SV :: Volume #6 太微守心

#738: Cuts to kill six to offer a sacrifice to the immortal to teach founder

Whish.” “哗。” The folding fan by a black light package, was flown, when the folding fan flies back to the Feng Feiyun hand once more, is as before perfect. 折扇被一层乌光包裹,飞了出去,当折扇再次飞回风飞云手中的时候,依旧完好无损。 His serene swung folding fan, very natural leisurely and carefree say/way: Interest of drinking was given by you badly completely.” 风轻云淡的摇了摇折扇,十分潇洒悠闲的道:“喝酒的兴致都被你们给坏尽了。” At this time, the people discovered that six offered a sacrifice to the vice- founder and Huo Xin who head/number of people the immortal taught flew, generally departed the window like two rubber balls, two headless corpses stood there, in the neck ran out of together the blood column respectively. 这个时候,人们才发现六祭仙教的副教主和霍心的人头都飞了出去,就像两颗皮球一般飞出了窗户,两具无头尸立在那里,脖子里面各自冲出一道血柱來。 Shocks, shocks. 震撼,还是震撼。 Chatted kills five people continually. 谈笑间连杀五人。 Feng Feiyun actually knows that person has not gotten rid, stands above the avenue outside inn, is a middle-aged man of wear clothes, this person of cultivation base is extremely high, already has achieved the boundary of Giant (thumb) . Moreover the body has bright atmosphere, should be the founder who six sacrifice immortals teach. 风飞云却知道还有一人沒有出手,就站在客栈外的大街之上,是一个穿着青衫的中年男子,这人修为极高,已经达到了巨擘之境,而且身上有着一股煌煌大气,应该就是六祭仙教的教主了。 Suddenly, the form of this middle-aged man disappears from the avenue. 突然,这个中年男子的身影从大街之上消失。 „To run away.” “想逃。” Feng Feiyun sneers, extends the left hand directly, opens wide void, the sky of Fancheng gives birth to a giant hand to be in charge suddenly, the air/Qi of that terrifying pressure, falls from the sky like the stars general, in each member sensation by city. 风飞云冷笑一声,直接伸出左手,洞开虚空,樊城的上空突然生出一只巨大的手掌印,那一股恐怖的威压之气,就像星辰陨落一般,被城中每一个修士都感知到。 A huge hand is in charge, is by the cloud layer stack, forms from the backdrop automatically, as if hand of the Heaven, falls from the day, above will be directly void a azure clothes middle-aged person to press to the racket. 一只庞大的手掌印,乃是由云层堆积而成,自动从天幕之上形成,仿佛一只上苍之手,从天落下,直接将虚空之上的一个青衣中年人给拍压了下來。 Bang.” “轰。” This azure clothes middle-aged person naturally is the founder who six sacrifice immortals teach, has Giant (thumb) middle stage cultivation base, was in charge by this together hits spits blood, blood flame. 这个青衣中年人自然就是六祭仙教的教主,拥有巨擘中期修为,被这一道掌印打得吐血,鲜血化火焰。 He offered a sacrifice to ray scalding hot Spirit Artifact hastily, erupted seven Formation to protect oneself, has preserved a life, but as before from expansive sky straight crashed, pounded a giant pit in the ground, the surroundings everywhere were the crack, inside dust filled the air, covered just like mist, inside red red light twinkle, seemed to be that one group of fires burnt in inside. 他连忙祭出了一件光芒灼热的灵器,爆发出七座阵法守护自身,才保住了一命,但依旧从长空笔直的坠落下來,在地面上砸出一个巨大的坑,周围到处都是裂纹,里面尘土弥漫,宛如一片云烟笼罩,里面赤色的红光闪烁,似有一团火在里面燃烧。 The giant hand is in charge, Spirit Artifact prestige energy. 巨大的手掌印,灵器的威能。 Within the short time, has caused the huge destruction in this piece of Ancient City, the building collapsed by pressure, torn to pieces, does not know that many people were buried below. 短短的时间之内,在这一片古城之中造成了巨大的破坏,有一片建筑被压塌,支离破碎,不知有多少人被埋在了下面。 The member in entire Fancheng were feared, many cultivation base great strength, at this moment astonished uncertain, was flooded entire Ancient City Evil Qi to give panic-strickenly by that was suspecting, is it possible that was an evil way overlord arrived at Fancheng. 整个樊城的修士都被惊住,其中不乏修为强大者,此刻都惊异不定,被那一股充斥整个古城邪气给惊骇,一个个都在猜疑,莫非乃是一尊邪道霸主來到了樊城。 Has not died.” “还沒有死。” Feng Feiyun mocked, separated once more makes one to be in charge spatially, will be void gave to shake in the sound, Evil Qi was imposing, erupts the shocking beast roar, departed from the palm like an desolate ancient Xiong beast, six offered a sacrifice to the founder who the immortal taught cranking up the blood mud directly, bang, has burnt like the flint. 风飞云略带讥诮,再次隔空打出了一道掌印,将虚空都给震得噼里啦的响,邪气凛然,爆发出震天兽吼,就像一头荒古凶兽从手掌心飞出,直接将六祭仙教的教主给拍成了血泥,轰的一声,就像火石燃烧了起來。 This is the blood of Giant (thumb) is burning, gives to cremate the surrounding soil and stone. 这是巨擘的鲜血在燃烧,将周围的泥土和石头都给烧化开。 The founder who an immortal teaches such works as all people to write off. 一位仙教的教主就这么当着所有人被抹杀。 As for six offer a sacrifice to the immortal to teach that Spirit Artifact of founder, was received by Feng Feiyun, this is Grade 1 Spirit Artifact, the golden iron hoop, above the iron hoop has the close scale, has golden radiance to flow above together, is flooding strong spiritual intelligence. 至于六祭仙教教主的那一件灵器,则被风飞云收了过來,这是一件一品灵器,金色铁环,铁环之上有细密的鳞片,有一道金色的光华在上面流动,充斥着浓烈的灵性 Feng Feiyun has held appreciatively two this iron hoop then insipidly, lost to Bai Ruxue directly, Spirit Artifact of this low grade, Feng Feiyun already does not care completely. 风飞云将这一件铁环把玩了两下便索然无味,直接丢给了白如雪,这种低品级的灵器,风飞云已经完全不在乎了。 As for his another maidservant Mu Xirou, this moment already frightens beautiful face changing colors, the complexion is pallid, a pair slender ** in shivering of keeping, the tender body is trembling, the glittering and translucent carving nail must pinch in the flesh and blood, cannot bear that huge pressure, almost must kneel down in front of Feng Feiyun. 至于他的另一个侍女穆惜柔,此刻已经吓得花容失色,脸色煞白,一双修长的**在不停的颤抖,娇躯在颤栗,晶莹剔透的指甲都要捏到了血肉之中,承受不住那一股庞大的压力,几乎要跪倒在风飞云面前。 At this moment she truly knows that the fearfulness of Feng Feiyun, does not kill people leniently, the eye has not winked, even has not left the seat. 这一刻她才真正知道风飞云的可怕,杀人毫不手软,眼睛都沒有眨一下,甚至都沒有离开过座位。 In the inn, member keep silent, does not dare to move, like looking at the devil looks at Feng Feiyun generally, respects the elders the demon, no wonder the evil sovereign will be alarmed, proclaims the evil sovereign command to kill him. 客栈之中,一个个修士都噤若寒蝉,不敢动弹,就像看魔鬼一般的看着风飞云,真是一尊老魔头啊,难怪邪皇都会被惊动,颁下了邪皇令杀他。 Wang Anyu also completely shocks with that several mysterious old man, their cultivation base is formidable, comes to Fancheng to discuss that an important matter, stopped the discussion at this moment, stared at the vision to the body of Feng Feiyun, how Fancheng to come such a respect for elders demon suddenly, moreover was Flower Thief, then feared that had the day that many immortals taught the arrogant female to meet with a disaster. 王安玉与那几个神秘老者也都满是震撼,他们修为强大,來到樊城在商讨一件大事,此刻停止了商讨,将目光盯向了风飞云的身上,樊城怎么突然來了这么一尊老魔,而且还是一个采花大盗,这下怕是有很多仙教的天之骄女要遭殃了。 That several in the bamboo hat, or on the face deceive the illusion old man is being the vision brilliant, wants to see clearly the Feng Feiyun background through the deva-eye magical powers, however their vision were actually waved to give to cut off by Feng Feiyun. 那几个都在斗笠,或者脸上蒙着幻象的老者皆是目光灼灼,想要通过天眼神通看清风飞云的來路,但是他们的目光却都被风飞云一挥手给斩断。 Feng Feiyun cold snort/hum, was having the color/look of warning, these mysterious old men sat respectfully immediately, no longer provokes this formidable Flower Thief, pours is not they cannot provoke, but is they have the important matter in the body, does not want to cause complications. 风飞云冷哼了一声,带着警告之色,这几个神秘的老者顿时正襟危坐了起來,不再招惹这个强大的采花大盗,倒也不是他们招惹不起,而是他们有要事在身,不想节外生枝。 The association presents such several very fierce caihuaing thieves through the ages, whether there is the scalar product talent and beautiful appearance the arrogant females were damaged in a day, then after some caihuaed very has damaged the beautiful woman , a blade to kill, cruel and merciless \; Also after some disasters beautiful woman, walks away, is a loose thief \; Also after there are has damaged the beautiful woman, on the pack carries off, free in world, Xian Sha world person. 古往今來总会出现那么几个十分厉害的采花贼,有无数积天赋和美貌于一身的天之骄女都被祸害,有的采花贼祸害了美女之后便一刀杀了,心狠手辣\;也有的祸害了美女之后就一走了之,做一个风流窃贼\;也有祸害了美女之后就打包带走,招摇于世,羡煞天下人。 Especially this third-order caihuaing thief, after having damaged the beautiful woman, but can also swaggering bring to be walked by the female who he damages in cultivation world, this caihuaing generally cultivation base is very formidable, is fearful, does not fear behind these females the retaliation of influence. 特别是这第三类采花贼,祸害了美女之后,还能够大摇大摆的带着被他祸害的女子行走在修仙界,这种采花贼一般都修为强大,最是可怕,不惧这些女子背后势力的报复。 Divine Jin Dynasty historical has presented a such formidable caihuaing thief, not only most gives to pick before dozens beautiful women the beautiful appearance rank, accomplished a desire. Read the flower palace, moreover founder madame who taught to various immortals, the valve main madame of powerful family, even the Emperor Jin god imperial concubine started, moreover succeeded repeatedly, making the major Immortal Sect influence face countenances sweep the floor, becomes the first caihuaing clever king who at that time was afraid by everybody. 神晋王朝的历史上就出现过这样的一个强大的采花贼,不仅是将美貌排名最靠前的数十个佳人给采摘,造就成了一个欲.念花宫,而且还对各大仙教的教主夫人,门阀的阀主夫人,甚至的晋帝的神妃下手,而且还屡屡成功,让各大仙门势力颜面扫地,成为当时人见人怕的第一采花贼王。 Naturally, the fellow does not understand restraint, is too rampant, finally has violated the popular anger, had gotten down the snare, caused that entire Divine Jin Dynasty cultivation world encircles kills, then Emperor Jin personally got rid, finally gave to kill him, but this first caihuaing clever king has damaged countless beautiful women, has worn the green hat to countless people, became a scandal of time, above the ancient book of any influence has not left his name. 当然,那家伙不懂克制,实在太嚣张,最后犯了众怒,被人下了圈套,引得整个神晋王朝修仙界围杀,就连当时的晋帝都亲自出手,终于将他给干掉,但是这第一采花贼王祸害了无数的美人,更是给无数人戴了绿帽子,成为了一个时代的丑闻,任何势力的典籍之上都沒有留下他的名字。 Makes caihuaing is very able to achieve this situation, then is also in ten thousand flowering shrubs dies, makes trouble also loosely. 做采花贼能够做到这个地步,那么也算是万花丛中死,做鬼也风流。 Now presented such a formidable caihuaing thief, naturally is makes many people feel from to endanger, the fear presents in the history has had the scandal again. 现在又出现了这么一个强大的采花贼,自然是让很多人都感到自危,害怕再次出现历史上发生过的丑闻。 Mu Xirou is one of the background mansion six great beauties, since she already suffers a disaster, likely already by Yizhen Feng making, Yizhen Feng is so rampant, feared that was another five beautiful women is also extremely dangerous.” 穆惜柔乃是地子府六大美人之一,她既然已经遭劫,很可能都已经一阵风给弄了,一阵风如此嚣张,怕是另外五个绝顶佳人也危险了。” That is uncertain, although this Flower Thief is fierce, but where is also actually not necessarily able strongly to go, has not seen him to strike to kill six to offer a sacrifice to the founder who the immortal teaches time has used the second move, explained that he also not invincible, six offer a sacrifice to the back that the immortal teaches, but Solar Immortal Religion, six offer a sacrifice to the founder body that the immortal teaches dead, Solar Immortal Religion is impossible to sit by and do nothing, once there is Superior Giant to catch up, suppresses him sufficiently.” “那也不一定,这个采花大盗虽然厉害,但是却也未必能够强到哪里去,沒看见他击杀六祭仙教的教主的时候用了第二招,说明他还沒有无敌,六祭仙教的背后可是太阳仙教,六祭仙教的教主身死,太阳仙教不可能坐视不管,一旦有超级巨擘赶來,足以将他镇压。” Said is also, Solar Immortal Religion God's favored one Wu Yangsheng already breaks through Heaven's Mandate 8th-layer, the character who he in the competition in the future the position of founder, this will be the evil way overlords who will make older generation be panic at the news, if will make him know that the background mansion presented such a caihuaing thief, will meet first to catch up surely, by his talent, Heaven's Mandate 8th-layer cultivation base, will cut to kill this caihuaing is very a cinch in addition absolutely.” “说的也是,太阳仙教的天之骄子武阳生已经突破天命第八重,他在竞争未來教主之位,这可是一个让老一辈的邪道霸主都闻风丧胆的人物,若是让他知道地子府出现了这么一个采花贼,必定会第一时间赶來,以他的天赋,加上天命第八重修为,斩杀这个采花贼绝对不在话下。” Ten Thousand Law Immortal Religion Chen Mojin, the already cultivation law normalizing, can make 27 times of striking power by the tens of thousands, heard that he and Mu Xirou friends from childhood, agreed ten thousand law normalizing the date of Greater Stage two people to become engaged, closes up for 30 years, magical powers Greater Stage, after going out, alarmed became Ten Thousand Law Immortal Religion, if made him know that the female of own friends from childhood was very actually given to spoil by caihuaing, but also was captured to be the maidservant, in which anger cannot say a word, above the earth of this background mansion, will have the startled day mighty waves surely.” “还有万法仙教陈默金,已经修炼成万法归一,能够打出27倍攻击力,听说他和穆惜柔青梅竹马,约定‘万法归一’大乘之日两人就订婚,闭关30年,神通大乘,出关之后,惊动了成为万法仙教,若是让他知道自己青梅竹马的女子却被一个采花贼给糟蹋,还被擒去做了女奴,其中的愤怒不可言语,这地子府的大地之上,必定会发生惊天波澜。” Closes up for 30 years, magical powers Greater Stage, the female but who love was very actually given by caihuaing, Chen Mojin must be irritated may not, haha.” “闭关30年,神通大乘,但是自己所爱的女子却被一个采花贼给上了,陈默金非要被气死不可,哈哈。” ...... …… Although these people in according to Divine Sense exchange, but actually cannot hide the truth from the ear of Feng Feiyun, the thing that they discussed that clearly was heard by Feng Feiyun. 这些人虽然都在以神识交流,但是却根本瞒不过风飞云的耳朵,他们谈论的东西,都被风飞云清晰听到。 Liu Ruixin was also frightened heavily, after all her appearance is also extremely beautiful, although compares cultivation base of it six great beauties to be not as good, but the beautiful appearance is the slightest bit is not bad, for fear that was given to have a liking for by that Flower Thief, that was finished. 柳睿歆也被吓得不轻,毕竟她的容貌也是极美,虽然比之六大美人的修为要差一些,但是美貌却是半分都不差,生怕被那个采花大盗给看上,那就完蛋了。 Under shield of one group of talent outstanding, she wants to sneak off quietly. 在一群天才俊杰的掩护之下,她想要悄悄溜走。 Feng Feiyun is the plan was noisy matter, best to teach to give to involve the immortals of background mansion three big, so long as on implication the immortals of three big have taught, is equal to teaching background mansion various Tianwan to give to involve, this was wonderful. 风飞云本來就是打算将事情闹大,最好是将地子府三大古之仙教都给牵扯进來,只要牵连上了三大古之仙教,就等于是将地子府的诸天万教都给牵扯进來,这就妙不可言了。 Therefore naturally will not let off Liu Ruixin this cunning and unreasonable small girl. 所以自然也就不会放过柳睿歆这个刁蛮的小丫头。 already has seized her one time in any case, why not to seize her one time again. 反正都已经擒过她一次了,何不再擒她一次。 Liu Ruixin.” Feng Feiyun sits there is swinging folding fan, a loose clean appearance, the mouth read this name, sound not heavy heavy, but actually almost frightened Liu Ruixin plants on the ground. 柳睿歆。”风飞云坐在那里摇着折扇,一副风流倜傥的模样,嘴里念出了这个名字,声音不重不轻,但是却差点将柳睿歆吓得栽在地上。 She hid in the crowd, the body is also quite petite , the cat the head, is hearing Feng Feiyun to read her name, mouth one flat, almost must cry. 她本來躲在人群之中,身体也颇为娇小,也猫着头,听到风飞云念出她的名字,嘴巴一扁,差点都要哭出來了。 These shield her young talent also complexion big change, one crowd of young people that stiff standing there, moved unexpectedly do not dare to move. 那些掩护她的年轻才俊也都脸色大变,一群年轻人竟然就那么僵硬的站在了那里,动也不敢动。 The Liu Ruixin appearance is delicate, the eye pupil is bright, but also is bringing shy of several points of young girl, has blinked the eye pupil, say/way cautiously: One...... Yizhen Feng, I...... Told you, my mother...... But Livelihood Immortal Religion Emissary Bai Yue, you...... If you dare to touch my, my mother...... My mother butchered your hand.” 柳睿歆模样清秀,眼眸明亮,还带着几分少女的青涩,眨巴了一下眼眸子,小心翼翼的道:“一……一阵风,我……告诉你,我娘……可是日月仙教白月使者,你……你若是敢碰我一下,我娘……我娘就宰了你的手。” . 唰。 The person's shadow in a flash, Feng Feiyun swung folding fan, the elegant bearing, already is standing in her front, gathered the folding fan, with fan, in her powder carved on the face that the jade carved to knock gently two, such as sexually harassed general, said with a smile: „ I have bumped, asking your mother to butcher my hand, „ 人影一晃,风飞云摇着折扇,风度翩翩,已经站在了她的面前,将折扇一合,用扇子在她粉雕玉琢的脸上轻轻的敲了两下,就如调戏一般,笑道:“我碰了,叫你娘來宰我手吧,“ The Feng Feiyun appearance is very frivolous, making many people feel the repugnance, tight is pinching both hands, makes giggle the sound, but actually nobody dares to get rid, is restraining itself diligently. 风飞云的样子很轻浮,让很多人都感觉到反感,紧紧的捏着双手,发出咯咯的声音,但是却沒有人敢出手,在努力的克制自己。 The Liu Ruixin tender body shrinks immediately, as if short half, like a teased small quail, pitiful, the eye pupil is red, said: My mother...... My mother......” 柳睿歆的娇躯顿时一缩,似乎矮了半截,就像一只被挑逗的小鹌鹑,可怜巴巴的,眼眸子通红,道:“我娘……我娘……” Your mother came, I link your mother to seize together, then greatly with sleeping, when Emissary Bai Yue is young was colorful certainly for a while, the spooky several hundred years pass by, the graceful bearing should win, making the person anticipate, haha.” “你娘來了,我连你娘一起擒住,然后大被同眠,白月使者年轻之时本就艳绝一时,幽幽数百年过去,风韵应该更胜,让人期待,哈哈。” The Feng Feiyun supine head length smiles, performs to reveal the evil way old demon the elegant demeanor, puts out a hand to seize her, side has talent outstanding unable to bear get rid, was actually flown to the fan by a Feng Feiyun palm of the hand, has dashed the window, get lost/rolled on the avenue, fell to put one's foot down on, but also merely received has injured that's all, Feng Feiyun has not killed him. 风飞云仰头长笑,尽显邪道老魔的风采,伸出手就去擒她,旁边有一个天才俊杰忍不住出手,却被风飞云一巴掌给扇飞了出去,撞破了窗户,滚到了大街上,摔得头下脚上,不过也仅仅只是受了一些伤罢了,风飞云并沒有杀他。
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