SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#872: Dongfang Jingyue and Tai Wei

Is she!” “是她!” Feng Feiyun stands above the wilderness, launches Heavenly Eye of Phoenix, in the double pupil has two phoenixes to fly in the shadow, immediately had discovered flies Tai Wei above expansive sky, she holds Ancient Zither single-handed, the jade white finger is swaying above Ancient Zither, sends out sharp sound waves. 风飞云站在旷野之上,展开凤凰天眼,双瞳之中有两只凤凰在影子在飞,在第一时间发现了飞在长空之上的太微,她单手捧着古筝,玉白的手指在古筝之上拂动,发出一道道锋利的音波。 The Tai Wei appearance beautiful woman, immortal face absolute beauty, has a holy beauty, each movement has been full of the aesthetic sense, the finger gently moves, then the big section ground disrupts, changed into the cracks in the earth canyon. 太微的容貌倾城,仙颜绝丽,有着一种圣洁的美,每一个动作都充满了美感,手指轻轻的一动,便有一大段地面碎裂开,化为了地裂峡谷。 With person who she fights, is a white clothing female. 与她交手的人,也是一个白衣女子。 On the face of this female is hoodwinking white fine gauze, the body has miraculous glows to surround, in the hand is holding a ruby pipa, the low-altitude flying. She flies, while plays pipa, has sent out formidable sound waves. 这个女子的脸上蒙着一层白色的轻纱,身上有一道道灵光在环绕,手中捧着一只红玉琵琶,低空飞行。她一边飞行,一边弹奏琵琶,也发出了一道道强大的音波。 After seeing this female, Feng Feiyun stares immediately, Dongfang Jingyue.” 看到这个女子之后,风飞云顿时一愣,“东方镜月。” Right, with person Dongfang Jingyue that Tai Wei fights. 没错,与太微交手的人正是东方镜月 Those who let of the Feng Feiyun surprise is, Dongfang Jingyue cultivation base is not unexpectedly weaker than Tai Wei many, two people fight well-matched, is on a par above the attainments of temperament, the piece of sound wave around them void covered completely, has created the huge destructive power. 风飞云更加诧异的是,东方镜月修为竟然不比太微弱多少,两人战得旗鼓相当,在音律的造诣之上不相伯仲,音波将她们周围的一片虚空给完全笼罩,造成了巨大的破坏力。 When did Dongfang Jingyue this dead young married woman become such fierce? 东方镜月这死婆娘什么时候变得这么厉害了? Moreover, does she arrive at sixth Yang Dynasty? 而且,她是怎么来到第六中央王朝 Bad woman, the bad woman......” a whole body is the flame myna flaps the wing to fly regarding Dongfang Jingyue, the bird mouth keeps was calling, scolded Tai Wei is the bad woman. “坏女人,坏女人……”一只满身都是火焰的“八哥”扑扇着翅膀围绕着东方镜月飞行,鸟嘴不停的叫着,骂太微是坏女人。 Myna that flown, saw Feng Feiyun above distant place wilderness, immediately strains the voice to yell: Feng Feiyun, Feng Feiyun, the wind big bastard, the wind big duck egg, is about to help to destroy the woman.” 那一只正在飞行的八哥,看到了远处旷野之上的风飞云,顿时扯着嗓门大叫道:“风飞云,风飞云,风大坏蛋,风大鸭蛋,快过来帮忙打坏女人。” Dongfang Jingyue that at this time encountered has discovered Feng Feiyun with Tai Wei, but the expressions of these two females respectively were different, although Dongfang Jingyue was bringing the veil, but actually as before can see that on her face was having the happy expression. 这个时候正在交锋的东方镜月太微都发现了风飞云,但是这两个女子的表情则各不一样,东方镜月虽然带着面纱,但是却依旧能够看出她的脸上带着喜色。 But Tai Wei full is the scruples look, rapidly with the Dongfang Jingyue move back distance. 太微则满是顾忌的神色,迅速和东方镜月拉远了距离。 Long Jiangling, how also is really the enemies often cross each other's path!” 龙姜玲,咋们还真是冤家路窄!” Feng Feiyun long smiles one, the clothes robe raises, flies to set out suddenly, the dantian position departed black radiance, the Ascension stage flew together, has suppressed the past toward Tai Wei. 风飞云长笑一声,衣袍扬起,豁然飞起身来,丹田的位置飞出一道黑色的光华,羽化台飞了出来,向着太微镇压了过去。 Tai Wei naturally knows that Feng Feiyun already broke through Nirvana 1st-layer, felt that Feng Feiyun Divine Sense becomes formidable, after offering a sacrifice to the Ascension stage, will possibly break the soul barrier that she arranges, gives the suppression her using the strength of Ascension stage. 太微自然知道风飞云已经突破了涅槃第一重,感觉到风飞云神识变得更加的强大,祭出羽化台之后,很可能会打破她布置的灵魂屏障,利用羽化台的力量将她给镇压。 When she sees Feng Feiyun first, then the rapid retreat, changed into fine glow to run away toward the backdrop beside. 所以在她看到风飞云的第一眼的时候,便迅速的后退,化为了一道精芒向着天幕之外逃走。 Where runs away!” “哪里逃!” Feng Feiyun pursues, speedily displays the pinnacle the samsara. 风飞云追击上去,将轮回疾速施展到极致。 The Ascension stage becomes has mountain to be so high fully. 羽化台变得足有山岳那么高。 Above the Ascension stage together soul mark flashed, a soul strength departs, has shelled the past toward Tai Wei. 羽化台之上其中一道灵魂印记闪动了起来,一股灵魂力量飞出,向着太微轰击了过去。 The body of Tai Wei appears the innumerable person's shadows, changes into together the soul barrier, the first wave of soul strength that on the Ascension stage attacks blocking. 太微的身上浮现出无数个人影,化为一道灵魂屏障,将羽化台上冲击过来的第一波灵魂力量给挡住。 Bang!” “嘭!” The soul barrier that she arranges in fierce rocking, was almost dashed. 她布置的灵魂屏障在剧烈的晃动,差一点被撞破。 Was bad! The Feng Feiyun Divine Sense strength was too strong, surmounts member dozens times with boundary.” The Tai Wei heart has an ominous premonition, after she arrived at Ji Territory, in tracing Feng Feiyun, wants to catch up before Feng Feiyun breaks through Nirvana 1st-layer his suppress and kill, but did not have the appropriate getting rid opportunity. “糟了!风飞云神识力量太强大了,超越同境界的修士数十倍。”太微的心头生出一股不祥的预感,她来到了季域之后,就一直在追踪风飞云,想要赶在风飞云突破涅槃第一重之前将他镇杀,但是一直都没有合适的出手机会。 She has a dream has not thought, Feng Feiyun will break through the Nirvana 1st-layer speed so to be quick, other talent outstanding will take over a hundred years may break through this bottleneck, but he merely only has actually used for several months, even if will be Holy Saint young time will run into him, it is estimated that will be irritated. 她做梦都没有想到,风飞云突破涅槃第一重的速度会这么快,别的天才俊杰都需要上百年的时间才可能冲破这一个瓶颈,但是他却仅仅只用了几个月,就算是圣灵年轻的时候遇到他,估计都会被气死。 Long Jiangling, you could not escape.” 龙姜玲,你逃不掉了。” Feng Feiyun this is first time chases down Long Jiangling, before was given to chase down by her. 风飞云这是第一次追杀龙姜玲,以前都是被她给追杀。 Feng Feiyun, do not compel me and your fight in which both sides perish.” Tai Wei flies in front, is harnessing auspicious cloud, called a handle white spirit sword, the jade has referred to a ball gently, the spirit sword changed into 999 sword shades, such as sword rain flew toward Feng Feiyun. 风飞云,你别逼我和你鱼死网破。”太微飞在前面,驾着祥云,唤来了一柄白色的灵剑,玉指轻轻的一弹,灵剑化为999道剑影,如一片剑雨向着风飞云飞去。 Feng Feiyun called Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, changed into a handle nine meters great blade, both hands grasps the hilt, the knife is having four bodies to be so long fully. 风飞云唤出了天髓兵胆,化为一柄九米长的巨刀,双手握着刀柄,刀身足有四个身体那么长。 A blade has divided, above knife point departs together dragon Xing the blade air/Qi, 999 sword shades twisting broken. 一刀劈了出去,刀锋之上飞出一道龙形的刀气,将999道剑影给绞碎。 That handle white spirit sword that Tai Wei offers a sacrifice to also by Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall swallowing soldier soul, radiance is gloomy, turns into together the waste forging scrap to the ground. 就连太微祭出的那一柄白色的灵剑也被天髓兵胆给吞噬了兵魂,光华暗淡,变成一块废铁落到地上。 The Ascension stage has made a strength of soul once more, changes into together the light arrow, punctures toward the back of the head of Tai Wei. 羽化台再次打出了一道灵魂的力量,化为一道光箭,向着太微的后脑勺刺去。 Bang!” “轰!” The Tai Wei heart position spreads a god to be happy, condenses the belief the strength, gives to block the strength of soul above the Ascension stage makes, was believed obliterating. 太微的心脏位置传出一声神乐,凝聚出信仰的力量,将羽化台之上打出的灵魂的力量给挡住,被信仰给磨灭掉。 What's the matter?” The Feng Feiyun heart felt that is not wonderful. “怎么回事?”风飞云的心头感觉到不妙。 Tai Wei also surprise slightly, at once understood, smiles, no longer runs away, said: I understood, the strength of belief came from in the soul of all living things hopes the strength, came from in the strength of soul, is higher than the soul the strength. Therefore all living things the strength of belief, can resist the soul suppression of Ascension stage. Haha! Feng Feiyun, I thought how you now also how me?” 太微也微微的诧异,旋即明白了过来,嫣然一笑,不再逃窜,道:“我明白了,信仰的力量源自于众生的灵魂愿力,源自于灵魂的力量,又高于灵魂的力量。所以众生的信仰之力,能够抵挡羽化台的灵魂压制。哈哈!风飞云,我看你现在还如何奈何得了我?” The Long Jiangling cultivation „a heart plants god, takes the Goddess Tai Wei state of mind to plant as god, has captured Tai Wei Divine Foundation, has captured Goddess Tai Wei all strength of belief. 龙姜玲修炼“道心种神”,以太微女神的神魂为“神种”,夺取了太微神基,也夺取了太微女神的所有信仰之力。 Feng Feiyun inspires the strength of Ascension stage once more, made more formidable soul strength, the strength of soul almost condenses the Long Jiangling shadow together. 风飞云再次引动羽化台的力量,打出一道更加强大的灵魂力量,灵魂的力量几乎凝聚成了龙姜玲的影子。 However for the Tai Wei actually incarnation a god is evil, just like one Goddess that descends to earth from the paradise, the body has the strengths of innumerable belief to revolve, soul strength that Feng Feiyun attacks striking powder. 但是太微却化身为了一尊神邪,宛如一位从仙界下凡的神女,身上有无数信仰的力量围绕,将风飞云攻击过来的灵魂力量给击散。 Feng Feiyun, only if your cultivation base can high I, otherwise you are impossible the strength that breaks through to believe.” Tai Wei is long and Nangong Hongyan is exactly the same, but at this moment her soul is actually Empress Long Jiangling, wants to kill Feng Feiyun wholeheartedly, by never recurring trouble. 风飞云除非你的修为能够高过我,不然你不可能攻破信仰的力量。”太微长得和南宫红颜一模一样,但是此刻她的灵魂却是女帝龙姜玲,一心想要杀风飞云,以绝后患。 Tai Wei is unscrupulous, the arm wields, a white dragon shade then flew, over a hundred, each coordinated process shade has the strength of collapse heaven broken place fully. 太微再无顾忌,手臂一挥,一片白色的龙影便飞了过去,足有上百条,每一条龙影都有崩天碎地的力量。 Bang!” “嘭!” The sound wave across the sky flies together, that white dragon shade cutting off. 一道音波横空飞来,将那一片白色的龙影给斩断。 Dongfang Jingyue is bringing the white veil, carries on the back a pair of white light wing, the double pupil lovingly, likely is one female celestial that goes out of the picture scroll, the white clothing red pipa, flies in the low altitude, fell side Feng Feiyun, has been full of the elusive beautiful rhyme. 东方镜月带着白色的面纱,背上有一对白色的光翼,双眸含情,像是一个从画卷之中走出的仙女,白衣红琵琶,飞在低空,落到了风飞云身旁,充满了空灵的美韵。 That sound wave was she plays together. 刚才的那一道音波就是她弹奏出。 Feng Feiyun has not looked at Dongfang Jingyue one, gives to wear dragon Linfeng the leather clothing, the body flushed one immediately bright aggressive, like having dragon and phoenix took possession, blood energy ascended, the stride advanced on, said: Does not use the Ascension stage, I can also suppress you.” 风飞云并没有看东方镜月一眼,将龙鳞凤皮衣给穿上,身上顿时冲起了一股煌煌霸气,就像有龙凤附体,身上的血气升腾了起来,大步进击,道:“不用羽化台,我也能镇压你。” Bang!” A Feng Feiyun foot pedal in ground, the soil of under foot instantaneously burned black, turned into the mirror surface, the body rebound went, both hands were grasping the great blade, cut in the sky. “嘭!”风飞云一脚蹬在地面上,脚下的泥土瞬间焦黑,变成了镜面,身体反弹而去,双手握着巨刀,当空一斩。 A blade river runs out from the knife point, sweeps across the entire world. 一条刀河从刀锋之上冲出,席卷整个天地。 Although Tai Wei cultivation base has achieved broken 3rd-layer, but actually does not dare to meet Feng Feiyun this blade, called a giant stone to arrange Formation hastily, gave to protect her. 太微修为虽然达到了涅破第三重,但是却不敢去接风飞云这一刀,连忙唤出了一座巨石排列成了阵法,将她给守护了起来。 This is Formation that a Ascension boundary powerhouse arranges. 这是一座羽化境强者布置的阵法 Although merely is only half, but the defensive power is very as before astonishing, Feng Feiyun the blade keeping off. 虽然仅仅只是其中的半座,但是防御力依旧十分惊人,将风飞云的这一刀给挡了下来。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” The blade air/Qi is very strong, stage association Tai Wei will give the bang to fly. 刀气十分强势,将阵台连带太微都给轰飞了出去。 After Feng Feiyun breaks through Nirvana 1st-layer, puts on strength that dragon Linfeng the leather clothing displays, can forcing Tai Wei, no longer fear her slightly. 风飞云突破涅槃第一重之后,穿上龙鳞凤皮衣发挥出来的力量,能够力压太微,丝毫都不再惧她。 Feng Feiyun, among us has not ended, when I will say that the heart plants the god to cultivate Greater Stage, will come surely also to kill you.” The Tai Wei sound is extremely beautiful and Nangong Hongyan sound is exactly the same. 风飞云,我们之间还没完,等我将道心种神修炼到大乘,必定还会前来杀你。”太微的声音极美和南宫红颜的声音一模一样。 You did not have that opportunity.” “你没那个机会了。” Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall changed into 18 handle small swords, guards in the Tai Wei 18 directions, gives to block her each escape route. 天髓兵胆化为了18柄小剑,镇守在太微的18个方向,将她的每一条退路都给封死。 Feng Feiyun flew unarmed, the palm becomes more and more scarlet-red, feathers appear the piece by piece above the arm, presents a shape of phoenix claw, a claw has struck toward Tai Wei. 风飞云赤手空拳的飞了上去,手掌变得越来越赤红,有一片片羽毛浮现在手臂之上,呈现出一只凤爪的形态,一爪向着太微击了过去。 Phoenix crack day!” “凤凰裂天!” This is cultivates «Undying Phoenix Physique» achieves the magical powers that Nirvana 1st-layer is born automatically, can let an arm of Feng Feiyun, becomes with the god claw same sharpness of phoenix, displays 56 times of striking power, claw tearing in the past, even if the Nirvana 3rd-layer member must be split up. 这是修炼《不死凤凰身》达到涅槃第一重自动诞生出来的神通,能够让风飞云的一条手臂,变得和凤凰的神爪一样的锋利,发挥出56倍攻击力,一爪撕裂过去,就算是涅槃第三重的修士都要四分五裂。 Bang!” “轰!” Defense Formation that the member of that Ascension boundary arranges also by phoenix crack day destroying an corner/horn, Long Jiangling in Formation suffered the impact, body unceasing backing up backward. 那一座羽化境界的修士布置的防御阵法也被“凤凰裂天”给打碎了一角,阵法之中的龙姜玲遭受了冲击,身体不断的向后倒退。 Bang!” “轰!” The arm of Feng Feiyun turned into the phoenix claw once more, will defend a giant stone in Formation to give tearing, with irresistible force, rushes toward Formation. 风飞云的手臂再次变成了凤凰爪,将防御阵法之中的一块巨石给撕裂,势如破竹,向着阵法之中闯去。 Feng Feiyun, you underestimated me.” 风飞云,你太小看我了。” Tai Wei called White Jade talisman, a slender gently beautiful right hand White Jade talisman pinching in the palm, talisman melted immediately, changes into a white radiance to wrap her slender arm completely. 太微唤出了一枚白玉符箓,一只纤细柔美的右手将白玉符箓给捏在手心,符箓顿时化开,化为了一层白色的光华将她纤细的手臂给完全包裹。 Above the arm has the innumerable regular strengths to wind around, carves the hand of goddess becomes with Shenyu likely. 手臂之上有无数规则力量在缭绕,像是用神玉雕琢而成的女神之手。 Bang!” “轰!” Her initiative moved forward to meet somebody toward Feng Feiyun, the arm wields, making of an enormous and powerful inexplicable strength from her arm, spelled with the phoenix god claw of Feng Feiyun hardly has struck. 她主动的向着风飞云迎了上去,手臂一挥,一股浩荡莫名的力量从她的手臂之上的打出,与风飞云的凤凰神爪硬拼了一击。 Ascension talisman!” 羽化符箓!” Feng Feiyun saw the Tai Wei palm has a white jade symbol to flash, above is interweaving the Ascension aura, was very tyrannical, displays to surmount her boundary strength, can shake phoenix crack day hardly like this unsurpassed magical powers. 风飞云看到了太微的手掌心有一枚白色的玉符在闪动,上面交织着羽化的气息,十分强横,发挥出了超越她境界的力量,可以硬撼“凤凰裂天”这样的无上神通。 Right is really Ascension talisman!” “没错真是羽化符箓!” The Tai Wei graceful bearing is moving, the black hair like waterfall, above the gently beautiful moving arm is containing the divine nature brilliance, anybody noticed that this arm can exclaim in surprise in wonderful workmanship of creator, any man saw this arm understanding lives the love. 太微风姿动人,黑发如瀑,柔美动人的手臂之上蕴含着神性的光辉,任何人看到这一只手臂都会惊叹于造物主的巧夺天工,任何男子看到这一只手臂都会心生迷恋。 However this moment this arm actually displays the ruinous strength, shakes ten thousand miles earth. 但是此刻这一只手臂却发挥出毁灭性的力量,撼动万里大地。 Tai Wei the Ascension talisman is takes by force to come from Meng Family, Meng Family was given to carve up by the major influences, she naturally also sliced, obtained the formidable treasure. 太微的这一枚羽化符箓乃是从梦家打劫而来,梦家被各大势力给瓜分,她自然也去分一杯羹,得到了很多强大的宝物。
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