SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#876: Three months

Sweat, that chapter of stinking ninth category of morning established has made a mistake, established the VIP chapter, the brothers who heard group responded, then became on the bed jumped immediately, revised. Felt relieved that this month is absolutely free, hopes that everybody continues to the 17 k support , to continue to sleep! 汗,早上的那一章老九设定错了,设定成vip章节了,听到群里的兄弟反应,立马便成床上跳了起来,修改了过来。放心这个月绝对是免费的,希望大家继续到17k支持,继续睡觉去! ...... …… The Nine Firmaments Immortal City influence is huge, moreover titan who is skilled in the calculation, if investigates thoroughly, will look up the body of Meng Taiyue surely , can definitely find Meng Lingyan. 九霄仙城的势力庞大,而且还有一位精通推算的大智者,若是彻查,必定会查到梦泰岳的身上,也肯定能够找到梦凌燕 Feng Feiyun naturally does not fear them, but Meng Taiyue and Meng Lingyan, even Ji Territory Half Monster Union will be affected, this matter Feng Feiyun has to process discretely, but or Nine Firmaments Immortal City vicious working style, the person who dying will be many. 风飞云自然不惧他们,但是梦泰岳梦凌燕,甚至季域半妖盟都会遭受波及,这件事风飞云不得不谨慎处理,要不然以九霄仙城的狠毒做事风格,死的人会很多。 !” “噗!” Bi Ningshuai smiled to spurt directly, original that made Xiao Tianyue wear the fellow of green hat is you, I went! Your movement was also very quick, how long does this arrive at Ji Territory? Unexpectedly the arrogant female doing to succeed in obtaining a Meng Family day. However...... Also in reason, in reason. Offends Feng Feiyun, the wife leaves the female powder! Nine Dragons Pillar big silver spear/gun, can be short steadily, can fight to hold, under strikes, must see the blood.” 毕宁帅直接笑喷了,“原来那个让霄天悦戴绿帽子的家伙就是你,我嘞个去!你的动作也忒快了,这才来到季域多久?居然就将梦家的一位天之骄女给搞到了手。不过……也在情理之中,情理之中。得罪风飞云者,妻离女散!九龙抱柱大银枪,能长能短,能战能捅,一击之下,必见血。” The Dongfang Jingyue delicate eyebrows wrinkled the wrinkle slightly. 东方镜月的秀眉微微的皱了皱。 Feng Feiyun no longer rubbish with him, spoke the long and short of the story of entire event, Bi Ningshuai gradually then does not smile, prudent say/way: This matter I have not handled, but I can edit a book one to two young masters, if two young masters act to give Nine Firmaments Immortal City to say a hello, I dare saying that his Xiao Tianyue suffered a loss, the biological wife was given to rest by you, does not dare to call a pain absolutely. Hehe! I am some do not believe, what you arrogant female to that Meng Family day haven't made really?” 风飞云不再和他废话,将整个事件的来龙去脉都讲了一遍,毕宁帅渐渐的便不笑了,慎重的道:“这件事我还真搞不定,不过我可以修书一封给二公子,若是二公子出面给九霄仙城打一声招呼,我敢说就算他霄天悦吃了亏,亲老婆被你给睡了,也绝对不敢叫一声苦。嘿嘿!我还是有些不相信,你真的没有对那一位梦家的天之骄女做什么?” „Do you guess?” Feng Feiyun said with a smile. “你猜?”风飞云笑道。 ...... …… Outside the main hall, the Battle Palace more than ten high levels deep frown, the anxious look of whole face, was talking in whispers. 大殿之外,斗战宫的十多个高层都眉头紧锁,满脸的愁容,在窃窃私语。 Finishes the envoy is the day of character white battalion elite, moreover seven young masters of blood mist boundary Bi, have not thought that Half Monster unexpectedly and finishes the envoy to be on intimate terms.” “毕使者乃是天字白营的精英,而且还是血岚境毕家的七少爷,没想到那个半妖竟然和毕使者称兄道弟。” Then ended, finishes envoy is two sons' people, so long as his casual a few words, in the head/number of people can not guarantee.” “这下完了,毕使者可是二公子的人,只要他随便一句话,我们的项上人头都会不保。” Feng Feiyun was chased down by Meng Family, but we have not actually mediated, Feng Feiyun will definitely bear a grudge us.” 风飞云梦家追杀,但是我们却没有出面调停,风飞云肯定会记恨我们。” This time brought the big trouble.” “这次闯大祸了。” ...... …… Battle Palace more than ten high level complete/even complete/even shut up, Feng Feiyun and Dongfang Jingyue walked from the main hall. 斗战宫的十多个高层都齐齐闭嘴,风飞云东方镜月从大殿之中走了出来。 More than ten Battle Palace high levels are cleaning the cold sweat on forehead, salutes to Feng Feiyun and Dongfang Jingyue. 十多个斗战宫高层都在擦拭额头上的冷汗,给风飞云东方镜月行礼。 You said that Luofu is not healthy, how can like this? By her cultivation base, will also fall ill?” Feng Feiyun does not pay attention to Battle Palace these high levels, walked toward another palace with Dongfang Jingyue. “你说萝浮的身体不舒服,怎么会这样?以她的修为,还会生病?”风飞云并不理会斗战宫的那些高层,与东方镜月向着另一片殿宇走了过去。 Dongfang Jingyue said: I not am quite clear, I see her time, felt that her some do not suit, but cannot say where does not suit.” 东方镜月道:“我也不太清楚,我见到她的时候,就感觉她有些不对劲,但是却说不上来哪里不对劲。” Feng Feiyun to Long Luofu, although is far has too many sentiments, but after all she is oneself woman, many cared, the step on foot sped up. 风飞云龙萝浮虽然谈不上有太多的感情,但是毕竟她乃是自己的女人,多少还是十分关心,脚上的步伐不禁加快了一些。 Battle Palace that more than ten high levels saw after Feng Feiyun and Dongfang Jingyue have walked away, this returns in the main hall, complete/even complete/even gives Bi Ningshuai to propose a toast, has forced in the Bi Ningshuai bosom two pretty young girls. 斗战宫的那十多个高层见到风飞云东方镜月走远了之后,这才又退回大殿之中,齐齐的去给毕宁帅敬酒,又是将两个貌美的少女塞进了毕宁帅的怀里。 Finishes the envoy, are you very as if good with that Young Master Feng friendship?” And an old man proposes a toast to Bi Ningshuai, casual polite talk. “毕使者,你和那位风公子的交情似乎很不错?”其中一个老者给毕宁帅敬酒,随便套话。 Bi Ningshuai hugs the tender bodies of two young girls, in the ear is listening to various flatteries words, self-satisfied, bone light 22, said: That is natural, we are the life-and-death friendship. Hehe! Do not look at that he is Half Monster is looking down upon him, the bloodlines in his body are very scary, once said that your this must be scared to death.” 毕宁帅搂着两个少女的娇躯,耳朵里听着各种奉承的话,飘飘然了起来,身上的骨头都轻了22,道:“那是当然,我们可是生死之交。嘿嘿!你们可不要看他是半妖就瞧不起他,他身体之中的血脉十分吓人,一旦说出来,你们这一个个都要被吓死。” These high-level hearts of Battle Palace sank the valley. 斗战宫的这些高层的心都沉到了谷底。 In addition Feng Feiyun leaves looked that has not looked at their one eyes, obviously is very discontented with them. 加上风飞云离开的时候看都没有看他们一眼,显然是对他们十分不满。 Then ended! 这下完了! The Bi Ningshuai liquor drinks much, some already corona are drunk, is greatly the tongue, mysterious saying: I told you, two young masters quite took seriously him, if you gave to offend him, the consequence was proud!” 毕宁帅酒喝得不少,已经有些晕醉,又是大着舌头,神秘兮兮的说道:“我告诉你们,二公子可是相当重视他,你们若是将他给得罪了,后果自负!” Bang thump!” “嘭噔!” And a wine glass of old man frightened on the ground, the both legs were cramping. 其中一个老者的酒杯吓掉在了地上,双腿都在转筋。 Battle Palace that more than ten old men look ashen, knows oneself brought the big trouble, if made two young masters know oneself offended Feng Feiyun, casual a few words, presented all people to want the head/number of people to fall to the ground, the family that they were at will be implicated. 斗战宫的那十多个老者都面如土色,知道自己闯大祸了,若是让二公子知道自己得罪了风飞云,随便一句话,在场所有人都要人头落地,他们所在的家族都会受到牵连。 The old man continues the polite talk, said: What that does Young Master Feng have to like?” 有一位老者继续套话,道:“那风公子有没有什么喜好?” Right, right, right, what does Young Master Feng usually like?” “对,对,对,风公子平时都喜欢一些什么?” Likes!” Bi Ningshuai indeed drinks somewhat in a big way, shook the head, saying with a smile suddenly: Beautiful woman...... He...... Most liked the beautiful woman, especially chest...... Big, haha!” “喜好!”毕宁帅的确喝得有些大,晃了晃脑袋,忽的笑道:“美女……他……最喜欢美女了,特别是胸……大的,哈哈!” Battle Palace that more than ten old men have revealed the happy expression, is pregnant well, so long as acts appropriately to the situation, should be able to get through the difficult time. 斗战宫的那十多个老者都露出了喜色,有喜好就好,只要对症下药,应该能够渡过难关。 Do not snatch, they are my, is my, is my!” “别抢,她们是我的,是我的,都是我的!” Bi Ningshuai was filled dozens cups crazily, already has been drunk heavily, thinks that these Battle Palace old men must snatch him to cherish two beautiful young girls, immediately gave to raise to fly the liquor pot above table, directly two beautiful young girls falling down above table, started taking off their clothes robes. 毕宁帅被狂灌了数十杯,已经醉得不轻,以为那些斗战宫的老者要抢他怀中的两个美丽少女,顿时将桌案之上的酒罐都给掀飞了出去,直接将两个美丽的少女给扑倒在桌案之上,就开始将她们的衣袍给脱了下来。 „!” “刺啦!” The clothes robe was pulled rottenly, puts out snow white **! 衣袍被扯烂,吐出雪白的**! Battle Palace that more than ten old men are tactful, withdrew from the main hall fast. 斗战宫的那十多个老者都很识趣,快速的退出了大殿。 Really is birds of a feather flock together like attracts like, finishes envoy and Young Master Feng can become the life-and-death friendship, is by no means coincidental.” “真是物以类聚人以群分,毕使者和风公子能够成为生死之交,绝非偶然。” Now the key is Young Master Feng that side resentment is very big, we must give what is desired first, comfort to be good.” “现在关键是风公子那边怨气很大,我们必须先要投其所好,安抚下来才好。” This simple now we hosted a banquet to welcome in the evening Young Master Feng, apologized while convenient, keeps him to sleep in Battle Palace, then chose two virgins to send to his room.” “这个简单今晚上我们设宴款待风公子,顺便赔罪,留他在斗战宫夜宿,然后挑选两个处子送去他的房间。” Common female, Young Master Feng fears cannot have a liking, hasn't seen Young Master Feng Young Lady Dongfang is the world is outstandingly beautiful?” “一般的女子,风公子怕是看不上,没看见风公子身边的东方姑娘就是人间绝色?” Really has a headache! The regret does not deserve beginning.” “真是头疼啊!悔不该当初。” ...... …… At this time, Feng Feiyun and Dongfang Jingyue arrived at Battle Palace another piece of fine jade building Yutai, here full is the spirit smoke, immortal palace float nine days, the ground spirit pond one piece by piece, the dissimilar in shape and form spirit bird played in the spirit pond. 这个时候,风飞云东方镜月来到了斗战宫的另一片琼楼玉台,这里满是灵烟,仙宫悬浮九天,地上灵池一片片,还有形态各异的灵鸟在灵池之中嬉戏。 Long Luofu lives in this. 龙萝浮就住在这里面。 Feng Feiyun, the old man discussed a proper matter to you.” Snow white small duck ran. 风飞云,老夫给你谈一件正经事。”一只雪白的“小鸭子”奔跑了过来。 Naturally is not the duck, is a turtle of leg long neck child long/grows. 自然不是鸭子,是一只腿长脖子长的乌龟。 You not like a proper turtle?” Feng Feiyun does not want to talk irresponsibly with Mao Wugui, has stepped from its top of the head directly the past. “你也不像一只正经的乌龟?”风飞云不想和茅乌龟瞎掰,直接从它的头顶跨了过去。 This time has the proper matter.” A Mao Wugui both legs ball, has flown on the shoulder of Feng Feiyun, pulled in a big way the ear of Feng Feiyun, the mouth to his ear near, said: Adoptive father who I must be your.” “这次是真的有正经事。”茅乌龟双腿一弹,飞到了风飞云的肩膀上,扯大了风飞云的耳朵,嘴巴对着他耳朵边上,道:“我要做你娃的干爹。” passes!” “噗通!” Feng Feiyun seized the tail of Mao Wugui, gave to throw into the pond it, said: Why oneself should why go!” 风飞云擒住了茅乌龟的尾巴,将它给丢进了池塘里面,道:“自己该干嘛干嘛去!” Long Luofu has cherished your kid!” Mao Wugui is choking the water, pays water surface to shout greatly. 龙萝浮怀了你的娃!”茅乌龟在呛水,付出水面大喊道。 !” “啊噗!” The Feng Feiyun body shakes, the pore of skin has opened immediately completely, the heartbeat stopped, foot pin there, after long time, has rubbed the ear, some cannot believe words that heard a moment ago, said: What did you say a moment ago?” 风飞云身体一震,皮肤的毛孔在第一时间全部都张开了,心跳都停止了,脚钉在那里,半晌之后,才揉了揉耳朵,有些不敢相信刚才听到的话,道:“你刚才说什么?” Body also anchoring of Dongfang Jingyue stiffly, in the beautiful pupil extends complex, allium cepa common finger tight pressing firmly between the fingers, the feeling in heart is very strange, as if had any thing to be given to rob. 东方镜月的身体也硬生生的停住,美眸之中延伸复杂,玉葱一般的手指紧紧的捏住,心中的感觉很奇怪,仿佛有什么东西被人给抢走了。 The state of mind of Old Well non- wave, in this moment in the water like sea, becomes the difficult situation. 古井无波的心境,在这一刻就像大海之中的水,变得惊涛骇浪。 Mao Wugui climbed up the shore, said: Old man also recently discovered, after old man's calculation and guess, in addition she does some unusual matters, definitely was on the bosom, should already have three months.” 茅乌龟爬上了岸,道:“老夫也是最近才发现,经过老夫的推算和猜测,再加上她做得一些反常的事,肯定是怀上了,应该已经有三个月。” Three months!” Feng Feiyun said. “三个月!”风飞云道。 Right, three months.” Mao Wugui is widely experienced to press the water the appearance, the person stands, the pair of claws back after behind, face upwards to sigh: You may still remember for three months ago Divine Capital Long Luofu?” “没错,三个月。”茅乌龟一副曾经沧海难为水的样子,人立而起,双爪背在身后,仰天叹道:“你可还记得三个月前神都龙萝浮?” Its this saying, Feng Feiyun also really recorded. 它这一说,风飞云还真就记起来了。 Three months ago, he as if really and Long Luofu indulges to pass the night. 三个月前,他似乎真的和龙萝浮放纵过一夜。 If Long Luofu cherished on his son or the daughter really...... 若是龙萝浮真的怀上了他的儿子或者女儿…… The previous generation this life, Feng Feiyun does not have to work as the experience of father, somewhat is suddenly dumbstruck, what is main is mother or Long Luofu of kid, this really in pit father? 无论是前世今生,风飞云都没有过当爹的经验,一时间有些发懵,最主要的是娃儿的妈还是龙萝浮,这真的是在坑爹吗? Grandpa Liu did not say that my fertility will be very low? Why on such bosom on? 刘爷爷不是说我的生育能力会很低吗?为何就这么怀上了? You , if not want that child, I can help you solve.” After Dongfang Jingyue silent for a long time, said such one. “你若是不想要那孩子,我可以帮你解决掉。”东方镜月沉默了许久之后,说出了这么一句。 „!” Feng Feiyun has coughed two, thought that she was too driving, said: Did not need to trouble you!” “咳咳!”风飞云干咳了两声,觉得她太主动了,道:“不用麻烦你了!” Cannot solve, what she cherishes on is the god embryo, even if Holy Saint comes, is not necessarily able to cut to kill the god embryo in the embryo abdomen.” Mao Wugui said, then also said: Feng Feiyun, how relates great, being intimate with brothers also kiss, adoptive father who I must be the child, no one struggle with me......” “解决不掉,她怀上的乃是神胎,就算是圣灵前来,也未必能够将神胎斩杀在胎腹之中。”茅乌龟说道,然后又道:“风飞云,咋们关系没得说,比亲兄弟还亲,我要做孩子的干爹,谁都别跟我争……” passes!” “噗通!” Mao Wugui threw into the basin. 茅乌龟又被扔进了水池里面。 ...... …… Long Luofu stands in one float above the tower above void, wears the loose golden long gown, the long hair lets fall to ** within, the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is slender, the clear pupil is bright, the lip is ruddy, is looking at historic buildings in Yu City, the body has been short of a dignity of gang of ruler, were many several points of female gently beautifully and pities bashfully. 龙萝浮站在一座悬浮在虚空之上的楼台之上,穿着宽松的金色的长袍,长发垂落至**间,黛眉纤细,清眸明亮,嘴唇红润,望着域城之中的一栋栋古建筑,身上少了一股帝皇的威严,多了几分女子的柔美和羞怜。 already has three months of pregnancy, however her stature actually not too big losing shape, but the milk-white bosom of clothes bringing down becomes full, the jade waist as before has not appeared thick many, the both legs are slender and straight. 已经有三个月的身孕,但是她的身材却并没有太大的走样,只是衣带下的酥胸变得更加的饱满,玉腰依旧没有显得粗多少,双腿纤细而笔直。 Saw that her person only thinks she is the young girl who has not married, who believes that she is the young married woman who unmarried is pregnant first? 见到她的人都只会认为她是一个未出阁的少女,谁会相信她是一个未婚先孕的少妇? „!” “咳咳!” Has broadcast Feng Feiyun the sound of cough. 身后传来了风飞云的咳嗽的声音。 Long Luofu as if already already knows that he came generally, said: Came?” 龙萝浮似乎早就已经知道他来了一般,道:“来了?” Un!” Feng Feiyun stands in her side, the body stands straightly, both eyes flood faint red light, sacred and monster different, the facial expression is very serious, said: Really............ Had the child?” “嗯!”风飞云站在她的身边,身体站得笔直,双目泛着淡淡的红光,神圣而又妖异,神情很严肃,道:“真的……咳咳……有孩子了?” Long Luofu traces the lower abdomen, said: On the same day Divine Capital was encircled, I want to tell you. I feared Divine Capital, once were broken through, I and children must die in inside, is...... But did not have the opportunity.” 龙萝浮摸了摸小腹,道:“当日神都被围的时候,我就想要告诉你。我怕神都一旦被攻破,我和孩子都要死在里面,可是……可是一直都没有机会。” This! I just bought the clothes that some children have worn, the Spirit Beast milk, the crib, the charm amulet, do you look to use?” “这样啊!我刚去买了一些小孩子穿的衣服,还有灵兽奶,婴儿床,护身符,你看能不能用上?” Feng Feiyun knew news that dragon Rove is pregnant, various heart taste take turn, feels helpless very much, does not know oneself should do anything matter to be good, has in hurried running up to Yu City to purchase the clothes and thing that the child wears crazily, at this moment, altogether took from Spirit Stone completely, gives to pile up with the corridor. 风飞云得知龙罗夫怀孕的消息,心头各种滋味交替,很不知所措,也不知自己该做一些什么事才好,只好匆匆忙忙的跑到域城之中疯狂购买小孩子穿的衣服和用品,此刻,一股脑的全部从界灵石之中拿了出来,将走廊都给堆满。
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