SV :: Volume #6 太微守心

#737: Evil way old demon

Originally is the wisdom admires the young lady.” “原來是睿歆小姐。” In the inn many people stand up, salutes to that young girl, very respects, after all Fancheng belongs to the Livelihood Immortal Religion domain, but Liu Ruixin is the Emissary Bai Yue daughter, everyone must give her several points of face. 客栈之中很多人都站起身來,对那少女行礼,十分尊敬,毕竟樊城属于日月仙教的地盘,而柳睿歆又是白月使者的女儿,谁都要给她几分面子。 The Liu Ruixin physique is slender, stands above the gold/metal ladder dwelling place of the immortals, waist Sheung Wan a jade belt, is despising to present all member. 柳睿歆身姿纤细,站在金梯玉楼之上,腰上环着一根玉带,藐视在场所有修士。 Because the evil way grand meeting nears, the giants of many evil way or on a grand scale, or snuck the low key, already arrived at the background mansion, the recent background mansion especially was not tranquil, any slightest sign of trouble, likely caused the huge mighty waves, Livelihood Immortal Religion high-level every action and every movement appeared especially are sensitive. 因为邪道盛会在即,很多邪道的巨头或是大张旗鼓,或是潜行低调,已经來到了地子府,最近的地子府也格外不平静,任何风吹草动,都可能引起天大的波澜,日月仙教高层的一举一动就显得格外的敏感了。 Since Liu Ruixin appears here, was telling presents all cultivation base, Fancheng or ancient temple ruins must have any important matter. 既然柳睿歆出现在这里,是不是在告诉在场所有的修为,樊城或者说古刹遗址是不是要发生什么大事了。 After Liu Ruixin and a Livelihood Immortal Religion member walks, Wang Anyu and that several mysterious old man are not talking too much, sits there, lip moving gently, by the Divine Sense exchange, was saying anything, nobody can hear clear. 柳睿歆日月仙教的一众修士走下來之后,王安玉和那几个神秘老者都不在多言,就坐在那里,嘴唇轻轻的动了动,以神识交流,在说些什么,也无人能够听得清。 Feng Feiyun drinks own liquor, very long has not drunk such good wine of delicacy, the elegant bearing, the beautiful woman is invited along, pours also many people to throw to glance up, but actually also looked at several that's all, moreover Mu Xirou and Bai Ruxue that looks. 风飞云自是饮自己的酒,很久沒有喝这么美味的佳酿,风度翩翩,佳人作陪,倒也有不少人投过目光來,但是却也只是多看了几眼罢了,而且看的还是穆惜柔白如雪 When are not many, the outstanding talent who several immortals teach walked in the Liu Ruixin direction, should teach the juniors with the immortal that Livelihood Immortal Religion is on good terms, each one natural talents are good, the handsome god is abundant, obviously before , knew, follows in Liu Ruixin about, seems pursuing this day the arrogant female. 不多时,有几个仙教的杰出才俊向着柳睿歆的方向走了过去,应该是与日月仙教交好的仙教子弟,个个天资不俗,俊朗神丰,显然以前就认识,跟随在柳睿歆的左右,似乎在追求这个天之骄女。 And cultivation base is quite high, wears the young talent in golden armor, named Xu Zhiyang, said: Younger Sister Liu this time also went to Copper Furnance Mountain, does not know that may see Demon's Child Feng Feiyun.” 其中一个修为颇高,身穿金甲的年轻才俊,名叫徐志杨,道:“柳师妹这次也去了铜炉山,不知道可见到了妖魔之子风飞云。” Mentioned Feng Feiyun, all people first thought was «Gold Silkworm Scripture», in the inn the powerhouse was extremely numerous, has raised up the ear, after all they have not gone to Copper Furnance Mountain, has not seen Feng Feiyun, but listened to the people to talk into the life Copper Furnance Mountain certainly, must not have incompetently the Feng Feiyun boast, but actually nobody knows how the fact was. 提到风飞云,所有人第一时间想到的就是《金蚕经》,客栈之中强者极多,一个个都竖起了耳朵,毕竟他们都沒有去铜炉山,更沒有见过风飞云,只是听人们将铜炉山说成了生命绝地,将风飞云吹嘘得无所无能,但是却沒有人知道事实到底是怎么的。 Is implicated reveals the curious color/look in Feng Feiyun nearby Mu Xirou, after all the Feng Feiyun reputation is too big, the Giant (thumb) slaughter several, the fact of this great person, always has been full of the color of legend, making these days the arrogant female be worth hearing a hundred times. 连坐在风飞云旁边的穆惜柔都露出好奇之色,毕竟风飞云的名声实在太大,巨擘都屠了好几尊,这种大人物的事迹,总是充满了传奇的色彩,让这些天之骄女百听不厌。 The women like eventually is the powerhouse, how to say Feng Feiyun again, but current dynasty only prince . Moreover the natural talent is certainly colorful, although has an affair with many women, but his outstanding side the negative thing will cover sufficiently, actually many females worship to look forward to him. 女人喜欢的终究是强者,再怎么说风飞云可是当朝唯一的王爷,而且天资绝艳,虽然和很多女人有染,但是他优秀的一面足以将负面的东西遮盖,其实还是有很多女子都对他崇拜而憧憬。 Liu Ruixin shook the head saying: Has not seen actually, said in Copper Furnance Mountain that many people to kill him again at that time, he does not dare to make an appearance.” 柳睿歆摇了摇头道:“倒是沒有见过,再说当时铜炉山之中那么多人想要杀他,他也不敢露面。” The people reveal the disappointed color/look unavoidably, talent outstanding of another rain surname said with a smile: Legend has ingredient of exaggeration after all, although that Demon's Child is called the first talent, but after all was too young, how possibly to kill Giant (thumb), he can contend with half-step Giant (thumb), I poured can also believe several points.” 众人不免露出失望之色,另一位雨姓的天才俊杰笑道:“传说毕竟有夸张的成分,那妖魔之子虽然被称为第一天才,但是毕竟还是太年轻了,怎么可能杀得了巨擘,他能够抗衡半步巨擘,我倒还能相信几分。” This Demon's Child destiny nobody can compare actually, unexpectedly obtained of «Gold Silkworm Scripture» three Great Saint places.” “不过这个妖魔之子的气运倒是无人能比,居然得到了三大圣地之一的《金蚕经》。” Had not died of suffocation in Copper Furnance Mountain, perhaps always could not see the daylight.” “还不是被堵死在铜炉山中,恐怕永世都见不了天日。” ...... …… At this time also some people said a secret, this is one powerhouse who returned to from Copper Furnance Mountain, said: Heard that recently had a very fierce evil way character, making Yama's Palace eat one to owe greatly.” 这时又有人说出了一件秘事,这是一个从铜炉山返回的强者,说道:“听说最近出了一个很厉害的邪道人物,让森罗殿都吃了一个大亏。” This matter I also heard, heard that a Yama's Palace outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman was given to steal, the person of getting rid is Yizhen Feng Flower Thief, does not know that is really the vacation.” “这事我也有所耳闻,听说森罗殿的一位绝色美人被人给劫走,出手的人乃是一个名叫一阵风采花大盗,也不知是真是假。” Such remarks, Mu Xirou is startled immediately, somewhat panic-strickenly looked at Feng Feiyun one, Flower Thief that is it possible that they said is he, he dares to kidnap the Yama's Palace seductress unexpectedly. 此话一出,穆惜柔顿时一怔,有些惊骇的看了风飞云一眼,莫非他们说的采花大盗就是他,他居然敢劫持森罗殿的妖女。 Mu Xirou looked that the Feng Feiyun vision some are different immediately, after all the Yama's Palace component too is in her eyes weighty, that absolutely is colossus general existence, six offer a sacrifice to the immortal to teach in the Yama's Palace front, simply is a joke, wants you born with live, wants you dead dies. 穆惜柔风飞云的目光顿时有些不一样了,毕竟森罗殿在她的眼中分量实在太重,那绝对是庞然大物一般的存在,六祭仙教在森罗殿的面前,简直就是一个玩笑,要你生就生,要你死就死。 Feng Feiyun nodded to her with a smile, has affirmed the idea in her heart. 风飞云对她笑着点了点头,算是肯定了她心中的想法。 God, who this is, unexpectedly dares to kidnap including the Yama's Palace seductively attractive girls, the courage was also too big, simply is lawless. 天呐,这都是什么人啊,居然连森罗殿的妖女都敢劫持,胆子也太大了,简直就是无法无天。 Mu Xirou looked at Bai Ruxue one slightly, the heart has thought, she is not that kidnapped seductress. 穆惜柔微微的看了白如雪一眼,心头想到,她不会就是那个被劫持的妖女吧。 It is said Yama's Palace three Giant (thumb) died in the hand of that Flower Thief, has alarmed the Yama's Palace palace main evil sovereign, evil sovereign already has issued the evil sovereign command, dispatching the tenth palace marriage go- from being responsible for this matter, was really an expert.” “据说森罗殿有三尊巨擘都死在了那采花大盗的手中,惊动了森罗殿的殿主邪皇,邪皇已经下了邪皇令,派遣了第十殿主亲自负责此事,真是牛人啊。” The Mu Xirou beautiful pupil stares the circle, must be startled has spat blood, sat strikes to kill Yama's Palace three Giant (thumb) in the Flower Thief of own side unexpectedly, this was any concept, perhaps was the founder who six sacrifice immortals taught pursues Fancheng, not necessarily was his match. 穆惜柔美眸瞪圆,都要惊得吐血了,坐在自己身边的这个采花大盗竟然击杀了森罗殿三尊巨擘,这是什么概念,恐怕就算是六祭仙教的教主追來了樊城,也未必是他的对手。 To kill him, has alarmed unexpectedly also the evil sovereign. 而且为了杀他,竟然还惊动了邪皇。 The evil sovereign is any status, looks like in Mu Xirou is god general existence, this Flower Thief cultivation base so is unexpectedly fearful, and...... Moreover hears the tenth palace mainly to kill him, on his face is hanging the smiling face unexpectedly as before, he does not know the tenth palace Lord. 邪皇是什么身份,在穆惜柔看來就是神一般的存在,这个采花大盗修为竟然如此可怕,而且……而且听到第十殿主要來杀他,他竟然脸上依旧挂着笑容,难道他不认识第十殿主。 The Yama's Palace ten main halls main absolutely are the overlords in overlord, arrives at a place casually, can an evil way member of verbal command side, be next to the characters of four big travelers. 森罗殿的十大殿主绝对都是霸主中的霸主,随便走到一个地方,都可以号令一方的邪道修士,仅次于四大行者的人物。 Mu Xirou somewhat was afraid six to offer a sacrifice to the powerhouse who immortal taught to pursue at this moment. 穆惜柔此刻有些害怕六祭仙教的强者追來了。 Bang.” “嘭。” However thinks that anything also really comes anything, six offer a sacrifice to powerhouse already that the immortal teaches to rush, altogether came five people, five people do not restrain aura, on the face are having the color/look of cold anger, is taking a fast look around the member in inn, finally framed above two building Feng Feiyun the body. 但是想什么还真就來什么,六祭仙教的强者已经闯了进來,一共來了五个人,五个人都不收敛身上的气息,脸上带着冷怒之色,扫视着客栈之中的修士,最后定格在了二楼之上的风飞云的身上。 Snort.” Six offered a sacrifice to vice- founder who the immortal taught then to wield the sleeves, the diving posture falls in two buildings. “哼。”六祭仙教的副教主便一挥衣袖,飞身落到了二楼上。 The member on the scene mostly has immortal to teach the background, knows that today some looked lively, has not left, instead talked in whispers. 在场的修士大多都有仙教背景,知道今天将有热闹看,一个个都沒有离开,反而窃窃私语了起來。 Sits talent outstanding by Liu Ruixin says with a smile: „The old man is six offers a sacrifice to the vice- founder who immortal teaches, another three people are the remote antiquity elders who six sacrifice immortals teach, the last old man probably is Old Man Huo Xin of Huo.” 坐在柳睿歆旁边的一个天才俊杰笑道:“那老者乃是六祭仙教的副教主,另外三人都是六祭仙教的太上长老,最后一个老者好像是霍家的霍心老头。” Unexpectedly alarmed six to offer a sacrifice to immortal to teach 50% powerhouses, it seems like had the big matter.” “居然惊动了六祭仙教一半的强者,看來是出了大事情了。” Liu Ruixin is narrowing the eye, stared at staring on the body of Feng Feiyun, wrinkled the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly, said: In any case what six offer a sacrifice to the immortal to teach to attach is Solar Immortal Religion, does not close our Livelihood Immortal Religion matter.” 柳睿歆眯着眼睛,在风飞云的身上盯了盯,微微的皱了皱黛眉,道:“反正六祭仙教依附的乃是太阳仙教,也不关我们日月仙教的事。” Talent outstanding said with a smile: That is natural, if six offered a sacrifice to the immortal to teach to kick the sheet iron, we should rejoice be.” 一个天才俊杰笑道:“那是自然,若是六祭仙教真的踢到了铁板,我们应该高兴才是。” The atmosphere in inn is very strange, was very a moment ago lively, at this moment is peaceful exceptionally, many people very ponder is staring here, Wang Anyu and that several mysterious old man also branch out here a Divine Sense attention. 客栈之中的气氛十分诡异,刚才都还十分热闹,此刻却安静得异常,很多人都十分玩味的盯着这边,就连王安玉和那几个神秘的老者也都分出一丝神识注意这边。 Feng Feiyun is only indifferent drinking wine, is very comfortable. 风飞云只是淡然的饮酒,十分闲适。 Six offer a sacrifice to the vice- founder eyes that the immortal teaches to narrow the eyes, is having the gloomy ray, said: „Who your excellency is, why kills to thank for no reason with, but also seizes Fairy Maiden Mu.” 六祭仙教的副教主眼睛一眯,带着阴沉的光芒,道:“阁下到底是什么人,为何无故杀死谢同,还抓走穆仙子。” Mu Xirou is in the majority to the Feng Feiyun awe at this moment, after all he has killed Yama's Palace three Giant (thumb), anxious, reminded: He is Flower Thief Yizhen Feng.” 穆惜柔此刻对风飞云敬畏居多,毕竟他可是杀过森罗殿的三位巨擘,略带焦急,提醒道:“他就是采花大盗一阵风。” Bang.” “轰。” Mu Xirou this saying has started the greatest mighty waves in the inn, almost all person neat vision stared, the junction gathers on the body of Feng Feiyun, look at each other in blank dismay. 穆惜柔这话在客栈之中掀起了莫大的波澜,几乎所有人都齐刷刷的目光盯了过來,交聚在风飞云的身上,一个个都面面相觑。 All people were still discussing this Flower Thief a moment ago, actually nobody thought of this Flower Thief unexpectedly in own side. 刚才所有人都还在谈论这个采花大盗,却沒有人想到这个采花大盗竟然就在自己的身边。 Kills the Yama's Palace three Giant (thumb) characters. 杀死森罗殿三尊巨擘的人物。 Has stolen a Yama's Palace beautiful seductress. 劫走了森罗殿的一位绝美妖女。 Has alarmed the evil sovereign, giant who the evil sovereign command issues a warrant for arrest. 惊动了邪皇,邪皇令通缉的巨头。 Thoughts appear in the mind of all people, making people dumbfounded. 一个个念头浮现在所有人的脑海之中,让人目瞪口呆。 Liu Ruixin also sits in two buildings, is separated by not far, somewhat was daunted, after all she is only the day of younger generation the arrogant female, others dare to start including the Yama's Palace seductively attractive girls, not necessarily does not dare to start to her, this is the evil way old demon. 柳睿歆也坐在二楼上,相隔不远,也有些被吓住,毕竟她只是年轻一代的天之骄女,别人连森罗殿的妖女都敢下手,未必不敢对她下手,这可是邪道的老魔啊。 Although the Feng Feiyun present appearance looks like very young, but can kill the Giant (thumb) character, definitely on already very big age, again said is Flower Thief, definitely cultivated has picked makes up the merit law of positive such low cloudy, does not know the female who many young beautiful appearance picking to make up by him lethal, can maintain now is so young is actually very normal. 虽然风飞云现在的模样看起來很年轻,但是能够杀死巨擘的人物,肯定已经上了很大的岁数,再说乃是采花大盗,肯定修炼了采阴补阳这样下三滥的功法,不知有多少年轻美貌的女子被他给采补致死,能够保持现在这么年轻其实很正常。 Therefore many people on the scene thought that he is the old demon, moreover is skilled to pick makes up cloudy positive. 所以在场很多人都觉得他乃是老魔头,而且精通采阴补阳。 Is several member who six sacrifice immortals teach felt on the contrary somewhat bewildered, Flower Thief Yizhen Feng, is very famous, is very fierce, they had not heard before this person, the evil sovereign made not to spread to their ears, they naturally did not know any Yizhen Feng. 反倒是六祭仙教的几个修士感觉到有些莫名其妙,采花大盗一阵风,很有名吗,很厉害吗,他们以前从來沒有听说过这个人,邪皇令也还沒有传入他们的耳中,他们自然不认识什么一阵风 Is good your Flower Thief, dares to pick us six to offer a sacrifice to the head that the immortal teaches unexpectedly, today calculates that your luck back, submits to punishment cannot complain about other people again.” “好你个采花大盗,竟然敢采到我们六祭仙教的头上,今天算你运气背,伏法再次也怨不得旁人。” Three remote antiquity elders simultaneously kill will come out, is half-step Giant (thumb) cultivation base, they know that opposite party cultivation base is good, can cut to kill to thank with, therefore does not have a low opinion of the enemy slightly, three people collaborate to kill, has made magical powers respectively, the disintegration is void. 三个太上长老同时杀将出來,都是半步巨擘修为,他们知道对方修为不俗,能够斩杀谢同,所以丝毫都不轻敌,三人联手杀出,各自打出了一门神通,崩碎虚空。 Bang.” “嘭。” The Feng Feiyun right hand is carrying the wine glass, above left hand the blood mark is densely covered, conveniently wields, the blood glow has cut together, gave to cut two sections these three remote antiquity elders directly, the blood has splashed three steps. 风飞云右手端着酒杯,左手之上血纹密布,随手的一挥,一道血芒斩了出去,直接将这三个太上长老都给斩成了两截,血溅三步。 Bang, bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭,嘭……” The corpse that six -and-a-half break drops the building, fell in the great hall. 六个半断的尸体落下楼,摔在了大堂之中。 The Feng Feiyun strength controls extremely good, has not revealed one, has not damaged one table of chairs in inn. 风飞云的力量控制得极佳,沒有泄露一丝,沒有损坏客栈之中的一桌一椅。 Cuts to kill three half-step Giant (thumb), probably is hitting to fly three mosquito, is very optional, but also because of so, scary. 斩杀三位半步巨擘,就好像是在打飞三只蚊子,十分随意,但是也正是因为如此,也就更加的骇人。 Six offer a sacrifice to that vice- founder and Huo Xin who already the immortal teaches frightens half dead, this is any terrifying character, although they guessed correctly that Feng Feiyun should be very strong, but actually nobody thought of him unexpectedly strongly to this situation. 六祭仙教的那位副教主和霍心已经吓得半死,这是什么恐怖的人物啊,虽然他们猜到风飞云应该很强,但是却沒有人想到他竟然强到了这个地步。 Bang.” “嘭。” Feng Feiyun takes up the folding fan on table, both eyes are beautiful and bewitching, the ordinary bamboo folding fan erupts the startled day evil glow suddenly, like burning generally, that Evil Qi has made all person backs in inn send the cold, many tables and chair freezes the ice. 风飞云将桌上的折扇拿起,双目妖冶,普通的竹木折扇突然爆发出惊天邪芒,就像燃烧起來了一般,那一股邪气让客栈之中的所有人都背脊发寒,很多桌子和椅子都冻结成冰。
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