SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#886: Middle Ages aristocratic family

Mao Wugui jumped fiercely, falls carrying on the back of Feng Feiyun, said with a smile: Really is the good magical powers, grew a pair of wing unexpectedly, looks like with the god wing that the feather of phoenix builds becomes.” 茅乌龟猛地一跳,落到了风飞云的背上,笑道:“真是好神通,竟然真的长出了一对羽翼,就像是用凤凰的羽毛打造而成的神翼。” Bang!” “轰!” Above the wing emits a more terrifying flame suddenly, burns the unceasing ghost to call Mao Wugui, does not dare to install to compel again, ran up to under the Feng Feiyun body hastily, has pulled taut a wisp of lower hem corner, hung on the body of Feng Feiyun. 羽翼之上突然冒出更加恐怖的火焰,将茅乌龟烧得不断的鬼叫,不敢再装逼,连忙跑到了风飞云身下,扯住了一缕衣角,挂在了风飞云的身上。 Phoenix god wing! 凤凰神翼! After this is Feng Feiyun completes second Nirvana, magical powers that can display, even if there is suppression of falling day Spirit Stone, can soar to fly as before. Even if bans spatially densely, the phoenix god wing can as before the flying. 这是风飞云完成第二次涅槃之后,能够施展出来的神通,就算是有陨天灵石的压制,依旧能够腾空飞起。即便是在一些禁空的密地,凤凰神翼依旧能够飞天而起。 When Feng Feiyun cultivation base can achieve certain boundary, even can launch the wing shuttle space turbulent flow, on nine days, next nine places, omnipotent. 风飞云修为能够达到一定的境界,甚至能够展开羽翼穿梭空间乱流,上九天,下九地,无所不能。 When are not many, Feng Feiyun then already returned to the Half Monster Union big camp. 不多时,风飞云便已经返回了半妖盟的大营。 In leaving the Half Monster Union big camp beyond dozens miles, Feng Feiyun received the phoenix god wing, displayed the samsara speedily, disguised to return to the big camp pantingly. 在离半妖盟大营数十里之外,风飞云收起了凤凰神翼,施展轮回疾速,假装气喘吁吁的返回了大营之中。 „No. 3645!” “第3645号!” The humpbacked old person stands in Half Monster Union big battalion before, has taken down the Feng Feiyun name above one volume of iron books, then has given the Feng Feiyun together number plate. 驼背老人站在半妖盟的大营前,在一卷铁书之上记下了风飞云的名字,然后给了风飞云一块号牌。 Have some these many people completed task unexpectedly? 竟然有这么多人完成了任务? Feng Feiyun received the number plate, in the heart some surprise, since he is No. 3645, then also explained already before him has 3644 Half Monster to return to the big camp. 风飞云接过了号牌,心中有些诧异,既然他是第3645号,那么也就说明在他之前已经有3644个半妖返回了大营。 However Feng Feiyun changes mind thinks, the Half Monster elite camp first battalion of altogether more than 7000 people, 3645 people on time return now, weather already is very late, the person who can return to time surely did not have many. 不过风飞云转念一想,半妖精英营第一营一共7000多人,现在才3645个人按时返回,天色已经很晚,能够按时返回的人肯定没有多少了。 This is first day, has larger part heavenly talent to be eliminated. 这才是第一天,就有一大半的天骄被淘汰。 Outside the Half Monster Union big camp, is stopping ten white Pegasus beasts, very divine steed, the body has covered entirely the armor, obviously tamed mount. 半妖盟的大营外面,停着十多头白色的天马兽,十分神骏,身上布满了铠甲,显然是被驯服的坐骑。 Works as the mount by the Pegasus unexpectedly, it seems like had the great person to arrive at Half Monster Union. 竟然以天马当坐骑,看来有大人物来到了半妖盟 Feng Feiyun inquired: As if had the bystander to arrive at Half Monster Union?” 风飞云询问道:“似乎有外人来到了半妖盟?” The humpbacked old person stands in the entrance, in eye is having the color/look of cold sinking, the body has an imposing manner of making a great show of one's talents, but the quick this potential was also all at once quiet, light say/way: Juniors of Middle Ages aristocratic family.” 驼背老人站在大门口,眼中带着冷沉之色,身上有着一股锋芒毕露的气势,但是很快这一股气势又沉寂了下来,平淡的道:“一个中古世家的子弟。” „Did the juniors of Middle Ages aristocratic family arrive at the Half Monster Union big camp to do?” Hearsay about Middle Ages aristocratic family. “中古世家的子弟来到半妖盟的大营干什么?”过一些关于中古世家的传闻。 So-called „the Middle Ages aristocratic family, inherits the present family from the Middle Ages. 所谓的“中古世家”,就是从中古传承到现在的家族。 So-called Middle Ages, what refers to is a phase of ancient history, refers to is 1.6 million years ago 14 million years ago, this time. 所谓的“中古”,指的乃是一段古老的历史,指的大概是1600000年前到14000000年前,这一个时间段。 Reason that will be divided into „the Middle Ages these days, that is because in these 10 million years, among the human hundred clans had the unprecedented cataclysm, was called „the Middle Ages tumultuous times. 之所以将这一段时间划分为“中古”,那是因为在这10000000年的时间里,人类百族之间发生了前所未有的大动乱,被称为“中古乱世”。 Naturally „the Middle Ages tumultuous times were also one of the human most magnificent times, has presented many earthshaking characters, even there are philosophers hundred Saints born, passing on the dao the world, but the mythical characters above these old book books, already submerged in the boundless time river. 当然“中古乱世”也是人类最辉煌的时期之一,出现过诸多惊天动地的人物,甚至有“诸子百圣”出世,传道天下,不过这些古籍书卷之上的神话人物,都已经淹没在了茫茫的时间长河之中。 However family some that the Middle Age was born have actually continued, was „the Middle Ages aristocratic family that” the present says. 但是中古时期诞生的家族有的却延续了下来,就是现在所说的“中古世家”。 „The Middle Ages merely were only in the human history chapter short one page, have written one volume magnificently, but the time of chaos caused by war, that time, the emergence of human prosperous times of hundred school of thought contending, innumerable family and Immortal City Saint mansion such as mushroom growth general braved. “中古”仅仅只是人类历史篇章之中短暂的一页,书写了一卷辉煌而战乱的时代,也正是那个时期,人类的出现了百家争鸣的盛世,无数的家族和仙城圣府如雨后春笋一般的冒起。 Until 1.6 million years ago, the human hundred clans established Yang Dynasty, human stopped in fighting, symbolizes a conclusion of era. 直到1600000年前,人类百族纷纷建立了中央王朝,人类才停止了内斗,也标志着一个纪元的结束。 The tumultuous times of middle ancient times terminated. 中古时代的乱世完结了。 Can continue to the present Middle Ages aristocratic family, mostly is inside story formidable existences, retains is continuing the present method from the Middle Ages, does not know that Meng Family that type inherited several tens of thousands years of ancient clan to compare. 能够延续到现在的中古世家,大多都是底蕴强大的存在,保留着一些从中古就延续现在的手段,根本不知梦家那种传承数万年的古族可以比拟。 Humpbacked old person cold snort/hum, said: „The Middle Ages aristocratic family was extremely arrogant, thinks that in the body was flowing the bloodlines of worthy people of former times, looked down upon our Half Monster Union radically.” 驼背老人冷哼一声,道:“中古世家都极其高傲,自认为身体之中流淌着先贤的血脉,根本看不起我们半妖盟。” Is it possible that do they also dare to come Half Monster Union to stir up trouble inadequately?” Feng Feiyun vision slightly sinks. “莫非他们还敢来半妖盟惹事不成?”风飞云的目光微微的一沉。 In humpbacked old person's vision were many for several points, helpless said: Although the Middle Ages aristocratic family was looking down upon our Half Monster Union, but our Half Monster Union actually has to paste their cold buttocks with own enthusiastic look. Sees this Half Monster Union big camp like you, then rented from the hand of Middle Ages aristocratic family looking after the household person, otherwise our Half Monster Union absolutely did not have the foothold in the red leaves star.” 驼背老人的目光之中多了几分无奈道:“虽然中古世家都瞧不起我们半妖盟,但是我们半妖盟却不得不用自己的热脸去贴他们的冷屁股。就像你看到这一座半妖盟大营,便是从中古世家顾家人的手中租来的,要不然我们半妖盟在红叶星根本就没有立足之地。” Cannot buy land, why can look at the complexions of these Middle Ages aristocratic families?” “难道就不能自己买下一块土地,何必要看那些中古世家的脸色?” Humpbacked old humanity: „The land of entire red leaves star is boundary main Sir all, nobody can purchase.” 驼背老人道:“整个红叶星的土地都是境主大人所有,没有人可以购买。” „The land in that Middle Ages aristocratic family hand?” Feng Feiyun said. “那中古世家手中的土地呢?”风飞云道。 That is the boundary Lord seals to kindly give their, moreover mostly has kindly given their ancestors in the Middle Ages on already.” “那都是境主封赏给他们的,而且大多都是在中古就已经封赏给了他们的先祖。” Feng Feiyun said puzzled: Why our can Half Monster Union establish the big camp in the red leaves star?” 风飞云不解道:“我们半妖盟为何一定要在红叶星建立大营?” The humpbacked old person looked at Feng Feiyun one, said: „The Middle Ages aristocratic family and even the entire human regarded our Half Monster are the pig dog. If our Half Monster do not struggle, oneself do not look at oneself noblly, that really to become Zhugou.” 驼背老人看了风飞云一眼,道:“中古世家乃至整个人类都视我们半妖为猪狗。若是我们半妖自己都不争一把,自己都不把自己看得高贵一些,那就真的成猪狗了。” Red leaves star is the entire leaf Hongjing highest place, if our Half Monster Union does not have the big camp here, that was really stepped on the under foot.” “红叶星乃是整个叶红境最高的地方,若是我们半妖盟在这里没有大营,那就真的被踩在了脚下。” Place that even if rents, we must stand firm here, tell all are still making Half Monster of slave, in the future some day we surely here will have own land, we are not worse than human, person who we have the ideal to have the goal, do not regard the pig dog us.” “哪怕只是租来的一块地,我们也要在这里站稳脚跟,告诉所有还在做奴隶的半妖,将来有一天我们必定会在这里拥有一块属于自己的土地,我们并不比人类差,我们也是有理想有目标的人,不要将我们当成猪狗。” In the red leaves star tenant merely is only the first step, only then stood firm here, in the future probably will have own domain, are treated equally with human, but was not discriminated. 在红叶星租地仅仅只是第一步,只有在这里站稳了脚跟,将来才可能拥有属于自己的地盘,与人类平起平坐,而不被歧视。 Feng Feiyun as if can understand these Half Monster the intentions of senior, everybody for a direction diligently, even if the goal is too remote does not give up. 风飞云似乎能够懂得这些半妖之中的前辈的用心,大家都在为着一个方向努力,即使目标实在太遥远也绝不放弃。 If gave up including the Half Monster Union these most formidable seniors, these also live in Half Monster of most underlying bed, will only give up quickly, after this, including them thought own pig dog was inferior, was inferior on the real pig dog. 若是连半妖盟的这些最强大的前辈都放弃了,那些还生活在最低层的半妖,也只会放弃得更快,从此之后,连他们自己都觉得自己猪狗不如,那么就真的猪狗不如了。 The posterity pig dog was also inferior! 子孙后代也都猪狗不如! The humpbacked old man returned to normal excited heart, say/way slowly: These time enters ten thousand clan battlefields is an opportunity, if can establish enough many military exploits in ten thousand clan battlefields, perhaps can also obtain to belong to our Half Monster Union own manor.” 驼背老者平复了激动的心,徐徐的道:“这一次进入万族战场将是一次机会,若是能够在万族战场之中立下足够多的军功,说不定也能获得属于我们半妖盟自己的封地。” Naturally this is a long process, wants the military exploit that obtains the manor to need is a huge digit, is not three and 50 years can accumulate suffices. This time is our Half Monster Union first time enters ten thousand clan battlefields, did not strive for being able to render meritorious service to kill the enemy, can live coming back from inside, having valuable the information about ten thousand clan battlefields to suffice on already. Regarding you, already has made the great merit to Half Monster Union.” “当然这是一个漫长的过程,想要获得封地所需要的军功是一个庞大的数字,不是三、50年就能积累够。这一次是我们半妖盟第一次进入万族战场,不求能够立功杀敌,能够从里面活着回来,带回来关于万族战场的宝贵的信息就已经够了。对于你们来说,都已经是给半妖盟立下了大功。” In humpbacked old person's hand has the material about Feng Feiyun, knows that Feng Feiyun is the First Generation Half Monster potential is enormous, therefore with his many several, then also the silent no longer spoke. 驼背老人的手中有关于风飞云的资料,知道风飞云乃是初代半妖潜力极大,所以才和他多少了几句,然后便又闭口不再说话了。 In the Feng Feiyun mind in the words that digesting the humpbacked old person was speaking, entered the Half Monster Union big camp step by step, distant then heard the sounds of people to quarrel the mixed sound, many people encircled above the school ground, the sound of fight conveyed. 风飞云的脑海之中在消化着驼背老人所说的话,一步步走进了半妖盟的大营,远远的便听到了人声吵杂的声音,有很多人围在校场之上,还有战斗的声音传来。 Haha! Let alone our Middle Ages aristocratic family bullied your Half Monster Union, to one, so long as you can win one game, can be exempted one month of rent.” “哈哈!别说我们中古世家欺负你们半妖盟,一个对一个,只要你们能够打赢一局,就能免交一个月的租金。” Is a pity! You are also called Half Monster talents in extremely, has actually lost one game after another 12 games, this is also called unsurpassed heavenly talent, was really funny. Eight young masters, this you elected the person.” “可惜啊!你们还被称为半妖之中的绝顶天才,却连输了12局,这样也被称为无上天骄,真是笑死人了。八少爷,又该你选人了。” Half Monster Union these elites are resentful, some people entered the school ground, has fought with a talent of looking after the household. 半妖盟的那些精英都愤懑不已,又有人走进了校场,与顾家的一位才俊交手了起来。 Feng Feiyun frowned, saw that two gods put on to fight the man of armor to carry on the back the Half Monster young girl of wing to give to carry off one steadily, deliver to the front of young man has been called eight young masters, the young man who that is called eight young masters stretched out a finger, the chin of that Half Monster young girl holding, then satisfied nod. 风飞云皱起了眉头,看到两个神穿战铠的男子将一个背上长着羽翼的半妖少女给带走,送到了一个叫做八少爷的年轻男子的面前,那个叫做八少爷的年轻男子伸出了一根手指,将那个半妖少女的下巴给托了起来,然后满意的点了点头。 What this does? The juniors of Middle Ages aristocratic family think that our Half Monster Union is they raises the draft animal to be inadequate? Also wants to snatch the person?” In the Feng Feiyun eye has revealed cool color. “这是搞什么?中古世家的子弟以为我们半妖盟是他们养得牲口不成?难道还想抢人?”风飞云的眼中露出了冷色。 Ye Xiaomu saw the arrival of Feng Feiyun, ran over hastily, the eye full is the color/look of grievance, said: „The Brother Feng younger brother, you may be come back.” 叶小穆看到了风飞云的到来,连忙跑了过来,眼睛满是委屈之色,道:“风兄弟,你可算是回来了。” Exactly what happened?” Feng Feiyun said. “到底发生了什么事?”风飞云道。 Ye Xiaomu said: Eight young masters who this afternoon, the Middle Ages aristocratic family looked after the household had the person to arrive at the Half Monster Union big camp, must collect the rent. However Half Monster Union recent Spirit Stone was used to purchase to enter ten thousand clan battlefields prepares the thing, did not have unnecessary Spirit Stone, radically insufficiently large amount rent. Therefore Eighth Young Master Gu must pursue all Half Monster to leave the Half Monster Union big camp, even must pound here. Finally is a Half Monster Union seven levels of Sir Half Monster acts, Eighth Young Master Gu then receives the hand.” 叶小穆道:“今天下午,中古世家顾家的八少爷带人来到半妖盟大营,要收取租金。但是半妖盟最近的灵石都用来购买了为进入万族战场做准备的东西,没有多余的灵石,根本不够巨额的租金。于是顾八少爷就要驱逐所有半妖离开半妖盟大营,甚至是要砸了这里。最后是半妖盟的一位七级半妖大人出面,顾八少爷这才收手。” Feng Feiyun said: That why this Eighth Young Master Gu also here?” 风飞云道:“那为何这位顾八少爷还在这里?” This eight young masters to seven levels of Sir Half Monster are quite courteous, has not pursued the person again, but he said one......” “这位八少爷对七级半妖大人还是颇为有礼,没有再驱逐人,但是他却说了一句……” What? ” 什么?” He looked at the Half Monster elite above school ground to say with a smile, this Half Monster top talent that selected from the major territories, haha! Differs not many with cultivation base of house slave we look after the household.” “他看了看校场之上的半妖精英笑道,这就是从各大域选拔上来的半妖顶尖天才,哈哈!与我们顾家的家奴的修为相差不多。” The brow of Feng Feiyun wrinkles deeply, shook the head, said: He must enrage these Half Monster talents intentionally.” 风飞云的眉头皱得更深,摇了摇头,道:“他是故意要激怒那些半妖天才。” Right! Unexpectedly said the elite of our Half Monster dream was inferior the house slave who they look after the household, was inferior including the house slaves, what we are? Therefore all Half Monster angry, many people must challenge their Eighth Young Master Gu.” Ye Xiaomu said. “对啊!居然将我们半妖梦的精英说得不如他们顾家的家奴,连家奴都不如,那我们算什么?于是所有的半妖都愤怒了起来,很多人都要挑战他们顾八少爷。”叶小穆说道。 Feng Feiyun shook the head, said: If challenges him, center his below cherished.” 风飞云又是摇了摇头,道:“若是挑战他,就正中他的下怀了。” renews quick ∷∷ pure writing ∷更新快∷∷纯文字∷
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