SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#889: Maidservant ownership

That Eighth Young Master Gu the name of trusted subordinate house slave is called „the flatter dog, quilt --, The complexion then somewhat could not hang immediately, said: You dare to analogy to become any cat the flatter dog Young Master Zi unexpectedly, the boy, you died, no one could preserve you.” 那个顾八少爷的亲信家奴的名字正是叫做“阿狗”,被--,脸色顿时便有些挂不住了,道:“你竟然敢将紫公子比喻成阿猫阿狗,小子,你死定了,谁都保不住你。” Liu Suzi stands there from beginning to end, has not spoken the intervention, as if turned into an outsider, stands looks at the good play in the one side. 琉苏紫从始至终都站在那里,并没有出言干预,似乎变成了一个局外人,站在一旁看好戏。 Eighth Young Master Gu is not fully correct Liu Suzi to think anything at this moment, after all she called Feng Feiyun to come out to accept the award a moment ago, explained that she with that Half Monster is not the hostile relations. Since were not hostile the relations, then he was not good to come out to speak , can only watch changes quietly. 顾八少爷此刻也猜不透琉苏紫在想什么,毕竟刚才她叫风飞云出来接受封赐,说明她和那个半妖并不是敌对的关系。既然不是敌对了关系,那么他也就不好出来说话了,也只能静观其变。 Feng Feiyun said: I may not have such to call, I called am Liu Suzi, but was not any cat flatter dog. Analogies her person with any cat flatter dog is you, is not I.” 风飞云道:“我可没有这么叫过,我叫得是琉苏紫,而不是阿猫阿狗。拿阿猫阿狗来比喻她的人是你,不是我。” The Eighth Young Master Gu trusted subordinate house slave „the flatter dog said Feng Feiyun radically, the whole face becomes flushed, in the heart has suppressed a lot of anger, although is a house slave, but is actually the Eighth Young Master Gu trusted subordinate, own cultivation base and talent are extremely also high, even if these ancient clan clans always saw that he is respectful, but was ridiculed at this moment actually by Half Monster. 顾八少爷的亲信家奴“阿狗”根本说不过风飞云,满脸涨红,心中憋了一肚子火气,虽然是一位家奴,但却是顾八少爷的亲信,自身修为和天赋也极高,就算那些古族的族老见到他都要恭恭敬敬,但是此刻却被一个半妖奚落。 The flatter dog gets angry: I do not want to carry on the struggle of argument with you, has to plant with me fights?” 阿狗怒道:“我不想和你进行口舌之争,有种与我一战?” What advantage fights with you to me has? Why can fight with you?” Feng Feiyun probably looked idiot same looked at his one eyes. “与你一战对我有什么好处?凭什么要和你一战?”风飞云就好像看白痴一样的看了他一眼。 The flatter dog receives not to very much the Feng Feiyun look, has killed the past directly, above the body azure ancient Jiamao, full was the iron sheet, the finger became extremely sharp, covered the innumerable flame the strengths, has shelled. 阿狗很受不得风飞云的眼神,直接扑杀了过去,身体之上一层青色的古甲冒了出来,满是铁片,手指变得极其锋利,笼罩无数火焰的力量,轰击了过来。 Bang!” “嘭!” Feng Feiyun stands there happily motionless, above the arm appears scarlet red Ascension, changed into a Dao Divinity claw, the claw had half meter fully. 风飞云站在那里怡然不动,手臂之上浮现出一根根赤红色的羽化,化为了一道神爪,爪子足有半米长。 ! 咔嚓! The armor above flatter dog arm was shattered, the body has wasted, falls falls on the ground unceasingly, the body toward the distant place tumbles. 阿狗手臂之上的铠甲破碎,身体抛费了出去,摔落在地上,身体不断的向着远处翻滚。 !” “噗!” In the flatter dog mouth spits blood, arm is bloody, the flesh and blood almost blasts out. 阿狗口中吐血,手臂血淋淋,血肉都几乎炸开。 Feng Feiyun has taken back the palm, faintly said: „A house slave also dares to be dissolute in the Half Monster Union big camp, today looked that did not kill you in the Eighth Young Master Gu face, but did not represent me not to dare to kill you, you must understand that what thing you were?” 风飞云收回了手掌,淡淡的道:“一个家奴也敢在半妖盟的大营放肆,今天看在顾八少爷的面子上就不杀你了,但是并不代表我不敢杀你,你得明白你算什么东西?” ! 噗啊! The flatter dog spits blood once more. 阿狗再次吐血。 Half Monster Union these elites were scared, this was also too flamboyant, together the hand imprint hitting spits blood the flatter dog of Nirvana 2nd-layer peak boundary . Moreover the words that spoke have also hung, this may be the words that formerly Eighth Young Master Gu spoke. 半妖盟的那些精英都傻眼了,这也太牛逼了,一道手印就将涅槃第二重巅峰境界的阿狗给打得吐血,而且说的话也太吊了,这可都是先前顾八少爷所说的话。 Eighth Young Master Gu this moment complexion somewhat is also cold, sneers saying: That also many thanks you give me the face.” 顾八少爷此刻脸色也有些冷然,冷笑道:“那还多谢你给我面子。” Is impolite.” Feng Feiyun is staring at his vision, say/way that does not give way to traffic. “不客气。”风飞云盯着他的目光,毫不避让的道。 The Eighth Young Master Gu vision woods are cold, radiance compels the person, condensed the rule between surrounding world in the pupil, has the unequalled penetrating power, resembled two handle cold swords to cut. 顾八少爷的目光森寒,光华迫人,凝聚了周围天地之间的规则于瞳孔之中,有着无与伦比的穿透力,似两柄寒剑斩了过去。 The Feng Feiyun clothes robe is calm, the hair flutters, in the pupil is bringing the faint red light, has the flame to ferment in inside, the Eighth Young Master Gu vision melting. 风飞云的衣袍无风自动,头发飘扬,瞳孔之中带着淡淡的红光,有火焰在里面酝酿,将顾八少爷的目光给化解。 We walk!” “我们走!” Eighth Young Master Gu has taken finally back the vision, leading one group of servants to depart, just before leaving when deep stared at Feng Feiyun one, sends out cold snort/hum. 顾八少爷最终还是收回了目光,带着一群奴仆离去,临走之时深深的盯了风飞云一眼,发出一声冷哼。 Half Monster Union these heavenly talent people also relaxed outstandingly, Eighth Young Master Gu walked finally, 半妖盟的那些天骄人杰也都松了一口气,顾八少爷总算是走了, Feng Feiyun, haven't you knelt down to accept the award?” Liu Suzi stands remarkably, valiant. 风飞云,你还不下跪接受封赐?”琉苏紫卓然而立,英姿飒爽。 Feng Feiyun said: Why do I want to kneel down to you?” 风飞云道:“我凭什么要给你下跪?” The Liu Suzi vision somewhat feels cold, natural say/way: You small Half Monster, accepts my award is huge being honored, you naturally must kneel down to thank for kindness.” 琉苏紫的目光有些发冷,理所当然的道:“你一个小小的半妖,接受我的封赐乃是天大的荣幸,你自然要下跪谢恩。” Feng Feiyun does not flinch, the vision is very sharp, said: I do not need this being honored, I rescue your life, you are willing the reward to give to me, does not want to give. Why in the appearance that in front of me displays being a cut above other people, looks disgustingly.” 风飞云并不退缩,目光很锐利,道:“我不需要这种荣幸,我救你一命,你愿意给我报酬就给,不想给就算了。何必在我面前表现出一副高人一等的样子,看着让人恶心。” Liu Suzi air/Qi unceasing doing a lot of talking, damn Half Monster, dares to say me to be disgusting unexpectedly, the courage was too big, is courting death simply. 琉苏紫气得不断的磨牙,一个该死的半妖,竟然敢说我恶心,胆子太大了,简直就是在找死。 Snort! Fellow of being unappreciative, if not for a moment ago this young master came, Gu eight that dingy departures? These 12 Half Monster females feared already to be brought back to looking after the household by him now.” Liu Suzi said. “哼!不识抬举的家伙,刚才若不是本公子前来,顾老八会那么灰溜溜的离开?这12个半妖女子恐怕现在已经被他带回了顾家。”琉苏紫道。 Feng Feiyun stopped the footsteps suddenly, has turned around, stared at her one eyes, smiled, said: That really many thanks Young Master Zi, a moment ago is a misunderstanding, has place that anything offends, but also asked you to contain much.” 风飞云突然停下了脚步,转过身,盯了她一眼,笑了笑,道:“那真是多谢紫公子了,刚才都是一个误会,有什么得罪的地方,还请你多多包含。” The Feng Feiyun turning hostile speed is too fast, making Liu Suzi somewhat unable to respond. Wrinkled the lovable eyebrow, the retreat of instinct a half step. 风飞云变脸速度实在太快,让琉苏紫都有些反应不过来。皱了皱可爱的眉毛,本能的后退了一小步。 Feng Feiyun walked with a laugh, very warm say/way: Heard a moment ago you must seal to kindly give my 1 million miles manor, the servant 100,000, the beautiful Family 3000, the servant and beautiful Family, the matter of this manor, we must also chatting well. Does not know 1 million miles manor that you said can seal the red leaves star?” 风飞云笑呵呵的走了过去,很热情的道:“刚才听说你要封赏给我1000000里封地,奴仆100000,美眷3000,奴仆和美眷也就算了,这个封地的事情,我们得好好的谈谈。不知你所说的1000000里封地能不能封到红叶星来?” You want to result in beautiful! Your that 1 million miles manor, delimits from my manor to you, in Ji Territory, no longer red leaves star.” Liu Suzi cannot bear Feng Feiyun that countenance very much, must throw likely general toward her, lets she has slightly and retroceded one step. “你想得美!你的那1000000里封地,是从我的封地之上划给你的,在季域,不再红叶星。”琉苏紫很受不了风飞云的那一副嘴脸,像是要向着她扑上来一般,让她有微微的又后退了一步。 Hears this saying, Feng Feiyun not so was immediately warm, stopped the footsteps, said: Originally was my original work is sentimental. Do you have manor in the red leaves star, I should not be too many, delimit several hundred area units suffice to me.” 听到这话,风飞云顿时并不那么热情了,停下了脚步,道:“原来是我自作多情了。那你在红叶星有没有封地,我也不要太多,划给我几百顷就够了。” Liu Suzi said: Do not think that I do not know you in having any idea, I told you honestly, the manor of red leaves star can only above the military exploit with ten thousand clan battlefields exchange, did not say to seal/confer Shang to be able to seal/confer Shang. The manor 1 million miles, 100,000 servants, 3000 beautiful Families, do you want?” 琉苏紫道:“别以为我不知道你在打什么主意,我老实告诉你,红叶星的封地只能用万族战场之上的军功来兑换,不是说封赏就能封赏。封地1000000里,100000奴仆,3000美眷,你到底要不要?” Wants, why does not want, this is you owes me.” Feng Feiyun said. “要,为什么不要,这本就是你欠我的。”风飞云道。 Although Liu Suzi looks down upon Half Monster very much, has the prejudice to Feng Feiyun very much, but is actually a person of meaning what he says. 琉苏紫虽然很看不起半妖,也对风飞云很有成见,但却是一个说话算数的人。 Feng Feiyun ultimately obtained a Ji Territory manor, 1 million miles , the territory is more vast than fully, the indentures of sale of person into servitude of 100,000 servants Divine Jin Dynasty and 3000 beautiful Families, finally also has an official stamp. 风飞云最终还是得到了季域的一块封地,足有1000000里,疆土比神晋王朝都要辽阔一些,还有100000奴仆、3000美眷的卖身契,最后还有一枚官印。 The bottom of official stamp is also carving greatly Si Bu the earth four characters. 官印的底部还刻着“大司部土”四个字。 Although these 1 million miles manors award has given Feng Feiyun, but is actually not hereditary, is the Ji Territory land as before, after Feng Feiyun dies, this manor will return to Ji Territory or returns to Liu Suzi. 这1000000里的封地虽然封赐给了风飞云,但是却并不是世袭,依旧是属于季域的土地,当风飞云死后,这一块封地就会归还给季域或者说是归还给琉苏紫 Moreover, the master who Feng Feiyun when makes this land, but must present tribute to her year after year, because of the Feng Feiyun the to seal/confer Shang land, delimits from her manor. 不仅如此,风飞云在做这块土地的主人的时候,还要年年给她进贡,因为风飞云的这一块封赏的土地,是从她的封地之上划出去。 Big department” should be a sixth Yang Dynasty lesser official, compared with it territory main young many officials. “大司部”应该是第六中央王朝的一个小官,比之域主要小很多的官员。 Naturally because Feng Feiyun the land is Liu Suzi to seal/confer Shang, has very big degree of freedom, not like other big department” restrains, needs to listen to the dispatch of higher authority. 当然因为风飞云的这一块土地乃是琉苏紫封赏,有很大的自由度,并不像别的“大司部”那么约束,需要听出上级的调度。 Feng Feiyun now was also a local despot of side. 风飞云现在也算是一方的土皇帝了。 The talents in these Half Monster are excited, very envies Feng Feiyun, has own territory, has 100,000 servants, 3000 beautiful Families, these seven levels of Half Monster are very difficult to achieve this point. 那些半妖之中的天才都激动不已,十分羡慕风飞云,拥有自己的领地,拥有100000奴仆,3000美眷,就连那些七级半妖都很难做到这一点。 Feng Feiyun is pinching the official stamp in hand, did not think that has any great place, looked at that 12 Half Monster beautiful women, said: You now were free, draws back!” 风飞云捏着手中的官印,却并不觉得有什么了不起的地方,看了看那12个半妖美人,道:“你们现在都自由了,都退下去吧!” That 12 Half Monster beautiful women had to stop there, motionless, some were growing the wing, in the eye completely was the sorrow look \; Some are struggling bluish green Fa the fish tail, tight is lowering the small head. 那12个半妖美人却有停在了那里,一动不动,有的长着羽翼,眼中尽是悲苦的神色\;有的争着碧发鱼尾,紧紧的低着螓首。 And Half Monster young girl eyes somewhat blush, said: A moment ago...... Young Master Zi already lets we have signed always for the slave slave indenture of sale of person into servitude.” 其中一个半妖少女眼睛有些发红,道:“刚才……紫公子已经让我们签下了永世为奴的‘奴隶卖身契’。” The Feng Feiyun knitting the brows head, in the hand in one pack of indenture of sale of person into servitude inside seeks, had found their 12 always for the slave quickly slave indenture of sale of person into servitude, raises the sound said: I now these 12 indentures of sale of person into servitude tearing up.” 风飞云皱了皱眉头,在手中一叠卖身契里面里面寻找,很快找到了她们的12张永世为奴的‘奴隶卖身契’,扬声道:“我现在就将这12张卖身契给撕掉。” Don't......” “别……” Does not want.” “不要。” That 12 Half Monster beautiful women had a scare, knelt on the ground directly, a humanity: Our present status are slaves, if the master gives to tear up the slave indenture of sale of person into servitude, our slave, did not have the symbol of any status, once walks, everyone can seize us, everyone possibly kills us, such slaves were inferior.” 那12个半妖美人都吓了一跳,直接跪在了地上,其中一人道:“我们现在的身份是奴隶,若是主人将奴隶卖身契给撕掉,我们就连奴隶也不是了,就没有了任何身份的象征,一旦走出去,谁都可以将我们抓走,谁都可能杀我们,那样的话就连奴隶都不如了。” Feng Feiyun already had ripped an corner/horn, the hand stiffly lived, the heart had obloquied, Liu Suzi, you too can toss about.” 风飞云本来都已经撕了一角,手又硬生生的顿住了,心头大骂了一句,“琉苏紫,你太能折腾了。” Snort! Dead Half Monster, dares saying that unexpectedly this young master is disgusting! Has acted against heaven simply, fights with this young master, absolutely does not have the good end.” Liu Suzi this moment already left the Half Monster Union big camp, sits above seven color variegated immortal car(riage)s, flies in the cloud layers. “哼!一个死半妖,竟然敢说本公子恶心!简直反天了,跟本公子斗,绝对没有好下场。”琉苏紫此刻已经离开了半妖盟的大营,坐在一辆七彩斑斓的仙车之上,飞在云层间。 Young lady, wants the old servant to teach his?” An old servant of driving said. “小姐,要不要老仆去教训他一番?”一个驾车的老仆说道。 Does not use! Some people will get rid, after that dead Half Monster supports alone the news of 12 Half Monster beautiful woman slaves pass on, Gu eight surely can be mad spits blood, will not give up absolutely, when the time comes we stood on one side to look at the good play on the line.” Liu Suzi faint smiles. “不用!有人会出手,当那个死半妖独拥12位半妖美女奴隶的消息传出去之后,顾老八必定会气得吐血,绝对不会善罢甘休,到时候我们站在一边看好戏就行了。”琉苏紫淡淡的一笑。 Eighth Young Master Gu is very indeed indignant, within all are planning, already can lead 12 Half Monster beautiful woman slaves to leave, in the evening can enjoy the world to be extremely happy, even also with the juniors brave words of several Middle Ages aristocratic family must give them days in several Half Monster the arrogant female to enjoy yesterday, but has not actually thought that the halfway kills Liu Suzi, gives to disrupt his overall scheme. 顾八少爷的确很气愤,一切都在计划之内,本来都已经可以带着12位半妖美女奴隶离开,晚上又可以享受人间极乐,甚至在昨天的时候还跟几位中古世家的子弟豪言要送给他们几位半妖之中的天之骄女享用,但是却没有想到半路杀出一个琉苏紫,将他的全盘计划都给打乱。 Definitely is the stinking ninth category is up to mischief in the back, these time sees me to admit defeat, he smiled surely must lie in the table.” Eighth Young Master Gu complexion cold Chen. “肯定是老九在背后搞鬼,这一次看到我吃瘪,他必定笑得都要趴在桌子了。”顾八少爷的脸色冷沉。 Eighth Young Master Gu, do you comply to give to our Half Monster maidservant?” 顾八少爷,你答应送给我们的半妖女奴呢?” Murong Jiankang and Huang Yuesheng came Eighth Young Master Gu your family place together, on the face were all having the smiling face, sat in the Eighth Young Master Gu opposite directly. 慕容建康黄岳笙一起前来了顾八少爷的府上,脸上皆带着笑容,直接坐在了顾八少爷的对面。 Murong family and Huang was the Middle Ages aristocratic family, Murong Jiankang and Huang Yuesheng and Eighth Young Master Gu also usually was on good terms, at this moment came to beg the Half Monster maidservant. “慕容家族”和“黄家”都是中古世家,慕容建康黄岳笙顾八少爷也素来交好,此刻前来讨要半妖女奴。 Eighth Young Master Gu vision cold Chen, knows that these two definitely received the rumor/wind sound, ridiculed itself. 顾八少爷的目光冷沉,知道这两人肯定是收到了风声,过来嘲笑自己。
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