SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#899: Earth-shaking

Dim light of night gradually dark, covers this earth wilderness, the magma of entire rock red high-quality mystical place in the ebullition, outlined fiery-red gullies as before. 夜色渐渐的暗了下来,笼罩这一片大地荒野,整个岩红高级秘境的岩浆却依旧在沸腾,勾勒出一道道火红色的沟壑。 From the White Spider Monster Clan eight thousand li (500 km) beyond. 距离白蛛妖族的八千里之外。 Feng Feiyun stands above a Mt. Hongshi peak, looks into the distance, in the double pupil is bringing radiance of flame, flies in inside like two phoenixes. 风飞云站在一座红石山峰之上,眺望远方,双瞳之中带着火焰的光华,像是有两只凤凰在里面飞行。 The mountain breeze flap flap, blows his robe clothes to fly upwards. 山风猎猎,吹得他袍衣飞扬。 A that white spider seductress/evil spirit character agree did not say as before, lies on the ground, on is going against a pearl, elegantly beautiful noble, in the vision is bringing the cold cold air/Qi, like taking one Feng Feiyun swallowing. 那一个白蛛妖精依旧一个字都不肯说,趴在地上,都上顶着一枚明珠,冷艳高贵,目光之中带着冷寒之气,就像要一口将风飞云给吞掉。 Master, her head inside mark is very formidable, very possible is Monster Clan Great Sage is protecting her soul, is unable to use the technique law to control her spirit.” Yu Dai respectful standing in Feng Feiyun, the fish tail flowing light, the flesh is fair, is a beautiful immortal waits on likely. “主人,她脑袋里面的印记十分强大,很可能乃是妖族大贤者在守护她的灵魂,根本无法使用术法掌控她的精神。”玉黛恭恭敬敬的站在风飞云的身后,鱼尾流光,肌肤白皙,像是一个美丽的仙侍。 That did not need to manage her, looked that she grew is also good, waits to leave ten thousand clan battlefields, brought to sell to the black market above her, hyped again, said that she was the White Spider Monster Clan princess, should also be able to sell a sky-high price to come.” Feng Feiyun does not return, faint said. “那就不用管她了,看她长得也还不错,等离开了万族战场,将她带到黑市之上去卖了,再炒作一下,就说她是白蛛妖族的公主,应该也能卖一个天价来。”风飞云头也不回,淡淡的说道。 In the eye of that white Zhunv seductress/evil spirit also flashes through a flurry, but did not have appearance/allow Taduo saying that a character, Feng Feiyun gave to deliver to the heaven to detain her directly. 那个白蛛女妖精的眼中也闪过一丝慌乱,但是没容她多说一个字,风飞云直接将她给送到天国之中关押了起来。 Shi Dakai from mountain wild, simply is the wind same man! 石大开从山下狂暴了上来,简直就是风一样的男子! On him full fights intent, said: All already is ready, when begins?” 他身上满是战意,道:“一切都已经准备就绪,什么时候动手?” Waits again.” “再等等。” The Feng Feiyun vision is staring at distant place as before, there dense one piece, the Mt. Wanzhong river probably is the scarlet iron refining up to make, to person an infinite depression. 风飞云的目光依旧盯着远处,那里黑压压的一片,万重山河都好像是赤铁炼造而成,给人一种无限的压抑感。 Suddenly, beyond eight thousand li (500 km), has transmitted a glare, the entire earth vibrated, then is a giant bellow, shakes the world aphonia, was this mystical place wants the avalanche likely generally. 突然,在八千里之外,传来了一道强光,整个大地都震动了起来,接着便是一声巨大的轰鸣声,震得天地失音,像是这一座秘境都要崩塌了一般。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” This is the strength that extremely the powerhouse gets rid of later to erupt, mountains under the impact of this strength, like general that the silt piles up, is split up instantaneously. 这是绝顶强者出手之后爆发出来的力量,一座座山岳在这一股力量的冲击之下,就像泥沙堆积成的一般,瞬间四分五裂。 Feng Feiyun also hastily inspires the Infinite Ghost Thumb Ring strength, has launched five god charts, has blocked the mountain and giant stone that flying from void curls. 风飞云也连忙引动淼鬼扳指的力量,展开了五幅神图,挡住了从虚空之上飞卷过来的大山和巨石。 Dizzy, the blown sand walks the stone! 天旋地转,飞沙走石! Begins!” “动手!” The Feng Feiyun palm departs a piece of fire saying that the direct impact horizon, gives the heat the entire backdrop, burns from the sky like a sea of fire, to person a stirring feeling. 风飞云的手掌心飞出一片火云,直冲天际,将整个天幕都给烧红,就像一片火海从天空之上燃烧,给人一种震撼人心的感觉。 Half Monster Union these elites saw the Feng Feiyun signal, started to begin. 半妖盟的那些精英看到了风飞云的信号,一个个都开始动手了。 Under, above a several tens of thousands meters wide magma river, erupts a piece of mighty current, has raised several hundred meters high spray, has broken through the dike directly, making the river change course, spout the past in White Spider Monster Clan the direction of lair. 下方,一条数万米宽的岩浆大河之上,爆发出一片洪流,掀起了数百米高的浪花,直接冲破了堤岸,让大河改道,向着白蛛妖族的巢穴的方向喷涌了过去。 72 mountain movements, this is sidereal revolution Grand Formation, is controlled by 12 Half Monster elders, the passage earth plate, making the magma mobile speed turn is quicker. 72座大山运动了起来,这是一种周天大阵,由12位半妖长老掌控,推移大地板块,让岩浆流动的速度变成更快。 Magma flowing of the speedily above the earth, place visited mountains, was pressed to the melting by the high temperature but actually, the earth turned into the magma sea. 岩浆在大地之上疾速的流动,所过之处一座座大山被高温给融化、倒压,大地变成了岩浆的海洋。 Above the sky the gunsmoke is billowing, the air was burnt twists, the thick smoke fills the air, beyond ten zhang (3.33 m) is very difficult to see clearly the person's shadow. 天空之上硝烟滚滚,空气都被烧得扭曲,浓烟弥漫,十丈之外都很难看清人影。 Meanwhile the Half Monster Union member also in the rear unceasing making together Taoist skill law of magma sea, speeds up the magma the speed of flow, simply is flowing, the speed of flowing will draw near pinnacle. 与此同时半妖盟的修士也在岩浆海洋的后方不断的打出一道道术法,加快岩浆的流速,简直就是一泻千里,流淌的速度快到了极致。 „The speed of flow of magma was too slow, if White Spider Monster Clan realized what to do ahead of time ran away?” Yu Dai some say/way of worry. “岩浆的流速还是太慢了,万一白蛛妖族提前察觉逃走了怎么办?”玉黛有些担心的道。 Magma speed of flow already is quick, but actually also ran out of more than 3000 miles, to lair several thousand miles far of White Spider Monster Clan, likely ahead of time will also be realized. 岩浆的流速已经很快,但是却也才冲出了3000多里,离白蛛妖族的巢穴还有数千里之远,很可能会被提前察觉。 The Feng Feiyun vision is looking at the horizon, remote points out: Their already flies toward here, the brothers standing by! Can accumulate many meritorious military service to look at your skill.” 风飞云的目光望着天际,遥指道:“它们已经向着这边飞过来,兄弟们准备战斗吧!能够积累多少战功就看你们本事了。” The ends of the earth, above the ground full are the white spider, tens of thousands, blots out the sky, turned toward here to fly to run away, when they have detected the heat wave in air, here saw is the fiery red magma time, then stopped the footsteps, wanted to turn around to run away. 天尽头,地面之上满是白色的蜘蛛,成千上万,铺天盖地,都向着这边飞逃了过来,当它们发觉了空气之中的热浪,看到这边全是火红的岩浆的时候,便都停下了脚步,想要转身逃走。 Haha! This time looked how you run away! This was the grandfather has prepared nine lake magma to you.” “哈哈!这次看你们怎么逃!这是爷爷给你们准备了九湖岩浆。” A piece of copper color/look ray pursues in hundreds of thousands of White Spider Monster Clan, gave to change into the brass color the entire world, above his top of the head void float an ancient big cauldron, the big cauldron does not know that many ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high, above full was the god rosy cloud, the aura is bright. 一片铜色的光芒追在数十万白蛛妖族的身后,将整个天地都给化为了黄铜的色彩,他的头顶之上的虚空悬浮着一口古老的大鼎,大鼎也不知有多少万丈高,上面满是神霞,气息煌煌。 Sir Kong Hou. 正是孔侯大人。 In the big cauldron of his top of the head is similar the independent world, in the world is the magma. 他头顶的大鼎之中仿佛有一个独立的世界,世界里面全是岩浆。 In huge cauldron mouth under unceasing flowing in backward magma, like together will hang upside down the scarlet-red waterfall above backdrop. 庞大的鼎口之中不断的倒灌下岩浆,就像将一道倒挂在天幕之上的赤红瀑布。 This is one of the Half Monster Union town pledge god soldiers world cauldron, inside becomes the world, Sir Kong Hou gave to take in the cauldron magma in nine great lake, chased down, 200,000 White Spider Monster Clan forcing this direction. 这就是半妖盟的镇盟神兵之一“天地鼎”,里面自成世界,孔侯大人可是将九个大湖之中的岩浆都给收进了鼎中,一路追杀,将200000只白蛛妖族给逼迫到了这个方向。 The magma in world cauldron, is falls in torrents finally cleanly, gave thorough sieging the White Spider Monster Clan army in the magma sea. 天地鼎之中的岩浆,总算是倾泻干净,将白蛛妖族的大军给彻底的围困在了岩浆的海洋之中。 Mean human, they have brought in the magma sea unexpectedly.” In White Spider Monster Clan can bellow greatly, said: Ties......” “卑鄙的人类,他们竟然引来了岩浆海洋。”白蛛妖族之中的一位大能大吼一声,道:“结阵……” Ties your Sir!” “结你大爷!” Sir Kong Hou a foot stepped on to press, directly that White Spider Monster Clan can stamp greatly, changed into the blood mud, sank to the magma, the periphery several thousand white spider seductresses/evil spirits died to the town by the strength of Sir Kong Hou. 孔侯大人一脚踩压了下来,直接将那一位白蛛妖族的大能给踩死,化为了血泥,沉入了岩浆之中,就连周围的数千只白蛛妖精都被孔侯大人的力量给镇死。 White Spider Monster Clan cannot form battlefield finally, because their already thorough was given the package by the magma, these cultivation base low small monster bodies brave the azure smoke, was built up by the magma friendly, the white spider shell was roasted the scarlet red, floated in the surface of magma. 白蛛妖族最终还是没能结成战阵,因为它们已经彻底的被岩浆给包裹,那些修为较低的小妖身体冒青烟,被岩浆给融炼,白色蜘蛛壳都被烤成了赤红色,浮在了岩浆的表面。 These achieve the Nirvana boundary strength of monster in the magma extremely to be limited, some can change from the seductress/evil spirit of adult, wanting the flying to flee, but actually in backdrop died to the town by float above the world cauldron, like rain general crash to magma sea. 那些达到涅槃境界的妖在岩浆之中力量受到了极大的限制,其中一些能够化形成人的妖精,想要飞天遁走,但是却都被被悬浮在天幕之上的天地鼎给镇死,像雨一般的坠落到岩浆的海洋之中。 Here turns into Sir Kong Hou completely a slaughter house of person, raises hand to lift in the feet, can kill to the bang several thousand White Spider Monster Clan. 这里完全变成孔侯大人一个人的屠宰场,举手抬足之间,就能将数千白蛛妖族给轰杀。 As for Half Monster Union these elites, this matter already of doing has done, the following matter defends the edge in magma lake, has met these small stock Monster Clan that wants to run away, then gets rid suppress and kill, accumulates the military exploit, is quite busy actually. 至于半妖盟的那些精英,该做的事情都已经做了,接下来的事情就是守在岩浆湖泊的边缘,遇到了那些想要逃走的小股妖族,便出手镇杀,积累军功,倒是忙得不亦乐乎。 During the preparation of Feng Feiyun, must annihilate White Spider Monster Clan, the true main force is three seven levels of Half Monster, other Half Monster Union elite also hits to overcome the hand, kills running away some loose monsters in the surrounding, if makes them go to and army combat of White Spider Monster Clan, perhaps is dies does not remain the dregs. 风飞云的筹划之中,要歼灭白蛛妖族,真正的主力还是三位七级半妖,别的半妖盟的精英也就打打下手,在外围杀一些逃窜的散妖,若是真的让他们去和白蛛妖族的大军作战,恐怕是死得连渣都不剩。 Regarding Kong Hou, Qing Zhai and character of Fu Ying this rank, so long as White Spider Monster Clan Formation were broken, moreover can them surrounding, in three people the casual person wants the strengths of suppress and kill hundreds of thousands of monster armed forces. 对于孔侯青祭蝠应这种级别的人物而言,只要白蛛妖族阵法被破,而且又能将它们给围堵住,三人之中随便一个人都要镇杀数十万妖军的实力。 But if no information that Feng Feiyun provides, teaches goes into hiding the mystique of human aura to them, to the assurance of White Spider Monster Clan weakness, even to the control of entire operation plan, they actually absolutely cannot achieve this point. 但若是没有风飞云提供的情报,传授给他们隐匿人类气息的秘法,还有对白蛛妖族弱点的把握,甚至对整个作战计划的掌控,他们却绝对做不到这一点。 Even if made them know White Spider Monster Clan lair, they attacked, surely possibly is not now this result, even might all fall from the sky in the battlefield that White Spider Monster Clan formed. 就算让他们知道了白蛛妖族的巢穴,他们就那么攻过去,必定不可能是现在这种结局,甚至有可能全部陨落在白蛛妖族结成的战阵之中。 This is function of Feng Feiyun display. 这就是风飞云发挥的作用。 At this time, Feng Feiyun naturally also already has flown the edge in magma sea, simultaneously and several hundred White Spider Monster Clan fights. 这个时候,风飞云自然也已经飞到了岩浆海洋的边缘,同时和数百只白蛛妖族战斗。 Bang!” “轰!” Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall changed into several thousand handle small swords, flew like wave of sword rain, gives to pierce the bodies of more than 100 White Spider Monster Clan directly, floating corpse above magma. 天髓兵胆化为了数千柄小剑,就像一波剑雨飞了过去,直接将100多只白蛛妖族的身体给洞穿,浮尸在了岩浆之上。 These floating corpses by Feng Feiyun taking in Spirit Stone. 这些浮尸都被风飞云给收进了界灵石之中。 In White Spider Monster Clan departs six powerhouses, is the Nirvana 3rd-layer boundaries, simultaneously makes six Grade 6 monster, has the monster sword, the monster tower, Monster Bead and monster sail, periphery big magma will give to sweep across, changes into the fiery red day after day rough seas. 白蛛妖族之中飞出六尊强者,都是涅槃第三重的境界,同时打出六件六品妖器,有妖剑、妖塔、妖珠、妖帆,将周围一大片的岩浆都给席卷了起来,化为火红的连天大浪。 Feng Feiyun offered a sacrifice to yellow stone ancient Guan, spiritual energy infiltrating in ancient coffin, profound articles above ancient coffin started to flash, the above totem trace was also lifelike, to person a plain and vast aura. 风飞云祭出了黄石古棺,将灵气给打入了古棺之中,古棺之上的一道道玄文都开始闪动起来,上面的图腾纹路也都活灵活现,给人一种古朴而浩大的气息。 This is one includes the air/Qi of several hundred miles murder. 这是一股囊括数百里的凶杀之气。 Bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭……” Six Grade 6 Spirit Artifact give to destroy, that six Nirvana 3rd-layer White Spider Monster Clan powerhouse was also killed by shock, crashes to the magma. 六件六品灵器都给打碎,就连那六位涅槃第三重白蛛妖族的强者也都被震死,坠落到岩浆之中。 Also ruptured the blood fog to yellow stone ancient Guan recent several hundred white Zhuyao, only remained piece by piece spider armor also float above the magma. 黄石古棺最近的数百只白蛛妖也都爆裂成了血雾,只剩一片片蛛甲还悬浮在岩浆之上。 This is Feng Feiyun first time gives the activation the yellow stone ancient Guan source strength, this is the Grade 10 Spirit Artifact might, even if activated one, the prestige can quite be fearful, Feng Feiyun almost on control. 这是风飞云第一次将黄石古棺的本源力量给激活,这是十品灵器的威力,哪怕只是激活了一丝,威能都相当可怕,风飞云差点就掌控不住。 Feng Feiyun already has achieved the Nirvana 2nd-layer boundary now, although was unable to play the Grade 10 Spirit Artifact most formidable might, but can achieve the Grade 10 Spirit Artifact short activation, although consumes the spiritual energy very much, destruction strength that but displays, is quite considerable. 风飞云现在已经达到了涅槃第二重的境界,虽然还不能发挥出十品灵器最强大的威力,但是将十品灵器短暂的激活还是能够做到,虽然很消耗灵气,但是发挥出来的毁灭力,还是相当可观。 „The Brother Feng younger brother, you were also too powerful, what you offered a sacrifice to a moment ago is what treasure, gives to be killed by shock several hundred monsters in the flash unexpectedly?” Shi Dakai dumbfounded is staring at the floating corpse in magma, is very the admiration looks at Feng Feiyun. 风兄弟,你也太强悍了,你刚才祭出的是什么宝贝,竟然在一瞬间将数百只妖都给震死?”石大开目瞪口呆的盯着岩浆之中的浮尸,很是敬佩的看着风飞云 He was also the having god-given wisdom rare talent, can surmount a boundary to strike to kill the rival, but got rid to be killed by shock a big method to compare with Feng Feiyun, differed is too far. 他也算是天纵奇才了,能够跨越一个境界击杀敌手,但是和风飞云一出手就震死一大片的手段比起来,又相差太远了。 Similarly is the talents, similarly is Nirvana 2nd-layer, the disparity so is big? 同样都是天才,同样都是涅槃第二重,差距怎么就这么大? Feng Feiyun gave to take in Spirit Stone the monster corpse in magma sea, said: Grade 7 ancient soldier/weapon that's all, does not have anything to be quite surprised!” 风飞云将岩浆海洋之中的妖尸都给收进了界灵石之中,道:“一件七品古兵罢了,没什么好惊讶!” Is Grade 10 Spirit Artifact, must know, once achieves the Grade 10 Spirit Artifact rank completely to be different, the might at all is not Grade 9 Spirit Artifact can compare. 十品灵器,要知道一旦达到十品灵器的级别就完全不一样了,威力根本不是九品灵器可以比拟。 If Grade 10 Spirit Artifact is born, the Middle Ages aristocratic family will get rid to rob. 十品灵器若是出世,就连中古世家都会出手抢夺。 Half Monster Union seven levels of Sir Half Monster uses is also Grade 9 Spirit Artifact, is called the Half Monster Union town pledge fights the soldier, significance that thus it can be seen Grade 10 Spirit Artifact represents. 就连半妖盟的七级半妖大人使用的也都才是九品灵器,被称为半妖盟的镇盟战兵,由此可见十品灵器所代表的意义。 If not for these Half Monster have not seen Grade 10 Spirit Artifact, Feng Feiyun has not dared to use really blatantly, not character's suppression that is good possibly to draw on some older generations. 若不是这些半妖都没有见过十品灵器,风飞云还真不敢公然的使用,一个不好就可能招来一些老一辈的人物的镇压。 ...... …… Continues to ask the fresh flower, asked the bank note, sought the major lists! 继续求鲜花,求票子,求上各大榜单!
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