SV :: Volume #7 第六中央王朝

#857: The talent does not pass through hits

Very powerful big Buddhist doctrine magical powers, unexpectedly including Meng Xinglong on moistened Ascension aura ancient armor unable to block, this absolutely was one type has surmounted dream profound sword wave the magical powers.” “好强大的佛法神通,竟然连梦星龙身上的沾了一丝羽化气息的古甲都挡不住,这绝对是一种超越了‘梦玄剑波’的神通。” Purple clothes young master, adviser such saying of that hand operated feather fan. 紫衣公子的身后,那一个手摇羽扇的谋士如此的说道。 The purple clothes young master sits at this moment, in an amethyst carves above the jade chair of phoenix, the side has many powerhouses to protect him, is only the intelligence profound adviser reaches six people. 紫衣公子此刻就坐在一张紫晶雕凤的玉椅之上,身边有很多强者在守护他,光是智力高深的谋士就多达六人。 These advisers are extremely intelligent characters, saw the fight of purple clothes young master’s disciple to that Half Monster and Meng Family has had the interest, therefore then advised. 这些谋士都是聪明绝顶的人物,看出了紫衣公子对那个半妖梦家弟子的战斗产生了兴趣,于是便纷纷进言。 Another adviser said: This Half Monster is very special, first took out one not under Grade 7 Spirit Pill pill, now displays the Buddhism the excellent Buddhist doctrine, it seems like his has a Grade 9 big refine the pill of immortality Master, moreover surely is the Buddhism eminent monk.” 另一个谋士道:“这个半妖很特殊,先是取出了一枚不下于七品灵丹的佛丹,现在又施展出佛门的上乘佛法,看來他的身后真的有一位九品大炼丹师,而且必定是佛门高僧。” Ji Territory Buddhism ancient temple altogether over a thousand, can being able to stand in line number also only then 120,000 years ago great enlightenment really Buddha establishment becomes aware heart ancient temple, has Grade 9 Buddha non- Zen Buddha institute, but becomes aware the heart ancient temple, does not have the Zen Buddha institute, does not have a Buddhism eminent monk to achieve the rank of Grade 9 big refine the pill of immortality.” 季域的佛门古庙一共上千座,能够排得上号的也就只有120000年前大悟真佛创立的‘悟心古刹’,还有就是拥有九品佛器的‘无禅佛院’,但是无论是悟心古刹,还是无禅佛院,都沒有一位佛门高僧能够达到九品大炼丹师的级别。” At this time another adviser walked, slightly was doing obeisance to the purple clothes young master, said: already sent for looking up a moment ago, this Half Monster four days ago appears in Floating Sky Assembly, afterward and Meng Family Meng Taiyue contacts closely, then Meng Taiyue starts to use the Meng Family strength, helping him seek for a female......” 这时又一个谋士走了过來,微微的对着紫衣公子一拜,道:“刚才已经派人去查了,这个半妖四天前出现在浮天集,随后和梦家梦泰岳接触密切,然后梦泰岳又开始动用梦家的力量,帮他寻找一个女子……” I do not want to know that he had done anything for these days, I only want to know his fifth day ago where.” Purple clothes young master faintly said. “我不想知道他这几天都干了一些什么,我只想知道他第五天之前在什么地方。”紫衣公子淡淡的道 This...... Did not have the precise information.” That adviser then kneels on the ground at once, the body is gingerly. “这个……还沒有确切的消息。”那一个谋士旋即便跪在了地上,身体战战兢兢。 Purple clothes young master jogging folding fan, cold -ly snorted and said: You were usually not boasting oneself are omniscient, how including this minor matter unable to handle, really disappointed me too.” 紫衣公子轻摇折扇,冷哼道:“你们平时不是都在吹嘘自己无所不知,怎么连这种小事都办不好,真是让我太失望了。” That adviser kowtows on the ground hastily, at the same time trembling say/way: This Half Monster is may not the person of calculation, these news come from the Ji Territory secret earning collection.” 那一个谋士连忙在地上磕头,一边颤巍巍的道:“这个半妖乃是不可推算之人,这些消息都是从季域天机营收集过來。” It seems like the Ji Territory secret camp needs to reorganize.” Purple clothes young master faint said. “看來季域的天机营是需要整顿整顿了。”紫衣公子淡淡的说道。 Thump.” “咚。” Purple clothes young master kneels down a person, is the remote antiquity elder in Ji Territory secret camp, say/way in reverential awe: According to recently acquired news, discovered four days ago in Hundred Tribulations Mountains had the weak space to fluctuate, in addition afterward collected the news analysis, that Half Monster was very possible is crosses from other big territory comes void, has met the space storm in the wormhole space, was curled in Hundred Tribulations Mountains, then gave to carry over Hundred Tribulations Mountains by Meng Taiyue him.” 紫衣公子的身后又跪下一人,乃是季域天机营的一位太上长老,诚惶诚恐的道:“根据最近收集到的消息,发现四天前百劫山脉之中有微弱的空间波动,加上后來收集到了消息分析,那一个半妖很可能乃是从别的大域横渡虚空而來,在虫洞空间之中遇到了空间风暴,被卷到了百劫山脉之中,然后由梦泰岳将他给带出了百劫山脉。” The purple clothes young master is when Feng Feiyun and Meng Xinghu fight the life person looks up the Feng Feiyun details, to the present also on time of tea, such short time, Feng Feiyun arrives at sixth zhong 紫衣公子是在风飞云梦星虎交手的时候命人去查风飞云的底细,离现在也就一盏茶的时间,就这么短短的时间,风飞云來到第六zhong yāng Dynasty all activity traces were then looked up. yāng王朝的所有活动痕迹便都被查了出來。 Some things that even cannot look up, some massive Wiseman continually hand calculations and guesses, analyze the most possible situation, then reports. 甚至是查不出來的一些东西,也有大量的智师连手推算和猜测,分析出最可能的情况,然后汇报上來。 Although merely is only a material of person, the manpower and physical resource that but this back spends are unable to estimate, from this can also see the strength that this purple clothes young master can mobilize is quite huge. 虽然仅仅只是一个人的资料,但是这背后花费的人力和物力无法估算,由此也可以看出这个紫衣公子能够调动的力量相当庞大。 Gets up.” The purple clothes young master’s bright eyes fluctuate erratically, is pondering anything. “都起來吧。”紫衣公子的明眸变幻不定,在思考着什么。 The remote antiquity elder and that adviser in secret camp then relaxed, standing up slowly. 天机营的太上长老和那一位谋士这才松了一口气,徐徐的站起身來。 The remote antiquity elder in that secret camp said: Also had the news to transmit a moment ago, that female already that was called Feng Feiyun Half Monster to look for crosses ancient array platform to arrive at Yu City, this female extremely pretty, moreover cultivation base was very uncommon, Great Wiseman of secret camp calculated her, but by her counter- calculation, was actually used the secret to kill the law to give to wound that Great Wiseman of secret camp, an intelligence was completely waste.” 那一位天机营的太上长老道:“刚才又有消息传來,那个叫做风飞云半妖要找的女子已经横渡古阵台來到了域城,这个女子极其貌美,而且修为很不凡,天机营的一位大智师对她进行推算,但是却被她反推算,更使用天机杀法将天机营的那一位大智师给击伤,一身智力尽废。” Oh, is so fierce.” The purple clothes young master came the interest, faint to say with a smile: Female now where.” ,这么厉害。”紫衣公子來了兴趣,淡淡的一笑道:“那女子现在在什么地方。” The remote antiquity elder in secret camp shook the head, said: She attainments above Wiseman way is extremely high, cultivation base exceptionally is also formidable, cannot calculate, cannot track......” 天机营的太上长老摇了摇头,道:“她在智师一途之上的造诣极高,修为也异常强大,不能推算,也不能跟踪……” Snort, a girl, I came to fight one fight with her.” Purple clothes young master’s behind an old adviser of hand operated feather fan has closed both eyes, the body is magnificent, the secret rules dissipate from his body, then turns toward entire Yu City to cover. “哼,一个小女子吧了,我來和她斗一斗。”紫衣公子身后的一个手摇羽扇的苍老谋士闭上了双眼,身上光辉灿烂,有一道道天机规则从他的身上逸散出來,然后便向着整个域城覆盖过去。 This is cultivation base formidable Great Wiseman, once had practiced in wisdom Divine Palace, otherwise does not have the qualifications stand in the purple clothes young master. 这是一位修为强大的大智师,曾在一座智慧神宫之中修炼过,不然也沒有资格站在紫衣公子的身后。 .” “噗。” After long time, this old adviser body shakes, in the mouth puts out a blood, then straight pouring on the ground, fainted. 半晌之后,这个苍老的谋士身体一震,口中吐出一口鲜血,然后笔直的倒在了地上,昏死了过去。 Was killed law to cut the state of mind by the opposite party by the secret, was impossible to open the eye again.” Another adviser face color/look is very ugly, vision with deep veneration stares is falling on the old man of ground. “被对方以天机杀法斩中了神魂,不可能再睁开眼睛了。”另一个谋士脸sè很难看,目光肃然的盯着倒在地上的老者。 Purple clothes young master’s face color/look is very from beginning to end tranquil, said: Interesting, out of the ordinary Half Monster, a cultivation base formidable female.” He looks up to this jade wall, asked: They have fought many round.” 紫衣公子的脸sè从始至终都很平静,道:“有意思,一个与众不同的半妖,一个修为强大的女子。”他抬起头向这玉壁之上看去,问道:“他们战了多少个回合了。” Nearly 800 rounds, this Half Monster is really not general.” “快800个回合了,这个半妖真不是一般的强。” In the death mystical place, Feng Feiyun does not know that some already people were looking up his details, as before with Meng Xinglong struggle. 死亡秘境之中,风飞云并不知道已经有人在查他的底细,依旧在和梦星龙“苦战”。 Naturally this struggle is only superficial phenomenon that's all, if Feng Feiyun wants to defeat Meng Xinglong, most only needs two moves, reason that plays such difficultly looks at that's all to Meng Family these member, if displays too strong, definitely gives to retreat in fear Meng Family these member, that did not have the meaning. 当然这种苦战只是表面现象罢了,若是风飞云真的想要将梦星龙击败,最多只需要两招,之所以打得这么“艰苦”不过只是给梦家那些修士看罢了,若是表现得太强势,肯定将梦家的那些修士都给吓退,那就太沒意思了。 Gold Silkworm Buddha egg.” 金蚕佛卵。” The body god egg of Feng Feiyun, Fokuang wrapped the body completely, has haunched a flake gold color/look world, is bringing strength that a powerful and fled, has suppressed the past toward Meng Xinglong. 风飞云的身体化神卵,佛光将身体完全包裹,撑起了一片金sè的天地,带着一股强势而披靡的力量,向着梦星龙镇压了过去。 Through fighting, Meng Xinglong knows that the Buddhist doctrine of Feng Feiyun is very formidable, does not dare to have a low opinion of the enemy, calls Grade 4 Spirit Artifact, stimulates to movement the Spirit Artifact prestige energy fully, erupts 30 times of striking power. 通过交手,梦星龙知道风飞云的佛法很强大,不敢轻敌,唤出了一件四品灵器,全力催动灵器的威能,爆发出30倍攻击力。 Should finish.” “该结束了。” A palm of Feng Feiyun stretches out from the Buddha egg, the golden light is shining, some Buddha characters dance in the air above the palm, to the racket falls Grade 4 Spirit Artifact that Meng Xinglong offers a sacrifice to the ground, then the stride has killed, a fist hitting to fly Meng Xinglong. 风飞云的一只手掌从佛卵之中伸出,金光灿灿,有一个个佛字在手掌之上飞舞,将梦星龙祭出的四品灵器给拍落在地上,然后又大步杀了出去,一拳将梦星龙给打飞。 Bang.” “嘭。” The Meng Xinglong bitter experience tremendous strength impact, ancient armor blooms once more ray, has blocked most strengths, bellows, I am the undefeated.” 梦星龙遭遇巨大的力量冲击,身上的古甲再次绽放出光芒,挡住了绝大多数的力量,大吼一声,“我是不败的。” Bang.” “嘭。” Feng Feiyun was together Buddha seal shells in the chest of Meng Xinglong, hit the big mouth to spit blood him, ancient armor must split. 风飞云又是一道佛印轰击在了梦星龙的胸口,将他打得大口吐血,身上的古甲都要裂开。 Bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭……” Feng Feiyun such as fights war-god Buddha, the vision looks disdainfully, first even/including lays out five Buddha seal, hits unceasingly Meng Xinglong retrocedes, is difficult the resistance the strength, ancient armor has given birth to the crack. 风飞云如一尊斗战神佛,目光睥睨,一连拍出五道佛印,将梦星龙打得不断后退,难有抵抗的力量,身上的古甲都生出了裂纹。 This Buddha seal named Buddhist doctrine is boundless, is Feng Feiyun one of the Buddhist doctrines from «Gold Silkworm Scripture» first comprehending, first has 3000 changes, 3000 Buddhist doctrines, each type is the town world magical powers. 这佛印名叫“佛法无边”,是风飞云从《金蚕经》第一幅佛图之中领悟的佛法之一,第一幅佛图有3000种变化,也就有3000种佛法,每一种都是镇世神通。 However Feng Feiyun through own realizing from experience, concise becomes three types these 3000 Buddhist doctrines, is respectively boundless be Buddhist doctrine, Gold Silkworm Buddha egg, Buddhist doctrine thousand shapes. 但是风飞云又通过自己的体悟,将这3000种佛法凝练成三种,分别为“佛法无边”,“金蚕佛卵”,“佛法千像”。 Buddhist doctrine is boundless attacks the xing magical powers. “佛法无边”是攻击xing的神通。 Gold Silkworm Buddha egg defends the xing magical powers. 金蚕佛卵”是防御xing的神通。 Buddhist doctrine thousand shapes, what refers to is Feng Feiyun can the incarnation 3000 facial features. “佛法千像”,指的是风飞云可以化身3000种面像。 Feng Feiyun shells at this moment Buddhist doctrine is boundless, has used merely two strength that's all, otherwise a palm can Meng Xinglong patting. 风飞云此刻轰击出來的“佛法无边”,仅仅只是使用了其中两层的力量罢了,要不然一掌就能够将梦星龙给拍死。 „A main road vertical stroke, endless abyss.” “大道一竖,无尽深渊。” Meng Xinglong had not been hit so distressedly, the hair hangs loose, the whole body dust, the bloodstained, he has put forth a move of secret technique at this moment, is one of the Meng Family most formidable several secret techniques, can pass through the strength of entire mystical place to burst out from his body. 梦星龙从沒被人打得如此狼狈,头发披散,满身尘土,血迹斑斑,此刻他使出了一招秘术,为梦家最强大的几种秘术之一,有一股能够贯穿整个秘境的力量从他的身体之中迸发出來。 The mystical place had been ripped open a jet black opening by him, inside has air/Qi of the space to surge. 秘境都被他撕开了一道漆黑的裂口,里面有一道道空间之气激荡出來。 Falls face down to me.” “给我趴下。” Feng Feiyun laid out a hand to be in charge once more, Fokuang powerful, such as a flake gold cloud Jiang Meng Xinglong secret technique to the bombardment annihilation, the Meng Xinglong body was also attacked, ancient armor blasted out, changes into shatter iron sheets, the chest are many a blood fingerprint, the chest as if must collapse by pressure. 风飞云再次拍出了一道手掌印,佛光更加的强盛,如一片金云将梦星龙的秘术给轰击湮灭,梦星龙的身躯亦受到了冲击,身上的古甲炸开,化为一块块破碎的铁片,胸口多了一道血手印,胸膛都似乎要被压塌。 Feng Feiyun gets rid once more, gives the disintegration the Meng Xinglong dantian directly, the Meng Xinglong big mouth spits blood, the appearance in eye becomes more and more gloomy, like paper general lying down on the ground. 风飞云再次出手,直接将梦星龙的丹田给崩碎,梦星龙大口吐血,眼睛之中的神采变得越來越暗淡,像一张纸一般的躺在了地上。 Feng Feiyun has worked on the Meng Xinglong ankle area, gave the pull-off the death mystical place him, turned toward Meng Family these member to throw directly, said: Epic Genius really has not passed through hits.” 风飞云一把抓起了梦星龙的脚踝,将他给拖出了死亡秘境,直接向着梦家的那些修士一扔,道:“史诗级别的天才还真是不经打。” These member faces of Meng Family got dark, this Half Monster so will be how strong, had been defeated by him including Meng Xinglong unexpectedly, who is his match. 梦家的那些修士一个个脸都黑了下來,这个半妖怎么会这么强,竟然连梦星龙都被他击败了,还有何人是他的对手。 Haha, another Meng Family epic talent was abandoned.” That white-haired wears the old man of black robe to say with a smile. “哈哈,又一位梦家的史诗天才被废了。”那一个满头白发身穿黑袍的老者笑道。 Your is Meng Family good, otherwise I help you get rid.” Stands at the back of the young member of iron sword in the crowd, in the eye fights intent to be very thick, leaps yu to try, wants to go to fight very much with Feng Feiyun. “你们梦家到底行不行,要不然我帮你们出手。”一个背着铁剑的年轻修士站在人群之中,眼中战意很浓,跃跃yu试,很想去和风飞云大战一场。 He spoke is very earnest, was is not teasing Meng Family likely. 他说话很认真,不像是在调侃梦家 However listens in Meng Family the ears of these God's favored ones, actually looks like one to puncture in to bind, the Meng Xinghen very self-confident say/way: Our Meng Family matter naturally does by our Meng Family person, other person has what qualifications to meddle.” 但是听在梦家的那些天之骄子的耳中,却像一根刺在扎,梦星痕很自信的道:“我们梦家的事自然是由我们梦家人來做,别的人有何资格插手。” Then, he also said to Feng Feiyun: Your cultivation base is very indeed high, but my already saw your depth, suppresses you sufficiently.” 接着,他又对风飞云道:“你的修为的确很高,不过我已经看出了你的深浅,足以将你镇压。” Oh, you so are unexpectedly self-confident.” Feng Feiyun said with a smile. ,你竟然那么自信。”风飞云笑道。 Meng Xinghen is also faint smiles, said: If this self-confident does not have continually, how I will step into the death mystical place easily.” 梦星痕也是淡淡的一笑,道:“若是连这点自信都沒有,我岂会轻易的踏入死亡秘境。” Meng Xinghen not only the natural talent is outstanding, but also a jing deduction and platoon calculate, is grade not low Wiseman, works is always very discrete, any matter that has not grasped easily will not attempt. 梦星痕不仅天资出众,而且jing通推演和排算,是一位品级不低的智师,做事从來都十分谨慎,凡是沒有把握的事都不会轻易的尝试。 Also because he works prudently, the thoughts are meticulous, therefore was regarded the head of household successor to train by Meng Family.( Goes 也正是因为他做事慎重,心思缜密,所以被梦家当成了家主继承人來培养。(去 .) ..)
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