SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#875: Uncle complete(ly)

Really behaves badly! These females once were the princesses of some Ji Territory riches and honor families, but actually by Li Tianer robbing, the broken body, then gave these two old things to play with lethal, refine the demon soldiers.” “真是作孽啊!这些女子都曾是季域一些富贵家族的千金小姐,但是却被李天二给抢走、破身,然后又交给这两个老东西玩弄致死,炼成了阴兵。” That is a Li collateral branch beautiful woman, has not thought that Li Tianer Li own clansman does not let off.” Some people together the spirit status will give to recognize, on the face has the look that is regretting. “那是李家旁系的一位美人,没想到李天二连李家自己的族人都不放过。”有人将其中一道精魂的身份给认出,脸上带着惋惜的神色。 These two gloomy old servants were given to be shocked by the Dongfang Jingyue beautiful appearance, is this really world this female of existence? 这两个阴森森的老仆被东方镜月的美貌给惊呆,这真的是人间该存在的女子? They reveal the gaps and omissions the tooth, exudes the hoarse laughter, must give to cut Feng Feiyun, then Dongfang Jingyue kidnapping Li. 他们露出缺漏的牙齿,发出沙哑的笑声,要将风飞云给剁掉,然后就将东方镜月给劫持回李家。 Person who others do not dare to kill ancient clan, I dare to kill.” “别人不敢杀古族的人,我就偏偏敢杀。” Feng Feiyun calls Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, condenses a handle nine meters great blade, a blade has divided, an old servant cutting to fly, the old body succeeded in giving up two sections, throws to dozens zhang (3.33 m) beyond. 风飞云唤出天髓兵胆,凝聚成一柄九米巨刀,一刀劈了出去,将其中一个老仆给斩飞了出去,苍老的身体断成了两截,抛落到数十丈之外。 The blood has splashed a Li Tianer face. 鲜血溅了李天二一脸。 These two old servants are Nirvana 1st-layer Spiritual Master, but actually cannot block a Feng Feiyun blade. 这两个老仆都是涅槃第一重真人,但是却根本挡不住风飞云的一刀。 Blade air/Qi rushing, in falling day Spirit Stone including Yu City cannot suppress. 刀气十分滂湃,连域城之中的陨天灵石都压制不住。 Another old servant was frightened, behind dozens demon soldiers will give heavily to urge hastily, the demon soldiers changed into the cold wind, becomes invisible does not have the trace, but murderous aura actually as before exist, regarding Feng Feiyun. 另一个老仆被吓得不轻,连忙将身后的数十个阴兵都给驱使了出去,阴兵化为了阴风,变得无形无踪,但是一道道杀气却依旧存在,围绕着风飞云 Fokuang shines!” “佛光普照!” Above the body of Feng Feiyun erupts ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) gold/metal, Buddha Qi shoots up to the sky, gives the purification that dozens demon soldiers, changed into the nihility. 风飞云的身体之上爆发出万丈金芒,佛气冲天而起,将那数十个阴兵给净化,化为了虚无。 Bang!” “嘭!” Feng Feiyun backhands a blade, then an old servant cutting to fly, the body stirring will be split up by the blade air/Qi. 风飞云反手一刀,便将个老仆给斩飞,身体被刀气给搅得四分五裂。 His great leap, presses up to toward Li Tianer, body murderous aura unceasing increasing. 他大步前进,向着李天二直逼过去,身上杀气不断的攀升。 Gives to frighten the unceasing retreat Li Tianer and these retinues. 李天二和那些仆从都给吓得不断的后退。 Dongfang Jingyue stands in the center of ancient street, looks that Feng Feiyun raises the back that the blade advances on, the heart has several points to chuckle to oneself, knows Feng Feiyun, although in the surface does not care to oneself, but the heart actually ratio cares about itself to anybody. 东方镜月站在古街的中央,看着风飞云提刀进击的背影,心头有着几分窃喜,知道风飞云虽然表面上对自己一点都不在乎,但是心头却比对任何人都更在乎自己。 I, you am that have killed Meng Family five clan old Half Monster, called...... Called Feng Feiyun.” A Li Tianer behind retinue body shivers, unceasing retreat. “我记起来了,你就是那个杀了梦家五个族老的半妖,叫……叫风飞云。”李天儿身后的一个仆从身体颤抖,不断的后退。 !” “噗!” A Feng Feiyun blade wields, curls up a thin-bladed knife wave, gives to take down the retinues of three Li, is treading the corpse of ground, has arrived at the Li Tianer front step by step. 风飞云一刀挥过去,卷起一片刀浪,将三个李家的仆从给放倒,踏着地上的尸体,一步步的走到了李天二的面前。 Which Li Tianer cannot withstand Feng Feiyun imposing manner, the both legs is trembling, sat down exhausted directly on the ground, the say/way of stuttering: You...... You...... Do you want to do? The my father's name was Li Dajiang, you...... If you dare to move me, my father...... My father will not let off you.” 李天二哪承受得住风飞云身上的气势,双腿在颤栗,直接瘫坐在了地上,结结巴巴的道:“你……你……你要干嘛?我爹叫李大江,你……你若是敢动我,我爹……我爹不会放过你。” Feng Feiyun occupies a commanding position is staring at him, the blade in hand in the drop blood, „I do not kill you!” 风飞云居高临下的盯着他,手中的刀在滴血,“我不杀你!” Li Tianer has delivered the one breath at once. 李天二旋即送了一口气。 !” “噗!” Feng Feiyun has the blade to fall, gives to cleave in two Li Tianer directly, the body flew toward the two sides. 风飞云手起刀落,直接将李天二给劈成了两半,身体向着两边飞了出去。 I do not kill you, how could it not be to wait for you to kill me.” “我不杀你,岂不等你来杀我。” Feng Feiyun blowing to fall the blood above back, received, looked at one toward Dongfang Jingyue, said: Walks!” 风飞云将刀背之上的鲜血给吹落,收了起来,向着东方镜月看了一眼,道:“走吧!” A Dongfang Jingyue pair of limpid double pupil, deep stared at his one eyes, then continues to start off, before Feng Feiyun brought a magnificent fine front door, here White Jade spreads out on the floor, Spirit Stone cast the gate, was very magnificent and expensive. 东方镜月一双清澈的双眸,深深的盯了他一眼,然后继续上路,将风飞云带到了一处华丽精美的大门前,这里白玉铺地,灵石铸门,十分华贵。 The inscribed horizontal tablet above front door writes Battle Palace three large characters. 大门之上的匾额写着“斗战宫”三个大字。 Some Feng Feiyun slightly surprise say/way: They in Battle Palace?” 风飞云微微有些诧异的道:“他们在斗战宫?” Dongfang Jingyue already one step entered Battle Palace first, then passed through to fight to fight the stage and death mystical place, arrived at Battle Palace another region, here tower stood in great numbers, the immortal palace floated the day, beautiful waited on groups. Has passed through a spirit road, arrived at one just like the fairyland common jade palace Hainan building. 东方镜月已经先一步走进了斗战宫,然后穿过一座座斗战台、死亡秘境,来到斗战宫的另一片地域,这里楼台林立,仙宫浮天,美侍成群。走过了一条灵路,来到了一座宛如仙境一般的玉殿琼楼。 Is you!” “是你!” Feng Feiyun has run into an attractive female here, unexpectedly is Battle Palace that deacon, named Lan Wanjing. 风飞云在这里遇到了一个漂亮的女子,竟是斗战宫的那一位执事,名叫“蓝婉晶”。 The Lan Wanjing also very much surprise, gives to recognize Feng Feiyun, was that even/including Fei Half Monster of Meng Family three Epic Level talents, gave her memory to be very profound. 蓝婉晶也很诧异,将风飞云给认出,就是那个连废了梦家三个史诗级别天才的半妖,给她的记忆很深刻。 Will Feng Feiyun come here? 风飞云怎么会来到这里? Must know here, but Battle Palace high-quality region, only then the Battle Palace core member can come. 要知道这里可是斗战宫的高级区域,只有斗战宫的核心成员可以进来。 However Feng Feiyun...... Actually is Half Monster! 但是风飞云……却是一个半妖 Feng Feiyun said with a smile: „It is not I, Battle Palace owes my Spirit Stone, how long can give me?” 风飞云笑道:“可不就是我,斗战宫欠我的灵石,多久可以给我?” Five winning streaks of Feng Feiyun in the death mystical place, has won several hundred Spirit Stone. 风飞云在死亡秘境之中五连胜,赢了数百枚灵石 Lan Wanjing is long quite attractively, skin is also very fair and clear, the eye is bright, said: You in Spirit Stone that in Battle Palace wins, momentarily can receive. How can you with the nobility mansion envoy in the same place?” 蓝婉晶长得颇为漂亮,皮肤也很白净,眼睛明亮,道:“你在斗战宫之中赢取的灵石,随时都可以领取。你怎么会和爵府的使者在一起?” Nobility mansion envoy, Dongfang Jingyue. 爵府的使者,东方镜月 Dongfang Jingyue urged Feng Feiyun: We walk!” 东方镜月催促风飞云:“我们走吧!” Feng Feiyun was smiling to Lan Wanjing, then enters that jade palace Hainan buildings along with Dongfang Jingyue, the heart was also probably understood the Battle Palace backstage should be the battlefield nobility mansion. 风飞云对着蓝婉晶笑了笑,然后便随着东方镜月走进那一片玉殿琼楼,心头也算是大概明白了斗战宫的后台应该就是战地爵府。 The Bi Ningshuai day passes very free, the life is very willful, sits on the cold ice jade chair, the bulk eats the meat, the bulk drinks, has the beautiful woman to accompany, crosses very natural. 毕宁帅的日子过得很逍遥,生活很恣意,坐在寒冰玉椅上,大块吃肉,大块喝酒,有佳人相陪,过得十分潇洒。 Battle Palace these high levels each one are the Nirvana boundary powerhouses, is the Ji Territory cauldron cauldron famous overlord, but is proposing a toast to him at this moment, was saying some words of thinking highly, making the eye of Bi Ningshuai smile to narrow the eyes. 斗战宫的那些高层个个都是涅槃境界的强者,为季域鼎鼎有名的霸主,但是此刻都在给他敬酒,说着一些恭维的话,让毕宁帅的眼睛都笑眯上了。 Until Feng Feiyun and Dongfang Jingyue walked. 直到风飞云东方镜月走了进来。 Wind big Half Monster, Meng Family that many people chase down you, haven't you died unexpectedly?” “风大半妖,梦家那么多人追杀你,你居然都没有死?” Bi Ningshuai is hugging two pretty young girls to sit in the place above of main hall drinks the fine wine, pair of hand some not well-mannered paws on the exquisite graceful bodies of two young girls, the Battle Palace more than ten high levels sit below seat. 毕宁帅正搂着两个貌美的少女坐在大殿的上方喝琼浆,一双手有些不规矩的在两个少女的玲珑曼妙的身体上乱摸,斗战宫的十多个高层都坐在下席。 And an old man in hair gray top of the head crest, after seeing Feng Feiyun, feels quite the surprise. 其中一个头发花白头顶羽冠的老者,看到风飞云之后,感觉到颇为诧异。 This will Half Monster come here? 这个半妖怎么会来到这里? Feng Feiyun a while ago in Battle Palace, but the even/including abandons three Epic Genius, making Battle Palace some high levels know this brave Half Monster name. 风飞云前段时间在斗战宫可是连废三位史诗级别的天才,让斗战宫的一些高层都知道了这个胆大的半妖的名字。 Original Meng Family chases down Feng Feiyun, Battle Palace needs to involve mediated, even warned Meng Family, but Meng Family had climbed up Nine Firmaments Immortal City at that time, making Battle Palace have to consider carefully, therefore has not gotten rid to intervene that matter. 本来梦家追杀风飞云,斗战宫需要介入其中调停,甚至对梦家进行警告,但是当时梦家攀上了九霄仙城,让斗战宫也不得不仔细考虑,所以没有出手干预那件事。 A side is Half Monster, a side is Nine Firmaments Immortal City. 一方是半妖,一方是九霄仙城 Which is the lighter and which is the heavier, Battle Palace these high levels can grasp, therefore has not mediated. 孰轻孰重,斗战宫的这些高层还是能够把握,所以才没有出面去调停。 After all the Half Monster status was too low. 毕竟半妖的地位太低下了。 However what makes them unable to think, the envoy who this Half Monster unexpectedly and nobility mansion comes has the relations, immediately let the Battle Palace high level on the scene uneasy whether sitting or standing, the smiling face on face also became stiff, was looking at the Bi Ningshuai complexion. 但是让他们想不到的是,这个半妖竟然和爵府来的使者有关系,顿时让在场的斗战宫高层都坐立不安了起来,脸上的笑容也变得僵硬,一个个都在看毕宁帅的脸色。 Feng Feiyun took a fast look around these old men in main hall slightly, the say/way of coming straight to the point: Long Luofu where?” 风飞云微微扫视了大殿之中的那些老者,开门见山的道:“龙萝浮在哪里?” Bi Ningshuai a bulk meat choking up, one glass of liquor rinsing the mouth, said with a smile: One raises other woman, you did not fear that Young Lady Dongfang is jealous?” 毕宁帅将一大块肉给哽了下去,将一杯酒给灌进嘴里,笑道:“一来就提别的女人,你也不怕东方姑娘吃醋?” Feng Feiyun said: If Xie Honglian here, feared that now was some people must cry.” 风飞云道:“要是邪红莲现在在这里,怕是有些人就要哭出来了。” Bi Ningshuai hears Xie Honglian after the name, the whole body was the convulsion, was hugging the hand also customs of two young girls slightly, said: Has not looked at the place to Young Master Feng quickly, does not know that Young Master Feng is young master's friend?” 毕宁帅听到“邪红莲”的名字之后,浑身便是痉挛了一下,搂着身边两个少女的手也略微的规矩了一些,道:“还不快给风公子看座,难道不知道风公子乃是本少爷的朋友?” Battle Palace these high levels were daunted, gives Feng Feiyun to offer one's seat to somebody. 斗战宫的那些高层都被吓住了,一个个都去给风飞云让座。 Young Master Feng is the friend who finishes the envoy, is really does not recognize a superior has eyes.” 风公子原来是毕使者的朋友,真是有眼不识泰山。” A Battle Palace old man stands up hastily, offers one's seat to somebody to Feng Feiyun, the heart is on nettles, was bad, was bad, this Half Monster unexpectedly and finishes the envoy and Emissary Dongfang has the relations, one, but this Half Monster investigates the same day matter, what to do can that?” 斗战宫的一位老者连忙站起身来,给风飞云让座,心头忐忑不安,“糟了,糟了,这个半妖竟然和毕使者和东方使者有关系,一但这个半妖追究起当日的事,那可怎么办?” Other these old man also complexion emergencies, heart anxious. 其他的那些老者也都脸色急变,心头紧张了起来。 Feng Feiyun naturally knows that the hearts of Battle Palace these old men are thinking anything, but smiled slightly, pours is impolite, walks directly, sat, said: I have the important matter and you discussed, the irregular people called!” 风飞云自然知道斗战宫这些老者的心头在想着什么,只是微微笑了笑,倒也不客气,直接走过去,坐了下去,道:“我有要事和你谈,不相干的人都叫下去吧!” Bi Ningshuai looked at Battle Palace these old men, looked at the beautiful woman in bosom, thought that Feng Feiyun really did not have the appeal more and more. 毕宁帅看了看斗战宫的那些老者,又看了看怀中的美人,觉得风飞云真是越来越没有情趣了。 He gives to let loose the two young girls in bosom, told, all people in main hall have then drawn back, what had then to say?” 他将怀中的两个少女给放开,吩咐了一声,大殿之中的所有人便都退了下去,“有什么便说吧?” In the main hall then only remains Dongfang Jingyue, Feng Feiyun and Bi Ningshuai. 大殿之中便只剩东方镜月风飞云毕宁帅 Feng Feiyun said: Nine Firmaments Immortal City influence big?” 风飞云道:“九霄仙城的势力有多大?” The Bi Ningshuai knitting the brows head, stares the big eye suddenly, said: Your this major disaster, Nine Firmaments Immortal City some female immortal resting?” 毕宁帅皱了皱眉头,突然瞪大眼睛,道:“你这个大祸害,不会是将九霄仙城的某一位仙姑给睡了吧?” Feng Feiyun no longer rubbish with him, serious say/way: You looked that my present appearance is opening likely plays?” 风飞云不再和他废话,严肃的道:“你看我现在的样子像是在开玩吗?” Bi Ningshuai has also coughed two, received the smiling face on face, said: Nine Firmaments Immortal City is also a top big influence, inherited for 3 million years, the inside story was very scary, historically was born-and-a-half Saints, has left behind some half Saint relics, took out one to overawe ten sides casually, the verbal command eight side mist and dust.” 毕宁帅也是干咳了两声,收起了脸上的笑容,道:“九霄仙城也算是一个顶级大势力,传承3000000年了,底蕴十分吓人,历史上曾经诞生过一位半圣,留下了一些半圣遗物,随便取出一件都能威震十方,号令八方烟尘。” Especially boundary south the day, the influence and status placed absolutely first five. The territory of Nine Firmaments Immortal City peripheral dozens big territory main almost will obey the highest heaven City Lord transfer order, big of influence, even if 100 Meng Family such ancient clan, in the Nine Firmaments Immortal City front are also only the small trash.” “又特别是在天南境,影响力和地位绝对排在前五。九霄仙城周边数十个大域的域主几乎都会听从九霄城主的调令,影响力之大,就算100个梦家这样的古族加起来,在九霄仙城的面前也不过只是小渣渣。” Then compared with battlefield nobility mansion and Nine Firmaments Immortal City?” Feng Feiyun asked. “那么战地爵府和九霄仙城相比呢?”风飞云问道。 Bi Ningshuai has laughed immediately, said: This absolutely did not have comparability.” 毕宁帅顿时大笑了起来,道:“这个就完全没有可比性了。” „Does the battlefield nobility mansion also compare Nine Firmaments Immortal City?” “难道战地爵府也比不过九霄仙城?” Bi Ningshuai that's all gives up, said: Boundary of Nine Firmaments Immortal City south the day, or the southwest 12 boundaries, has not the small influence, however missed in the front of battlefield nobility mansion was too far. You really Nine Firmaments Immortal City annoying?” 毕宁帅罢了罢手,道:“九霄仙城在天南境,或者说西南12境,都有不小的影响力,但是在战地爵府的面前还是差了太远。你不会真的是将九霄仙城给惹到了吧?” Annoyed to be also what kind of?” “惹到了又怎么样?” The Bi Ningshuai knitting the brows head, said: This matter said that troublesome also troubles, said simply also simple, but does not know that you have annoyed the big matter? If merely is only the minor matter, I can act to help you level.” 毕宁帅皱了皱眉头,道:“这件事说麻烦也麻烦,说简单也简单,只是不知道你到底惹了多大的事?若仅仅只是小事,我可以出面帮你摆平。” Has robbed the Nine Firmaments Immortal City Young City Lord new bride, is this important matter?” Feng Feiyun said with a smile. “抢走了九霄仙城少城主的新娘子,这算不算大事?”风飞云笑道。 The entire main hall was peaceful immediately! 整个大殿顿时安静了下来!
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