SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#890: Goes to ten thousand clan battlefields

Eighth Young Master Gu coldly has smiled saying with a smile: Was already had succeeded in obtaining, but Young Master Zi lacked several beautiful Families, has given to her, if you wanted to play the Half Monster maidservant, asked her to want!” 顾八少爷冷冷的笑了笑道:“本来是已经到手了,但是紫公子缺几个美眷,也就送给了她,你们若是想要玩半妖女奴,就去找她要吧!” „It is not right! I just received the message, heard that Young Master Zi awarded to give one to be called Feng Feiyun Half Monster that 12 Half Monster maidservants.” Murong Jiankang said with a smile. “不对吧!我刚收到消息,听说紫公子将那12个半妖女奴都封赐给了一个叫做风飞云半妖。”慕容建康笑道。 Huang Yuesheng said with a smile: 12 Half Monster maidservants, each is the day in Half Monster the arrogant female, the Half Monster maidservant is no comparison between them with the past has played, but this type of world is extremely happy should be your Eighth Young Master Gu has enjoyed, now actually by base and low Half Monster enjoying. Yeah!” 黄岳笙笑道:“12位半妖女奴,每一个都是半妖之中的天之骄女,与以往玩过的半妖女奴不可同日而语,但是这种人间极乐本该是你顾八少爷享受,现在却被一个卑微的半妖给享受了。哎!” Eighth Young Master Gu coldly smiles, said: „Is your this comes to see me to laugh intentionally?” 顾八少爷冷冷的一笑,道:“你们这是故意来看我笑话?” Where has! Our heart is also mad! The good girl actually by dog eating, the good cabbage actually by the pig arching, the heart has not been feeling well very much!” Murong Jiankang sneers to say. “哪有!我们心头也气啊!多好的姑娘却被狗给啃了,多好的白菜却被猪给拱了,心头很不爽啊!”慕容建康冷笑道。 Eighth Young Master Gu said: You could rest assured that my Gu eight things of wishes, could not have obtained, who dares to snatch with me, that is courting death.” 顾八少爷道:“你们放心,我顾老八的想要的东西,从来没有得不到的,谁敢跟我抢,那就是在找死。” Huang Yuesheng said: Recently do not begin, after all that Feng Feiyun obtained Young Master Zi to seal/confer Shang, was the Young Master Zi person. If we move him, Young Master Zi feared that does not meet happily.” 黄岳笙道:“最近还是不要动手了,毕竟那个风飞云得到了紫公子的封赏,算是紫公子的人了。我们若是动他,紫公子怕是会不高兴。” That in ten thousand clan battlefields begins again!” Eighth Young Master Gu said. “那就等到万族战场之中再动手!”顾八少爷道。 Haha!” “哈哈!” Three people of clear and resonant voice have smiled, then raises glass to hobnob. 三人都朗声笑了起来,然后举杯共饮。 In the Half Monster Union big camp, Feng Feiyun obtained the interviews of seven levels of Half Monster Sir Qing Zhai. 半妖盟的大营之中,风飞云得到了七级半妖青祭大人的接见。 This Sir Qing Zhai is the Half Monster elite camp first battalion of teachers, cultivation base is immeasurably deep, is leaf Hongjing Half Monster Union existence of supreme rank, has the unusual status in Half Monster, in Half Monster is spreading about her legend. 这位青祭大人乃是半妖精英营第一营的导师,修为深不可测,乃是叶红境半妖盟的一位至尊级别的存在,在半妖之中有非同一般的地位,半妖之中流传着很多关于她的传说。 This Sir Qing Zhai to Feng Feiyun appreciation quite, then also inquired that he and Liu Suzi relations, Feng Feiyun truthfully replied, any has not concealed. 这位青祭大人对风飞云颇为的赞赏,然后又询问他和琉苏紫的关系,风飞云都如实回答,并没有任何隐瞒。 Sir Qing Zhai stands in the azure hot lotus, the body is illusory, long hair Xi Tianjuan place, faintly said: Originally your boundary breaks through in the Ruoshui lakeside, since this case, you belong to my Half Monster elite camp first battalion!” 青祭大人站在青色的火莲之中,身体虚幻,长发席天卷地,淡淡的道:“原来你的境界是在弱水湖畔突破的,既然这样的话,那你还是归属在我半妖精英营第一营吧!” The Half Monster elite camp first battalion completely is 1st-layer talent Half Monster, only then Feng Feiyun at competition first day the breakthrough boundary, has achieved 2nd-layer. 半妖精英营第一营全部都是涅第一重的天才半妖,只有风飞云在比赛的第一天突破境界,达到了涅第二重 Following several days, you do not need to attend the competition, relieved consolidated cultivation base.” Sir Qing Zhai saying slowly. “接下来几天,你就不用参加比赛,安心巩固修为。”青祭大人徐徐的说道。 Was this is decided but not yet announced? 难道这就是算是内定了? Feng Feiyun said: Many thanks Sir Qing Zhai.” 风飞云道:“多谢青祭大人。” Gets down!” Qing Zhai big humanity. “下去吧!”青祭大人道。 Same obtains the big fellow of that head/number of people beast body Sir Qing Zhai receives with Feng Feiyun, named Shi Dakai, he goes out from a remote mountain, was provided in a big way by a Ascension sage, was in Half Monster the destiny quite formidable person. 风飞云一样得到青祭大人接见的那个人头兽身的大块头,名叫“石大开”,他是从一座深山之中走出,被一位羽化贤者给养大,也算是半妖之中气运比较强大的人了。 „! Brother, you are really fierce, a palm of the hand clapping spits blood that any cat flatter dog, I am inferior to you.” Shi Dakai extended a giant hand, the palm of the hand had half meter fully, a finger had the arm of Feng Feiyun to be so thick, has been covered with the black scene. “诶!兄弟,你真厉害,一巴掌就将那个阿猫阿狗给拍得吐血,俺不如你。”石大开伸出了一只巨大的手,巴掌足有半米长,一根指头都有风飞云的手臂那么粗,长满了黑色的场面。 Feng Feiyun also extends a hand and he shook hand. 风飞云也伸出一只手和他握了握手。 In his body is carrying too ape Monster Clan bloodlines, and First Generation Half Monster. 他的身体之中携带着“太猿妖族”的血脉,而且还是初代半妖 Feng Feiyun sees this black wool, the huge trunk, really somewhat could not have mastered, his mother is too ape Monster Clan, is his father too ape Monster Clan? 风飞云看到他这一身黑毛,还有庞大的体躯,实在有些搞不懂,到底他母亲是太猿妖族,还是他父亲乃是太猿妖族 If his mother is too ape Monster Clan, then his father's taste really makes people feel to admire. 若是他母亲乃是太猿妖族,那么他父亲的口味就实在让人感到佩服。 If his father is too ape Monster Clan, then his mother's taste makes people feel to admire. 若是他父亲乃是太猿妖族,那么他母亲的口味则更加的让人感到佩服。 Feng Feiyun asked the question in heart finally. 风飞云最终还是问出了心中的疑问。 Shi Dakai silent moment, then said: Old man said, my mother and my father love.” 石大开沉默了片刻,然后道:“老头子说,我母亲和我父亲是真爱。” Loves really really?” “真的是真爱?” Loves really!” Shi Dakai is very say/way with deep veneration. “是真爱啊!”石大开很是肃然的道。 Oh! Congratulations, congratulations.” Feng Feiyun said with a smile. !恭喜,恭喜。”风飞云笑道。 At this time grew the young girl of fish tail to carry one cup of spirit tea to walk, mild-mannered and cultivated, the physique was slender, aquamarine long hair, plentiful milk-white bosom, pure white beautiful white skin, but the both legs changed into the fish tail, was given to cover by the scale, each scale was flowing the water blue unusual brightness, likely was Spirit Stone that mounted. 这个时候一个长着鱼尾的少女端着一杯灵茶走了过来,温文尔雅,身姿修长,碧绿色的长发,丰满的酥胸,洁白的玉肤,而双腿则化为了鱼尾,被鳞片给覆盖,每一块鳞片都流动着水蓝色的宝光,像是一块块镶嵌上去的灵石 Servants, serve tea to the master.” The Half Monster beautiful woman bows slightly, put the Feng Feiyun front the spirit tea, above the teacup has also been moistening gang of faint odd/surplus fragrant. “奴婢,给主人送茶。”半妖美人微微躬身,将灵茶放到了风飞云的面前,茶杯之上还沾着一股淡淡的余香。 Feng Feiyun knits the brows: Yu Dai, you do not need such to do, how is the Half Monster elite camp first battalion of members, does not have the difference of servants and master.” 风飞云皱眉道:“玉黛,你没必要这么做,咋们都是半妖精英营第一营的成员,没有奴婢和主人的区别。” The name of this Half Monster beautiful woman is called Yu Dai, is one of the that 12 Half Monster maidservants, is one of the Half Monster elite camp first battalion of three First Generation Half Monster, in the body is flowing person Fish Monster Clan bloodlines. 这个半妖美人的名字叫做玉黛,乃是那12个半妖女奴之一,同时也是半妖精英营第一营的三个初代半妖之一,身体之中流淌着“人鱼妖族”的血脉。 Her cultivation base was very formidable, but actually defeated in Eighth Young Master Gu the hand of trusted subordinate flatter dog, degenerated into the maidservant, latter was passed by Liu Suzi to Feng Feiyun. 她的修为本来很强大,但是却败在了顾八少爷的亲信阿狗的手中,沦为了女奴,后被琉苏紫转送给了风飞云 Yu Dai sighed: Always the status of slave, is not the master your a few words can change, once has signed such indenture of sale of person into servitude, even if Young Master Zi cannot make us turn into the free body again. This was noble like Middle Ages aristocratic family the bloodlines in juniors body, but the bloodlines of our Half Monster were humble, was doomed our for a lifetime third-rater, but they forever were the members of the upper-class.” 玉黛叹道:“永世奴隶的身份,不是主人你一句话就可以改变,一旦签订了这样的卖身契,就算是紫公子都不能再让我们变成自由身。这就像中古世家的子弟身体之中的血脉高贵,而我们半妖的血脉低贱,也就注定我们一辈子都下等人,而他们永远都是上等人。” Utter nonsense. In any case by me not by day, person honored and humble grasps in own hand, if you are content to humblly, then your lifetime will be a maidservant, if you will think yourself to be noble, then nobody dares to regard the maidservant you in the future. Comes, shares a table with us, we are First Generation Half Monster, the potential are infinite, is the Half Monster elite camp first battalion of proudest people.” Said. “一派胡言。贵贱由我不由天,人的尊贵和低贱都把握在自己的手中,若是你自甘低贱,那么你辈子都将是女奴,若是你认为自己高贵,那么将来便没有人敢将你当成女奴。过来,和我们一起同桌,我们都是初代半妖,潜力无穷,乃是半妖精英营第一营最骄傲的人。”道。 Yu Dai raised the head, long neck snow white, vision wave light clear is staring at Feng Feiyun, his words such as severe warning, was enlightened, making her body reignite once more an infinite arrogance. 玉黛抬起头来,长颈雪白,目光波光粼粼的盯着风飞云,他的一席话如当头棒喝,醍醐灌顶,让她的身上再次重燃了一股无穷的傲气。 After the eight-day competition, enters ten thousand clan battlefields lists to come out finally. 经过为期八天的比赛,进入万族战场的名单终于出来。 Heaven's Mandate 9th-layer, altogether 50 people \; 天命第九重,一共50人\; 1st-layer, altogether 100 people \; 第一重,一共100人\; 2nd-layer, altogether 150 people \; 第二重,一共150人\; 3rd-layer, altogether 200 people. 第三重,一共200人。 It can be said that in this strength of most backbone, is that 200 3rd-layer Half Monster elder, they almost lived several thousand -year-old person, has many extraordinary methods and giving up study. 可以说这里面最中坚的力量,还是那200位涅第三重半妖长老,他们几乎都是活了数千岁的老人,拥有诸多非凡的手段和绝学。 As for 2nd-layer Half Monster elite and compared with 3rd-layer Half Monster elder, cultivation base differs is really far, casual is only 3rd-layer Half Monster elders can defeat dozens 2nd-layer member, Half Monster that certainly individual strength goes against heaven's will is an exception. 至于涅第二重半妖精英和涅第三重半妖长老相比,修为相差得实在太远,随便只是一个涅第三重半妖长老都能够击败数十个涅第二重的修士,当然个别战力逆天的半妖除外。 Therefore , except for 200 3rd-layer Half Monster elders, the Half Monster elites of other boundaries enters ten thousand clan battlefields goals is informed and experienced and self- breakthrough, Half Monster Union had not counted on actually they can contribute to the military exploit above ten thousand clan battlefields, can live is a skill. 所以说,除了200位涅第三重半妖长老,其它境界的半妖精英进入万族战场的目的其实是历练和自我突破,半妖盟并没有指望他们能够在万族战场之上立军功,能够活下来就是一种本事。 500 Half Monster elites who except that was chosen, other Half Monster were sent back, left the red leaves star. 除了被挑选出来的500位半妖精英,别的半妖都被遣送了回去,离开了红叶星。 The member who the remaining several days of time, catch up with the red leaves star are getting more and more, leaf Hongjing each territory has the massive member to catch up, some are the territory main armies, some are ancient clan the young talents, some Middle Ages aristocratic family and young heavenly talent of Immortal City Saint mansion, almost several billions people spilled into the red leaves star every day, was goes ten thousand clan battlefields to be informed and experienced. 剩下的几天时间,赶来红叶星的修士越来越多,叶红境的每一域都有大量的修士赶来,有的是域主的军队,有的是古族的年轻才俊,还有一些中古世家和仙城圣府的年轻天骄,几乎每一天都有数十亿人涌进红叶星,都是前去万族战场历练。 Finally waited till went to ten thousand clan battlefields this day, under the leadership of four seven levels of Half Monster, Half Monster Union three elite battalion Jia auxiliary camps arrived at west profound wonderful mainland Earth Level ancient array platform. 终于等到了前往万族战场的这一天,在四位七级半妖的带领之下,半妖盟的三个精英营加一个辅助营来到了玄奇大陆西部的地极古阵台 50 Heaven's Mandate 9th-layer Half Monster, is divided as auxiliary camp. 50名天命第九重半妖,被划分为“辅助营”。 100 1st-layer Half Monster, is divided as „the Half Monster elite first battalion. 100名涅第一重半妖,被划分为“半妖精英第一营”。 150 2nd-layer Half Monster, is divided as „the Half Monster elite second battalion. 150名涅第二重半妖,被划分为“半妖精英第二营”。 200 3rd-layer Half Monster, is divided as „the Half Monster elite third battalion. 200名涅第三重半妖,被划分为“半妖精英第三营”。 Four big battalions are led by four seven levels of Half Monster. 四大营由四位七级半妖带队。 Red leaves star week border town collection already of major ancient array platform are fully occupied, the form of member finds at everywhere, this Earth Level ancient array platform naturally is no exception, the sea of people, exceed thousands of people to gather, the Half Monster Union 500 elites appeared among these member too are common. 红叶星的各大古阵台的周边城集都已经人满为患,修士的身影随处可见,这一座地极古阵台自然也不例外,人山人海,超越千万人聚集,半妖盟的500位精英在这些修士中间显得就实在太不起眼了。 Is only the army that an ancient clan of territory forms has several thousand people, surmounts Half Monster Union ten times. 仅仅只是一个域的一个古族组建的军队就有数千人,超越半妖盟的十倍。 Feng Feiyun stands in the Half Monster elite first battalion, inquired: Why comes is the member of younger generation? Even if there is a powerhouse of older generation to come, follows in these young talents, obviously to these young talent berms.” 风飞云站在半妖精英第一营之中,询问道:“为何前来的都是年轻一代的修士?就算有老一辈的强者现身,也都跟在那些年轻才俊的身后,显然是给这些年轻才俊护道。” Yu Dai wears a blue treasure clothes, at the back of jade ancient bow, she stands in the Feng Feiyun side, said: Common member or is the overlord of older generation, must go to ten thousand clan battlefields, momentarily can through the ancient array platform transmission in the past, even if in usually, almost the red leaves star has the member who billions to record to hurry to ten thousand clan battlefields every day continuously.” 玉黛穿着一袭蓝色宝衣,背着玉石古弓,她就站在风飞云的身旁,道:“一般的修士或者是老一辈的霸主,要去万族战场,随时都可以通过古阵台传送过去,就算是在平时,几乎每天红叶星都有数以十亿记的修士源源不断的赶去万族战场。” Ten thousand clan battlefields are extremely dangerous, the mortality rate reaches as high as five, even some battlefields reach as high as seven. However always the time, ten thousand clan battlefields become relatively tranquil, not such terrifying, various greatly ancient clan and Middle Ages aristocratic families then at this time the talents of family delivering to above ten thousand clan battlefields informed and experienced.” “万族战场极其危险,死亡率高达五层,甚至有的战场高达七层。但是总有一段时期,万族战场会变得相对平静,也不会那么的恐怖,各大古族和中古世家便在这个时候将自己家族的才俊给送到万族战场之上历练。” Oh! I understood, now is the time of relative security.” Feng Feiyun nodded. !我明白了,现在就是相对安全的时期。”风飞云点了点头。 Ten thousand clan battlefields the time above of relative security, the bad risk, did not pay attention to have the juniors of Middle Ages aristocratic family to be annihilated actually as before very slightly, the mortality rate was quite as before high. 万族战场之上的相对安全的时期,其实依旧十分凶险,稍不注意就会有中古世家的子弟全军覆没,死亡率依旧相当高。 This batch go ten thousand clan battlefields member, is almost various greatly ancient clan successors, they naturally are leading the powerhouse of army and berm, must contribute to the military exploit above ten thousand clan battlefields, proves itself by the military exploit , to promote itself the status in family. 这一批前去万族战场的修士,几乎都是各大古族的继承者,他们自然都带领着军队和护道的强者,要在万族战场之上立军功,以军功来证明自己,提升自己在家族之中的地位。 Bang!” “轰!” Earth Level ancient array platform opens, goes nonstop to various human major and medium Yang Dynasty border areas, does not know many hundred million miles to the red leaves star. 地极古阵台开启,直通人类各大中央王朝的边疆,离红叶星不知多少亿里。 Earth Level ancient array platform of entire red leaves star has glittered, like giant pockets, the person to unceasing loading into, then transmits leaves. 整个红叶星的地极古阵台都闪烁了起来,就像一个个巨大的口袋,将人给不断的装进里面,然后传送离开。
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