SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#897: Operation

Can accumulate some military exploits to be very good on already, which also dares to send the hope to win?” Saying with a smile that Elder Mu somewhat self-ridicules. “能积累一些军功就已经很不错了,哪还敢寄希望大胜?”木长老有些自嘲的笑道。 They treat in the place bottom, atmosphere is somewhat depressing. 两人待在地底,气氛有些压抑。 Feng Feiyun said: I pour the good attention, leading me to see three soldier growing up people!” 风飞云道:“我倒有一个不错的注意,带我去见三位兵长大人吧!” Some wooden long line being in a daze stared at Feng Feiyun one, finally nodded, goes through in the place bottom, went forward probably more than 500 miles, front then presents sidereal revolution Grand Formation, Elder Mu gives to shine the Half Monster token in hand, Formation then rotation slowly, automatically opened a Dao Sect household. 木长龙有些发愣的盯了风飞云一阵,最后还是点了点头,在地底穿行,大概前进了500多里,前面便出现一座周天大阵,木长老将手中的半妖令牌给亮了亮,阵法便徐徐的转动起来,自动的打开了一道门户。 Here likely is a place bottom canyon, is very profound, path also especially narrow, both sides stone wall is flowing the metal gloss, refining up with the bronze sacrifice likely. 这里像是一座地底的峡谷,十分幽深,道路也格外的狭窄,两旁的石壁流动着金属的光泽,像是用青铜祭炼而成。 „Should this be Spirit Artifact?” The finger of Feng Feiyun moves above stone wall, feels strength of the faint rebound. “这应是一件灵器吧?”风飞云的手指触碰在石壁之上,感觉到一股淡淡的反弹之力。 Elder Mu nodded, said: This is our Half Monster Union soldier of the town pledge, the world cauldron.” 木长老点了点头,道:“这是我们半妖盟的一件镇盟之兵,天地鼎。” leaf Hongjing Half Monster Union very much has the inside story, many ancient soldier/weapon fight, these time arrives at ten thousand clan battlefields, four soldiers long have carried a formidable spirit soldier. 叶红境的半妖盟还是很有底蕴,有不少古兵战器,这一次来到万族战场,四位兵长都携带了一件强大的灵兵。 The world cauldron, should be. 天地鼎,应该就是其中一件。 „The Brother Feng younger brother, you are living unexpectedly , was really good.” Shi Dakai raises is burning the electricity to fight hammer, the body fights up cool and refreshingly, warm was smiling to Feng Feiyun. 风兄弟,你居然还活着,真是太好了。”石大开提着焚电战锤,身上战光泠泠,热情的对着风飞云笑了笑。 Feng Feiyun looked at this big fellow one eyes, said with a smile: Has not thought that you also broke through Nirvana 2nd-layer.” 风飞云看了这个大块头一眼,笑道:“没想到你也突破了涅槃第二重。” That is not, couple days ago encountered a troop oppressor monster to besiege, has almost kicked the bucket, luckily the luck is good, my disaster undying, Nirvana rebirth.” Shi Dakai grins to smile, the body has not dreaded because of a narrow escape slightly. “那可不是,前几天遭到了一大群虎狼妖围攻,差一点就翘辫子了,幸亏运气好,俺大难不死,又涅槃重生了。”石大开咧嘴笑着,身上丝毫都没有因为九死一生而畏惧。 However after Shi Dakai has smiled, on face has also revealed one point of heaviness, said: How the Half Monster elite camp first battalion brothers and sisters died similarly, in addition you also remained seven people, since you were also living, quick whereabouts Sir Qing Zhai reported!” 但是石大开笑过之后,脸上也露出了一分沉重,道:“咋们半妖精英营第一营的兄弟姐妹都死得差不多了,加上你也就还剩七个人,你既然还活着,就快去向青祭大人报道吧!” Feng Feiyun nodded , to continue to walk toward the deep place, saw some Half Monster Union elites all the way, however did not have Shi Dakai such openness on their bodies, a spiritless aura covers on the bodies of all people. 风飞云点了点头,继续往深处走,一路上又见到了一些半妖盟的精英,但是在他们的身上就没有了石大开那样的豁达,一股死气沉沉的气息笼罩在所有人的身上。 Finally saw Sir Qing Zhai once more. 终于再次见到了青祭大人。 She sits cross-legged in empty clouds, the surroundings of body the azure flame, has formed a shape of blue lotus on time, the body disclosed a fearful power and influence. 她盘坐在一片虚云之间,身体的周围按时青色的火焰,形成了一朵青莲的形态,身上透露出一股慑人的威势。 Half Monster elite camp first battalion of Feng Feiyun return to the unit, pays a visit Sir Qing Zhai.” Feng Feiyun body straight standing under, the body disclosed that a spirit, the sound is vigorous. 半妖精英营第一营风飞云归队,拜见青祭大人。”风飞云身体笔直的站在下方,身上透露出一股锐气,声音浑厚有力。 Sir Qing Zhai has opened both eyes slowly, the pupil band of light azure class colors, nodded, said: Can live is coming back well, our Half Monster elite camp first battalion of already only remaining seven people.” 青祭大人徐徐的睁开了双目,眸光带着一道道青色流彩,点了点头,道:“能够活着回来就好,我们半妖精英营第一营已经只剩下七个人了。” Is eight! Yu Dai also lived.” Feng Feiyun said. “是八个!玉黛也活了下来。”风飞云道。 Qing Zhai big humanity: „Hasn't she returned why actually to the unit?” 青祭大人道:“她为何却没有归队?” Feng Feiyun said: We had discovered a Monster Clan large-scale lair, she waits for now in that side.” 风飞云道:“我们发现了一个妖族的大型巢穴,她现在就守候在那边。” Nonsense! The Monster Clan lair you also dare to move, which her exact location, my this meets her.” Qing Zhai Sir sound cold severe, has filled with the dignified aura very much, was a Divine Mountain has pressed likely. “胡闹!妖族的巢穴你们也敢动,她的具体位置在哪,我这就将她接回来。”青祭大人的声音很冷厉,充满了威严的气息,像是一座神山压了下来。 Feng Feiyun neither arrogant nor servile standing there, the body must look like a spear/gun as before, said: My already kept abreast of all situations in that Monster Clan lair, so long as now three soldiers are willing to get rid steadily, I have eight assurances, can give to take the entire Monster Clan lair.” 风飞云依旧不卑不亢的站在那里,身体直得像一杆枪,道:“我已经掌握了那一座妖族巢穴之中的一切情况,现在只要三位兵长肯出手,我有八层的把握,能够将整个妖族巢穴都给拿下。” I understand your present mood, but you were too young, the Monster Clan lair is not that easily can attack and capture, will not pay attention to make entire Half Monster Union be annihilated slightly.” Sir Qing Zhai thought that Feng Feiyun is too young frivolous, does not understand Monster Clan fearful. “我明白你现在的心情,但是你实在太年轻了,妖族的巢穴不是那么轻易就能攻克,稍不注意就会让整个半妖盟都全军覆没。”青祭大人觉得风飞云太年少轻狂,不明白妖族的可怕性。 The palm of Feng Feiyun strikes above the ground, dust then flew, these dust condensation slowly complex landform, has formed a piece of high mountain ridge a piece by piece, the rivers and streams great lake, dangerous valley Gaofeng. 风飞云的手掌在地面之上一击,一片尘土便飞了起来,这些尘土缓缓的凝聚成一片片复杂的地貌,形成了一片崇山峻岭,江河大湖,险谷高峰。 This is around the White Spider Monster Clan lair that Feng Feiyun constructs a surrounding area 300,000 miles terrain. 这是风飞云构建出来的白蛛妖族的巢穴周围方圆300000里的地形。 Here is the white spider Monster Bead lair, holds 80 miles domain probably, altogether 26 ten thousand Monster Clan accumulations, including four are Heaven's Mandate 9th-layer and 8th-layer small monster, six are the Nirvana above boundary, but has achieved Nirvana 3rd-layer in these six has 7000 to about 10,000.” “这里就是白蛛妖珠的巢穴,大概占据80里的地盘,一共有26万妖族聚集,其中有四层是天命第九重第八重的小妖,有六层都是涅槃以上的境界,而在这六层之中达到了涅槃第三重的有7000到10000左右。” As for the quantity of Nirvana 3rd-layer above Monster Clan powerhouse, can only estimate according to Monster Clan the knitting of army. Above ten thousand clan battlefields, the individual combat is invalid, designs using the strategy that Formation jointly attacks. The White Spider Monster Clan battlefield for the place the two body distributions of bottom and ground, is called spider tower cuts god, Formation needs 20,000 monsters to distribute, ground 10,000, underground 10,000, once made them form the battlefield, the character estimate of Nirvana 6th-layer can only escape.” “至于涅槃第三重以上的妖族强者的数量,就只能根据妖族的军队的编织来估算。在万族战场之上,单兵作战是行不通的,也就设计到利用阵法合击的策略。白蛛妖族的战阵为地底和地面的两位一体排布而成,被称为‘蛛塔斩神阵’,一座阵法需要20000只妖来排布,地上10000,地下10000,一旦让它们结成了战阵,就连涅槃第六重的人物估计都只能逃命。” Naturally the personnel dispatch that needs according to the battlefield, for example manages the Grand Formation soul powerhouse, protects the Grand Formation not loose each key point, in addition Monster Clan lair the quantity of white spider seductress/evil spirit, finally can calculate, achieves the Nirvana 3rd-layer above powerhouse, has 60 people to 150 people of this area compartments probably.” “当然根据战阵所需要的人员调度,比如主持大阵的阵魂强者,还有守护大阵不散的每一个关键点,再加上妖族巢穴之中的白蛛妖精的数量,最终可以计算出,达到涅槃第三重以上的强者,大概有60人到150人这个区间段。” Is the army is defeated and dispersed according to them, runs away analyzes to rock red high-quality mystical place situation, actually in White Spider Monster Clan can achieve the Nirvana 3rd-layer above powerhouse should me also to calculate is less.” “根据它们乃是大军溃散,逃窜到岩红高级秘境这个情况来分析,其实白蛛妖族之中能够达到涅槃第三重以上的强者应该比我计算得还要少一些。” Sir Qing Zhai has selected the thin eyebrow slightly, was given the infection by the Feng Feiyun confident explanation, a pair has filled the eye pupil of spiritual intelligence, stares above that world empty shade that Feng Feiyun has been constructing, said: You said real, supposed that also establishes, however the White Spider Monster Clan quantity were too many, but our Half Monster Union including 100 people now insufficient, the strength too is disparately big, has no way to fight?” 青祭大人微微的挑了挑细眉,被风飞云胸有成竹的讲解给感染,一双充满了灵性的眼眸,盯着了风飞云构建成的那一幅世界虚影之上,道:“就算你说的都是真的,假设也都成立,但是白蛛妖族的数量实在太多了,而我们半妖盟现在连100人都不足,实力悬殊实在太大,根本就没法战?” „Are quantity many? I divide the minute to make them die four, the corpse on the ground 100,000.” “数量很多吗?我分分钟就能让它们死上四层,伏尸100000。” The finger of Feng Feiyun above a magma river, then has pointed at a stroke above the river, the magma that the rushing surges changes course immediately, has spilled into the mountain ridge, galloped toward the White Spider Monster Clan lair in crazily the past, refining up a piece of several tens of thousands miles mountain ridge friendly. 风飞云的手指在一条岩浆大河之上一直,然后手指在大河之上一划,滂湃涌动的岩浆立即改道,涌进了山岭,向着白蛛妖族的巢穴之中疯狂的奔腾了过去,将一片数万里的山岭给融炼。 „The rivers and lake in rock red high-quality mystical place completely are by the magma collection, these magma are not the ordinary rock melting, is in the rock red high-quality mystical place the unique blood red rock melts, the temperature also compares ordinary magma high dozens times, even if exposes in the air the non-condensing.” “岩红高级秘境之中的河流和湖泊全部都是由岩浆汇集而成,这些岩浆可不是普通的岩石融化而成,乃是岩红高级秘境之中特有的血红岩石融化而成,温度也比普通的岩浆高数十倍,即便是暴露在空气之中都不凝结。” However white spider Monster Bead fears fire, perhaps these magma refine undying Nirvana boundary Monster Clan, but that ten ten thousand Heaven's Mandate 8th-layer and 9th-layer small monster actually absolutely was one does not live. So long as eliminated this 100,000 small monsters, White Spider Monster Clan also wants to form the battlefield to be difficult.” “而白蛛妖珠怕火,这些岩浆或许炼不死涅槃境界的妖族,但是那十万天命第八重第九重的小妖却绝对是一个都活不了。只要消灭了这100000小妖,白蛛妖族还想结成战阵就难了。” Moreover the magma has flooded into the White Spider Monster Clan lair, to these Nirvana boundaries the strengths and speeds of Monster Clan has the enormous influence, but to us actually advantageous.” “而且岩浆涌进了白蛛妖族的巢穴,也会对那些涅槃境界的妖族的战力和速度产生极大的影响,而对我们却更加的有利。” Sir Qing Zhai has stood up suddenly the body, both eyes brilliant emit light, said: We give the drainage that magma river, in the powerhouse by Monster Clan will be realized surely ahead of time, it is estimated that the magma has not flooded into the Monster Bead lair, entire White Spider Monster Clan then already all fled.” 青祭大人豁然站起了身来,双目灼灼生光,道:“就算我们将那一条岩浆大河给引流,也必定会被妖族之中的强者给提前察觉,估计岩浆还没有涌进妖珠巢穴之中,整个白蛛妖族便已经全部逃离了。” Smiling of Feng Feiyun serene, said: If before then, the powerhouses in White Spider Monster Clan lair did die completely?” 风飞云风轻云淡的笑了笑,道:“如果在这之前,白蛛妖族巢穴之中的强者都死尽了呢?” Your what meaning?” Qing Zhai big humanity. “你什么意思?”青祭大人道。 Do not forget us is Half Monster, the matter that human cannot achieve, we have to achieve, for example...... Ahead of time sneaks in the White Spider Monster Clan lair.” “别忘了我们是半妖,人类做不到的事情,我们却有可以做到,比如……提前潜入白蛛妖族的巢穴之中。” Feng Feiyun uses the finger as the pen, the written next volume of mystiques above void, the sleeves wields, these float classical Chinese literature above void, then turned toward Sir Qing Zhai to fly. 风飞云以手指为笔,在虚空之上书写下一卷秘法,衣袖一挥,那些悬浮在虚空之上的古文,便向着青祭大人飞了过去。 This is one volume can restrain on Half Monster the mystique of human aura, once has studied this volume of mystiques, Half Monster body then only remaining Monster Qi.” Feng Feiyun said. “这是一卷可以收敛半妖身上人类气息的秘法,一旦修习了这一卷秘法,半妖的身上便只剩下妖气了。”风飞云道。 Sir Qing Zhai somewhat astonished is staring at Feng Feiyun, then starts eyes closed to study this volume of mystiques, the aura of human becomes more and more weak, Monster Qi becomes stronger and stronger, completely was given the package to her by Monster Qi finally, the physique is slender, the monster cloud tumbles, changed into a Monster Clan big monster likely. 青祭大人有些惊异的盯着风飞云,然后开始闭目修习这一卷秘法,身上的人类的气息变得越来越弱,妖气变得越来越强,到最后她就完全被妖气给包裹,身姿窈窕,妖云翻滚,像是化为了一尊妖族的大妖。 Her long hair green, the flesh flowing light, the demonic fog link body, both eyes light is bringing monster radiance. 她长发青碧,肌肤流光,妖雾环身,一双目光都带着妖性的光华。 Feng Feiyun stands there continues saying: Three soldier long cultivation base absolute high, if you have submerged the White Spider Monster Clan lair ahead of time, the Monster Clan powerhouse in lair to assassination most, the remaining some Monster Clan powerhouses had realized the magma rewinds, perhaps wants simultaneously to dispatch 20 ten thousand Monster Clan to leave is also a huge difficult matter. We cannot give to wipe out White Spider Monster Clan, cut the larger part, smashes a Monster Clan lair, the military exploit absolutely will not be few.” 风飞云站在那里继续说道:“三位兵长的修为高绝,若是你们提前潜入了白蛛妖族的巢穴,将巢穴之中的妖族强者给暗杀大半,就算剩下的一些妖族强者察觉了岩浆倒卷过来,恐怕想要同时调度20多万妖族离开也是一件天大的难事。我们就算不能将白蛛妖族给全歼,斩上一大半,捣毁一座妖族巢穴,军功也绝对不会少。” Good! I thought that this matter can be good.” A guy of whole body sending out copper light goes out from void, muscle is skilled to cast to refine likely, sends out the dazzling copper light, on the shoulder carries a handle great axe, is a strength god is born likely. “好!我看这事可以行。”一个浑身散发铜光的大汉从虚空之中走出,身上的肌肉像是精通铸炼,散发出刺目的铜光,肩上扛着一柄巨斧,像是一尊力神出世。 Feng Feiyun almost by his strength to flying, the strength of revolution phoenix undying body, reluctantly has stood in secret firm the body. 风飞云差一点被他身上的劲气给冲飞了出去,暗中运转凤凰不死身的力量,才勉强稳住了身体。 This is another seven levels of Half Monster, named hole period of five days, is strength valiant existence, in Half Monster absolutely is the character who the war-god has generally. 这是另一位七级半妖,名叫“孔候”,也是一位战力彪悍的存在,在半妖之中绝对是战神一般存在的人物。 Feng Feiyun already realized that another two seven levels of Half Monster hide in void, has been listening attentively to his narration, they several times almost cannot bear, shaking repeatedly fluctuates the space. 风飞云早就察觉到另外两位七级半妖藏身在虚空之中,一直都在倾听他的讲述,他们几次都差一点忍不住走出来,将空间给震得频频波动。 Fu Ying seven levels of Sir Half Monster also walked, the full black hair, likely is a hair of young people, but on the face the circle full is the wrinkle, bends the waist humpbacked, to the pinnacle, stared at Feng Feiyun one old approvingly, said: Worthily is the Half Monster Union elite, making my this old men have to admire. At your age, can achieve to understand clearly in chest/heart, thinking, already is quite great, if confirmed the certitude that you said that I also thought this means are feasible. Haha! Should be makes these Middle Ages aristocratic families hold in high esteem to our Half Monster Union.” 蝠应七级半妖大人也走了出来,满头黑发,像是一个年轻人的头发,但是脸上圈满是皱纹,弯腰驼背,苍老到了极致,赞叹的盯了风飞云一眼,道:“不愧是半妖盟的精英,让我这个老头子都不得不佩服。以你的年纪,能够做到了然于胸、深思熟虑,已经相当了不起,若是证实你所说的无误,我也觉得这个办法可行。哈哈!该是让那些中古世家对我们半妖盟刮目相看的时候了。” The Kong Hou people said with a smile: Far more than is great, I thought that will not miss many compared with six big heavenly talent of it southwest 12 boundary, my Half Monster Union presents such a talented person rarely, training, several years later, can go with southwest 12 boundary topest heavenly talent well surely one high, brings honor to add the color for my Half Monster Union. Also let these Middle Ages aristocratic family and Immortal City Saint mansion has a look, my Half Monster Union also had heavenly talent born. The boys, can you be willing to be my apprentice?” 孔侯大人大笑道:“何止是了不起,我觉得就算是比之西南12境的六大天骄也不会差多少,我半妖盟难得出现这么一个人才,好好培养,再过几年,必定能够去和西南12境最顶尖的天骄一较高下,为我半妖盟争光添彩。也让那些中古世家和仙城圣府看看,我半妖盟也有天骄出世。小子,你可愿做我徒弟?” Sir Qing Zhai somewhat was immediately disgruntled. 青祭大人顿时有些不悦了。
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