SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#898: Morale

Sir Qing Zhai is very naturally disgruntled, how to say again Feng Feiyun is also her person, Kong Hou actually flagrant thought snatches the person, if not for in ten thousand clan battlefields, Sir Qing Zhai affirmed that already and Kong Hou have fought. 青祭大人自然很不悦,再怎么说风飞云也是她的人,孔侯却明目张胆的想到抢人,若不是在万族战场之中,青祭大人肯定已经孔侯战了起来。 Cracks a joke, joke!” Kong Hou negligent smiles, saw the chill in the air on Sir Qing Zhai sending out. “开个玩笑,玩笑!”孔侯大咧咧的一笑,看出了青祭大人身上散发出来的寒意。 Feng Feiyun understands to watch a person's every mood, can see from some subtle details, although is seven levels of Half Monster, Sir Qing Zhai is obviously higher than the status of Sir Kong Hou. 风飞云十分懂得察言观色,从刚才的一些微妙的细节就可以看出,虽然同是七级半妖,青祭大人明显比孔侯大人的地位要高。 In Half Monster Union, the status is decided by the strength. 半妖盟,地位都是由实力决定。 Then strength of Sir Qing Zhai definitely above Sir Kong Hou. 那么青祭大人的实力肯定在孔侯大人之上。 Following, seven levels of Half Monster Sir Fu Ying went to nearby the White Spider Monster Clan lair to investigate on the several th personally, needs to make the further confirmation the news that Feng Feiyun brought back. 接下来的几日,七级半妖蝠应大人亲自前往白蛛妖族的巢穴附近探查,需要将风飞云带回的消息做进一步的证实。 He inspected various data, when fourth day returns, then with Sir Qing Zhai and Sir Kong Hou secret discussed. 他将各种数据又考核了一遍,在第四天的时候返回,然后便和青祭大人、孔侯大人秘密的商量了起来。 Feng Feiyun then started to give Half Monster Union these elites to do the ideological work for these days, raises the morale, eases the pressure. 风飞云这几天便开始给半妖盟这些精英们做思想工作,鼓舞士气,缓解压力。 Feng Feiyun and Shi Dakai set out early and return late every day, after coming back, the whole body bloodstained, surely brings back to monster corpses, on the face is hanging the happy smiling face. 风飞云石大开每天都早出晚归,回来之后,浑身都染血,必定带回一具具妖尸,脸上挂着痛快的笑容。 Father has cut 12 oppressor monsters today, accumulated 3.9 point military exploits.” Shi Dakai is raising the blood red sledgehammer, is listening to the chest, despises stared at Half Monster Union these elites, fights above the hammer also to moisten the blood of Monster Clan. He probably was saying, saw not to have, the father had the military exploit. “老子今天又斩了12只虎狼妖,积累了3.9点军功。”石大开提着血红色的大锤,听着胸膛,鄙夷的盯了盯半妖盟的那些精英,战锤之上还沾着妖族的血液。他就好像是在说,看到没有,老子有军功了。 The Feng Feiyun long hair shawl, the body has bloodstains, laughing of bold air-drying cloud said: I gain today in a big way, accumulated 6.75 point military exploits, the military exploit that in addition before accumulated, already soon reached 20 points, when I accumulated suffice 100 military exploits, can join the boundary main immortal prestige armed forces, when the time comes held appreciatively the younger sister greatly, the bulk eats the meat, haha!” 风飞云长发披肩,身上有一道道血痕,豪气干云的大笑道:“我今天可是赚大了,积累了6.75点军功,加上以前积累的军功,已经快要达到20点了,等我积累够100点军功,就可以加入境主仙威军,到时候大把玩妹子,大块吃肉,哈哈!” „Weren't you seize two attractive female seductresses/evil spirits today? Or apportions my one, do I trade with you with the military exploit?” Shi Dakai said. “你今天不是擒住了两只漂亮的女妖精?要不分给俺一个,俺拿军功跟你换?”石大开道。 Do not discuss the woman with father, wants to rest female seductress/evil spirit to grasp. These two female seductresses/evil spirits tonight are my, is my, haha!” In the hand of Feng Feiyun pinches a shackle, above the shackle is stretching two female seductresses/evil spirits, they have the monster to flatter the moving American fund, ** tall and slender, the milk-white bosom is plentiful, puts on monster skin Ruanjia, passes through from these Half Monster Union the front of elite, stirs up these Half Monster Union elites to look askance. “别跟老子谈女人,想要睡女妖精自己去抓。这两只女妖精今晚都是我的,都是我的,哈哈!”风飞云的手里捏着一根铁链,铁链之上绷着两只女妖精,她们都有妖媚动人的美资,**细长,酥胸丰腴,穿着妖皮软甲,从那些半妖盟的精英的面前走过,惹得那些半妖盟的精英一个个都为之侧目。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” Feng Feiyun puts out a leather whip, then has pulled out on their bodies, shouted abuse: Two small seductresses/evil spirits rub gently to do, has not walked a bit faster, the young master I want you to be attractive tonight.” 风飞云拿出一根皮鞭,便在她们的身上抽了一下,破口大骂道:“两个小妖精磨磨蹭蹭干什么,还不走快点,小爷我今晚要你们好看。” Two female seductresses/evil spirits chirp bawling, the small and weak tender body shrank one group immediately, likely was two creamy white lambs, then by Feng Feiyun dragging away. 两只女妖精顿时嘤嘤的哭叫,弱小的娇躯缩成了一团,像是两只乳白的羊羔,然后被风飞云给拖走。 Really was too bad!” “真是太坏了!” These Half Monster elites clench jaws, are gazing after Feng Feiyun and two female seductresses/evil spirits leave. 那些半妖精英都咬牙切齿,目送着风飞云和两只女妖精离开。 In these Half Monster mouths in scolding the Feng Feiyun too animal, but in their hearts also very much ripples, after all here is ten thousand clan battlefields, the nerve stretches too tightly, everyone wants to relax, alleviates the pressure. 这些半妖的口中都在骂风飞云实在太禽兽,但是他们心中也很荡漾,毕竟这里乃是万族战场,神经绷得太紧,谁都想放松放松,纾解压力。 Even if some will firm member also somewhat change countenance at this moment, looks that Feng Feiyun and Shi Dakai accumulate the military exploit, rests the female seductress/evil spirit, really makes the person be jealous. 即便是其中一些心志坚定的修士此刻也都有些动容,看着风飞云石大开又是积累军功,又是睡女妖精,实在太让人眼红。 Mother! How is to arrive above ten thousand clan battlefields to contribute to the military exploit, hides here simply like a woman.” Half Monster shouted abuse finally, gave to scold, stood up suddenly, the body fought the intent rushing, one's blood bubbles up to the brim. “妈的!咋们是来到万族战场之上立军功,躲在这里简直像一个娘们一样。”一个半妖终于是破口大骂了起来,将自己也给骂了一顿,豁然站起身来,身上战意滂湃,热血沸腾。 Right, right, I must seize several female seductresses/evil spirits, Nyima, this day must fade out the bird to come simply.” A youngster of having hair dishevelled closely is pinching the fist, a fist bang on the ground. “对,对,我也要去擒几个女妖精,尼玛,这日子简直都要淡出鸟来了。”一个披头散发的少年紧紧的捏着拳头,一拳轰在了地上。 Nearby Half Monster elder has knocked one in his head, said: We compete for the honor to ten thousand clan battlefields above, accumulates the military exploit, you so are how disgusting, all day is thinking the female seductress/evil spirit?” 旁边一位半妖长老在他的头上敲了一记,道:“我们可是到万族战场之上争夺荣誉,积累军功,你怎么这么恶心,整天就想着女妖精?” My this does not increase the fight to oneself **? The female seductress/evil spirit is also good, the military exploit was also good, thinks to be good, the key must have the fight to kill the enemy **, I currently have.” Saying of youngster righteousness words. “我这不是给自己增加战斗的**嘛?女妖精也好,军功也好,想想就好了,关键是要有战斗杀敌的**,我现在有了。”少年义正言辞的说道。 For these days their already was sufficed, Feng Feiyun and Shi Dakai showed off in their front various types, look at many people to swallow the saliva, wants these two goods punching very much, the paralysis, this is not intentionally in the exciting fathers? 这几天他们都已经受够了,风飞云石大开在他们的面前各种炫耀,看得很多人都吞口水,很想将这两个货给揍一顿,麻痹的,这不是故意在刺激老子们? When all people have plenty of fight in one, wanting on the battlefield to kill the enemy, seizes seizes the female seductress/evil spirit the time, Sir Kong Hou appeared finally, starts the secret arranges the duty to everyone. 就在所有人都斗志昂扬的时候,想要上战场杀敌,擒捉女妖精的时候,孔侯大人终于出现了,开始秘密的给每个人安排任务。 At this time Feng Feiyun and Shi Dakai also walked. 这个时候风飞云石大开也走了出来。 Approximate duty is these, will be told you as for the detail by Feng Feiyun, your must listen to his dispatch, has the glory to go back, died in battle here, this fought tonight.” Sir Kong Hou stands above void, the sound sinks coldly, is very serious. “大致的任务就是这些,至于细节将由风飞云来告诉你们,你们的务必要听出他的调度,是带着荣耀回去,还是战死在这里,就在今晚这一战了。”孔侯大人站在虚空之上,声音沉冷,十分严肃。 Obedient soldier long Sir orders.” “服从兵长大人命令。” These Half Monster after all are after the elite who chooses strictly, although in the heart somewhat fears to Monster Clan many, but the will is very perfect, makes war truly, slightly is absolutely unambiguous. 那些半妖毕竟乃是经过严格挑选出来的精英,虽然心中对妖族多少有些恐惧,但是心志还是很过硬,真正开战起来,绝对丝毫都不含糊。 Naturally they also in heart sorrowful, why three soldiers must give young people the command jurisdiction steadily, are this young people reliable? 当然他们也都在心中悱恻,为何三位兵长要将指挥权交给一个年轻人,这个年轻人可靠吗? Feng Feiyun arrived at all Half Monster front, on the face was bringing cold austere air/Qi, said: From the present to tomorrow morning, all of you must obey my order, if who dares the non- command prompt, will possibly give to kill all people, therefore I hope that each of you issues the written pledge to fulfill a military order.” 风飞云走到了所有半妖的面前,脸上带着一股冷肃之气,道:“从现在到明天早上,你们所有人都要听从我的命令,谁若是敢不服从命令,很可能会将所有人都给害死,所以我希望你们每一个人都立下军令状。” How I know, you can give to kill us?” “我怎么知道,你会不会将我们给害死?” A slightly old Half Monster elder to Feng Feiyun too many confidence, Feng Feiyun Nirvana 2nd-layer cultivation base, on the scene had not been inferior compared with many people after all, especially these Half Monster elders mostly are unconvinced by him. 一个略显苍老的半妖长老对风飞云没有太多的信心,毕竟风飞云涅槃第二重修为,比在场很多人都不如,特别是那些半妖长老大多都对他不服。 Feng Feiyun is shouldering both hands, stared at that slightly old Half Monster elder, said: This question raises very well, but does not know that this elder is expresses the question to my strength, didn't feel relieved to my ability?” 风飞云背负着双手,盯了那个略显苍老的半妖长老,道:“这个疑问提得很好,只是不知道这位长老是对我的实力表示疑问,还是对我的能力不放心?” Can obtain the affirmations of three seven levels of Half Monster, the Feng Feiyun ability naturally is without a doubt. 能够得到三位七级半妖的肯定,风飞云的能力自然是毋庸置疑。 However Feng Feiyun cultivation base was too indeed weak, moreover is also too young, making many people feel that some hearts are not steadfast. 但是风飞云修为的确太弱了,而且也太年轻,让很多人都感觉有些心头不踏实。 A Half Monster elder Su Li item of band of light several points of fine glow, was saying: If wants to make me take you, only if you can meet my three palms.” 半妖长老苏立的目光带着几分精芒,道:“要想让我服你,除非你能接我三掌。” Su stands is the Nirvana 3rd-layer boundary, achieves Nirvana 3rd-layer boundary already has more than 3000 years, cultivation base is very profound, has not gotten rid, the body erupts the bright mighty force on already, making surrounding these Half Monster make concessions. 苏立乃是涅槃第三重的境界,达到涅槃第三重的境界已经有3000多年的时间了,修为无比精深,还没有出手,身上就已经爆发出煌煌伟力,让周围的那些半妖都纷纷退让开。 Does not have the issue.” Feng Feiyun very calm say/way. “没问题。”风飞云很从容的道。 Bang!” “轰!” The body of Elder Su Li changed into an illusory image, above the palm has given birth to the flame, a palm has shelled the past toward the chest of Feng Feiyun. 苏立长老的身体化为了一道幻影,手掌之上生出了火焰,一掌向着风飞云的胸口轰击了过去。 However Feng Feiyun gets rid to be quicker than him, latter sends, but, has made a fist seal first, above fist seal has the marks of ten thousand beasts, happen to bang in the palm of Elder Su Li. 但是风飞云出手比他更快,后发而先至,打出了一记拳印,拳印之上有万兽的印记,正好轰在了苏立长老的掌心。 The fist palm intersection, the strength vibrates, two people retrocede respectively. 拳掌相交,劲气震动,两人各自后退。 The Elder Su Li heart is very shocking, Feng Feiyun dares to touch with him unexpectedly hardly . Moreover the strength is strong, above the fist probably united trillion beast strengths, shakes his arm to tingle with numbness. 苏立长老的心头很是震惊,风飞云竟然敢和他硬碰,而且力量强大,拳头之上就好像凝聚了亿万蛮兽的力量,震得他手臂发麻。 Double ape beginning of the universe palm!” “双猿混元掌!” Above two arms of Elder Su Li bursts out endless black light, changes into explodes the arm of ape, an epoch-making strength condenses above the palm, then condenses two huge black apes and monkeys great seals. 苏立长老的两只手臂之上迸发出无尽的黑光,化为爆猿的手臂,一股开天辟地的力量在手掌之上凝聚,然后凝聚成两道庞大的黑色的猿猴大印。 Feng Feiyun naturally refuses to admit being inferior, above the arm golden light is bright, is the gold/metal refining up likely strongly, again gives to break out the palm of Elder Su Li, gave to strike to fly him to draw back. 风飞云自然不甘示弱,手臂之上金光灿烂,像是金铁铸炼,再一次的将苏立长老的手掌给劈开,将他给击得飞退了出去。 „This third palm, makes me come!” “这第三掌,还是让我来吧!” Feng Feiyun laid out the third palm, above the palm departed six Heavenly Dragon, each condensed thousands of jin (0.5 kg) strength, hitting to throw to fly Elder Su Li, the body hit above stone wall, the whole person has almost pasted above. 风飞云的紧接着拍出了第三掌,手掌之上飞出了六头天龙,每一头都凝聚千万斤力,将苏立长老给打得抛飞了出去,身体撞击在了石壁之上,整个人几乎贴在了上面。 Feng Feiyun takes back the palm, falling gently slowly on the ground, to has been pasting Elder Su Li above wall to say with a smile: Younger generation offended.” 风飞云收回手掌,缓缓的飘落在了地上,对着贴在墙壁之上的苏立长老笑道:“晚辈得罪了。” Might as well, might as well, calculates that your boy is fierce! The Nirvana 2nd-layer boundary can display so the strength, perhaps the disciples of these Middle Ages aristocratic families not necessarily so were also strong in the Nirvana 2nd-layer boundary.” “无妨,无妨,算你小子厉害!涅槃第二重的境界能够发挥出如此战力,恐怕那些中古世家的弟子在涅槃第二重的境界也未必有这么强。” Elder Su Li generally fell like a paper, is covering the chest unceasing respite, the Feng Feiyun strength was too strong, shook his five main internal organs (entrails) to turn. 苏立长老就像一张纸一般的滑落了下来,捂着胸口不断的喘息,风飞云的力量实在太强了,震得他五脏六腑都要翻出来了。 At this time, Feng Feiyun naturally cannot speak anything to respect the elders the care for the young, this strong time, wants the powerful, comes to be respectable you by the strength, proves own strength with the strength. 在这个时候,风飞云自然不会去讲什么尊老爱幼,该强势的时候,就要强势起来,以力量来让人尊敬你,用力量来证明自己的实力。 Half Monster Union these elites are really blown by the strength that Feng Feiyun displayed. 半妖盟的那些精英果然都被风飞云表现出来的实力镇住了。 Must know those were chosen the Half Monster elite camp may be each boundary topest Half Monster, Elder Su Li absolutely is the powerhouse in Nirvana 3rd-layer, but was actually defeated to three palms by Nirvana 2nd-layer young people. 要知道凡是被选进半妖精英营的可都是每一个境界最顶尖的半妖,苏立长老绝对属于涅槃第三重之中的强者,但是却被一个涅槃第二重的年轻人给三掌击败。 Nirvana 2nd-layer and Nirvana 3rd-layer strength disparity is quite big! 涅槃第二重涅槃第三重的力量差距可是相当大! This young people surmount a boundary, Elder Su Li defeating. 这个年轻人跨越一个境界,将苏立长老给击败了。 This is the genuine God's favored one, was not absolutely weak with the boundary strength in the juniors of these Middle Ages aristocratic families! 这才是真正的天之骄子,同境界战力绝对不弱于那些中古世家的子弟! Half Monster can display so strength, this was also too strong. 半妖都能发挥出如此战力,这也太强了。 The Feng Feiyun vision with deep veneration, in the pupil full is dignified and overbearing, said, „the present also has the person not to believe my strength?” 风飞云的目光肃然,瞳孔之中满是威严和霸道,道,“现在还有没有人不相信我的实力?” This all people did not have the significance, looked that the Feng Feiyun vision is different, this is one can surmount a boundary the young people who Elder Su Li gives to defeat, may fight with the talent juniors of Middle Ages aristocratic family with the boundary. 这一次所有人都没有了意义,看风飞云的目光也不一样了,这可是一个能够跨越一个境界将苏立长老都给击败的年轻人,同境界可与中古世家的天才子弟争锋。 Feng Feiyun already created the image of young powerhouse in the Half Monster Union elite, has left behind a reflection to them: Half Monster also absolutely not compared with the juniors difference of Middle Ages aristocratic family. 风飞云已经半妖盟的精英之中树立起了年轻强者的形象,给他们留下了一个映像:半妖也绝对不比中古世家的子弟差。 Since does not have the objection, that starts to take action! Tonight looks at us to perform, making these look down upon our Half Monster person to have a look, our Half Monster can also seize the military exploit above ten thousand clan battlefields, even if we are the first on battlefield.” “既然没有异议,那就开始行动吧!今天晚上就看我们表演了,让那些都瞧不起我们半妖的人看看,我们半妖也能在万族战场之上夺军功,哪怕我们都是第一次上战场。” ...... …… The new week, sought fresh flower support, the distinguished guest ticket support, stamped the support, various support. 新的一周,求各位鲜花支援,贵宾票支援,盖章支援,各种支援。 renews quick -- pure writing ∷更新快∷--∷纯文字∷
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