SV :: Volume #6 太微守心

#741: Three woman plays

The law great palace sound was enormous, has alarmed many member, but has not actually caught up toward here, obviously arrived here person to know that the law great palace cannot approach at will. 法弘殿这边的动静极大,惊动了很多修士,但是却都沒有向着这边赶过來,显然來到这里的人都知道法弘殿是不能随意靠近的。 Feng Feiyun looked at a while the old monk of ground, the thinking is very long, then selected 40 great seals in first even/including of this old monk, has infiltrated in the 40 life holes of old monk, by the number of distribution small spreading out, banning to seal he cultivation base. 风飞云将地上的这个老僧看了一会儿,思索很久,然后便在这个老僧的身上一连点出了40道大印,透入了老僧的40个命穴之中,以小衍之数排布,将他一身的修为给禁封。 Hey, Yizhen Feng, others are the obtaining enlightenment eminent monks, already received such heavy wound, your also seal his cultivation base, fishes in troubled waters unexpectedly, do you have the conscience.” Mu Xirou very discontented say/way. “喂,一阵风,别人乃是得道高僧,都已经受了这么重的伤,你居然还封印他的修为,乘火打劫,你到底有沒有良知啊。”穆惜柔很不满的道。 No.” Feng Feiyun replied very simply. “沒有。”风飞云回答得很干脆。 Immediately, was mad Mu Xirou does not have the words saying that the fine facial features must be mad twist. 顿时,将穆惜柔气得沒话说,精致的五官都要被气得扭曲。 Feng Feiyun also said: Later has consulted a young master, said the name of master as a maidservant at will, must be sheared the tongue.” 风飞云又道:“以后请教过一公子,作为一个侍女随意的直呼主人的名字,是要被割舌头的。” Mu Xirou bites Bei tooth tightly, wanted to say anything again, but actually recalled that this caihuaing clever cut-throat place, Giant (thumb) has been at present possible to cut to kill at will, immediately then does not dare to talk too much. 穆惜柔紧咬贝齿,想要再说什么,但是却回想起了眼前这个采花贼的凶狠之处,巨擘都可随意斩杀,顿时便不敢多言了。 Bai Ruxue is much more intelligent, knows why Feng Feiyun such does, said: Regarding person of the true cultivating Buddha, handles anything to be upright and frank, will be will not block from own appearance, although this old monk cultivation base will be formidable, but will work actually covers up, even does not dare to reveal own face, such will cultivate Buddha to fear how the heart will be unfriendly.” 白如雪却要聪明得多,知道风飞云为何这么做,说道:“对于一个真正的修佛之人,做任何事情都正大光明,是根本不会遮住自己的面目,这个老僧虽然修为强大,但是做事却遮遮掩掩,甚至都不敢露出自己的脸,这样的一个修佛者怕是不会怎么心善。” Next, this old monk goes hand in hand with several powerhouses, mystical intrusion law great palace, definitely is because knew some big secret, a young master his seal, wants to press for an answer that big secret from his mouth actually, perhaps we can also obtain the advantage.” “其次,这个老僧与几个强者结伴而行,又神神秘秘的闯入法弘殿,肯定是因为知道了某个大秘密,一公子将他封印,其实也是想要从他口中逼问出那个大秘密,说不定我们也能从中得到好处。” Feng Feiyun nodded with a smile, said: Maidservant manager worthily is maidservant manager, is much more intelligent than another two little girls.” 风飞云笑着点了点头,道:“侍女总管不愧是侍女总管,比另外两个丫头片子要聪明得多。” Snort, who said that she was more intelligent than me.” Liu Ruixin some are not convinced, star pupil doubt stares is taking a look at him, sneers saying: Actually you radically are not Flower Thief Yizhen Feng, you are Demon's Child, Feng Feiyun, I guess may have the mistake.” “哼,谁说她比我聪明了。”柳睿歆有些不服气,星眸狐疑的盯着打量着他,冷笑道:“其实你根本就不是什么采花大盗一阵风,你是妖魔之子,风飞云,我猜得可有错。” She closely is staring at the Feng Feiyun eye, is very anxious, after all she cannot determine oneself guessed right. 她紧紧的盯着风飞云眼睛,十分紧张,毕竟她也不敢确定自己真的就猜对了。 Feng Feiyun stared at her with a smile, then, looked at Infinite Ghost Thumb Ring in hand, because was desperate a moment ago, to protect element Yue An, offered a sacrifice to this Spirit Artifact, was guessed correctly the status by the girl of Liu Ruixin that spirit demon on the contrary. 风飞云笑着盯了盯她,然后,看了看手中的淼鬼扳指,因为刚才情急,为了守护素岳庵,祭出了这一件灵器,反倒是被柳睿歆那古灵精怪的丫头猜出了身份。 Infinite Ghost Thumb Ring, Heaven Marrow Soldier Gall, Heaven Rising Rod, Bronze Ancient Vessel, these formidable war soldier Spirit Treasure, almost already became the symbol of Feng Feiyun, who does not have the means to call Feng Feiyun the fame to be now big, the thousand gold (daughter) young lady who this type has a high and respected position, can always hear about Demon's Child and loose God King legendary fact, naturally remembers others is clearer, Feng Feiyun offers a sacrifice to Infinite Ghost Thumb Ring, was given the submission to come by her. 淼鬼扳指”,“天髓兵胆”,“擎天棍”,“青铜古船”,这些强大的战兵灵宝,几乎都已经成为了风飞云的标志,沒办法谁叫风飞云现在名气大呢,这种养尊处优的千金大小姐,总是能够听到关于妖魔之子、风流神王的传奇事迹,自然是比别人记得更清楚,风飞云一祭出淼鬼扳指,就被她给认过來出來。 Although said the Feng Feiyun somewhat negative news, character but who can step the powerhouse peak, several are pure, is their brilliance positive/direct image is on the contrary more attractive eye-catchingly, making the world member exclaim in surprise. 虽然说风飞云有些负面的新闻,但是能够踏上强者巅峰的人物,又有几个是清清白白的,反倒是他们光辉正面的形象更光鲜夺目,让天下修士都为之惊叹。 Feng Feiyun has hesitated the moment, self-ridicules saying: Really the women in this world are not the fool, the woman of chest big non- brain, mostly did not have the brain, is big with the chest does not have what relations but actually.” 风飞云沉吟了片刻,自嘲道:“果然这世上的女人都不是傻子,胸大无脑的女人,大多都是本來就无脑,跟胸到底大不大倒也沒有什么关系。” „It is not the fool.” “本來就不是傻子。” He did not deny, a folding fan show, swung swinging, is supporting the chest, has a expert lonely appearance, said: Right, I am the first under heaven young talent, Demon's Child, loose God King, unmatched in the world, Feng Feiyun.” 他也并不否认,将折扇一展,摇了摇,挺着胸膛,有着一种高手寂寞的模样,道:“沒错,我就是天下第一年轻才俊,妖魔之子,风流神王,天下无敌,风飞云。” Vulgar God King.” Liu Ruixin hears at present this fellow is not Flower Thief, instead did not fear him. “下流神王。”柳睿歆听到眼前这个家伙不是什么采花大盗,反而不怎么怕他了。 „Does trivial maid dares to talk back again, believe me...... The vulgar look to you.” Feng Feiyun said. “区区一个贴身丫鬟再敢顶嘴,信不信我……下流给你看。”风飞云道。 On the vulgar, you touched my face.” “本來就下流,你摸我脸了。” That wants me to trace other place again.” “那要不要我再摸摸别的地方。” You......” “你……” Liu Ruixin then a few words do not dare to say immediately, Feng Feiyun, is Yizhen Feng, is not the good thing, but Feng Feiyun also has his honest side, for example the female, for love has trampled flat Daughter Smile Building, submits willingly the butcher for first under heaven beautiful woman Nangong Hongyan, the corpse on the ground 1 million, to their young female students of this beginning to be interested in the opposite sex was quite looking forward to that they also looked forward to own future can also meet one to be able for the reckless man, even if not fear with the world artificial enemy. 柳睿歆顿时便一句话都不敢说了,无论是风飞云,还是一阵风,都不是什么好东西,只不过风飞云也有他正直的一面,比如为了自己所爱的女子踏平了千金一笑楼,为了天下第一美人南宫红颜甘当屠夫,伏尸1000000,对着她们这种情窦初开的小女生來说还是相当憧憬的,她们也憧憬自己将來也能遇到一位为了自己可以不顾一切的男人,哪怕是与天下人为敌也不惧。 Naturally also this little lets her admiring place, in Livelihood Immortal Religion the spoken language of elder, what are more is about his negative news. 当然也这只是那么一点点让她钦佩的地方,在日月仙教的长辈的言语之中,更多的还是关于他负面的新闻。 At this moment, Mu Xirou again was actually shocked, at present this person of true status is moves the world unexpectedly God King, why he actually pretends to be Flower Thief Yizhen Feng, these definitely have the big plot, definitely has the big plot. 此刻,穆惜柔却是再次被震惊住,眼前这人真正身份竟然是名动天下的神王,那他为何却冒充采花大盗一阵风,这其中肯定有大阴谋,肯定有大阴谋。 Liu Ruixin cannot provide lodging finally own mouth, said: Big Demon Feng......” 柳睿歆最终还是管不住自己的嘴巴,道:“风大魔头……” Called me Yizhen Feng.” “叫我一阵风。” Yizhen Feng......” 一阵风……” „, Cannot understand custom, called me a young master, did not have an appearance of maidservant, really owed **.” “呃,懂不懂规矩,叫我一公子,都沒有一点侍女的样子,真是欠**。” Liu Ruixin angrily, tight is pinching the fist, bites the tooth saying: One...... Duke...... How I am curious you am run away from Copper Furnance Mountain, heard that has the powerhouse of old ancestor rank to stop up in the Copper Furnance Mountain opening, even also has the unparalleled character of Spiritual Master rank, you will not be will turn into the fly to fly.” 柳睿歆气鼓鼓的,紧紧的捏着拳头,咬着牙齿道:“一……公……子,我好奇你老人家是如何从铜炉山逃出來的,听说有很多老祖级别的强者堵在铜炉山的口子上,甚至还有真人级别的盖世人物,你不会是变成苍蝇飞出來的吧。” In this regard, Bai Ruxue and Mu Xirou are also very curious, is not only they, perhaps the entire Divine Jin Dynasty nobody is not curious. 关于这一点,白如雪穆惜柔也都很好奇,不仅是他们,恐怕整个神晋王朝都沒有人不好奇。 Pours indeed is turns into the fly to fly.” “倒的确是变成苍蝇飞出來的。” You...... You deceived people.” “你……你骗人。” Feng Feiyun in receiving the body of rope old monk, wanted to have a look on him to carry any treasure not to have, at this moment, the corners of the mouth emerged a happy expression, stood up, said: Told you are not, but the premise, each of you must be willing to give me to make the maidservant 20 years.” 风飞云本來在收索这个老僧的身上,想要看看他身上携带了什么宝物沒有,此刻,嘴角浮出一丝笑意,站起身來,道:“告诉你们也不是不可以,但是有一个前提,你们每个人必须心甘情愿给我做侍女20年。” „, This young lady is not rare knows.” Liu Ruixin said. “切,本小姐不稀罕知道。”柳睿歆道。 That is casual you, you do not comply in any case, must be the maidservant to me in the same old way, perhaps does for a lifetime.” “那随便你们啊,反正你们不答应,照样要给我做侍女,说不定还是做一辈子。” However the moment, they have collected, especially the Liu Ruixin eye is turning round, reveals two small canine teeth, she is really much more curious, finally cannot bear say: Is 20 years of maidservant, you will not have other improper ambition.” 但是不过片刻,她们又凑了上來,特别是柳睿歆眼睛滴溜溜的,露出两颗小虎牙,她实在是好奇得不得了,最终还是忍不住道:“只是做20年侍女,你不会有别的非分之想吧。” I, if some improper ambition, you think you now or the Chrysanthemum eldest daughter.” Feng Feiyun said with a smile. “我若是有非分之想,你觉得你现在还是黄花大闺女吗。”风飞云笑道。 The Liu Ruixin air/Qi resulted in the tooth to hurt, said: You are afraid Emperor Jin that's all.” 柳睿歆气得牙齿都疼了,道:“你不过只是害怕晋帝罢了。” Why I am afraid her.” Feng Feiyun feels somewhat bewilderedly. “我为什么害怕她。”风飞云感觉有些莫名其妙。 „The world who does not know that you and she have the intrigue, you two collaborated to kill your fiancee Princess Yue, then you supported her to ascend the throne, have made Emperor Jin, if you two did not have the intrigue, who believed.” An appearance of Liu Ruixin Eight Trigrams (gossip), in discussed the matter about this aspect with some young female students very much very much obviously in the back. “天下有谁不知道你和她有奸情,你们两个联手害死了你的未婚妻月公主,然后你又扶持她登基,做了晋帝,你们两个若是沒有奸情,谁信啊。”柳睿歆一副很八卦的模样,很显然在背地里和一些小女生谈论了很多关于这方面的事。 Feng Feiyun is somewhat speechless, pours is not good to quibble, he and Long Luofu have the intrigue but actually, but must say that Feng Feiyun is because feared that she does not bump other woman, that simply is a joke. 风飞云有些无语,倒也不好狡辩,他和龙萝浮倒也有奸情,但是要说风飞云是因为怕她才不碰别的女人,那简直就是一个笑话。 Before the body had the blood of Demon to cause trouble has indeed done many tommyrots, has planted many bad causes, has left behind many fetters and one pile of troubles, but has now practiced «Gold Silkworm Scripture», can definitely restrain the body blood of Demon, naturally before will again not occur, that matter, sexually harassed several females at most, teased is playing also well. 以前身体之中有妖魔之血作祟的确是干了不少荒唐事,种下了不少恶因,留下了很多羁绊和一堆麻烦,但是现在修炼了《金蚕经》,完全可以克制住身体之中的妖魔之血,自然也就不会再发生以前那种事,顶多调戏几个女子,逗着玩也不错。 Could not speak, funny.” A Liu Ruixin complacent appearance. “说不出话來了吧,哏哏。”柳睿歆一副得意洋洋的样子。 .” 。” A Feng Feiyun palm of the hand hit in her abundance ** on, loved her to cry out, then distant drawing back opened, is rubbing the fart fart, the say/way that the cheeks blushed: You were shameless, said that did not win begins, you were any honorable gentleman, I must consider you to my mother.” 风飞云一巴掌打在了她的丰盈的**上,疼得她叫唤了一声,然后远远的退开,揉着屁屁,脸颊羞红的道:“你无耻,说不赢就动手,你算什么正人君子,我要给我娘告你。” I am shameless, I am not an honorable gentleman.” Feng Feiyun reveals two rows of white teeth to say. “我就是无耻,我也不是正人君子。”风飞云露出两排洁白的牙齿道。 Compares in Liu Ruixin, Mu Xirou is much steadier, knows after Feng Feiyun real status, why the heart in pondering him must such do, was quick she to understand, such as today's servants know that «Gold Silkworm Scripture» on his body, he came out after Copper Furnance Mountain, naturally must cover their ears and eyes, cannot show by the true colors, even needed a new status. 相比于柳睿歆,穆惜柔却要稳重得多,知道风飞云真实的身份之后,心头一直在思考他到底为何要这么做,很快她就想明白了,如今天下人都知道《金蚕经》在他的身上,他从铜炉山出來之后,自然要掩人耳目,不能以真面目示人,甚至需要一个新的身份。 Flower Thief Yizhen Feng, this status, although is very shameless and is very obscene, but actually very much conforms to the loose God King style, moreover most suits covers their ears and eyes, but why he must arrive at the background mansion,...... He is to attend evil way grand meeting. 采花大盗一阵风,这个身份虽然很无耻、很下流,但是却很符合风流神王的行事风格,而且也最适合掩人耳目,只是他为何要來到地子府,难道……难道他是想要参加邪道盛会。 Mu Xirou has thought suddenly as if some key, looked up toward Feng Feiyun suddenly,...... He kidnaps himself intentionally and Liu Ruixin, this can teach to give to alarm the immortals of background mansion three big. 穆惜柔突然似乎想到了某个关键,猛然抬起头向着风飞云看了过去,难道……他是故意劫持自己和柳睿歆,这样就能将地子府三大古之仙教都给惊动。 He is not will want to lead and Liu Ruixin goes Mount Putuo, then also directs the powerhouse who the immortals of three big teach, causes the immortals of three big to teach with the conflict of evil way group demon, should better kill bloodbath, thus gains a bigger benefit for the royal government, thorough making a comeback from group of dragons devour the Heavens. 他不会是想要带着自己和柳睿歆前去普陀山,然后将三大古之仙教的强者也都引过去,造成三大古之仙教和邪道群魔的冲突,最好杀得血流成河,从而为朝廷争取到更大的利益,从群龙噬天之中彻底的翻盘。 Thinks of here, above her jade back breaks into sweat, a big plot. 想到此处,她的玉背之上直冒冷汗,好大的一个阴谋。 If really so, then soon in this earth world perhaps wants bloodbath, the skeleton piles to become mountain. 若是真的如此,那么不久之后这片大地世上恐怕是要血流成河,尸骨堆成山。 Feng Feiyun naturally knows that these females are not the lamps of province oil, is one by one intelligent, cold sound say/way: You know that my status has also sufficed, if who dares to reveal, I can guarantee, when she said the first character, her already was a deceased person.” 风飞云自然知道这几个女子都不是省油的灯,一个比一个聪明,冷声的道:“你们知道我的身份也就够了,若是谁敢泄露出去,我可以保证在她说出第一个字的时候,她就已经是死人了。” Feng Feiyun words very ice-cold, making the opposite three days the arrogant females keep silent, does not dare to open the mouth. 风飞云的话十分冰冷,让对面的三个天之骄女都噤若寒蝉,不敢开口。 For safety's sake, Feng Feiyun took out the Ascension stage, has gathered Mu Xirou and a Liu Ruixin wisp of soul separately, as the matter stands their every action and every movement during the control of Feng Feiyun, want them born with live, want them dead die. 为了保险起见,风飞云又取出了羽化台,分别收取了穆惜柔柳睿歆的一缕灵魂,这样一來她们的一举一动就都在风飞云的掌控之中,要她们生就生,要她们死就死。 Is my maidservant relieved, this young master will not treat unjustly you, 20 years later puts you to be free, perhaps...... Or to 20 years.” Feng Feiyun has taken back in the Ascension stage the dantian. “安安心心做我的侍女,本公子不会亏待你们,20年后放你们自由,也许……要不到20年。”风飞云羽化台又收回了丹田之中。 The resentment of Liu Ruixin to Feng Feiyun is very big, said: How you can tell us now you are run away from Copper Furnance Mountain.” 柳睿歆风飞云的怨气很大,道:“那你现在可以告诉我们你是如何从铜炉山逃出來的了。” What is runs away, I walk frankly and uprightly......” “什么叫逃,我是光明正大走出來……” Feng Feiyun was just about to continue anything, suddenly has after death transmitted a fluctuation, that severely wounded stupor past old monk already revived. 风飞云正要继续说些什么,突然身后传來了一丝波动,那一个重伤昏迷过去的老僧已经苏醒了过來。 The old monk opened both eyes, in pupil has projected two golden radiance, a huge strength was regaining consciousness. 老僧睁开了双目,瞳孔之中射出两道金色的光华,一股庞大的力量在苏醒。
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