SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#894: White Spider Monster Clan

The place of Feng Feiyun finger, is a piece of plain and mountain ridge the place of border, the geography dropping variance is enormous, the river that the magma gather in flows from here, cloud Zhengxia is luxuriant, burns the day scarlet-red. 风飞云手指的地方,是一片平原和山岭的交界之处,地理落差极大,有一条条岩浆汇集成的大河从这里流淌而过,云蒸霞蔚,赤红燃天。 My item forget about it, the north-south range of second mainland, probably is 76 million miles \; The thing distance, probably about 90 million miles. The area, endures compared with the territory of human state.” “我目算了一下,第二大陆的南北距离,大概是76000000里\;东西距离,大概90000000里左右。占地面积,堪比人类国度的一个域。” Feng Feiyun continues saying: Does not have the vegetation above the second mainland, 80% places were given to cover by the rock, 10% places were given to cover by the magma, the magma gathered in the lake and rivers. Above this mainland, how many Monster Clan hid? Which places also there are to turn into the monster hole? We know nothing now. However according to mainland the distribution above of geographical position, can actually guess these monster hole possible positions approximately.” 风飞云继续道:“在第二大陆之上没有植被,80的地方被岩石给覆盖,还有10的地方被岩浆给覆盖,岩浆汇集成了湖泊与河流。这这一片大陆之上,到底隐藏了多少妖族?又有哪些地方变成了妖窟?我们现在都一无所知。但是根据大陆之上的地理位置的分布,却可以大致的猜测出那些妖窟可能的位置。” What should we make now?” Yu Dai asked. “那我们现在应该做些什么?”玉黛问道。 Feng Feiyun thinks, said: Where should better do not go, if has encountered Monster Clan of troop, depends on our strengths, will unravel instantaneously.” 风飞云想了想,道:“最好什么地方都不要去,若是遭遇了大群的妖族,就凭我们两个人的力量,瞬间就会灰飞烟灭。” How we return to the barracks, only then in the four soldier long hands has wormhole Spirit Stone.” “那我们怎么返回兵营,只有四位兵长的手中拥有虫洞灵石。” Ten thousand clan battlefield too bad risks, at any time possibly face the total destruction, sleeps on pins and needles, the nerve stretched the pinnacle, making her make a living has drawn back intent, does not dare to treat again here. 万族战场实在太凶险,随时都可能面临灭顶之灾,寝食难安,神经绷到了极致,让她谋生了退意,不敢再在这里待下去。 Feng Feiyun deep looked at her one eyes, said: You , to return to the barracks, I can deliver you to go back now. However do we arrive at ten thousand clan battlefields for what? To seize the merit, strives for honor, won the respect and status. We are the elites in Half Monster, chooses elite that from innumerable Half Monster, represented trillion Half Monster to fight, but not only represented us. Just entered the battlefield first day, wants to flinch, no wonder Human Race and Monster Clan people are looking down upon our Half Monster.” 风飞云深深的看了她一眼,道:“你若是想要返回兵营,我现在就可以送你回去。但是我们来到万族战场是为了什么?是为了夺战功,争荣誉,赢得尊重和地位。我们是半妖之中的精英,从无数的半妖之中选出来的精锐,代表了亿万半妖在战斗,而不仅仅只是代表我们自己。才刚刚进入战场的第一天,就想退缩,难怪人族妖族的人都瞧不起我们半妖。” Yu Dai by low small head, the double pupil blushes, finger tight is entraining the long hair, ashamed say/way: I am not that meaning, my meaning is few soldier's long leadership, our strengths are too really small and weak, encounters with Monster Clan remnant armed forces casually, we are unable to contend.” 玉黛被得低下了螓首,双眸发红,手指紧紧的拽着长发,羞愧的道:“我不是那个意思,我的意思是没有几位兵长的带领,我们的力量实在太弱小,随便与一支妖族的残军遭遇,我们无法抗衡。” Her worry and has the truth, above ten thousand clan battlefields, cannot implement the individualistic heroism, the individual battles radically invalid. Although Monster Clan in rock red high-quality mystical place, runs away from the large-scale battlefield, but actually as before is building up in groups, little has the leaving behind monster. 她的担忧并不是没有道理,在万族战场之上,是不能讲个人英雄主义,单兵作战根本行不通。虽然岩红高级秘境之中的妖族,都是从大型战场之上逃窜过来,但是却依旧是成群的集结,很少有落单的妖。 Feng Feiyun has pondered the moment, said: According to our bitter experiences, as can be seen, around this in several million miles range, probably two Monster Clan accumulations here, oppressor Monster Clan and White Spider Monster Clan. The small monster that at ease to arrive at should be are responsible for investigating we encounter, but their lairs should not be far.” 风飞云沉思了片刻,道:“根据我们刚才的遭遇,可以看出,这周围数百万里的范围之内,大概有两个妖族聚集在这里,虎狼妖族白蛛妖族。我们遭遇到的应该都是负责侦查的闲散小妖,而它们的巢穴应该也不会太远。” Feng Feiyun observes the terrain above the world empty shade, then analyzes according to oppressor Monster Clan and White Spider Monster Clan living habits, guessed White Spider Monster Clan the position of lair. 风飞云在世界虚影之上观察地形,然后再根据虎狼妖族白蛛妖族的生活习性进行分析,猜测到了白蛛妖族的巢穴的位置。 White Spider Monster Clan fears the fire, the position of lair definitely is far away from the magma rivers and lake. Their speed is fast, the movement is keen, excels at the imaginary technique and Formation, so long as has achieved the Nirvana 3rd-layer boundary, can change into the human form, female beautiful beautiful, male of outstanding ability natural, very confuses the person, I think their lairs likely in our behind that piece of mountain ridge.” 白蛛妖族怕火,巢穴的位置肯定远离岩浆河流和湖泊。它们速度快,动作灵敏,擅长幻术和阵法,而且只要达到了涅槃第三重的境界,就能够化为人形,女的妖艳美丽,男的俊逸潇洒,十分迷惑人,我觉得它们的巢穴很可能就在我们身后的那一片山岭之中。” Over the next few days, Feng Feiyun has then put on the reverse side of dragon Linfeng leather clothing, the concealment personal appearance, entered in that piece of mountain ridge to seek, finally in fifth day, has discovered the concealment Formation trace in a piece of scarlet red mountain peak. 接下来的几天,风飞云便穿上了龙鳞凤皮衣的反面,隐匿身形,进入了那一片山岭之中寻找,终于在第五天,在一片赤红色的山峰之中发现了隐匿阵法的痕迹。 Feng Feiyun hides when a steep cliff wall, has waited till the darkness, during is void experiences a fluctuation finally, dozens Formation revolved, inside went out of dozens female monsters, the physique is abundant, the sexy exposition, full head are the white long hair, both eyes are also the white, sends out monster different rays. 风飞云藏身在一面陡峭的崖壁之上,一直等到天黑之时,虚空之中终于出现一丝波动,数十座阵法运转了起来,里面走出了数十个女妖,都体态丰盈,性感暴露,满头都是白色的长发,双目也是白色,发出一道道妖异的光芒。 Lead female monster physique tall and slender, sends among the silk to bring a pearl, on the face the cold air like the frost, said: Sir Xue Shuang already calculated that six teams of human armies arrive at this stretch of earth, we are divided into six groups, must give to find the positions of these six teams of human armies.” 领头的一个女妖身姿十分高挑,发丝之间带着一颗明珠,脸上寒气如霜,道:“雪泷大人已经推算出又有六队人类军队来到这一片大地,我们分成六组,务必将这六队人类军队的位置都给找到。” After lead female monster ordered, the following female monster then automatically was divided into six groups, each group five to ten people. 领头的女妖下令之后,下面的女妖便自动分成六组,每一组五到十人不等。 They changed into white spiders, has changed course directly in the red rock, then vanishes does not see. 她们化为了一只只白色的蜘蛛,直接转进了红色的岩石之中,然后消失不见。 My little darling, can accumulate the military exploit finally.” “我的乖乖,终于又可以积累军功了。” Feng Feiyun cracks into a smile, the body also sank to the rock, toward one group pursued. 风飞云咧嘴一笑,身体也跟着沉入了岩石之中,向着其中一组追了上去。 This group of altogether eight white spider seductresses/evil spirits, they display to escape the monster technique, crawls in the rock, a aura has not dissipated. 这一组一共有八只白蛛妖精,她们施展遁地妖术,爬行在岩石之中,没有一丝气息逸散出来。 Feng Feiyun follows close on their behind, quietly called yellow stone ancient Guan, will crawl receiving in a rear white spider seductress/evil spirit, then speedily covered the coffin closing. 风飞云紧跟在她们的后面,悄悄的唤出了黄石古棺,将爬在最后面的一只白蛛妖精给收了进去,然后又疾速的将棺盖给合上。 In the coffin makes sound that the shackle drives, sound that the white spider seductress/evil spirit called for help, but such sound by Feng Feiyun covering, by the front seven seductresses/evil spirits hearing. 棺材之中发出铁链拖动的声音,还有白蛛妖精呼救的声音,但是这样声音都被风飞云给掩盖住,并没有被前面的七只妖精给听到。 Whish!” “哗!” Feng Feiyun gets rid once more, these time received two white spider seductresses/evil spirits to the yellow stone ancient coffin. 风飞云再次出手,这一次收了两只白蛛妖精到黄石古棺之中。 These White Spider Monster Clan already can change from, after capturing alive, attains on the sixth Yang Dynasty black market to sell not the poor price. 这些白蛛妖族已经能够化形,活捉之后,拿到第六中央王朝的黑市上面能够卖出不菲的价格。 Feng Feiyun for five times gets rid, the seventh white spider seductress/evil spirit taking in yellow stone ancient Guan, last time has gotten rid to alarm that most formidable seductress/evil spirit of taking the lead finally, what person?” 风飞云一连五次出手,将第七只白蛛妖精给收进了黄石古棺,最后一次出手终于惊动了走在前面的那一只最强大的妖精,“什么人?” cultivation base of this seductress/evil spirit was exceptionally formidable, has reached the Nirvana 3rd-layer peak, a spider arm has wielded, immediately the ground cutting two halves, the yellow stone ancient coffin raising flew by her, counter overran toward Feng Feiyun. 这一只妖精的修为异常强大,达到了涅槃第三重的巅峰,一条蛛臂挥了过来,顿时将地面给切割成两半,黄石古棺都被她给掀飞,向着风飞云逆冲了过去。 Bang!” “嘭!” Feng Feiyun is gathering the seventh white spider seductress/evil spirit attentively, has not thought that the front that seductress/evil spirit so is unexpectedly formidable, yellow stone ancient Guanzhuang in the chest of Feng Feiyun, hitting to have flown beyond Feng Feiyun several miles, does not know that gives to crack-up many rocks. 风飞云正在全神贯注的收取第七只白蛛妖精,没想到前面的那一只妖精竟然如此强大,黄石古棺撞在了风飞云的胸口,将风飞云给撞飞到了数里之外,不知将多少块岩石都给撞碎。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦!” Crash-bang!” “哗啦!” That white spider seductress/evil spirit threw once more, the spider arm like a handle day blade, has divided toward the neck of Feng Feiyun above. 那一只白蛛妖精再次扑了上来,蛛臂就像一柄天刀,向着风飞云的脖子之上劈了过去。 Bang!” “嘭!” Feng Feiyun touches in the bosom, a turtle touching, with its tortoise shell, has given to block the spider arm of white spider seductress/evil spirit, but that strength is very as before terrifying, again flies Feng Feiyun striking. 风飞云在怀里一摸,将一只乌龟给摸了出来,用它的龟壳,将白蛛妖精的蛛臂给挡住,但是那一股力量依旧很恐怖,将风飞云再一次的击飞。 cultivation base of this white spider seductress/evil spirit endures compared with Spirit God Temple Divine Palace Master, the strength is much bigger, murderous aura is strong, in the mouth has put out a white spider's silk, has twined the past toward Feng Feiyun. 这一只白蛛妖精的修为堪比神灵宫神宫主,力量大得出奇,杀气浓烈,口中吐出了一根白色的蛛丝,向着风飞云缠绕了过去。 „A small monster also dares before me dissolute.” “一只小妖也敢在我面前放肆。” Above the arm of Feng Feiyun grows the innumerable scarlet-red feathers, changed into a huge phoenix claw, toward the opposite claw, one full was the great claw of flame then gives to burn the ashes all white spider's silks, the claw bombardment on the body of white spider seductress/evil spirit, raising to fly her, fell in the ground. 风飞云的手臂之上长出无数的赤红羽毛,化为了一只庞大的凤凰爪子,向着对面一爪,一个满是火焰的巨爪便将所有白色的蛛丝都给燃烧成灰烬,爪子轰击在了白蛛妖精的身上,将她给掀飞了出去,落到了地面上。 Feng Feiyun also ran out of the ground, dragon Linfeng the leather clothing putting on the upfront, a dreadful power and influence dissipated from his body. 风飞云也冲出了地面,将龙鳞凤皮衣给穿回了正面,一股滔天的威势从他的身上逸散出来。 God clothes directly is dragon scale phoenix skin, the reverse side of god clothes is hidden silkworm gauze, has two different attributes, has represented the strength, can the stealth. 神衣的正面乃是“龙鳞凤皮”,神衣的反面是“隐蚕纱罗”,有着两种不同的属性,一个代表了力量,一个可以隐身。 Phoenix crack day!” “凤凰裂天!” Feng Feiyun displays phoenix crack day once more, must fight a battle to force a quick decision, here leaves the White Spider Monster Clan lair not to be far, momentarily possibly alarms the White Spider Monster Clan powerhouse. 风飞云再次施展出凤凰裂天,要速战速决,这里离白蛛妖族的巢穴不远,随时都可能惊动白蛛妖族的强者。 That white spider seductress/evil spirit is not the generation of being easy, changing from is an outstandingly beautiful female, stark naked, flesh snow white, the twin peaks are tall and straight, ** the circle melts, the navel sex appeal, an eye full was the monster ray, above the finger departed a ring. 那一只白蛛妖精也不是易于之辈,化形为一个绝色的女子,一丝不挂,肌肤雪白,双峰挺拔,**圆融,肚脐性感,一双眼睛满是妖性的光芒,手指之上飞出了一枚戒指。 Locks the soul abstention.” “锁魂戒。” This unexpectedly is a monster soldier of Grade 7 Spirit Artifact rank, changed into a giant iron hoop, erupts huge Monster Qi, suppresses the Feng Feiyun soul. 这竟是一件七品灵器级别的妖兵,化为了一个巨大的铁环,爆发出庞大的妖气,镇压风飞云的灵魂。 Bang!” “嘭!” Both eyes of Feng Feiyun are firm, the soul was stable, calls Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, changed into several thousand handle white small swords, such as a piece of white sword rain burr in the past. 风飞云的双目坚定,灵魂稳固,唤出了天髓兵胆,化为了数千柄白色的小剑,如一片白色的剑雨飞刺了过去。 Speed strange Kuai of white spider seductress/evil spirit, on the foot is stepping on one type speedily, the body looks like a flower petal, flutters in the sword rain, actually does not have a handle sword to stab her body. 白蛛妖精的速度奇快,脚上踩着一种疾速,身体像一片花瓣,在剑雨之中翻飞,竟然没有一柄剑能够刺中她的身体。 Base and low human, you think that your already has attacked and occupied this mystical place, can act as the master in this mystical place, is really dream of a fool.” “卑微的人类,你们以为你们已经攻占了这一座秘境,就可以做这一座秘境的主人,真是痴人说梦。” The white spider seductress/evil spirit likely is the jade snake of characterless, before having flown the Feng Feiyun body, extends a jade white slender arm, has dug toward the heart of Feng Feiyun. 白蛛妖精像是无骨的玉蛇,飞到了风飞云身前,伸出一只玉白色的纤细手臂,向着风飞云的心脏挖了过去。 Feng Feiyun shook the head, offers a sacrifice to a monster skin, toward the head pressure of white spider seductress/evil spirit, a Monster Clan Great Sage strength erupts instantaneously, gave the suppression this white spider seductress/evil spirit directly under the monster skin. 风飞云摇了摇头,祭出了一张妖皮,向着白蛛妖精的头上一压,一股妖族大贤的力量瞬间爆发出来,直接将这个白蛛妖精给镇压在了妖皮之下。 Feng Feiyun monster skin one volume, makes into a package directly, then shouldered in carrying on the back. 风飞云将妖皮一卷,直接打成一个包,然后扛在了背上。 That white spider seductress/evil spirit in monster skin in unceasing struggling, made to fight the soldier, wanted to tear the monster skin to run away, but is actually not able to achieve, the Monster Clan Great Sage strength, gave to suppress more and more fiercely her, struggling strength slowly changed is small. 妖皮之中的那个白蛛妖精在不断的挣扎,打出了一道道战兵,想要撕裂妖皮逃遁出来,但是却根本无法做到,妖族大贤的力量,将她给压制得越来越厉害,挣扎的力量慢慢的变小了。 Really is the chest does not have the brain greatly, dares with my near body combat, this to be the consequence that pulls rank unexpectedly.” Feng Feiyun resentful shaking the head of however, that float lock soul ring above void receiving palm, this is the monster soldier of Grade 7 Spirit Artifact rank, good thing! “真是胸大无脑,竟然敢和我近身作战,这就是托大的后果。”风飞云悻悻然的摇了摇头,将那一枚悬浮在虚空之上的锁魂戒子给收到了手掌心,这可是七品灵器级别的妖兵,好东西啊! Bang!” “轰!” At this moment, in the Monster Clan lair in distant place, departed a light beam, is away from several thousand miles, the bang has killed. 就在这时,远处的妖族巢穴之中,飞出了一道光柱,隔着数千里,轰杀了过来。 Was bad! Has alarmed big monster in lair.” “糟了!惊动了巢穴之中的大妖。” The fine hair of Feng Feiyun whole body stood, the pupil unceasing reduction, first even/including made ten to defend talisman, the body sinks to the bottom fiercely, open/stretch Kunpeng a speedily symbol pasting on leg, fast ran away from the place bottom. 风飞云全身的汗毛都立起来了,瞳孔不断的缩小,一连打出十张防御符箓,身体猛地沉入地底,将一张鲲鹏疾速符给贴在了腿上,快速的从地底逃遁。 The might of that light beam too is together terrorist, is a big monster shells absolutely, defends talisman to give to pierce ten instantaneously, shells in the position that Feng Feiyun had stood a moment ago, the earth ejecting a bottomless pit. 那一道光柱的威力实在太恐怖,绝对是一位大妖轰击出来,瞬间就将十张防御符箓给洞穿,轰击在了风飞云刚才所站的位置,将大地给击出了一个无底洞。 Meanwhile in the White Spider Monster Clan lair runs out of several tens of thousands white spider seductresses/evil spirits, has crashed in the bottom completely, has chased down toward Feng Feiyun crazily. 与此同时白蛛妖族的巢穴之中冲出数万只白蛛妖精,全部冲进了地底,向着风飞云疯狂的追杀了上去。 This is blotting out the sky Monster Qi, even if the thick soil is unable to cover, Monster Qi overflowed the ground, turns into the white the red rock, the entire earth is rocking. 这是一股铺天盖地的妖气,即便是厚厚的泥土都无法掩盖,妖气溢出了地面,将红色的岩石都变成白色,整个大地都在晃动。 Some just arrived at the ancient clan army above this piece of earth, by huge Monster Qi daunting, the crying father shouted mother to run away hastily, damn, the luck was too bad, just arrived at the rock red high-quality mystical place to meet the crowd of monster chaotic dances, or does the important person live?” 一些刚刚来到这一片大地之上的古族军队,也被庞大的妖气给吓住了,连忙哭爹喊娘逃窜,“他妈的,运气太差了,刚来到岩红高级秘境就遇上了群妖乱舞,还要不要人活?”
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