SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#893: Accumulates the military exploit

Bang!” “嘭!” Although the Bronze Ancient Vessel true strength had not been stimulated, but as before is very tyrannical, directly hitting to fly the oppressor monster, the monster body was torn thoroughly, the blood generally spurts toward the ground like the red rain. 青铜古船的真正的力量虽然没有被激发出来,但是依旧很是强横,直接将虎狼妖给撞飞了出去,妖体彻底被撕裂,鲜血就像红雨一般往地上飞洒。 Monster bones fall to the ground, glittering and translucent carving, the business also has blood threads god marks. 一根根妖骨落地,晶莹剔透,商贸还有一道道血丝神纹。 Body already of oppressor monster disrupts, each has several hundred jin (0.5 kg). 虎狼妖的皮肉都已经碎裂开,每一块都有数百斤重。 Feng Feiyun Bronze Ancient Vessel receiving, falls to the ground, monster skin that falls gently from the sky pinching in hand, monster character as before brilliant emit light above monster skin, the Formation trace likely is the mark of mountains geography. 风飞云青铜古船给收起来,落到地面上,将从天空之上飘落下来的妖皮给捏在手中,妖皮之上的妖字依旧灼灼生光,阵法的纹路像是山川地理的印记。 Because there is a Monster Clan Great Sage aura to keep above, the value of this monster skin endures ratio Ascension talisman. 因为有妖族大贤的气息留在上面,这一张妖皮的价值堪比一枚羽化符箓 Feng Feiyun gave to receive Monster Bead and flesh and blood of oppressor monster. 风飞云将虎狼妖的妖珠和血肉都给收了起来。 Cuts to kill a Nirvana 3rd-layer monster, can obtain 1 military exploit \; “斩杀一只涅槃第三重的妖,可以获得1点军功\;” Cuts to kill a Nirvana 2nd-layer monster, can obtain 0.1 point military exploits \; “斩杀一头涅槃第二重的妖,可以获得0.1点军功\;” Cuts to kill a Nirvana 1st-layer monster, can obtain 0.01 point military exploits.” “斩杀一头涅槃第一重的妖,可以获得0.01点军功。” Feng Feiyun examines «Military exploit Detailed Handbook» in mind, calculates the military exploit quantity of oneself present obtaining sketchily. 风飞云查看脑海之中的《军功明细手册》,粗略的计算了自己现在获得的军功数量。 7 Nirvana 3rd-layer monsters, 11 Nirvana 2nd-layer monsters, 28 Nirvana 3rd-layer monsters, altogether add to have 8.38 point military exploits. 7头涅槃第三重的妖,11头涅槃第二重的妖,28头涅槃第三重的妖,一共加起来有8.38点军功。 As if accumulation military exploit is also not very difficult.” “似乎积累军功也并不是很难。” Smiling of Feng Feiyun asks, but has thought at once that seven levels of Half Monster seniors who the already body dies, over a hundred Half Monster elites, think the accumulation military exploit immediately as if not that easy. 风飞云自讨的笑了笑,但是旋即又想到了已经身死的那一位七级半妖前辈,还有上百位半妖的精英,顿时又觉得积累军功似乎并不是那么的容易。 Does not pay attention to all people annihilated slightly. 稍不注意所有人都会全军覆没。 Moreover that oppressor monsters and six spider essences are also very formidable, if these Half Monster elders meet, extremely possibly falls from the sky. 而且那一只虎狼妖和六只蜘蛛精也都十分强大,若是那些半妖的长老遇到,极可能陨落。 How didn't know Sir Qing Zhai they with that oppressor Monster Clan big monster fight result?” “也不知青祭大人他们和那一头虎狼妖族的大妖的战斗结果如何了?” The body of Feng Feiyun escaped into underground, shuttled back and forth above the red rock, returned according to the old route, wants and several soldiers can steadily with. 风飞云的身体遁入了地下,穿梭在红色的岩石之上,按原路返回,想要去和几位兵长会和。 After all here is ten thousand clan battlefields, some unknown bad risks, with the soldier long gathers wants to be safer, otherwise has met some big monsters, then only had the dead end. 毕竟这里乃是万族战场,有很多未知的凶险,还是和兵长聚集在一起要安全一些,不然遇到了一些大妖,那么就只有死路一条了。 When Feng Feiyun goes out from the rock once more, at present is a chaos and tattered world, the earth is hit is total wreck, the pleasant place completely is the sores, has encountered the end great misfortune likely. 风飞云再次从岩石之中走出的时候,眼前是一片混沌而破烂的世界,大地被打得破烂不堪,入眼之处尽是疮痍,像是遭遇了末日大劫。 In the air is also flowing the chaotic murdering air current, will be void tearing holes. 空气之中还流动着混乱的杀伐气流,将虚空给撕裂出一个个孔洞。 Some huge eddy currents fly above void, giant stone and mountain embezzling. 有一个个庞大的漩涡在虚空之上飞行,将巨石和山岳给吞没。 But the Half Monster Union three soldier lengths and oppressor big monsters did not have the trail. 半妖盟的三位兵长和虎狼大妖却没有了踪迹。 This is the several soldier long strengths , is really not general.” “这就是几位兵长的力量,真不是一般的强。” Feng Feiyun does not dare to use the Divine Sense investigation, after all while using the Divine Sense investigation, will be given the discovery by other Monster Clan, if besieging of bitter experience group monster, that really must die without the burial ground. 风飞云不敢使用神识探查,毕竟在使用神识探查的同时,也会被别的妖族给发现,若是遭遇群妖的围攻,那就真的是要死无葬身之地了。 Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall changes into the long spear/gun, pinches in hand. 天髓兵胆化为长枪,捏在手中。 Stave trace of Feng Feiyun above along the earth, concealment personal appearance, pursued. Also all the way, saw many Half Monster wreckage, some had been swallowed the head by Monster Clan, some were gnawed half body. 风飞云沿着大地之上破碎的痕迹,隐匿身形,追了过去。一路上,又看到了不少半妖的残骸,有的被妖族吞掉了头颅,有的被啃掉了半个身体。 The Feng Feiyun deep sigh, these Half Monster remains restraining, already received nine broken skeletons all the way. 风飞云深深的叹息,将这些半妖的遗骸给收敛了起来,一路上都已经收了九具残破的骸骨。 The sound that a female called for help resounded, has the sound of fight to convey. 一个女子呼救的声音响起,有战斗的声音传来。 Feng Feiyun overtaking of speedily, discovered that has three oppressor Monster Clan to chase down a Half Monster beautiful woman, this beautiful woman is growing the fish tail, bow and arrow already that the body bloodstained, carries on the back shoots completely, the war bow that she offers a sacrifice to was also divided to a palm by oppressor Monster Clan. 风飞云疾速的赶了过去,发现有三头虎狼妖族正在追杀一个半妖美女,这个美女长着鱼尾,身上血迹斑斑,背上的弓箭都已经射尽,她祭出的战弓也被一个虎狼妖族给一掌劈断。 Unexpectedly was humble Half Monster, can Half Monster also enter ten thousand clan battlefields?” That oppressor Monster Clan changes from is a guy, on the face is bringing sneering of disdaining, looks down upon Half Monster this humble living thing radically. “居然是低贱了半妖,半妖也能进万族战场了?”那一个虎狼妖族化形为一个大汉,脸上带着不屑的冷笑,根本看不起半妖这种低贱的生物。 Although is Half Monster, but is very long is actually good.” Another oppressor monster offered a sacrifice to an arm that thick shackle, the shackle was red, extends dozens heads, has twined the past like a steel big snake. “虽然是半妖,但是长得倒是很不错。”另一个虎狼妖祭出了一根手臂那么粗的铁链,铁链赤红,延伸出数十里长,像一条钢铁大蛇缠绕了过去。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” Shackle that Half Monster beautiful woman tying up. 铁链将那一个半妖美女给捆绑了起来。 !” !” Feng Feiyun changed into a flowing light, a spear/gun gives to cut off the shackle, before the diving posture fell the body of that Half Monster beautiful woman, the horizontal spear/gun stood, vision ice-cold was staring at that three oppressor monsters. 风飞云化为了一道流光,一枪将铁链给斩断,飞身落到了那个半妖美女的身前,横枪而立,目光冰冷的盯着那三只虎狼妖。 Master.” That Half Monster beautiful woman is overjoyed, kneels down in Feng Feiyun. “主人。”那一个半妖美女大喜过望,跪倒在风飞云的身后。 She is Yu Dai. 她正是玉黛 That three oppressor monsters felt Feng Feiyun imposing manner, became has been careful, changed from the main body directly, turned into the Santouzan mountain that high oppressor, the mouth has sent out the long and loud cry the sound, has filled the air/Qi of endless murder. 那三只虎狼妖都感受到了风飞云身上的气势,变得小心谨慎了起来,直接化形为了本体,变成了三头山岳那么高的虎狼,嘴里发出长啸的声音,充满了无尽的凶杀之气。 Feng Feiyun both eyes look disdainfully, the body changed into a quiet shade, to flying, a bayonet leaves, white fine glow departs, ruthlessly spike in eyes of oppressor. 风飞云双目睥睨,身体化为了一道幽影,冲飞而起,一枪刺出,一道白色的精芒飞出,狠狠的钉入了其中一头虎狼的眼睛之中。 The bracing cold incomparable sharpness of Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, seeped the body from the eye, gave to twist broken the flesh and blood in that oppressor monster body, in the mouth the blood dripped, sends out rock the earth calling out, unceasing galloping, finally weak pouring on the ground. 天髓兵胆的气劲无比的锋利,从眼睛渗透到了身体,将那一头虎狼妖身体之中的血肉都给绞碎,口中鲜血直淌,发出震天动地的嚎叫,不断的奔腾,最终无力的倒在了地上。 The Feng Feiyun diving posture falls, looks at the ground huge oppressor monster body, above the fur/superficial knowledge is also flashing the monster ray, said with a smile: „The complete monster corpse, this monster skin can also sell a good price finally, can offer a sacrifice to refine dozens good armor.” 风飞云飞身落下,看着地上庞大的虎狼妖身躯,皮毛之上都还闪动着妖性的光芒,笑道:“总算是有一具完整的妖尸了,这一身妖皮也能卖一个好价钱,可以祭炼出几十件不错的铠甲了。” Howling! Dares to refine the armor with my oppressor Monster Clan skin sacrifice unexpectedly, is really to one despising of my oppressor Monster Clan.” “嚎!竟然敢拿我虎狼妖族的皮祭炼铠甲,真是对我虎狼妖族的一种蔑视。” The remaining two oppressor monsters simultaneously turned toward Feng Feiyun to throw, was Nirvana 2nd-layer peak cultivation base, in the mouth has put out the spoiled spring, changed into two days of jet black Mo River to sweep across toward Feng Feiyun. 剩下的两头虎狼妖同时向着风飞云扑了过来,都是涅槃第二重巅峰的修为,口中吐出了腐泉,化为了两天漆黑的墨河向着风飞云席卷了过来。 The body of Feng Feiyun wraps golden Fokuang, Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall in hand is changing into the sword, cut a blade in the sky. 风飞云的身上包裹着金色的佛光,手中的天髓兵胆化为战刀,当空斩出了一刀。 „A dragon sovereign blade kills!” “龙皇一刀杀!” dragon cry the voice resounds. 龙吟的声音响起。 Blade air/Qi of dragon has swept across, have several the kilometer blade light fully, across the sky has flown, a head of oppressor monster cutting to fall, the huge body threw down on the ground. 一头龙形的刀气席卷了过去,足有数千米长的刀光,横空飞过,将其中一头虎狼妖的头颅给斩落,庞大的身躯摔倒在了地上。 Meanwhile, the racket of claw of another oppressor monster from the sky fell, shelled the Feng Feiyun top of the head, then pressed under the claw. 与此同时,另一头虎狼妖的爪子从天空之上拍落了下来,轰击到了风飞云的头顶,然后压在了爪子下面。 Bang!” “嘭!” The huge claw, rumbled into the ground, gave the disintegration the innumerable red rocks, three cracks in the earth were centered on the claw spread, including several hundred miles far. 庞大的爪子,轰入了地面,将无数红色的岩石给崩碎,有三道地裂以爪子为中心蔓延了出去,连出了数百里远。 This is the Nirvana 2nd-layer monster full strikes, even if will be the Nirvana 3rd-layer member will make into the severe wound. 这是涅槃第二重的妖全力的一击,就算是涅槃第三重的修士都会被打成重伤。 Bang!” “嘭!” Feng Feiyun flew from the rock, has not been injured. 风飞云从岩石之中飞了出来,并没有受伤。 When the oppressor takes a claw racket to fall, he makes one to defend talisman, gives to block the most strength. 在虎狼又要一爪子拍落下来的时候,他就打出了一枚防御符箓,将绝大部分的力量都给挡住。 Gives me dead!” “给我去死!” A Feng Feiyun blade chops, gives to cut off the leg of oppressor monster, the huge monster body fell down. 风飞云一刀劈出,将虎狼妖的一条腿给斩断,巨大的妖躯倒在了地上。 The Feng Feiyun body ejection, fell the oppressor monster top of the head, a blade divided its forehead, has broken the skull, the massive brain water flowed from inside. 风飞云的身体弹射而起,落到了虎狼妖的头顶,一刀劈进了它的额头,破开了头骨,大量的脑水从里面流淌出来。 The corpses of Feng Feiyun fast three oppressor monsters receiving, then drew Yu Dai to leave this place rapidly. 风飞云快速的三头虎狼妖的尸体给收起,然后拉着玉黛迅速的离开了此地。 Here had the fight, quick will have massive Monster Clan to catch up, must result in leaves as soon as possible, otherwise can encounter the mishap. 这里发生了战斗,很快就会有大量的妖族赶过来,必须得尽快离开,不然会遭遇不测。 How long really the Feng Feiyun two people have not walked, the big monster of cultivation base terrifying has revealed the personal appearance, smelled the ground the aura, cold snort/hum: It seems like in human some smart people, unexpectedly link a trace not to stay behind.” 果然风飞云二人没走多久,就有一个修为恐怖的大妖露出了身形,闻了闻地上的气息,冷哼一声:“看来人类之中还是有些聪明人,竟然连一丝痕迹都没有留下。” Feng Feiyun brought Yu Dai to run away 30000 miles away, short stopped. 风飞云带着玉黛逃到了30000里之外,才短暂了停了下来。 Feng Feiyun opens cutting a cavern above a mountain wall, then has arranged concealment aura Formation in the surroundings of cavern, relaxed in this, he felt a moment ago has the big monster aura to appear, had a scare, runs away hastily, until running away here, the aura of big monster vanishes. 风飞云在一座山壁之上开凿出一个洞穴,然后又在洞穴的周围布置了隐匿气息的阵法,在这松了一口气,刚才他感觉到有大妖的气息出现,吓了一跳,连忙逃遁,直到逃到此处,大妖的气息才消失。 Many thanks the graciousness of master life-saving.” Yu Dai leisurely however gave Feng Feiyun good a ritual, tight pursing the lips lip. “多谢主人救命之恩。”玉黛施施然的给风飞云行了一礼,紧紧的抿着嘴唇。 Feng Feiyun sits in the cavern mouth, in hand is pinching gravel, is spreading out in the ground platoon, at the same time asked: How you will be chased down by three oppressor types, are three soldiers long?” 风飞云坐在洞穴口,手中捏着一把石子,在地上排衍着,一边问道:“你怎么会被三头虎狼样追杀,三位兵长呢?” Yu Dai tight bites Bei tooth, the eye somewhat is blushing, said: How the elite camp first battalion of many people died, was eaten by these mean Monster Clan exactly, does not know that also several people are living, I specially come back to ask three soldiers to be long, but I just released the Divine Sense investigation, four oppressor monsters have encircled, striking to kill by me, three died in the hand of master.” 玉黛紧紧的咬着贝齿,眼睛有些发红,道:“咋们精英营第一营很多人都死了,被那些卑鄙的妖族给活吃,也不知还有几个人活着,我就是专门回来找三位兵长,可是我刚释放出神识探查,就有四只虎狼妖围了过来,其中一只被我给击杀,还有三只死在了主人的手中。” In the Feng Feiyun hand is pinching the gravel, looked at her one eyes slightly, said: Here is ten thousand clan battlefields, do you also dare to use Divine Sense unexpectedly? The Monster Clan soul is extremely formidable, so long as your Divine Sense took a fast look around the past from their bodies, they can judge you immediately in any position.” 风飞云手中捏着石子,微微的看了她一眼,道:“这里可是万族战场,你居然还敢使用神识妖族的灵魂极其强大,你的神识只要从他们的身上扫视过去,他们就能立即判断出你在什么位置。” Servants, sincerely master's instruction.” Yu Dai said. “奴婢,谨记主人的教诲。”玉黛道。 Feng Feiyun the last gravel according to the ground, will change into a circle, a piece of radiance ascended from the ground, transforms a broad world empty shade, has the mountain range to fluctuate, has the rivers and streams to gallop, has Wan Liping original, there is a bottomless canyon. 风飞云将最后一枚石子给按在了地上,化为了一个圆圈,一片光华从地面上升腾了起来,幻化出一片广阔的世界虚影,有山峦起伏,有江河奔腾,有万里平原,也有无底的深谷。 This is an empty shade world, is very big, stirring. 这是一片虚影世界,十分好大,震撼人心。 Platoon spread out.” Feng Feiyun understanding smiles. “排衍出来了。”风飞云会心的一笑。 Yu Dai partly squats on the ground, long hair hangs, the clothing is tattered, above the snow white flesh is also moistening bloody scab, in a two stars pupil is having the color/look of exclamation, said: Master, what is this?” 玉黛半蹲在地上,长发垂地,衣衫破烂,雪白的肌肤之上也沾着一层血痂,一双星眸之中带着惊叹之色,道:“主人,这是什么?” Feng Feiyun stands up, looks that the world empty shade of spread in entire cavern said: „A world wants to form, surely needs to construct by the geography vein, so long as can discover a geography vein, then can the geography shape of entire world calculating. Now you see is the geography shape of entire rock red high-quality mystical place.” 风飞云站起身来,看着蔓延在整个洞穴之中的世界虚影道:“一个世界想要成形,就必定需要由地理脉络在构建,只要能够找出一条地理脉络,那么就能将整个世界的地理形态给推算出来。现在你看到的就是整个岩红高级秘境的地理形态。” Yu Dai exclaimed in surprise that must unable to speak, this method too gods and ghosts, she before never had really heard. 玉黛惊叹得说不出话来,这种手段实在太神异,她以前从未听说过。 Feng Feiyun continues saying: Our present positions in this place, belong to the southeast of rock red high-quality mystical place second largest mainland, we name as the second mainland it for the time being!” 风飞云继续道:“我们现在的位置就在这个地方,属于岩红高级秘境第二大的大陆的东南部,我们暂且将它命名为第二大陆!”
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