SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#896: Interrogated the female seductress/evil spirit

The lower abdomen of female seductress/evil spirit presents a bloodstain, the blood spring drips to fall from monster skin Ruanjia together, following one pair slender ** drop to the ground. 女妖精的小腹出现一道血痕,一道血泉从妖皮软甲之中淌落下,顺着一双修长的**滴到地上。 She reveals white Bei tooth, in the teeth full is the blood threads, ruthlessly is staring at Feng Feiyun, say/way that coldly: Shameless human, I will not tell you anything.” 她露出一口白色的贝齿,牙齿之间满是血丝,狠狠的盯着风飞云,冷冷的道:“无耻的人类,我不会告诉你任何东西。” That may be beyond control you.” “那可由不得你。” Feng Feiyun gives to hold down her pair of fragrant shoulder, both eyes and her eye looking at each other, in the pupil burn the flaming flame, in the flame condense the empty shades of two phoenixes, has sent out crying of two phoenixes. 风飞云将她的一双香肩给按住,双目和她的眼睛对视,瞳孔之中燃烧起熊熊的火焰,火焰之中凝聚出两只凤凰的虚影,发出了两声凤凰的啼鸣。 Hears sounding of phoenix, the tender body of female seductress/evil spirit immediately a convulsion, the vision became the delay. 听到凤凰的鸣叫,女妖精的娇躯顿时一个痉挛,目光变得呆滞了起来。 Feng Feiyun received Heavenly Eye of Phoenix, inquired again: „Do you name?” 风飞云收起了凤凰天眼,再次询问道:“你叫什么名字?” Bai Luoye.” 白罗晔。” Why will arrive at the rock red high-quality mystical place?” “为何会来到岩红高级秘境?” Army rout, runs away to the mystical place space.” “大军溃败,逃遁到秘境空间之中。” Feng Feiyun continues to ask: Which Monster Clan are you?” 风飞云继续问道:“你们是哪一界的妖族?” Dead cloud boundary!” “死云界!” Feng Feiyun said: Who commanding of your White Spider Monster Clan in rock red high-quality mystical place is? Also how many remnant armed forces?” 风飞云道:“那你们白蛛妖族在岩红高级秘境的统领是谁?又有多少残军?” Sir Xue Shuang. The number of remnant armed forces does not know.” 雪泷大人。残军的数目不知。” How can not know?” Feng Feiyun said. “怎么会不知?”风飞云道。 Human has half Saint to get rid, the Monster Clan army washed out, has run into the major mystical places and universes, I do not know that White Spider Monster Clan had many monster armed forces to run away the rock red high-quality mystical place, only knows that our that altogether two and 300,000, gathered in the high peak. The leader is Sir Xue Shuang.” “人类有半圣出手,妖族大军被冲散,都逃进了各大秘境和小千世界,我也不知道白蛛妖族有多少妖军逃到了岩红高级秘境,只知道我们那一股一共有二、300000,就聚集在摩天岭之中。首领乃是雪泷大人。” The Feng Feiyun knitting the brows head, Monster Clan the quantity of remnant armed forces has surpassed his estimate, two and 300,000 quantities, this also merely is only one. 风飞云皱了皱眉头,妖族的残军的数量超出了他的预计,二、300000的数量,这还仅仅只是其中的一股。 Feng Feiyun also wants after inquiring enough news, then the White Spider Monster Clan lair having it all, but this idea actually can only relinquish now, the difficulty was too big. 风飞云本来还想在打听到了足够的消息之后,然后将白蛛妖族的巢穴给一锅端了,但是现在这个想法却只能作罢,难度实在太大了。 However some Feng Feiyun undying hearts, asked: „Is Sir Xue Shuang, cultivation base of what rank?” 但是风飞云还是有些不死心,问道:“雪泷大人,是什么级别的修为?” This...... Does not know.” “这个……就不知道了。” Feng Feiyun knows that she has not lied, after all Monster Clan big monster impossible own cultivation base disclosing, at all is not her female seductress/evil spirit can know. 风飞云知道她并没有说谎,毕竟妖族的大妖都不可能将自己的修为给透露出去,根本不是她一个女妖精可以知晓。 The intelligent restoration of female seductress/evil spirit gradually, cannot remember completely Feng Feiyun had made anything to her a moment ago, the spirit is very absent-minded. 女妖精的神智渐渐的恢复,完全记不得刚才风飞云对她做了一些什么,精神十分恍惚。 Feng Feiyun opened the banned barrier, gave to lead her. 风飞云打开了禁制屏障,将她给带了出去。 Examined?” “审完了?” The Yu Dai vision stares on the body of that female seductress/evil spirit, saw that female seductress/evil spirit monster skin Ruanjia somewhat damages, is distracted, a pair ** between is flowing the blood. 玉黛的目光盯在那个女妖精的身上,看到女妖精身上的妖皮软甲有些破损,精神恍惚,一双**之间在流淌鲜血。 Her pair of beautiful pupil became has somewhat been bored, looked at the Feng Feiyun look strangely also especially. 她的一双美眸变得有些腻味了起来,看风飞云的眼神也格外的古怪。 Especially she asked that examined time, including her thought that asked some non- natures. 特别是她问出那一句“审完了”的时候,连她都觉得问得有些不自然。 Animal!” Mao Wugui lies in the cavern mouth, has sighed deeply. “禽兽啊!”茅乌龟趴在洞穴口,长叹了一句。 No matter Feng Feiyun also their heart is actually thinking anything, directly the second female seductress/evil spirit drawing the deep place of cavern, a barrier cavern isolating, but can indistinct hearing have the pitiful yell sound of female seductress/evil spirit as before. 风飞云也不管他们心头到底在想什么,径直的将第二个女妖精给拖进了洞穴的深处,一道屏障将洞穴给隔绝了起来,但是依旧能够隐约的听到有女妖精的惨叫声。 After long time, Feng Feiyun the second female seductress/evil spirit delivering. 半晌之后,风飞云将第二个女妖精给送了出来。 Yu Dai and Mao Wugui hastily project vision to the both legs of that female seductress/evil spirit, between both legs has not bled, but monster skin Ruanjia of female seductress/evil spirit has many breakages, reveals the bulk the flesh, the spirit is also very absent-minded, the hair is chaotic, but also is moistening the dust. 玉黛茅乌龟都连忙将目光投射到那个女妖精的双腿之间,双腿间并没有流血,但是女妖精的妖皮软甲有多处破损,露出大块大块的肌肤,精神也很恍惚,头发乱糟糟的,还沾着尘土。 Feng Feiyun threw her on the ground directly, then the third female seductress/evil spirit bringing in cavern. 风飞云直接将她扔在了地上,然后将第三位女妖精给带到了洞穴之中。 The third female seductress/evil spirit was delivered, compared with front two many, obviously has encountered the brutal devastation in inside. 第三位女妖精被送出来的时候,也比前面的两位好不了多少,显然是在里面遭遇了惨无人道的蹂躏。 Feng Feiyun must interrogate the fourth female seductress/evil spirit. 风飞云就要去审问第四位女妖精。 „! That...... That......” Mao Wugui somewhat dumbfounded is staring at the say/way. “咳咳!那个……那个……”茅乌龟有些目瞪口呆的盯着道。 Feng Feiyun stared at its one, said: What do you want to say?” 风飞云盯了它一眼,道:“你要说什么?” Mao Wugui said: I want to say that you do want to rest first?” 茅乌龟道:“我是想说,你要不要先休息一下?” Yu Dai also said: Right, right, the master, you rests first! You...... Also interrogated should be tired.” 玉黛也道:“对,对,主人,你先休息一下吧!你……审问得也该累了。” Examined three, is not tired.” Feng Feiyun the fourth female seductress/evil spirit dragging the Cave Dwelling deep place. “才审了三个而已,不累。”风飞云将第四个女妖精给拖到了洞府的深处。 Mao Wugui shook the head, sighed one: Body is really intrepid!” 茅乌龟摇了摇头,感叹了一句:“身体真强悍!” Then, above Mao Wugui and Yu Dai dumbfounded situation, Feng Feiyun eight female seductresses/evil spirits 11 took into the Cave Dwelling deep place to interrogate, especially last female seductress/evil spirit interrogated most long, Feng Feiyun towed, the whole body is the blood. 就这样,在茅乌龟玉黛目瞪口呆的情况之上,风飞云将八只女妖精11的带进了洞府的深处审问了一遍,特别是最后一只女妖精被审问的最久,被风飞云拖出来的时候,浑身都是血。 Mao Wugui sighed: You were also too wild, although said that female seductress/evil spirit is healthy, you should also be gentler to them!” 茅乌龟叹道:“你也太狂野了,虽然说女妖精的身体好,你也应该对她们温柔一些嘛!” Feng Feiyun cold snort/hum, said: She is Sir Xue Shuang the biological niece, the White Spider Monster Clan aristocrat, she is not willing to reveal that oneself status, naturally must serve her much.” 风飞云冷哼一声,道:“她乃是雪泷大人的的亲侄女,白蛛妖族的贵族,她死活都不肯吐露自己的身份,自然要多侍候侍候她。” Feng Feiyun is also very depressed, the soul of this female seductress/evil spirit is very formidable, in the mind has the mark that the Monster Clan powerhouse together leaves behind, Heavenly Eye of Phoenix is unable to break through that mark, Feng Feiyun has not asked anything from her mouth together. 风飞云也很郁闷,这个女妖精的灵魂很强大,脑海之中有一道妖族强者留下的印记,就连凤凰天眼都无法攻破那一道印记,风飞云并没有从她的口中问出任何东西。 Reason that Feng Feiyun knows that she is the biological niece of Sir Xue Shuang, this asked from formerly the mouth of that seven female seductress/evil spirit. 风飞云之所以知道她乃是雪泷大人的亲侄女,这都是从先前那七只女妖精的口中问出。 Now what to do do you say should?” Mao Wugui asked. “那你说现在该怎么办?”茅乌龟问道。 Feng Feiyun has pondered the moment, said: White Spider Monster Clan the situation in lair my almost already inquired completely clearly, cultivation base of Sir Xue Shuang, guessed a general idea, so long as now we contacted with three soldiers to be long, this time can establish a big military exploit.” 风飞云沉思了片刻,道:“白蛛妖族的巢穴的情况我几乎已经全部打听清楚,雪泷大人的修为,也猜测出了一个大概,现在我们只要联系上了三位兵长,这次就能立下一份大军功了。” Naturally Feng Feiyun also knows that solely depends on the Half Monster Union remaining strength, is impossible to eat up entire White Spider Monster Clan, this also need many arrangement. 当然风飞云也知道单单靠半妖盟的残余力量,根本不可能吃下整个白蛛妖族,这还需要更多的布置。 Feng Feiyun thought that Half Monster Union three soldiers long definitely also above this stretch of earth, after all Half Monster Union elite is washes out here, three soldiers long definitely will also exhaust go retrieving the Half Monster elites of remaining survivals fully. 风飞云觉得半妖盟的三位兵长肯定还在这一片大地之上,毕竟半妖盟的精锐乃是在这里被冲散,三位兵长也肯定会用尽全力去将剩下的存活的半妖精英给找回。 Here is the high-quality mystical place, the Heavenly Dao rule is very chaotic, is especially unstable, at all impossible to calculate the person or the monster position with the Heavenly Dao strength. 这里乃是高级秘境,天道规则十分混乱,也格外不稳定,根本不可能用天道的力量来推算人或者妖的位置。 Feng Feiyun also can only seek for the trail of other Half Monster Union member slowly. 风飞云也就只能慢慢的寻找半妖盟别的修士的踪迹。 Quick 12 days of then passed by. 很快12天的时间便过去了。 These 12 days, Feng Feiyun also has naturally encountered the bombardment of other Monster Clan, runs into the powerhouse, then rapidly far escapes, runs into the weak one then to strike to kill, accumulates the military exploit, several times have almost also hit one with the Monster Clan big monster, after a narrow escape, runs away. 这12天的时间,风飞云自然也遭到了别的妖族的轰击,遇到强者,便急速的远遁,遇到弱者便击杀,积累军功,有好几次还差一点与妖族的大妖撞了一个正着,九死一生之后才逃走。 Until 12 th day time, Feng Feiyun has run into a Half Monster Union elite finally. 直到第12天的时候,风飞云终于遇到了一位半妖盟的精英。 Elder Mu.” 木长老。” Feng Feiyun diving quietly to that Half Monster Union Half Monster elder, has called one in a low voice. 风飞云悄悄的潜到了那一位半妖盟半妖长老的身后,低声的唤了一声。 Was given to have a scare by Feng Feiyun in Elder Mu of nosing Monster Clan sound, he has not thought that actually some people can appear in his silently, almost a spindle-shaped Spirit Artifact bang in the head of Feng Feiyun. 在查探妖族动静的木长老风飞云给吓了一跳,他没有想到竟然有人能够无声无息的出现在他的身后,差一点将一件梭形的灵器轰在了风飞云的头上。 After seeing clearly is Feng Feiyun, this hastily Spirit Artifact receiving, has drawn Feng Feiyun to sink to the bottom more than ten zhang (3.33 m) depth, first even/including arrangement next three Formation, had a narrow and small space in the place bottom bracing. 当看清了是风飞云之后,这才连忙将灵器给收了起来,拉着风飞云沉入到了地底十多丈深,一连布置下三座阵法,在地底撑起了一个狭小的空间。 Boy, you have not died unexpectedly, the life is really big enough.” Elder Mu has pulled out pot spirit liquor, has filled one toward the withered lip, has given then Feng Feiyun. “小子,你居然没死,命真是够大。”木长老掏出了一壶灵酒,往干瘪的嘴唇之中灌了一口,然后又递给了风飞云 Feng Feiyun received the spirit flagon, has drunk one, asked: Other Half Monster Union elite?” 风飞云接过了灵酒壶,喝了一口,问道:“别的半妖盟的精英呢?” The face of Elder Mu was common like the bark, is difficult to see the extreme, squeezed out a ratio to cry also the ugly smiling face, said: Many people died, living the person less than 20%, mutually jade seven levels of Sir Half Monster also fell from the sky, by the oppressor Monster Clan big monster swallowing into abdomen.” 木长老的脸就像树皮一般,难看到了极点,挤出一个比哭还难看的笑容,道:“很多人都死了,活着的人不足两成,就连互玉七级半妖大人也陨落了,被虎狼妖族的大妖给吞入腹中。” Jade seven levels of Half Monster are assists the soldier in camp to be long mutually. 互玉七级半妖乃是辅助营的兵长。 Elder Mu the flagon taking, has drunk, said: Auxiliary camp is almost annihilated, the elite first battalion has not remained several people, be only the elite third battalion living the person must be slightly many, but also already fell from the sky the larger part. Ten thousand clan battlefields were really too terrifying, the mortality rate was too high, did not fear that your boy joke, I am momentarily was worrying that now Monster Clan will kill, the nerve momentarily was tightening, for fear that slightly one lax, the next quarter head moved.” 木长老又是将酒壶给取了过去,喝了一口,道:“辅助营几乎全军覆没,精英第一营也没有剩几个人,只有精英第三营活着的人要稍微多一点,但是也已经陨落了一大半。万族战场真是太恐怖了,死亡率太高,不怕你小子笑话,我现在是随时都在担心妖族会杀出来,神经随时都绷紧着,生怕稍微一松懈,下一刻脑袋就搬家了。” Feng Feiyun can understand this feeling very much, regardless of your cultivation base high, if you are the first over ten thousand clan battlefields, then also surely can encounter devastation of body and mind, person who can withstand this psychological suffering, possibly becomes the hero of human, killed the monster to render meritorious service, won the respect of all people. 风飞云很能理解这种感受,无论你修为有多高,若是你是第一次上万族战场,那么也必定会遭遇身心的摧残,能够承受住这种心理煎熬的人,才可能成为人类的功臣,杀妖立功,赢得所有人的尊敬。 The Feng Feiyun comfort said: This is very normal, on many several battlefields were used.” 风飞云安慰道:“这很正常,多上几次战场就习惯了。” ! 噗! Elder Mu liquor water puffed out. 木长老一口酒水喷了出去。 Always thought that these words should be this elder said that but these words are since -- Leaves, moreover is comforting him. 总觉得这句话该是他这个长老说,但是这句话偏偏是从--出,而且还是在安慰他。 He has scratched the corners of the mouth nearby wine less, said: Your boy is really fierce, will is firm enough, if Half Monster Union these elites can have you to strengthen that to be good like this.” 他擦了擦嘴角边上的酒渣,道:“你小子真是厉害,心志够坚定,要是半妖盟的那些精英都能有你这样坚定那就好了。” The Feng Feiyun look moves, said: „Couldn't Half Monster Union these elites shoulder?” 风飞云神色一动,道:“难道半妖盟的那些精英都扛不住了?” Elder Mu heaves a deep sigh saying: Our Half Monster Union foundation is too weak, moreover only then the trivial 500 people enter ten thousand clan battlefields, does not have the ally, has not supported, wants to survive compared with it human member difficultly above ten thousand clan battlefields. Moreover just arrived above the battlefield, anything is a blank, has not stood firm, encountered has killed the tribulation, seven levels of Half Monster fell from the sky.” 木长老摇头叹息道:“我们半妖盟的根基太薄弱,而且也只有区区500人进入万族战场,没有盟友,没有支援,想要在万族战场之上生存比之人类修士更加的艰难。而且刚到战场之上,什么都是一片空白,还没有站稳脚跟,就遭遇了杀劫,就连七级半妖都陨落了一位。” Is isolated and cuts off from help, kills the tribulation possibly to appear at any time, to a battlefield blank, all sorts of difficulties appeared, many Half Monster elders are about unable to support, let alone is these young people?” “孤立无援,杀劫随时都可能出现,又对战场一片空白,种种困难都出现了,就连很多半妖长老都快撑不住了,更何况是那些年轻人?” Also said: In this world the most fearful matter is unknown, three soldier long present cannot find way out, let alone contributes to the military exploit, can stabilize the morale of troops is a major problem.” 又道:“这世上最可怕的事就是未知,就连三位兵长现在都是一筹莫展,别说是立军功,就是能不能稳定军心都是一个大问题。” Feng Feiyun knows importance, can understand that three soldier long present definitely is in a dilemma, if brings these Half Monster to leave ten thousand clan battlefields in light of this, then the elites in these Half Monster will have the shadow and fear to ten thousand clan battlefields surely, once passed through their to transmit orally, which from now on will have Half Monster to dare ten thousand clan battlefields? 风飞云知道这其中的重要性,也能理解三位兵长现在肯定是进退两难,若是带着那些半妖就此离开万族战场,那么这些半妖之中的精英必定都会对万族战场产生阴影和恐惧,一旦经过他们的口传了出去,今后哪还有半妖敢来万族战场? The Half Monster Union imposing manner and confidence thoroughly were finished. 半妖盟的气势和信心就彻底完蛋了。 Feng Feiyun said: Needs one to win!” 风飞云道:“需要一场大胜啊!”
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