SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#878: Night governing two females

Feng Feiyun has pondered the moment, finally remains to feast. 风飞云沉思了片刻,最后还是留下来赴宴。 He must help Half Monster Union seek more status in Ji Territory, very obviously Battle Palace and Lijiadu can add on busy, so long as these two top influences go into action, Half Monster can definitely enhance a big truncation in the Ji Territory status. 他要帮半妖盟季域争取更多的地位,很显然斗战宫和李家都能帮上大忙,只要这两个顶尖势力出马,半妖季域的地位肯定能够提高一大截。 This banquet carries on the joyful harmonious atmosphere, some people come to give Feng Feiyun to propose a toast repeatedly, after the liquor over three patrol, his already had several points of feeling of being drunk, safflower jade thick liquid the liquor vigor will be enormous, precipitated 3000 potency of alcohol, Feng Feiyun somewhat could not endure. 这一场酒宴在愉悦融洽的气氛之中进行,频频有人前来给风飞云敬酒,酒过三巡之后,他已经有了几分醉意,“红花玉浆”的酒劲极大,沉淀了3000年的酒力,就连风飞云也有些吃不消。 Finally Feng Feiyun is dead drunk, was delivered to a Battle Palace jade palace side building, here full is the sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance, the ground is burning the beast carbon furnace fire, inside has a giant bathing pool, in the bathing pool full is the spirit flower flower petal, fragrant pleasant. 最终风飞云烂醉如泥,被送到斗战宫的一座玉殿厢房之中,这里满是桂花香味,地上烧着兽碳炉火,里面有一个巨大的浴池,浴池中满是灵花的花瓣,芬芳怡人。 Feng Feiyun soaks in the bathing pool, around body completely is the white steam, enjoyment that could not say. 风飞云泡在浴池之中,身体周围尽是白茫茫的水蒸气,说不出的享受。 No wonder all people hope to be the high-ranking, the status is high and status low person disparity is really big.” The Feng Feiyun feeling of being drunk sobered several points, sits in the bathing pool, the tip of the nose was hearing the faint flower fragrance, backs on the soft warm mouth wall. “难怪所有人都希望身居高位,地位高和地位低的人差距真大。”风飞云的醉意清醒了几分,坐在浴池之中,鼻尖闻着淡淡的花香,背靠柔软的暖玉池壁。 Clip clop!” “哒哒!” The back transmits the sound of footsteps, the gate of room by shoving open gently. 背后传来脚步声,屋子的门被轻轻的推开。 Bound the outstandingly beautiful female of pale blue long gown to walk, was red a pair of Xuelian jade foot, the pitch-black long hair hung loose in the jade backs, the physique has arrived at the bathing pool leisurely. 一个裹着淡蓝色长袍的绝色女子走了进来,赤着一双雪莲玉足,乌黑的长发披散在玉背间,身姿款款的走到了浴池边。 Her appearance absolute beauty, the flesh jade is white, the facial features such as the goose egg, is blinking a pair of beautiful pupil, blue long gown slowly falls from her body. 她容颜绝丽,肌肤玉白,脸型如鹅蛋,眨巴着一双美眸,蓝色的长袍徐徐的从她的身上滑落。 The tissue falls down, reveals a pure white attractive luster of the skin, the twin peaks are extremely full, assume half cup, ** very curls upwards very much, a waist not excess flesh, although continuously white fog obstruct the body, lets the person recollections in close succession. 薄纱坠地,露出一具洁白诱人的玉体,双峰极其饱满,呈半碗形,**很是挺翘,腰部没有一丝赘肉,虽然有一缕缕白雾遮体,却更让人浮想联翩。 Feng Feiyun saw that stands the beautiful female in bath pool, slightly opens the eye, said: Blue deacon, are you?” 风飞云看到那个站在浴池畔的美丽女子,微微的将眼睛睁开,道:“蓝执事,你这是?” Feng Feiyun naturally does not know at this moment Bi Ningshuai gives to betray him, Battle Palace these high levels to apologize to Feng Feiyun, was collector of the beautiful woman everywhere, finally thought Lan Wanjing was most appropriate, after all the Lan Wanjing appearance was very beautiful, moreover Feng Feiyun also had the favorable impression to her. 风飞云此刻自然不知道毕宁帅将他给出卖,斗战宫的那些高层为了给风飞云赔罪,到处收罗美人,最终觉得蓝婉晶最合适,毕竟蓝婉晶的容貌很美丽,而且风飞云对她也有好感。 Lan Wanjing naturally also fed in the Feng Feiyun room. 蓝婉晶自然也就被送进了风飞云的房间。 Above the cheeks of Lan Wanjing shining white floated off a piece of sunset glow, is somewhat shy, enters in the bathing pool, a pair slender ** was given to submerge by the pool of water, Bei Chiqing opens, „the Wan crystal comes to give Young Master Feng to wait on the bedroom.” 蓝婉晶莹白的脸颊之上浮起了一片红霞,有些羞涩,走进浴池中,一双修长的**被池水给淹没,贝齿轻启,“婉晶前来给风公子侍寝。” Feng Feiyun naturally is not an honorable gentleman, has the beautiful woman to surrender, she is voluntary, was forced by Battle Palace that group of old fogies, he will be impolite. 风飞云自然不是正人君子,有佳人投怀送抱,无论是她自愿,还是被斗战宫那群老家伙逼迫,他都不会客气。 At this time , the female of absolute beauty beautiful woman walked, wore red clothes, roughly 16 and seven -year-old, the facial features were especially fine, pull two female celestial chignons, on the ear are bringing bright moonlight dang, the forehead to draw a lotus flower with the cinnabar. 这个时候,又有一个绝丽倾城的女子走了进来,穿着一身红裳,约莫16、七岁,五官格外精致,挽着两个仙女发髻,耳上带着明月珰,眉心用朱砂画着一朵莲花。 Likely is a deity female. 像是一个神仙女子。 Jie presents the life of head of household to wait on the bedroom for the young master.” Li Jie'er leisurely however has arrived at Feng Feiyun, red clothes fall, the delicate and exquisite body has exposed. “婕儿奉家主之命为公子侍寝。”李婕儿施施然的走到了风飞云的身后,身上的红裳滑落,娇小玲珑的躯体裸露了出来。 Li Jie'er is Li this generation of days the arrogant female, is Epic Genius, is the Li this generation of first beautiful women. 李婕儿乃是李家这一代的一位天之骄女,也是史诗级别的天才,更是李家这一代的第一美人。 The head of household of Li knows the Feng Feiyun good female sexual attractiveness in Elder Xu there, for thorough gives to preserve Li Jia, eliminates connective in Feng Feiyun heart, therefore then gave to deliver to the Feng Feiyun room Li Jie'er. 李家的家主在许长老那里得知风飞云好女色,为了彻底的将李家给保住,消除风飞云心中的结缔,于是便将李婕儿而给送到了风飞云的房间。 Lived several thousand years of overlord regarding Li head of household that type, so long as for the benefit of family, sacrificed a family female, is not the important matter. 对于李家家主那种活了数千年的霸主而言,只要是为了家族的利益,牺牲一个家族女子,并不是什么大事。 Feng Feiyun has rubbed the temples, said with a smile: „The circumstances of life unexpectedly so marvelous, one month ago, I am everybody not shame Half Monster \; One month later, really has ancient clan waits on the bedroom for the beautiful woman certainly.” 风飞云揉了揉太阳穴,笑道:“人生的境遇竟然如此的奇妙,一个月前,我还是人人不耻的半妖\;一个月后,竟然就有古族的绝代美人侍寝。” At this time outside heard a melodious pipa sound, if beautiful the heavenly music of space, the sound were very clear, played the female of pipa to be very near to the side building that Feng Feiyun lived, perhaps in out of the door. 这时外面传来一曲悠扬的琵琶声,美若天上的仙乐,声音很清晰,弹奏琵琶的女子离风飞云住的厢房很近,说不定就在门外。 Under the moon/month, Dongfang Jingyue sits above the ancient stone, the white clothing sways, the veil obstructs the appearance, five fingers playing of gently above pipa, singing sound clear beautiful, but the hidden bitterness, likely in relating the grievance in heart, making the people who hears the singing sound be with flowing tears. 月下,东方镜月坐在古石之上,白衣飘摇,面纱遮容颜,五根手指在琵琶之上轻轻的弹奏,歌声清美而幽怨,像是在诉说心中的委屈,让听到歌声的人都潸然泪下。 Mao Wugui sits in spirit pond Bian, said: Silly girl, useless, has beautiful woman driving surrendering wind big Half Monster definitely to accept with pleasure, is not your pipa can make him give up the present beautiful woman.” 茅乌龟坐在灵池边,道:“傻姑娘,没用的,有美女主动投怀送抱风大半妖肯定欣然接受,不是你的一曲琵琶就能让他放弃眼前的美人。” The Dongfang Jingyue double pupil, immortal face is lovingly tranquil, is playing the song that sobs as before. 东方镜月双眸含情,仙颜平静,依旧在弹奏呜咽的曲子。 The moonlight sprinkles above her appearance, making her beautiful refined, must ride the wind to fly likely. 月光洒在她的容颜之上,让她变得更加的美艳脱俗,像是要乘风飞去。 In room. 屋内。 Feng Feiyun listened to the long time, deep inspiration, laughs to say intentionally: That together comes! Haha!” 风飞云听了半晌,深深的吸了一口气,故意大笑道:“那就一起来吧!哈哈!” Lan Wanjing and Li Jie'er had taken off the water by him, tender body such as crisp, exquisitely and slides tenderly, likely was two beautiful women with falling completely in the water. 蓝婉晶李婕儿都被他脱下了水,娇躯如酥,细腻而嫩滑,像是两条美人与落尽了水里。 , ......” ,……” Feng Feiyun and Lan Wanjing are shifty in the bathing pool, splash the big piece water splash, resounds moving chanting. Recited the sound, interwove a traces of spring abundant picture scroll. 风飞云蓝婉晶在浴池之中翻云覆雨,溅起大片的水花,响起动人的呻.吟声,交织出一幅春意盎然的画卷。 Then above holds the Li Jie'er petite jade body to arrive at the bathing pool jade to collapse, overthrows in the bed, has resounded chanting of Li Jie'er. Recited and begging for mercy sound, the jade collapsed the sound of vibration, Feng Feiyun is also laughing. 然后又抱着李婕儿娇小的玉躯来到浴池边的玉塌之上,推倒在床榻,响起了李婕儿的呻.吟声和求饶声,还有玉塌震动的声音,风飞云亦在大笑。 Finally Lan Wanjing also by Feng Feiyun holding above bed, with Li Jie'er abreast in row in the same place, once more her one pair long ** separating, held into she compact, narrow and mild luster of the skin the sturdiness of lower part of the body. 最后蓝婉晶也被风飞云给抱到床榻之上,和李婕儿并排在一起,再次将她的一双长长的**给分开,将下身的粗壮捅入了她紧致、狭窄、温润的玉体之中。 The music movement interweaves, very drifts obscenely. 乐章交织,十分淫霏。 This is a dual flight war, three people are complicated in the same place, the beautiful woman jade such as, the organism is tender, the sound arouses. 这是一场双飞大战,三人交缠在一起,美人玉如,肌体娇酥,声音撩人。 Feng Feiyun does not know when oneself were has rested, next morning when knows will approach, slowly has opened the eye, the side lay down in two appearance outstandingly beautiful females, a causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, the both legs were slender, the jade chest was plentiful \; Another delicate and exquisite, sober refined. 风飞云也不知自己是何时睡了过去,知道第二天清晨来临之时,才缓缓的睁开了眼睛,身边躺在两个容颜绝色的女子,一个倾国倾城,双腿修长,玉胸丰满\;另一个娇小玲珑,清醒脱俗。 What does? How can like this?” “搞什么?怎么会这样子?” Feng Feiyun is surrounded by beautiful women, the train of thought in mind gradually clear, resounds matter that yesterday evening had, was too simply crazy, to select two, did the body blood of Demon awaken? 风飞云左拥右抱,脑海之中的思绪渐渐的清晰了起来,响起昨晚上发生的事,简直太疯狂了,以一挑二,难道身体之中的妖魔之血又觉醒了? Feng Feiyun sits to set out hastily, in regards the bloodlines in body, all are very normal, the blood of Demon has not awakened. 风飞云连忙坐起身来,内视身体之中的血脉,一切都很正常,妖魔之血并没有觉醒。 That said that does not close the matter of blood of Demon, are all the instinct of man?” “那这么说根本就不关妖魔之血的事,一切都是男人的本能?” Feng Feiyun looked to lie down two beautiful people in bedding, was the top beautiful women, last night after having undergone violent storm general devastation, obviously was much more tired, is sleeping soundly at this moment, likely was two white and tender small lambs. 风飞云看了看躺在被窝里面的两个玉人,都是顶尖美人,昨夜经受了狂风暴雨一般的摧残之后,显然是累得够呛,此刻还熟睡着,像是两只白嫩的小羊羔。 Feng Feiyun did not think that this has anything at the worst, has not done two women, moreover they on own initiative deliver, even if do not do them, in the future surely will also be done by other man. 风飞云并不觉得这有什么大不了,不就是搞了两个女人,而且还是她们自己主动送上门,就算自己不搞她们,将来也必定会被别的男人搞。 Is the man free and easy, cannot be given the fetters by this minor matter. 做男人得洒脱,不能被这种小事给羁绊。 The road of path of cultivation is doomed to be long and arid, if this life small appeal were given the suppression by oneself continually, what meaning then path of cultivation also does have? 修道之路注定漫长而枯燥,若是连这点生活小情趣都被自己给压制,那么修道还有什么意思? Has a look at others Xiao Tianyue, was only wife marries more than 100, the Epic Level day the arrogant female had dozens, these have rested, but has not actually married the female who got married, how many didn't the quantity know? Feng Feiyun and he compares, missed was too far. 看看别人霄天悦,光是老婆就娶了100多位,史诗级别的天之骄女就有数十位,还有那些睡了但是却没有娶过门的女子,数量不知有多少?风飞云和他比起来,还是差了太远。 Life along with nature! 人生随性! Last night as if heard pipa sound!” “昨夜似乎听到了琵琶声!” Feng Feiyun covers to them the quilt, then walked, just opened the door, sees a turtle to squat before the gate is staring at him, said: Dongfang Jingyue walked.” 风飞云将被子给她们盖上,然后走了出去,刚打开门,就看见一只乌龟蹲在门前盯着他,道:“东方镜月走了。” She , if not walk is the strange event!” “她若是不走才是怪事!” Feng Feiyun traces the tip of the nose, then went to a jade palace, a foot the palace gate trampling, has towed from the bedding of two beautiful young girls Bi Ningshuai. 风飞云摸了摸鼻头,然后便去了一座玉殿之中,一脚将殿门给踹开,将毕宁帅从两个美丽少女的被窝里面拖了出来。 Feng Feiyun, do you want to do? I may tell you, last night matter you, if dares to propose half character to Honglian (red lotus), from now on the future, how is the enemy.” Bi Ningshuai together the blanket encircling on the body, was thrown by Feng Feiyun on the ground. 风飞云,你要干嘛?我可告诉你,昨晚的事你若是敢向红莲提半个字,从今往后,咋们就是敌人。”毕宁帅将一块毯子给围在身上,被风飞云扔在了地上。 Felt all right with me proposes last night, what did you say to Battle Palace these people?” Feng Feiyun said. “好意思跟我提昨晚,你跟斗战宫的那些人说了一些什么?”风飞云道。 Bi Ningshuai has rubbed the forehead, recalled that yesterday's matter, crawled from the ground at once, eye one bright, said: Haha! Won't they look for an as pretty as a flower young beautiful woman to you last night really?” 毕宁帅揉了揉额头,回想起昨天的事,旋即从地上爬了起来,眼睛一亮,道:“哈哈!他们昨晚不会真的给你找了一个如花似玉的小美人?” Funny!” Feng Feiyun smiled. “哏哏!”风飞云笑了笑。 „! Is two, you gained in a big way! You should thank me!” The body of Bi Ningshuai gathers round a big blanket, walked to pat the shoulder of Feng Feiyun, has laughed. “靠!难道是两个,你赚大了!你该感谢我啊!”毕宁帅的身上围着一根大毯子,走过去拍了拍风飞云的肩膀,大笑了起来。 Feng Feiyun said: I had the child.” 风飞云道:“我有孩子了。” !” “噗啊!” Bi Ningshuai stared in a big way the eye, tongue must fall on the ground, said: Is so quick! Last night got up, today on bosom on?” 毕宁帅瞪大了眼睛,舌头都要掉在地上了,道:“这么快!昨晚才上了,今天就怀上了?” „It is not they.” Feng Feiyun said. “不是她们。”风飞云道。 Who is that? Dongfang Jingyue? Long Luofu?! Really is not Long Luofu! You ended, died, I taught you, Long Luofu getting rid! The real man should not be given the fetters by woman, should not be given the fetters by the child, will otherwise lose the beautiful scenery. The saintesses in these person of ancestor dwelling places of Buddhist immortals are still waving to you, these Saint mansion and Immortal City most beautiful woman or maiden! Don't you visit them to maintain one's moral integrity helplessly for a lifetime?” Bi Ningshuai is offering the stupid idea. “那是谁?东方镜月龙萝浮?靠!不会真的是龙萝浮吧!你完了,死定了,我教你,将龙萝浮给抛弃了吧!真男人就不要被女人给羁绊,不要被小孩给羁绊,不然会失去很多美丽的风景。那些人祖洞天的圣女还在向你招手,那些圣府、仙城的绝代佳人还是处女啊!你不会眼睁睁的看着她们守身如玉一辈子吧?”毕宁帅在出馊主意。 Feng Feiyun said: I soon must go to ten thousand clan battlefields!” 风飞云道:“我即将要去万族战场!” Good! I said that you is a free and easy man, first gives to get rid of Long Luofu, then plays to be missing, once went to ten thousand clan battlefields, she wants to ask you to be difficult. Brother, has not related, doesn't the man who which must overawe the world, have the illegitimate child outside? The quantity of illegitimate child, decides a man successful index. Long Luofu such woman, you cannot play, once you are responsible for her, in the future you will not have the means to be responsible for other woman.” The Bi Ningshuai praise said. “好啊!我就说你是一个洒脱的男人,先将龙萝浮给抛弃,然后再玩失踪,一旦去了万族战场,她想找你就难了。兄弟,没关系,哪个要威震天下的男人,在外面没有私生子?私生子的数量,决定一个男人成功的指数。龙萝浮这样的女人,你玩不起,一旦你真的对她负责,将来你就没办法对别的女人负责了。”毕宁帅夸赞道。 I must lead her to go together.” Feng Feiyun said. “我要带她一起去。”风飞云道。 Bi Ningshuai was shocked immediately! 毕宁帅顿时愣住了! Feng Feiyun said: Looks for attainments extremely high person of one to me above Formation, this person must be absolutely reliable, before ten thousand clan battlefields, I must restore the channel of heaven.” 风飞云道:“给我找一位在阵法之上造诣极高的人,这人必须要绝对可靠,在去万族战场之前,我要修复天国的通道。” Bi Ningshuai shakes the head the deep sigh, thought that Feng Feiyun too does not straighten out, but he does not have the means that the person is ambitious respectively! 毕宁帅摇头长叹,觉得风飞云实在太不开窍,但是他也没有办法,人各有志嘛! The Bi Ningshuai working efficiency is extremely high, quick looked for a Grandmaster Formation, was the Bi Ningshuai grandfather, heard that this Grandfather Bi recently happen to sought the immortal to ask area leaf Hongjing, visited various group of good friends, was a magical skill profound person of high skill. 毕宁帅的办事效率极高,很快就找来了一位阵法大师,乃是毕宁帅的姥爷,听说这位毕姥爷近日正好在叶红境一带寻仙问道,拜访各路好友,乃是一位道行高深的高人。 This makes friends all over the sky below Grandfather Bi, on the same day caught up with Ji Territory through ancient array platform. 这位交友满天下的毕姥爷,当天就通过古阵台赶来了季域
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