SV :: Volume #6 太微守心

#739: Ancient temple ruins

Liu Ruixin is young, by Flower Thief seizing, the tears crash-bang downward falls immediately, even if a little girl, knows that fell into the hand of Flower Thief surely is not the good deed. 柳睿歆毕竟年纪还小,被一个采花大盗给擒住,顿时眼泪哗啦啦的往下掉,就算是一个小女孩,都知道落入了采花大盗的手中必定不是什么好事。 My mother will definitely kill you, my Elder Sister Ye is also very fierce.” Liu Ruixin wipes tears, threatens Feng Feiyun. “我娘肯定会杀了你,我叶师姐也很厉害。”柳睿歆边抹眼泪,边威胁风飞云 That makes them come together, heard that your Livelihood Immortal Religion day arrogant female Ye Siwan is six beauty's heads, just wants to pick her, if she can deliver on own initiative, so as to avoid also I run.” “那就让她们一起來吧,听说你们日月仙教的天之骄女叶丝婠乃是六大美人之首,正想去采她,她若是能够主动送上门來,也免得我多跑一趟。” You have a dream.” “你做梦。” Spring dream, haha.” “春梦,哈哈。” That night, Feng Feiyun and three outstandingly beautiful beautiful women stay in this inn, nobody dares to alarm them, the strength that after all Feng Feiyun daytime displays, indeed gives to deter many people. 当夜,风飞云和三个绝色美人就在这座客栈之中住下,沒有人敢來惊扰他们,毕竟风飞云白天表现出來的战力,的确是将很多人都给震慑住。 Walked in the guests who in this inn moves in cleanly, because they know that this caihuaing very brought the big trouble, teaches to give to offend the immortals of background mansion three big one time, then here will have the calamity surely, who also dares to live here. 原本在这座客栈之中入住的客人都走得干干净净,因为他们都知道这个采花贼闯了大祸,一次性将地子府三大古之仙教都给得罪,接下來这里必定将会发生厄难,谁还敢在这里住。 Perhaps tomorrow morning here will be razed on already. 说不定明天早上这里就已经被夷为平地。 The boss and waiters in inn walked, the big inn, was ordinary just like the gold/metal palace jade palace, but was empty, only then the shining lamp candle was long, but actually the resembles floated the jack-o'-lantern in air. 就连客栈的老板和伙计都走完了,偌大一个客栈,宛如金宫玉殿一般,但是却空荡荡的,只有明晃晃的灯烛长明,但却像漂浮在空气中的鬼火。 After at nightfall, outside hangs up the gust of wind, the night wind sound like the autumn flute, such as resentful, if . 入夜之后,外面挂起疾风,夜风声就像秋笛,如怨如唔。 Feng Feiyun sits in an garden in inn, well organized, has built a table, above is putting pot liquor, a wine glass, alone thinks to drink, three beautiful maidservants defend in his, the expression of everyone respectively is different. 风飞云就坐在客栈之中的一座庭院里,四平八稳,搭了一张桌子,上面放着一壶酒,一个酒杯,独自酌饮,三个美艳侍女守在他的身后,每个人的表情都各不一样。 Defends like three deity beautiful Families in the side. 就像三个神仙美眷守在身旁。 Until late at night, the entire Fancheng withered immediately, the broken rumor/wind sound resounds in the curtain of night, probably is the demon soldiers encroaches upon, the clever armed forces enter the city, does not know that the hidden place had many people to collect. 直到后半夜,整个樊城顿时肃杀了起來,破风声在夜幕之中响起,就好像是阴兵借道,鬼军入城,不知暗处有多少人汇集了过來。 Feng Feiyun is only slightly during toward was black spatial slanting, then continued to drink wine. 风飞云只是微微的向着黑空之中斜了一眼,然后便继续饮酒。 Bang.” “轰。” Above the backdrop, erupts to burn item of divine light, bronze fights the tower to run out, dozens meters high, the above spirit mark interweaves fully, the prestige can not be possible to estimate, as if must give to destroy the entire Fancheng. 天幕之上,爆发出灼目神光,一座青铜战塔冲出,足有数十米高,上面灵纹交织,威能不可揣度,似乎是要将整个樊城都给打碎开。 After the midnight preparation, some people got rid finally. 经过半夜的准备,终于有人出手了。 Said the tower extremely.” “极道塔。” Liu Ruixin has revealed the happy expression, gives to recognize the spirit soldier above backdrop, this is Grade 2 Spirit Artifact, is intimate with a Livelihood Immortal Religion Giant (thumb) spirit soldier, this Giant (thumb) is very formidable, dominates for several hundred years in the background mansion, today happen to Fancheng. 柳睿歆露出了喜色,将天幕之上的灵兵给认出,这是一件二品灵器,乃是亲近日月仙教的一位巨擘的灵兵,这位巨擘十分强大,在地子府称雄数百载,今日正好在樊城。 This senior gets rid, suppresses Flower Thief Yizhen Feng sufficiently. 这位前辈出手,足以镇压采花大盗一阵风 Feng Feiyun carries the wine glass, the corners of the mouth is having the frivolous happy expression, extends the left hand, the cross grain is densely covered, huge being in charge has hit together, fought the tower to fall to the racket that bronze directly, fought radiance above tower to be hit gloomily, fell into the hand of Feng Feiyun directly, but looked at one simply, then has placed on the table. 风飞云端着酒杯,嘴角带着轻佻的笑意,伸出左手,斜纹密布,一道庞大的掌印打了出去,直接将那一座青铜战塔给拍落了下來,战塔之上的光华被打得暗淡,直接落入了风飞云的手中,只是简单的看了一眼,便放在了桌子上。 Grade 2 Spirit Artifact, pours also well.” 二品灵器,倒也不错。” Feng Feiyun smiled, both eyes are burning like two groups of flame, look to put on void, was black to select one finger/refers during toward the night, immediately three person's shadows were hit, the personal appearance was hasty, whole face with amazement. 风飞云笑了笑,双目就像两团火焰在燃烧,望穿虚空,向着夜黑之中点出了一指,顿时有三道人影被打了出來,身形仓促,满脸骇然。 Was these three people collaborated to offer a sacrifice to say the tower a moment ago extremely, person of cultivation base of mediation was extremely high, the whole face wrinkle, eye socket Shenao, already has been the Heaven's Mandate 7th-layer later period unexpectedly, named Gu Suinan, was does not have the vice- founder who the absurd immortal taught, but did not have the absurd immortal to teach to attach in Livelihood Immortal Religion, under was the immortals of three big teaches one of the most formidable immortal teaching. 刚才就是这三人联手祭出了极道塔,居中的一人修为极高,满脸皱纹,眼窝深凹,竟然已经达到了天命第七重的后期,名叫顾岁南,乃是无妄仙教的副教主,而无妄仙教又依附于日月仙教,是三大古之仙教之下最强大的仙教之一。 Gu Suinan is visiting friends in Fancheng, knew that the Emissary Bai Yue daughter was seized by Flower Thief Yizhen Feng, then contacted with two good friends to get rid together, must suppress this old demon. 顾岁南正在樊城访友,得知白月使者的女儿被采花大盗一阵风擒住,便联系了两位好友一起出手,要镇压这个老魔头。 They collaborate to offer a sacrifice to say tower extremely, the might is the terrifying is naturally peerless, destroys a city sufficiently, but said extremely the tower instantaneously was actually won by Feng Feiyun, this was also too scary a point. 他们三人联手祭出极道塔,威力自然是恐怖绝伦,足以毁一城,但是极道塔却被风飞云瞬间夺走,这也太吓人了一点。 Yizhen Feng, you seized to catch the Emissary Bai Yue daughter, even if your cultivation base exceedingly high penetrating place, was impossible to live is going out of the background mansion.” 一阵风,你擒抓了白月使者的女儿,就算你修为通天彻地,也不可能活着走出地子府。” That gives a try.” “那就试试看。” Feng Feiyun made a hand to be in charge once more, this might fearful, performed to help out year southern three people of already to run away far, made into the severe wound as before, unceasing spitting blood, ran away finally beyond the thousand li (500 km), turned into three blood people, already escaped the strength, the paralysis gasps for breath on the ground, cannot crawl. 风飞云再次打出了一道手掌印,这一次威力更加的可怕,尽管顾岁南三人已经逃远,依旧被打成重伤,不断的吐血,最终逃到了千里之外,变成了三个血人,已经脱力,瘫在地上喘气,爬不起來。 Feng Feiyun has not killed them, because also has the second native of Poland at this time, the tertiary wave person gets rid...... Not many are the fourth native of Poland, the fifth native of Poland...... 风飞云沒有将他们杀死,因为此时又有第二波人,第三波人出手……不多是第四波人,第五波人…… That night, the entire Fancheng cannot be quiet, the fight sound is unceasing, awakens the good dreams of countless person. 这一夜,整个樊城都不能平静,战斗声不绝,惊醒无数人的好梦。 Rumble.” “轰隆隆。” Above the backdrop, the innumerable lightnings fall, will have from time to time also Spirit Artifact to fly to empty, makes to kill off toward, suppresses the innumerable ancient constructions to collapse. 天幕之上,无数的闪电落下,时而又会有一件灵器飞空而起,向着下方打出杀光,镇压得无数古老的建筑为之倒塌。 The person who lashes out is extremely numerous, in Fancheng, will often have kills off together raises, falls to the inn, but easily was actually given to block by Feng Feiyun, simultaneously during turns toward to be void to select one finger/refers, the person of getting rid will kill to the hole a moment ago. 出手攻击的人极多,樊城之中,不时就会有一道杀光升起,落到客栈之中,但是却被风飞云轻易给挡住,同时向着虚空之中点出一指,将刚才出手之人给洞杀。 Many times, a Feng Feiyun person resists the attacks of more than 70 member, the innumerable technique laws attack, is ordinary like sea. 最多的时候,风飞云一个人抵挡70多位修士的攻击,无数的术法攻來,就像一片海洋一般。 Also there is Spirit Artifact to fly the expansive sky, huge oppression strength, spalling a Ancient City wall. 又有灵器飞过长空,庞大的压迫力,震塌了一片古城墙。 Feng Feiyun has sat on the chair, gets rid calmly, does not know that many some invading enemies were cut to kill, many person of severe wounds run away. 风飞云一直就坐在椅子上,从容出手,不知有多少來犯之敌被斩杀,又有多少人重伤逃遁。 Until early morning time, the attacks of all people stop, the outside casualty are innumerable, the wind that in the air blows is bringing the smell of blood. 直到凌晨的时候,所有人的攻击才都停止,外面死伤无数,空气之中吹的风都带着血腥味。 Outside inn these ancient street and historic building already collapsing was shattered, the only this inn is as before perfect, Feng Feiyun has carried the wine glass, the vision stayed on the table, on this table altogether placed four Spirit Artifact, was placed like four spirit lamps there, above some Spirit Artifact was also bringing some bloodstains. 客栈外面的那些古街和古建筑都已经坍塌破碎,唯独这一座客栈依旧完好无损,风飞云又端起了酒杯,目光停留在了桌子上,这桌子上一共放在四件灵器,就像四盏灵灯摆在那里,有的灵器之上还带着些许血迹。 Grade 2 Spirit Artifact, three Grade 1 Spirit Artifact. 一件二品灵器,三件一品灵器 Finally was routs.” Feng Feiyun said with a smile. “终于是杀退完了。”风飞云笑道。 Stood such as petrifies in his behind three pretty maidservants generally, saw a moment ago with own eyes Feng Feiyun gave to repel several hundred formidable member by a person of strength, many times, was an attack of person of hard anti- more than 70 member, who this was. 站在他身后的三个貌美侍女都如石化了一般,刚才亲眼见到风飞云以一人之力将数百位强大的修士给击退,最多的时候,更是一人硬抗70多位修士的攻击,这都是什么人啊。 Drinks wine to chat, defeat completely outstanding heroes. 饮酒谈笑之间,败尽群雄。 Bai Ruxue that even if has known about Feng Feiyun, this moment heart is also unassuageable, during Feng Feiyun imagines her is more formidable, even if Superior Giant feared that could not suppress him, tonight a war, Yizhen Feng the reputation was must shock the world. 就算是对风飞云有所了解的白如雪,此刻芳心也难以平静,风飞云比她想象之中还要强大,就算是超级巨擘怕是都镇压不了他,今夜一战,“一阵风”的名头算是要震惊天下了。 Feng Feiyun said with a smile: Liu Ruixin, from now henceforth you are my personal maidservant, you never since.” 风飞云笑道:“柳睿歆,从今以后你就是我的贴身侍女,你从不从。” Liu Ruixin is youngest, was called the name by Feng Feiyun, immediately heart one tight, said: Personal......” 柳睿歆年纪最小,被风飞云叫了名字,顿时心头一紧,道:“贴身……” „, Pounded the back by this young master, pinches the leg, the end serves tea, pours the liquor, if you think really...... Personal, hehe, this young master will not postpone but actually.” Feng Feiyun has the favorable impression to this somewhat cunning and unreasonable little miss. “咳咳,就是被本公子捶捶背,捏捏腿,端端茶,倒倒酒,你若是真想……贴身,嘿嘿,本公子倒也不会推迟。”风飞云对这个有些刁蛮的小姑娘还是颇有好感。 I, since, from is not good.” Liu Ruixin said. “我从,从还不行嘛。”柳睿歆道。 Feng Feiyun nodded, then granted a spirit sword of Grade 1 Spirit Artifact rank to her, then depended on the chair, making her pound the back to pinch the shoulder to oneself, was very the appearance that enjoyed, then also said: Car dealership maidservant who Mu Xirou, you later are this young master, you never since.” 风飞云点了点头,然后便将一件一品灵器级别的灵剑赏赐给了她,然后靠在了椅子上,让她给自己捶背捏肩,很是享受的样子,然后又道:“穆惜柔,你以后就做本公子的车行侍女,你从不从。” Mu Xirou quite awes to Feng Feiyun now, one hear is the car dealership maidservant, to also neatly complied. 穆惜柔现在对风飞云还是相当敬畏,一听只是做车行侍女,到也就干脆利落的答应了下來。 Feng Feiyun also kindly gave her Spirit Artifact. 风飞云也赏给她了一件灵器 As for Bai Ruxue, because she knows the Feng Feiyun real status, knows that Feng Feiyun receives these maidservants to prepare for the evil way grand meeting merely, as soon as possibly the evil way grand meeting ended, these will wait on the women's team to be dismissed, will go various home respectively, will look for various mothers respectively, naturally might also carry off to the pack by him, after all Liu Ruixin, Mu Xirou will be beautiful woman extremely, Feng Feiyun will put them to walk, Bai Ruxue cannot determine actually. 至于白如雪,因为她是知道风飞云的真实身份,也知道风飞云收这些侍女仅仅只是为邪道盛会做准备,可能邪道盛会一结束,这些侍女团就会被解散,各回各家,各找各妈,当然也有可能会被他给打包带走,毕竟无论是柳睿歆,还是穆惜柔都是绝顶的美人,风飞云会放她们走嘛,白如雪其实也不敢确定。 Also because of this special reason, Feng Feiyun has arranged a position of maidservant manager to Bai Ruxue. 也正是因为这个特殊的原因,风飞云白如雪安排了一个侍女总管的位置。 If looks for one to wait on the maidservant in bedroom, you said that immediately background mansion who is most suitable, naturally the maidservant who should better also be skilled in the temperament, plays chess very fierce maidservant, dances the good maidservant......” Feng Feiyun to think aloud there, three days arrogant females in abundance white his eyes, heart secretly thought, this Flower Thief how this best quality goods. “若是找一个侍寝的侍女,你们说当下的地子府谁最适合,当然最好还有一个精通音律的侍女,一个下棋很厉害的侍女,一个跳舞不错的侍女……”风飞云在那里自言自语,身后,三个天之骄女都纷纷的白了他一眼,心头暗道,这个采花大盗怎么这个极品。 That night has naturally caused not the small stir, afterward has started an earthquake in the entire background mansion, on road that powerhouse already that various immortals teach in catching up. 这一夜自然是引起了不小的轰动,随后在整个地子府掀起了一场大地震,各大仙教的强者都已经在赶來的路上。 As for Feng Feiyun at this moment, already led his three maidservants to arrive at the ancient temple ruins. 至于此刻的风飞云,已经带着他的三个侍女來到了古刹遗址。 The ancient temple ruins to Fancheng less than three thousand li (500 km), are bleak places, the vicinity have yellow rivers, the distant place has three mountains to tower, the hearsay forgets the heart ancient temple the ruins under this stretch of earth, because ten thousand years pass by, even if are remnants of destroyed buildings already are buried cleanly, but occasionally can also see a Buddhist temple hall gold/metal Zhu fragment in the soil. 古刹遗址离樊城不足三千里,是一片荒凉之地,近处有一条黄色的河流,远处有三座大山耸立,传闻忘心古刹的遗址就在这一片大地之下,因为万年过去,就算是残垣断壁都已经被掩埋得干干净净,只是偶尔还能在泥土之中看到一点佛殿金柱的残片。 After arriving above this stretch of earth, can make people feel that a feeling to the utmost vicissitudes, in this vicissitudes is passing the strange peace, as if can also hear in the air to have ancient to chant scripture, has the old monk to hit Buddhism Bell. 來到这一片大地之上后,就能让人感觉到一股极尽沧桑的感觉,这一股沧桑之中又透着奇怪的安宁,仿佛还能听到空气中有古佛在念经,有老僧在撞佛钟 The Buddhism member who comes to worship was extremely numerous, practices a long line, Feng Feiyun even also saw several Controlling Beast House old nun. 前來祭拜的佛门修士极多,练成了一条长龙,风飞云甚至还看到了几个驭兽斋的老尼。 In the stream of people, Feng Feiyun saw several familiar person's shadows, was one of the head is yesterday Wang Anyu who drank wine in the inn, was City Lord of Fancheng, another four mysterious old men also, them hurried away, entered in the ancient temple ruins, the quick person's shadow vanished, by light fog embezzling. 在人流之中,风飞云看到了几个熟悉的人影,其中为首的一个就是昨天在客栈之中饮酒的王安玉,也就是樊城的城主,另外四个神秘老者也都在,他们匆匆而去,走进了古刹遗址之中,很快人影就消失,被一层光雾给吞沒。 Feng Feiyun is paying attention to these people, reveals one lightly. 风飞云注意着这几个人,露出一声轻咦。 That is misses the mark that remained from the antiquity remnantly, the center of connection ruins, this stretch of earth, many ancient temple vestiges were retained actually, the thing that you see at present was just the representation, only then cultivation base great strength can pass through the ancient incomplete mark, entered the center of ruins, perhaps was also hiding some Buddhism wonderful treasures there.” Liu Ruixin said. “那是从上古就留下來的残缺阵纹,连接遗址的中心,这一片大地,其实还是有很多古刹遗迹被保留了下去,你眼前看到的东西只不过是表象,只有修为强大者才能穿过古老残缺的阵纹,进入遗址的中心,在那里说不定还藏着一些佛门奇宝。”柳睿歆说道。 She also hugged is searching for the valuable the thoughts to come to Fancheng, is wants the center of ancient temple ruins to hit the Buddha reason, finally the Buddha reason has not hit, instead caihuaing very hitting. 她本來也是抱着挖宝的心思來到樊城,就是想要到古刹遗址的中心去撞佛缘,结果佛缘沒有撞到,反而将采花贼给撞到了。
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