SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#888: Young Master Zi

Eighth Young Master Gu faint smiled, said: Does not blame you, draws back to heal from a wound!” 顾八少爷淡淡的笑了笑,道:“不怪你,退下去养伤吧!” Eighth Young Master Gu stretches out a palm, palm appears Grade 6 Spirit Pill, has handed over in Amao's hand, this standing up of serene, applause gently, said with a smile: Good, good, in Half Monster has the character who can defeat my house slave finally.” 顾八少爷伸出一只手掌,掌心浮现出一枚六品灵丹,交到了阿猫的手中,这才风轻云淡的站起身来,轻轻的鼓掌,笑道:“不错,不错,半妖之中总算是出了一个能够战胜我家奴的人物。” Defeats a house slave is not anything, I must challenge you.” “战胜一个家奴并不算什么,我要挑战你。” Head/Number of people beast body wielded the copper god hammer in hand, the arm like changing into the windmill, above the innumerable electric lights in the god hammered interweaves, a hammer rumbled toward Eighth Young Master Gu. 人头兽身的挥动着手中的赤铜神锤,手臂就像化为了风车,无数电光在神锤之上交织,一锤向着顾八少爷轰了下去。 Eighth Young Master Gu shook the head, stretched out a palm slowly, huge being in charge pushed out together horizontally, erupts the bang day to extinguish the place the invincible might, directly raising to fly that the guy of head/number of people beast body, falls falls to dozens zhang (3.33 m) beyond. 顾八少爷摇了摇头,缓缓的伸出了一只手掌,一道庞大的掌印横推了出去,爆发出轰天灭地的神威,直接将那一个人头兽身的大汉给掀飞了出去,摔落到数十丈之外。 It looks like a palm hits to fly a mosquito that with ease! 就像是一掌打飞一只蚊子那么的轻松! Bah, bah......” “呸,呸……” Half Monster of that head/number of people beast body crawled from the ground, brandishes the back of the hand that the copper god is hammering to crack a huge mouth, has the blood spring together to flow from inside, war intent is steaming, both eyes are red. 那一个人头兽身的半妖从地上爬了起来,抡着赤铜神锤的手背裂出了一道巨口,有一道血泉从里面流淌出来,身上的战意腾腾,双目赤红。 All Half Monster petrified at this moment, was surprised unable to speak. 所有的半妖这一刻都石化了,惊讶得说不出话来。 Is this Eighth Young Master Gu cultivation base? 这就是顾八少爷修为 The Eighth Young Master Gu tracing tip of the nose gently, long gown is very as before neat, cold snort/hum, said: Half Monster also presumptuously thinks and me fights, can fight with my house slave on already is very good. Today looked that gets angry in the face of senior in the day, forgives your this time, if also dares to affront me next time, can only be the dead end.” 顾八少爷轻轻的摸了摸鼻头,身上的长袍依旧十分整洁,冷哼一声,道:“一个半妖还妄想和我交手,能够和我的家奴交手就已经很不错了。今天看在天怒前辈的面子上,就饶过你这一次,若是下次还敢冒犯我,只会是死路一条。” Does not know that what you were saying? Any day gets angry the non- day to get angry, wants to kill the father to kill freely, the chatty attire do not compel to the father.” The Half Monster wound of head/number of people beast body in cicatrization slowly, the resilience is greatly strengthened. “都不知道你在说什么?什么天怒不天怒,想要杀老子尽管来杀,别给老子唧唧歪歪的装逼。”人头兽身的半妖身上的伤口在慢慢的愈合,恢复能力极强。 A Eighth Young Master Gu brow wrinkle, the pupil only flashes through killing intent, but looked at the copper god hammer in head/number of people beast body Half Monster hand, has gathered finally killing intent, said: „Don't you know the burning electricity in your hand to fight the hammer are the day get angry the war treasure of senior?” 顾八少爷眉头一皱,瞳孔只闪过一丝杀意,但是又看了看人头兽身半妖手中的赤铜神锤,最终还是收取了杀意,道:“你难道不知道你手中的焚电战锤乃是天怒前辈的战宝?” Half Monster some of head/number of people beast body however looked at the copper god hammer in hand, as if always does not know its so eye-catching the name. 人头兽身的半妖有些愣然的看了看手中的赤铜神锤,似乎从来都不知道它一个如此拉风的名字。 Burns the electricity to fight the hammer? 焚电战锤? Very famous? 很有名气吗? Half Monster of head/number of people beast body lives in the remote mountain, was provided in a big way by an old person, this handle fights the hammer is when he leaves the mountain, that old person gives him. 人头兽身的半妖住在深山之中,被一个老人给养大,这一柄战锤就是在他出山的时候,那一位老人交给他。 Half Monster of head/number of people beast body does not know that who the day anger is, but these seniors in representative Half Monster Union do not know the day to get angry, six star Half Monster and Big Dipper Half Monster were alarmed, feels very inconceivable. 人头兽身的半妖不知道天怒是谁,但是并不代表半妖盟之中的那些前辈也不知道天怒,一个个六星半妖和七星半妖都被惊动,感觉到十分不可思议。 Eighth Young Master Gu said: You have also won, gave you two choices, the first choice, you can choose one to come out from these 13 Half Monster maidservants, I can give back to her to be free. The second choice, your Half Monster Union can be exempted one month of rent.” 顾八少爷道:“你也算是赢了一场,给你两个选择,第一个选择,你可以从这13个半妖女奴之中挑选一个出来,我可以还给她自由。第二个选择,你们半妖盟可以免交一个月的租金。” „It is not good, our Half Monster girl, your cannot carry off.” The guy tenacious say/way of head/number of people beast body. “不行,我们半妖的女孩子,你一个也不能带走。”人头兽身的大汉固执的道。 Feng Feiyun stands in the distant place, thought that this big fellow is very likable, although works somewhat silly, but has the principle extremely, this point Feng Feiyun could not compare. 风飞云站在远处,觉得这个大块头还是很讨人喜欢,虽然做事有些傻,但是却极有原则,这一点风飞云就比不上了。 The Eighth Young Master Gu complexion sank, said: This is not you decides. I do not kill you to get angry the senior face to day, does not represent me not to dare to kill you, what thing can you ravel you are? Even if the Ascension sage true body arrives, wants to offend us to look after the household, perhaps must think things over carefully before acting. Snort!” 顾八少爷的脸色沉了下来,道:“这可不是你说了算。我不杀你是给天怒前辈面子,并不代表我不敢杀你,你得弄明白你算什么东西?就算是羽化贤者真身降临,想要得罪我们顾家,恐怕还得三思而后行。哼!” Eighth Young Master Gu cold snort/hum, the sound wave has transmitted together, flew the Half Monster secondary earthquake of head/number of people beast body again, the mouth, nose and ear are bleeding. 顾八少爷冷哼一声,一道音波传递了出去,将人头兽身的半妖再次震飞了出去,口、鼻、耳都在流血。 Although Eighth Young Master Gu does not dare to provoke a Ascension sage, but actually does not represent the disciple who he does not dare to kill a Ascension sage, fighting of younger generation, the overlords of older generation cannot participate, once the older generation cannot participate, this is the sixth Yang Dynasty custom, is the overlord of older generation whets the one way of young people. 顾八少爷虽然不敢招惹一位羽化贤者,但是却并不代表他不敢杀一个羽化贤者的弟子,年轻一代的争锋,老一辈的霸主都不能参与,一旦老一辈不能参与进来,这是第六中央王朝的规矩,也是老一辈的霸主磨砺年轻人的一种方式。 Sage who a Middle Ages aristocratic family will fear a Ascension boundary? 一个中古世家会惧怕一个羽化境的贤者? This is the impossible matter. 这是不可能的事。 Leaves behind a maidservant, we walk.” “留下一个女奴,我们走。” Eighth Young Master Gu is very solemn, the sound is also very faint, the glance of vision mock all Half Monster on the scene, then led 12 Half Monster maidservants to depart. 顾八少爷十分冷峻,声音也很淡漠,目光讥诮的扫视了在场的所有半妖一眼,然后带着12个半妖女奴离去。 Many Half Monster resentfully, but does not have the means. 很多半妖都愤懑不已,但是却毫无办法。 Feng Feiyun stares at back that Eighth Young Master Gu is departing, visits him to take away 12 Half Monster maidservants, but has not actually gotten rid. 风飞云盯着顾八少爷离去的背影,看着他带走了12个半妖女奴,但是却并没有出手。 His strength is too small and weak, at all impossible and a Middle Ages aristocratic family contended, behind Half Monster of that head/number of people beast body had a Ascension sage to support, therefore is also living now, if not for this reason, his definitely already died in the hand of Eighth Young Master Gu. 他一个人的力量实在太弱小,根本不可能和一个中古世家相抗衡,那一个人头兽身的半妖背后有一位羽化贤者撑腰,所以现在还活着,若不是这个原因,他肯定都已经死在了顾八少爷的手中。 These time is also long to all Half Monster a lesson, otherwise next Eighth Young Master Gu continues to give them to dig a pit, they will jump toward the pit. 这一次也算是给所有的半妖都长一个教训,不然下一次顾八少爷继续给他们挖坑,他们还是会往坑里面跳。 The people be only the true pain, next time can study clever! 人只有真正的痛了,下一次才会学乖! Gu did eight, how such quickly walk? I just caught up to come to see lively, has not looked to suffice!” “顾老八,怎么这么快就走了?我才刚刚赶来看热闹,还没有看够啊!” The purple clothes young master who outside the front door of Half Monster Union supreme headquarters walks an elegant bearing, the peerless grace and talent, strolls calmly, the facial features are fine, folding fan shaking gently, on the face is hoodwinking faint virtual light, making the person unable to see clearly her appearance/portrait. 半妖盟大本营的大门外走进来一个风度翩翩的紫衣公子,风华绝代,从容漫步,五官精致,折扇轻轻的摇动,脸上蒙着一层淡淡的虚光,让人看不清她的真容。 Was planning Eighth Young Master Gu that departs stopped the footsteps at once, complexion slightly changes, the heart criticizes one, she most does not shut out Half Monster, how to come here? Really but actually eight lifetime mildew.” 正打算离去的顾八少爷旋即停下了脚步,脸色微微的一变,心头暗骂一句,“她不是最嫌弃半妖,怎么会来到这里?真是倒了八辈子霉了。” Eighth Young Master Gu both hands hold the fist in the other hand, lowered the head slightly, bends the waist to do has bowed with hands clasped, says with a smile: Originally is the Young Master Zi arrival, really has to lose welcomes!” 顾八少爷双手抱拳,微微低头,弯腰作了一揖,笑道:“原来是紫公子驾临,真是有失远迎啊!” The purple clothes young master the line, the wrong body arrived at the Eighth Young Master Gu body side slowly, the folding fan in hand has gathered, 0.1 points on the shoulder of Eighth Young Master Gu, the bright vision looks at that 12 Half Monster beautiful women, sneered saying: Gu eight, your good fortune in romance great!” 紫衣公子徐徐而行,错身走到了顾八少爷的身侧,手中的折扇一合,在顾八少爷的肩膀上0.1点,明亮的目光看着那12个半妖丽人,冷笑道:“顾老八,你的艳福不浅啊!” Was pressed by the purple clothes young master’s folding fan on the shoulder, shoulder of Eighth Young Master Gu along with it short. 被紫衣公子的折扇压在肩上,顾八少爷的肩膀随之矮了矮。 Is supplying both hands as before, Eighth Young Master Gu is stiff the face to say with a smile: Individual interest likes that's all! The Young Master Zi status is honored, is it possible that can manage this matter?” 依旧供着双手,顾八少爷僵着脸笑道:“个人兴趣爱好罢了紫公子的身份尊贵,莫非要管这事?” I do not have the leisurely mood to manage your matter, I was worrying for another matter recently!” The purple clothes young master’s pupil light searches in the Half Monster elite camp, the corners of the mouth are having several points of happy expression. “我才没闲心管你的事,我最近都在为另一件事情发愁啊!”紫衣公子的眸光在半妖精英营之中寻觅,嘴角带着几分笑意。 These Half Monster already have been shocked, did Eighth Young Master Gu that was also insufferably arrogant a moment ago, how run into that purple clothes young master to wither? 那些半妖已经惊呆了,刚才都还不可一世的顾八少爷,怎么一遇到那紫衣公子就萎了? What background is this purple clothes young master? 这个紫衣公子又是什么来头? Is fiercer than Eighth Young Master Gu? 难道比顾八少爷还要厉害? When this purple clothes young master arrives at the Half Monster Union big camp, Half Monster Union these elders again were alarmed, because her status is out of the ordinary. Her arrival, making these few appearances seven levels of Half Monster be moved, was pondering must come out to greet. 在这个紫衣公子来到半妖盟大营的时候,半妖盟的那些长辈就再一次被惊动,因为她身份非同凡响。她的到来,让那些很少露面的七级半妖都为之动容,在思考着要不要出来迎接。 Eighth Young Master Gu inquired: Does not know that what matter Young Master Zi is worrying? Old can eight possibly help?” 顾八少爷询问道:“不知紫公子都在愁什么事?老八可能帮上忙?” The purple clothes young master’s vision is staring in the Half Monster elite camp, is swinging the folding fan, said with a smile: Indeed very much worries! I comply to a person grant 1 million miles manor, 100,000 servants, 3000 beautiful Families. Now 3000 beautiful Families also miss 12, yeah! Does not know really where looks?” 紫衣公子的目光盯着半妖精英营之中,摇着折扇,笑道:“的确很愁啊!我答应要给一个人赏赐1000000里封地,100000奴仆,3000美眷。现在3000美眷还差12个,哎!真不知到哪里去找?” Here does not have ready-made!” “这里不就有现成的!” Eighth Young Master Gu has delivered to the purple clothes young master’s front that 12 Half Monster maidservants hastily. 顾八少爷连忙将那12个半妖女奴送到了紫衣公子的面前。 How does that feel all right?” The purple clothes young master said with a smile. “那怎么好意思?”紫衣公子笑道。 Can be Young Master Zi helps people overcome their difficulties, that is a matter of being honored.” “能够为紫公子排忧解难,那本就是一件荣幸的事。” Half Monster Union these Half Monster again resentful, was too hateful, the arrogant female regards cargo general passing the Half Monster Union day unexpectedly, moreover works as is presenting all Half Monster surface, this already was not has been applying makeup, was stepping on the faces of all Half Monster simply. 半妖盟的那些半妖再一次的愤懑了起来,实在太可恶了,竟然将半妖盟的天之骄女当成货物一般的转送,而且还是当着在场所有半妖的面,这已经不是在打脸了,简直就是在踩所有半妖的脸。 A Half Monster talent really somewhat could not endure this insult, in the eye full was the ominous light, sacrifice secretly Spirit Artifact, wanted to get rid with Eighth Young Master Gu and purple clothes young master to go all out, however his body by the anchorage, could not actually be moved. 一位半妖天才实在有些忍受不了这种侮辱,眼中满是凶光,偷偷的祭出了灵器,想要出手和顾八少爷、紫衣公子拼命,但是他的身体却被定住,动弹不得。 On a waist is hanging the humpbacked old men of six levels of Half Monster tokens, gives to hold down his body, passes on the sound said: „If not want dead, on standing of little darling in same place.” 一个腰上挂着六级半妖令牌的驼背老者,将他的身体给按住,传音道:“若是不想死,就乖乖的站在原地。” But...... But they go too far.” That Half Monster talent both eyes are red, shivering that the air/Qi got angry the pinnacle, the body keeping. “可是……可是他们欺人太甚。”那一个半妖天才双目通红,气怒到了极致,身体在不停的颤抖。 Half Monster of that head/number of people beast body is also the whole body anger, wants to brandish the great hammer to go all out, but was actually given to trig by a Half Monster senior, that purple clothes young master, is not you can incur to stir up, if gets rid to her, will annoy the terrible disaster to Half Monster Union.” 那一个人头兽身的半妖也是浑身怒火,想要抡起巨锤拼命,但是却被一位半妖前辈给制住,“那一个紫衣公子,不是你们可以招惹得起,若是对她出手,会给半妖盟惹来滔天大祸。” Any Half Monster that wants to get rid of by the anchorage, was received the warning, can only look helplessly that 12 Half Monster day the arrogant female likely is the draft animal general made a gift of what one has received as a gift the purple clothes young master. 凡是想要出手的半妖都被定住,收到了告诫,只能眼睁睁的看着那12位半妖的天之骄女像是牲口一般的被转赠到了紫衣公子的身后。 They as if very much refuse to accept!” Eighth Young Master Gu vision cold Chen, is taking a fast look around these Half Monster Union elites, is sharp-eyed, likely is two handle sharp swords. “他们似乎很不服啊!”顾八少爷的目光冷沉,扫视着那些半妖盟的精英,目光锐利,像是两柄利剑。 Might as well!” “无妨!” The purple clothes young master smiled, the finger/refers of finger in toward the Half Monster Union elite, said: „Hasn't Feng Feiyun, gone forward to accept to seal/confer Shang?” 紫衣公子笑了笑,手指向着半妖盟的精英之中一指,道:“风飞云,还不上前接受封赏?” Half Monster on the scene was shocked, then associates to the words that the purple clothes young master formerly spoke, in the heart is astonished, stared excellently following the direction that the purple clothes young master points, finally framed on the body of Feng Feiyun. 在场的半妖都愣住了,然后又联想到紫衣公子先前所说的话,心中都是惊异,顺着紫衣公子手指的方向盯了过人,最后定格在了风飞云的身上。 All people automatically resign one to say! 所有人都自动的让出一条道来! Stood has also been shocked in Feng Feiyun nearby Ye Xiaomu, looks that the vision of all people turned toward here to project, she lowered the head immediately. 站在风飞云旁边的叶小穆也惊呆了,看着所有人的目光都向着这边投射过来,她顿时低下了头。 Feng Feiyun is as before calm, is staring at that purple clothes young master, the heart somewhat is also inconceivable, although already guessed correctly her background not to be small, but has not actually thought that she can make Eighth Young Master Gu such outstanding person phoenix lower the head, this is not very ordinary. 风飞云依旧一脸平静,盯着那个紫衣公子,心头也有几分不可思议,虽然早就猜出她的来头不小,但是却没有想到她能够让顾八少爷这样的人中龙凤低头,这就很不一般了。 Liu Suzi!” Feng Feiyun said. 琉苏紫!”风飞云道。 Bold! The Young Master Zi name, can it be that your can Half Monster call at will?” A Eighth Young Master Gu trusted subordinate house slave knows the Young Master Zi status, fierce scolding Feng Feiyun. “大胆!紫公子的名字,岂是你一个半妖可以随意叫?”顾八少爷的一个亲信家奴知道紫公子的身份,厉声的呵斥风飞云 Feng Feiyun disdains stared at his one eyes, said: „Doesn't the name of person need to be called to do? Did not call her Liu Suzi, can call her any cat flatter dog to be inadequate?” 风飞云不屑的盯了他一眼,道:“人的名字不用来叫干什么?不叫她琉苏紫,难道还要叫她阿猫阿狗不成?” ...... …… Popularizes to everybody: The clan old boundary of ancient Clan, greatly what denotes is Nirvana 1st-layer, 2nd-layer, 3rd-layer. The old ancestor of ancient Clan, generally is existence above Nirvana 3rd-layer. As for the Ascension Heaven, is called sage, in the sage also has the division, for example sage Great Sage half Saint wait/etc., as for corresponds any boundary specifically, oneself guess! 给大家普及一下:古族的族老的境界,大概指的是涅槃第一重,第二重,第三重。古族的老祖,一般都是涅槃第三重之上的存在。至于羽化九重天,被称为“贤者”,贤者之中也有划分,比如“贤者”“大贤者”“半圣”等等,至于具体对应什么境界,自己去猜吧!
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