SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#891: The wooden god puts up the war zone

Ray twinkle of ancient array platform, extremely dazzling, when Feng Feiyun and the others go out from ancient array platform, already arrived above a stretch of vast open area. 古阵台的光芒闪烁,极其刺目,当风飞云等人从古阵台之中走出的时候,已经来到了一片辽阔的空地之上。 Raises eyes to look, is barracks, some are situated above the ground, some distributions in void, limitless, does not know that many member walk in the barracks. 举目望去,全是一座座兵营,有的坐落在地面之上,有些排布在虚空,无边无际,不知有多少修士行走在兵营之间。 Here is ten thousand clan battlefields, the wooden god puts up the war zone, 875 barracks, fellow the heroic soldiers of human, welcome you to arrive at the human the border area, fights for the survival and prosperity of entire human.” Rides the middle-aged man of gale beast to fly from barracks, the whole body was given the package by the thick armor, in the hand is raising a long spear/gun of Grade 9 Spirit Artifact rank, the body has one to frighten the will of the people spirit strength, the bright atmosphere, likely is one war-god line. “这里乃是万族战场,木神架战区,875兵营,各位人类的英雄儿郎,欢迎你们来到人类的边疆,为了整个人类的生存和繁荣而战。”一个骑着大风兽的中年男子从一座兵营之中飞来,全身都被厚厚的铠甲给包裹,手中提着一杆九品灵器级别的长枪,身上有着一股震慑人心灵的力量,煌煌大气,像是一座战神行来。 On the waist of this middle-aged man is hanging black Iron Writ, above records a digit 18,159. 这一个中年男子的腰上挂着一枚玄色的铁令,上面记录着一个数字“18159”。 This Iron Writ represents the number of military exploit he has set up! 这一枚铁令代表了他所立的军功的数目! 18,159 military exploits, this is a very terrifying digit, even if these ancient clan old ancestors are also far from having so many military exploits. 18159点军功,这是一个十分恐怖的数字,就算那些古族的老祖也远远没有拥有如此多的军功。 Must know that establishes 100 military exploits, can be labeled as human hero, has to join the boundary main governing immortal armed forces( must change) the qualifications. Once this person returns from ten thousand clan battlefields, will receive the heroic general treatment, major ancient clan winning over vigorously, can obtain not the low status in ancient clan. 要知道立下100点军功,就可以被封为“人类功臣”,有加入境主御仙军(须改)的资格。这种人一旦从万族战场之上返回,将会受到英雄一般的待遇,各大古族都会极力的拉拢,能够在一个古族得到不低的地位。 Can establish 1000 points military exploits, can be labeled as human big hero, will receive the respect of countless person, these Middle Ages aristocratic families will win over vigorously, even might becomes the guest official and families/home of Middle Ages aristocratic family, disciple. 能够立下1000点的军功,就可以被封为“人类大功臣”,会受到无数人的敬仰,那些中古世家都会极力拉拢,甚至有可能成为中古世家的客卿、家将、门人。 As for character who can establish 10,000 military exploits, is quite extraordinary on already, is the overlord same character, can above ten thousand clan battlefields becomes a prestige illustrious fight king, returns to the human state to be able in a territory to obtain the manor, establishes own family or the Immortal Sect Confucianism. 至于能够立下10000点军功的人物,就已经相当了不得,无一不是霸主一样的人物,可以在万族战场之上成为一位威名赫赫的“战王”,返回人类国度能够在一个域得到封地,建立属于自己的家族或者仙门大教。 God! Is one fights the king.” 天呐!是一位战王。” Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! Knelt down a piece. 跪倒了一片。 ancient clan young talent kneel on one knee on the ground, in the eye full is the look of respect, this is one type the respect to the powerhouse. 就连很多古族的年轻才俊都单膝跪在地上,眼中满是崇敬的神色,这是一种对强者的尊敬。 In the Half Monster elite camp also many person kneel on one knee on the ground, full are the excited looks, fought the king to be full of the respect to that. 半妖精英营之中也有很多人单膝跪在地上,满是激动的神色,对那一位战王充满了敬意。 But Feng Feiyun stands there, the distant place that the vision looks into, saw that another also presents the form that this has fought the king, many member kneel on one knee places, the ritual of good sergeant. 风飞云则站在那里,目光眺望的远处,看到另一头也出现了这一尊战王的身影,有很多修士都单膝跪地,行军士之礼。 Form that this fights the king appeared in one incessantly, simultaneously appeared in many. 这一尊战王的身影不止出现在了一处,同时出现在了多处。 Originally this is only fights in which world of king to project merely, is not his true body.” The Feng Feiyun heart understood. “原来这仅仅只是战王的其中一个天地投影,并不是他的真身。”风飞云的心头明白了过来。 Although is only a world projects merely, but actually really exists, is the vivid person . Moreover the strength is very terrifying, a spear/gun shells, opens the day of crack place surely. 虽然仅仅只是一个天地投影,但是却真实存在,是有血有肉的人,而且力量十分恐怖,一枪轰击出去,必定开天裂地。 Is only a projection so formidable. 仅仅只是一个投影就这般的强大。 Goes to the barracks to receive to fight the command, enters the battlefield to fight for human! Any person who can capture the military exploit, after coming back, can enter the wooden Divine Palace choice cultivation merit law.” Grasps the war king of long spear/gun to vanish without the trace instantaneously. “都去兵营之中领取战令,进入战场为人类而战斗吧!凡是能够夺得军功的人,回来之后都能进入木神宫挑选修炼功法。”手持长枪的战王瞬间就消失无踪。 Hears wooden Divine Palace these characters, these came from young heavenly talent of various large clans excited. 听到“木神宫”这几个字,那些来自各大族的年轻天骄都兴奋了起来。 These ancient clan send the juniors to arrive above ten thousand clan battlefields informed and experienced, accumulates the military exploit is a goal, but also the goal is the study top cultivation merit law. 那些古族派遣子弟来到万族战场之上历练,积累军功是一个目的,而还有一个目的就是学习顶尖的修炼功法。 Must know ten thousand clan battlefields some cultivation merit laws in barracks, even if were the Middle Ages aristocratic family will go all out to compete. 要知道万族战场的兵营之中的一些修炼功法,就算是中古世家都会为之而拼命争夺。 These merit laws were these die above the battlefield human worthy people of former times have left behind, after by battlefield cleanup person receiving, one after another was shipped back each war zone, piled up, if the luck were good the certain extent, perhaps can also find the cultivation merit law that antiquity Holy Saint left behind. 这些功法都是那些死在了战场之上的人类先贤所遗留,被打扫战场的人给收起来之后,就被一车一车的运回了每一座战区,堆积成山,若是运气好到了一定程度,说不定还能找到上古圣灵遗留下来的修炼功法。 Naturally wants the wooden Divine Palace choice merit law, needs to accumulate suffices enough many military exploits to be good, otherwise also can only stand in out of the door, but is unable to enter. 当然想要去木神宫挑选功法,也需要积累够足够多的军功才行,不然也只能站在门外,而无法入内。 Half Monster elite camp thorough has seethed with excitement, everyone is wild with joy, reason that must know Half Monster will be weaker than the juniors of these Middle Ages aristocratic families with the boundary, one of the most important reasons is the Half Monster cultivation merit method too is preliminary, but ancient clan the juniors cultivation is the top merit laws. 半妖精英营彻底的沸腾了,每一个人都欣喜若狂,要知道半妖之所以在同境界会比那些中古世家的子弟弱,最重要的原因之一就是半妖的修炼功法实在太低级,而古族的子弟修炼的都是顶尖功法。 Half Monster physique originally weak, the bloodlines are also impure, in addition the merit law of cultivation is also well below others, this also how and do the ancient clan juniors contend? 半妖的体质本来就弱,血脉也不纯,再加上修炼的功法也远远不如别人,这还如何和古族子弟相抗衡? However now has actually given them an opportunity of turning over, so long as the accumulation suffices certain military exploit, can have the opportunity of choice merit law, doesn't this make them excited? 但是现在却给了他们一个翻身的机会,只要积累够一定的军功,就能够拥有挑选功法的机会,这怎么不让他们激动? That four seven levels of Half Monster are moved, in the going barracks receives to fight the command hastily. 就连那四位七级半妖都为之动容,连忙前去兵营之中领取战令。 In these Half Monster elites when state of mind rushing, Feng Feiyun actually as before very serious, does not have the joy of slightest bit, ten thousand clan battlefields are not the amusing places, wanting the vertical military exploit to be easier said than done, even if a narrow escape, is not necessarily able to set up one a military exploit. 在那些半妖精英都在心绪滂湃的时候,风飞云却依旧十分的严肃,并没有半分的欣喜,万族战场可不是好玩的地方,想要立军功谈何容易,就算是九死一生,也未必能够能立“一”点的军功。 His vision staring at this moment in front of a stele, above is recording about wooden god puts up war zone introduction: 他此刻的目光凝视在一块石碑前,上面刻录着关于“木神架战区”的一些介绍: The wooden god puts up the war zone belongs to „the dead cloud boundary battlefield part, is a low level war zone, including a universe, 657 high-quality mystical places, 70,800 intermediate mystical places, the low level mystical place has numerous number. 木神架战区属于“死云界战场”的一部分,乃是一座低级战区,包括一座小千世界,657个高级秘境,还有70800个中级秘境,低级秘境多不胜数。 The so-called low level war zone, refers to the danger coefficient very low war zone, mostly belongs to „the post-war war zone, straightforward, was a large area of war already had finished, place that already by human attacking and capturing getting down. 所谓的低级战区,就是指危险系数很低的战区,大多都属于“战后战区”,直白一点,就是大面积的战争都已经结束了,已经被人类给攻克了下来的地方。 However has the Monster Clan activity that washed out and is defeated as in these mystical places, but arrives at the wooden god to put up the member in war zone, must these also living Monster Clan seeking, thorough striking kills, obtains the military exploit by this. 但是却依旧有很多被冲散和战败的妖族活动在这些秘境之中,而来到木神架战区的修士,就是要将这些还活着的妖族给寻找出来,彻底的击杀,以此来获得军功。 Although merely is only the post-war war zone, Feng Feiyun actually as before slightly does not dare the nerve relaxing. 虽然仅仅只是战后战区,风飞云却依旧丝毫都不敢将神经给放松。 Your Half Monster Union also arrived at the wooden god to put up the war zone unexpectedly, was really skillful!” Eighth Young Master Gu walked slowly, the body puts on the iron armor god armor, the side has two full of vigor young talents to follow, their bodies had the imposing manner of white Hongguan date, cultivation base was formidable, gave to compel to draw back the Nirvana 3rd-layer Half Monster elders. “你们半妖盟居然也来到了木神架战区,真是巧啊!”顾八少爷徐徐的走了过来,身上穿着铁甲神铠,身边有两个精神饱满的的年轻才俊相随,他们身上有白虹贯日的气势,修为强大无比,将涅槃第三重半妖长老都给迫退。 Without the suppression of falling day Spirit Stone, the cultivation base complete explosion of Eighth Young Master Gu, was very formidable, making the person not dare to look straight ahead. 没有了陨天灵石的压制,顾八少爷修为完全爆发了出来,无比强大,让人不敢直视。 But in these three Middle Ages aristocratic families person outstanding , the number by ten thousand family armies, blocks the sky, obviously is comes ten thousand clan battlefields to protect their family armies. 而在这三个中古世家的人杰的身后,还有数以万记的家族军队,遮天蔽日,显然都是前来万族战场保护他们的家族军队。 This was the inside story of Middle Ages aristocratic family, outstanding juniors arrived at ten thousand clan battlefields to be informed and experienced, will lead several tens of thousands cavalry armies. The top talent who looks after the household are innumerable, a Eighth Young Master Gu person arrived at ten thousand clan battlefields absolutely incessantly, if each outstanding juniors can lead several tens of thousands cavalries, then terrifying. 这就是中古世家的底蕴,一个优秀子弟来到万族战场历练,就会带数万铁骑大军。况且顾家的顶尖才俊无数,绝对不止顾八少爷一个人来到了万族战场,要是每一位优秀子弟都能带领数万铁骑,那么就更加的恐怖了。 The Eighth Young Master Gu vision intended to look on the body of Feng Feiyun, said with a smile: Does not know that which war zone your Half Monster Union will go to be informed and experienced?” 顾八少爷的目光有意在风飞云的身上看了看,笑道:“不知你们半妖盟会去哪一座战区历练?” Feng Feiyun faintly said: Our Half Monster Union senior has arrangement, the work eight young masters did not take the trouble.” 风飞云淡淡的道:“我们半妖盟的前辈自有安排,就不劳八少爷费心了。” Eighth Young Master Gu resentful saying with a smile however: Your Half Monster Union, if wants vertical meritorious military service, that goes to tiger's roar day universe, there is the wooden god puts up the war zone biggest battlefield, the juniors of our Middle Ages aristocratic family must go there informed and experienced, does not know that your Half Monster Union does have that courage?” 顾八少爷悻悻然的笑道:“你们半妖盟若是想要立战功,那就去‘虎啸天小千世界’,那里乃是木神架战区最大的战场,我们中古世家的子弟都要去那里历练,不知你们半妖盟有没有那个胆子?” The tiger's roar day universe is the wooden god puts up the war zone most dangerous place, is Monster Clan gathers in most places. 虎啸天小千世界乃是木神架战区最危险的地方,也是妖族聚集最多的地方。 Who said that we don't have that courage? We go to the tiger's roar day universe surely.” Shi Dakai brandishes the burning electricity in hand to fight the hammer, the body electricity glow interweaves, sound like thunder. “谁说我们没那个胆子?我们必定去虎啸天小千世界。”石大开挥舞着手中的焚电战锤,身上电芒交织,声音如雷。 The Feng Feiyun knitting the brows head, said: Opens greatly, do not talk nonsense, which battlefield goes to is fellow soldiers long decides, we said does not calculate.” 风飞云皱了皱眉头,道:“大开,不要胡说,去哪一座战场乃是各位兵长说了算,我们说了不算。” Right, the place that our Half Monster Union the tiger's roar day universe, we must go to is the rock red high-quality mystical place.” A azure hot lotus blooms above void, gave to map a set the azure ray to erupt the sky, in that azure hot lotus had a slender and fuzzy beautiful shade. “没错,我们半妖盟并不去虎啸天小千世界,我们要去的地方是岩红高级秘境。”一朵青色的火莲在虚空之上绽放,一股将天空都给映成了青色的光芒爆发了出来,那青色的火莲之中有一个窈窕而模糊的丽影。 Sir Qing Zhai. 青祭大人。 Crag red high-quality mystical place, is the wooden god puts up one of the war zone 657 high-quality mystical places, is an extremely dangerous war zone, but compares does not have the tiger's roar day universe to be so dangerous. 岩红高级秘境,乃是木神架战区657个高级秘境之一,也是一处极其危险的战区,但是相比来说却没有虎啸天小千世界那么危险。 Feng Feiyun nod of slightly, the Half Monster Union soldier long will make such decision in his expected. 风飞云微微的点了点头,半妖盟的兵长会做出这样的决定在他的意料之中。 The Half Monster Union population are few, moreover is ten thousand clan battlefields that first time comes, has to be careful, will not pay attention to be annihilated slightly, chooses the rock red high-quality mystical place, will be a conservative choice. 半妖盟的人数少,而且又是第一次来的万族战场,不得不小心谨慎,稍不注意就会全军覆没,选择岩红高级秘境,算是一个保守的选择。 Saw the appearances of seven levels of Half Monster, Eighth Young Master Gu has also restrained several points, said: Half Monster Union foundation originally weak, does not go to the tiger's roar day universe is the correct decision, you wait to visit us to contribute to the big military exploit! Haha!” 看到七级半妖的出现,顾八少爷也收敛了几分,道:“半妖盟的根基本来就薄弱,不去虎啸天小千世界是正确的决定,那你们就等着看我们立大军功吧!哈哈!” Regarding tiger's roar day universe, Eighth Young Master Gu also taboo, if brings the family army to go on him, he does not have that courage absolutely. Mainly is because this time they gathered the young talent of many Middle Ages aristocratic family, there is Liu Suzi to unite some Immortal City and Saint mansion, therefore dares to rush to the tiger's roar day universe. 对于虎啸天小千世界,顾八少爷也十分的忌讳,若是就他一个人带着家族军队进去,他是绝对没那个胆子。主要是因为这一次他们聚集了多个中古世家的年轻才俊,又有琉苏紫联合了一些仙城、圣府,所以才敢去闯虎啸天小千世界。 The Half Monster Union soldier long chooses in the high-quality mystical place informed and experienced, absolutely is a correct decision. 半妖盟的兵长选择在高级秘境之中历练,绝对是一个正确的决定。 Naturally did not mean that the high-quality mystical place does not have the danger, the high-quality mystical place is very as before dangerous, the sages of Ascension boundary possibly fall from the sky. 当然并不是说高级秘境就没有危险,高级秘境依旧十分危险,就连羽化境的贤者都可能陨落。 Soldier is long, why don't we go to the tiger's roar day universe?” Shi Dakai tight is entraining the sledgehammer in hand, stares back that Eighth Young Master Gu is departing, wants to pound very much to him. “兵长,为何我们不去虎啸天小千世界?”石大开紧紧的拽着手中的大锤,盯着顾八少爷离去的背影,很想给他砸过去。 Qing Zhai big humanity: Crag red high-quality mystical place can be informed and experienced as before, can accumulate the military exploit as before, this is «Military exploit Detailed Handbook», everybody looks, we go to the rock red high-quality mystical place now.” 青祭大人道:“岩红高级秘境依旧可以历练,依旧可以积累军功,这是《军功明细手册》,大家都看一下,我们现在就去岩红高级秘境。” In the hand of Sir Qing Zhai has made a piece of azure luminous spot, in the luminous spot is wrapping one volume of book articles, has flown into each Half Monster mind directly, is «Military exploit Detailed Handbook». 青祭大人的手中打出了一片青色的光点,光点之中包裹着一卷书文,直接飞进了每一个半妖的脑海之中,正是《军功明细手册》。 Meanwhile, another seven levels of Half Monster took out wormhole Spirit Stone, after having locked the space coordinate of rock red high-quality mystical place, gives to open the door of wormhole, 500 Half Monster have jumped completely in the gate of wormhole. 与此同时,另一位七级半妖取出了一枚虫洞灵石,锁定了岩红高级秘境的空间坐标之后,将虫洞之门给打开,500位半妖全部都跳进了虫洞之门。
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