monster Union wound in! Hasn't seen others so to be miserable? 这是在往半妖盟的伤口上撒盐啊!没看见别人都那么惨了? Many people thought the heart that the Feng Feiyun heart affirmation incomparable awkwardness at this moment, ashamed, it is estimated that wants dead had. 很多人都觉得风飞云此刻的心头肯定无比的尴尬,羞愧至极,估计想死的心都有了。 Some Liu Suzi sympathies looked at Feng Feiyun one, breaks through for him, said: Gu eight, do you actually also want to exchange the military exploit, if you do not want, your military exploit may be my.” 琉苏紫有些同情的看了风飞云一眼,替他解围,道:“顾老八,你到底还想不想兑换军功,你若是不想要,你的那一份军功可就是我的了。” Eighth Young Master Gu to some Liu Suzi awes, knows that Feng Feiyun and some Liu Suzi many relations, do not want to handle too certainly the matter in the Liu Suzi front, therefore then with a smile departed. 顾八少爷琉苏紫还是有些敬畏,知道风飞云琉苏紫多少有些关系,不想在琉苏紫的面前将事情做得太绝,于是便含笑的离去了。 They have encircled a Monster Clan lair, this is great merit one, already makes noisily in the barracks, naturally does not need to line up, can go to exchange the military exploit directly. 他们围剿了一座妖族巢穴,这乃是大功一件,已经在兵营之中闹得沸沸扬扬,自然不用排队,直接就能前去兑换军功。 Shi Dakai said near the ear of Feng Feiyun in a low voice: „The Brother Feng younger brother, how has contributed to the great merit obviously, why didn't say scares to death them?” 石大开低声在风飞云的耳边道:“风兄弟,明明咋们立了大功,为何不说出来吓死他们?” Feng Feiyun smiled, said: Low key, cultivates the behavior the low key!” 风飞云笑了笑,道:“低调,做人得低调啊!” When Half Monster Union and the others arranged the place of exchange military exploit, these young talent already exchanged the military exploit to walk from inside. 半妖盟等人排到了兑换军功的地方的时候,那些年轻才俊都已经兑换完军功从里面走了出来。 Grasped side heaven to draw halberd the talents of Middle Ages aristocratic family to say with a smile: My this time altogether request has traded 479 military exploits, does not know how many Gu the brother has exchanged?” 一个手持方天画戟的中古世家的才俊笑道:“我这次一共托换了479点军功,不知顾兄兑换了多少?” Eighth Young Master Gu has smiled saying with a smile: I must divide part to the following family/home, finally estimated that must have more than 600 point! In addition before , the obtained military exploit, accumulates, already had more than 2800 point.” 顾八少爷笑了笑道:“我还要给下面的家将们分一部分,最后估计得有600多点吧!加上以前所得的军功,累计起来,已经有了2800多点。” Your this time was military exploit illustrious, are more than military exploit that past ten years added.” “你这一次算是军功赫赫了,比过去十年加起来的军功都要多。” Eighth Young Master Gu shook the head, says with a smile: What true is fierce is Young Master Zi and golden Young Lord, in addition the military exploit of this accumulation, they feared that was the already 5000 points, can advance into the southwest 12 mansion younger generation absolutely first ten.” 顾八少爷摇了摇头,笑道:“真正厉害的还是紫公子和黄金少主,加上这次积累的军功,他们怕是都已经5000点了,绝对能够跻身西南12府年轻一代的前十。” At this time, sound that in military exploit section spread calling out in alarm. 这个时候,军功部之中传出一声惊呼的声音。 This crowd has not gone out of the young talents of military exploit section to stop the footsteps, does not understand that in exactly what happened? 这群还没有走出军功部的年轻才俊都停下了脚步,不明白里面到底发生了什么事?
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