SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#884: Seven levels of Half Monster

Some Mao Wugui, do not need to purchase defensive talisman, but Feng Feiyun to provide against contingencies, has sold finally 20. 本来有茅乌龟在,根本就不需要购买防御性符箓,但是风飞云为了以防万一,最终还是卖了20张。 Is ten Kunpeng speedily symbol, heard that uses talisman that the real blood of Kunpeng outlines, once pastes on the leg, can increase three times of speeds. 还有就是十张“鲲鹏疾速符”,听说使用鲲鹏的真血勾画的符箓,一旦贴在腿上,能够增加三倍的速度。 The Feng Feiyun samsara is speedily quick on already, if adds on Kunpeng speedily symbol again, the speed will rise dramatically to a terrifying degree. 风飞云的轮回疾速就已经很快,若是再加上鲲鹏疾速符,速度将会飙升到一个恐怖的程度。 Besides talisman and compounded drug, Feng Feiyun especially has also purchased wormhole Spirit Stone, provides against contingencies. 除了符箓和丹药之外,风飞云还特地购买了一块虫洞灵石,以防万一。 Eight attack talisman. 八张攻击符箓 20 defend talisman. 20张防御符箓 Ten open/stretch Kunpeng speedily symbol. 十张鲲鹏疾速符。 Together wormhole Spirit Stone. 一块虫洞灵石 After all Spirit Stone will squander, Feng Feiyun at the same night returned to the Half Monster Union big camp. 将身上所有的灵石都花光之后,风飞云才又连夜返回了半妖盟的大营。 Next day, the day did not have complete laying out, in the air also to loaf the moist fog. 第二天,天还没有完全的亮开,空气中还游荡着湿润的雾霭。 Wū wū!” “呜呜!” In the Half Monster Union big camp has resounded bugle, all Half Monster turn toward in the school ground to assemble. 半妖盟大营之中响起了号角,所有半妖都向着校场之中集结。 Merely half double-hour, in the school ground then already has several tens of thousands people, the head/number of people shivers, but is actually maintaining silence, does not have too many noises. 仅仅半个时辰,校场之中便已经有数万人,人头颤动,但是却都保持着肃静,没有太多的嘈杂声。 This time, Feng Feiyun not with wooden long line and Ye Xiaomu they in the same place, but stands in one crowd of Nirvana 1st-layer Half Monster square formation. 这一次,风飞云并没有和木长龙、叶小穆他们在一起,而是站在一群涅槃第一重半妖方阵之中。 This square formation has close 10,000 people probably, cultivation base differs not much, belongs to Nirvana 1st-layer, is selects from more than 8000 territories, is the absolute elites in Half Monster. 这一个方阵大概有接近10000人,修为都相差不多,属于涅槃第一重,乃是从8000多个域选拔出来,都是半妖之中的绝对精英。 Has the head to grow the Half Monster guy of alone corner/horn, there is a fish person of head/number of people carcasses, carries on the back steadily the pretty female of wing, Essence, Qi, and Spirit is very full, not the dispirited appearance of general Half Monster slave. 有头上长着独角的半妖大汉,也有人头兽体的鱼人,还有一些背上长着羽翼的貌美女子,精、气、神都很十足,并没有一般半妖奴的萎靡样子。 At this time a humpbacked old person has arrived at front of regiment, already was old looks awful, the tooth must fall out or off entirely, carries on the back two bulge, wants to be the two peaks and ridges of camel very much. 这时一个驼背老人走到了方队的前面,已经苍老得不成样子,牙齿都要掉光,背上有两个凸起,很想是骆驼的两个峰峦。 Feng Feiyun saw six levels of Half Monster tokens on this humpbacked old person's waist. 风飞云在这个驼背老人的腰上看到了六级半妖的令牌。 Must know that Ji Territory territory hegemon also five levels of Half Monster, any person who can become six levels of Half Monster, is in Half Monster the most precious strength, was focused on protecting, is almost not usually able to see, 要知道季域的域盟主也都才五级半妖而已,凡是能够成为六级半妖的人,都是半妖之中最珍贵的战力,被重点保护,平时几乎无法见到, The humpbacked old person arrives, the air current in entire school ground had the change, the angry field turns toward him to flow the past, changed into an invisible vortex, making the vision of person have to condense to his body. 驼背老人一到,整个校场之中的气流都发生了变化,所有气场都向着他流动过去,化为了一个无形的漩涡,让人的目光不得不凝聚到他的身上。 Humpbacked old person's vision is extremely sharp, each way glow seems a stabbing pain person nerve needle, elites in several hundred Half Monster cannot bear the impact of this look at the scene, brain darkened, the body fall down softly. 驼背老人的目光极其锋利,每一道眼芒都似乎是一根刺痛人神经的针,当场就有数百个半妖之中的精英承受不住这一股眼神的冲击,大脑一片昏黑,身体软倒在地上。 The humpbacked old person unemotionally, said: Any falls on the person who the ground and draws back backward, withdraws from the competition automatically, within three days repatriate the major territories.” 驼背老人面无表情,道:“凡是倒在地上和向后退的人,自动退出比赛,三天之内遣返各大域。” These were not convinced to retreating in fear Half Monster by old person's vision a moment ago, said: Six levels of Sir Half Monster, your cultivation base was too high, we are not the fears, but cannot block your look.” 那些刚才被老人的目光给吓退的半妖都不服气,纷纷道:“六级半妖大人,你的修为太高了,我们不是害怕,只是挡不住你的眼神。” My being able not help retroceded a moment ago one step, six levels of Sir Half Monster inspects me once more! This time I decide however will not retrocede again.” “刚才我是情不自禁的后退了一步,六级半妖大人再次考核我吧!这一次我定然不会再后退。” ...... …… Humpbacked old person's vision ice-cold, said: Falling back has drawn back, what has not to dare to acknowledge? Others and you are the same boundaries, but why they are without turning a hair, but can't you actually block my look? This can only explain that your will are also not enough to go ten thousand clan battlefields, needs to continue to cultivate.” 驼背老人的目光冰冷,道:“退就是退了,有什么不敢承认?别人和你们都是相同境界,但是他们为何面不改色,而你们却挡不住我的一个眼神?这只能说明你们的心志还不足以前去万族战场,需要继续修炼。” This nobody dares to refute one again, any person departure that silently retroceded a moment ago, on the face is having the expression that unwilling and rebukes oneself, but the member who these faint was also given to carry off. 这一次没有人再敢反驳一句,凡是刚才后退了的人都默默的离开,脸上带着不甘和自责的表情,而那些晕倒的修士也被人给抬走。 Is only a look, then has eliminated elites in more than 1800 Half Monster. 仅仅只是一个眼神,便淘汰了1800多个半妖之中的精英。 Person who remains, is the vision firm aura calm people. 剩下来的人,都是目光坚定身上气息沉稳的人。 May be called trillion miles selects one! 堪称亿万里挑一! Humpbacked old person satisfied nod of, looks at the person who remained, said: You are the Half Monster talent of each territory, the potential are infinite, welcome you formally to enter the Half Monster elite camp first battalion, I am you following several days of inspection officers, can emerge, becomes represents our Half Monster Union to enter the brave warrior who ten thousand clan battlefields go on an expedition, looked at your performance. Now is invited your teacher seven levels of Half Monster Sir Qing Zhai to admonish.” 驼背老人满意的点了点头,看了看剩下来的人,道:“你们都是每一域的半妖天才,潜力无穷,欢迎你们正式进入半妖精英营第一营,我是你们接下来几天的考核官,能不能脱颖而出,成为代表我们半妖盟进入万族战场征战的勇士,就看你们的表现了。现在有请你们的导师七级半妖青祭大人训话。” God! Our teachers unexpectedly are seven levels of Half Monster in legend.” 天呐!我们的导师竟然是传说之中的七级半妖。” I listen to the grandfather to mention Sir Qing Zhai, she is First Generation Half Monster, cultivation base is extremely formidable, hearsay her cultivation base can fight with the sage of Ascension boundary, in leaf Hongjing the Half Monster big camp is one of the supreme rank existences.” “我听祖父提及过青祭大人,她乃是一位初代半妖,修为极其强大,传闻她的修为能够和羽化境的贤者相争锋,在叶红境的半妖大营乃是至尊级别的存在之一。” Feng Feiyun stands in this square formation by the rear position, hears the discussions of these Half Monster, curious, are many for several points to anticipate to this teacher. 风飞云站在这一个方阵靠后方的位置,听到这些半妖的议论,也好奇了起来,对这个导师多了几分期待。 „!” “唰!” A piece of azure radiance fell above the square formation front stage, the body had the innumerable flame packages, the shape of flame very likely was a blue lotus. 一片青色的光华落到了方阵前面的高台之上,身上有无数火焰包裹,火焰的形状很像是一株青莲。 Nobody can see clearly her appearance, but can sensation her strength be very formidable, like azure stars float there, kneel on one knee that many people on the scene can not help on the ground, saluted to her. 没有人能够看清她的容貌,只是能够感知她的力量十分强大,就像一颗青色的星辰悬浮在那里,在场很多人都情不自禁的单膝跪在了地上,给她行礼。 This is not to her fearing, but to her one respect and worship of the heart. 这不是对她的惧怕,而是对她的一种发自内心的敬意和崇拜。 Goal that seven levels of Half Monster, are all Half Monster struggled. 七级半妖,是所有半妖都在奋斗的目标。 Several thousand people simultaneously kneel on the ground, three young people have not only knelt down, one is Feng Feiyun. 数千人同时跪在地上,唯有三个年轻人没有下跪,其中一个就是风飞云 Another two: Is growing the guy of head/number of people beast body, grows the fish tail to throw over the female of silver hair. 另外两个:一个是长着人头兽身的大汉,一个长着鱼尾披着银发的女子。 Feng Feiyun has launched Heavenly Eye of Phoenix, saw these two is First Generation Half Monster, the blood in body was very pure, cultivation base was also very formidable. 风飞云展开了凤凰天眼,看出了这两人都是初代半妖,身体之中的血液十分纯粹,修为也都十分强大。 When Feng Feiyun takes a look at them, they also looked at Feng Feiyun one. 风飞云打量他们的时候,他们也都看了风飞云一眼。 It seems like in Half Monster also has talent extremely.” Heart such thought of Feng Feiyun. “看来半妖之中也有绝顶的天才。”风飞云的心头如此的想到。 Stands!” Seven levels of Half Monster Qing Zhai sounds spread from the azure hot lotus, the sound is very young, but has actually been full of the dignity. “都站起来吧!”七级半妖青祭的声音从青色的火莲之中传出,声音很年轻,但是却又充满了威严。 All people felt that a pressure loosen, has stood from the ground. 所有人都感觉到身上的压力一松,从地上站了起来。 In the azure hot lotus the person's shadow is fuzzy, the long hair like the waterfall, is a Spiritual God stands in inside likely, exudes a beautiful female voice: You now are the Half Monster elite camp first battalion of members, altogether 7432 people. However in following several days, among you over 90% people will be eliminated, only then 100 individuals can truly become the Half Monster elite camp first battalion of members , the person who eliminated will be sent back the major territories to continue to cultivate.” 青色的火莲之中人影模糊,长发如飞瀑,像是一位神灵站在里面,发出一个美丽的女声:“你们现在算是半妖精英营第一营的成员,一共7432人。但是在接下来的几天,你们当中90以上的人都会被淘汰,只有100个人可以真正的成为半妖精英营第一营的成员,被淘汰的人则会被遣送回各大域继续修炼。” In following several days, I am your teachers, you any doubts above cultivation can come to ask me. After entering ten thousand clan battlefields, I will be your soldiers will be also long, leading you to cut to kill the alien race in ten thousand clan battlefields, will compete for the honor for our Half Monster.” “在接下来的几天,我将是你们的导师,你们在修炼之上的任何疑惑都可以前来问我。当进入万族战场之后,我也将是你们的兵长,带领你们在万族战场之中斩杀异族,为我们半妖争夺荣誉。” All Half Monster say/way in square formation with one voice: Pledges to fight to the death to join the Half Monster elite camp first battalion, enters ten thousand clan battlefields to go on an expedition, is Half Monster Union competes for the honor, is Half Monster seeks the status.” 方阵之中的所有半妖都齐声的道:“誓死加入半妖精英营第一营,进入万族战场征战,为半妖盟争夺荣誉,为半妖争取地位。” The azure hot lotus starts to vanish, finally thorough vanishes from the stage. 青色的火莲开始幻灭,最后彻底的从高台之上消失。 Then is some competes the beforehand ceremony, for example worships „the god of Half Monster, each Half Monster in „the god of Half Monster in front of the idol takes an oath wait/etc.. 接下来就是一些比赛之前的仪式,比如祭拜“半妖之神”,每一位半妖在“半妖之神”的神像面前宣誓等等。 So-called „the god of Half Monster, is god who Half Monster create is actually evil. 所谓的“半妖之神”,其实乃是半妖自己创造出来的“神邪”。 Feng Feiyun has seen the idol of god of Half Monster in Ji Territory Half Monster Union on already, and also burns incense to worship. 风飞云季域半妖盟已经见过了半妖之神的神像,并且还上香祭拜过。 The god of Half Monster is the Half Monster Union most formidable inside story, is Half Monster Union can survive one of the present strongest cards in a hand, built up the world all Half Monster reading strength and incense and candles the god of birth, the supernatural power no small matter. 半妖之神乃是半妖盟最强大的底蕴,也是半妖盟能够生存到现在的最强底牌之一,是集结了天下所有半妖的念力和香火而诞生的神,神力非同小可。 So long as the god of Half Monster is also living, Half Monster Union will not perish. 只要半妖之神还活着,半妖盟就不会灭亡。 It is said Half Monster can enter ten thousand clan battlefields, is the God's of Half Monster with sixth Yang Dynasty these negotiates the later result. 据说半妖能够进入万族战场,便是半妖之神与第六中央王朝的那些至强交涉之后的结果。 The humpbacked old person held one volume of iron books to walk, say/way that coldly: From now on, carries on the first round competition. By me was announced that rule of competition, beyond being away from the three thousand li (500 km) of Half Monster Union big camp has a Ruoshui lake, now you on foot go to take one scoop of Ruoshui to come back, before the darkness , the person who cannot hurry back, will then be eliminated.” 驼背老人捧着一卷铁书走了上来,冷冷的道:“从现在开始,进行第一轮的比赛。由我来宣布比赛的规则,在距离半妖盟大营的三千里之外有一座弱水湖,现在你们就徒步前去取一瓢弱水回来,天黑之前没能赶回来的人,便会被淘汰。” Reminded your one while convenient, this was all the way unsafe, must pass through piece of Mang Shougu Forests and one flame mountain ridges. Moreover you safely arrived at the Ruoshui lakeside, is not necessarily able to take inside Ruoshui easily, even incautiously also in ominous beast by Ruoshui lake swallowing.” “顺便提醒你们一句,这一路上并不安全,要穿越一片莽兽古林和一片火焰山岭。而且就算你们安全的到达了弱水湖边,也未必能够轻易取到里面的弱水,甚至一不小心还会被弱水湖中的凶兽给吞噬。” The humpbacked old person just announced, all people then simultaneously ran out of the Half Monster Union big camp, beyond the Ruoshui lakes toward three thousand li (500 km) dashes about wildly to go. 驼背老人刚一宣布完毕,所有人便同时冲出了半妖盟的大营,向着三千里之外的弱水湖狂奔而去。 Feng Feiyun naturally also in crowd. 风飞云自然也在人群之中。 „The heavy forcing of red leaves star is very terrifying, the boundary and speed were suppressed to extremely the low point, even if Nirvana 1st-layer cultivation base, wants in day of expert three thousand li (500 km) is a quite difficult matter, let alone can also run back and forth?” “红叶星的重力压十分恐怖,境界和速度都被压制到极低点,就算是涅槃第一重修为,想要在一天之内行三千里都是一件相当艰难的事,更何况还要跑一个来回?” This duty seems like simple, but is extremely difficult.” “这个任务看似简单,但是却极其艰难。” Also probably encounters the danger on the road, to the Ruoshui lakeside also possibly in ominous beast by lake swallowing.” “在路上还可能遇到危险,到了弱水湖畔也可能被湖中的凶兽给吞噬。” In the Feng Feiyun mind speedily has flashed through many thoughts, this should be is testing our speeds and facing danger the response capabilities.” 风飞云的脑海之中疾速的闪过了很多念头,“这应该是在考验我们的速度和面对危险的应对能力。” After Feng Feiyun has thought through these keys, then no longer retains, speedily gave to display the samsara, body quick such as fierce lion, shuttled back and forth in the ancient road and jungle, then grew several thousand years of ancient wood speedily backed up in both sides, quick ran up to beyond more than 100 miles on already. 风飞云想通了这些关键之后,便不再保留,将轮回疾速给施展了出来,身体快如猛狮,穿梭在古道和丛林之中,那么生长了数千年的古木疾速的在两旁倒退,很快就已经跑到了100多里之外。 Most starts also to see that other Half Monster runs in the side, all people then lost the trail gradually, only then occasionally can see some people 's shadows. 最开始都还能看到别的半妖在身边奔跑,渐渐的,所有人便都失去了踪迹,只有偶尔能够看到一些人影。 In Half Monster has by the talent that the speed grows perceptibly many, the monster blood in body is extremely honored, moreover cultivates to have some speedily magical powers, the speed will draw near the extreme simply. 半妖之中不乏有以速度见长的天才,身体之中的妖血极其尊贵,而且又修炼有一些疾速神通,速度简直快到了极点。 In this world is not Feng Feiyun is the talent, is not Feng Feiyun can obtain the fortuitous encounter. 这世上并不是风飞云才是天才,也并不是风飞云才能得到奇遇。 In these Half Monster some talents have also reached the Epic Level peak, moreover some Half Monster even obtain Ascension boundary the direction of Great Sage, some even obtain Monster Clan to be able greatly filling top. 这些半妖之中有些天才也达到了史诗级别的巅峰,而且有些半妖甚至得到过羽化境界的大贤的指点,还有一些甚至得到过妖族大能的灌顶。 Can become boundary topest that group of people, in trillion Half Monster chooses one, almost is very uncommon, has to surmount the boundary murder the skill, many mysterious methods. 能够成为一个境最顶尖的那一批人,亿万个半妖之中才挑选出一个来,几乎都很不凡,拥有跨越境界杀人的本事,还有诸多神秘的手段。 Naturally Feng Feiyun as before to forefront that several, has not arrived at the high noon time, his already rushed to the Ruoshui lakeside. 当然风飞云依旧是冲在最前面的那十几个,还没有到正午的时候,他就已经赶到了弱水湖畔。
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