SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#877: Honored Young Master Feng

Leaves from the Long Luofu dwelling, the heart of Feng Feiyun is as before unassuageable, this was a strange feeling, in the heart were many a responsibility. 龙萝浮的住处离开,风飞云的心依旧难以平静,这是一种奇怪的感觉,心中多了一份责任。 Dongfang Jingyue relies on the body **, stands in the bank of spirit pond, gazes after Feng Feiyun from stroll to depart at present, until his thorough vanishes from the view. 东方镜月倚身**,站在灵池之畔,目送着风飞云从眼前漫步离去,直到他彻底的从眼帘中消失。 Feng Feiyun has to see her, but thinks of unable to see her intentionally. 风飞云并不是没有看到她,而是故意装着看不到她。 Outside Battle Palace, flies two to explode the dove birds, the body has dozens meters fully, above the feather the combustion flame, the bird mouth such as the god hook, the claw braves the cold light. 斗战宫外,飞来两头爆鸠禽鸟,身体足有数十米长,羽毛之上燃烧火焰,鸟嘴如神钩,爪子冒着寒光。 Carrying on the back of two dove birds are standing separately more than ten member, is leads by the old man, awe-inspiring falling to the ground , the innumerable member will have given to compel to draw back, this group of people fall from carrying on the back of dove bird, then directly rushes toward Battle Palace. 两只鸠鸟的背上分别站着十多个修士,都是由年迈的老者带队,威风八面的落到了地面上,将无数的修士都给迫退,这群人从鸠鸟的背上落下,然后便径直的向着斗战宫中闯去。 Feng Feiyun, you think that you hid in Battle Palace, does our Li take you not to have the means?” A Manchus and Han Chinese is white Xu the old man grasps the projecting edge to fight the soldier, the sound such as mighty bell general resounding. 风飞云,你以为你躲进了斗战宫,我们李家就拿你没有办法?”一个满汉都是白须的老者手持铁刺战兵,声音如洪钟一般的响亮。 This is a clan of Li is old, already lived for more than 1000 years, the temperament actually as before hot tempered. 这是李家的一位族老,已经活了1000多年,脾气却依旧暴躁。 Feng Feiyun walked, light looked at this group of future bad Li member, said with a smile: My where hides, don't I stand here?” 风飞云走了出来,轻飘飘的看了看这群来者不善的李家修士,笑道:“我哪有躲,我不就站在这里?” Good, good, the boy calculates that you plant!” “好,好,小子算你有种!” Li clan old altogether eight that comes, the families/home of more than ten Li, with Li clansman of Li Tianer with lineage/vein, will obviously be will send a punitive expedition, murderous aura will be steaming, the vision will be very bad. 前来的李家族老一共有八位,还有十多个李家的家将,都是与李天二同脉的李家族人,显然是来兴师问罪,一个个都杀气腾腾,目光很不善。 The head in Battle Palace was alarmed, informs two Battle Palace high levels. 斗战宫之中的负责人被惊动,通知来了两位斗战宫的高层。 These two high levels stand in distant place wait and see, has not come immediately. 这两位高层站在远处观望,并没有立即现身。 Young Lady Lan, you come just right, the person of Li wants to cause trouble in Battle Palace, this does not pay attention to Battle Palace simply! What to do do you watch this matter should?” Feng Feiyun saw not far away Lan Wanjing, gave to draw her, kept off before own body. 蓝姑娘,你过来得正好,李家的人想要在斗战宫中闹事,这简直就是不将斗战宫放在眼里啊!你看这件事该怎么办?”风飞云看到了不远处的蓝婉晶,将她给拉了过来,挡在了自己的身前。 Feng Feiyun naturally does not fear these clans of Li to be old, but actually does not think that begin to solve, wants to give Battle Palace this trouble. 风飞云自然不惧李家的这些族老,但是却也不想自己动手解决,想要将这个麻烦交给斗战宫 Lan Wanjing wears the sapphire blue long skirt, beautiful white skin clear, the both legs are slender, the chest is full, an eye seemed given the package by the spring water, bewildered by Feng Feiyun dragging, to have made the Feng Feiyun shield. 蓝婉晶穿着宝蓝长裙,玉肤晶莹,双腿修长,胸脯饱满,一双眼睛似乎被泉水给包裹,莫名其妙的就被风飞云给拖了过来,做了风飞云的挡箭牌。 These clans of Li old think that Feng Feiyun has been afraid, on the face is having the cruel smiling face, „the present knew to fear, killed my Li clansman time how to fear?” 李家的那些族老都以为风飞云害怕了,脸上带着残忍的笑容,“现在知道怕了,杀我李家族人的时候怎么就不怕?” Li did not worry that Battle Palace will involve this matter, after all Meng Family chases down Feng Feiyun and Meng Family suppress Half Monster Union the time, Battle Palace has not made any statement. 李家并不担心斗战宫会介入此事,毕竟梦家追杀风飞云梦家镇压半妖盟的时候,斗战宫都没有做任何表态。 This matter has proven, Battle Palace will not help Half Monster cope with ancient clan. 这件事就证明了,斗战宫是不会帮一个半妖对付一个古族。 Haha! Feng Feiyun you kill my grandson Li Tianer, even if cut to pieces him is hard to arrive at his life, today is your time of death.” A glowing with health old man walked directly, is in front of Lan Wanjing this Battle Palace deacon, must prey on Feng Feiyun unexpectedly. “哈哈!风飞云你杀我孙儿李天二,就算将他千刀万剐都难以抵他一命,今日就是你的死期。”一个红光满面的老者径直的走了出来,当着蓝婉晶这位斗战宫的执事的面,竟然就要搏杀风飞云 Above a pair of withered palm appears two thunder flood dragons, the divine light say/way, a palm shakes toward the Feng Feiyun top of the head. 一双干枯的手掌之上浮现出两道雷霆蛟龙,神光道道,一掌向着风飞云的头顶撼去。 cultivation base of this old man is very high, already has achieved Nirvana 3rd-layer. 这位老者的修为很高,已经达到了涅槃第三重 Li also knows that Feng Feiyun cultivation base is very strong, clan old cultivation base that therefore catches up with is not weak, must kill Feng Feiyun inevitably, creates Li Jia unchallengeable overlord image. 李家也知道风飞云修为很强,所以赶来的族老修为都不弱,势必要杀风飞云,树立李家不可挑战的霸主形象。 „The courage of Li were also too big, but here Battle Palace.” Lan Wanjing knows that the Feng Feiyun status is not ordinary, must preserve Feng Feiyun, called a token, inspired Formation in Battle Palace, that clan of Li always preventing in Formation outside. “你们李家的胆子也太大了,这里可是斗战宫。”蓝婉晶知道风飞云的身份不一般,要保住风飞云,唤出了一枚令牌,引动斗战宫之中的阵法,将李家的那一位族老给阻挡在阵法的外面。 Blue deacon, the old man and your Battle Palace Elder Xu friendship is extremely deep, hopes that you should better not the ginseng about to this matter, otherwise does not have the advantage to you.” “蓝执事,老夫和你们斗战宫许长老交情极深,希望你最好不要参合到此事当中,要不然对你没有好处。” Bang!” “嘭!” Clan veteran Formation of that Li gives to break, the body emerges blue valuable armor, in the hand has a spirit stick, gives to put down big piece of Formation, the stride walked. 那一位李家的族老将阵法给破开,身上浮出一层蓝色的宝甲,手中持有一根灵杖,将一大片阵法给扫平,大步走了过来。 Feng Feiyun is holding both hands, stands in Lan Wanjing, near her pear white earlobe, said with a smile in a low voice: Managing Sir, this is threatening you!” 风飞云抱着双手,站在蓝婉晶的身后,低声在她的梨白的耳垂边,笑道:“执事大人,他这是在威胁你啊!” The Lan Wanjing appearance is beautiful, young, but can actually become the Battle Palace deacon, naturally has her skill, does not fear the clan of Li to be old, must get rid once more, at this time the Battle Palace two high levels no longer waited and saw, flew. 蓝婉晶的容貌美丽,年纪不大,但是却能够成为斗战宫的执事,自然有她的本事,并不惧怕李家的这一位族老,就要再次出手,这时斗战宫的两位高层不再观望,飞了出来。 And an old man of wear black iron robe takes the lead, cold sound scolding said: Your Li is too wild, dares to bluff and bluster in Battle Palace unexpectedly.” 其中一个穿着玄色铁袍的老者走在前面,冷声的呵斥道:“你们李家实在太猖狂,竟然敢在斗战宫之中耀武扬威。” Elder Xu, by how the friendship......” that clan of Li always said. 许长老,以咋们的交情……”李家的那一位族老道。 Bah! Who and you have the friendship.” “呸!谁和你有交情。” Above the arm of Elder Xu ferments a piece of purple radiance, electricity glow, always flew to the fan that clan of Li directly, spits the blood in the upper opening of midair, bang falls on the ground, tumbles on the ground. 许长老的手臂之上酝酿出一片紫色的光华,电芒一道道,直接将李家的那一位族老给扇飞了出去,在半空之上口吐鲜血,嘭的一声掉在地上,在地上翻滚。 Dares to cause trouble to Battle Palace, moreover dares to offend honored Young Master Feng, was really tired of living, came the person, called me this group of people.” “敢到斗战宫闹事,而且还敢得罪尊贵的风公子,真是活腻了,来人,将这群人给我打出去。” In Battle Palace comes out one crowd to wear the soldier of armor immediately, with overpowering momentum, killing intent is steaming, fully 50 people, each is the Nirvana boundary, to guard the Battle Palace combat general, once above ten thousand clan battlefields informed and experienced. 斗战宫之中顿时出来一群身穿铠甲的战士,气势磅礴,杀意腾腾,足有50人,每一个都是涅槃的境界,为镇守斗战宫的战将,都曾在万族战场之上历练过。 They get rid ruthlessly, each fist can the quarrying a mountain crack place. 他们出手极狠,每一拳都能够开山裂地。 Bang, bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭,嘭……” These clan old and young talents of Li come time appearance that is sending a punitive expedition, but was hit at this moment actually everywhere crawls. 李家的这些族老和年轻才俊来的时候都是一副兴师问罪的模样,但是此刻却被打得满地爬。 Even if these clans of noble character and high prestige old were hit black and blue, in the mouth the straight spitting blood froth, the tooth fell place, does not understand that Half Monster did turn into honored Young Master Feng? 就算那些德高望重的族老都被打得鼻青脸肿,口中直吐血沫子,牙齿掉了一地,不明白一个半妖怎么就变成了“尊贵的风公子”? This...... 这…… These in the member very surprise in Battle Palace fighting, but Li Ji Territory top ancient clan, is more formidable than Meng Family, but was punched at this moment actually by the violent, moreover does not dare to revolt. 那些在斗战宫中战斗的修士都很诧异,李家可是季域的顶尖古族,比梦家都要强大,但是此刻却被暴揍,而且还不敢反抗。 This Battle Palace acts seriously obviously very much, the elders came out two, in vigorously shields Half Monster Feng Feiyun. 很显然这次斗战宫是动真格的,就连长老都出来了两位,在极力的袒护半妖风飞云 These definitely have the secret facts, this Half Monster unexpectedly and Battle Palace has climbed up the relations, perhaps from now on must walk sideways in Ji Territory. 这其中肯定有隐情,这个半妖居然和斗战宫攀上了关系,恐怕今后在季域要横着走了。 This news spreads over Yu City quickly, naturally also passed to Half Monster Union, has caused the huge stir. 这个消息很快就传遍域城,当然也传到了半妖盟,引起了巨大的轰动。 These member of Li were punched half dead, then threw Battle Palace, lacked the arm to break the leg, suffocated, was hit is not general miserable, the strength of continually wailing did not have. 李家的那些修士被揍得半死,然后扔出了斗战宫,一个个都缺胳膊断腿,奄奄一息,被打得不是一般的惨,连哀嚎的力气都没有了。 Whish!” “哗!” A piece of gateway presents above void! 一片门户在虚空之上呈现出来! The member who one crowd wears Jin Luyi goes out from inside, flies to fall to Battle Palace outside. 一群身穿金缕衣的修士从里面走出,飞落到斗战宫外。 One person of lead is very dignified, 40 -year-old appearances, keep two to cast aside the beard, the body has does not get angry from the imposing manner of prestige, wants the powerful more aggressive than some rulers. 领头的一人很是威严,40来岁的样子,留着两撇胡须,身上有着不怒自威的气势,比一些帝皇都要强势霸气。 This is the Li head of household who hears the news to catch up with, three Li the character of old ancestor rank. 这是闻讯赶过来的李家家主,还有三位李家的老祖级别的人物。 Li has the person in Battle Palace, knows that the Feng Feiyun background is very big, is on intimate terms with the envoy of battlefield nobility mansion, when the news feeds in Li, the high level of Li was alarmed, knows this matter to be unusual, is not good likely to be able the step Meng Family footsteps. 李家在斗战宫之中有人,知道风飞云的来头很大,与战地爵府的使者称兄道弟,当消息传回李家的时候,李家的高层都被惊动,知道此事非同寻常,一个不好很可能会步梦家的后尘。 At this time the head of household of Li visited to apologize personally! 这个时候李家的家主亲自登门赔罪! Our Li is a large clan in territory, actually left Li Tianer such thing, is really the main house gate misfortune, Young Master Feng gets rid to help our Li cleaning up gateway luckily, is really the esteemed friendship!” Head of household named Li Hong of Li, is very polite to Feng Feiyun, both hands hold the fist in the other hand, the person of the same generation discussed the junction. “我们李家乃是一个域的大族,却出了李天二这样的混账东西,真是家门不幸,幸好风公子出手帮我们李家清理门户,真是高义啊!”李家的家主名叫李宏,对风飞云十分客气,双手抱拳,平辈论交。 Does not use politely, does not use politely.” Feng Feiyun narrows the eye to smile, said: Just...... Li Tianer dares to sexually harass the battlefield nobility mansion unexpectedly facing the street Emissary Dongfang, if this passed on, perhaps that side the nobility mansion very much will endure, when the time comes feared that will make some extreme matters.” “不用客气,不用客气。”风飞云眯着眼睛直笑,又道:“只不过……李天二居然敢当街调戏战地爵府的东方使者,这件若是传了出去,爵府那边恐怕会很堪,到时候怕是会做出一些过激的事。” What? The courage of that Li Tianer so is unexpectedly big, dares to sexually harass Emissary Dongfang?” Battle Palace old man cold snort/hum, in the eye killing intent flashes. “什么?那李天二的胆子竟然这么大,敢调戏东方使者?”斗战宫的一位老者冷哼一声,眼中杀意闪动。 The heads of household and three old ancestors of Li were also daunted. 李家的家主和三位老祖也都被吓住。 This matter may be possible to be small greatly, Meng Family is the best example, is magnificent ancient clan, because makes Nine Firmaments Immortal City Young City Lord lose face, was made to be with one's family broken up and decimated. 这件事可大可小,梦家就是最好的例子,本来是辉煌的古族,但是就因为让九霄仙城少城主出丑,便被弄得家破人亡。 Must know that the battlefield nobility mansion also wants existence of terrifying non- several fold compared with Nine Firmaments Immortal City, the matter of envoy once the Li juniors sexually harass the battlefield nobility mansion passed on, the battlefield nobility mansion for the face, perhaps must make Li thorough from Ji Territory vanishes. 要知道战地爵府可是比九霄仙城还要恐怖无数倍的存在,一旦李家子弟调戏战地爵府的使者的事传了出去,战地爵府为了脸面,恐怕也要让李家彻底的从季域消失。 This to the battlefield nobility mansion, is not the difficult matter. 这对战地爵府来说,并不是什么难事。 The head of household of Li is side hero, cultivation base was unusual, the strength in meditation is excellent, however forehead on at this moment is also breaking into sweat, he naturally knows that then matter so is not serious, Li Tianer has blocked merely the Dongfang Jingyue road, true sexually harassing, by Feng Feiyun dividing. 李家的家主本是一方豪雄,修为超凡,定力过人,但是此刻的额头上也在冒冷汗,他自然知道当时的事情并没有这么严重,李天二仅仅只是拦住了东方镜月的路,并没有真正的调戏,就被风飞云给劈掉了。 But if Feng Feiyun wants to put in order their Li intentionally, can let the catastrophe that their Li Jia encounters to be drowned as before. 但若是风飞云想要故意整他们李家,依旧能够让他们李家遭遇灭顶的大灾难。 Heard that Young Master Feng and Emissary Dongfang friendship is extremely deep, but also invited Young Master Feng in Emissary Dongfang front kind words several.” The head of household of Li arrived in Spirit Stone the hand of Feng Feiyun. “听说风公子东方使者交情极深,还请风公子东方使者的面前美言几句。”李家的家主将一枚界灵石抵到了风飞云的手中。 Feng Feiyun searched in the hand Spirit Stone, after touching treasure that in has installed, the heart laughed in one's heart, Li worthily was ancient clan, getting rid is really straightforward.” 风飞云将手探进了界灵石之中,摸到了里面装的宝物之后,心头暗笑,“李家不愧是古族,出手真是豪爽。” Feng Feiyun Spirit Stone receiving, had smiled, said: This matter I also can only go to discuss with Emissary Dongfang, succeeds is uncertain.” 风飞云将界灵石给收了起来,笑了笑,道:“这件事我也只能去跟东方使者谈一谈,成不成功还不一定。” Actually Feng Feiyun does not want matter really noisy big, after all Dongfang Jingyue is also a person of having self-respect, Feng Feiyun fabricated sexually harassing imposed her body, she did not go all out with Feng Feiyun is the strange event. 其实风飞云也不想将事情真的闹大,毕竟东方镜月也是一个爱惜羽毛的人,风飞云将莫须有的“调戏”强加到了她的身上,她不跟风飞云拼命才是怪事。 The heads of household and three old ancestors of Li saw after Feng Feiyun accepted Spirit Stone, relaxed! 李家的家主和三位老祖见到风飞云收下了灵石之后都松了一口气! Battle Palace that two elders also relaxed, an elder of Xu walks to go forward, said with a smile: Tonight we host the evening banquet in Battle Palace, before wanting to ask Young Master Feng to taste 3000 safflower jade thick liquid, other programs of adding to the fun.” 斗战宫的那两位长老也都松了一口气,其中一个许姓的长老走上前,笑道:“今晚我们在斗战宫之中设下晚宴,想要请风公子品尝3000年前的红花玉浆,还有别的一些助兴的节目。” Feng Feiyun wants to shirk, he must the extremely important matter, need to return to Half Monster Union processing, will leave Ji Territory, goes to leaf Hongjing the Half Monster Union big camp, does not want here the delaying time. 风飞云想要推脱,他还要极其重要的事,需要返回半妖盟处理,不日之后就会离开季域,前往叶红境半妖盟大营,不想在这里耽搁时间。 Young Master Feng must come in any event, the Wan crystal, proposes a toast to Young Master Feng by you tonight. Doesn't Li mainly together feast?” Elder Xu invited the heads of household and three old ancestors of Li. 风公子无论如何都要赏光,婉晶,今晚由你给风公子敬酒。李家主要不也一起赴宴?”许长老邀请李家的家主和三位老祖。 That is really honored utmost!” “那真是荣幸之至!” On the face of Li head of household one happy, knows that Elder Xu this is to him the opportunity, must give to melt all gratitude and grudges above the banquet, smiles to vanish the love and hate. 李家家主的脸上一喜,知道许长老这是在给他机会,要在酒宴之上将所有的恩怨都给化解,一笑泯恩仇。
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