SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#873: Eastern Little Yue

Feng Feiyun wears fights the clothes, whole body dragon scale, the flame binds the body, sweeps away all obstacles, the arm lifts then changes into phoenix claw, the claw point is sharper than the sword. 风飞云身披战衣,满身龙鳞,火焰裹身,所向披靡,手臂一抬便化为一只凤爪,爪尖比刀剑都要锋利。 They fight in Ascension Grand Formation, gives the disintegration bases. 两人在羽化大阵之中战斗,将一块块阵基给崩碎。 Nangong Hongyan already died, this merely is only the body of Tai Wei state of mind, you seize her, Nangong Hongyan is impossible to live.” The arm of Tai Wei is slender, the beautiful pupil white teeth, above a palm has the electricity fire god thunder. 南宫红颜已经死了,这仅仅只是太微神魂之体,你就算将她夺回去,南宫红颜也不可能活过来。”太微的手臂纤纤,美眸皓齿,一掌之上有电火神雷。 Above Ascension talisman has strength in addition of Ascension boundary sage to hold, every strikes includes the strength of Ascension, will be void tearing slits. 羽化符箓之上有羽化境贤者的力量加持,每一击都含有羽化之力,将虚空给撕裂出一道道缝隙。 The Feng Feiyun bright clothes shades the body, body does not extinguish, Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi in within the body grows continually. 风飞云有神衣蔽体,身躯不灭,体内的金蚕佛气生生不息。 My talent strong in you, sooner or later some day my boundary will surpass you, you were suppressed by me merely are only the issue in time.” “我的天赋强于你,迟早有一天我的境界会超过你,你被我镇压仅仅只是时间上的问题。” Feng Feiyun by Tai Wei disturbance mind, was not been self-confident and firm, behind of head caves in a Buddha link, such as a god Buddha is born. 风飞云并不被太微干扰心神,自信而坚定,脑袋的后面沉陷出一个佛环,如一尊神佛降世。 Phoenix crack day.” “凤凰裂天。” Buddhist doctrine is boundless.” “佛法无边。” Ten thousand beast normalizing.” “万兽归一。” The Feng Feiyun first even/including makes three to strike the god fist, is in one, the phoenix, Buddha, ten thousand beasts, three strong strength condensation as one, form a piece of god to say the great seal. 风飞云一连打出三击神拳,合为一体,凤凰,佛陀,万兽,三种强势的力量凝聚为一体,形成一片神云大印。 Ascension Grand Formation once more by disintegration an corner/horn. 羽化大阵再次被崩碎了一角。 !” !” Ascension talisman of Tai Wei palm split a small opening, the sleeves is shaken changes into the powder, revealed the sex appeal, but snow white arm. 太微手掌心的羽化符箓裂开了一道小口子,衣袖被震得化为粉末,露出性感而雪白的手臂。 Heavenly Dragon changes!” “天龙变!” Tai Wei no longer prolonged contact, displays one move to change from the magical powers, the body turned into a white Heavenly Dragon, is the hundred zhang (333 m), the flying went. 太微不再恋战,施展出一招化形神通,身体变成了一条白色的天龙,长达百丈,飞天而去。 Where walks!” “哪里走!” Feng Feiyun must pursue, but body was actually given to block by Ascension Grand Formation, spent three time of breath to kill from inside, Ascension Grand Formation hitting tattered, broke to pieces Shiheng to fly. 风飞云要追上去,但是身体却被羽化大阵给挡住,花费了三个呼吸的时间才从里面杀出,将羽化大阵给打得破破烂烂,碎石横飞。 Ascension Grand Formation has blocked Feng Feiyun three time of breath, but Tai Wei actually ran away did not have the trace. 羽化大阵挡住了风飞云三个呼吸的时间,但是太微却逃得没有了踪影。 Feng Feiyun stands in the clouds, looks far into the distance, hesitates saying: You run away, I thought when you can run away!” 风飞云站在云端,举目远眺,沉吟道:“你逃,我看你能够逃到何年何月!” Feng Feiyun loosens the god clothes, falls to the ground, slightly shot a look at one toward Dongfang Jingyue, she stands in not far away, the beautiful pupil contains the smoke, happy independent, the body white clothing is floating, the veil gives the blocking her peerless immortal face. 风飞云解下神衣,落到地面上,微微的向着东方镜月瞥了一眼,她就站在不远处,美眸含烟,怡然独立,身上白衣飘飘,面纱将她绝世的仙颜给遮挡。 Yun Ge falls on her shoulder, is staring at Feng Feiyun. 云鸽就落在她的肩膀上,也盯着风飞云 Feng Feiyun has taken back the vision, turns around to depart. 风飞云收回了目光,转身就离去。 Feng Feiyun!” Dongfang Jingyue has not thought that he so indifferent, does not want to say one words with unexpectedly, such irksome? 风飞云!”东方镜月没有想到他如此的冷漠,竟然连话都不想和自己说一句,难道自己就这么的惹人厌? The Feng Feiyun body was tall and straight, stopped footsteps, has not turned around, has not spoken. 风飞云身体挺拔,停下了脚步,并没有转身,也没有说话。 Dongfang Jingyue is slim and graceful, the white clothing flies upwards, long skirt such as the moth wing, said: You do not want to know why I will arrive at sixth Yang Dynasty?” 东方镜月亭亭玉立,白衣飞扬,长裙如蛾翼,道:“你难道就不想知道我为什么会来到第六中央王朝?” Feng Feiyun eventually has not walked, said: Does not want to know very much.” 风飞云最终还是没有走,道:“不是很想知道。” Dongfang Jingyue is holding the hand of pipa slightly tightened, deep has dangled the small head. 东方镜月抱着琵琶的手微微的紧了紧,深深的垂下了螓首。 „The Feng Feiyun big bastard, the Feng Feiyun big duck egg, the Feng Feiyun big fruit......” Yun Ge started to cry out. 风飞云大坏蛋,风飞云大鸭蛋,风飞云大蛋蛋……”云鸽开始叫唤了起来。 !” !” The Dongfang Jingyue jade refers to a ball, making Yun Ge be quiet, then also said: You know why Tai Wei can get rid to me?” 东方镜月的玉指一弹,让云鸽住嘴,然后又道:“那你知道为何太微要对我出手?” Why?” Feng Feiyun said. “为什么?”风飞云道。 Sees the words, above the Dongfang Jingyue peerless appearance shows the faint smiling face, said: Because I arrive at Ji Territory to look for you.” 看到话,东方镜月的绝世容颜之上露出淡淡的笑容,道:“因为我来到季域就是为了找你。” Looks for me?” Feng Feiyun knit the brows: How do you know me in Ji Territory?” “找我?”风飞云皱了皱眉道:“你怎么知道我在季域?” Xie Honglian said you here, moreover annoying the big trouble, my first has then caught up.” Dongfang Jingyue said. 邪红莲说你在这里,而且还惹上了大麻烦,我便第一个赶了过来。”东方镜月道。 Xie Honglian? Bi Ningshuai fiancee?” 邪红莲毕宁帅的未婚妻?” She is not only the Bi Ningshuai fiancee, is the granddaughter who burns evil valley third valley Lord, is the battlefield nobility mansion day character white battalion elite disciple.” Dongfang Jingyue said. “她不仅是毕宁帅的未婚妻,更是焚邪谷第三谷主的孙女,更是战地爵府天字白营的精英弟子。”东方镜月道。 Feng Feiyun changes countenance finally, has turned around, deep looked at her one eyes, said: „Do you together arrive at sixth Yang Dynasty along with her?” 风飞云终于动容,转过身来,深深的看了她一眼,道:“你就是随着她一起来到第六中央王朝?” Bi Ningshuai is the sixth Yang Dynasty person, in a Divine Jin Dynasty ten years of experience, the body has wormhole Spirit Stone. 毕宁帅属于第六中央王朝的人,在神晋王朝十年历练,身上拥有虫洞灵石 The evil red mythical bird is his fiancee, definitely is the sixth Yang Dynasty person, the body also definitely has wormhole Spirit Stone, can go nonstop to the battlefield nobility mansion. 邪红鸾乃是他的未婚妻,也肯定是第六中央王朝的人,身上也肯定拥有虫洞灵石,能够直通战地爵府。 Dongfang Jingyue sees the Feng Feiyun revolutions to be excessive, corners of the mouth slightly selects, nod of however, said leisurely: I also already has joined the battlefield nobility mansion now, is the core disciple in diphenyl guanadine scarlet camp.” 东方镜月风飞云转过了头,嘴角微微的一挑,施施然的点了点头,道:“我现在也已经加入了战地爵府,属于地字赤营的核心弟子。” Feng Feiyun has pondered the moment, said: Which people also arrived at sixth Yang Dynasty?” 风飞云沉思了片刻,道:“还有哪些人也来到了第六中央王朝?” Several acquaintances, you go to the battlefield nobility mansion naturally to see them actually.” Dongfang Jingyue said. “倒是有几位熟人,你去战地爵府自然就能见到他们。”东方镜月道。 Feng Feiyun said: Bi Ningshuai and do Long Luofu return to the battlefield nobility mansion?” 风飞云道:“毕宁帅龙萝浮回到战地爵府没有?” They shuttle back and forth the wormhole time, encountered the space storm, Bi Ningshuai, Mao Wugui and Long Luofu ahead of time jumped the space, should in the same place. 他们穿梭虫洞的时候,遭遇了空间风暴,毕宁帅茅乌龟龙萝浮都提前跳跃出空间,应该是在一起。 Dongfang Jingyue said: One month ago I with them can with, you be chased down by the Meng Family person at that time, have the rumor you to jump in the demon river......” 东方镜月道:“一个月之前我就与他们会和,当时你被梦家的人追杀,有传言你跳进了魔河之中……” They now where?” Feng Feiyun has revealed the happy expression. “他们现在在哪里?”风飞云露出了喜色。 Ji Territory Yu City.” Dongfang Jingyue said. 季域域城。”东方镜月道。 Why will you appear here? Moreover will meet Tai Wei?” Feng Feiyun asked. “那你为何会出现在这里?而且还会遇上太微?”风飞云问道。 Dongfang Jingyue silent. 东方镜月沉默了下来。 Yun Ge could not bear finally, said: „The Feng Feiyun idiot, big duck egg, Little Yue cares about you, sought for your one month on the demon riverside, even also risks neck to rush to the fascinated river......” 云鸽终于是忍不住了,道:“风飞云大笨蛋,大鸭蛋,小月儿关心你,在魔河边上寻找了你一个月,甚至还冒着生命危险闯入魔河之中……” Yun Ge, cannot talk nonsense.” 云鸽,不许胡说。” The star pupil of Dongfang Jingyue is having cold light, frightens Yun Ge hastily to shut up, the mouth rumbles to say as before: How otherwise to run into that bad woman......” 东方镜月的星眸带着冷光,吓得云鸽连忙闭上了嘴,嘴里依旧咕隆道:“要不然怎么会遇到那坏女人……” Feng Feiyun stared at Dongfang Jingyue one, she and Shui Yueting grow really look like, makings were exactly the same, making Feng Feiyun unrestrainedly think a moment ago in that blue stone ancient Wu saw. 风飞云盯了东方镜月一眼,她和水月婷长得实在太像,就连身上的气质都一模一样,让风飞云又情不自禁的想到了刚才在青石古屋看到的那一幕。 Shui Yueting. 水月婷 Dongfang Jingyue. 东方镜月 What do you have to relate? 你们到底有什么联系? Feng Feiyun shaking the head of gently, tranquil say/way: Leads me to see them!” 风飞云轻轻的摇了摇头,平静的道:“带我去见他们吧!” Under the leadership of Dongfang Jingyue, two people entered Yu City once more, in lively places toward Yu City walks. 东方镜月的带领之下,两人再次走进了域城,向着域城之中一片繁华之地走去。 That is not Half Monster Feng Feiyun, hasn't he died unexpectedly?” “那不是半妖风飞云,他居然还没有死?” „Hasn't he jumped in the demon river? even/including Mohe couldn't bury him?” “他不是跳进了魔河?连魔河都葬不了他?” You look, walk in that female of his side, was really too beautiful, was ordinary just like the female celestial, won't be the mansion main daughter in some dwelling place of celestial beings?” “你们看,走在他身边的那个女子,真是太美了,宛如仙女一般,不会是某一座仙府的府主的女儿吧?” cultivation base of this female is very formidable, the clan that cultivation base endures ratio ancient clan is old, very possible is the Half Monster Feng Feiyun hostess.” “这个女子的修为很强大,修为堪比一座古族的族老,很可能乃是半妖风飞云的女主人。” ...... …… In Yu City, the both sides of ancient street, many member have opened the eye from the cultivation, was given the shock by the Dongfang Jingyue beautiful appearance, even if she is bringing the veil, as before is actually hard to cover that sober refined immortal rhyme, making many member crazy. 域城之中,古街的两旁,很多修士都从修炼之中睁开了眼睛,都被东方镜月的美貌给震惊,即便她带着面纱,却依旧难以掩盖那清醒脱俗的仙韵,让很多修士都为之疯狂。 An appearance of person, has caused the stir. 一个人的容貌,引起了轰动。 They where?” Feng Feiyun does not pay attention to the words that these member spoke slightly, follows in Dongfang Jingyue. “他们到底在哪里?”风飞云丝毫都不理会那些修士所说的话,跟在东方镜月的身后。 Went to you to know.” Dongfang Jingyue is also very tranquil, on the shining white face does not have a mood to fluctuate. “去了你就知道了。”东方镜月也很平静,莹白的脸上没有一丝情绪波动。 At this time front had a troop member to block the road, went out of one to wear the ancient Clan talent of geneseroline robe from the member. 这时前面有一大群修士拦住路,从修士之中走出一个身穿金丝灵袍的古族才俊。 The body of this ancient clan talent slightly micro fat, stares at Dongfang Jingyue to look, the eyeball must stare, the tongue has licked a day of lip, did in the Dongfang Jingyue front has bowed with hands clasped, says with a smile: In the below Li 12 th generation of direct line juniors, Li Tianer, has seen this girl.” 这个古族才俊的身体略显微胖,盯着东方镜月看,眼珠子都要瞪出来,舌头舔了天嘴唇,在东方镜月的面前作了一揖,笑道:“在下李家第12代直系子弟,李天二,见过这位姑娘。” Li was one inherited 100,000 years of ancient clan, was deeper than it Meng Family by the inside story, in Ji Territory was jumbo same existence. 李家乃是一座传承了100000年的古族,论底蕴比之梦家都要深厚,在季域乃是巨无霸一样的存在。 The surrounding these member hear that ancient clan talent in abundance to draw back from the report given name, this Li Tianer is a notorious ancient clan son of the influential, is known as Ji Territory silver spear/gun spoiled child. 周围的那些修士听到那古族才俊自报名讳都纷纷退开,这个李天二是一个臭名昭著的古族公子哥,号称“季域银枪小霸王”。 So-called silver spear/gun spoiled child did not mean that he has the how extraordinary achievement above cultivation base, but refers to that big of his lower part silver spear/gun. 所谓“银枪小霸王”并不是说他在修为之上有多么了不得的成就,而是指他下半身的那一杆大“银枪”。 The females who it is said any son of the influential who is called Li Tianer to have a liking for by this is been difficult the running away evil clutches, was given after by him plays to be greasy, but must give his retinue to play with, after his retinue played greasily, then directly delivered to consoling of slave to pitch camp, gives that slave to play with. 据说凡是被这个叫做李天二的公子哥看上的女子都难逃魔爪,被他给玩腻之后,还要交给他的仆从玩弄,当他仆从都玩腻了之后,便直接送到奴隶的慰安营,交给那个奴隶玩弄。 Because Li is ancient clan, the Li Tianer father is leaf Hongjing a great person, the beautiful female who Li Tianer plays with is countless, but these victims actually feel indignant but not daring to speak out. 因为李家乃是古族,李天二的父亲更是叶红境的一位大人物,李天二玩弄的美丽女子不计其数,但是那些受害者却都敢怒不敢言。 Heard that this Li Tianer also Elder Brother, is fiercer, is called Ji Territory silver spear/gun big overlord. 听说这个李天二还有一个哥哥,更厉害,被称为“季域银枪大霸王”。 Then ended, this beautiful with female celestial same female unexpectedly by Li Tianer meeting, definitely difficult running away evil clutches.” “这下完了,这个美得跟仙女一样的女子居然被李天二给遇到了,肯定难逃魔爪。” Does not have means Li too to be really big in the Ji Territory influence, who dares to oppose with them?” “没办法李家在季域的势力实在太大,谁敢和他们作对?” Many people are Dongfang Jingyue feel to regret. 很多人都在为东方镜月感到惋惜。 Feng Feiyun very repugnant Li Tianer this person, especially Li Tianer is staring at Dongfang Jingyue that dreadful look, simply is too unscrupulous. 风飞云很反感李天二这个人,特别是李天二盯着东方镜月的那猥琐的眼神,简直就是太肆无忌惮。 This look Feng Feiyun is too familiar, he also had looked at many respectable family young girls with this look, then these respectable family young girls were given to snatch Feng Mansion by him, then...... Then these young girls turned into woman. 这种眼神风飞云实在太熟悉,曾经他也用这种眼神看过很多良家少女,然后这些良家少女就被他给抢到了风府,然后……然后这些少女就变成了女人。 Why does not know, when Li Tianer looks at Dongfang Jingyue with this look, the Feng Feiyun heart is extremely disgruntled, a flame of anger flushed from the heart. 不知为何,当李天二用这种眼神看东方镜月的时候,风飞云的心头就极其不悦,一股无名火从心头冲了出来。 Go away!” Feng Feiyun sound very cold Chen. “滚开!”风飞云的声音很冷沉。 Li Tianer light looked at one toward Feng Feiyun, say/way that disdains: You who! Your his mother knows that who the father is? Dares to ask me to boil unexpectedly? Does your his mother have to plant asks me to try again?” 李天二轻飘飘的向着风飞云看了一眼,不屑的道:“你谁啊!你他妈知道老子是谁吗?竟然敢叫我滚开?你他妈有种再叫我一声试试?” Go away!” Feng Feiyun said. “滚!”风飞云道。 Face of Li Tianer one stiff, both hands wield, order: Chopped to me boy of this being in the way.” 李天二的脸一僵,双手一挥,下令道:“将这个碍事的小子给我剁了。” At once then two old retinue Li Tianer goes out, the both eyes chill/yin cold, exude giggle the laughter. 旋即便有两个老仆从李天二的身后走出,双目阴寒,发出咯咯的笑声。 The bodies of these two old servants are flowing the gray-black evil strength, there are dozens scarlet. The spirit of bare female departs from their back, these females quite pretty, the physique is exquisite, the curve is exquisite, is dragging full head the black hair, the both eyes delay, above the simple and beautiful appearance is having an anxiety. 这两个老仆的身上流动着灰黑色的邪力,有数十道赤.裸的女子的精魂从他们的背后飞出,这些女子都颇为貌美,身姿玲珑,曲线优美,拖着满头的黑发,双目呆滞,清丽的容颜之上带着一种愁苦。 These beautiful appearance females were picked to make up by these two old servants obviously very much lethal, then refine the demon soldiers their spirit sacrifices. 很显然这些美貌女子都是被这两个老仆采补致死,然后将她们的精魂祭炼成了阴兵。
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