SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#885: Second Nirvana

The Ruoshui lakeside, rice waving in the wind, the surroundings are the dense vegetation, even there are to grow several tens of thousands years of ancient ironwood, the tree trunk like Zalong, the leaf was containing the spirit essence. 弱水湖畔,碧波万顷,周围都是繁密的植被,甚至有生长了数万年的古老铁木,树干就像扎龙,树叶都蕴含着灵精。 When arrives at the Ruoshui lakeside, Feng Feiyun a huge aura transmits from the lake water on the obvious feeling, has an demon god like the lake bottom, opens mouth can give to swallow the world. 在来到弱水湖畔的时候,风飞云就明显的感觉到一股庞大的气息从湖水之中传来,就像湖底有一尊魔神,一张嘴就能将天地都给吞噬。 Was given the freeze along soil already of lake by the ice crystal, even the faint trace bloodstain seeps from the soil. 沿湖的泥土都已经被冰晶给冻结,甚至有一丝丝血痕从泥土之中渗透出来。 This place was very strange, after taking Ruoshui, was quicker leave to well.” “这个地方很诡异,取了弱水之后,还是快些离开为好。” Feng Feiyun Spiritual Awareness is very strong, felt that the dangerous aura, has put out a rhinoceros hide bag, walks toward the lakeside, the sole steps on the ice sludge surface, makes „” sound. 风飞云灵觉很强,感觉到了危险的气息,拿出了一只犀皮袋子,向着湖边走去,脚掌踩碎冰面,发出“噌噌”的声音。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” In not far away lake, water spray raised to fly, dozens meters high, threw to curl toward the shore like the waterwall fully together. 不远处的湖中,一层水浪掀飞了起来,足有数十米高,像一道水墙向着岸边扑卷了过来。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Mammoth, the imposing manner is scary. 声势浩大,气势骇人。 What thing?” “什么东西?” Just took Feng Feiyun of Ruoshui to launch the samsara hastily speedily, running away speedily, but that water spray was very terrifying, the speed was fierce scary, even if rushed to the shore, the speed did not reduce. 刚取完弱水的风飞云连忙展开了轮回疾速,疾速的逃遁,但是那水浪十分恐怖,速度更是凶猛骇人,即便是冲上了岸边,速度也不减。 Ruoshui rushes to the shore, changes into a giant hand to be in charge, the wave light is clear, the five fingers flowing light, the nail is sharp, seizes toward Feng Feiyun. 弱水冲上岸边,化为一个巨大的手掌印,波光粼粼,五指流光,指甲锋利,向着风飞云擒去。 Bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭……” ancient wood and stone everything of lakeside were given to stain by Ruoshui, by the disintegration, was changed instantaneously then into the powder. 湖边的古木和石头凡是被弱水给沾上,瞬间便被崩碎,化为了粉末。 Kunpeng speedily symbol!” “鲲鹏疾速符!” Feng Feiyun talisman pasting on leg, the speed increases three times crazily, then turned toward has after death made one day hot symbol. 风飞云将一张符箓给贴在了腿上,速度狂增三倍,然后又向着身后打出了一道“天火符”。 Bang!” “轰!” A hot cloud explodes with a crash above void, sends out the burning hot the flame, likely is stars of flaming combustion. 一片火云在虚空之上砰然爆裂开,发出炙热的火焰,像是一颗熊熊燃烧的星辰。 This day hot symbol, if in other place, can erupt the infinite invincible might, burns to refine ten thousand miles earth, but the red leaves star has the suppression of falling day Spirit Stone, the day hot symbol is impossible to display that terrifying strength. 这一张“天火符”若是在别的地方,能够爆发出无穷神威,焚炼万里大地,但是红叶星有陨天灵石的压制,天火符不可能发挥出那么恐怖的力量。 Although the might of day hot symbol was suppressed, but is very as before formidable, has to burn to refine the earth the prestige energy. 虽然天火符的威力被压制,但是依旧十分强大,有焚炼大地的威能。 However that is condensed the big hand that becomes actually building up by the day hot symbol by Ruoshui, a palm bang has approached the Feng Feiyun top of the head. 但是那一只由弱水凝聚而成的大手却没有被天火符给炼化,一掌轰向了风飞云的头顶。 Mao Wugui, your tortoise shell?” 茅乌龟,你的龟壳呢?” A white radiance presents on the body of Feng Feiyun, carried on the back a tortoise shell, skin has also covered a white light. 一道白色的光华在风飞云的身上呈现出来,背上多了一层龟壳,身上的皮肤也蒙上了一层白光。 Gives me dead!” “给我去死吧!” Feng Feiyun called Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, changed into a lance, the body fought up to burst out, a lance pierced, shook void trembles, palm of that Ruoshui condensation piercing. 风飞云唤出了天髓兵胆,化为了一根长矛,身上战光迸发,一矛洞穿了出去,震得虚空一颤,将那一只弱水凝聚的手掌给洞穿。 Bang!” “嘭!” A huge strength shook on the body of Feng Feiyun, has pressed like nine days of star months. 一股庞大的力量撼在了风飞云的身上,就像九天星月压了下来。 This is an irresistible invincible might, if not for there is a Mao Wugui tortoise shell to protect the body, the body of Feng Feiyun affirmed that already is split up. 这是一股不可抵挡的神威,若不是有茅乌龟的龟壳护体,风飞云的身体肯定已经四分五裂。 Too strong, is irresistible! 太强了,不可抵挡! Ruoshui has stained the skin of Feng Feiyun, strength of the destruction spreads to within the body from the skin, is thinking brain spirit platform/stage has shelled the past. 弱水沾上了风飞云的皮肤,一股毁灭之力从皮肤之上传入体内,然后想着大脑灵台轰击了过去。 Cold air of turbulent rushing enters the body, resembles the soul to be frozen. 一股汹涌滂湃的寒气入体,就好像灵魂都要被冻结住。 !” !” Feng Feiyun felt that own flesh and blood is starting to be frozen, the body must change into the ice sculpture likely. 风飞云感觉自己的血肉在开始被冻结,身体像是要化为冰雕。 Nirvana pill!” 涅槃丹!” Feng Feiyun exhausts the whole body final strength a Nirvana pill to the clothing/taking, body then thorough turned into an ice sculpture. 风飞云用尽全身最后的力量将一枚涅槃丹给服下,身体便彻底的变成了一具冰雕。 Bang!” “嘭!” That Ruoshui condenses the palm that becomes, gave to pat the bottom him directly, submerged in the soil. 那一只弱水凝聚而成的手掌,直接将他给拍进了地底,没入了泥土之中。 The perimeter kilometer ground has by the cold ice is given the freeze, the ice layer has one zhang (3.33 m) thick fully. 周围数千米的地面都有被寒冰给冻结,冰层足有一丈厚。 The palm that Ruoshui condenses returned in the lake, changed into the lake water, the watermark rippled, the wave light was clear. 那一只弱水凝聚成的手掌又退回了湖泊之中,化为了湖水,水纹荡漾,波光粼粼。 Under ice layer, in more than 30 meters soils. 冰层之下,30多米的泥土之中。 The body of Feng Feiyun was given to cover by cold ice completely, the blood was frozen, but brain spirit platform/stage had not actually been frozen, because there has the soul of phoenix, has blocked the cold air of Ruoshui. 风飞云的身体完全被寒冰给覆盖,就连血液都被冻结住,但是大脑灵台却没有被冻结,因为那里有凤凰的灵魂,挡住了弱水的寒气。 However his body mechanism already at this moment dies thoroughly, if cannot the Nirvana rebirth, then he thorough dying, dissipates until the soul automatically. 但是他此刻的身体机理已经死透,若是不能涅槃重生,那么他会彻底的死去,直到灵魂自动消散。 In the Ruoshui lake the pair, dissipates together the cold air absolutely merely, almost makes me be frightened out of one's wits.” “弱水湖中绝对有一对至强,仅仅只是逸散出来一道寒气,就差一点让我魂飞魄散。” Feng Feiyun in communication life and death rule vigorously, hopes that can find a vitality, the Nirvana regeneration. 风飞云在极力的沟通生死规则,希望能够找到一丝生机,涅槃再生。 Feng Feiyun has not thought that such quickly once more will experience Extreme Disaster, a preparation does not have, really to/clashes busily, many preparatory work have not been done, if this time cannot rush, will be likely beyond redemption. 风飞云也没有想到会这么快再次经历死劫,一点准备都没有,实在太冲忙,诸多的准备工作都没有做,这一次若是不能闯过去,很可能会万劫不复。 The Nirvana boundary, is extremely the bad risk boundary, nobody wants to experience Extreme Disaster, because nobody knows can oneself also live. 涅槃的境界,乃是极其凶险的境界,没有人想要经历死劫,因为没有人知道自己还能不能活过来。 Therefore most member, do not want to stop in the Nirvana boundary, after completing four Nirvana, then immediately breaks through to the Ascension boundary, is afraid itself to encounter ominous. 所以绝大多数的修士,都不想在涅槃境界多做停留,完成四次涅槃之后,便立即突破到羽化境,害怕自己会遭遇不祥。 Since the ancient times has left innumerable certainly generation of heavenly talent, including can fight with the Holy Saint young time, but actually in order to multi- Nirvana one time, finally died in this boundary, making countless people regret. 自古以来出过无数绝代天骄,其中有的能够和圣灵年轻时候相争锋,但是却为了能够多涅槃一次,最终死在了这个境界,让无数人为之惋惜。 Therefore before each Nirvana, the member will adjust the best condition, makes many preparations. 所以每一次涅槃之前,修士都会调整到最佳的状态,做很多的准备。 However Feng Feiyun experienced shortly after first Nirvana, the boundary is not steady, the preparation is not very full, was compelled to cross Extreme Disaster, even if he knew about life and death Nirvana very, to the assurance of world rule very adept, in the heart a bottom does not have. 但是风飞云才经历了第一次涅槃不久,境界都还不稳,准备也很不充分,就被逼着不得不渡死劫,就算他对生死涅槃十分了解,对天地规则的把握十分的娴熟,心中也一点底都没有。 If this time cannot cross, thoroughly was finished. 这一次若是渡不过去,就彻底完蛋了。 Feng Feiyun soul already soon frozen stiff, the train of thought is also getting more and more slow, probably wants thorough quiet getting down. 风飞云的灵魂都已经快要被冻僵,思绪也越来越缓慢,就好像要彻底的沉寂下去。 I cannot die! I must look for Shui Yueting, I must ask why she can use the sword to me in the past? Who haven't I known my mother? The young people die for me, has not lived. Dongfang Jingyue, I am not do not like you, I am feared that you are Shui Yueting. On the Long Luofu bosom my child, child had not been born...... Can I die? I cannot die!” “我不能死!我还要去找水月婷,我要问她为何当年要对我出剑?我还不知道我母亲之谁?红颜为我而死,还没有活过来。东方镜月,我不是不喜欢你,我是怕你就是水月婷龙萝浮怀上了我的孩子,孩子还没有出生……我怎么能死?我不能死!” I cannot die!” “我不能死!” This world owes me a question, some people who I also owe this world, “这个世界欠我一个疑问,我也欠这个世界的一些人, In the Feng Feiyun dantian, the sea of qi tumbles, navigation that azure Ancient Vessel braves all hardships. 风飞云的丹田之中,气海翻滚,一只青色的古船乘风破浪的航行。 Was Feng Feiyun unyielding reading strength aroused the resentfulness of dantian likely, in the sea of dantian, the strong winds angrily roared. 像是风飞云不屈的念力激起了丹田的愤懑,丹田之海中,狂风怒吼。 Above Ancient Vessel, grains of white Holy Saint bone ashes by turbulent air current swaying, fell the sea of dantian. 古船之上,一粒粒白色的圣灵骨灰被一股汹涌的气流给吹拂了起来,落到了丹田之海。 Grains of bone ashes, each grain is ten thousand jin (0.5 kg). 一粒粒骨灰,每一粒都重达万斤。 The bone ash fell into the sea of qi, surges the spiritual energy in dantian, then turned toward the whole body of Feng Feiyun to attack the past, 12 Phoenix Bones erupted radiance first, faint trace flame overflowed from Phoenix Bones, melts the ice crystal in body, pursued the cold air of that freeze person blood. 骨灰落入了气海之中,将丹田之中的灵气激荡起来,然后向着风飞云的全身冲击了过去,12块凤骨最先爆发出光华,一丝丝火焰从凤骨之上溢出,融化身体之中的冰晶,驱逐那一股冻结人血液的寒气。 !” !” !” !” Ice crystal unceasing disruption! 冰晶不断的碎裂! Finally, thorough melting! 最后,彻底的融化! Bang!” “轰!” The Feng Feiyun whole body was the flame, body probably changed into a fireball, above flushed from the ground, carried a quantity of heat, vanished in the horizon. 风飞云浑身都是火焰,身体就好像化为了一个火球,从地面上之上冲了起来,携带一身的热量,消失在地平线上。 Has run more than 1000 miles, flame thorough disappearance. 一直跑出1000多里,身上的火焰才彻底的消失。 Feng Feiyun deep inspiration, stopped, the body is breeding the rushing strength, a palm has shelled the past toward the front mountain peak, above the arm grows the feather, changed into the phoenix god claw, the claw had half meter fully. 风飞云深深的吸了一口气,停了下来,身上孕育着滂湃的力量,一掌向着前面的山峰轰击了过去,手臂之上长出羽毛,化为了凤凰神爪,爪子足有半米长。 Phoenix crack day!” “凤凰裂天!” The entire mountain peak is in a flash, the piece of cliff wall collapses, drops over a thousand giant stones, almost Feng Feiyun burying. 整个山峰都是一晃,有一片崖壁垮塌,落下上千块巨石,几乎将风飞云给掩埋。 Must know here, but red leaves star, cultivation base is higher, here suppresses is also fiercer, can a claw disintegration piece of cliff wall, this already quite terrifying matter. 要知道这里可是红叶星,修为越高,在这里压制得也就越厉害,能够一爪崩碎一片崖壁,这已经相当恐怖的事情了。 „Is this Nirvana 2nd-layer cultivation base?” “这就是涅槃第二重修为?” Feng Feiyun looked at own hand claw, on the face has had the wild with joy color/look, closed the eye, in the body 3.6 million stars was beating, Saint Hui Xiaxia, charm brilliant, to person a feeling of infinite rushing. 风飞云看了看自己的手爪,脸上生出狂喜之色,闭上了眼睛,身体之中3600000枚星辰在跳动,圣辉霞霞,神韵灼灼,给人一种无限滂湃的感觉。 This is 3.6 million grains of Holy Saint bone ashes. 这是3600000粒圣灵的骨灰。 These bone ashes like the stars of beats, hover in his flesh and blood skeleton. 这些骨灰就像一颗颗跳动的星辰,游动在他的血肉骨骼之中。 Holy Saint bone ash air/Qi of already in Holy Saint passes completely, but as before is actually breeding the infinite vast say/way, constantly is not helping Feng Feiyun condense the main road. 圣灵的骨灰之中的圣灵之气都已经流逝殆尽,但是却依旧孕育着无穷浩渺的道则,无时无刻不在帮风飞云凝聚大道。 Bang, bang, bang!” “砰,砰,砰!” In the body of Feng Feiyun sends out three light sounds, the back position had three bones to brave the flame, changed into Phoenix Bones. 风飞云的身体之中发出三声轻响,背部的位置有三块骨头冒起了火焰,化为了凤骨 13 th Phoenix Bones! 第13块凤骨 14 th Phoenix Bones! 第14块凤骨 15 th Phoenix Bones! 第15块凤骨 In the body of Feng Feiyun had 15 Phoenix Bones, each is containing the inexhaustible strength. 风飞云的身体之中拥有了15块凤骨,每一块都蕴含着无穷无尽的力量。 Aiya! But overtakes your boy, ran is also very quick.” A snow white small turtle dashes to come from the horizon, the setting sun in the western sky, the diminutive body pulls out the long inverted image. “哎呀!可算是追上你小子了,跑得也忒快了。”一只雪白的小乌龟从地平线上飞奔而来,夕阳西下,矮小的身体拉出长长的倒影。 Feng Feiyun said: You did not say that your tortoise shell defensive power first under heaven, was given a moment ago almost to kill by you.” 风飞云道:“你不是说你的龟壳防御力天下第一,刚才差一点就被你给害死了。” That is because your cultivation base was too low, cannot block wisp of cold air of opposite party. The life in that Ruoshui lake is very fearful, can occupy a side in the red leaves star, existence of this rank is not you can provoke now.” The Mao Wugui person stands, at the back of the tortoise shell, two claw backs after behind, one does not close the appearance of my matter. “那是因为你自己的修为太低了,才挡不住对方的一缕寒气。那弱水湖之中的生灵很可怕,在红叶星都能够占据一方,这种级别的存在不是你现在可以招惹。”茅乌龟人立而起,背着龟壳,两只爪子背在身后,一副不关我事的模样。 Feng Feiyun also selected, but the red leaves star leaf Hongjing the boundary main domain, each inch land was not the average person can covet, that life in Ruoshui lake can forcibly occupy a lake here, absolutely was after the character of day latitude place, not provoke to wonderfully. 风飞云也点了点,红叶星可是叶红境境主的地盘,每一寸土地都不是一般人可以觊觎,弱水湖之中的那一个生灵能够在这里霸占一湖,绝对乃是经天纬地的人物,还是不要招惹为妙。 Was bad! Sun soon set.” “糟了!太阳快要落山了。” Feng Feiyun has spent several time of double-hour in place bottom Nirvana, at this moment already the noontime, solar already slantingly had already hung in the west side, within a double-hour will set. 风飞云在地底涅槃花费了数个时辰的时间,此刻早就已经过了午时,太阳已经斜挂在西边,一个时辰之内就会落山。 Before the darkness, has not hurried back is eliminated. 天黑之前没有赶回去就会被淘汰。 Phoenix god wing!” “凤凰神翼!” The back of Feng Feiyun emits two bulge, then unceasing opening, bunch of dazzling flame dissipate from that two bulge, finally thorough rupturing, changed into one pile of scarlet red wings. 风飞云的背部冒出两个凸起,然后不断的撑开,一团团刺目的火焰从那两个凸起之中逸散出来,最后彻底的爆裂开,化为了一堆赤红色的羽翼。 Bang!” “轰!” This is a pair of eight meters long scarlet-red wing, by the flaming flame package, each feather was being flowed the strength of flame, glittering and translucent carving, thinks the god wing that the material sacrifice refining up becomes likely. 这是一对八米多长的赤红羽翼,被熊熊的火焰包裹,每一根羽毛都流动着火焰的力量,晶莹剔透,像是用神材祭炼而成的神翼。 A wing leaf, curled up the burning hot the flame strong winds, the body of Feng Feiyun then directly flew. 羽翼一扇,卷起炙热的火焰狂风,风飞云的身体便直接飞了起来。
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