SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#881: Thousands of the volume of trade of level

Yu Shao said is really, the efficacious medicine of Half Monster purchase promotion aptitude, this simply was the second funny joke that I heard this month.” 玉少所言甚是,半妖购买提升资质的灵药,这简直就是我这个月听到的第二个好笑的笑话。” This year the light male face shape is thin, the both eyes flowing white fine glow, the personal appearance transformation is uncertain, obviously is a cultivation base good powerhouse, is not a playboy young master of having neither learning nor skill. 这年轻男子脸形消瘦,双目流动白色的精芒,身形变换不定,显然是一位修为不俗的强者,并不是一个不学无术的纨绔少爷。 Elder Brother Jiu, is that first joke?” 九哥,那第一个笑话是?” Haha! That was the Xiao Tianyue big marriage on the same day is certainly robbed the wife, moreover heard that female who he must take broke the body in greatly before the wedding a day of evening and other man, wasn't this funny?” “哈哈!那当然是霄天悦大婚当天被人抢走了老婆,而且听说他要取的那个女子在大婚前一天的晚上和别的男人破了身,这难道还不好笑?” „! This matter do not speak irresponsibly, Xiao Tianyue is not the affable Lord, if were given to hear by him, the trouble was big.” “嘘!这事可别不要乱说,霄天悦可不是好惹的主,万一被他给听到了,麻烦就大了。” „, Now the southwest 12 boundaries who does not know that his top of the head green and glossy piece, his Nine Firmaments Immortal City powerful to does want to give to kill eliminating a potential informant the entire world member? Haha!” Yu Shao said with a smile. “切,现在西南12境有谁不知道他头顶绿油油的一片,难道他九霄仙城强势到想将整个天下的修士都给杀了灭口?哈哈!”玉少笑道。 Chatted, three young outstanding then already entered in Ice Palace, was looked radically has not looked at Feng Feiyun three people of one. 说笑之间,三个年轻俊杰便已经走进了冰宫之中,根本就是看都没有看风飞云三人一眼。 Originally is Yu Shao, Young Master Gu Jiu and Young Master Gu Shisan, is quick requests personally, in requests personally, newly-arrived a number of ten thousand years of efficacious medicines, is preparing to you.” That beautiful female respects to these three young young masters, makes eyes, curries favor with completely. “原来是玉少顾九少爷顾十三少爷,快里面请,里面请,新到了一批万年灵药,都给你们准备着。”那一个美丽的女子对这三个年轻少爷十分尊敬,暗送秋波,满是献媚。 If can on the social climbing any in these three young people, then her future status will increase enormous one section. 若是能够攀附上这三个年轻人中的任何一个,那么她今后的地位将会增加极大的一截。 Naturally she also knows that is the impossible matter, because these three young people are the heroes of younger generation, the back also has the huge influence, some females of Epic Level talent wish one could to give instead of taking to them, can they possibly have a liking for her? 当然她也知道那是不可能的事,因为这三个年轻人都是年轻一代的英杰,背后又有庞大的势力,就连一些史诗级别天才的女子都恨不得倒贴给他们,他们又怎么可能看得上她? Feng Feiyun three people thorough cool in one side, the entire Ice Palace member serve that three young talent. 风飞云三人被彻底的凉在了一边,整个冰宫的修士都去侍候那三位年轻才俊。 Since others do not pay attention to us, our oneself look!” Feng Feiyun is not angry but actually, because Half Monster status originally low, the status low was not attached importance to that by others is very normal matter. “既然别人不理会我们,那我们就自己找找吧!”风飞云倒也并不生气,因为半妖的地位本来就低,地位低不被别人重视那是很正常的事。 The people when the bottom is low, should not complain about anybody, but is this thinking well becomes by oneself the status to be how high, then toward this direction diligently, finally becomes the status high person. 人在地底低的时候,就不应该埋怨任何人,而是该好好的想想如何让自己变得地位高,然后朝着这个方向努力,最终成为地位高的人。 Feng Feiyun found the counter of efficacious medicine has placed promotion person aptitude, altogether is putting eight types of promotion person aptitude efficacious medicines: 风飞云找到了摆放提升人资质的灵药的柜台,一共放着八种提升人资质的灵药: The price lowest one efficacious medicine, the name is other shore spirit grass, in 5000 the other shore spirit grass of year, a need 1000 Spirit Stone Trueglory Spirit Stone. 价格最低的一种灵药,名字叫做“彼岸灵草”,5000年年份的彼岸灵草,一株需要“1000枚灵石真耀灵石”。 The price highest one efficacious medicine, the name is emerald Elf, a drop needs 5 million Trueglory Spirit Stone. 价格最高的一种灵药,名字叫做“翡翠精灵”,一滴需要“5000000枚真耀灵石”。 After Ye Xiaomu and Li Lang saw efficacious medicine nearby price was daunted, even if the price lowest other shore spirit grass, can make them shrink back at the sight, even if pulled out up all family properties unable to afford one. 叶小穆李狼看到灵药旁边的价格之后都被吓住了,就算是价格最低的“彼岸灵草”,都能够让他们望而却步,就算掏光了所有家底都买不起一株。 Let alone is emerald Elf that” the price goes against heaven's will, Feng Feiyun saw after the price, shook the head. 更别说是价格逆天的“翡翠精灵”,就连风飞云看到价格之后都是摇了摇头。 Too expensive. 太贵了。 Finally Feng Feiyun settled on a moderate cost efficacious medicine, named exceedingly high Pu, is the efficacious medicine of 10,000 years of year, a value 80,000 Spirit Stone 最终风飞云看中了一种价格适中的灵药,名叫“通天蒲”,乃是10000年年份的灵药,一株价值“80000枚灵石 Although exceedingly high Pu's drug efficacy cannot compare the emerald Elf, but actually as before is the efficacious medicine of top rank, these ancient clan clans old not necessarily can afford. 通天蒲的药效虽然比不上翡翠精灵,但是却依旧是顶尖级别的灵药,就连那些古族的族老都未必买得起。 Takes four exceedingly high Pu to me.” Feng Feiyun said. “给我取四株通天蒲。”风飞云道。 After hearing this saying, Li Lang and Ye Xiaomu were feared immediately, they think Feng Feiyun, although does not lack Spirit Stone, but are also most can only afford the other shore spirit grass, but Feng Feiyun opens the mouth is actually exceedingly high Pu, moreover is four, this was also too scary. 听到这话之后,李狼叶小穆顿时就被惊住,他们本来认为风飞云虽然不缺灵石,但是也最多只买得起彼岸灵草,但是风飞云一开口却是“通天蒲”,而且还是四株,这也太吓人了。 Entire Ice Palace slightly peaceful, in the member who in Ice Palace purchased the efficacious medicine the vision staring, the person who after all can afford exceedingly high Pu may not be an average person. 整个冰宫都略微的安静了下来,很多在冰宫之中购买灵药的修士都将目光给盯了过来,毕竟能够买得起通天蒲的人可都不是一般人。 That three young talent also turned toward here to look, sent the same old story is since -- After leaving, has shown the happy expression of several points of disdaining. 那三个年轻才俊也都向着这边看了过来,发现话是从--出之后,才露出了几分不屑的笑意。 You may probably see clearly the price tag, exceedingly high Pu Jiazhi 80,000 Spirit Stone, are not eight Spirit Stone.” A member feared that Feng Feiyun misreads price tag, caused the joke, the good intention worried to say. “你们可要将价目看清楚了,一株通天蒲价值80000枚灵石,不是八枚灵石。”一位修士怕风飞云看错价目,弄出了笑话,好心提心道。 Feng Feiyun took Spirit Stone, said: Right! Is four exceedingly high Pu.” 风飞云将一枚枚灵石取了出来,道:“没错!就是四株通天蒲。” Quick Feng Feiyun has put out five Spirit Stone, three gold thread Spirit Stone, two Spirit Stone. 很快风飞云就拿出了五枚灵石,三枚金丝灵石,两枚界灵石 Gold thread Spirit Stone = 100,000 Trueglory Spirit Stone. 一枚金丝灵石=100000枚真耀灵石 Spirit Stone = 10,000 Trueglory Spirit Stone. 一枚界灵石=10000枚真耀灵石 Spirit Stone of these five high grade just value 320,000 Spirit Stone, neat placing on the agate crystal counter, blooms the spiritual intelligence radiance, gives to look at dull many people. 这五枚高品级的灵石刚好价值320000枚灵石,整整齐齐的摆放在瑙水晶柜台上,绽放出一道道灵性的光华,将很多人都给看呆。 Formerly also looked down upon the Feng Feiyun three people are the Half Monster attractive female walked hastily, looked that the Feng Feiyun look completely changed, this is the young people who a Clan clan old must be rich, even if Half Monster, definitely had not the small background. 先前还看不起风飞云三人是半妖的漂亮女子连忙走了过来,看风飞云的眼神彻底改变了,这可是一位比古族族老都要富有的年轻人,就算是半妖,也绝对有不小的来头。 The attractive female has handed over in four exceedingly high Pu the hand of Feng Feiyun respectfully, said: Does not know that Immortal Family also does need other things?” 漂亮的女子将四株通天蒲恭恭敬敬的交到了风飞云的手中,道:“不知仙家还需不需要一些别的东西吗?” Feng Feiyun arrives at the glacier collection the nature to not to purchase exceedingly high Pu, this is only buys for the efficacious medicine that Ye Xiaomu and Li Lang they take merely while convenient, but must purchase some more important thing. 风飞云来到冰河集的自然不是为了购买通天蒲,这仅仅只是顺便买给叶小穆李狼他们服用的灵药,还要购买一些更重要的东西。 Soon must go to ten thousand clan battlefields, Feng Feiyun naturally must prepare some cards in a hand to oneself, this can maintain life. 即将就要去万族战场,风飞云自然要给自己多准备一些底牌,这样才能够保命。 Feng Feiyun said: I have a big business, needs to discuss with your here bosses alone.” 风飞云道:“我有一笔大生意,需要和你们这里的老板单独谈。” That attractive female is also the sensible person, therefore then gave Feng Feiyun welcome to Ice Palace inside. 那个漂亮女子也算是懂事的人,于是便将风飞云给请到了冰宫的里面。 This Ice Palace back backer is the fire Yunfu place, the inside story is very formidable, because of so, Feng Feiyun decides and them does business. 这一座冰宫的背后靠山乃是火云福地,底蕴很强大,也正是因为如此,风飞云才决定和他们做生意。 This Ice Palace master is the great person of fire Yunfu place, year to year guards in the red leaves star, cultivation base is immeasurably deep, if not for Feng Feiyun spent 320,000 Spirit Stone to purchase four exceedingly high Pu, absolutely did not have the qualifications to see him. 这一座冰宫的主人乃是火云福地的一位大人物,常年驻守在红叶星,修为深不可测,若不是风飞云花了320000枚灵石购买了四株通天蒲,根本都没有资格见到他。 Young people, the big business that if you refer to is lower than thousands of levels, do not waste my time.” The kong feather sits cross-legged above void, the body is somewhat unreal, half real, translucent. “年轻人,若是你所指的大生意低于千万级,就不要浪费我时间了。”崆羽盘坐在虚空之上,身体有些虚幻,半真实,半透明。 This is only one wisp of kong feather does several things at the same time merely, his true body not in this Ice Palace. 这仅仅只是崆羽的一缕分身,他的真身并不在这一座冰宫 Although is only one wisp does several things at the same time merely, but as before is very fearful, to the person a formidable oppression strength, sacredly stands like one in the front. 虽仅仅只是一缕分身,但是却依旧很慑人,给人一种强大的压迫力,就像一位神圣站在面前。 Feng Feiyun said: My business is not naturally small, does not know that your fire Yunfu is credible, can take advantage, or the news of customer disclosing?” 风飞云道:“我的生意自然不小,就是不知道你们火云福地可不可信,会不会趁火打劫,或者将客户的消息给透露出去?” Does business the art two characters, the prestige. Our fire Yunfu has more than 1000 immortal shops in red leaves star, in entire leaf Hongjing, and even the southwest 12 boundaries, the shop front were more, if by the reputation, nobody can compare with our fire Yunfu.” “做生意讲究两个字,信誉。我们火云福地在红叶星有1000多家仙铺,在整个叶红境,乃至西南12境,店面就更多了,若是论口碑,没有人能够和我们火云福地相比。” Young people, I know that what you are worried about? You are Half Monster, moreover cultivation base is not high, if has put out the wealth of thousands of level, feared that our fire Yunfu fishes in troubled waters, or the transaction record in immortal shop passed on you, will cause the trouble of taking a life to you.” “年轻人,我知道你在担心什么?你乃是半妖,而且修为也不高,若是拿出了千万级的财富,怕我们火云福地乘火打劫,或者是将你在仙铺之中的交易记录传了出去,会给你惹来杀生之祸。” This point but may feel relieved, since our fire Yunfu must have this food, some reputation absolutely guarantees, even if a Heaven's Mandate 1st-layer member comes to trade 100 million levels of business with us, we will not be jealous absolutely. In order to let the customer buys relieved, sells felt relieved, our fire Yunfu has promoted the fire Yunnan and Guizhou guest token 300,000 years ago.” “这一点但可放心,我们火云福地既然要吃这口饭,口碑绝对有保证,就算是一个天命第一重的修士前来和我们交易100000000级的生意,我们也绝对不会眼红。为了让顾客买得安心,卖得放心,我们火云福地早在300000年前就推出了火云贵客令牌。” Any with the transaction that our fire Yunfu has thousands of levels, can obtain two star honored guest tokens.” “凡是与我们火云福地有过千万级的交易,都可以得到一枚二星贵客令牌。” „If there is surpassed 100 million with our fire Yunfu cooperation quota, will obtain the Samsung honored guest token.” “若是和我们火云福地合作额度超过了100000000,就会得到三星贵客令牌。” Every hand-held fire Yunfu honored guest token, if has met troublesome, the root supports the rank of token we to render the assistance of varying degrees.” “凡是手持火云福地贵客令牌,若是遇到了麻烦,根据手中令牌的等级我们都会给予不同程度的帮助。” If our fire Yunfu makes the matter that betrays the customer, the customer can in the honored guest token through hand pass to other news and fire Yunfu has above large-scale transaction the token of honored guest, making our fire Yunfu bring ruin and shame upon oneself. Therefore , does business with our fire Yunfu, absolute 10,000 felt relieved.” “若是我们火云福地做出出卖顾客的事情,顾客就可以通过手中的贵客令牌将消息传到其它和火云福地有大型交易的贵客的令牌之上,让我们火云福地身败名裂。所以说,与我们火云福地做生意,绝对10000个放心。” Although the kong feather said smallpox dead drunk, however his words Feng Feiyun as before only has actually believed three points, their fire Yunfu does not get rid to rob, is merely insufficient because of the precious degree of treasure, if Feng Feiyun puts out Holy Saint Container to arrive at the fire Yunfu transaction, they do not get rid to rob are the strange events. 虽然崆羽说得天花烂醉,但是他的话风飞云却依旧只信了三分,他们火云福地不出手抢夺,也仅仅只是因为宝物的珍贵程度还不够,若是风飞云拿出一件圣灵器皿来到火云福地交易,他们不出手抢夺才是怪事。 Naturally fire Yunfu can do business that in a big way, the credit ratings are definitely perfect, so long as is not the genuine excellent works divine object, they should not take advantage. 当然火云福地能够将生意做那么大,信誉程度肯定过硬,只要不是真正的圣品神物,他们应该都不会趁火打劫。 Feng Feiyun wants to purchase Ascension talisman, Nirvana pill, wormhole Spirit Stone...... In order to go ten thousand clan battlefields prepares, these things that but he must purchase each same are rare Jane|treasure, his Spirit Stone is insufficient, therefore he must trade other things. 风飞云想要购买“羽化符箓”,“涅槃丹”,“虫洞灵石”……为前去万族战场做准备,但是他要购买的这些东西每一样都是稀世奇珍,他身上的灵石根本不够用,所以他得贩卖一些别的东西。 Feng Feiyun takes out a Gold Silkworm pill, above has the image of Buddha forming, has the Buddha sound to resound regarding the compounded drug, pure Buddha Qi dissipate, like a buddha lamp. 风飞云取出一枚金蚕佛丹,上面有佛像成形,有佛音围绕丹药鸣响,一道道精纯的佛气逸散出来,像一盏佛灯。 This is...... This is a Grade 9 pill, Buddha Qi is very pure, is very rare, stems from the Buddhism refine the pill of immortality big master of great learning and integrity's hand absolutely.” kong feather also being startled slightly, pill's grade is not low, the implication has the full of vitality Buddha-nature, can display the wonderful effectiveness that brings back to life absolutely. “这是……这是一名九品佛丹,佛气很精纯,十分难得,绝对乃是出自佛门炼丹大宗师之手。”崆羽也微微的吃惊,佛丹的品级不低,蕴含有生机勃勃的佛性,绝对能够发挥出起死回生的神效。 The compounded drug that spreads from the antique Saint Buddhist temple? 难道是从太古圣佛庙之中流传出来的丹药? This Half Monster destiny is really formidable, can actually obtain a Grade 9 pill, is not right, a Grade 9 pill is how impossible to fall into a hand of Half Monster, perhaps is Buddhism Great Sage wants to receive in exchange for Spirit Stone, but does not want to make an appearance, therefore uses the hand of this Half Monster to come to trade. 这个半妖的气运真是强大,竟然能够得到一枚九品佛丹,不对,一枚九品佛丹怎么都不可能落入一个半妖的手中,说不定乃是一位佛门大贤想要换取灵石,但是又不想露面,所以才借这个半妖的手前来贩卖。 The kong feather thought own already guesses eight and nine not to leave ten, this Half Monster is only Great Sage of generation of that Buddhism sells pill that's all. 崆羽觉得自己已经猜得八、九不离十,这个半妖不过只是代那一位佛门的大贤卖丹罢了 Estimates a price!” “估一个价吧!” Generally speaking a Grade 9 Spirit Pill value in 5 million Spirit Stone above, this pill's Buddha Qi is very pure, our fire Yunfu is willing by the price purchases of 6 million Spirit Stone.” “一般来说一枚九品灵丹的价值在5000000枚灵石以上,这一枚佛丹的佛气很精纯,我们火云福地愿意以6000000枚灵石的价格购买。” Good! On this price, can't pill of here altogether three this grade, your fire Yunfu eat up?” “好吧!就这个价格,我这里一共有三枚这种品级的佛丹,你们火云福地吃得下不?” Haha! Even if 300 Grade 9 Spirit Pill, our fire Yunfu can eat up in the same old way.” “哈哈!就算是300枚九品灵丹,我们火云福地照样吃得下。” 300 pill, Feng Feiyun naturally takes to obtain, although consumes the Gold Silkworm really Yuan very much, but cultivated for one and two months also to come back. 300枚佛丹,风飞云自然拿得出,虽然很消耗金蚕真元,但是修炼一、两个月也就回来了。 But if he puts out 300 Grade 9 pill, definitely will cause the suspicion of kong feather, after all is the general refine the pill of immortality grandmaster wants to put out 300 Grade 9 Spirit Pill is the quite strenuous matters, will cause the stir, wants to conceal unable to conceal. 但若是他真的拿出300枚九品佛丹,肯定会引起崆羽的怀疑,毕竟就算是一般的炼丹宗师想要拿出300枚九品灵丹都是相当吃力的事,会引起轰动,想掩饰都掩饰不住。 This was not Feng Feiyun the result that wanted to see. 这就不是风飞云想要看到的结果了。
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