SV :: Volume #6 太微守心

#688: ox Zhatian

The people are astonished however, how like this, the Meng Qiunan so character unexpectedly was struck hitting to fly, this is the strong powder where comes cultivates. 众人讶然,怎么会这样,孟秋楠如此人物竟然被人一击给打飞,这是哪里來的强势散修。 During the powder cultivated may dominate. 在散修之中可称霸了。 Row of ancient war chariot and above the iron ship, there is a cultivation base tall old person, fixes the eyes on is staring at Feng Feiyun, twists the beard lightly, shows look looking pensive, this powder does not repair simply, perhaps Livelihood Immortal Religion this time wants in the sewers to capsize, eats one time to owe greatly. 一排古车和铁舰之上,有修为高的老人,定睛的盯着风飞云,轻捻胡须,露出若有所思的神色,这个散修不简单,日月仙教这次恐怕要阴沟里翻船,吃一次大亏。 Livelihood Immortal Religion these disciples felt that whole body is trembling, cultivation base that body ice-cold, this powder cultivates has gone far beyond their estimate, is too terrifying, the hand grasps Buddhism Bell, can sweep away half-step Giant (thumb), was hit to fly including the one's teacher's older brothers. 日月仙教的那些弟子都感觉浑身在发抖,身体一片冰冷,这个散修的修为远远超过了他们的预估,实在太恐怖,手握一口佛钟,能够横扫半步巨擘,连师伯都被打飞了。 Also imposing manner arrogant Xiao Tianyue looked deathly pale a moment ago, the double strand trembled, almost frightened lies on the ground, has had the fear to Feng Feiyun. 刚才还气势凌人的萧天岳更是脸色惨白,双股颤颤,吓得差一点趴在了地上,对风飞云产生了恐惧。 Livelihood Immortal Religion did not have a person of reasoning with.” Of Feng Feiyun bang bronze Buddhism Bell in hand places the ground, affectedly virtuous shouted loudly one. 日月仙教难道就沒有一个讲理的人了吗。”风飞云将手中的青铜佛钟嘭的一声放在地上,道貌岸然的高呼了一声。 Nine meters high Coiling Dragon great bell Li there, sank directly half meter depth, the azure light is graceful, the imposing manner is fearful. 九米高的盘龙巨钟立在那里,直接下沉了半米深,青光盈盈,气势慑人。 Some astute people, see Azure Dragon Bell automatically toward the place submersion, in the eye reveal the color/look of thinking, then in the pupil the fine glow rises suddenly, this Azure Dragon Bell weight is unusual, the terrifying hundreds of thousands of jin (0.5 kg) so are incessantly simple. 有一些精明的人,看到青龙钟自动往地下沉,眼中露出思索之色,然后瞳孔之中精芒暴涨,这一口青龙钟的重量超凡,恐怖不止数十万斤那么简单。 These Livelihood Immortal Religion disciples on the scene do not dare to reply, including two people will invert digging in ground Meng Qiunan, discovered that this half-step Giant (thumb) was knocked down dead unexpectedly, the bridge of the nose, chin and forehead were given to crack-up by the Azure Dragon Bell bell, the face almost must collapse, if not for the half-step Giant (thumb) vitality is formidable, moreover Feng Feiyun does not want to be completely out of control the matter, he died on already. 在场的那些日月仙教的弟子都不敢答话,其中有两人将倒插在地上的孟秋楠给挖了出來,发现这位半步巨擘竟然被打晕死了过去,鼻梁、下巴、额头都被青龙钟大钟给撞碎,脸几乎都要塌下去了,若不是半步巨擘的生命力强大,而且风飞云不想将事情闹得不可收拾,他都就已经死了。 Feng Feiyun sneers, the body moves, speed strange Kuai, clouds just like the lightning class, merely one instant, fell the Liu Ruixin front, the Liu Ruixin complexion slightly changed, felt that the back rumor/wind sound wants to fly, however delicate fragrant shoulder actually by Feng Feiyun holding down. 风飞云冷笑一声,身体一动,速度奇快,宛如闪电流云,仅仅一个刹那,就落到了柳睿歆的面前,柳睿歆脸色微微一变,感觉到背后的风声就想飞起,但是娇弱的香肩却被风飞云一把给按住。 Her complexion again changes, above the finger of smooth jade gives birth to together the fine glow, changes into together the miraculous glow short blade, the thorn to the chest of Feng Feiyun. 她的脸色再变,玉润的手指之上生出一道精芒,化为一道灵光短刃,刺向风飞云的心口。 Feng Feiyun Dandan smiles, extends the shining big hand, gives the crumb the short blade, then has pressed firmly between the fingers the viperous beauty generally slender waist, a direction in her dantian, has sealed up her cultivation base, then before she seizes Buddhism Bell, closes right up against icy cold Buddhism Bell to put down. 风飞云淡淡一笑,伸出金灿灿的大手,将短刃给捏碎,然后一把捏住了美女蛇一般纤细的腰肢,一指点在她的丹田,封住了她的修为,然后将她擒到了佛钟前,靠着冰凉的佛钟放下。 „, You must do.” “老贼,你要干嘛。” Two Livelihood Immortal Religion young talents flushed, but conveniently was actually given to raise to fly by Feng Feiyun, like get lost/rolling the bottle gourd falls generally falls on the ground, cannot crawl. 两个日月仙教的年轻才俊冲了上來,但是却被风飞云随手就给掀飞了出去,就像滚地葫芦一般摔落在地上,爬不起來。 Feng Feiyun has shaken the sleeves, sneers saying: Told you Livelihood Immortal Religion that several teacher's younger brother ancestors, wish makes me put Liu Ruixin, took your Livelihood Immortal Religion Grade 3 peak war soldier Firmanent Ancient Sword to exchange, gives you time of tea, if time of after tea, I have not seen Firmanent Ancient Sword, I really blasphemed her to you look.” 风飞云抖了抖衣袖,冷笑道:“去告诉你们日月仙教的那几个师叔祖,想要让我放了柳睿歆,就拿你们日月仙教三品巅峰的战兵‘镇霄古剑’來交换,给你们一盏茶的时间,若是一盏茶的时间之后,我还沒有见到镇霄古剑,我就真的把她亵渎给你们看。” Feng Feiyun works likes replying in kind all along, since Livelihood Immortal Religion these people want to rob his Spirit Artifact, he must instead rob one to come back. 风飞云做事一贯喜欢以其人之道还治其人之身,既然日月仙教的这些人想要抢夺他的灵器,那他就要反抢夺一件回來。 Any member who arrived here, then few are the good people, is almost having the idea of his «Gold Silkworm Scripture», since they want to seize the treasure, Feng Feiyun thought oneself should seize several first, is fair. 凡是來到这里的修士,便沒有几个是好人,几乎都在打他身上的《金蚕经》的主意,既然他们想要夺宝,风飞云觉得自己应该先夺几件,才算公平。 A Livelihood Immortal Religion young talent emboldens, said: Several teacher's younger brother ancestor already went to Copper Furnance Mountain, not here.” 一个日月仙教的年轻才俊壮着胆子,道:“几位师叔祖都已经去了铜炉山中,并不在这里。” Feng Feiyun looked at this young talent, knows that he has not lain, therefore the brow wrinkled the wrinkle, the heart secretly thought, no wonder here had not discovered that the Dao Sect worthless person records north one the powerhouse of that rank, originally these person already first one step entered Copper Furnance Mountain. 风飞云看了看这个年轻才俊,知道他沒有撒谎,于是眉头皱了皱,心头暗道,难怪沒有在这里发现道门散人“记一北”那种级别的强者,原來这些人都已经先一步进入了铜炉山 The character of topest that batch of old ancestor ranks, entered Copper Furnance Mountain, the remaining these people defend here, perhaps the biggest goal is to cope with oneself, captures «Gold Silkworm Scripture». 最顶尖的那一批老祖级别的人物,都进入了铜炉山,剩下的这些人守在这里,恐怕最大的目的就是对付自己,夺取《金蚕经》。 Although Feng Feiyun in gambling of Yama's Palace during, cut to kill six Giant (thumb) and Superior Giant, a war became famous, shocking world, but the person of old ancestor rank actually keenly saw clearly, Feng Feiyun real cultivation base definitely has not achieved that step, in this had the fishy absolutely, even some people thought that these Yama's Palace Giant (thumb), were struck to kill by Monk Jiurou. 虽然风飞云在与森罗殿的博弈之中,斩杀了六位巨擘和一位超级巨擘,一战成名,震惊天下,但是很多老祖级别的人却敏锐的洞察出,风飞云的真实修为肯定还沒有达到那一步,这里面绝对存在蹊跷,甚至有人觉得那些森罗殿巨擘,都是被酒肉和尚击杀。 Feng Feiyun cultivation base is impossible so to be truly terrorist, some people were likely fabricating a rumor. 风飞云修为不可能真正那么恐怖,很可能是有人在造谣。 Grade 9 Wiseman through the information that various data and collect, inferred Feng Feiyun cultivation base most to achieve the half-step Giant (thumb) boundary, was impossible high again. 有一位九品智师通过各种数据和收集來的信息,推断出风飞云修为最多达到了半步巨擘的境界,不可能再高。 Also because of so, the genuine powerhouse actually has not paid attention to Feng Feiyun, moreover «Gold Silkworm Scripture» likely on the body of Feng Feiyun, in their opinion does not cope with Feng Feiyun, does not need them to get rid, what they care is the Monster Clan god conceals in Copper Furnance Mountain. 也正是因为如此,真正的强者其实并沒有将风飞云放在眼里,而且《金蚕经》很可能也不在风飞云的身上,在他们看來对付风飞云,根本不需要他们出手,他们更在乎的是铜炉山中的妖族神藏。 Feng Feiyun has smiled saying with a smile: „ That goes to come out the person who your Livelihood Immortal Religion most can speak now, offers Firmanent Ancient Sword or ten Spirit Artifact, I then release people. 风飞云笑了笑道:“那就去将你们日月仙教现在最说得上话的人请出來,献出镇霄古剑或者十件灵器,我便放人。 Feng Feiyun said that this saying, then sat cross-legged to sit before Azure Dragon Bell, eyes closed maintained mental tranquility, the heart was actually thinking deeply about the Monster Clan god conceals in Copper Furnance Mountain, if in Copper Furnance Mountain had Monster Clan god conceals, said that may not cultivation third Phoenix Bones, making the strength go a step further again. 风飞云说完这话,便盘膝坐在了青龙钟前,闭目养神,心头却思索着铜炉山之中的妖族神藏,若是铜炉山之中真的有妖族神藏,说不一定能够借此修炼出第三块凤骨,让力量再进一步。 A Livelihood Immortal Religion disciple made a jade flying symbol, the signalling has given the immortal dean generation, the color of that jade flying symbol was scarlet-red, proved the situation very crisis. 日月仙教的一个弟子打出了一道玉飞符,传信给了仙教长辈,那玉飞符的颜色乃是赤红,证明情况十分危机。 cultivation base that this powder cultivates is good, is only some are too greedy, actually wants to extort Livelihood Immortal Religion, this matter has not happened.” “这一位散修的修为不俗,只是有些太贪婪,竟然想要勒索日月仙教,这种事还从來沒有发生过。” Except for lunatic, but also who dares to extort an inside story deep ancient immortal to teach, even if the character of Giant (thumb) rank, will be taught to write off by the immortal, let alone is powder cultivates.” “除了疯子,还有谁敢去勒索一座底蕴深厚的古老仙教,就算是巨擘级别的人物,都会被仙教抹杀,更何况是一个散修。” Livelihood Immortal Religion several topest strong people, although entered Copper Furnance Mountain, but has powerhouse extremely to defend outside as before, separately is the big disciple of black Japanese envoy, the Emissary Bai Yue big disciple, already broke through Heaven's Mandate 7th-layer cultivation base, did not coronate other day together, the position ascends Giant (thumb).” 日月仙教的几位最顶尖的强人虽然都进入了铜炉山,但是依旧有绝顶强者守在外面,分别是黑日使者的大弟子,白月使者的大弟子,都已经突破了天命第七重修为,不日前一起加冕,位登巨擘。” Anything, Livelihood Immortal Religion simultaneously are unexpectedly many two Giant (thumb), no wonder recently Livelihood Immortal Religion worked so the high-sounding talk, indeed has the qualification of high-sounding talk.” “什么,日月仙教竟然同时多出两位巨擘,难怪最近日月仙教做事如此高调,的确有高调的本钱。” Feng Feiyun had understood approximately also from these people's discussions something, Livelihood Immortal Religion teaches besides the palm, most formidable is black Japanese envoy and Emissary Bai Yue, but remains behind two powerhouses here, is black Japanese envoy and Emissary Bai Yue big disciple, you 3000, Ye Siwan. 风飞云从这些人的谈论之中大致也了解了一些东西,日月仙教除了掌教以外,最强大的就是“黑日使者”和“白月使者”,而留守在这里的两位强者,就是黑日使者和白月使者的大弟子,君3000,叶丝婠 These two since childhood are the enemies, talent and perception about the same, will be called the Livelihood Immortal Religion future lifting a tripod character. 这两人从小就是对头,天赋和悟性都在伯仲之间,被称为日月仙教未來的扛鼎人物。 80 years ago, two people are the top talents of younger generation, can arrange to enter peer in that time the first ten, an immortal teaches simultaneously to present two heavenly talent, is the immortal teaches indication energetically absolutely. 80年前,两人都是年轻一代的顶尖天才,在那个时代可以排进同辈前十,一座仙教同时出现两位天骄,绝对是仙教大兴的征兆。 Divine Jin Dynasty cultivation world, 50 years is one generation, everything has surpassed 50 years old, then cannot call the younger generation, you 3000 and Ye Siwan is previous generation's talent extremely. 神晋王朝修仙界,50年算一代,凡是超过了50岁,便不能称之为年轻一代,君3000和叶丝婠就是上一代的绝顶天才。 You 3000 and Ye Siwan not let people down, the cultivation less than hundred years have stepped into the Giant (thumb) boundary on already, in the future some will attack the hope of Spiritual Master, their strengths will not be general Giant (thumb) can compare absolutely. 君3000和叶丝婠不负众望,修炼不到百年就已经踏入了巨擘的境界,将來有冲击真人的希望,他们的战力绝对不是一般的巨擘可以比拟。 Does not know that who tonight will be will get rid, if Monarch 3000, I will want to experience his unsurpassed sword Secret Art actually, heard that he once a sword squandered completely 3000 bandits, although late was born compared with him for 30 years, will want high with him one under.” Beiming Potian at the back of a great sword, stands in a top of the head of red deer, has arrogance that one type said. “不知道今晚将是何人出手,若是君3000,我倒是想要见识见识他的无上剑诀,听说他曾一剑荡尽3000贼寇,虽然比他迟出生30年,也想要与他一较高下。”北溟破天背着一口巨剑,站在一只赤鹿的头顶,有着一种说之不出的傲气。 For several years the time, his cultivation base also increased much, the cultivation speed is not slower than Feng Feiyun. 数年时间,他的修为也增加了不少,修炼速度不比风飞云慢。 Actually what I hope to get rid was Ye Siwan, hearsay female already cultivates successfully flying moon/month meteor dance, speed quickly like meteor, movement, once launched, such as over a hundred beautiful shades in the graceful dance, can compare with her with boundary nobody fast.” “我倒是希望出手的乃是叶丝婠,传闻此女已经修炼成功了‘飞月流星舞’,速度快如流星,身法一旦展开,就如上百个美影在曼舞,同境界无人能够和她比速。” Li Xiaonan stands in one float above the mountain peak of midair, the physique leaves the dust, the waist hangs the spirit sword, just like exiles the Xianyou universe. 李潇男站在一座悬浮在半空的山峰之上,身姿出尘,腰悬灵剑,犹如谪仙游太虚。 This float mountain peak is Spirit Artifact, named hanging island, above full is the efficacious medicine and valuable tree, the Spirit Spring waterfall, four are outstandingly beautiful the dust sword waiting on to stand in his, stands under the waterfall. 这一座悬浮的山峰乃是一件灵器,名叫“悬空岛”,上面满是灵药和宝树,还有灵泉化飞瀑,四位绝色出尘的剑侍站在他的身后,立在飞瀑下。 Hears Monarch 3000 and Ye Siwan given name, many people think that loose foreign mission was frightened flees to the wilderness, what lets everybody surprise is, this powder cultivates actually unshakeably, unexpectedly as before sits before Buddhism Bell, sits in meditation in eyes closed. 听到君3000和叶丝婠的名讳,很多人都以为那个散修会被吓得落荒而逃,但是让大家诧异的是,这个散修却雷打不动,竟然依旧坐在佛钟前,在闭目打坐。 At this time, the second in command was raising the quarrying a mountain big axe, has arrived at the Feng Feiyun front grinningly, said: Your cultivation base is good, but also is not Livelihood Immortal Religion the match of that two strong person, cannot preserve this attractive woman, or you give her to me, my group of brothers are very interested to her, the price is casual you to open.” 这时,二当家提着开山大斧,笑嘻嘻的走到了风飞云的面前,道:“你的修为不错,但是还不是日月仙教的那两个强人的对手,根本保不住这个漂亮娘们,要不你将她转让给我,我那一群兄弟对她很有兴趣,价格随便你开。” Seconds in command obviously Feng Feiyun recognizing. 二当家显然也沒有将风飞云给认出。 Huang Feng Ridge that group of thieves loudly shouted immediately, the ghost called again and again, often will be making faces to Liu Ruixin, exudes the grating big laughter. 黄枫岭的那一群大盗顿时大呼了起來,鬼叫连连,不时就会对着柳睿歆做鬼脸,发出刺耳的大笑声。 Liu Ruixin frightens beautiful face changing colors, for fear that Feng Feiyun will give to this group of appearance fierce thieves, understands at a glance this group of thieves not according to the good intention. 柳睿歆吓得花容失色,生怕风飞云将自己转让给了这一群面目狰狞的大盗,一看就知道这群大盗沒按好心。 „The idiot who where comes, dares to hit the wisdom to admire the idea of Junior Sister unexpectedly, you also want with my Livelihood Immortal Religion for the enemy.” Defends in distant place the disciple in Livelihood Immortal Religion gets angry the sound the say/way. “哪里來的浑人,竟然敢打睿歆师妹的主意,难道你也想与我日月仙教为敌。”一个守在远处的日月仙教的弟子怒声的道。 The Livelihood Immortal Religion young talent the pent-up resentment or feeling of grievance, is repaired by powder today really very much first teaching, this, now has emitted a hick, is hitting unexpectedly also the wisdom to admire the idea of Junior Sister, this has not paid attention to Livelihood Immortal Religion simply. 日月仙教的年轻才俊今天真的很窝气,先是被一个散修给教训了一顿,这就算了,现在又冒出一个土包子,竟然也在打睿歆师妹的主意,这简直就是沒有将日月仙教放在眼里。 Wu Jiu raised a spiked club to walk, a face was rogue, murderous aura was steaming, obloquies saying: Goes to your Sir, unexpectedly our yellow Feng thieves do not know, but also dares to come out to mix, Livelihood Immortal Religion is any thing, has not heard, was not a woman, the father today also really makes.” 巫九提着一根狼牙棒走了出來,一脸凶恶,杀气腾腾,大骂道:“去你大爷,居然连我们黄枫大盗都不知道,还敢出來混,日月仙教是什么东西,沒听说过,不就是一个娘们,老子今天还真弄了。” You......” “你……” A Wu Jiu stick fell, directly dividing is split up that Livelihood Immortal Religion disciple, in the ground are many a three meters deep big hole, inside braves the blood fog unceasingly. 巫九一棍子落了下去,直接将那一个日月仙教的弟子给劈得四分五裂,地面上多出一个三米深的大坑,里面不断冒血雾。 Yellow Feng thief. 黄枫大盗。 Any background, is too aggressive, unexpectedly including the Livelihood Immortal Religion elite disciples said that kills kills, simply ox Zhatian. 什么來头,实在太凶悍,居然连日月仙教的精英弟子都说杀就杀,简直牛炸天了。
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