SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#892: Bloody battlefield

The gate of wormhole opens in the rock red high-quality mystical place, four seven levels of Half Monster and 500 Half Monster jing sharp go out from inside, arrived at one piece fully is above the earth of scarlet-red color/look rock, the rock was red looks like the blood, some rocks had the mountain to be so big fully. 虫洞之门在岩红高级秘境之中打开,四位七级半妖和500名半妖jing锐从里面走出,来到了一片满是赤红sè岩石的大地之上,岩石红得像鲜血,有的岩石足有山岳那么大。 This high-quality mystical place is somewhat special, the gravity is outside eight times, moreover in the air is flowing the burning hot chaotic air current, can affect the member to condense the spiritual energy the speed, is very disadvantageous to the human member. 这一座高级秘境有些特殊,重力乃是外面的八倍,而且空气之中流动着炙热混乱的气流,能够影响修士凝聚灵气的速度,对人类修士很不利。 Four big battalions form the regiment, the third battalion of protection four directions, the auxiliary camp resides in zhong “四大营结成方队,第三营守护四方,辅助营居于zhong yāng, then............ ” yāng,然后……啊……” Seven levels of Half Monster erect order above the midair, above the cloud layer, a huge claw racket has pressed, the claw has several hundred meters fully, drops to the bang that seven levels of Half Monster directly void, body hit dripping with blood. 一个七级半妖正飞在半空之上下命令,云层之上,一只庞大的爪子拍压了下去,爪子足有数百米长,直接将那一个七级半妖给轰落下虚空,身体被打的鲜血淋漓。 This is scary Monster Qi, has filled endless wreaking havoc murderous aura, has opened the huge bloody mouth, tumbled that in ground seven levels of Half Monster pouching the mouth. 这是一个骇人至极的妖气,充满了无尽的肆虐杀气,张开了庞大的血淋淋的嘴,将那一位滚落在地上的七级半妖给吞进了嘴里。 All these occur in the electric light flint, all Half Monster very much have not responded, seven levels of Half Monster were swallowed into the big monster abdomen on already. 这一切都发生在电光火石之间,所有半妖都很没有反应过来,一位七级半妖已经被吞入了大妖的腹中。 Is the oppressor Monster Clan big monster!” “是虎狼妖族的大妖!” Sir Qing Zhai first responded, offered a sacrifice to a azure color/look god lotus, altogether nine petals, changed into an oil lamp, the radiance of azure color/look has shelled together. 青祭大人第一个反应了过来,祭出了一朵青sè的神莲,一共九瓣,化为了一盏青灯,一道青sè的光华轰击了出去。 That oppressor big monster face upwards to roar, the huge mouth puts out yellow around the mouth color/look the spoiled spring, is the river bursts a dike likely, any by Half Monster that the spoiled spring stained, the body is changed instantaneously into the wealth, the pitiful yell sound was continuous, dozens Half Monster bodies died. 那一只虎狼大妖仰天咆哮,庞大的嘴里吐出一口黄sè的腐泉,像是大河决堤,凡是被腐泉沾上的半妖,身体瞬间就化为了脓水,惨叫声连绵不绝,有数十位半妖身死。 Everybody runs away quickly, runs away the farther the better, goes into hiding own aura, should not be given the discovery by Monster Clan.” Feng Feiyun to flies spatially, was still exclaiming in being shocked Half Monster to these. “大家快逃,逃得越远越好,隐匿自己的气息,不要被妖族给发现。”风飞云离空飞起,对着那些还在惊呆的半妖吼道。 Kills tribulation too to be really sudden, seven levels of Half Monster instantaneously fall from the sky, changes into the Monster Clan grain ration, let alone is these has not come ten thousand clan battlefields Half Monster? 杀劫来得实在太突然,就连七级半妖都瞬间陨落,化为妖族的口粮,更何况是这些从来没有来过万族战场的半妖 Feng Feiyun also starts to run away, Sir Qing Zhai and that oppressor big monster are the top powerhouses, has used Grade 9 Spirit Artifact, an optional Grade 9 Spirit Artifact prestige can attack, can Nirvana 3rd-layer Half Monster being killed by shock. 风飞云也开始逃窜,青祭大人和那一位虎狼大妖都是顶尖强者,更是动用了九品灵器,随意的一道九品灵器的威能冲击过来,都能将涅槃第三重半妖给震死。 All person Half Monster start to run away, another two seven levels of Half Monster also get rid, goes to besiege that oppressor big monster. 所有人半妖都开始逃窜,另外两位七级半妖也纷纷出手,前去围攻那一头虎狼大妖。 !” “噗!” At this time, the rock of scarlet-red color/look split, the spider of troop white color/look crawled from inside, each spider one meter high, the claw had several meter/rice, had several hundred fully. 这个时候,赤红sè的岩石裂开,有一大群白sè的蜘蛛从里面爬了出来,每一只蜘蛛都有一米高,爪子有数米长,足有数百只。 Their lengths the thick hard shell, in the vision is having the person xing ray, in the mouth to put out spoken parts color/look jing, directly erect Half Monster above sky will only give to tie down, Half Monster has crashed from the sky immediately, fell into their mouth. 它们的身上长着厚厚的硬壳,目光之中带着人xing化的光芒,口中吐出一道白sè的jing光,直接就将正飞在天空之上的半妖给缠住,半妖顿时从天空之上坠落了下来,落入了它们的口中。 Everybody was careful, should not be given to tie down by the spider's silk, once ties down, uses two taste ocean fires to burn out.” Feng Feiyun reminded one again. “大家小心,不要被蛛丝给缠住,一旦缠住,使用二味溟火可以烧断。”风飞云再次提醒了一声。 The weakness pointed out frankly, gives to enrage these spider monster jing of ground, simultaneously dozens spider jing have put out the spider's silk toward the Feng Feiyun winding in the past. 弱点被道破,将地上的那些蜘蛛妖jing都给激怒,同时有数十只蜘蛛jing吐出了蛛丝向着风飞云缠绕过去。 Above the palm of Feng Feiyun condenses flame, a palm racket has pressed, changed into a huge flame palm, gave to fire the azure smoke all spider's silks. 风飞云的手掌之上凝聚出一片火焰,一掌拍压了下去,化为了一个庞大的火焰手掌,将所有的蛛丝都给烧成了青烟。 Bang!” “轰!” The hand was in charge the bombardment on the ground, gave to hit the body disintegration dozens spider jing, the hard shell was tattered, died by the town completely. 手掌印轰击在了地上,将数十只蜘蛛jing都给打得身体崩碎,硬壳破烂,全部被镇死。 The Feng Feiyun sleeves turn, that dozens spider jing corpse taking in Spirit Stone. 风飞云的衣袖一翻,那数十只蜘蛛jing的尸体给收进了界灵石之中。 These monster corpses can sell for money, can be used for the refine the pill of immortality and refiner, the value not poor. 这些妖尸都能卖钱,可以用来炼丹和炼器,价值不菲。 The key can be used to exchange the military exploit. 关键是可以用来兑换军功。 A palm of the hand clapped dozens spider jing, making the ground these spider jing angry, including six formidable spider jing incarnations is the human form, the body was red. Bare, offered a sacrifice to the monster soldier to shell the past toward Feng Feiyun separately. 一巴掌就拍死了数十只蜘蛛jing,让地上的那些蜘蛛jing都愤怒了起来,其中有六只强大的蜘蛛jing化身为人形,身躯赤.裸,分别祭出了妖兵向着风飞云轰击了过去。 Is Nirvana 3rd-layer cultivation base, the monster soldier in hand also exceptionally formidable, shoots down, surrounding area thousand li (500 km) disintegration. 都是涅槃第三重修为,手中的妖兵也异常的强大,一击落地,方圆千里都崩碎。 Feng Feiyun does not want to be given to besiege by group monster, offers a sacrifice to Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, the foot stepped on the samsara speedily, ran out of the encirclement ring, fast far escapes. 风飞云可不想被群妖给围攻,祭出了天髓兵胆,脚踩轮回疾速,冲出了包围圈,快速的远遁。 That six spider jing are in hot pursuit, like the maggot of tarsal bone, the speed also is extremely quick. 那六只蜘蛛jing紧追不舍,就像跗骨之蛆,速度也极快。 Bang!” “轰!” The front flew a old man of features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality, the foot stepped on auspicious cloud, the hand takes to whisk, wears the Daoist temple, distant say/way: Fellow Daoist, I help you to cut the monster.” 前方飞来了一个仙风道骨的老者,脚踩祥云,手拿拂尘,头戴道观,远远的道:“道友,我来助你斩妖。” Feng Feiyun revolution Heavenly Eye of Phoenix, in the double pupil has two phoenixes to fly, deep stared at that old man to look at one. 风飞云运转凤凰天眼,双瞳之中有两只凤凰在飞行,深深的盯着那老者看了一眼。 cultivation base of this old man is very formidable, whisking in hand becomes has the mountain fully that huge, carries the bang day broken place the invincible might, turned toward the Feng Feiyun top of the head to shell directly. 这一位老者的修为很是强大,手中的拂尘变得足有山岳那么的庞大,携带轰天碎地的神威,直接向着风飞云的头顶轰击了下去。 „An oppressor monster, can hide the truth from my eye?” “一只虎狼妖,也能瞒得过我的眼睛?” Feng Feiyun early was prepared, Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall in hand changed into a handle great blade, like a half a month of round white color/look, has shelled in the sky, made the old man has whisked breaking out. 风飞云早有准备,手中的天髓兵胆化为了一柄巨刀,像一轮白sè的半月,当空轰击了下去,将老者打出了拂尘给劈开。 The old man both eyes of that features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality send coldly, full was the blood light, the body opens instantaneously, changed into a mountain that high ominous beast. 那一个仙风道骨的老者双目发寒,满是血光,身体瞬间撑开,化为了一头山岳那么高的凶兽。 Has the head of body and tiger of wolf, the body full is the blood color/look ray! 有着狼的身体和虎的头颅,身上满是血sè的光芒! That that this oppressor monster has not started is so terrifying, has Nirvana 3rd-layer cultivation base probably, but the strength is more formidable than Nirvana 3rd-layer human, roared, the real world was shivering. 这一头虎狼妖并没有开始的那一头那么恐怖,大概拥有涅槃第三重修为,但是战力却比涅槃第三重的人类要强大,一声咆哮,真的天地都在颤抖。 That six spider jing already pursued! 那六只蜘蛛jing已经追了上来! Really before , has the oppressor, latter has spider jing. 真是前有虎狼,后有蜘蛛jing。 Feng Feiyun has made the judgment within the extremely short time, body flying upside down, is thinking that six spider jing have shelled the past, in the hand has made a day hot symbol, a hot cloud descends, has to burn the day to boil the sea the prestige energy, changed into the fire the surrounding area ten thousand miles earth original. 风飞云在极短的时间之内做出了判断,身体倒飞,想着那六只蜘蛛jing轰击了过去,手中打出了一张天火符,一片火云降落下来,有焚天煮海的威能,将方圆万里的大地都化为了火原。 This is talisman that the Nirvana 4th-layer old ancestor sacrifice refining up, the might endures compared with the Nirvana 4th-layer member strikes fully. 这是涅槃第四重的老祖祭炼的符箓,威力堪比涅槃第四重的修士全力一击。 Bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭……” The bodies of six spider jing explode completely, body by flame firing flying ash, only remaining six Monster Bead. 六只蜘蛛jing的身体全部爆裂开,身体都被火焰给烧成了飞灰,只剩下六枚妖珠 Any Monster Clan that can change from, can condense Monster Bead in the body, similar and dantian of human. 凡是能够化形的妖族,都能够在身体之中凝聚出妖珠,类似与人类的丹田。 Feng Feiyun six Monster Bead receiving, has sighed deeply, this is spider jing that six can change from, if can capture alive, attains sixth zhong 风飞云将六枚妖珠给收起,长叹了一声,这可是六只可以化形的蜘蛛jing,若是能够生擒,拿到第六zhong yāng Dynasty can sell not the poor price. yāng王朝可以卖出不菲的价格。 That oppressor monster saw Feng Feiyun to pull out the day hot symbol, instantaneously six Nirvana 3rd-layer spider jing firing the ashes, how many minutes in the eye has also given birth to fear color/look to Feng Feiyun, in the hand of not too clear Feng Feiyun also had day of hot symbol terrifying attack talisman? 那一头虎狼妖看到风飞云拉出了天火符,瞬间就将六只涅槃第三重的蜘蛛jing给烧成了灰烬,眼中也对风飞云生出了几分惧sè,不太清楚风飞云的手中到底还有没有天火符这种恐怖的攻击符箓 Was one's turn you!” “轮到你了!” Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall in Feng Feiyun hand changed into several thousand handle small swords, has attacked the past toward the oppressor monster, the sword air/Qi able to move unhindered, kills off Xi Tianjuan the place. 风飞云手中的天髓兵胆化为了数千柄小剑,向着虎狼妖冲击了过去,剑气纵横,杀光席天卷地。 Base and low human, you are courting death.” “卑微的人类,你这是在找死。” In the mouth of oppressor monster has put out a monster skin, changed into the number hundred zhang (333 m) to be big, above the monster skin condensed to the mark innumerably, a monster character carved above the monster skin, there is a Ascension aura. 虎狼妖的口中吐出了一张妖皮,化为了数百丈大,妖皮之上凝聚无数到阵纹,还有一个妖字刻在妖皮之上,有羽化的气息。 Bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭……” Several thousand handle small swords by monster skin blocking! 数千柄小剑被妖皮给挡住! That monster character above monster skin erupts an evil xing strength, is a big monster appears likely, to the person an unequalled constriction, shaking to have flown upside down Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall. 妖皮之上的那一个妖字爆发出一股邪xing的力量,像是一位大妖横空出世,给人一种无与伦比的压迫感,将天髓兵胆给震得倒飞了回去。 Monster Clan Great Sage carving characters monster skin.” Feng Feiyun is somewhat surprised. 妖族大贤的刻字妖皮。”风飞云有些吃惊。 That monster skin most formidable place is not above Formation, but is that character above monster skin, is the Monster Clan Great Sage quarter, is keeping a Monster Clan Great Sage wisp of aura, condensed the Monster Clan Great Sage say/way seal, the might no small matter, even if Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall is unable to break. 那一张妖皮最强大的地方不是上面的阵法,而是妖皮之上的那一个字,乃是妖族大贤刻上去,留着妖族大贤的一缕气息,凝聚了妖族大贤的道印,威力非同小可,就算天髓兵胆都无法破开。 Calculates that you somewhat experience.” “算你有几分见识。” The oppressor monster offers a sacrifice to once more monster skin, is one piece loudly clouds likely, has covered toward Feng Feiyun, wants dead Feng Feiyun to the town with the Monster Clan Great Sage say/way seal. 虎狼妖将妖皮再次祭出,像是一片大云,向着风飞云罩了过去,想要用妖族大贤的道印将风飞云给镇死。 Feng Feiyun has launched the samsara speedily, body speedily retrocedes, flies toward the vault of heaven. 风飞云展开了轮回疾速,身体疾速后退,向着天穹飞去。 You cannot escape.” “你逃不掉的。” The oppressor monster changed into the human form once more, the foot stepped on above the monster skin, in the mouth has put out a rotten streak spring, like a Milky Way, flew above the sky, has swept across toward Feng Feiyun. 虎狼妖再次化为了人形,脚踩在妖皮之上,口中吐出了一条腐泉,像一条天河,飞在天空之上,向着风飞云席卷了过去。 Feng Feiyun vision ice-cold, in the body 3.6 million grains of Holy Saint bone ashes are shivering, the surface of skin had Fokuang to condense, changed into a gold/metal color/look Buddha egg, gave the package his body. 风飞云的目光冰冷,身体之中3600000粒圣灵的骨灰在颤动,皮肤的表面有佛光在凝聚,化为了一个金sè的佛卵,将他的身体给包裹。 Spoiled spring Chongji on the body of Feng Feiyun, had been given to block by the Buddha egg of gold/metal color/look, has not soaked the body. 腐泉冲击在了风飞云的身上,被金sè的佛卵给挡住,没有浸体。 Human, do not make senseless struggling again, obedient makes my abdomen Chinese meal!” The oppressor monster was with smile on the face, has made 13 spirit swords, toward flying to have cut in front Feng Feiyun. “人类,不要再做无谓的挣扎,乖乖的做我的腹中餐吧!”虎狼妖面带微笑,打出了13道灵剑,向着飞在前方的风飞云斩了下去。 Bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭……” Sword air/Qi cut to fall, the earth tearing canyons. 一道道剑气斩落,将大地给撕裂出一条条峡谷。 Feng Feiyun stopped the footsteps suddenly, in dantian ran out of a azure color/look radiance, changed into a huge and ancient bronze god ship, the mountain ridge so was fully long, is having a boundless and overwhelming prestige energy. 风飞云突然停下了脚步,丹田之中冲出了一道青sè的光华,化为一座庞大而古老的青铜神船,足有一座山岭那么长,带着一股磅礴而浩然的威能。 Bang!” “轰!” Feng Feiyun stands above Bronze Ancient Vessel, directly hitting to fly oppressor Half Monster, the body was hit to crack blood marks, is almost split up. 风飞云站在青铜古船之上,直接将虎狼半妖给撞飞出去,身体被撞得裂出一道道血纹,差一点就四分五裂。 Oppressor Half Monster panic-stricken looks at Bronze Ancient Vessel, above Ancient Vessel has a sacred and enormous and powerful aura, oppresses him unceasingly to retrocede, startled say/way: This is an unsurpassed god soldier, is not a small human can have.” 虎狼半妖惊恐的看着青铜古船,古船之上有一股神圣而浩荡的气息,压迫得他不断的后退,惊道:“这是一件无上神兵,不是一个小小的人类可以拥有。” Excuse me, I had exactly.” Feng Feiyun stands above Bronze Ancient Vessel, again has hit the past, hits the body of oppressor Half Monster again splits, blood unceasing get lost/rolls to the ground, has appeared the primary form, changed into a huge oppressor. “不好意思,恰恰我就拥有了。”风飞云站在青铜古船之上,再一次的撞击了过去,将虎狼半妖的身体再一次撞得裂开,鲜血不断的向地上滚,显出了原形,化为了一只庞大的虎狼。 Feng Feiyun already nosed a moment ago, surroundings do not have Monster Clan to go into hiding, the sacrifice that therefore dares to feel relieved Bronze Ancient Vessel, does not need to be worried that has the Monster Clan powerhouse to hear the news to come to rob. 风飞云刚才已经查探过来,周围都没有妖族隐匿,所以才敢放心的祭出青铜古船,不用担心有妖族的强者闻讯前来抢夺。 Oppressor Half Monster cried loud and long, that monster skin offering a sacrifice, wanted to resist Bronze Ancient Vessel with monster skin to come, the monster character above monster skin became sacred, a ray of soaring to the heavens flew, gave to illuminate this stretch of earth. 虎狼半妖长啸一声,将那一张妖皮给祭出,想要用妖皮来对抗青铜古船,妖皮之上的妖字变得更加的神圣,一股冲霄的光芒飞起,将这一片大地都给照亮。 This is a Monster Clan Great Sage wisp of aura, the no small matter, shakes the earth to rock. 这是妖族大贤的一缕气息,非同小可,震得大地在晃动。 Feng Feiyun stands above Bronze Ancient Vessel, has infiltrated Infinite Ghost Thumb Ring the spiritual energy of whole body, Infinite Ghost Thumb Ring transmitted above the strength Longma River Diagram, urging the Bronze Ancient Vessel speed to become quickly, shuttled back and forth the Holy Saint boat of likely together in space, has hit the past. 风飞云站在青铜古船之上,将全身的灵气都打入了淼鬼扳指,淼鬼扳指又将力量传递到了龙马河图之上,驱使青铜古船的速度变得更快,像是一道穿梭在空间之中的圣灵之舟,撞击了过去。
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