SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#887: Head/Number of people beast body

Who said that is not. This Eighth Young Master Gu is very sly, his faint smiled saying that this young master does not have the leisurely moods and your one crowd of Half Monster fights, what qualifications do you have to make me fight?” “谁说不是。这个顾八少爷十分狡猾,他淡淡的笑了笑说道,本公子才没有闲心和你们一群半妖交手,你们有什么资格让我交手?” Half Monster Union these heavenly talent are the supercilious generations, naturally cannot put him to leave, some people claimed that is the house slave who the low boundary can also cut to look after the household.” 半妖盟的那些天骄都是心高气傲之辈,自然不会放他离开,有人声称就算是低一个境界也能斩顾家的家奴。” Feng Feiyun sighed: He and other these words!” 风飞云叹道:“他就在等这一句话啊!” Is so. At this time Eighth Young Master Gu stopped footsteps finally, said with a smile, good! You so have the courage, gives you an opportunity, if you can surmount a boundary to defeat my house slave, I make your Half Monster Union little pay one month of rent.” “正是如此。这个时候顾八少爷终于是停下了脚步,笑道,好吧!你们如此有胆魄,就给你们一个机会,若是你们能够跨越一个境界击败我的家奴,我就让你们半妖盟少交一个月的租金。” At this time all Half Monster excited, many people are eager to try.” “这个时候所有半妖都激动了起来,很多人都跃跃欲试。” But Eighth Young Master Gu also said that if naturally you lost, must offer day in a Half Monster the arrogant female to be his maidservant, this is fair.” “但是顾八少爷又道,当然若是你们输了,就必须献上一位半妖之中的天之骄女做他的女奴,这样才算是公平。” Feng Feiyun said: „His is giving under you to wrap/sets of gradually, at this time had exposed his goal finally, in Half Monster many mental generations extremely, should be at nobody meeting his snare, after all the day the arrogant females are very proud, will not take to give others to make the gambling stake own body.” 风飞云道:“他这是在一步一步的给你们下套,这个时候总算是暴露了他的目的,半妖之中不乏心智绝顶之辈,应该是没有人会中他的圈套,毕竟天之骄女都很自傲,不会将自己的身体拿出去交给别人做赌注。” But you have forgotten a point, they can actually make the gambling stake with oneself body, only to make every effort to succeed, you need to know that in the female also many have the proud person.” Ye Xiaomu said. “但是你忘了一点,她们自己却可以拿自己的身体去做赌注,只为争一口气,你需要知道女子之中也不乏有骄傲的人。”叶小穆说道。 Actually she formerly the already anger to wanting to step onto the school ground, fought with the house slave of looking after the household, she did not believe herself to link a house slave unable to stand off, but some people one step entered the school ground compared with her eventually first, otherwise she now already became the Eighth Young Master Gu maidservant. 其实她先前都已经愤怒到想要走上校场,与顾家的家奴一战,她不信自己连一个家奴都敌不过,但终究是有人比她先一步走进了校场,要不然她现在都已经成为了顾八少爷的女奴。 Feng Feiyun sighed: Once the person falls to the enemy, then really fell to the enemy.” 风飞云叹道:“一旦有一个人沦陷,那么就真的是沦陷了。” Ye Xiaomu nodded, sighed: That elder sister of first going to battle, has defeated eventually, defeated in looking after the household a hand of house slave, was in front of all Half Monster elites was becoming the Eighth Young Master Gu maidservant. This is to one insults and attack of all Half Monster, therefore then some people enter the battlefield, wants winning that elder sister, but has actually defeated, instead is deeper and deeper.” 叶小穆点了点头,叹道:“第一个出战的那一位姐姐,终究是败了,败在了顾家的一个家奴的手中,当着所有半妖精英的面成为了顾八少爷的女奴。这是对所有半妖的一种侮辱和打击,于是便又有人走进战场,想要将那一位姐姐给赢回来,但是却都败了,反而越陷越深。” Say/Way that Feng Feiyun somewhat admires: „This Eighth Young Master Gu fierce character, does not spend together Spirit Stone actually, obtained days in more than ten Half Monster the arrogant female, moreover confidence heartless stepping on that just burnt Half Monster has pressed. This is the method that high-rank must learn, while gaining benefit, but must give thorough destroying the self-confidence of match.” 风飞云有些佩服的道:“这个顾八少爷倒是一个厉害的人物,不费一块灵石,就得到了十多个半妖之中的天之骄女,而且还又将半妖刚刚燃烧起来的信心无情的踩压了下去。这是上位者必须要学到的手段,在得到利益的同时,还要将对手的自信心给彻底的摧毁。” Feng Feiyun can affirm, this Eighth Young Master Gu before arriving at the Half Monster Union big camp gave to plan all on already, the house slave who brought also definitely was the process chooses later elite, even not necessarily was the house slave. 风飞云可以肯定,这个顾八少爷在来到半妖盟大营之前就已经将一切都给算计好了,带来的家奴也肯定是经过挑选之后的精锐,甚至都不一定就是家奴。 Feng Feiyun looked at that Eighth Young Master Gu of distant place, sitting of his serene there, is standing 12 beautiful appearance peerless Half Monster females, some are growing a pair of fish tail, some carry on the back steadily the wing, some forehead have the third valuable eye...... Is the day in Half Monster the arrogant female, now actually has become the Eighth Young Master Gu maidservant. 风飞云看了看远处的那一个顾八少爷,他就风轻云淡的坐在那里,身后站着12个美貌绝伦的半妖女子,有的长着一对鱼尾,有的背上长着羽翼,有的眉心拥有第三只宝眼……都是半妖之中的天之骄女,现在却成了顾八少爷的女奴。 If can become really the Eighth Young Master Gu woman is not considered as but actually a misdemeanor, but Eighth Young Master Gu wins great reputation, became famous likes playing with the Half Monster beautiful woman, naturally also merely plays with first that's all, then next day this Half Monster beautiful woman will be killed, will not have lived the possibility of third day. 若是真的能够成为顾八少爷的女人倒也不算是一件坏事,但是顾八少爷名声在外,出了名的喜欢玩弄半妖美人,当然也仅仅只是玩弄第一次罢了,然后第二天这个半妖美人就会被杀死,不会有活过第三天的可能。 The status of Half Monster female is base and low . Moreover the bloodlines are humble, like looking after the household that Middle Ages aristocratic family, is impossible gives birth to the child by own family juniors and a Half Monster female. Therefore these and Eighth Young Master Gu had the Half Monster beautiful woman of relations, then only has the dead end. 半妖女子的身份卑微,而且血脉低贱,像顾家那种中古世家,是不可能让自己的家族子弟和一个半妖女子生出孩子。所以那些和顾八少爷有了关系的半妖美人,便只有死路一条。 Bang!” “轰!” Powerhouse in another Half Monster was defeated , the Half Monster beautiful young girl of elder white tail carried off! 又一位半妖之中的强者被击败,又有一位长者白色尾巴的半妖美少女被带走! I urged you do not bring contempt upon oneself, the talent in any Half Monster, was impossible the house slave who defeated us to look after the household. Haha!” “我劝你们还是不要自取其辱了,什么半妖之中的天才,根本不可能战胜我们顾家的家奴。哈哈!” Eighth Young Master Gu hugs that Half Monster beautiful young girl who was just leading, said with a smile: Today's weather early, 13 beautiful woman accompanying were not trip has not been made in vain.” 顾八少爷搂着刚刚带上来的那一位半妖美少女,笑道:“今天的天色也不早了,有13位美人相伴也算是不虚此行。” Eighth Young Master Gu to Half Monster Union big camp deep place, deep does obeisance, saying with a smile of clear and resonant voice: Many thanks Half Monster Union senior cultivates the so beautiful beautiful woman, next time I will visit again,...... Remembers that prepares Oh the rent! Haha!” 顾八少爷对着半妖盟大营的深处,深深的一拜,朗声的笑道:“多谢各位半妖盟的前辈栽培出如此美丽的佳人,下次我再来拜会,还有……记得将租金准备好!哈哈!” The deep place deathly stillness in Half Monster Union big camp, kill off the condensation, but finally is divergence slowly. 半妖盟大营的深处一片死寂,有一道道杀光凝聚,但是最终还是缓缓的散去。 In the Eighth Young Master Gu eye is having the mock smiling face throughout. 顾八少爷的眼中始终带着讥诮笑容。 Waits! Do I also want to fight?” Half Monster of head/number of people beast body entered the school ground, the body had three zhang (3.33 m) high fully, the whole body was given to cover by black growing hair, likely was a god ape, but was actually growing the head of person. “等一等!我还要战?”一个人头兽身的半妖走进了校场,身体足有三丈高,全身被黑色的长毛给覆盖,像是一头神猿,但是却长着人的头颅。 His arm is extremely sturdy, is mounting two pieces of golden armor, the footsteps tread on the ground, exudes „” great sound. 他的手臂极其粗壮,镶嵌着两片金色的铠甲,脚步蹬在地上,发出“噌噌”的巨声。 Some Half Monster reflections of Feng Feiyun to this head/number of people beast body, this morning under seven levels of Half Monster power and influence, only then three people have not knelt, one is Feng Feiyun, this Half Monster is also. 风飞云对这个人头兽身的半妖有些映像,今天早上在七级半妖的威势之下,只有三个人没有跪,其中一个是风飞云,这个半妖也是其中一个。 He is also First Generation Half Monster. 他也是初代半妖 Eighth Young Master Gu said with a smile: You want to fight, do you come to fight with me with what?” 顾八少爷笑道:“你想要战,那你拿什么来和我一战?” I fight with you with my life.” Half Monster of head/number of people beast body said. “我拿我的命来和你一战。”人头兽身的半妖说道。 Eighth Young Master Gu said: Your life including a hair of Half Monster beautiful woman to be unworthy for me, do I want your life to do?” 顾八少爷道:“你的命对我来说连一个半妖美人的一根头发都不值,我要你的命来干嘛?” Half Monster of head/number of people beast body clenches jaws, the vision is staring at the days in surrounding these Half Monster the arrogant female, said: Anyone of you are willing to believe me, I can defeat him surely, if I lost, I give her my life.” 人头兽身的半妖咬牙切齿,目光盯着周围的那些半妖之中的天之骄女,道:“你们谁愿意相信我,我必定能够击败他,若是我输了,我将我的命交给她。” Formerly also several Half Monster were also the having god-given wisdom rare talents, perhaps has gotten down such commitment, hopes that can have day in a Half Monster the arrogant female to make his gambling stake, but the having god-given wisdom rare talents in these Half Monster actually lost, the day that these bravely stepped forward the arrogant female became the Eighth Young Master Gu maidservant. 先前也有几个半妖也都是天纵奇才,也许下了这样的承诺,希望能够有一位半妖之中的天之骄女做他的赌注,但是这些半妖之中的天纵奇才却都输了,那些挺身而出的天之骄女则成为了顾八少爷的女奴。 Such matter is not the first time, already does not have the female to be willing with own body and life gives a stranger to make the gambling stake. 这样的事并不是第一次,已经没有女子愿意拿自己的身体和生命交给一个陌生人做赌注。 I can defeat him really! Please in any event must believe me, asked you.” The big fellow of this head/number of people beast body knelt above the school ground directly, but fought intent to be dreadful as before, in the eye full was the firm look. “我真的能够击败他!请你们无论如何都要相信我,求你们了。”这个人头兽身的大块头直接跪在了校场之上,但是身上依旧战意滔天,眼中满是坚定的神色。 Naturally in Half Monster Union also has some day of arrogant females to be moved, but actually does not dare to stand rashly, after all he has defeated accidentally, is insulted is they who and dies. Who is willing and hands over in a hand of stranger own life and death purely? 当然半妖盟之中也有一些天之骄女为之动容,但是却也不敢贸然的站出去,毕竟万一他败了,那么受辱和死的就是她们。谁愿意将自己的生死和清白交到一个陌生人的手中? Eighth Young Master Gu said with a smile: Young people, I also thought that your natural talent is very high, very possible to surmount the boundary to defeat my house slave, but you also saw, your Half Monster Union these days the arrogant female did not believe you. Yeah! The low status of Half Monster, status is no wonder lowly, does not believe the people on one's own side, how can also be able to fight our human?” 顾八少爷笑道:“年轻人,我也觉得你天资很高,很可能能够跨越境界击败我的家奴,但是你也看见了,你们半妖盟的那些天之骄女可不相信你。哎!难怪半妖的地位低下,身份卑贱,连自己人都不相信,又怎么可能够斗得过我们人类呢?” The day in Half Monster Union arrogant female cannot bear his method of goading somebody into action, at once then another female walked, said: I am willing to believe him, I can make his gambling stake.” 半妖盟之中的天之骄女受不了他的激将法,旋即便又一位女子走了出来,道:“我愿意相信他,我可以做他的赌注。” Half Monster of that head/number of people beast body weeps immediately, is kowtowing to that female unceasingly, said: Thank you, thank you! You could rest assured that I definitely win, definitely wins, if I lose, I chop my neck at the scene.” 那一个人头兽身的半妖顿时喜极而泣,不断对着那个女子磕头,道:“谢谢你,谢谢你!你放心,我肯定赢,肯定赢,若是我输,我当场砍下自己的脖子。” This is a beautiful woman of wear lunar white color gown, the skirt arranges a white tail, letting fall of long hair faint trace, has a different kind character and style, has sighed merely deeply. 这是一个穿着月白色袍子的丽人,裙摆下有一条白色的尾巴,长发一丝丝的垂落,有着一种别样的风情,仅仅只是长叹了一声。 Eighth Young Master Gu deep looked at this Half Monster beautiful woman one eyes, the corners of the mouth has shown several points of happy expression to come, sat, faintly said: any cat, you goes to fight one fight with him.” 顾八少爷深深的看了这个半妖丽人一眼,嘴角露出几分笑意来,又坐了回去,淡淡的道:“阿猫,你去和他斗一斗。” Eighth Young Master Gu goes out of a wear white armor youngster, grasps a picture halberd, the vision looks disdainfully, the corners of the mouth are having several points of evil smiling face, draws the halberd fiercely stamps, a ground was shattered, the formidable air wave has swept across. 顾八少爷的身后走出一个穿着白色铠甲少年,手持一根画戟,目光睥睨,嘴角带着几分邪邪的笑容,画戟猛的一跺地,一片地面就被震裂开,强大的气浪席卷了出去。 The youngster who this is called any cat is the Nirvana 2nd-layer boundary, just compares Half Monster of that head/number of people beast body to be higher than a boundary. 这个叫做阿猫的少年乃是涅槃第二重的境界,刚好比那个人头兽身的半妖高出一个境界。 However Amao's strength is especially tyrannical, cultivation base is not the general Nirvana 2nd-layer member can compare absolutely, wants to surmount a boundary to defeat him simply difficultly. 但是阿猫身上的劲气格外强横,修为绝对不是一般的涅槃第二重的修士可以比拟,想要跨越一个境界将他击败简直难上加难。 „!” “嗷!” Above Half Monster of that head/number of people beast body called a handle copper god hammer, the mouth has exuded the roaring sound that enlightened the benighted, the copper god hammers to have the innumerable electricity glow to emit, erupts to frighten the will of the people the strength. 那一个人头兽身的半妖唤出了一柄赤铜神锤,嘴里发出振聋发聩的咆哮声,赤铜神锤之上有无数的电芒冒出,爆发出震慑人心的力量。 Bang!” “轰!” A hammer has shelled the past, a huge air wave has attacked. 一锤轰击了过去,一股庞大的气浪冲击了出去。 That is called Amao's youngster complexion to be as before invariable, is very calm, the picture halberd in hand becomes is getting more and more long, changed into a god column likely, a halberd pierced, uncovers big mud levels, the smog transpiration. 那一个叫做阿猫的少年脸色依旧不变,十分镇定,手中的画戟变得越来越长,像是化为了一根神柱,一戟洞穿了出去,揭起一大片泥层,烟雾蒸腾。 Half Monster of head/number of people beast body is very wild, the copper god in hand hammers not to know that is heavy, is a mountain brandishes likely in his hands, the symbol of thunder and lightning carves above, every strikes to surge the rushing electric light. 人头兽身的半妖十分狂野,手中的赤铜神锤也不知有多么沉重,像是一座山岳抡在他的手中,有一个雷电的标志刻在上面,每一击都激荡出滂湃的电光。 Above Eighth Young Master Gu after seeing that copper god hammers the thunder and lightning symbol, eyelid slightly shrank, has shown the look of thinking. 顾八少爷在看到那赤铜神锤之上的雷电标志之后,眼睑就微微的一缩,露出了思索的神色。 Feng Feiyun also somewhat changes countenance, above that handle copper god hammered to feel the air/Qi of Ascension, was very tyrannical, but certainly mostly was the air/Qi of Ascension lived by the seal. 风飞云也有些动容,在那一柄赤铜神锤之上感受到了羽化之气,十分强横,只是绝大多是的羽化之气都被封印住了。 Bang!” “轰!” Front all Half Monster have caused a stir, the cheers and squeal are common like the thunder clap! 前方所有半妖都轰动了起来,欢呼声和尖叫声就像雷震一般! Originally Half Monster already of that head/number of people beast body gives to defeat any cat, the huge copper hammer flew to the bang any cat, throws down on the ground, armor cracked the trace, the chest is almost pounded to put on. 原来那一个人头兽身的半妖已经将阿猫给击败,庞大的铜锤将阿猫给轰飞了出去,摔倒在地上,身上的铠甲都裂出了纹路,胸膛差一点被砸穿。 Won! 赢了! This was Half Monster won the first game! 这是半妖赢得第一局! Very encouraging, the Half Monster beautiful woman who that formerly bravely stood finally has shown at this moment also a smiling face, looked that Half Monster of that head/number of people beast body were also many several points of respect and worship, likely is the hero who looks at a race. 十分鼓舞人心,那一个先前勇敢站出来的半妖丽人此刻也终于露出了一丝笑容,看那一个人头兽身的半妖也多了几分敬意和崇拜,像是在看一个种族的英雄。 Applause such as thunderous, for a very long time unceasingly. 掌声如雷鸣,久久不绝。 Sorry! The masters, I have defeated, lost face to you!” Amao's difficult standing up, then knelt down in the Eighth Young Master Gu front. “对不起!主人,我败了,给你丢脸了!”阿猫艰难的站起身来,然后又跪倒在了顾八少爷的面前。
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