SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#900: To fighting Nirvana 4th-layer

Originally is Grade 7 Spirit Artifact, the handle hammer in my hand should be more formidable than Grade 7 Spirit Artifact, but the strength lived by the seal.” Shi Dakai gruff crazy smiled, shakes the burning electricity in hand to fight the hammer, quite somewhat dai Chinese zither. “原来是七品灵器,俺手中的这一柄锤子应该就比七品灵器更强大,只是力量被封印住了。”石大开憨痴痴的一笑,晃了晃手中的焚电战锤,颇有几分嘚瑟。 This is a Ascension sage had used the war hammer, has not achieved the Grade 7 Spirit Artifact rank is the strange event. 这是一位羽化贤者曾经使用过的战锤,没有达到七品灵器的级别才是怪事。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Also troop white spider seductress/evil spirit ran away toward here, wants to run out of the magma sea to run away. 又有一大群白蛛妖精向着这边逃了过来,想要冲出岩浆海洋逃走。 Altogether more than 1000, the quantity is very fully crowded, moving mountains crawled, makes rustle sound, to person an absolutely terrified feeling. 一共足有1000多只,数量十分密集,排山倒海的爬了过来,发出“簌簌”的声音,给人一种毛骨悚然的感觉。 Each more than one meter high, the spider shell is bright, Monster Qi ascends, both eyes are red, murderous aura is swift and fierce, simultaneously put out a spider's silk, blotting out the sky has swept across. 每一只都有一米多高,蛛壳鲜亮,妖气升腾,双目通红,杀气凌厉,同时吐出一口蛛丝,铺天盖地的席卷了过来。 Locks the soul abstention!” “锁魂戒!” Feng Feiyun offered a sacrifice to a plain ring, changed into an iron hoop, was hanging the expansive sky, sent out four to plunder the person soul the strength. 风飞云祭出了一枚古朴的戒指,化为了一个铁环,悬挂长空,发出一道道肆掠人灵魂的力量。 This is Grade 7 Spirit Artifact that seizes from the hand of that white spider seductress/evil spirit, the might is very powerful, can display 56 times of striking power, the Spirit Artifact ray spews out, gave to change into the white the entire backdrop, caved in like the single layer backdrop, assigned over a thousand spider's silks. 这是从那个白蛛妖精的手中夺过来的七品灵器,威力很强大,能发挥出56倍的攻击力,灵器的光芒喷涌而出,将整个天幕都给化为了白色,像一重天幕沉陷出来,将上千道蛛丝给定住。 Bang!” “轰!” In both eyes of Feng Feiyun projects two flames, falls to the spider's silk above, over a thousand have burnt immediately with the spider's silk. 风飞云的双目之中射出两道火光,落到蛛丝之上,顿时上千跟蛛丝都燃烧了起来。 Over a thousand white spider seductresses/evil spirits have simultaneously made Spirit Artifact, more than 1000 Spirit Artifact have pressed like all over the sky the stars common bang, Spirit Artifact in unceasing turnover radiance, the strength is very fearful, resembles to the world disintegration. 上千只白蛛妖精同时打出了一道灵器,1000多件灵器就像满天星辰一般的轰压了下来,灵器在不断的吞吐光华,力量十分慑人,似要将天地崩碎。 This strength forces Feng Feiyun also exploding speedily to draw back, in hand last day hot symbol throwing. 这一股力量迫使风飞云也疾速的爆退,手中将最后一张“天火符”给扔了出去。 This is 300,000 talisman, every time makes one to make Feng Feiyun love dearly especially. 这可是300000枚一张的符箓,每打出一张都让风飞云格外心疼。 Bang!” “轰!” talisman blasts out, erupts the everywhere hot glow. 符箓炸开,爆发出漫天火芒。 A huge sea of fire has attacked the past toward that more than 1000 white spider seductresses/evil spirits. 一片庞大的火海向着那1000多只白蛛妖精冲击了过去。 More than 1000 white spider seductresses/evil spirits offered a sacrifice to Spirit Artifact to link up into a single stretch the defense day fire talisman ominous prestige, but some cultivation base low seductresses/evil spirits by the flame burning and burning, several hundred monster corpses fell in the magma. 1000多只白蛛妖精都祭出了灵器连成一片防御天火符箓的凶威,但是其中一些修为较低的妖精还是被火焰给烧死和烧伤,有数百具妖尸掉落在岩浆之中。 My military exploit!” “我的军功啊!” Feng Feiyun the monster skin throwing over on the body, in the hand is pinching Ascension talisman, has crashed in that crowd of white spider seductresses/evil spirits directly, must salvage the white Zhuyao corpse in magma. 风飞云将妖皮给披在身上,手中捏着羽化符箓,直接冲进了那一群白蛛妖精之中,要去打捞岩浆之中的白蛛妖尸。 Bang!” “嘭!” The arm of Feng Feiyun is covering a white radiance, is the stars so is likely bright eye-catchingly, a palm pats, directly hitting to fly a Nirvana 3rd-layer white spider seductress/evil spirit, like raising flies a scarecrow. 风飞云的手臂笼罩着一层白茫茫的光华,像是星辰那么灿烂夺目,一掌拍出去,直接将一个涅槃第三重的白蛛妖精给打飞了出去,就像掀飞一个稻草人。 Seven Nirvana 2nd-layer white spider seductresses/evil spirits simultaneously shell from the back, the spider arm like the divine blade, cuts the air to split. 七个涅槃第二重的白蛛妖精同时从背后轰击过来,蛛臂就像神刀,斩得空气都要裂开。 Gives me dead.” “给我去死。” Feng Feiyun wields the arm, the Ascension strength shells, hitting is split up seven white spider seductresses/evil spirits. 风飞云一挥手臂,羽化的力量轰击出去,将七只白蛛妖精给打得四分五裂。 Feng Feiyun fights, while the collection falls in the monster corpse to magma, does not remember that now already collected many monster corpse to Spirit Stone. 风飞云一边战斗,一边收集掉落到岩浆之中的妖尸,也不记得现在已经收集了多少具妖尸到界灵石之中了。 Changed into the human form attractive female seductress/evil spirit, flies to fall to the Feng Feiyun top of the head. 一只化为了人形的漂亮女妖精,飞落到风飞云的头顶。 She wears the white war armor, the under foot has the river that Monster Qi condenses to flow, head long hair counter volume backdrop, each inch skin is flowing the miraculous glow. 她身披白色的战铠,脚下有一条妖气凝聚成的大河在流动,头上的长发逆卷天幕,每一寸的皮肤都在流动灵光。 Feng Feiyun felt that huge pressure, likely was a mountain horizontally in own top of the head, momentarily will pound to fall. 风飞云感觉到了庞大的压力,像是一座大山横在了自己的头顶,随时都会砸落下来。 Why locks the soul to abstain in your hands? Was Imperial Concubine Princess Yuan, given to seize by you?” That changes into on human form female seductress/evil spirit to send out a boundless imposing manner, the imposing manner condensed the essence, has pressed toward the Feng Feiyun top of the head bang. “锁魂戒为何在你的手中?妃媛公主,是不是被你给擒住了?”那一个化为人形女妖精身上散发出一股磅礴的气势,气势都凝聚成了实质,向着风飞云的头顶轰压了下去。 Princess your younger sister!” Feng Feiyun a monster skin shelling, the monster character above monster skin bloomed the eye-catching ray, the suppression vault of heaven. “公主你妹啊!”风飞云将一张妖皮给轰击了出去,妖皮之上的妖字绽放出夺目的光芒,镇压苍穹。 This lock soul abstention is Feng Feiyun seizes from a hand of Monster Clan female seductress/evil spirit, although this female seductress/evil spirit is a young leader, but actually absolutely possibly is not a Monster Clan princess, cracks a joke a Monster Clan princess will condescend to fall expensively pries the information? 这一枚锁魂戒是风飞云从一个妖族女妖精的手中夺过来,这个女妖精虽然乃是一个小首领,但是却绝对不可能是一个妖族的公主,开玩笑一个妖族的公主会屈尊降贵的去刺探情报? Naturally Feng Feiyun also thought that that Monster Clan female seductress/evil spirit definitely has not the small status, but after all the soul mark in her mind under the Monster Clan Great Sage arrange/cloth, the ordinary female seductress/evil spirit does not have such treatment. 当然风飞云也觉得那个妖族的女妖精肯定还是有不小的身份,毕竟她脑海之中的灵魂印记可是妖族大贤者布下,普通的女妖精可是没有这样的待遇。 The female monster that this kills suddenly reason that said such words, should be is afraid Feng Feiyun the female seductress/evil spirit butchering that was called imperial concubine Yuan, therefore has pressed a princess's status to her. 这个突然杀出来的女妖之所以说出这样的话,应该是害怕风飞云将那个叫做“妃媛”的女妖精给宰了,所以才给她按了一个公主的身份。 Dares to get rid to me unexpectedly on own initiative, really courts death!” “竟然敢主动对我出手,真是找死!” A that female seductress/evil spirit physique is slender, the armor is attractive, the nape of the neck is slender, the waist was slender, takes out one to fight the sword, both hands grasps the sword, divided in the sky, will carve the monster skin cutting off directly an corner/horn. 那个一个女妖精身姿窈窕,铠甲光鲜,脖颈修长,腰肢纤细,取出了一口战剑,双手握剑,当空一劈,直接将刻着妖皮给斩断的一角。 That monster character above monster skin gloomy several points. 就连妖皮之上的那个妖字都暗淡了几分。 The monster character that the Ascension big monster carves cannot block her unexpectedly. 羽化大妖刻下的妖字竟然都挡不住她。 Was bad, hit on the sheet iron, this was a Nirvana 4th-layer female monster.” “糟了,撞到铁板上了,这是一个涅槃第四重的女妖。” Feng Feiyun saw that this female monster gets rid, then immediately judges her cultivation base, the Nirvana 4th-layer boundary. 风飞云看到这个女妖出手,便立即判断出她的修为,涅槃第四重的境界。 In sixth Yang Dynasty Nirvana 4th-layer cultivation base already can be labeled as ancient clan the old ancestor, from this can judge her great strength, in a Nirvana boundary each phase difference boundary, the strength disparity is quite big, the Nirvana 4th-layer old ancestor is not these Nirvana 3rd-layer monsters can compare absolutely. 在第六中央王朝涅槃第四重修为已经可以被封为古族的老祖,由此可以判断出她的强大,在涅槃境每相差一个境界,力量差距都相当大,涅槃第四重的老祖绝对不是那些涅槃第三重的妖可以比拟。 This is one can attack the female monster of Ascension boundary. 这是一个可以冲击羽化境的女妖。 Carves the monster skin of Ascension monster character to be cut broken by her two swords, the monster character was given to cut broken by her. 刻着羽化妖字的妖皮被她两剑斩破,妖字都被她给斩碎。 At this time Sir Kong Hou does not know where fought, could not see the trace, these Half Monster Union Half Monster elites also 3322, at all some impossible people to help him block this female seductress/evil spirit. 这个时候孔侯大人也不知战到了何方,看不见踪影,那些半妖盟半妖精英也都3322,根本不可能有人来帮他挡住这一尊女妖精。 Three soldier lengths are really are not reasonable, unexpectedly has not given to kill off the Nirvana 3rd-layer above monster, then troubled in a big way.” “三位兵长真是太不靠谱了,居然都没有将涅槃第三重以上的妖给杀尽,这下麻烦大了。” The destruction strength that the Nirvana 4th-layer monster can display but the no small matter, does not pay attention to be able these Half Monster Union elites to give slightly to cut to kill completely. 涅槃第四重的妖能够发挥出来的毁灭力可是非同小可,稍不注意就能将那些半妖盟的精英全部给斩杀。 Feng Feiyun launched the samsara speedily body to sink to the bottom, ran away toward the distant place. 风飞云展开了轮回疾速身体沉入了地底,向着远处逃遁。 Also wants to run away!” “还想逃!” That female seductress/evil spirit pursued the bottom wonderfully, the speed also quick incomparable, the war sword in hand wielded in the place bottom fiercely, several hundred miles long sword air/Qi has swept across together. 那一只女妖精跟着追进了地底,速度也奇快无比,手中的战剑在地底猛地一挥,一道数百里长的剑气席卷了出去。 Early knew Mao Wugui feeding in the heaven.” “早知道就不将茅乌龟给送进天国之中了。” The sword air/Qi is very sharp, the cutting rock looks like in the cutting bean curd. 剑气很是锋利,切割岩石就像是在切割豆腐块。 Feng Feiyun made one to defend talisman, has haunched three white light covers above the body. 风飞云打出了一道防御符箓,在身体之上撑起了三层白茫茫的光罩。 Bang! Bang!” “嘭!嘭!” The sword air/Qi sweeps across, both gives to cut broken two light covers. 剑气席卷过来,将两层光罩都给斩破。 The Feng Feiyun body was also also attacked, violent has dashed forward. 风飞云也身体也受到了冲击,猛烈的向前冲撞了一下。 Speed strange Kuai of that female seductress/evil spirit not leaves, even if Feng Feiyun has launched the samsara speedily, is far from her being quick, quick will be overtaken. 那一个女妖精的速度奇快无别,风飞云即便是展开了轮回疾速,也远远没有她快,很快就会被追上。 Feng Feiyun open/stretch Kunpeng a speedily symbol pasting on leg, the speed exploded increased three times, even if in the rock, the speed also quickly must look like leaves the string the arrow. 风飞云将一张鲲鹏疾速符给贴在了腿上,速度爆增了三倍,即便是在岩石之中,速度也快得像离弦的箭。 „!” “咻!” Also sword air/Qi has divided together, on the final level light Feng Feiyun covers cutting broken, his clothes of carrying on the back cutting one, has left behind a bloodstain, blood a little bit toward ground dripped to fall. 又一道剑气劈了过来,将风飞云身上最后一层光罩给斩破,将他的背上的衣服给斩下了一块,留下了一道血痕,鲜血一滴滴的往地上淌落。 Dead young married woman, if later were given to seize by me, must your clothes digging up light.” “死婆娘,待会若是被我给擒住,非要将你身上的衣服一件一件的扒光。” Feng Feiyun clenches jaws, to escape, his already wasted one to defend talisman and open/stretch Kunpeng a speedily symbol, this was value hundreds of thousands of Spirit Stone. Took hundreds of thousands of Spirit Stone, already can go to the side happy sacred place in these Immortal City to stroll, Immortal Sect female member who can play the Nirvana boundary, but can also drink several days of spirit liquor. 风飞云咬牙切齿,为了逃命,他已经浪费了一张防御符箓和一张鲲鹏疾速符,这可是价值数十万枚灵石。拿着数十万枚灵石,已经可以去那些仙城之中的极乐圣地逛一圈了,可以玩涅槃境界的仙门女修士,还能喝好几天的灵酒。 Speed strange Kuai of person of monster, quick rushed to beyond hundreds of thousands of miles. 一人一妖的速度奇快,很快就冲到了数十万里之外。 Feng Feiyun has broken through the ground suddenly, the direct impact expansive sky, gives to wear dragon Linfeng the leather clothing, the body erupts rushing the war air/Qi immediately, the power and influence is vast. 风飞云豁然冲破了地面,直冲长空,将龙鳞凤皮衣给穿上,身上顿时爆发出一股滂湃的战气来,威势浩大。 Bang!” “嘭!” That female seductress/evil spirit also flushed from the ground, the exquisite graceful body is spotless, the white light is graceful, long hair such as white waterfall. 那一个女妖精也从地面之下冲了出来,玲珑曼妙的身体一尘不染,白光盈盈,长发如白色的瀑布。 Her pupil light ice-cold, mobile monster light, in the sky a sword chops to fall, sword air/Qi like a Milky Way. 她的眸光冰冷,流动妖光,当空一剑劈落下来,剑气就像一条天河。 After Feng Feiyun wears dragon Linfeng the leather clothing, the strength rose a big truncation, offers a sacrifice to Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, changed into a white long spear/gun, punctured, the lance point bombardment above the knife point, a turbulent strength has attacked from the rifle stock, shakes the arm of Feng Feiyun fiercely to shake, the five fingers were almost shaken. 风飞云穿上龙鳞凤皮衣之后,力量攀升了一大截,祭出天髓兵胆,化为了一杆白色的长枪,刺了过去,枪尖轰击在刀锋之上,一股汹涌的力量从枪杆之上冲击了过来,震得风飞云的手臂猛地一抖,五指都差一点被震断了。 Nirvana 3rd-layer and Nirvana 4th-layer, although differs a boundary merely, but the strength disparity is enormous, is very difficult to surmount. A Nirvana 4th-layer quite therefore ridge, the innumerable member will give to keep off under this boundary. 涅槃第三重涅槃第四重虽然仅仅相差一个境界,但是力量差距却极大,很难跨越。涅槃第四重就相当于是一个坎,将无数的修士都给挡在了这个境界之下。 This like Half Monster Union, the Nirvana 3rd-layer Half Monster elder, each territory can discover more than ten, even dozens, but Nirvana 4th-layer Half Monster is also very rare, was regarded the rare animal to protect. 这就像像半妖盟,涅槃第三重半妖长老,每一个域都能找出十多位,甚至数十位,但是涅槃第四重半妖也十分罕见,被当成稀有动物在保护。 Naturally any Half Monster that can achieve Nirvana 4th-layer, is exceptionally formidable existences. 当然凡是能够达到涅槃第四重半妖,都是异常强大的存在。 Even if Feng Feiyun at this moment wore dragon Linfeng the leather clothing unable to be invincible, was almost shaken the fingers/tiger mouth to split by this female seductress/evil spirit, the body exploded draws back several miles to stand firm. 风飞云此刻即便是穿上了龙鳞凤皮衣也不能无敌,差点被这一只女妖精震得虎口裂开,身体爆退了数里远才站定。 Naturally that female monster also felt that strenuous, the star pupil lives the wave, is very astonished is staring at Feng Feiyun, felt that during the strength breakthroughs of Feng Feiyun inflated five times to continue, can actually block her sword. 当然那一只女妖也感觉到了吃力,星眸生波,很是惊异的盯着风飞云,感觉到风飞云的力量突破间膨胀了五倍不止,竟然能够挡住她的一剑。 Sword rain!” “剑雨!” Feng Feiyun condenses several thousand handle white flying swords Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, each handle only then the palm of the hand is big, flew like a piece of meteor shower generally. 风飞云天髓兵胆凝聚成数千柄白色的飞剑,每一柄都只有巴掌大,像一片流星雨一般的飞了出去。 Jade xuan sword territory!” “琅嬛剑域!” ancient Zhanjian in female seductress/evil spirit hand becomes has more than 300 meters fully, changed into a sword mountain, above the sword blade erupted a huge sword intent, condensed a sword territory. 女妖精手中的古战剑变得足有300多米长,化为了一座剑山,剑身之上爆发出一股庞大的剑意,凝聚成一座剑域。 Like an sword-shaped Divine Mountain float above void, the demonic fog is mobile, sword air/Qi able to move unhindered. 像一座剑形的神山悬浮在虚空之上,妖雾流动,剑气纵横。 Several thousand handle white flying swords were given the influence by that sword intent, is unable to prick in sword mountain, kept off outside, like wave of sword rain general flies regarding sword mountain. 数千柄白色的飞剑被那一股剑意给影响,根本无法刺入剑山之中,被挡在了外面,像一波剑雨一般的围绕着剑山飞行。 This is the territory that sword air/Qi condenses, likely is the world of sword intent. 这是剑气凝聚成的域,像是剑意的世界。 Once cultivation base has achieved Nirvana 4th-layer, can cultivation territory own, once cultivates territory, has almost been built on the undefeated region. 一旦修为达到了涅槃第四重,就可以修炼属于自己的“域”,一旦修炼成“域”,就几乎是立于了不败的境地。
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