SV :: Volume #6 太微守心

#740: law great ancient hall

Forgets the heart ancient temple, is 10,000 years ago one of the topest three ancient temples, 忘心古刹,可是10000年前最顶尖三座古刹之一, Time that Buddha cultivates, altogether more than 20,000 years of history, but forgets the heart ancient temple also more than 20,000 years of history, in comparison, Divine Jin Dynasty also constructed toward more than 6000 years, by inside story, by strength, even if was the emperor's clan such as the ri culmination time, could not compare to forget the heart ancient temple, 佛修的时代,一共有20000多年的历史,而忘心古刹也有20000多年的历史,相比之下,神晋王朝也就建朝了6000多年而已,论底蕴,论实力,就算是皇族最如ri中天的时候,都比不上忘心古刹, The strength of once forgetting heart ancient temple, will it is estimated that not compare present Spirit God Temple to be weak, even there is a possibility to be stronger, 曾经的忘心古刹的实力,估计不会比现在的神灵宫弱,甚至有可能更强, A so huge Buddha cultivates sacred place, even if were destroyed, in these ruins as before some formidable remnant and bans, even if ten thousand years, will be not necessarily able the annihilation in the river of time, 如此庞大的一座佛修圣地,就算被毁灭,那些废墟之中依旧有很多强大的残阵、禁制,就算是万年的时间,也未必就能将之湮灭在时间的长河之中, It is said that has passed through certain remnant of this ruins, can arrive at the center of ruins, that is a broad region, has the bad risk that many ancient times left behind, each time some countless people treasured hunt to here, but actually nobody true that ruins finding thoroughly, some mysterious places, even if were Spiritual Master does not dare to intrude easily, 据说穿过了这一片遗址的某些残阵,能够到达遗址的中心,那是一片广阔的地域,也存在不少远古遗留下來的凶险,每一个时代都有无数人到这里來寻宝,但是却沒有人真正的将那一片遗址给了解透,有一些神秘的地方,就算是真人都不敢轻易闯入, The Feng Feiyun vision looks is vanishing Wang Anyu and four mysterious old men in light fog, Spiritual Awareness tells him, these person of backgrounds are not simple, definitely has discovered anything in the ancient temple ruins, 风飞云的目光望着消失在光雾之中的王安玉和四个神秘老者,灵觉告诉他,这些人來头不简单,肯定是在古刹遗址之中发现了什么, Walks, we also go to have a look.” “走,我们也进去看看。” Feng Feiyun took the lead, when arrived at the position that Wang Anyu and four mysterious old men vanished, saw that an ancient incomplete wall poured there, above the wall was also printing Buddha seal, as if interwove some Buddha principle, 风飞云率先走了出去,当走到王安玉和四个神秘老者消失的位置,看到有一面古老残缺的墙壁倒在那里,墙壁之上还印着一座座佛印,似乎交织出了某种佛理, Liu Ruixin to come in the ancient temple ruins treasures hunt, obviously has done many preparatory work, reminded: Here Formation, although already is broken, but can retain Formation that ten thousand years do not extinguish, mostly is the old monk of Spiritual Master rank arranges, if jing Formation, will not die to the suppression by here remnant.” 柳睿歆为了前來古刹遗址之中寻宝,显然是做了很多准备工作,提醒道:“这里的阵法虽然都已经残破,但是能够保留万年而不灭的阵法,大多都是真人级别的老僧所布置,若是不jing通阵法,会被这里的残阵给镇压死。” She somewhat self-satisfied smiling, wish makes this rampant Flower Thief give way before difficulties, if he retreated in fear, how rampancy from now on will look at he, 她有些得意的笑,想要让这个嚣张的采花大盗知难而退,若是他被吓退了,今后看他还如何的嚣张, Mu Xirou beautiful pupil rotation, said: Heard that once had Giant (thumb) to be killed by shock in remnant, Formation no small matter that Spiritual Master leaves behind.” 穆惜柔美眸转动,也道:“听说曾有巨擘被震死在残阵之中,真人留下的阵法非同小可。” Feng Feiyun hand operated folding fan, displays the indifferent appearance, natural calm, has portrayed spirit glow above void conveniently, crooked, like earthworms, reflected in void above, 风飞云手摇着折扇,表现出无所谓的样子,潇洒从容,随手在虚空之上刻画了一道灵芒,弯弯扭扭,就像一条条蚯蚓,映在了虚空之上, Whish.” “哗。” A stream of the halo automatically presents, visibles faintly a Dao Sect household to open above, 一道光晕自动呈现出來,隐约可见一道门户开在上面, Feng Feiyun smiled, said: Walks.” 风飞云笑了笑,道:“走吧。” Then, then one step has stepped, 然后,便一步跨了进去, Remnant that „the say/way of this damn caihuaing very also jing Formation, Spiritual Master leaves behind unexpectedly was opened by him, was too fierce...... Bah, side door heretical ways, have neither learning nor skill.” “这个该死的采花贼竟然还jing通阵法之道,真人留下的残阵都被他打开,太厉害了……呸,旁门左道,不学无术。” Liu Ruixin is rousing the cheek, stared in a big way the eye, appearance angrily, although did not prefer very much, followed, 柳睿歆鼓着腮帮子,瞪大了眼睛,气鼓鼓的样子,虽然很不情愿,还是跟了上去, Enters the center of ruins, Feng Feiyun stands above one yellow sand Chiyan, saw that damaged Buddhist temple hall and ancient temple distribute above this stretch of earth, gathered in a Buddha city unexpectedly, but this Buddha city already lost toward the prosperity of ri, the alone piece, in the air was reverberating the continuous sad Buddha sound, seemed telling the common people, answering a curtain call of time, 进入遗址的中心,风飞云站在一片黄沙赤岩之上,看到有一座座破败不堪的佛殿和古庙分布在这一片大地之上,竟然汇集成了一座佛城,只是这一座佛城已经失去了往ri的繁荣,孤寂一片,空气中回荡着连绵不绝的悲伤佛音,似乎在告诉世人,一个时代的谢幕, The ancient yellow stone avenue, was corroded the silt, only then these have Buddha writing Jiachi temple and buddhist convent completely not to be been decayed by the time, afterward the eminent monks of some Buddhism here had arranged protection Formation, since these vestiges can retain, 古老的黄石大街,被腐蚀成了泥沙,只有那些拥有佛文加持的庙宇、庵堂还沒有被时间完全腐朽,后來又有一些佛门的高僧在这里布置了守护的阵法,这些遗迹才能够保留至今, Informed the spirits of ancestors, all living things, the Buddha existed forever, the benevolence regret also did not lose......” “昭告先灵,芸芸众生,佛祖长存,佛心不悔亦不失……” After some remnants of destroyed buildings, by the collapse wall, can see that cultivates Buddha to worship the spirits of ancestors in inside, 经过一些残垣断壁,透过倒塌的墙壁,可以看到一些修佛者在里面祭拜先灵, Can enter here is the powerhouses.” Feng Feiyun also received the heart of contempt, felt that in this ruins several points of huge aura, seemed stronger than him, is the aura of some hidden world people of high skill, “能够进入这里的都是强者。”风飞云也收起了轻视之心,在这一片遗址之中感觉到了几分庞大的气息,似乎比他还要强,属于一些隐世高人的气息, Entered the center of ruins, some Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi then subtle fluctuations in Feng Feiyun body, places «Gold Silkworm Scripture» in Spirit Stone is dodging one brightly, as if induced any thing, 进入了遗址的中心,风飞云身体之中的金蚕佛气便有一些微妙的波动,就连放在界灵石之中的《金蚕经》都在一闪一烁,似乎感应到了什么东西, Does not know that as for Wang Anyu and that four mysterious old man where, this ancient times Buddha city said was big, said small was not small, moreover Divine Sense was suppressed, wanted to find the person in this inside, indeed was terrible business, perhaps if bursts to proceed along no particular course will fall into certain certainly, 至于王安玉和那四个神秘的老者也不知去了什么地方,这一片远古佛城说大不大,说小也不小,而且神识又被压制,想要在这里面找人,的确是一件麻烦事,若是乱闯乱撞说不定会陷入某些绝地, Feng Feiyun no longer desirably looks for Wang Anyu and the others, but relies on the induction of Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi, toward Buddha city zhong 风飞云不再刻意的去寻找王安玉等人,而是凭借金蚕佛气的感应,向着佛城zhong yang some place is good, yang的某一地行去, Cannot to front line, walk to front again arrived at the law great palace.” Liu Ruixin said that “不能再向前面行了,再向前面走就到了法弘殿。”柳睿歆说道, She had examined the map about ancient temple ruins secretly, knows that has several places to not, if this Flower Thief dies in is so natural is happy, but perhaps also with dying in inside, that could not delimit, 她曾经偷偷的查看过关于古刹遗址的地图,知道有几处地方去不得,若是这个采花大盗死在里面那么自然是皆大欢喜,但是自己恐怕也会跟着死在里面,那就太划不來了, Where law great palace is, why cannot go.” Gold Silkworm Buddha Qi mobile speed already in Feng Feiyun body doubled, Gold Silkworm Scripture even must clash from Spirit Stone, explained that front will have some chance surely, “法弘殿是什么地方,为何不能去。”风飞云身体之中的金蚕佛气流动的速度都已经增加了一倍,金蚕经甚至都要从界灵石之中冲出來了,说明前面必定会有某种机缘, Feng Feiyun arrives at the ancient temple ruins for this chance, how possibly to give up at this time, 风飞云來到古刹遗址就是为了这个机缘,怎可能在这个时候罢手, Liu Ruixin said: Forgets the heart ancient temple, although already all destroys, but several places cannot rush as before, the law great palace, the diamond institute, the greatly comfortable palace, these places are very strange, is hiding for ten thousand years ago keep some unclean things, some people said that the evil thing that the old monk who forgets the heart ancient temple suppresses was put, has not died \; Some also say that after is certain obtaining enlightenment eminent monks who forgets the heart ancient temple dead , changed into the evil thing, is protecting this ruins as before.” 柳睿歆道:“忘心古刹虽然已经全毁,但是依旧有几个地方不能闯,法弘殿,金刚院,大自在宫,这些地方十分古怪,隐藏着万年前留些的不干净的东西,有人说,是忘心古刹的老僧镇压的邪物被放了出來,至今未死\;也有人说,乃是忘心古刹的某些得道高僧死后化为了邪物,依旧在守护这一片遗址。” Feng Feiyun teased: That has is unclean.” 风飞云调侃道:“那有多么的不干净呢。” „Since the grasping great palace, these ten thousand years, two Spiritual Master, six Supreme Giant has fallen from the sky here.” Periphery Liu Ruixin looks at pitch-dark broken ancient temple, saying quietly, as if the fear has alarmed any thing, “就拿法弘殿來说,这万年以來,有两位真人,六位上位巨擘陨落在这里。”柳睿歆看着周围黑漆漆的残破古庙,悄声的说道,似乎害怕惊动了什么东西, This Feng Feiyun could not smile, the eye narrowed the eyes, stares at the main hall that front was standing tall and erect gloomily, the inside jet black piece, probably a great demon lay there, waited for the people to intrude in its mouth on own initiative, 这一次风飞云也笑不出來了,眼睛一眯,盯着前方一座灰暗高耸的大殿,里面漆黑一片,就好像一尊巨魔卧在那里,等着人们主动闯入它的口中, Feng Feiyun finally maintains the reason, has not rushed, but wants him to give up, is impossible, 风飞云最终还是保持理智,沒有闯进去,但是要他放弃,却也不可能, To law great palace not far place, preserved quite complete small buddhist convent, named element Yue An, 离法弘殿不远地方,有一座保存比较完整的小庵堂,名叫“素岳庵”, The so-called preservation is complete, is relatively speaking, here as before is much more broken, the wall but actually two, the tile also broken fell place, only has a record the image of Buddha above stage also to calculate the preservation to be complete, seems the statue of some Bodhisattva, 所谓的保存完整,也是相对而言,这里依旧残破得厉害,墙壁都倒了两座,瓦片也碎落一地,只有案台之上的佛像还算保存完整,似乎乃是某位菩萨的雕像, Feng Feiyun temporarily stays in this small buddhist convent, at the same time starts to use the bad risk origin in technique of projection method great palace small spreading out, has spent all day time, has not calculated the result, instead almost in the thing by law great palace backlashed, 风飞云就暂时在这一座小庵堂之中住下,一边开始利用小衍之术推算法弘殿之中的凶险來历,花费了一整天的时间,也沒有推算出结果,反而差点被法弘殿之中的东西反噬, However, a little he has determined, the position of Gold Silkworm Scripture direction indeed is the law great palace, in that big and ruined palace definitely has the thing that oneself want, this chance will not be absolutely small, 不过,有一点他还是确定了下來,金蚕经指引的位置的确是法弘殿,那一座高大而破败的殿宇之中肯定有自己想要的东西,这一场机缘绝对不会小, Bang.” “轰。” The direction of law great palace has transmitted a loud sound, along with, even if saw two Fokuang departs from inside, in that Fokuang is wrapping two person's shadows, these two person's shadows are bringing the black color/look bamboo hat, with second that mysterious old man Wang Anyu travels together, 法弘殿的方向传來了一声巨响,随即便看到了两道佛光从里面飞出,那佛光之中包裹着两道人影,这两道人影都带着黑se的斗笠,正是与王安玉同行的神秘老者之二, Has not thought yesterday after entering the ancient temple ruins, these people then intruded in the law great palace, 沒想到昨天进入古刹遗址之后,这几个人便闯入了法弘殿之中, Altogether has gone in five people, runs away actually only then two, moreover these two were also injured, 一共进去了五个人,逃出來的却只有两个,而且这两人还都受伤了, Hiss hiss.” “嘶嘶。” In the law great palace spreads the strange sound, the black glow of yin air/Qi heyday departs from inside together, likely is a huge black color/look shadow, suppresses toward that the mysterious old man of two running away, 法弘殿之中传出古怪的声音,一道yin气极盛的黑芒从里面飞出,像是一个巨大的黑se影子,向着那两个逃窜的神秘老者镇压下去, Big day tracing rut.” “大天轮印。” And a mysterious old man of running away, holds their palms together, the body back condenses a round radiance eye-catching treasure seal, the diameter feared that has ten meters, shakes the black color/look shadow in law great palace hardly, 其中一个逃窜的神秘老者,双手合十,身体背后凝聚出一轮光华夺目的宝印,直径怕是有十米长,硬撼法弘殿之中的黑se影子, Feng Feiyun is looking at the expansive sky, both eyes brilliant, the heart also quite exclaimed in surprise, cultivation base of this mysterious old man has surpassed his guess, feared that was already has reached the Heaven's Mandate 8th-layer peak, must be higher than compared with it Wu Qinghua plans, 风飞云望着长空,双目灼灼,心头也颇为惊叹,这个神秘老者的修为着实超过了他的猜测,怕是已经达到了天命第八重的巅峰,比之巫清婳都要高出一筹, Another mysterious old man also gets rid, cultivation base unexpectedly terrifying, has made one string of buddha beads, altogether the beads of 18 fist sizes, like changing into 18 stars, the strength is tyrannical, is very scary, 另一个神秘老者也跟着出手,修为竟然更加的恐怖,打出了一串佛珠,一共有18颗拳头大小的珠子,就像化为了18颗星辰,力量强横无匹,十分骇人, Feng Feiyun offered a sacrifice to Infinite Ghost Thumb Ring hastily, stimulated the Grade 3 Spirit Artifact prestige energy, inside departed five god charts, protected this small buddhist convent, 风飞云连忙祭出了淼鬼扳指,激发出三品灵器的威能,里面飞出五幅神图,守护住这一座小庵堂, Bang.” “轰。” cultivation base of these two mysterious old men are very terrifying, but routs as before, cannot shoulder law great palace the attack of evil thing, 这两个神秘老者的修为都很恐怖,但是依旧大败,根本扛不住法弘殿里的邪物的攻击, That Heaven's Mandate 8th-layer peak the boundary of Superior Giant was suppressed lethal, the body changed into the blood mud, 那一个天命第八重巅峰的超级巨擘之境被镇压致死,身体化为了血泥, Another cultivation base immeasurably deep mysterious old man also injures extremely heavily, the body disrupted many places, the bone does not know that has broken many roots, but has preserved a life eventually, crashed from Heaven's Mandate, pounded to fall like a meteorite, falls in element Yue An, gave the chop suey a Buddha wall, 另一个修为深不可测的神秘老者也伤得极重,身上碎裂了很多地方,骨头不知断裂了多少根,但终究是保住了一命,从天命之上坠落而下,就像一枚陨石砸落,落在了素岳庵之中,将一片佛墙给杂碎, Bang.” “轰。” Was in element Yue An Bai Ruxue, Liu Ruixin and Mu Xirou to be frightened one, probably saw that flint fell from the day, is carrying the huge incomparable aura, if not for here each broken Buddhist temple were held with the Formation in addition by the obtaining enlightenment eminent monk, perhaps periphery all ancient Buddhist temple hall already collapsing, 身在素岳庵之中的白如雪柳睿歆穆惜柔都被吓了一条,就好像看到一枚火石从天降,携带着庞大无比的气息,若不是这里的每一座残破佛庙都被得道高僧用阵法加持过,恐怕周围所有的古老佛殿都已经坍塌, Very powerful big cultivation base.” “好强大的修为。” Feng Feiyun Infinite Ghost Thumb Ring receiving, arrives at that piece of collapse in the ruins, has dug out a senior monk, 风飞云淼鬼扳指给收起,走到那一片倒塌的废墟之中,挖出了一个老和尚來, This monk was that mysterious old man, but had made into the severe wound by some thing of law great palace, the black color/look bamboo hat of head was beaten, suffocates to lie down on the ground, 这个和尚就是刚才的那个神秘老者,只是被法弘殿的某个东西打成了重伤,就连头上的黑se斗笠都被打烂,奄奄一息躺在地上, The senior monk bone has disrupted many places, the whole body is the blood, however in his blood is containing formidable Buddha Qi, although lies down there, actually as before gives people a tyrannical incomparable imposing manner, the average person has not dared to approach him, 老和尚身上的骨头碎裂了很多处,浑身都是鲜血,但是他的血液之中都蕴含着强大的佛气,虽然躺在那里,却依旧给人一种强横无比的气势,一般人还真不敢接近他, Obviously is a senior monk, actually wears the bamboo hat to conceal the status, obviously they knew a big secret, arrives at the ancient temple ruins in the way of covering their ears and eyes, intrudes in the law great palace, but the bad risk in law great palace has surpassed their imagination, finally fails when success seemed within reach, only then he ran away, 明明是一个老和尚,却戴着斗笠掩饰身份,显然他们知道了一个大秘密,以掩人耳目的方式來到古刹遗址,闯入法弘殿之中,但是法弘殿之中的凶险超过了他们的想象,最终功败垂成,只有他一个人逃了出來, Is any big secret, 到底是什么大秘密呢, Feng Feiyun has thought instantaneously of the lots in one, even continually this senior monk's some status general suspicions, 风飞云在一个瞬间就想到了很多东西,甚至连这个老和尚的身份都有大概的猜想, renews quick ∷∷ pure writing ∷更新快∷∷纯文字∷
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