SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#883: Collection imperial seal

Fights not the far place to Feng Feiyun and life ancient teach old man, is standing three young talents. 风飞云和一生古教的老者大战不远的地方,站着三个年轻才俊。 Elder Brother Jiu, I must go with a that Half Monster war.” Looks after the household ten third young master both hands to pinch the fist, the body fights intent to be steaming, wants to rush with Feng Feiyun fights. 九哥,我要去和那个半妖一战。”顾家十三少爷双手捏拳,身上战意腾腾,想要冲上去和风飞云交手。 Feng Feiyun by Nirvana 1st-layer cultivation base, cuts to kill life to teach the member of four Nirvana boundaries, making this fight madman raise the thought of battle. 风飞云涅槃第一重修为,斩杀“一生古教”四位涅槃境的修士,让这位战斗狂人升起了争斗的念头。 Militantly what Nirvana 1st-layer does Half Monster have?” “一个涅槃第一重半妖有什么好战的?” Young Master Gu Jiu smiled, said: „The direction that they go to is the Half Monster Union big camp, heard that for several days entire leaf Hongjing Half Monster heavenly talent will arrive at the red leaves star, it seems like that this man is also one of them, is the talent of Half Monster Union careful training.” 顾九少爷笑了笑,又道:“他们去的方向乃是半妖盟大营,听说近几日整个叶红境的半妖天骄都会来到红叶星,看来这个男子也是其中之一,乃是半妖盟精心培养的天才。” I have also heard, it is said this year Half Monster also has to enter ten thousand clan battlefields qualifications, but the quota is extremely limited. These Half Monster want to contribute to the military exploit above ten thousand clan battlefields, making the people respect them, was really too laughable, they do not know completely ten thousand clan battlefields terrifying, 500 Half Monster entered ten thousand clan battlefields, can have five to live is coming back to thank heaven and earth on already, but also wants to contribute to the military exploit. Funny!” Yu Shao smiled, in the eye full is the look of ridicule. “我也听说过了,据说今年半妖也有进入万族战场的资格,只不过名额极其有限。这些半妖想要在万族战场之上立军功,让人们尊重他们,真是太可笑了,他们完全不知道万族战场有多恐怖,500个半妖进入万族战场,能够有五个活着回来就已经是谢天谢地,还想立军功。哏哏!”玉少笑了笑,眼中满是嘲笑的神色。 Young Master Gu Jiu said with a smile: In Half Monster also some natural talent characters extremely, like a moment ago that also good. Old eight, doesn't like the Half Monster beautiful woman? 13 th, you go back to tell eight old, said that entire leaf Hongjing the day in Half Monster the arrogant females arrived at the Half Monster Union big camp, believes that he definitely very much will be interested.” 顾九少爷笑道:“不过半妖之中也有一些天资绝顶的人物,就像刚才那一位就还不错。老八,不就喜欢半妖美人?13,你回去告诉老八,就说整个叶红境的半妖之中的天之骄女都来到了半妖盟大营,相信他肯定会很感兴趣。” Good! I go back definitely to tell the myna, I thought Half Monster female who that sent a moment ago scarlet, myna, if saw, definitely will move. Haha!” Young Master Gu Shisan said with a smile. “好的!我回去肯定告诉八哥,我觉得刚才那个赤发的半妖女子,八哥若是见到,就肯定会动心。哈哈!”顾十三少爷笑道。 Young Master Gu Jiu and Yu Shao have looked at each other one, cold Chen has smiled. 顾九少爷玉少对视了一眼,都冷沉的笑了起来。 Eighth Young Master Gu and Young Master Gu Jiu are competing the position of looking after the household successor, is looks after the household this generation of most outstanding to be outstanding, plans is the common matter. 顾八少爷顾九少爷都在竞争顾家继承人的位置,皆是顾家这一代最优秀的人杰,相互之间算计是常有的事。 ...... …… Red leaves star, profound wonderful mainland. 红叶星,玄奇大陆。 This is an ancient god city, saves world tens of millions years, once some innumerable mythical characters once here left the trace , many Middle Ages inherit the home of present aristocratic family to be situated here. 这是一座古老的神城,存世数千万年,曾经有无数神话人物都曾在这里留下痕迹,也有不少中古传承到现在的世家的祖宅坐落在这里。 Person who everything can have the mansion in this god city, is extremely the character. 凡是能够在这一座神城之中拥有府邸的人,无一不是绝顶人物。 The Middle Ages aristocratic family, looked after the household. 中古世家,顾家。 Myna, am I possibly high-pitched and fine that Elder Brother Jiu sends? That I said are true, today we saw a Half Monster beautiful woman in the glacier collection, the tender body is exquisite, the skin is juicy, carries on the back also steadily a pair of red wing, this female in human almost not obvious.” “八哥,我怎么可能是九哥派来的尖细?我说的句句属实,今天我们就在冰河集看到了一位半妖美女,娇躯玲珑,皮肤水灵,背上还长着一对红色的羽翼,这种女子在人类之中几乎不可见。” Young Master Gu Shisan continues saying: Heard that entire leaf Hongjing most natural talent colorful Half Monster females already arrived at the red leaves star certainly, has missed this opportunity, next time does not know when must wait till.” 顾十三少爷继续说道:“听说整个叶红境最天资绝艳的半妖女子都已经来到了红叶星,错过了这一次机会,下一次就不知道要等到何年何月了。” Eighth Young Master Gu height eight chi (0.33 m), hale and hearty, but the god is abundant, in the vision is having the color/look of wisdom, said with a smile: „The stinking ninth category this is probing my skill, is probing my guts?” 顾八少爷身高八尺,硬朗而神丰,目光之中带着睿智之色,笑道:“老九这是在试探我的本事,还是在试探我的胆量?” This matter does not have with Elder Brother Jiu relations.” Young Master Gu Shisan said with a smile. “这事跟九哥一点关系都没有。”顾十三少爷笑道。 The jade above Eighth Young Master Gu tracing finger gently pulls refers, says with a smile: Regardless has the relations with him, tomorrow I will go to the Half Monster Union big camp, the stinking ninth category, if thinks that trivial several Half Monster can make me admit defeat, he underestimated me.” 顾八少爷轻轻的摸了摸手指之上的玉扳指,笑道:“无论跟他有没有关系,明天我都会去半妖盟的大营,老九若是认为区区几个半妖就能让我吃瘪,那他就是太小看我了。” The Eighth Young Master Gu heroic bearing thrives, turns around to go. 顾八少爷英姿勃发,转身而去。 Myna and Elder Brother Jiu so are how intelligent, resembles the matter that in this world does not have them not to know.” Young Master Gu Shisan traces own scalp, felt that oneself seems stupidest one. “八哥和九哥怎么都这么聪明,就好像这世上没有他们不知道的事。”顾十三少爷摸了摸自己的头皮,感觉到自己似乎是最笨的一个。 Purple cloud Qi descended from sky together, condenses a person's shadow, the purple robe binds the body, outstanding ability excellent, the hand grasps the folding fan, is exiles the immortal to fall from the day likely. 一道紫色的云气从上空降落了下来,凝聚成一个人影,紫袍裹身,俊逸过人,手握折扇,像是谪仙人从天降。 Attended to 13 seeing this purple clothes young master, the complexion changed, turned around to run away, the heart discussed: How is she, today was really too unlucky, has not seen me, has not seen me......”. 顾13看到了这个紫衣公子,脸色一变,转身就逃,心头念道:“怎么是她,今天真是太晦气了,没看到我,没看到我……”。 Looking after the household old 13, saw this young master, runs away quickly, thought that this young master does want to eat the person?” The purple clothes young master walks in the ancient stone street from, the folding fan jogging, the elegant bearing, the facial features carve, is the day God of the Earth artisan carves likely. “顾家的老13,见到了本公子,逃得那么快,是不是觉得本公子要吃人啊?”紫衣公子走在古老的石街自上,折扇轻摇,风度翩翩,五官精雕细琢,像是天地神匠雕琢而成。 Young Master Gu Shisan put on a long face to stop the footsteps immediately, has turned around, to purple clothes young master good a ritual, said: Originally is the boundary main mansion sister-in-law/little aunt paternal grandmother......” 顾十三少爷顿时哭丧着脸停下了脚步,转过身,对着紫衣公子行了一礼,道:“原来是境主府的小姑奶奶……” Spoke the logical expression!” The folding fan in purple clothes young master hand according to above the Young Master Gu Shisan forehead. “说人话!”紫衣公子手中的折扇按在了顾十三少爷的额头之上。 Above the folding fan turnover divine light, was a handle sharp sword refers to likely in his head. 折扇之上吞吐神光,像是一柄利剑指在了他的头上。 „It is not right, is not right, is Young Master Zi, does Young Master Zi, how your this time have the leisurely mood to go to the profound wonderful mainland?” Young Master Gu Shisan must kneel on the ground, fears to this purple clothes young master at present very much, let alone is he, even if his myna and Elder Brother Jiu, saw that at present this purple clothes young masters must yield and withdraw. “不对,不对,是紫公子,紫公子,你老人家这次怎么有闲心来到玄奇大陆?”顾十三少爷都要跪在地上了,对眼前这个紫衣公子很惧怕,别说是他,就算是他的八哥、九哥,见到眼前这个紫衣公子都要退避三舍。 „In a half month is to go ten thousand clan battlefields time, told Gu eight and Gu Laojiu, these time went to above ten thousand clan battlefields informed and experienced, if who did not dare with my one team, the fate will be very miserable.” The purple clothes young master’s folding fan must give the head of Young Master Gu Shisan according to the neck. “再过半个月就是前去万族战场的时间,告诉顾老八和顾老九,这一次去万族战场之上历练,谁若是敢不跟我一队,下场会很惨。”紫衣公子的折扇都要将顾十三少爷的脑袋给按到了脖子里面。 Myna and Elder Brother Jiu one early on the already decision and Young Master Zi one team, even also won over the outstanding talents of other beginning of the universe city several Middle Ages aristocratic family to enter the Young Master Zi subordinates, definitely does not dare to be not loyal.” Young Master Gu Shisan is bringing saying of weeping voice. “八哥和九哥一老早就已经决定和紫公子一队了,甚至还拉拢了混元城别的几个中古世家的杰出才俊进入紫公子的麾下,肯定不敢有二心。”顾十三少爷带着哭腔的说道。 Calculates that they know the limitation.” “算他们识相。” The purple clothes young master then received the folding fan, swung swinging with a smile, said: What were you eight saying with Gu a moment ago? I heard Half Monster Union probably these three characters.” 紫衣公子这才收起了折扇,笑着摇了摇,道:“你刚才在和顾老八说什么?我好像听到了‘半妖盟’这三个字。” No! Haven't I said to myna what?” Say/Way of Young Master Gu Shisan whisper. “没有啊!我跟八哥什么都没有说啊?”顾十三少爷嘀咕的道。 „Did I call you to speak the logical expression? Do not give the words that I the saying definitely talented person can understand.” The purple clothes young master said. “我叫你说人话?别给我说死人才听得懂的话。”紫衣公子道。 Words that the deceased people hear, naturally is the words that the deceased person spoke. 死人才听到懂的话,自然是死人说的话。 Young Master Gu Shisan is having the weeping voice, confession said truthfully: Today I and myna went to the glacier collection, has met three Half Monster......” 顾十三少爷带着哭腔,从实交代道:“今天我和八哥去了冰河集,遇到了三个半妖……” Young Master Gu Shisan knows that this Young Master Zi is extremely at present intelligent, does not dare the slightest bit to conceal, did not omit a single word the entire matter said. 顾十三少爷知道眼前这个紫公子极其聪明,不敢半分隐瞒,将整个事情都一字不漏的说了一遍。 The purple clothes young master has smiled saying with a smile: Gu Laojiu also was really more and more sinister, was planning Gu with this method unexpectedly eight. However, the Half Monster Union talent gathered the red leaves star, that did First Generation Half Monster also come? Hehe! A little meaning!” 紫衣公子笑了笑道:“顾老九还真是越来越阴险了,竟然用这种方法在算计顾老八。不过,半妖盟的天才都聚集到了红叶星,岂不是那个初代半妖也来了?嘿嘿!有点意思!” ...... …… Returns to the Half Monster Union big camp, Feng Feiyun exceedingly high Pu to give Ye Xiaomu and Li Lang person of separately, then made them give Elder Mu separately and fights Master say/way to take away. 回到半妖盟的大营,风飞云将“通天蒲”分别交给叶小穆李狼一人一株,然后又让他们分别给木长老和战师道带去了一株。 Feng Feiyun natural talent already has reached the Epic Level peak, let alone is exceedingly high Pu, even if emerald Elf this type of efficacious medicine is very difficult to grow the natural talent again, this need cultivation unceasingly, possibly breaks through the Epic Level peak, becomes the talent of legendary rank. 风飞云的天资已经达到了史诗级别的巅峰,别说是“通天蒲”,就算是“翡翠精灵”这种灵药都很难再增长天资,这需要自己不断的修炼,才可能冲破史诗级别的巅峰,成为传奇级别的天才。 After exceedingly high Pu will deliver, Feng Feiyun has not practiced in the Half Monster Union big camp, but at the same night returns to the glacier collection. 将“通天蒲”送出去之后,风飞云并没有在半妖盟大营之中修炼,而是又连夜返回冰河集。 This Feng Feiyun has changed clothes, changed the build and appearance, turned into an old person of features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality, self-satisfied entering glacier collection. 这一次风飞云换了一身衣服,又改变了体型和容貌,变成了一个仙风道骨的老人,飘飘然的走进冰河集。 Hey! Before going ten thousand clan battlefields, must purchase wormhole Spirit Stone, prepares to escape at any time. Also, day of clouds divine talisman must buy, even if were the sky-high price must do two......” Mao Wugui to crawl from the Feng Feiyun neckband, revealed a snow white small head, mouth unceasing saying. “喂!前去万族战场之前,必须要购买虫洞灵石,随时准备好逃命。还有,还有天霄神符要多买,即便是天价也要搞两张……”茅乌龟风飞云的领口爬了出来,露出一个雪白的小脑袋,嘴里不断的说道。 These did not need you to say!” “这些不用你说!” Feng Feiyun gave its head according to the bosom, this moment already entered the glacier collection. 风飞云将它的脑袋又给按进了怀里,此刻已经走进了冰河集。 After at nightfall, the member in glacier collection becomes more, ancient Dengchang is bright, Spirit Beast hovers, the spiritual energy transpiration, likely is a cold ice immortal palace. 入夜之后,冰河集之中的修士变得更多,古灯长明,灵兽翱翔,灵气蒸腾,像是一片寒冰仙宫。 Feng Feiyun arrives at the fire Yunfu place in again that Ice Palace, spends 8 million Spirit Stone, has purchased eight Nirvana pill. 风飞云再一次来到火云福地的那一座冰宫之中,花费8000000枚灵石,购买了八颗“涅槃丹”。 Nirvana pill, is to the compounded drug that the member of Nirvana boundary takes, takes a Nirvana pill before each secondary dead Nirvana, can increase 7% success ratios, is Nirvana boundary member necessary Spirit Pill. 涅槃丹,乃是给涅槃境界的修士服用的丹药,在每一次生死涅槃之前服用一枚涅槃丹,可以增加7的成功率,乃是涅槃境界修士必备的灵丹 Although merely is only Grade 7 Spirit Pill, but actually must sell 1 million Spirit Stone high prices. 虽然仅仅只是七品灵丹,但是却被要卖出1000000枚灵石一枚的高价。 To opening fire that Ice Palace of Yunfu place, Feng Feiyun went to one to trade talisman Ice Palace, has purchased Ascension talisman. 离开火云福地的那一座冰宫,风飞云又去了一座贩卖符箓冰宫,购买了一张羽化符箓 Is only Ascension talisman of low rank, has spent Feng Feiyun 10 million Spirit Stone. 仅仅只是一张低级别的羽化符箓,就花费了风飞云10000000枚灵石 Trades 18 million Spirit Stone that three pill obtains, in an instant was squandered. 贩卖三颗佛丹得到的18000000枚灵石,转眼之间就被花光。 Asked you to save the point to use, didn't you believe? Now has not strolled, Spirit Stone squandered.” Mao Wugui said. “叫你省着点用,你不信?现在还没有怎么逛,身上的灵石就花光了。”茅乌龟道。 Feng Feiyun also suddenly thought oneself turned into a poor person, brings in money easily in sixth Yang Dynasty, spends money also quickly. 风飞云也突然觉得自己变成了一个穷人,在第六中央王朝来钱容易,用钱也很快。 Finally Feng Feiyun also can only start the spirit grass that trades in the heaven to collect, in heaven not deficient ten thousand years of spirit grass, even also has compared with ten thousand years of spirit grass more precious treasure medicine. 最后风飞云也只能开始贩卖天国之中采集的灵草,天国之中并不缺乏万年灵草,甚至还有比万年灵草更加珍贵的宝药。 A price of ten thousand years of spirit grass is at about fluctuation of 100,000 Spirit Stone probably. 一株万年灵草的价格大概在100000枚灵石的上下浮动。 Feng Feiyun the efficacious medicine one after another selling, quickly then also had 13 million Spirit Stone. 风飞云将成捆成捆的灵药给卖了出去,很快便又拥有了13000000枚灵石 This time goes to ten thousand clan battlefields to make some treasure to come back, if no hundreds of millions Spirit Stone to arm itself, always feels the insufficient security.” “这次去万族战场必须要弄一些宝贝回来,若是没有几亿枚灵石武装自己,总感觉不够安全。” Feng Feiyun gave to spend a cleanness that 13 million Spirit Stone finally, has purchased eight offensive talisman, 20 defensive talisman, ten open/stretch Kunpeng speedily symbol. 风飞云最终将那13000000枚灵石都给花了个干干净净,购买了八张攻击性的符箓,还有20张防御性的符箓,还有十张鲲鹏疾速符。 These are top talisman, each value above 100,000 Spirit Stone, these ancient clan clans old cannot purchase. 这些都是顶尖的符箓,每一张的价值都在100000枚灵石之上,那些古族的族老都购买不起。 Eight offensive talisman, including four are thunder Jiefu, is refining up by a Nirvana 4th-layer day old ancestor sacrifice, each talisman endures compared with the Nirvana 4th-layer old ancestor's seven strengths strikes. 八张攻击性的符箓,其中有四张为“雷劫符”,乃是由一位涅槃第四重天的老祖祭炼,每一张符箓都堪比涅槃第四重的老祖的七层力量的一击。 Three are day hot symbol, value tribulations the symbol to be expensive, talisman, can make the surrounding area ten thousand miles change into the hot territory, can burn the day to boil the sea. 300,000 Spirit Stone can buy one. 还有三张是“天火符”,价值比雷劫符都要昂贵,符箓一出,能够让方圆万里化为火域,能够焚天煮海。300000枚灵石才能买到一张。 Aggressive talisman, day clouds divine talisman, it is said is the Nirvana 5th-layer old ancestor sacrifice refining up, the might is extremely terrifying, but this talisman because of some special reasons, the already damage an corner/horn, Feng Feiyun has purchased finally by 1 million Spirit Stone, as one of the own cards in a hand. 还有一张攻击性的符箓,“天霄神符”,据说是涅槃第五重的老祖祭炼而出,威力极其恐怖,不过这一张符箓因为一些特殊的原因,已经缺损了一角,最终风飞云以1000000枚灵石购买到,作为自己的底牌之一。
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