SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#856: Meng Xinglong

When are not many, two Meng Family epic talents control Spirit Beast to fly, lift-off also ten zhang (3.33 m) high then directly from Spirit Beast carried on the back to jump down, falls on Battle Palace outside, the vision has looked disdainfully, arrogance Ling Yun. 不多时,两位梦家的史诗天才驾驭灵兽飞來,离地还有十丈高便直接从灵兽的背上跳下,落在了斗战宫的外面,目光睥睨,傲气凌云 These two were Meng Xinglong and Meng Xinghen, already have achieved the Heaven's Mandate Realm side boundary, was closing up attacks the Nirvana 1st-layer day, once had left behind the magnificent success in Battle Palace, making innumerable heavenly talent shiver, at this moment two people actually also went out, making these young member in Battle Palace evade to draw back, knows that this was two young King, invincible. 这两人就是梦星龙梦星痕,已经达到了天命境界的极境,正在闭关冲击涅槃第一重天,曾经都在斗战宫留下了辉煌的战绩,让无数天骄为之颤抖,此刻两人却同时出关,让斗战宫中的那些年轻修士都纷纷避退,知道这是两个年轻王者,所向无敌。 Where that dares to challenge my Meng Family dignified Half Monster, has killed him, I must go back to close up immediately.” Meng Xinglong tiger is fearful, black hair flowing light, the body is throwing over broken ancient armor. “那一个敢挑战我梦家威严的半妖在哪里,杀了他,我还要立即回去闭关。”梦星龙虎目慑人,黑发流光,身上披着一具残破的古甲。 It is said his ancient armor is digs out from a Ascension ancient grave, the say/way that after above moistens a Ascension boundary powerhouse was dying, leaves behind, the defensive power surpasses Grade 4 Spirit Artifact. 据说他的这一身古甲乃是从一座羽化古墓之中挖出,上面沾着一丝羽化境界强者死后留下的道则,防御力超过四品灵器 A Meng Family youngster welcomed, said: That Half Monster in the third death mystical place, claimed that can be invincible with the boundary, the arrogance is very rampant.” 一个梦家的少年迎了上來,道:“那一个半妖就在第三座死亡秘境之中,声称能够在同境界无敌,气焰十分嚣张。” Funny, is invincible with the boundary, depends on him.” In the Meng Xinglong vision is having the flame ray, body murderous aura was steaming, arrived at the third death mystical place, was looking at one to the jade wall above mirror image, said: His already was a deceased person.” “哏哏,同境界无敌,就凭他。”梦星龙的目光之中带着火焰光芒,身上杀气腾腾,來到了第三座死亡秘境,对着玉壁之上的镜像看了一眼,道:“他已经是死人了。” Half Monster Union these member very much branches, young Half Monster did not say: Who this person is, so is why rampant.” 半妖盟的那些修士都很不岔,一个年轻的半妖道:“这人是谁啊,为何这么嚣张。” Meng Xinglong coldly looked at that Half Monster one, the sleeves has wielded, the astral wind has blown together, raised that Half Monster directly flew several feet far, falling ruthlessly on the ground. 梦星龙冷冷的看了那个半妖一眼,衣袖一挥,一道罡风吹了出去,直接将那个半妖掀飞了数丈远,狠狠的摔在了地上。 Under the suppression of falling day Spirit Stone, Heaven's Mandate 7th-layer cultivation base cannot display many strengths to come, but Meng Xinglong actually as before can make together the astral wind, separates the Heaven's Mandate 8th-layer member raises spatially flies, this cultivation base is very scary. 在陨天灵石的压制下,天命第七重修为都发挥不出多少力量來,但是梦星龙却依旧能够打出一道罡风,将天命第八重的修士隔空掀飞,这一份修为很是吓人。 Who I am, your I did not know unexpectedly.” Meng Xinglong turns toward Half Monster that was raised flies to walk step by step, characters such as squeeze out from the gap between teeth, said: I am the Meng Xinghu blood elder brother, Meng Xinglong, damn Half Monster has abandoned my younger brother's cultivation base unexpectedly, even if dies 100 Half Monster unable to repay.” “我是谁,你居然连我都不认识。”梦星龙一步步向着那个被掀飞的半妖走去,一个个字都如从牙缝之中挤出,道:“我就是梦星虎的亲哥哥,梦星龙,一个该死的半妖居然废了我弟弟的修为,就算死100个半妖都赔不起。” Meng Xinglong, you must do, but here Battle Palace, you dare to kill people.” Meng Taiyue saw murderous aura in Meng Xinglong eye. 梦星龙,你要干什么,这里可是斗战宫,你敢杀人。”梦泰岳看出了梦星龙眼中的杀气 Taiyue, you are my Meng Family juniors, how you can be Half Monster speak.” Meng Xinghen followed from behind, has arrived at the Meng Taiyue side, bringing the cold light palm to pat above the shoulder of Meng Taiyue gently two, above the palm of Meng Xinghen was having the dark vigor, after above the shoulder of Meng Taiyue has patted two next, in the Meng Taiyue mouth immediately gushes out together the blood spring, the five main internal organs (entrails) resembles by the dark vigor shattering. 泰岳,你是我梦家的子弟,你怎么能够为一个半妖说话。”梦星痕从后面跟了上來,走到了梦泰岳的身边,带着寒光的手掌在梦泰岳的肩膀之上轻轻的拍了两下,梦星痕的手掌之上带着暗劲,在梦泰岳的肩膀之上拍了两下之后,梦泰岳的口中顿时涌出一道血泉,五脏六腑都似被暗劲给震裂开。 The arrival of Meng Xinglong and Meng Xinghen, suppressed the Half Monster Union imposing manner by the strong stance. 梦星龙梦星痕的到來,以强势的姿态压制住了半妖盟的气势。 Outside the death mystical place, many member gathered, even there are many comes to the ancient dwelling place of Buddhist immortals and dwelling place of celestial beings, shook the head, Meng Family after all was the inheritance remote large clan, was not several Half Monster can contend, today will be suppressed surely bloody. 死亡秘境外,很多修士聚集,甚至有很多來至古老的洞天和仙府,都是摇了摇头,梦家毕竟乃是传承久远的大族,不是几个半妖可以抗衡,今天必定会遭到血腥的镇压。 Although that Half Monster in death mystical place was strong, but actually also absolutely was not the Meng Xinglong match, let alone Meng Family besides Meng Xinglong, Meng Xinghen, was the Heaven's Mandate side boundary, in Heaven's Mandate Realm their strengths was invincible existence. 死亡秘境之中的那个半妖虽强,但是却也绝对不是梦星龙的对手,更何况梦家除了梦星龙,还有一个梦星痕,都是天命的极境,在天命境界他们的战力就是无敌的存在。 Epic Genius achieves Heaven's Mandate 9th-layer initial stage to sweep away all obstacles on already, let alone Meng Xinglong and Meng Xinghen already is the Heaven's Mandate 9th-layer peak, the strength can with the general Spiritual Master confrontation. 史诗级别的天才达到天命第九重初期已经所向披靡,更何况梦星龙梦星痕已经天命第九重的巅峰,战力能够和一般的真人交锋。 Meng Xinglong sneers saying: I naturally cannot kill people in Battle Palace, but waste several Half Monster cultivation base is very easy.” 梦星龙冷笑道:“我自然不会在斗战宫之中杀人,但是废几个半妖修为很是轻而易举。” Although Meng Xinglong strength received the suppression of falling day Spirit Stone, but actually as before fierce, a foot pedal on the ground, a jade in ground shattering, the body such as a fierce tiger runs out , a fist goes toward the front that Half Monster dantian bang. 梦星龙身上的力量虽然受到了陨天灵石的压制,但是却依旧凶猛,一脚蹬在地上,将地面上的一块玉石给震裂开,身体如一头猛虎冲出,一拳向着前面的那一个半妖的丹田轰去。 Above the fist braves the white color/look radiance, the fist shade is getting bigger and bigger, such as congealed to change into a god iron. 拳头之上冒着白sè光华,拳影越來越大,如凝化为了一块神铁。 Meng Xinglong, you go too far.” 梦星龙,你欺人太甚。” Eight cultivation base achieved Heaven's Mandate 9th-layer the powerhouse in Half Monster to go to help, must block the Meng Xinglong offensive. 有八个修为达到了天命第九重半妖中的强者前去助拳,要挡住梦星龙的攻势。 Bang.” “轰。” Eight cultivation base achieve Heaven's Mandate 9th-layer Half Monster also to spit blood, scattered about flew horizontally, cannot block a fist of Meng Xinglong. 八个修为达到天命第九重半妖同时吐血,七零八落的横飞了出去,根本挡不住梦星龙的一拳。 One flock of ants, Epic Genius strength you are can it be that conceivable.” “一群蝼蚁,史诗级别的天才的力量岂是你们可以想象。” Meng Xinglong ancient armor erupts the faint Shenhua, the fist becomes just like stars, strength fearful, making several elders on the scene again and again retrocede. 梦星龙身上的古甲爆发出淡淡的神华,拳头变得宛如一个星辰,力量更加的可怕,让在场的几个老辈都连连后退。 That stands in Meng Xinglong opposite Half Monster already is frightened face color/look to be pale, aroused the courage reluctantly, wants to put together life and death with Meng Xinglong. 那一个站在梦星龙对面的半妖已经被吓得脸sè苍白,勉强的鼓足了勇气,想要和梦星龙拼个你死我活。 At this time, together before the handsome and free and easy form stood his body, both eyes were bringing faint red color/look, the body has an uninhibited heroic spirit, above both hands gives birth to bunch of flame, condensed a piece of fire saying that pushed out horizontally. 这时,一道英俊而洒脱的身影站到了他的身前,双目带着淡淡的红sè,身上有着一股不羁的豪气,双手之上生出一团团火焰,凝聚成一片火云,横推了出去。 Bang.” “轰。” The fist of Meng Xinglong probably rumbled above the iron wall, but a burning hot the terrifying strength has welled up from the fist but actually, raised to fly him directly, the body backed up dozens meters to come to a stop. 梦星龙的这一拳就好像是轰在了铁壁之上,一股炙热而恐怖的力量从拳头之中倒涌了回來,直接将他掀飞了出去,身体倒退了数十米远才站稳。 Meng Xinglong looked oneself were burnt the black fist, looked at that valiant young people, deep brow wrinkling wrinkle. 梦星龙看了看自己被烧黑的拳头,又看了看那一个英姿飒爽的年轻人,深深的将眉头给皱了皱。 Feng Feiyun has restrained the flame above arm, looking disdainfully looks at Meng Xinglong, said: Epic Genius is also mediocre.” 风飞云收敛了手臂之上的火焰,睥睨的看着梦星龙,道:“史诗级别的天才也不过如此嘛。” Half Monster Union these member have gawked after long time, wild with joy, knows that struck a moment ago, the Brother Feng younger brother has occupied the place above, gave to raise to fly upside down Meng Xinglong, God, the Brother Feng younger brother's strength was too fierce. 半妖盟的那些修士愣了半晌之后,都狂喜了起來,知道刚才那一击,风兄弟占了上方,将梦星龙都给掀得倒飞了出去,天呐,风兄弟的战力实在太厉害了。 Who said that in Half Monster does not have the powerhouse, the Brother Feng younger brother is the powerhouse in our Half Monster, with boundary, but is invincible.” “谁说半妖之中就沒有强者,风兄弟就是我们半妖之中的强者,同境界,可无敌。” A Half Monster Union beautiful young girl has one cup of spirit tea to the Feng Feiyun end, beautiful pupil somewhat shy looks at Feng Feiyun, saw Feng Feiyun to receive the teacup, immediately then blushes to lower the head. 一个半妖盟的美丽少女给风飞云端來一杯灵茶,美眸有些羞涩的看着风飞云,见风飞云接过了茶杯,顿时便红着脸低下了头。 Thanks.” Feng Feiyun has drunk one, teacup. “谢谢。”风飞云饮了一口,将茶杯还了回去。 That Half Monster Union beautiful young girl feels extremely flattered, no person has said thanking to her, the shining white cheeks were redder, say/way of making excuses: Must defeat Meng Family these heavenly talent, their Meng Family has many Half Monster slaves, some fed in the mine beautifully, the appearance was delivered to the humble ji kiln, the treatment that receives was inferior including the slaves, you must defeat them, making them know that in us also has the powerhouse, did not say the ice. The shame can the ice. Shame base and low lifeform.” 那一个半妖盟的美丽少女受宠若惊,从來沒有人对她说过谢谢,莹白的脸颊更红了,支支吾吾的道:“一定要打败梦家的那些天骄,他们梦家有很多半妖奴,有的被送进了矿山,样貌美丽的被送到了低贱的ji窑,受到的待遇连奴隶都不如,你一定要打败他们,让他们知道我们之中也有强者,不是说凌.辱就能凌.辱的卑微生物。” In her beautiful pupil is bringing tears, works as intentionally hero Feng Feiyun, does not hope that the hero defeated in these talent hands of Meng Family. 她美眸之中带着泪花,将风飞云当成心中的英雄,不希望英雄败在了梦家的那些天才手中。 Half Monster Union these member also silent, both hands tight is pinching the fist, is nipping the tooth, they are in Half Monster competent existence, can join Half Monster Union, is lives quite well, innumerable Half Monster also live wants miserable ten times and hundred times compared with them, like life in purgatory. 半妖盟的那些修士也都沉默了下來,双手紧紧的捏着拳头,咬着牙齿,他们都算是半妖之中有实力的存在,能够加入半妖盟,算是活得比较好的了,还有无数的半妖活得比他们还要凄凉十倍、百倍,就像生活在炼狱之中。 Feng Feiyun is very the prudent say/way: You could rest assured that in the contemporaries also nobody can defeat me.” 风飞云很是慎重的道:“你们放心,同代人中还沒有人能够将我击败。” Really is extremely arrogant.” Meng Xinglong cold snort/hum, has shaken the fist, said: My three force components had not used a moment ago, if I use fully, in ten moves, can definitely defeat you.” “真是狂妄。”梦星龙冷哼一声,抖了抖拳头,道:“刚才我连三分力都沒有用到,若是我用全力,十招之内,完全能够将你击败。” Right, that arrived in the death mystical place a war.” Feng Feiyun does not see Meng Xinglong, but arrives at the front that Battle Palace that beautiful woman has managed, said: Girl, I have now won many Spirit Stone.” “是吗,那就到死亡秘境之中一战吧。”风飞云根本都不怎么看梦星龙,而是走到了斗战宫的那个美女执事的面前,道:“姑娘,我现在赢了多少灵石。” Wins one after another three, altogether has won 70 Spirit Stone, removes pays another two fights ten Spirit Stone, in addition you press in Battle Palace ten Spirit Stone, if you giving up next fight, altogether can obtain 60 Spirit Stone.” In the Lan Wanjing spoken language has a mind to admonish Feng Feiyun with a Meng Xinglong war, after all Meng Xinglong once had won one after another in Battle Palace 18, the true strength is very formidable. “连赢三场,一共累计赢了70枚灵石,除掉交付另外两场战斗的十枚灵石,加上你压在斗战宫的十枚灵石,你若是放弃下一场战斗,一共能够得到60枚灵石。”蓝婉晶的言语之中有心规劝风飞云不要和梦星龙一战,毕竟梦星龙曾在斗战宫连赢过18场,真正实力很强大。 She thought that Feng Feiyun is not the Meng Xinglong match, after all can win one after another 18 heavenly talent not to be many in Battle Palace. 她觉得风飞云不会是梦星龙的对手,毕竟能够在斗战宫连赢18场的天骄并不多。 A little.” Feng Feiyun some are unsatisfied. “才这么一点。”风飞云有些不满意。 The Lan Wanjing appearance is simple and beautiful, is very indifferent, said: You, if can win next, can obtain 80 Spirit Stone immediately.” 蓝婉晶容颜清丽,却很冷漠,道:“你若是能够赢得下一场,就可以立即多得到80枚灵石。” Good.” “好吧。” Feng Feiyun has signed life and death agreement again, entered in the death mystical place once more. 风飞云再一次的签下了生死协议,再次走进了死亡秘境之中。 Meng Xinglong does not fear Feng Feiyun, has signed the life and death agreement very much refreshedly, after entering the death mystical place, no longer by the suppression of falling day Spirit Stone, the body raised immediately a dreadful imposing manner, was born like a Divine Dragon, looks disdainfully eight sides. 梦星龙并不惧风飞云,很爽快的签下了生死协议,进入死亡秘境之后,不再受陨天灵石的压制,身上顿时升起了一股滔天气势,就像一条神龙出世,睥睨八方。 From his body dissipates with the spiritual energy wave that the naked eye can see clearly, like watermark ripples general fluctuates in void, stretches out a finger, in a finger/refers toward void, diameter one meter thick sword wave then turns toward Feng Feiyun to puncture together. 一股用肉眼都能够看清的灵气波浪从他的身体之中逸散出來,就像一圈圈水纹涟漪一般的在虚空之中波动,伸出一根手指,向着虚空之中一指,一道直径一米粗的剑波便向着风飞云刺去。 Dream profound sword wave.” “梦玄剑波。” This is Meng Family one valuable Secret Art, the might is enormous, is a Meng Family Great Sage old age time founds, that Great Sage cultivation base is exceedingly high, once gave crushing a meteor outside territory with this sword wave together. 这是梦家的一种宝诀,威力极大,乃是梦家的一位大贤者晚年的时候开创,那一位大贤修为通天,曾用这一道剑波将域外的一颗陨星给击碎。 Feng Feiyun has launched the samsara speedily, body changed into tornado, shuttled back and forth in the death mystical place, was only quick the remaining remnant marks. 风飞云展开了轮回疾速,身体化为了一道旋风,穿梭在死亡秘境之中,快得只剩下一道道残痕。 The body of Meng Xinglong also changed into tornado, has launched one type speedily, in the tornado selected one finger/refers once more , the dream profound sword wave departed together. 梦星龙的身体亦化为了一道旋风,也展开了一种疾速,旋风之中再次点出了一指,又一道梦玄剑波飞出。 Feng Feiyun uses the hand as the blade, cuts in the sky, the crazy dragon of gold/metal color/look departs from the arm together, is bringing the air/Qi of intense tearing, shakes the dream profound sword wave hardly, both bumped into, making the entire death mystical place fiercely shiver. 风飞云以手为刀,当空一斩,一道金sè的狂龙从手臂之上飞出,带着强烈的撕裂之气,硬撼梦玄剑波,两者相撞,让整个死亡秘境都剧烈的颤动了一下。 Buddhist doctrine is boundless.” “佛法无边。” Holding their palms together of Feng Feiyun, the body erupts radiant gold/metal, slowly promotes gold/metal color/look the Buddha hand imprint, has pressed toward the Meng Xinglong lid. 风飞云的双手合十,身上爆发出璀璨金芒,缓缓的推出一只金sè的佛手印,向着梦星龙盖压了过去。 Meng Xinglong felt that this Buddha hand imprint the strength is together tyrannical, stimulation of movement ancient armor, called Ascension boundary a aura of member hastily, although could not block this together Buddha seal, but was actually rumbled to fly several hundred miles far, did not know many giant stones cracking-up. 梦星龙感觉到这一道佛手印的力量强横,连忙催动身上的古甲,唤出了一丝羽化境界的修士的气息,虽然挡不住这一道佛印,但是却被轰飞了数百里远,不知将多少巨石给撞碎。 If not for on him ancient armor gods and ghosts, the palm of Feng Feiyun can want his xing life.( Goes 若不是他身上的古甲神异,风飞云的这一掌就能够要他的xing命。(去 .) ..)
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