SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#882: Blocks the way to take by force

Three pill has sold 180 gold thread Spirit Stone, altogether value 18 million Spirit Stone, were a great sum of money. 三枚佛丹卖了180枚“金丝灵石”,一共价值18000000枚灵石,算是一笔巨款了。 Moreover Feng Feiyun also obtained two star honored guest tokens of fire Yunfu place. 而且风飞云还得到了一枚火云福地的二星贵客令牌。 This thing as if some uses, by Feng Feiyun throwing into Spirit Stone. 这东西似乎还是有些用处,被风飞云给丢进了界灵石之中。 When Feng Feiyun goes out from the Ice Palace imperial storehouse, is bringing Ye Xiaomu and Li Lang rapid departure, he did not feel relieved to the kong feather, moreover he, when purchases four exceedingly high Pu, in Ice Palace many member saw. 风飞云冰宫的内府走出,便带着叶小穆李狼迅速的离开,他对崆羽并不放心,而且他在购买四株“通天蒲”的时候,冰宫之中很多修士都看见了。 Four exceedingly high Pu's values are not low, can make the clan of Clan old get rid to rob. 四株通天蒲的价值可不低,可以让古族的族老都出手抢夺。 In brief a few words, here cannot wait for a long time. 总之一句话,这里不能久待。 Half Monster can actually put out so many Spirit Stone, has the strangeness surely, the body definitely also has other treasure.” “一个半妖竟然能够拿出如此多的灵石,必定有古怪,身上肯定还有别的宝物。” Beside the front door of fire Yunfu place, three young talents exist side by side, the body miraculous glow circulation, compels the person formidable. 火云福地的大门之外,三个年轻才俊并立,身上灵光流转,强大迫人。 Each is startled certainly colorful heavenly talent, making the passing these member not dare to look straight ahead with them. 他们每一个都是惊才绝艳的天骄,让过往的那些修士都不敢和他们直视。 Yu Shao, Young Master Gu Jiu, Young Master Gu Shisan. 正是玉少,顾九少爷,顾十三少爷 Elder Brother Jiu, I go to seize them, what background has a look at them is?” On the Young Master Gu Shisan waist hangs a dragon mark spirit sword, on the shoulder is setting up one to pass the back spirit ape, looks the direction that Feng Feiyun and the others were departing to say. 九哥,我去将他们擒住,看看他们到底是什么来路?”顾十三少爷腰上悬着一口龙纹灵剑,肩膀上立着一只通背灵猿,望着风飞云等人离去的方向说道。 „Do you do? We look after the household, but Middle Ages aristocratic family, all ancient clan we do not pay attention, let alone is trivial three Half Monster? It is not several hundred thousand Spirit Stone, has anything to be good to be jealous, if not do well enough is clean, passed on, how could it not be to affect the reputation that we have looked after the household.” The Young Master Gu Jiu blame said. “你干什么?我们顾家可是中古世家,各方古族我们都不放在眼里,更何况是区区三个半妖?不就是几十万枚灵石,有什么好眼红,若是做得不够干净,传了出去,岂不影响了我们顾家的名声。”顾九少爷责怪道。 Elder Brother Jiu, I made a mistake. The juniors of Middle Ages aristocratic family, should have the pride of Middle Ages aristocratic family juniors.” Young Master Gu Shisan said. 九哥,我错了。中古世家的子弟,应该有中古世家子弟的骄傲。”顾十三少爷说道。 Haha! Gu Laojiu is looks after the household worthily one of the generation of most outstanding heroes, hundreds of thousands of Spirit Stone do not pay attention to unexpectedly, really makes the person admire.” Yu Shao said with a smile. “哈哈!顾老九不愧是顾家这一代最杰出的英杰之一,竟然连数十万枚灵石都不放在眼里,真是让人佩服。”玉少笑道。 Your Yu Shao is not very proud.” Young Master Gu Jiu said with a smile. “你玉少不也骄傲得很。”顾九少爷笑道。 If 10 million Spirit Stone, I definitely am jealous, perhaps now already gets rid. Robs Spirit Stone in the hand of Half Monster, that follows to pick Spirit Stone general easy on the ground simply. However is only trivial hundreds of thousands of Spirit Stone, too weak, if the rumor/wind sound disclosed that has ruined the family reputation, too for a long time was unworthy!” Yu Shao said. “若是10000000枚灵石,我肯定很眼红,说不定现在已经出手了。在半妖的手中抢夺灵石,那简直就跟在地上捡灵石一般的容易。不过只是区区数十万枚灵石,太鸡肋了,万一风声走漏出去,败坏了家族名声,太久太不值了!”玉少道。 We, although does not get rid, but some people are interested. Some many person already with.” “我们虽然不出手,但还是有人感兴趣。有不少人已经跟上去了。” Hehe! We also with have a look, when necessary can also get rid to help that several Half Monster, publicizes again slightly, returning to the family to wrestle one to hold strongly holds the weak good reputation, can definitely buy the will of the people of family inside these Half Monster slaves, family inside these old fogies also will perhaps regard with a special fondness to us.” “嘿嘿!我们也跟上去看看,必要的时候还可以出手帮那几个半妖一把,再稍微宣扬一下,回到家族就能搏得一个持强扶弱的好名声,肯定能够收买家族里面那些半妖奴的人心,家族里面那些老家伙说不定还会对我们另眼相看。” „To be the successor of family, the good person image must result in makes the foot.” “想要做家族的继承人,好人形象必须得做足。” ...... …… The gravity of red leaves star is very formidable, even if by Feng Feiyun present cultivation base cannot the governing spatial flight. 红叶星的重力十分强大,就算是以风飞云现在的修为也不能御空飞行。 Three people went out of glacier collection dozens miles, Feng Feiyun stopped the footsteps suddenly, the eye became some ice is cold, said: Some people are tracking us.” 三人走出冰河集数十里,风飞云豁然停下了脚步,眼睛变得有些冰寒,道:“有人在跟踪我们。” Ye Xiaomu and Li Lang offered a sacrifice to the spirit soldier hastily, protected in Feng Feiyun about, in the eye full fights intent, was staring at all around. 叶小穆李狼连忙祭出了灵兵,守护在了风飞云的左右,眼中满是战意,盯着四周。 Haha! The vigilance is actually good!” The member of four wear gray clothing have appeared from void, is the old man, cultivation base is very formidable, already has achieved boundary. “哈哈!警觉性倒是不错嘛!”四个穿着灰色衣衫的修士从虚空之中显现了出来,都是年迈的老者,修为很强大,都已经达到了涅境界。 On them is pasting the stealth symbol, at this time stealth symbol taking down. 他们身上贴着隐身符,这个时候才将隐身符给取下。 On this Half Monster four exceedingly high Pu was we have resulted, your life ancient teach do not presumptuously think.” “这个半妖身上的四株通天蒲是我们得了,你们一生古教就不要妄想。” Also three people walked from void, is the old men of getting old, with black tiger Spirit Beast, the body lends the ice-cold aura. 又有三个人从虚空之中走了出来,也都是上了年纪的老者,身后都跟着一头黑虎灵兽,身上散发出冰冷的气息。 This is the second native of Poland. 这是第二波人。 Life ancient teach the complexion of member became gloomy, an old man of age sixty years of age has stood, the body had more than seven meters fully high, both eyes had the copper bell to be so big, cold snort/hum: „Does your stone territory Ning also dare to teach to contend with our life?” 一生古教的修士的脸色都变得阴沉了起来,其中一个年纪六旬的老者站了出来,身体足有七米多高,双目都有铜铃那么大,冷哼一声:“你们石域宁家也敢和我们一生古教相争?” Funny! Our Ning inherits more than 60,000 years of ancient clan, how to fear your life ancient teach.” Rather enters faint to smile, has not paid attention to life ancient teach that old man. “哏哏!我们宁家可是传承60000多年的古族,岂会怕你们一生古教。”宁进淡淡的一笑,并没有将一生古教的那一位老者放在眼里。 Two groups of influences as if thought that at present three Half Monster eating, have not paid attention to the Feng Feiyun three people, they have instead contended. 两拨势力似乎都觉得将眼前三个半妖给吃定了,根本就不理会风飞云三人,他们反而相争了起来。 Feng Feiyun heart some are impatient, are afraid them to continue to fight the mouth water battle, more people directing, therefore said: You have not to end, block the way to take by force also identify one's role when first coming on stage unexpectedly, you think ate really us?” 风飞云的心头有些不耐烦,害怕他们继续打口水战,将更多的人给引了过来,于是道:“你们到底有完没完,拦路打劫居然还自报家门,你们真以为将我们吃定了?” Stone territory Ning and life ancient teach member were shocked. 石域宁家和一生古教的修士都愣住了。 At once, that life ancient teach old man has then laughed, the look becomes ice-cold, trivial ants, this palm of the hand claps you.” 旋即,那个一生古教的老者便大笑了起来,眼神变得冰冷,“区区一只蝼蚁,本座一巴掌就拍死你。” This old man height seven meters, the arm is thicker than the bucket, is a uncivilized nationalities people, cultivation base already has been 2nd-layer day, has Mt. Liba imposing manner. 这一位老者身高七米,手臂比水桶还要粗,属于蛮族中人,一身修为已经达到了涅第二重天,有力拔山兮的气势。 His palm refining up likely with the fine brass casting, a palm racket fell, surges the huge broken rumor/wind sound. 他的手掌像是用精铜铸炼成,一掌拍落了下去,激荡出庞大的破风声。 The body of Feng Feiyun and this old man compares, simply looks like a young child, but slightly was actually not given to daunt by being in charge of this old man, has met the approaching enemy on own initiative, in the body 12 Phoenix Bones strengths stimulate completely, a palm rumbled in the past. 风飞云和这老者的身体比起来,简直就像是一个小孩童,但是却丝毫都不被这老者的掌印给吓住,主动迎击了上去,身体之中12块凤骨的力量全部激发出来,一掌轰了过去。 Bang!” “嘭!” A Feng Feiyun palm hitting to explode to draw back that old man, the huge body almost fell down. 风飞云一掌将那个老者给打得爆退了出去,庞大的身体差一点摔倒在地。 The old man arm tingles with numbness, the bone probably was broken. 老者手臂发麻,骨头都好像被打断了。 „It is not the body is huge, the strength is stronger.” “并不是身躯庞大,力量就越强。” The Feng Feiyun footsteps such as flew, call Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, changed into a nine meters broadsword, the arm has brandished the broadsword, the leg wrist is shrinking, the body ejection, was a blade has divided in the sky then. 风飞云脚步如飞,唤出了天髓兵胆,化为了一口九米大刀,手臂挥舞着大刀,腿腕一缩,身体弹射而起,当空便是一刀劈了出去。 Bang!” “嘭!” This old man offers a sacrifice to a Grade 4 Spirit Artifact rank the iron rod, has the bowl mouth to be so thick fully, above the stick Formation is crowded, is mounting many Spirit Stone, but was actually given to cut off by Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, turned into two sections. 这个老者祭出一根四品灵器级别的铁棍,足有碗口那么粗,棍子之上阵法密集,镶嵌着很多灵石,但是却被天髓兵胆给斩断,变成了两截。 Anything! This is Grade 4 Spirit Artifact!” Old man both eyes stare in a big way, in the heart shocks completely. “什么!这可是四品灵器!”老者双目瞪大,心中满是震撼。 !” “噗!” The Feng Feiyun blade glow has swept across once more, directly dividing to fly the head of old man, on the neck ran out of a blood spring, the blood spring has burnt in the air, quick burnt the corpse of that old man does not remain one bone. 风飞云刀芒再次席卷了过去,直接将老者的一颗头颅给劈飞,脖子上冲出一股血泉,血泉在空气中燃烧了起来,很快就将那老者的尸体烧得连骨头都不剩一根。 Feng Feiyun fell the ground, the horizontal blade stood, in the eye was completely indifferent, is watching intently life ancient teach and member of stone territory Ning. 风飞云落到了地上,横刀而立,眼中满是冷漠,逼视着一生古教和石域宁家的修士。 1st-layer Half Monster, surmounted the boundary to kill a 2nd-layer member unexpectedly, this was absolutely the unlikely matter, now the member but who the living fact on the moved to and fro in the front, lets life ancient teach are unable to accept. 一个涅第一重半妖,竟然跨越境界杀了一位涅第二重的修士,这本来是绝对不可能发生的事,但是现在活生生的事实就摆在面前,让一生古教的修士都无法接受。 The Half Monster strength is low, is base and low lifeform that lets the person to prey upon, when became such fierce? 半妖的战力低下,乃是任人鱼肉的卑微生物,什么时候变得这么厉害了? Unexpectedly the member who Half Monster dares to kill my life ancient teach, really does not want to live.” “一个半妖竟然敢杀我一生古教的修士,真是不想活了。” Remaining three life teaches the old man calls Spirit Artifact, simultaneously gets rid to Feng Feiyun. 剩下的三个“一生古教”的老者唤出灵器,同时向风飞云出手。 cultivation base of these three old men are 1st-layer and 2nd-layer, teaches in life is the characters of elder rank, bellipotent, has experienced the innumerable life and death baptism, does not think oneself meet is not a young Half Monster match. 这三位老者的修为都是涅第一重和涅第二重,在“一生古教”都算是长老级别的人物,战力强大,经历过无数生死洗礼,绝不认为自己会不是一个年轻的半妖的对手。 This is you wants to court death.” “这是你们自己想要找死。” The sole of Feng Feiyun in a ground tread, the body then changed into tornado fiercely, rushed, the sword in hand is sharp, like a white fine glow shuttle in the bodies of three old men. 风飞云的脚掌猛地在地上一蹬,身体便化为了一道旋风,冲了上去,手中的战刀锋利无比,就像一道白色的精芒穿梭在三位老者的身体之间。 Bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭……” Spirit soldiers in three old man hands cannot block the sharpness of Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, cut off all. 三位老者手中的灵兵根本挡不住天髓兵胆的锋利,尽数被斩断。 Part of great bear god thunder.” An old man has made a jade symbol of palm of the hand size, has shelled the past toward Feng Feiyun. “天罡神雷。”一位老者打出了一道巴掌大小的玉符,向着风飞云轰击了过去。 This is together the offensive symbol, can give to divide the wound 3rd-layer cultivation base. 这是一道攻击性的符,能够将涅第三重修为都给劈伤。 Bang!” “轰!” The thunder and lightning dropped from the clouds together, shells above the body of Feng Feiyun. 一道雷电从天而降,轰击在了风飞云的身体之上。 Haha! Finally gave suppress and kill you, what a pity wasted my Dao Divinity symbol.” “哈哈!终于将你给镇杀了,可惜浪费我一道神符。” !” “噗!” White blade light departs, that old man who will make the thunder and lightning a moment ago cutting off two sections, two sections of bodies flew horizontally. 一道白色的刀光飞出,将刚才打出雷电的那个老者给斩断成两截,两截身体横飞了出去。 The Feng Feiyun whole body is the electric light, above skin has golden to past, above the body 12 quick Phoenix Bones bloom the dazzling ray, unceasing absorbs in the strength of that thunder and lightning the body. 风飞云浑身都是电光,皮肤之上有一道道金色的佛芒在流转,身体之上12快凤骨绽放出耀眼的光芒,不断的将那一股雷电的力量吸收到身体之中。 Although Feng Feiyun body already is bruised and lacerated, however war intent is thicker, murderous aura is more abundant, does not have the injured appearance slightly. 虽然风飞云的身上都已经皮开肉绽,但是身上的战意却更浓,杀气更盛,丝毫都没有受伤的样子。 His body compared with it 3rd-layer member formidable. 他的身体比之涅第三重的修士更加的强大。 Bang, bang!” “嘭,嘭!” The sword in Feng Feiyun hand changed into two handle flying swords, teaches remaining two bodies of old men to give to pierce life, sprinkles the blood in the place, is crimson dazzling. 风飞云手中的战刀化为了两柄飞剑,将一生古教剩下的两个老者的身体给洞穿,洒血在地,绯红得刺目。 The skin that Feng Feiyun Fokuang Yingying, by part of great bear god thunder blasting open convalesces at the naked eye obvious speed, the body sends out holy valuable alike Buddha Qi, had the Buddha link together presented after the brain, cold sound said: „Does stone territory Ning, you also want to rob on me Pu all over the body?” 风飞云的身上佛光莹莹,被天罡神雷给炸裂开的皮肤以肉眼可见的速度痊愈,身上散发出圣洁宝象的佛气,有一道佛环在脑后呈现了出来,冷声道:“石域宁家,你们还想要抢夺我身上的通体蒲?” That clan of Ning old a moment ago decisive murdering was also given to fear by Feng Feiyun, merely the quarter is less , the member of life ancient teach four boundaries are killed violently at the scene. 宁家的那一位族老也被风飞云刚才果断的杀伐给惊住,仅仅一刻钟不到,一生古教的四位涅境界的修士都毙命当场。 This strength is simply formidable. 这种战力简直让人生畏。 The clan of Ning old also merely is only 2nd-layer cultivation base that's all, the full assurance cannot give the suppression the opposite party, for four exceedingly high Pu, but spelling the life, as if somewhat is unworthy. 宁家的这一位族老也仅仅只是涅第二重的涅修为罢了,并没有十足的把握能够将对方给镇压,为了四株通天蒲而拼上性命,似乎有些不值。 We walk!” “我们走!” Three member rapid jumping of Ning to carrying on the back of black tiger Spirit Beast, then retreating speedily. 宁家的三位修士迅速的跳到了黑虎灵兽的背上,然后疾速的退走。 „! The Brother Feng younger brother, you were really too fierce, old was given to retreat in fear by you including the clan of Ning unexpectedly.” Li Lang to Feng Feiyun full is the worship, thought that Feng Feiyun simply is his idol, when oneself can look like Brother Feng younger brother strong of such, old retreated in fear the clan of ancient clan? “哇!风兄弟,你真是太厉害了,竟然连宁家的族老都被你给吓退了。”李狼风飞云满是崇拜,觉得风飞云简直就是他的偶像,自己何时才能像风兄弟的这么强势,将古族的族老都被吓退? Ye Xiaomu cares about the Feng Feiyun injury, the part of great bear god thunder, but the no small matter, can give to divide the wound 3rd-layer member. 叶小穆则关心风飞云的伤势,天罡神雷可是非同小可,能够将涅第三重的修士都给劈伤。 My injury is not in the way.” Feng Feiyun looked toward void, said: Also has other member hideaway in secret, momentarily possibly gets rid, we quickly return to the Half Monster Union big camp.” “我身上的伤势不碍事。”风飞云向着虚空之中看了看,道:“暗中还有别的修士隐藏,随时可能出手,我们赶快回半妖盟大营。”
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