SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#855: Suppresses Epic Genius

Half Monster Union these member are pleasantly surprised, has pinched tightly the fist, carefree in the heart not being able saying that they do not dare to do the matter that and unable to achieve, now actually by Feng Feiyun achieving, moreover worked as is presenting the surface of all member, stepping on fell face down Meng Tianyu, really vented spleen. 半妖盟的那些修士又惊又喜,一个个都捏紧了拳头,心中说不出的畅快,他们不敢做和做不到的事,现在却被风飞云给做到了,而且是当着在场所有修士的面,将梦天宇给踩趴下,实在太解气了。 Does not calculate, does not calculate, is that damn Half Monster sneak attacks from the back obviously, if not the universe male cousin is so impossible to defeat.” A Meng Family young disciple said. “不算,不算,明明就是那个该死的半妖从背后偷袭,若非如此天宇堂兄不可能败。”梦家的一位年轻弟子说道。 In death mystical place, so long as can defeat the match, any method can use.” Deacon Lan Wanjing such saying of Battle Palace, some heart also surprise was staring at that Half Monster in death mystical place, quite admired, dares to step on the face of Meng Tianyu unexpectedly, the guts were really not general big. “在死亡秘境之中,只要能将对手击败,什么方法都可以使用。”斗战宫的执事蓝婉晶如此的说道,心头也有些诧异的盯着死亡秘境之中的那个半妖,颇为佩服,竟然敢踩梦天宇的脸,胆量真不是一般的大。 Feng Feiyun was smiling to the death mystical place outside people, on the foot made an effort, bang, immediately stepping on to rupture the head of Meng Tianyu, changed into blood fog. 风飞云对着死亡秘境之外的众人一笑,脚上一用力,嘭,顿时将梦天宇的脑袋给踩爆裂开,化为了一片血雾。 .” “噗。” The Meng Family seventh remote antiquity elder was mad spits blood, Half Monster works as his surface striking to kill the Meng Family first God's favored one, which this makes his old face toward put. 梦家的第七太上长老被气得吐血,一个半妖当着他的面将梦家的第一个天之骄子给击杀,这让他的老脸往哪搁。 Feng Feiyun directly the Meng Tianyu corpse ejecting the death mystical place, has stood in the death mystical place, said: Your Meng Family talent, if refuses to accept, although fights.” 风飞云直接将梦天宇的尸体给抛出了死亡秘境,站在死亡秘境之中,道:“你们梦家的天才若是不服,尽管來战。” Bang.” “轰。” Half Monster must challenge the entire Meng Family powerhouse. 一个半妖要挑战整个梦家的强者。 This news has spread over entire Battle Palace quickly, the news that this explodes absolutely, making many people surprised unable to speak, naturally also some people dismiss with a smile, thought that this is a joke, has not been serious. 这个消息以迅雷不及掩耳之势传遍了整个斗战宫,这绝对是一个劲爆的消息,让很多人都惊讶得说不出话來,当然也有人付之一笑,觉得这就是一个笑话,并沒有当一回事。 Naturally in person heart has also filled curiously, caught up toward this death mystical place outside. 当然也人心中充满了好奇,向着这一座死亡秘境外赶來。 This Half Monster is very young, age not over 30 years old, but can actually strike to kill Meng Tianyu, it seems like somewhat strength.” “这个半妖十分年轻,年纪不超过30岁,但是却能够击杀梦天宇,看來还是有几分实力。” Meng Family also is really sad Cui, was provoked by Half Monster unexpectedly.” 梦家还真是悲催,竟然被一个半妖挑衅。” „The courage of this Half Monster was too big, how Meng Family said again also inherited more than 80,000 years of ancient families, the inside story is very huge, opposes that with Meng Family is the dead end.” “这个半妖的胆子实在太大了,梦家再怎么说也是传承了80000多年的古老家族,底蕴很庞大,和梦家作对那就是死路一条啊。” already was very long has not appeared such has blood xing Half Monster.” 已经很久沒有出现过这么有血xing的半妖了。” ...... …… The member who comes is extremely numerous, came from ancient clan and Immortal Sect paradise, some and Meng Family intersect good, some and Meng Family has the bitter enemy, sees Meng Family to lose face very much happily. 前來的修士极多,很多都來自古族和仙门福地,有的和梦家相交甚好,有的则和梦家有世仇,很高兴看到梦家出丑。 I kill him.” Meng Xinghu vision ice-cold, the hand grasps to fight the sword, must enter the death mystical place, takes the Feng Feiyun xing life. “我去杀他。”梦星虎目光冰冷,手握战剑,要杀入死亡秘境,取风飞云的xing命。 Star tiger male cousin, you are Meng Family Epic Genius, why must copes with this Half Monster you to get rid, I then can kill him.” “星虎堂兄,你乃是梦家史诗级别的天才,对付这种半妖何须你出手,我便能杀他。” Meng Family is the ancient large clan, inside story is deep, the person with outstanding ability is extremely numerous, was this generation of Epic Genius was only born six, the talents of more than ten talents approached in Epic Genius infinitely, has achieved the Heaven's Mandate Realm side boundary. 梦家乃是古老的大族,底蕴深厚,英才极多,光是这一代史诗级别的天才就诞生了六位,还有十多个天才的天赋无限接近于史诗级别的天才,也都达到了天命境界的极境。 At this moment then such people with outstanding ability entered the death mystical place, this person with outstanding ability already mastered a life and death rule, has achieved half Spiritual Master boundary, the strength is very valiant, even is more formidable than Meng Tianyu, has strength that can escape from the Spiritual Master hand. 此刻便有一位这样的英才走进了死亡秘境,这一位英才已经掌握了一丝生死规则,达到了半尊真人的境界,战力十分彪悍,甚至比梦天宇还要强大,拥有能够从真人手中逃命的实力。 However within merely two breath, this person with outstanding ability on the horizontal corpse in the death mystical place, was rumbled blood fog with Heaven Rising Rod by Feng Feiyun. 但是仅仅两个呼吸间,这一位英才就横尸在死亡秘境之中,被风飞云擎天棍轰成了一片血雾。 Meng Xinghu, you are Epic Genius, but dares with me a war in the death mystical place.” Feng Feiyun stood in the death mystical place, the azure copper rod in hand still in the drop blood, the body had a fearful power and influence, during the speeches shakes the float giant stone of child of entire mystical place to rock. 梦星虎,你乃是史诗级别的天才,可敢与我在死亡秘境之中一战。”风飞云站在死亡秘境之中,手中的青铜棍还在滴血,身上有一股可怕的威势,说话间震得整个秘境之子的悬浮巨石都在晃动。 A stick a Meng Family person with outstanding ability making into the blood fog, has given to fear many Meng Family heavenly talent, this Half Monster is not very as if affable. 一棍子将梦家的一位英才给打成了血雾,将很多梦家天骄都给惊住,这个半妖似乎很不好惹。 Half Monster Union member also excited, Meng Taiyue, Li Lang, Ye Xiaomu and war that was seriously injured more famous and the others in eye burning hot, whole body war blood in ebullition. 半妖盟修士也都激动了起來,就连受了重伤的梦泰岳李狼叶小穆、战越名等人都眼中炙热,浑身的战血在沸腾。 Li Lang is enduring the grief, laughs saying: Meng Xinghu, is it possible that you are afraid the Brother Feng younger brother.” 李狼忍着伤痛,大笑道:“梦星虎,你莫非是害怕风兄弟了。” He has definitely been afraid, after all Brother Feng younger brother strength unparalleled and startled certainly colorful, turns the hand can give the suppression him.” The war more famous said with a smile. “他肯定是害怕了,毕竟风兄弟战力无双、惊才绝艳,翻手之间就能将他给镇压。”战越名笑道。 They are the Meng Taiyue air vents, after all Meng Taiyue once experienced suffering in Meng Family the humiliation and oppression, these Meng Family juniors not him, when the person looked, now can attack the Meng Family opportunity with great difficulty, they naturally cannot let off. 他们都在为梦泰岳出气,毕竟梦泰岳曾经在梦家受尽了屈辱和欺压,那些梦家子弟都不将他当人看,现在好不容易有一个可以打击梦家的机会,他们自然不会放过。 Snort, is not fierce point Half Monster, I will fear him.” The Meng Xinghu vision is fearful, looking disdainfully was looking at Feng Feiyun in death mystical place, has signed the life and death agreement, then changed into a flowing light, has crashed in the death mystical place. “哼,不就是一个厉害一点的半妖,我会惧他。”梦星虎的目光慑人,睥睨的望着死亡秘境之中的风飞云,签下了生死协议,然后便化为了一道流光,冲进了死亡秘境之中。 Half Monster Union these member also gradually peaceful, Meng Xinghu is Epic Genius, the strength is extremely fearful, the war more famous and Ye Xiaomu two people collaborate are not his match, although Brother Feng younger brother's cultivation base is strong, but after all is too young. 半妖盟的那些修士也都渐渐的安静了下來,梦星虎可是一位史诗级别的天才,战力极其可怕,战越名和叶小穆两人联手都不是他的对手,风兄弟的修为虽强,但毕竟还是太年轻。 Meng Xinghu, you are willing to come in finally.” Feng Feiyun carries Heaven Rising Rod, stood in death mystical place top of the giant stone, on the face is having the smiling face of several points of pondering. 梦星虎,你终于肯进來了。”风飞云扛着擎天棍,就站在死亡秘境的一座巨石之顶,脸上带着几分玩味的笑容。 Base and low Half Monster.” Meng Xinghu for all that was saying, but actually does not despise Feng Feiyun, regards as the archenemy him, after all Feng Feiyun continually killed two Meng Family powerhouses a moment ago, person who this has the strength can achieve. “一个卑微的半妖。”梦星虎虽然如此的说着,但是却并不轻视风飞云,将他视为大敌,毕竟刚才风飞云可是连杀两位梦家的强者,这不是沒有实力的人能够做到。 Meng Xinghu both hands support the day, called a valuable wheel, had the grinding pan to be so big fully, the valuable wheel was sending out the blood color/look radiance, like round blood red color/look big ri. 梦星虎双手撑天,唤出了一座宝轮,足有磨盘那么大,宝轮散发着血sè的光华,就像一轮血红sè的大ri。 Rotates, makes humming sound sound. 转动起來,发出“嗡嗡”的声音。 Meng Xinghu when formerly and Ye Xiaomu and war more famous fighting, has not called this valuable wheel, but at this moment he actually this might tyrannical war soldier offering a sacrifice, thus it can be seen him attaching great importance to degree to Feng Feiyun. 梦星虎在先前和叶小穆、战越名交手的时候,也沒有唤出这一座宝轮,但是此刻他却将这一件威力强横的战兵给祭了出來,由此可见他对风飞云的重视程度。 This is Grade 4 Spirit Artifact, in Meng Family, only then Epic Genius possibly obtains Grade 4 Spirit Artifact as fighting the soldier, heard that they broke through the Nirvana boundary, will also reward Grade 5 Spirit Artifact.” “这是一件四品灵器,在梦家只有史诗级别的天才才可能得到一件四品灵器作为战兵,听说等他们突破到了涅槃境,还会奖励一件五品灵器。” „The Brother Feng younger brother above Spirit Artifact compared with Meng Xinghu, may fall into passively.” 风兄弟在灵器之上比不过梦星虎,可能会陷入被动。” Outside of death mystical place, many member have enforced, started earnest observing. 死亡秘境的外面,很多修士都严肃了起來,开始认真的观战。 The valuable round might of Grade 4 Spirit Artifact rank Meng Xinghu offers a sacrifice to is indeed tyrannical, the giant stone within several hundred miles the surrounding area gave to twist to break to pieces the powder powder, the electricity glow of blood color/look flowed above the valuable round, radiance punctured the person eyes unable to open. 梦星虎祭出的四品灵器级别的宝轮的确威力强横,将方圆数百里之内的巨石都给绞碎成了齑粉,有一道道血sè的电芒在宝轮之上流动,光华刺得人眼睛都睁不开。 Grade 4 Spirit Artifact is called World-Suppressing Murderous Weapon in Divine Jin Dynasty already, is very rare, the might is extremely powerful. 四品灵器神晋王朝已经被称为镇世杀兵,十分罕见,威力极其强大。 Grade 4 Spirit Artifact indeed is good treasure, in whose hand but must look to place.”, The speed of body increased ten times to continue suddenly, vanishes in same place, next quarter his already stands in a valuable round place above, stretched out a huge hand imprint, must seize the valuable wheel in Meng Xinghu hand unexpectedly. 四品灵器的确是好宝贝,不过也要看放在谁的手中。”了一句,身体的速度突然增加了十倍不止,消失在原地,下一刻他已经站在宝轮的上方,伸出了一只巨大的手印,竟然是要去夺梦星虎手中的宝轮。 Dares to capture Grade 4 Spirit Artifact unexpectedly, really courts death.” Meng Xinghu not startled counter- happy, the stimulation of movement treasure wheel, turned toward Feng Feiyun to shell the past fully directly. “竟然敢夺取四品灵器,真是找死。”梦星虎不惊反喜,全力催动宝轮,直接向着风飞云轰击了过去。 However the treasure was one's turn the Feng Feiyun body first ten zhang (3.33 m) positions to slow down the speed of rotation, finally stopped, fell into the hand of Feng Feiyun. 但是宝轮到了风飞云身前十丈的位置就减缓了转动的速度,最终停了下來,落入了风飞云的手中。 Anything, how can like this.” Meng Xinghu stimulates to movement the spirit strength once more, must communicate Artifact Spirit in valuable round, treasure round receiving, but a use does not have. “什么,怎么会这样。”梦星虎再次催动灵力,要沟通宝轮之中的器灵,将宝轮给收回來,但是却一点用处都沒有。 Artifact Spirit as if already in valuable round was given the control by the opposite party, this grade of method makes Meng Xinghu first time feel that the heart fears. 宝轮之中的器灵似乎已经被对方给控制,这等手段让梦星虎第一次感到心头恐惧。 Feng Feiyun pinched to look in hand the valuable wheel, has held appreciatively for quite a while, as if a valuable round thorough control, said with a smile: Makes you experience its true might.” 风飞云将宝轮捏在手中看了看,把玩了半天,似乎是将宝轮彻底的掌控,笑道:“让你见识一下它真正的威力。” Bang.” “轰。” The radiance of blood color/look departs from the valuable round together, like together the sharp sword of blood red color/look, Meng Xinghu called out pitifully, was rumbled to fly. 一道血sè的光华从宝轮之上飞出,就像一道血红sè的利剑,梦星虎惨叫一声,被轰飞了出去。 The radiance of this blood color/look has not given to kill Meng Xinghu together, but the hole broke his dantian, has abandoned he cultivation base. 这一道血sè的光华并沒有将梦星虎给杀死,只是洞破了他的丹田,废了他一身的修为 You...... You unexpectedly...... Has abandoned my cultivation base, coughing up blood that your this humble Half Monster, you died......” Meng Xinghu keeping, face color/look was pale is ordinary with the paper, which also had an arrogance and overbearing of Epic Level talent. “你……你竟然……废了我修为,你这个低贱的半妖,你死定了……”梦星虎在不停的咳血,脸sè苍白得就跟纸一般,哪还有一丝史诗级别天才的傲气和霸道。 Bang.” “嘭。” A Feng Feiyun foot has kicked, his leg kicking, said: I am humble, who stipulated that I certainly am humble, how I felt that you are humbler than me.” 风飞云一脚踢了过去,将他的一条腿给给踢断,道:“我低贱,谁规定我就一定低贱,我怎么感觉你比我还要低贱。” The Meng Xinghu pain resulted in the face to twist, like dog general shrinking on the ground, keeping was cursing Feng Feiyun, claimed that Meng Family also had compared with he more formidable young heavenly talent, will revenge for him. 梦星虎痛得脸都扭曲了,就像一条狗一般的缩在地上,在不停的咒骂着风飞云,声称梦家还有比他更加强大的年轻天骄,会为他报仇。 Oh, Meng Family also has compared with you more formidable heavenly talent, you asked them to come, I was waiting for them here, the people who today I must let the entire world know, Half Monster was not the minority groups, with boundary, but was invincible.” ,梦家还有比你更强大的天骄,那你就去请他们來吧,我在这里等着他们,今天我就要让整个天下的人都知道,半妖并不是弱势群体,同境界,可无敌。” Feng Feiyun gives to mention Meng Xinghu, directly throwing the death mystical place, looked at outside the death mystical place the Meng Family that seventh remote antiquity elder, said: You formerly said that anything is coming, heard that your Meng Family must apologize to our Half Monster Union, but must deliver Spirit Stone, is this.” 风飞云梦星虎给提起,直接给扔出了死亡秘境,看了看死亡秘境外梦家的那一位第七太上长老,道:“你老人家先前说什么來着,听说你们梦家要向我们半妖盟道歉,还要送灵石,是不是这样。” Young fellow, you went too far, is it possible that bullies my Meng Family nobody.” The body of seventh remote antiquity elder runs out of an incomparably terrifying aura, a spoken parts rainbow from his carrying on the back, murderous intention in surges. “少年人,你太过分了,莫非真欺我梦家无人。”第七太上长老的身上冲出一股无比恐怖气息,一道白虹从他的背上冲起,杀机在翻腾。 „, The dream seventh child, is it possible that you are want to bully the weak.” A bald old man walked, on the neck hangs the Purple Gold shackle, on the face is having the smiling face of ridicule. “咳咳,梦老七,你莫非是想要以大欺小。”一个光头老叟走了出來,脖子上挂着紫金铁链,脸上带着嘲笑的笑容。 Haha, I looked that Meng Family was the thorough mourning has defeated, in the younger generation linked a Half Monster Union junior unable to defeat, needed the elders to get rid unexpectedly personally, yeah, when Meng Family reduced the situation of so not being able to withstand.” Is growing the white color/look hair, old man yin Yang Guaiqi saying with a smile that wears the black color/look long gown. “哈哈,我看梦家是彻底丧败了,年轻一代中连一个半妖盟的小辈都无法击败,竟然需要老辈亲自出手,哎,梦家什么时候沦落到了如此不堪的地步。”一个长着白sè头发,穿着黑sè长袍的老者yin阳怪气的笑道。 The old men of this bald old man and white hair black robe are the character of remote antiquity elder rank, moreover did not gather with Meng Family, at this moment saw that the talents of Meng Family younger generation admit defeat again and again, Epic Genius was abandoned cultivation base, they are very naturally happy. 这个光头老叟和白发黑袍的老者都是太上长老级别的人物,而且与梦家一直不合,此刻见到梦家年轻一代的才俊连连吃瘪,就连史诗级别的天才都被废了修为,他们自然高兴得很。 The Meng Family seventh remote antiquity elder old face is red from time to time from time to time purple, has taken back the hand ruthlessly, said: Immediately invited Meng Xinglong and Meng Xinghen goes out.” 梦家的第七太上长老的老脸时而红时而紫,狠狠的收回了手,道:“立即去请梦星龙梦星痕出关。” Immediately then has young juniors hurried hurrying back Meng Family.( Goes 立即便有一个年轻子弟匆匆忙忙的赶回梦家。(去 .) ..)
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