SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#895: Puts on the twin sister and brother of Daoist robe

Several tens of thousands white spider seductresses/evil spirits pursue, Monster Qi is enormous and powerful, some line in the place bottom, some crawls in the ground, has formed a mighty current. 数万只白蛛妖精追逐过来,妖气浩荡,有的行在地底,有的爬在地面,形成了一股洪流。 And has the cultivation base absolute high seductress/evil spirit many, the incarnation is the human form, makes the technique law unceasingly, must striking to kill Feng Feiyun. 其中不乏有修为高绝的妖精,化身为人形,不断打出术法,要将风飞云给击杀。 Feng Feiyun goes through in the place bottom rock, escaping speedily, heard in the ground to have a sound of ancient clan army. 风飞云穿行在地底岩石中,疾速的逃跑,听到了地面上有一支古族军队的声音。 Is ancient clan an outstanding talent, leading an army to enter ten thousand clan battlefields, several thousand people, were carrying the massive war beasts and combat tanks fully, galloped in the ground. 是一个古族的杰出才俊,带领了一只军队进入万族战场,足有数千人,携带着大量战兽和战车,奔腾在地面上。 The Feng Feiyun heart smiles, then turned toward that ancient clan direction to rush, these white spider seductresses/evil spirits also pursued. 风飞云心头一笑,便向着那个古族的方向奔了过去,那些白蛛妖精也都追来过来。 Paralysis! How such sad Cui, gathers round how pursues, but also there is a natural justice?” “麻痹的!怎么这么悲催,围着咋们追,还有没有天理了?” The ancient clan army in ground is shouting'mother-fucker', thought own luck was too bad, has encountered the large-scale Monster Clan attack. 地面上的古族军队都在骂娘,觉得自己运气实在太差,遇到了大规模的妖族袭击。 The ancient Clan army with these white spider seductress/evil spirit bitter experiences, had the fight finally. 古族军队终于还是和那些白蛛妖精遭遇,发生了战斗。 Some powerhouses in white spider seductress/evil spirit, offered a sacrifice to the unsurpassed monster soldier, has made monster light, wore the sergeant of armor making into the powder powder dozens, the body has been split up. 白蛛妖精之中的一些强者,祭出了无上妖兵,打出了一道妖光,将数十位身穿铠甲的军士给打成了齑粉,身体四分五裂。 In the ancient Clan also has the powerhouse to get rid, is the berm person of ancient clan young talent, offered a sacrifice to Grade 8 Spirit Artifact, Spirit Artifact in void in a flash, then gave the disintegration ten thousand miles earth, some innumerable white spider seductresses/evil spirits by suppress and kill. 古族之中也有强者出手,乃是古族年轻才俊的护道人,祭出了一件八品灵器,灵器在虚空之中一晃,便是将万里大地给崩碎,有无数白蛛妖精被镇杀 The army of ancient Clan has formed battlefield, the straight thrust in the past, kills to the hole a cultivation base profound white spider seductress/evil spirit. 古族的军队结成了战阵,直刺了过去,将一头修为高深的白蛛妖精给洞杀。 However in White Spider Monster Clan also has the powerhouse, left the stingy to be spicy, strikes to kill has grasped the Grade 8 Spirit Artifact berm person. 但是白蛛妖族之中也有强者,出手狠辣,击杀了手持八品灵器的护道人。 Finally gives to cut to extinguish all people of this ancient clan army. 最终将这一支古族军队的所有人都给斩灭。 After several tens of thousands White Spider Monster Clan crawl, in the ground anything has not stayed behind, only remains a piece by piece dripping with blood the earth. 当数万只白蛛妖族爬过去之后,地面上就什么都没有留下了,只剩一片片鲜血淋漓的大地。 The army that merely less than one minute, ancient clan a young talent leads is annihilated, without a living witness, the old ancestor life and death that accompanying comes at the scene, fell into the mouth of seductress/evil spirit. 仅仅一分钟不到,一个古族的年轻才俊带领的军队就全军覆没,没有一个活口,就连一位随行而来的老祖都生死当场,落入了妖精的口中。 The senses of smell of these white spider seductresses/evil spirits are very sharp, even if Feng Feiyun has put on the hidden silkworm gauze, the aura that they can also in the base leave behind pursues, simply like the maggot of tarsal bone. 这些白蛛妖精的嗅觉十分灵敏,就算风飞云穿上了隐蚕纱罗,它们也能根据地上留下的气息追上来,简直就像跗骨之蛆。 The white spider seductress/evil spirit was mammoth, has dashed the mountain, canyon that levelled. 白蛛妖精声势浩大,撞破了山岳,填平的峡谷。 „The status of the white spider seductress/evil spirit it seems like I seize is not low, stirs up these seductresses/evil spirits not to hesitate to chase down my hundreds of thousands of miles.” “看来我擒走的这个白蛛妖精的地位不低,惹得这些妖精不惜追杀我数十万里。” Feng Feiyun had discovered in another direction one team of ancient clan army, more than 800 people, they also saw huge Monster Qi across the sky comes, their already starts to run away, does not want with the monster bitter experience of troop. 风飞云又在另一个方向发现了一队古族的军队,有800多人,他们也看到了庞大的妖气横空而来,他们已经开始逃遁,不想和大群的妖遭遇。 „! These Monster Clan transferred the direction, pursued toward us.” This ancient clan member runs away quickly. “靠!那些妖族调转了方向,向着我们追来了。”这个一个古族的修士逃得更快。 Entire world dim, the blown sand walks the stone, Monster Qi four plunders, has fought merely several time of breath, more than 800 people of human member were swallowed cleanly, simply have not prevented the White Spider Monster Clan footsteps. 整个天地都昏暗了下来,飞沙走石,妖气肆掠,仅仅战斗了几个呼吸的时间,这800多人的人类修士就被吞噬得干干净净,根本没有阻挡住白蛛妖族的脚步。 At this moment, above a scarlet-red mountain, hears one to drink severely: Evil creature! Suffers to death!” 就在这时,一座赤红的山岳之上,传来一声厉喝:“孽障!受死!” Above the mountain, is standing a youngster of wear Daoist robe, roughly 17 and eight years old, the heroic bearing thrives, fights intent to be cold, in the hand pinches a primal chaos to gossip seal, above a photo toward void, the light of ascension chaos, is round bright moonlight shines eight sides together likely. 山岳之上,站着一个穿着道袍的少年,约莫17、八岁,英姿勃发,战意冷冽,手中捏着一枚太极八卦印,向着虚空之上一照,一道混沌之光升腾而起,像是一轮明月照射八方。 Above the primal chaos Eight Trigrams (gossip) is containing the air/Qi of Yin-Yang chaos, is divided into the azure red two colors the world. 太极八卦之上蕴含着阴阳混沌之气,将天地分成青红两色。 Bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭……” In a twinkling then several hundred white spider seductresses/evil spirits blast out above void, the body changed into the dried blood powder. 霎时间便有数百只白蛛妖精在虚空之上炸开,身体化为了血粉。 Above another side mountain, is standing a Daoist robe young girl, is 17 and eight -year-old appearances, the beautiful woman, the black hair dances in the air, with the appearance of that Daoist robe youngster is very similar, in the hand offered a sacrifice to a azure magic lamp. 另一边的山岳之上,站着一个道袍少女,也是17、八岁的模样,明眸皓齿,青丝飞舞,与那一个道袍少年的模样很是相似,手中祭出了一盏青色的神灯。 Does not have absurd subdue demons lamp “无妄降妖灯” The light is hanging, shines eight sides, gossips seal to be brighter than it primal chaos, has haunched a world with the ray likely. 灯光悬空,照耀八方,比之太极八卦印还要明亮,像是用光芒撑起了一片世界。 Bang!” “轰!” A divine nature ray has swept across, gives to shake several thousand white spider seductresses/evil spirits flies, about thousand white spider seductress/evil spirit bodies are stave, changed into the blood fog, several thousand white spider seductresses/evil spirits wound. 一股神性的光芒席卷了出去,将数千只白蛛妖精都给震飞,其中有近千只白蛛妖精都身体破碎,化为了血雾,还有数千只白蛛妖精击伤。 These white spider seductresses/evil spirits were blown, knows that has run into the powerhouse in human. 那些白蛛妖精都被镇住,知道遇到了人类之中的强者。 Executes evilly!” “诛邪!” The Daoist robe youngster called Ancient Sword, the top of the head primal chaos has gossipped seal, the body imposing manner was prosperous, full was the eye-catching war glow, has crashed in the white spider seductress/evil spirit group directly, every time trod one step, gave to cleave in two a seductress/evil spirit surely, actually did not have the monster to keep off. 道袍少年唤出了一口古剑,头顶太极八卦印,身上气势鼎盛,满是夺目的战芒,直接冲进了白蛛妖精群中,每踏出一步,必定将一只妖精给劈成两半,竟然无妖可挡。 crouches/submits demon!” “伏魔!” The Daoist robe young girl also called Ancient Sword, the top of the head oil lamp, the foot stepped on a Taoist trinity air/Qi, the body changes into the empty shade, the speed quickly arrived at the pinnacle, strolled in one crowd of white spider seductresses/evil spirits, then another piece of seductress/evil spirit fell down. 道袍少女也唤出了一口古剑,头顶青灯,脚踩三清道气,身体化为了一点虚影,速度快到极致,在一群白蛛妖精之中漫步了一圈,便又一片妖精倒在地上。 Does not leave the quarter, several tens of thousands White Spider Monster Clan were then given to rout by them, has left behind several thousand monster corpses, piles everywhere is, is one slaughters the battlefield likely. 不出一刻钟,数万只白蛛妖族便被他们给杀退,留下了数千具妖尸,堆得满地都是,像是一座屠戮战场。 The Daoist robe youngster and Daoist robe young girl start the battlefield cleanup, monster corpses taking in Spirit Stone. 道袍少年和道袍少女开始打扫战场,将一具具妖尸给收进了界灵石 At this time, Feng Feiyun left from place bottom shield, looks at the distant place magnificent picture, in the heart also starts to sigh, these two also were really not the general great strength. 这个时候,风飞云从地底盾出,看着远处壮观的景象,心中也开始感叹了起来,这两人还真不是一般的强大。 Who?” “谁?” Spiritual Awareness of that Daoist robe young girl is formidable exceptionally, felt that the vision of some people in gazing at her, had discovered instantaneously then stands in Feng Feiyun dozens miles away. 那一个道袍少女的灵觉强大得异常,感觉到有人的目光在注视她,瞬间便发现了站在数十里之外的风飞云 Her body moves, then surmounts dozens miles, fell the Feng Feiyun front, bending down demon Ancient Sword in hand, horizontally in the chest of Feng Feiyun. 她身体一动,便跨越数十里,落到了风飞云的面前,手中的伏魔古剑,横在了风飞云的胸口。 Feng Feiyun has not thought that the vigilance of opposite party so formidable, said with a smile: Do not be anxious, should not be anxious, person on one's own side, person on one's own side......” 风飞云也没有想到对方的警觉性如此的强大,笑道:“别紧张,别紧张,自己人,自己人……” That Daoist robe young girl called not to have the absurd subdue demons lamp, the light azure fen, has illuminated on the body of Feng Feiyun, then saw that the body of Feng Feiyun had the aura and Monster Clan of human aura coexists, cold sound say/way: Originally you are Half Monster.” 那个道袍少女唤出了无妄降妖灯,灯光青氲,在风飞云的身上照了一下,便看出风飞云的身上有人类的气息和妖族的气息并存,冷声的道:“原来你是半妖。” Her magic lamp is very fierce, any Monster Clan was given the illumination by the light, will appear the primary form. 她的这一盏神灯十分厉害,任何妖族被灯光给照射,都会现出原形。 Feng Feiyun has practiced the secret Monster Qi mystique, at this moment had also issued a license by the magic lamp, is unable to conceal Monster Qi. 风飞云就算修炼了隐秘妖气的秘法,此刻也被神灯给照了出来,无法掩饰妖气 Definitely is Half Monster that side Monster Clan sends.” The youngster of that wear Daoist robe also flew to fall, made one to be in charge, fell toward the Feng Feiyun racket. “肯定是妖族那边派过来的半妖。”那一个穿着道袍的少年也飞落了过来,打出了一道掌印,向着风飞云拍落了过去。 Bending down demon Ancient Sword in Daoist robe young girl hand toward the void war, has sent out sword glow, being in charge of Daoist robe youngster cutting broken, said: Purple forest, do not overdo it. Half Monster has not appeared above ten thousand clan battlefields, heard that this year Half Monster of human state can enter above ten thousand clan battlefields informed and experienced, perhaps is the person on one's own side.” 道袍少女手中的伏魔古剑向着虚空一战,发出了一道剑芒,将道袍少年的掌印给斩破,道:“紫林,别乱来。半妖从来没有在万族战场之上出现过,听说今年人类国度的半妖可以进入万族战场之上历练,说不定是自己人。” Feng Feiyun carries on the back to carry a monster skin, said: Person on one's own side, I, but sixth Yang Dynasty official, leaf Hongjing big Si Bu, 1 million miles manors, this is my official stamp.” 风飞云背上扛着一根妖皮,道:“正是自己人,我可是第六中央王朝的官员,叶红境的大司部,有1000000里封地,这是我的官印。” Feng Feiyun greatly Si Bu the official stamp touching, shook shaking in two people front, then fast receives. 风飞云将大司部的官印给摸了出来,在两人的面前晃了晃,然后又快速的收起。 After Feng Feiyun confirmed the status, the Daoist robe young girl and Daoist robe youngster will fight the soldier and Ancient Sword receiving, that was called the Daoist robe youngster in purple forest shrivelled the mouth, the say/way of muttering: Half Monster really also had the manor.” 风飞云证实了身份之后,道袍少女和道袍少年才将战兵和古剑给收了起来,那个叫紫林的道袍少年瘪了瘪嘴,喃喃自语的道:“一个半妖竟然也有封地了。” That Daoist robe young girl stared his one eyes, this friendly is smiling to Feng Feiyun, said: We are the disciples in non- longevity god palace, I called You Ziling, that was my younger brother calls You Zilin.” 那个道袍少女瞪了他一眼,这才又友善的对着风飞云一笑,道:“我们乃是无寿星宫的弟子,我叫游紫菱,那是我弟弟叫游紫林。” Feng Feiyun resentful say/way however: You and your younger brother also really grow look like.” 风飞云悻悻然的道:“你和你弟弟长得还真像。” Because we are the twins.” You Ziling said with a smile. “因为我们是双胞胎。”游紫菱笑道。 Simple introduction, these two twin sister and brother then battlefield cleanup, quick several thousand monster corpses receiving, then fleeing rapidly. 简单的介绍完毕,这两个双胞胎姐弟便又去打扫战场,很快就将数千具妖尸给收起,然后便急速的遁走。 Feng Feiyun has not made too many dialogues with them, first one step leaves, this pair of sister and brother's cultivation base is very formidable, moreover they offered a sacrifice to the primal chaos to gossip seal and do not have the absurd subdue demons lamp at least are Grade 9 Spirit Artifact, even might be Grade 10 Spirit Artifact. 风飞云并没有和他们做太多的对话,先一步离开,这一对姐弟的修为很强大,而且他们祭出了太极八卦印和无妄降妖灯至少都是九品灵器,甚至有可能是十品灵器 Solely can see from this point, this pair of sister and brother are not very simple, the strength pursues Nine Firmaments Immortal City Young City Lord Xiao Tianyue absolutely. 单单只是从这一点就可以看出,这一对姐弟很不简单,战力绝对直追九霄仙城少城主霄天悦 Should better not to walk too nearly with the person who some do not know in ten thousand clan battlefields, will otherwise likely be held to behind by the opposite party the knife, robs the military exploit and war treasure, this is the normal matter. 在万族战场最好不要和一些不认识的人走得太近,不然很可能会被对方给背后捅刀子,抢夺军功和战宝,这是再正常不过的事。 That pair of sister and brother understand that this truth, Feng Feiyun also understands this truth. 那一对姐弟明白这个道理,风飞云也明白这个道理。 Feng Feiyun departure quietly, quick then once more returned to the cave of mountain ridge edge, gives to open the monster skin and yellow stone ancient Guan, gave to put eight White Spider Monster Clan female seductresses/evil spirits, their whole bodies were red. Bare, the physique is abundant, a white and shiny piece. 风飞云悄悄的离去,很快便再次回到了山岭边缘的一座山洞之中,将妖皮和黄石古棺给打开,将八位白蛛妖族的女妖精都给放了出来,她们全身赤.裸,体态丰盈,白花花的一片。 On the face of Yu Dai is bringing several points of shyness, appears two sunset glow, said: Master, are they the White Spider Monster Clan female monsters?” 玉黛的脸上带着几分羞涩,浮现出两道红霞,道:“主人,她们都是白蛛妖族的女妖?” The Feng Feiyun knitting the brows head, said: First wears the clothes to them! I must interrogate them alone.” 风飞云皱了皱眉头,道:“先给她们穿上衣服吧!我要单独审问她们。” Feng Feiyun a skin of oppressor monster peeling, has cut eight, then has given Yu Dai, Yu Dai has become these eight monster skin Jilian eight monster skin Ruanjia, puts on to eight white spider seductresses/evil spirits. 风飞云将一头虎狼妖的皮给剥了下来,切割下来了八块,然后交给了玉黛,玉黛将这八块妖皮祭炼成了八件妖皮软甲,给八个白蛛妖精穿上。 cultivation base already of eight white spider seductresses/evil spirits was given the seal by Feng Feiyun, is similar to eight mortals, absolutely does not have the resistance. 八个白蛛妖精的修为已经风飞云给封印,如同八个凡人,完全没有抵抗能力。 Feng Feiyun starts 11 to interrogate these seductresses/evil spirits. 风飞云开始11审问这些妖精。 Master, you interrogate them really?” Yu Dai vision somewhat strange looked at Feng Feiyun one. “主人,你真的是审问她们?”玉黛的目光有些古怪的看了风飞云一眼。 The Feng Feiyun complexion with deep veneration, said very much: Naturally interrogated, you other seven female monsters will give to favor outside, cannot they conspire to get the story straight, I must well, alone, interrogations.” 风飞云脸色很肃然,道:“当然是审问,你在外面将剩余的七位女妖都给看好,不许她们串供,我要好好的,单独的,一个个的审问。” Feng Feiyun a stature irritable female seductress/evil spirit bringing the deep place of cavern, has given to throw her directly on the ground, then made together the light screen barrier isolating the cavern. 风飞云将一个身材火爆的女妖精给带到了洞穴的深处,直接将她给丢在了地上,然后打出一道光幕屏障将洞穴给隔绝了起来。 Ground female monster has Nirvana 3rd-layer initial stage cultivation base, the stature is extremely hot, after first is raised curls upwards, the curve is beautiful, after having put on monster skin Ruanjia, making her appear sex appeal, the flesh of many place expose outside, partly obstructs half presently, attractive. 地上的女妖拥有涅槃第三重初期修为,身材极其火辣,前凸后翘,曲线美丽,穿上了妖皮软甲之后,让她显得更加的性感,很多地方的肌肤都裸露在外面,半遮半现,诱人至极。 Female seductress/evil spirit that deserves. 当之无愧的女妖精。 Her flesh is exquisite and fair, the full white hair, the vision is very monster, lies on the ground, the waist is slender, the coquettish look like the silk, said with a smile: Human, what way do you want with interrogate me?” 她肌肤细腻而白皙,满头白色的头发,目光很是妖性,趴在地上,腰肢纤细,媚眼如丝,笑道:“人类,你是要用什么方式审问我啊?” Her laughter is very attractive, body has a monster to flatter the makings, even if some strength in meditation strong men saw that this kind of female seductress/evil spirit lies before the body, is hard to practice moderation absolutely. 她的笑声十分诱人,身上有着一股妖媚气质,就算是一些定力强的男子看到这样一个女妖精趴在身前,也绝对难以自持。 Bang!” “嘭!” A Feng Feiyun foot has kicked her, the body hit above the wall, above Formation by wall rebounding, tumbled on the ground, unceasing coughing up blood. 风飞云一脚将她踢飞了出去,身体撞在了墙壁之上,被墙壁之上的阵法给反弹了回来,滚落在地上,不断的咳血。 Feng Feiyun indifferent say/way: Little takes White Spider Monster Clan that set to flatter the technique to shake before me, should better give me honestly, I asked one, you answered one.” 风飞云冷漠的道:“少拿白蛛妖族的那一套媚术在我面前晃,最好给我老实一点,我问一句,你答一句。”
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