SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#880: Red leaves star

leaf Hongjing the center, is not a city, but is one „the falling from the sky stars. 叶红境的中心,并不是一座城池,而是一颗“陨落星辰”。 This stars are called red leaves star, float above leaf Hongjing the midair, takeoffs 90,000 zhang (3.33 m), stands above the stars can the bird's eye view boundless earth. 这一颗星辰被称为“红叶星”,悬浮在叶红境的半空之上,离地90000丈,站在星辰之上可以俯瞰茫茫大地。 leaf Hongjing boundary Lord like the Spiritual God, stands above the stars, is peeping at own territory. 叶红境的“境主”就像神灵一样,站在星辰之上,窥视着自己的疆土。 The Half Monster Union big camp constructs above the red leaves star profound wonderful mainland, is in the red leaves star eight mainland the most barren mainland. 半妖盟的大营就建在红叶星的玄奇大陆之上,乃是红叶星八块大陆之中最贫瘠的一块大陆。 Naturally here barren is also relatively speaking, after all the red leaves star is leaf Hongjing the center, is entire leaf Hongjing powerhouse the gathering place , the colored glaze family has managed here from the antiquity now, tens of millions years rules, even if most barren place, was absolutely more suitable than to cultivate Ji Territory Yu City. 当然这里的贫瘠也是相对而言,毕竟红叶星乃是叶红境的中心,更是整个叶红境强者的聚集之地,琉璃家族在这里从上古一直经营到现在,数千万年的统治,即便只是最贫瘠的地方,也绝对比季域域城更适合修炼。 If said that Yu City is one cultivates sacred place, then the red leaves star is a sacred star of cultivation, the entire leaf Hongjing powerhouse gives all out to want in the red leaves star to get so far as the permanent housing the token, becomes a red leaves native of Singapore. 若是说一座域城就是一座修炼圣地,那么红叶星就是一颗修炼的神圣星球,整个叶红境的强者挤破头都想在红叶星弄到永久居住的令牌,成为一个红叶星人。 Whish!” “哗!” The ray of stage flashes, Feng Feiyun and other people of already arrived at the red leaves star. 阵台的光芒一闪,风飞云等五人已经来到了红叶星。 Just went out from ancient array platform, the void above then huge strength pressed on their bodies, this was one compared with Ji Territory Yu City also wants the terrifying ten times of suppression strength, the five main internal organs (entrails) probably to from the abdomen press. 刚从古阵台之中走出,虚空之上便有一股庞大的力量压在了他们的身上,这是一股比季域域城还要恐怖十倍的压制力,五脏六腑都好像要从腹部之中压出来。 If these Heaven's Mandate 1st-layer cultivation base arrive at the red leaves star, feared that will be is pressed instantaneously explodes the body to perish. 若是那些天命第一重修为来到红叶星,怕是瞬间就会被压得爆体而亡。 cultivation base lowest Li Lang and Ye Xiaomu face color/look one changes, body short several points, in touching against, was almost pressed to lie on the ground. 修为最低的李狼叶小穆的脸sè都随之一变,身体矮了几分,在触不及防之下,差一点就被压趴在了地上。 Really is fierce, this falling from the sky stars the heart of star, unexpectedly is entire huge falling day Spirit Stone.” Feng Feiyun Spiritual Awareness is very formidable, came from sensation to that huge heavy forcing the center of the earth. “真是厉害,这一颗陨落星辰的星球之心,竟然是一整块巨大的陨天灵石。”风飞云灵觉很强大,感知到那一股庞大的重力压来自于地心。 Slow-going to do? You have blocked the road of following member!” Rides monitor lizard iron beast portable red color/look to fight the soldier of lance to roar to Feng Feiyun and the others, in the sound is mixing with the strength wave, shakes the eardrum of person to break. “磨磨蹭蹭干什么?你们挡住了后面的修士的路!”一个骑着巨蜥铁兽手提红sè战矛的战士对着风飞云等人怒吼,声音之中夹杂着力量波,震得人的耳膜都要破开。 Feng Feiyun kept off before the body of Ye Xiaomu, helping her block that strength wave, two people were shaken backward have slipped dozens meters. 风飞云挡在了叶小穆的身前,帮她挡住了那一声力量波,两人被震得向后滑退了数十米。 If not for Feng Feiyun helps her block this together sound wave, she definitely will be shaken the deaf person. 若不是风飞云帮她挡住这一道声波,她肯定会被震成聋子。 Fought Master say/way also immediately to keep off before the body of Li Lang, helping him block the shock-wave. 战师道也在第一时间挡在了李狼的身前,帮他挡住了冲击波。 But Elder Mu took out a token, the facial expression has handed over that to ride in the hand of soldier respectfully, in the monitor lizard iron beast carried on the back, was negotiating with the opposite party. 木长老则取出了一块令牌,神情恭敬的交到了那一个骑在巨蜥铁兽背上的战士的手中,在和对方交涉。 In that soldier's Elder Mu hand token meeting, the token looking, looked at Elder Mu and Feng Feiyun that and the others then despised, said: Snort! Originally is five Half Monster. Your temporarily resides to make to temporarily reside the command together preliminarily, can only make you live for ten days in the red leaves star, ten days later, if has not left the red leaves star or has not reissued the new temporarily residing command, will be pursued.” 那个战士将木长老手中的令牌给接了过去,将令牌给看了看,接着鄙夷的看了木长老风飞云等人一眼,道:“哼!原来是五个半妖。你们的这一块暂住令是一块低级暂住令,只能让你们在红叶星居住十天,十天之后若是没有离开红叶星或者没有补办新的暂住令,就将被驱逐。” Said that this saying, that soldier then threw the token on the ground, then rode the monitor lizard iron beast to swagger away. 说完这话,那个战士便将令牌丢在了地上,然后骑着巨蜥铁兽扬长而去。 Elder Mu bent the waist to make picking temporarily residing of ground, personal receiving was good, then led Feng Feiyun and the others to leave Black Level ancient array platform fast. 木长老弯腰将地上的暂住令给捡了起来,贴身的收好,然后便带着风飞云等人快速的离开了玄极古阵台 Really envies! If I can also join the boundary main immortal prestige armed forces to be good.” That soldier who who Master say/way envies very fights looks by far departs, on the face does not have the expression that is not convinced, instead is various worships. “真是羡慕啊!若是我也能加入境主仙威军就好了。”战师道十分羡慕的看着远远离去的那一个战士,脸上没有不服气的表情,反而是各种崇拜。 „To join the boundary main immortal prestige armed forces, must accumulate 100 military exploits above ten thousand clan battlefields, this is not the average man can achieve.” Elder Mu sighed, hopes very much can join the boundary main immortal prestige armed forces. “想要加入境主仙威军,就必须要在万族战场之上积累100点军功,这不是常人能够做到。”木长老叹息了一句,也很希望能够加入境主仙威军。 Once joined the boundary main immortal prestige armed forces to be equal to obtaining the permanent housing command of red leaves star, will receive the respect and envying of countless person. 一旦加入境主仙威军就等于是获得了红叶星的永久居住令,会受到无数人的尊敬和羡慕。 These ancient clan juniors also give all out to join the boundary main immortal prestige armed forces, once has joined the immortal prestige armed forces, the status in family will promote much. 就连那些古族的子弟也都挤破头想要加入境主仙威军,一旦加入了仙威军,在家族之中的地位都会提升不少。 The Half Monster Union big camp is located the northeast part of profound wonderful mainland, here gathered the entire leaf Hongjing most formidable Half Monster senior, not only five levels of Half Monster, even also has six levels of Half Monster, seven levels of Half Monster. 半妖盟的大营位于玄奇大陆的西北部,这里聚集了整个叶红境最强大的半妖前辈,不仅有五级半妖,甚至还有六级半妖,七级半妖 This big camp is Half Monster Union rents, will pay the great quantity rent every year, only then each territory topest Half Monster talent can come here to cultivate some time, obtains here Half Monster senior to direct. 这一片大营乃是半妖盟租来的,每一年都会交纳巨量的租金,也只有每一个域最顶尖的半妖天才才能够来到这里修炼一段时间,得到这里的半妖前辈指点。 When the Feng Feiyun five people arrive at the Half Monster Union big camp, already has several thousand to come the Half Monster accumulations to major territories here, some young handsome, natural talent able to move unhindered, some senile, cultivation base is profound, is each territory topest talent. 风飞云五人来到半妖盟大营之时,已经有数千名来至各大域的半妖聚集在这里,有的年轻俊朗、天资纵横,有的老态龙钟、修为高深,都是每一域最顶尖的才俊。 Half Monster one after another catches up toward here. 还有陆陆续续的半妖向着这里赶来。 Elder Mu went to receive five people of number plates, has handed over in the hand of everyone separately, said: Today is the time of registration, starting from tomorrow will be the time of competition, everybody received the number plate to go to Cave Dwelling to cultivate, to deal with the following several days of competitions.” 木长老前去领取了五人的号牌,分别交到了每个人的手中,道:“今天是报名的时间,从明天开始才是比赛的时间,大家领取了号牌去洞府之中修炼,以应付接下来几天的比赛。” Elder Mu and war Master said that got the number plate to go to Cave Dwelling to cultivate, here was the red leaves star, can make the cultivation speed speed up, they naturally raced against time wanted to increase cultivation base. 木长老和战师道都领着号牌去了洞府之中修炼,这里乃是红叶星,能够让修炼速度加快很多,他们自然都争分夺秒的想要增加修为 Ye Xiaomu and Li Lang feel to red leaves star very novelly, here every bit of property is not every, but actually does not dare to touch randomly, fears by the elder punishment of Half Monster Union. 叶小穆李狼则对红叶星感到十分新奇,这里的一草一木都不是凡品,但是却不敢乱碰,怕被半妖盟的长辈责罚。 How many assurances do you have to the following competition?” Feng Feiyun also feels to the red leaves star novel, has not gone to Cave Dwelling to cultivate. “你们对接下来的比赛有多少把握?”风飞云也对红叶星感到新奇,并没有去洞府之中修炼。 The Ye Xiaomu long hair is red, the flesh pear is white, on the face has several points resentfully however saying: Comes here is each territory the topest talents in Half Monster Union, altogether 43,270 participants, only then 500 people can be selected to go to ten thousand clan battlefields. The probability is too small, I did not report the too high hope in any case.” 叶小穆长发赤红,肌肤梨白,脸上带着几分悻悻然道:“前来这里的都是每一个域的半妖盟的最顶尖的才俊,一共43270位参赛者,只有500人可以被选拔出来前往万族战场。概率实在太小,我反正是不报太大的希望。” All along fights intent strong Li Lang not to have many confidence, he said: I and Ye Xiaomu are Heaven's Mandate 9th-layer cultivation base, heard that will only select 50 topest heavenly talent in Heaven's Mandate 9th-layer, competes compared with member big ten times of Nirvana boundary.” 就连一贯战意浓烈的李狼也没有多少信心,他道:“我和叶小穆都是天命第九重修为,听说在天命第九重之中只会选拔出50个最顶尖的天骄,竞争比涅槃境的修士大十倍。” The Half Monster Union quota are too really few, only then 500 people, wish makes these 500 people represent Half Monster Union to compete for the military exploit, is the Half Monster striving for success status and dignity, moreover must these 500 to be able above ten thousand clan battlefields to obtain informed and experienced, in the future will become the Half Monster Union nucleus. 半妖盟的名额实在太少,只有500人,想要让这500人代表半妖盟去争夺军功,为半妖拼搏地位和尊严,而且还要让这500人能够在万族战场之上得到历练,将来成为半妖盟的中坚力量。 Then must guarantee that these 500 people are only cultivation base are not only high, but must have being promoted potential, the formidable destiny, will have the career development in the future, therefore choice is true heavenly talent, may is the character of Half Monster Union creation miracle. 那么就必须确保这500人不仅仅只是修为高,而且还必须有晋级的潜力,强大的气运,将来有发展前途,所以挑选的都是真正的天骄,有可能为半妖盟创造奇迹的人物。 Also for this reason, therefore Half Monster Union are also least in the population of Heaven's Mandate 9th-layer selection, only then trivial 50 people. 也正是因为这个原因,所以半妖盟天命第九重选拔的人数也最少,只有区区50人。 Ye Xiaomu and Li Lang natural talent, although is very high, but wants to emerge in several tens of thousands Half Monster jing brave, is very as before difficult, possibly xing is minimal. 叶小穆李狼的天资虽然很高,但是想要在数万半妖jing英之中脱颖而出,依旧十分艰难,可能xing微乎其微。 Actually you, if wants into that the person of 50 blooming, also possibly has.” Feng Feiyun is having the smiling face of being as deep as a well. “其实你们若是真的想要成为那50个脱颖而出的人,也不是没有可能。”风飞云带着高深莫测的笑容。 „The Brother Feng younger brother do you have means?” Li Lang is very excited, tight is entraining the arm of Feng Feiyun, excited say/way: „The Brother Feng younger brother, you must help me, I must go to ten thousand clan battlefields, I must contribute to the military exploit, I must join the boundary main immortal prestige armed forces.” “难道风兄弟你有办法?”李狼很是兴奋,紧紧的拽着风飞云的手臂,激动的道:“风兄弟,你一定要帮我,我要去万族战场,我要立军功,我要加入境主仙威军。” Ye Xiaomu worships to Feng Feiyun , a pair of eyes pupil also tight is staring at Feng Feiyun, is bringing color/look of plea. 叶小穆风飞云十分崇拜,一双眼眸也紧紧的盯着风飞云,带着恳求之sè。 In this world has many promotion person aptitude efficacious medicine, once after taking, can make your potential increase a big truncation.” Feng Feiyun said. “这世上有很多提升人资质的灵药,一旦服用之后,可以让你们的潜力增加一大截。”风飞云道。 Ye Xiaomu said: This also knows, is these promotion person aptitude efficacious medicines is extremely mostly expensive, at all is not we purchases.” 叶小穆道:“这也知道,可是那些提升人资质的灵药大多都极其昂贵,根本不是我们购买得起。” You cannot purchase, can't I purchase?” Feng Feiyun said. “你们购买不起,难道我也购买不起?”风飞云道。 Ye Xiaomu and Li Lang excited, knows that the Feng Feiyun status is not very ordinary, the Battle Palace elders must flatter him, is willing to order to afford the promotion person potential the efficacious medicine. 叶小穆李狼都兴奋了起来,知道风飞云的身份很不一般,就连斗战宫的长老都要奉承他,肯定购买得起提升人潜力的灵药。 Has an immortal collection to more than 800 miles of Half Monster Union big camp beyond, named glacier collection, establishes above a piece of cold ice great lake. 半妖盟大营的800多里之外有一座仙集,名叫“冰河集”,建立在一片寒冰大湖之上。 Here is a Xianhu, was given the freeze by the cold ice, is not the general cold ice, is the thick ice jing marrow, is harder than it Trueglory Spirit Stone. 这里原本乃是一座仙湖,被寒冰给冻结,不是一般的寒冰,乃是玄冰jing髓,比之真耀灵石都要坚硬。 On the lake surface has Ice Palace, with the spirit tablets, streets and trees that the cold ice carves, many member come here to trade, are the surrounding area thousand li (500 km) maximum immortal collection, slightly has the reputation in the profound wonderful mainland. 湖面上有一座座冰宫,还有用寒冰雕刻成的灵碑、街道、树木,有很多修士来到这里交易,属于方圆千里最大的仙集,在玄奇大陆也小有名声。 The commodity that here each immortal palace trades is the rare magical things, buys at outside hard to procure very much. 这里的每一座仙宫之中贩卖的商品都是举世罕见的灵物,在外面很难购买到。 The Feng Feiyun three people entered trades the efficacious medicine and Spirit Pill Ice Palace, received a reception of young attractive female, what efficacious medicine three do Immortal Family want to purchase? But our masters the fire Yunfu place, is powerful, you want any efficacious medicine we to be able with obtaining......” 风飞云三人走进了其中一座贩卖灵药和灵丹冰宫,受到了一位年轻漂亮的女子的接待,“三位仙家想要购买一些什么灵药?我们的东家可是火云福地,实力雄厚,你们想要任何灵药我们都能拿得出……” The tip of the nose of this attractive female smelled smelling slightly, the brow wrinkled the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow, said: „Are you Half Monster?” 这个漂亮的女子的鼻尖微微的嗅了嗅,眉头皱了黛眉,道:“你们是半妖?” She smelled Li Lang and Ye Xiaomu Monster Qi. 她嗅到了李狼叶小穆身上的妖气 Li Lang said: Your didn't here sell to the Half Monster efficacious medicine?” 李狼道:“难道你们这里还不卖给半妖灵药?” That but is actually not!” “那倒也不是!” That attractive female no longer so was immediately warm. 那个漂亮女子顿时不再那么热情了。 The Half Monster Union big camp to the glacier collection 800 miles, will have Half Monster to trade Spirit Treasure and purchase efficacious medicine and Spirit Pill to here frequently, but Half Monster is very mostly poor, even if the elders in Half Monster cannot put out many Spirit Stone to come, even if the treasure that takes to sell is also the low level goods, was looked down upon by the member of glacier collection frequently. 半妖盟的大营离冰河集只有800里,经常会有半妖到这里来交易灵宝和购买灵药、灵丹,但是半妖大多都很穷,哪怕是半妖之中的长辈都拿不出多少灵石来,就算是拿出来卖的宝物也都是低级货,经常被冰河集的修士看不起。 Has the own Ice Palace big influence like these in the glacier collection, very much does not want to do business with Half Monster, because Half Monster was too poor and pedantic. 像这些在冰河集拥有自己的冰宫的大势力,都很不想和半妖做生意,因为半妖都太穷酸了。 This attractive female also sees many Half Monster to come here to purchase the efficacious medicine and Spirit Pill, but buys is also the efficacious medicines of low rank, cannot make how much money. 这个漂亮女子也见过不少半妖来到这里购买灵药和灵丹,但是买得也都是低级别的灵药,根本赚不来多少钱。 Feng Feiyun said: „Does the efficacious medicine that your here promotes the member aptitude which have?” 风飞云道:“你们这里提升修士资质的灵药有哪些?” Haha! Unexpectedly the efficacious medicine that three Half Monster come to purchase the promotion aptitude, really smiled the idle capital young master, after promoting the aptitude, is it possible that also wants to break through the Ascension boundary to be inadequate?” “哈哈!三个半妖居然前来购买提升资质的灵药,真是笑死本公子了,提升资质之后莫非还想突破羽化境不成?” A 20 -year-old young man walked from Ice Palace, side two man accompanying of outstanding ability, all are the clothing are magnificent and expensive, obviously was since old times the clan rich and powerful family, accessory was the Spirit Artifact sacrifice refining up. 一个20来岁的年轻男子从冰宫外面走了进来,身边还有两个俊逸的男子相伴,皆是穿戴华贵,显然是出自古族豪门,就连身上的饰品都是灵器祭炼而成。 ...... …… This was fourth day four, the brothers, asked the bank note! 这是第四天四更了,兄弟们,求票子啊!
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