SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#879: Grandfather Bi

little complete(ly)! Also long was recently black, recently and did the relations of Honglian (red lotus) locate what kind of? Had the kid?” Always was called the flower to draw both hands of Bi Ningshuai, full head is issuing, on the hair also several withered and yellow leaves, on the shoulder carried a wooden club, at the back of a broken burden, old tooth already soon fell out or off entirely, the speech somewhat leaked out. “小毕啊!最近又长黑了,最近和红莲儿的关系处得怎么样?有娃儿了吗?”一个老叫花拉着毕宁帅的双手,满头乱发,头发上还有几片枯黄的树叶,肩上扛着一根木棍,背着一个破包袱,一口老牙都已经快要掉光,说话都有些漏风。 Relations are very harmonious, will get probably married on these years.” Bi Ningshuai was always calling flower front to grovel. “关系很融洽,大概就这几年就会完婚。”毕宁帅在老叫花的面前点头哈腰。 Haha! I early thought that you are inborn one pair, really has not misread! Honglian (red lotus) is a good girl, gentle natural, sympathizes virtuously, the key is the buttocks is big, can have the son.” Always called the flower to feel the head of Bi Ningshuai to say. “哈哈!我老早就觉得你们是天生的一对,果然没有看错啊!红莲儿是个好姑娘,温柔大方,贤惠体贴,关键是屁股大,能生儿子。”老叫花摸着毕宁帅的头说道。 Bi Ningshuai has coughed two sound tracks: Your look is really good. The grandfather I introduced to you, this is my good brothers Feng Feiyun, he has an important matter to need you to help.” 毕宁帅干咳了两声道:“你老人家眼神真好。姥爷我给你介绍,这位乃是我的好兄弟风飞云,他有一件重要的事需要你帮助。” Aiyu! Breeze!! First meeting does not have what good thing, this is I visits a Nine Firmaments Immortal City fellow daoist, one set of Ascension ancient armor who the opposite party bestows, was the gift on first meeting gives to you.” “哎呦!小风啊!来来!初次见面也没有什么好东西,这是我去拜访九霄仙城的一位道友,对方赠送的一套羽化古甲,算是见面礼送给你了。” Grandfather Bi was very natural, took out white ancient armor, although merely only then protected the heart mirror and arm guard, but as before was very precious, once master was a Ascension boundary sage, above was moistening air/Qi of Ascension, the might was very uncommon. 毕姥爷很大方,取出了一件白色的古甲,虽然仅仅只有护心镜和护臂,但是却依旧很珍贵,曾经的主人是一位羽化境界的贤者,上面沾着一丝羽化之气,威力很不凡。 Feng Feiyun gives to recognize this Grandfather Bi, that day of Xiao Tianyue big marriage stole away all cash as a present and treasures was always called the flower, a Nine Firmaments Immortal City elder offered a sacrifice to a Divine Sword sword embryo striking to kill him, making him make a getaway. 风飞云将这个毕姥爷给认出,正是霄天悦大婚的那一天偷走所有礼金和宝物的老叫花,九霄仙城的一位长辈祭出了一口神剑剑胚也没有将他给击杀,让他逃之夭夭。 But this ancient armor, Liu Suzi sends to the Young City Lord mansion the congratulatory gift, named immortal light cloud armor. 而这一件古甲,正是琉苏紫送去少城主府的贺礼,名叫“仙光云甲”。 Is one of the stolen stolen goods. 属于被偷的赃物之一。 Although this merely is only half set of immortal light cloud armor, but has formidable defensive power as before, after all above has Ascension boundary the aura of sage. 这虽然仅仅只是半套仙光云甲,但是却依旧有很强大的防御力,毕竟上面有羽化境的贤者的气息。 Worthily is the grandparent and grandchild two, is really jackals from the same lair! 不愧是祖孙两,真是一丘之貉! The Feng Feiyun heart for all that is thinking, but is joyfully gives to accept half set of immortal light cloud armor, then starts with this Grandfather Bi regarding the proper business. 风飞云的心头虽然如此想着,但还是欣然的将半套仙光云甲给收下,然后开始和这位毕姥爷谈起正事。 This Grandfather Bi is one has the real skill person, especially in the Formation above attainments, must win compared with it Long Jiangling together plans. 这个毕姥爷是一个有真本事的人,特别是在阵法一道之上的造诣,比之龙姜玲都要胜一筹。 If he does not have extremely high Formation attainments, is impossible to come and go out Nine Firmaments Immortal City, if the place of nobody. Is a thief, mostly is skilled in this field of endeavor. 若是他没有极高的阵法造诣,也不可能出入九霄仙城如无人之地。做贼的,大多都精通此道。 Under collaboration of Feng Feiyun and Grandfather Bi, has spent a afternoon merely, then has made a connection with the channel to heaven, reconstructs the gateway, Grandfather Bi is very curious to the heaven, wants to enter a view. 风飞云毕姥爷的联手之下,仅仅花费了一个下午,便打通了通往天国的通道,再建门户,毕姥爷对天国很好奇,想要进入一观。 Inside is a rank grass beast mystical place, the bad risk, has filled the crisis.” Feng Feiyun said. “里面乃是一座莽兽秘境,十分凶险,充满了危机。”风飞云道。 This Grandfather Bi hands and feet is more unclean than Bi Ningshuai, Feng Feiyun does not dare to make him go to the heaven. 这个毕姥爷手脚比毕宁帅还不干净,风飞云可不敢让他去天国。 After Grandfather Bi hears headstrong beast mystical place these four characters, was fooled the long time by Feng Feiyun actually, at once actually narrows the eye, the secretly thought, „, if is really the headstrong beast mystical place, his clear pass does do? This little rascal wants to deceive me, inside definitely has many treasure.” 毕姥爷听到“莽兽秘境”这四个字之后,倒是被风飞云唬住了半晌,旋即却又眯起了眼睛,暗道,“若真是莽兽秘境,他打通通道干嘛?这小鬼想要骗我,里面肯定有很多宝贝。” Thinks of here, a Grandfather Bi pair of old eyes shines the ray. 一想到此处,毕姥爷的一双老眼就放光芒。 Old man already wanted some rank grass beast mystical places to transfer the revolutions, this time happen to seizes a formidable war beast to treat as the mount.” “老夫早就想要去一些莽兽秘境转转,这次正好去擒一头强大的战兽当做坐骑。” Grandfather Bi acts willfully, rushes toward the heaven, but he has not entered the heaven, inside flew a giant beast claw, was only a claw feared that knew how things stand kilometer big, has torn like a day claw, the scale had the dust pan to be so big, the power and influence was very scary. 毕姥爷一意孤行,向着天国之中闯去,但是他还没有进入天国,里面就飞来了一道巨大的兽爪,光是一个爪子怕是就有数千米大,就像一只天爪撕裂了过来,,鳞片都有簸箕那么大,威势十分吓人。 Mother! Really is the headstrong beast mystical place.” “妈呀!真的是莽兽秘境。” Grandfather Bi turns around runs, the both feet transfers is quicker than the wheel, escaped from the channel of heaven instantaneously. 毕姥爷掉头就跑,双脚转得比轮子还要快,瞬间就逃出了天国的通道。 Feng Feiyun also saw that claw a moment ago, is the prison old ancestor's claw. 风飞云刚才也看到了那一个爪子,乃是狴犴老祖的爪子。 This naturally was he ahead of time passes message has informed the prison old ancestor in heaven, was used to frighten Grandfather Bi intentionally. 这自然都是他提前传音通知了天国之中的狴犴老祖,用来故意吓唬毕姥爷 Feng Feiyun 99 meters high gold/metal receiving, said with a smile: Many thanks the senior lends a hand to assist.” 风飞云将99米高的金佛给收起,笑道:“多谢前辈出手相助。” Small gift, the small gift, the words said the breeze, do you make a connection with a channel of rank grass beast mystical place to do?” The Grandfather Bi facial expression is very serious, that claw was very together fearful, the master of claw absolutely was formidable incomparable Mang beast. “小意思,小意思,话说小风,你打通一座莽兽秘境的通道干什么?”毕姥爷的神情很严肃,刚才的那一道爪子很慑人,爪子的主人绝对是一头强大无比的莽兽。 This...... Informed and experienced.” Feng Feiyun does not think that Grandfather Bi continues to ask, said goodbye, then looks for Long Luofu. “这个……历练。”风飞云不想毕姥爷继续问下去,告辞了一声,然后便去找龙萝浮 Feng Feiyun brought in Long Luofu heaven, then delivered to her Buddhism ancient temple that Wu Qinghua was, wanting Wu Qinghua to help to look. 风飞云龙萝浮带到了天国之中,然后将她送到了巫清婳所在的那一座佛门古刹之中,想要巫清婳帮忙照看。 „Was Emperor Jin pregnant?” 晋帝怀孕了?” Wu Qinghua hears this news time is very surprised, sized up Long Luofu has sized up, does not have the good complexion, the say/way of clenching jaws: Here is Buddhism pure place, when turns into your Feng Feiyun trust institute?” 巫清婳听到这个消息的时候很惊讶,将龙萝浮打量了又打量,没有好脸色,咬牙切齿的道:“这里乃是佛门清净之地,什么时候变成你风飞云的托管所?” Feng Feiyun said: I know that you to my odd/surplus emotion, cannot not exposed to other woman be pregnant for me, such being the case that I looked for the Tan Qingsu help.” 风飞云道:“我就知道你对我余情未了,见不得别的女人为我怀孕,既然如此那就算了,我去找檀清素帮忙。” I free from earthly desires, has never been moved, best not to speak at a venture, go bad my clear reputation. A Tan Qingsu point compared with me, has not been helps you take care of a woman, my Wu Qinghua helps you look after surely appropriately.” Wu Qinghua wears the white Buddha clothes, falls gently suddenly from spirit stone platform, the facial expression is very serious. “我六根清净,从未动过情,你最好别乱说话,坏我清誉。檀清素没有一点比我强,不就是帮你照顾一个女人,我巫清婳必定帮你照顾得妥妥当当。”巫清婳穿着白色的佛衣,豁然从灵石台上飘落下来,神情很严肃。 Feng Feiyun has shown the understanding smiling face. 风飞云露出了会心的笑容。 The channel of heaven opens once more, after learning of this news, all people joyful catches up toward the ancient temple that Wu Qinghua is. 天国的通道再次打开,在得知这个消息之后,所有人都欣喜的向着巫清婳所在的古刹赶来。 Sky Witch Goddess, Long Cangyue, Luo Yu'er, Little Demon and Yao Ji, after they knew Long Luofu was on the Feng Feiyun bosom the child, looks at once changed, the Long Cangyue look became is hostile to very much, was staring at the position of Long Luofu lower abdomen, some vision round of cold. 天巫神女龙沧月罗玉儿小邪魔姚吉,当她们得知龙萝浮风飞云怀上了孩子之后,一个个眼神旋即又变了,其中龙沧月的眼神变得很敌视,盯着龙萝浮小腹的位置,目光有些发寒。 The Yao Ji look somewhat ponders, is having several points of smiling face, but in that smiling face clearly somewhat deep envy. 姚吉的眼神有些玩味,带着几分笑容,但是那笑容之中分明有些深深的嫉妒。 The eye pupil of Luo Yu'er somewhat blushes, say/way in a low voice: You and Sister Long how long gets married?” 罗玉儿的眼眸子则有些发红,低声的道:“那你和龙姐姐多久完婚?” Has been pregnant, the first matter of consideration naturally gets married. 怀孕了,考虑的第一件事自然是成亲。 Moreover this is presents the child to get married, from now on Long Luofu surely will be the senior branch and wife, the child who will give birth to also will become the long Fang eldest son, will inherit Feng Feiyun all, the status will be higher than the child who other woman will give birth. 而且这可是奉子成亲,今后龙萝浮就必定是大房、正妻,生下的孩子也将成为长房长子,继承风飞云的一切,地位高于别的女人生下的孩子。 This is also Long Cangyue and Yao Ji look bad reason. 这也是龙沧月姚吉眼神不善的原因。 This is not anxious, what Luofu bosom is the god embryo, the spiritual energy that the embryo needs are many, needs to condense for a long time, impossible born in one year or so.” “这个不急,萝浮怀的乃是神胎,胎儿需要的灵气很多,需要长时间凝聚,不可能在一年半载之间诞生下来。” The hearsay about god embryo, the time of god embryo breeding has not been ten months, but decides according to mother's cultivation base, mother's cultivation base is higher, accumulates the divine nature strength to be also more, the speed of birth embryo is also faster. 过关于神胎的传闻,神胎孕育的时间并不是十个月,而是根据母亲的修为而定,母亲的修为越高,积累神性的力量也就越多,诞生胎儿的速度也就越快。 If mother's cultivation base is lower, transports the spiritual energy to be also slower to the embryo, accumulates the divine nature to be also slower, the time of breeding is also longer. 若是母亲的修为越低,给胎儿运输灵气也就越慢,积累神性也就越慢,孕育的时间也就越长。 A phoenix clan was born Saint embryo, making a phoenix breed for more than 300 years, under birth embryo. 凤凰一族曾经诞生过“圣胎”,让一只凤凰都孕育了300多年,才诞生下胎儿。 Above the old book records, on the female Holy Saint bosom Saint embryo, needs to be pregnant for ten months. 古籍之上记载,女圣灵怀上“圣胎”,需要怀胎十个月。 If the female member of Ascension boundary cherishes on Saint embryo, needs to be pregnant for ten years to 1000 to be uncertain, can accumulate the Saint strength that suffices the embryo to need. 若是羽化境的女修士怀上“圣胎”,就需要怀胎十年到1000年不定,才能积累够胎儿所需要的圣力。 But wants to breed god embryo, the spiritual energy of needing are more. 而想要孕育出“神胎”,需要的灵气就更加的多了。 Naturally also the supernatural objects in some legends, if can seek for these supernatural objects, making mother take, can the speed of supernatural power speeds up the embryo to condense, moreover has the enormous advantage to the parent body. 当然还有一些传说之中的神物,若是能够寻找到这些神物,让母亲服用,也可以加快胎儿凝聚的神力的速度,而且对母体也有极大的好处。 „! The babies live in a big hurry, after living, I can be the little paternal aunt!” Little Demon runs up to the Long Luofu side, pasted the cheek in the position of her lower abdomen, very earnest listening attentively. “哇!娃娃快快生,生了之后,我就可以做小姑妈了!”小邪魔跑到龙萝浮的身边,将脸蛋贴在了她的小腹的位置,十分认真的倾听。 Although said that Feng Feiyun has not raised with Long Luofu how long gets married, however the females on the scene have had the sense of crisis, if makes Long Luofu smooth has the child, how could it not be then they can only do to be young in the future. 虽然说风飞云没有提和龙萝浮多久完婚,但是在场的女子都产生了危机感,若是让龙萝浮顺利的将孩子生下来,那么她们将来岂不都只能做小。 Only has Sky Witch Goddess to display indifferently, is very comfortable and tranquil. 唯有天巫神女表现得最淡然,十分闲适和平静。 Also because of so, Feng Feiyun especially asked her to help to look after Long Luofu, after all Long Cangyue and Yao Ji were not Buddhism believers, for own benefit, their anything matter possibly could do, will be likely disadvantageous to Long Luofu. 也正是因为如此,风飞云特地请她帮忙照顾龙萝浮,毕竟龙沧月姚吉都不是善男信女,为了自己的利益,她们什么事情都可能做得出来,很可能会对龙萝浮不利。 Sky Witch Goddess likes in the heaven very much the auspicious peaceful atmosphere, already planned forever stays in this stretch of world to cultivate, has not rejected the request of Feng Feiyun, promising him to help to look after Long Luofu. 天巫神女很喜欢天国之中祥和安宁的气氛,已经打算永远的留在这一片天地之中修炼,并没有拒绝风飞云的请求,答应他帮忙照顾龙萝浮 After arranging these matters, Feng Feiyun then left the heaven. 安排好了这些事情之后,风飞云这才又离开了天国。 When Feng Feiyun returns to Half Monster Union, how not to have actually found Grandpa Yu, Half Monster Union these Half Monster has not seen him, he probably suddenly disappeared from Ji Territory. 风飞云返回半妖盟的时候,却怎么都没有找到鱼爷,半妖盟的那些半妖也都没有见过他,他就好像突然从季域消失了。 This makes Feng Feiyun suspect that his status, perhaps he may know my mother and father.” 这让风飞云更加怀疑他的身份,“或许他真的有可能认识我的母亲和父亲。” Today, is the time of going leaf Hongjing Half Monster Union big camp, early morning time, Bi Ningshuai comes to say goodbye to Feng Feiyun. 今天,便是前去叶红境半妖盟大营的时间,一大早的时候,毕宁帅就前来向风飞云告别。 „After you goes to ten thousand clan battlefields to be informed and experienced, remembers that must come the battlefield nobility mansion.” “你去万族战场之中历练之后,记得一定要来战地爵府。” Then he then left Ji Territory along with Grandfather Bi through ancient array platform. 然后他便随着毕姥爷通过古阵台离开了季域 „Did you my adopted son, where my adopted son his mother get so far as?” Mao Wugui remained, these words its already has duplicated seven. “你将我干儿子,还有我干儿子他妈弄到哪里去了?”茅乌龟留了下来,这句话它已经重复了七遍。 Feng Feiyun stands before the Half Monster Union front door, is looking at the spacious ancient street, said: „Did she walk really?” 风飞云站在半妖盟的大门前,望着空旷的古街,道:“她真的走了?” Mao Wugui by the Feng Feiyun issue asking god, quite a while responded anyone who he refers, self-important sighing: Man! Only then lost knows that treasured.” 茅乌龟风飞云的问题给问得愣神,半天才反应过来他指的谁,老气横秋的叹道:“男人啊!只有失去了才知道珍惜。” We should also start off.” An outstandingly beautiful female of full Touchi red long hair goes out from Half Monster Union. “我们也该上路了。”一个满头赤红色长发的绝色女子从半妖盟之中走出。 Then Li Lang and Elder Mu, fought Master say/way also to walk from inside, then one line of five people of turtles then hurried to ancient array platform, first transmitted Bei Yu from Ji Territory Black Level ancient array platform. 接着李狼木长老、战师道也从里面走了出来,然后一行五人一只乌龟便赶去了古阵台,先是从季域玄极古阵台传送到了贝域。 Bei Yu is also one in leaf Hongjing 8654 big territory, but Bei Yu actually wants powerful lively more than ten times compared with Ji Territory, is the center of peripheral dozens big territory, has directly leads to leaf Hongjing the red leaves star ancient array platform. “贝域”也是叶红境8654个大域中的一个,但是贝域却比季域要强盛繁华十多倍,乃是周边数十个大域的中心,有直接通往叶红境红叶星的古阵台 The territory of each territory is very broad, often surmounts one Immortal Jump(s), perhaps several Immortal Jump(s). 每一个域的疆土都十分广阔,动不动就跨越一个“仙人跳”,或许几个“仙人跳”。 The territory Lord in each territory is a side great person, is much higher than it ancient clan a status of head of household. 每一个域的域主都是一方大人物,比之一个古族的家主的身份地位都要高得多。 But leaf Hongjing the altogether 8654 territories, the territories of 8654 territories main must obey leaf Hongjing boundary Lord order, is the boundary main subordinate. 而叶红境一共有8654个域,8654个域的域主则都要听从叶红境的“境主”的命令,乃是境主的下属。 A boundary main right is extremely huge, is labeled as the nobility master in sixth Yang Dynasty, like a side feudal lord, is stands in sixth Yang Dynasty topest existence. 一位境主的权利极其庞大,在第六中央王朝被封为爵爷,就像一方诸侯,乃是站在第六中央王朝最顶尖的存在。
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