SV :: Volume #6 太微守心

#687: Also sees the yellow Feng thief

Unexpectedly came these many people!” “居然来了这么多人!” No wonder including Livelihood Immortal Religion the member of younger generation, can enter 100,000 mountains and rivers, it seems like surrounding real already of 100,000 mountains and rivers become does not garrison. 难怪连日月仙教的年轻一代的修士,都能够进入100000山河,看来100000山河的外围真的已经变得不设防。 These people gather outside Copper Furnance Mountain, has not advanced recklessly, what seems waiting for? 这些人都聚集在铜炉山外,并没有冒进,似乎在等待什么? The night falls, looks, full is the lights, many member light the bonfire in the woods, haunches the tent, some sit in meditation in the cultivation, the hand holds Spirit Stone, assigns the hole to open, radiance is dense \; Some sit by the bonfire roasts the meat of unusual animals, drinking of big mouth, was discussing anything at the same time. 夜幕降临,一眼望去,满是灯火,有很多修士在树林之中点燃篝火,撑起帐篷,有的在修炼打坐,手捧灵石,命穴打开,光华氤氲\;有的坐在篝火旁烤异兽的肉,大口的喝酒,一边在谈论着些什么。 The Feng Feiyun vision noted one to approach by the bonfire of mountain wall, the top carriage of fire of high-piled firewood one meter thick tree trunk log, the flame was burning extremely exuberantly, in side of bonfire, one group of clothing strange men, on some faces had the scar of knife wound, some have lacked the eye, on some waists was also entangling the gold thread spirit snake, the body was bringing a aggressive air/Qi, very infiltrated the person. 风飞云的目光注意到了一座靠近山壁的篝火旁边,火堆之上架着一米粗的树干木块,火焰燃烧得极其旺盛,在篝火的旁边,有一群着装稀奇古怪的汉子,有的脸上有刀疤,有的缺了眼睛,有的腰上还缠着金线灵蛇,身上带着一种凶悍之气,十分渗人。 Their weapons are very rough, some are taking the machete, some at the back of the spiked club, some are lifting the grinding pan that big iron hammer. 他们身上的兵器十分粗糙,有的拿着大砍刀,有的背着狼牙棒,有的举着磨盘那么大的铁锤。 They in drinking to eat the meat, in mouth completely is the bad language, other these member leave with them, disdains to suffer with them in the same place, this is one group of idiots. 他们在喝酒吃肉,口中尽是脏话,别的那些修士都和他们离得很远,不屑和他们挨在一起,这就是一群浑人。 Second in command, you looks at that woman, is quite coquettish!” In Wu Jiu raises a golden yellow bird claw, already is roasted ripe, is gnawing, while the eye stares above stares at the distant place jade to collapse Long Qingyang, full is the hand of greasy dirt, unceasing rubbing on rags gown. “二当家,你看那个娘们,好风骚啊!”巫九手里提着一根金黄色的鸟爪,已经被烤熟,一边啃着,一边眼睛直勾勾的盯着远处玉塌之上的龙青阳,满是油污的手,在破布袍子上不断的搓。 Side, a figure is short, the robust, black wash bowl, the big eye, the whole face is growing the thief of beard, a palm of the hand claps on the face of Wu Jiu, obloquies saying: Lacks prospects, likes making!” 旁边,一个身材矮短,虎背熊腰,黑脸盆,大眼睛,满脸都长着胡子的大盗,一巴掌拍在巫九的脸上,大骂道:“没出息,喜欢就去弄啊!” This is very long looks like gorilla the thief, is Huang Feng Ridge second in command. 这个长得很像大猩猩的大盗,就是黄枫岭的“二当家”。 I...... I have a look.” Staring that the Wu Jiu resentful say/way however, eye stares as before on the body of Long Qingyang, unexpectedly, Long Qingyang of distant place as if felt his scalding hot vision, the jade neck was gentle and charming, turns the head, softness was smiling to him, glances the completely attractive eyes. “俺……俺只是看看。”巫九悻悻然的道,眼睛依旧直勾勾的盯在龙青阳的身上,蓦地,远处的龙青阳似乎感受到了他灼热的目光,玉颈娇柔,转过头来,柔情似水的对着他一笑,眼波之中尽诱人秋波。 Bang!” Wu Jiu was shocked immediately, the bird claw in hand fell on the ground, the body like petrifying generally. “嘭!”巫九顿时愣住了,手中的鸟爪子掉在了地上,身体就像石化了一般。 !” !” The seconds in command were a Palestinian long-handled fan in the past, Wu Jiu knocking down, the head hit in the stone, obloquied saying: Lacks prospects.” 二当家又是一巴掌扇了过去,将巫九给打倒在地,脑袋撞在了石头上,大骂道:“没出息。” The seconds in command also turned toward that monster of distant place to flatter the female to look at one, a whole body convulsion, hastily has taken immediately also back the vision, mysterious say/way: How this time goal is Feng Feiyun, this is the greatly instruction, for a woman, do not harm the important matter.” 二当家也向着远处的那个妖媚女子看了一眼,顿时也浑身一个痉挛,连忙收回了目光,神秘兮兮的道:“咋们这次的目标乃是风飞云,这可是大当家的吩咐,可不要为了一个娘们,误了大事。” This group of thief yellow Feng thieves, from the Southern Grand Palace border region, have made a long-range raid 100,000 miles, caught up with 100,000 mountains and rivers. 这一群大盗正是黄枫大盗,从南太府的边陲,奔袭了100000里,赶来了100000山河。 Relax, now all people gather outside Copper Furnance Mountain, Feng Feiyun surely will also catch up to collect this liveliness, when the time comes old lady I ** he, he surely obedient returns to Huang Feng Ridge with us.” At the back of the iron bow, the female who puts on short skin Qun, pats the thigh, saying that the heroic feelings soars to the heavens. “放心,现在所有人都聚集到了铜炉山外,风飞云也必定会赶来凑这个热闹,到时候老娘我**他,他必定乖乖的和我们回黄枫岭。”一个背着铁弓,穿着短皮群的女子,一拍大腿,豪情冲天的说道。 This female seems also 28 and nine years old, is called beautiful 13 mothers, is long has the ripe female flavor, the both legs under that short skin group are very clear, are flexible, but is bringing the strong bandit air/Qi, three years ago joins Huang Feng Ridge, became fourth managing a household of Huang Feng Ridge. 这女子看上去也有28、九岁,叫做“羞花13娘”,长得也算是颇有熟女韵味,那短皮群下的双腿十分圆润,弹性十足,但是身上却带着浓烈的匪气,三年前才加入黄枫岭,成为了黄枫岭的第四位当家。 Hears the beautiful 13 mothers' words, the thief on the scene has laughed immediately wildly, some people teased: Feng Feiyun how, although is the Huang Feng Ridge top-quality yin bandit, but actually also very much selects, four manage a household, if again young 200 -year-old, he estimated that at meeting your badger game, is only the present......” 听到羞花13娘的话,在场的大盗顿时都狂笑了起来,有人调侃道:“风飞云虽然是咋们黄枫岭头号yin匪,但是却也很挑,四当家若是再年轻200岁,他估计会中你的美人计,只是现在嘛……” Bang!” “嘭!” That thief who spoke a moment ago, was flown to the fan by the beautiful 13 mothers directly, has banged into the mountain massif, quite a while crawled from inside, then obedient sitting on the ground, did not dare to smile. 刚才说话的那个大盗,直接被羞花13娘给扇飞,撞入了山体之中,半天才从里面爬了出来,然后乖乖的坐在地上,不敢在笑。 All thieves keep silent, after long time, has humanity: Manages a household already many years not to act greatly, has not thought that these time acts unexpectedly for Feng Feiyun, the second in command, you said that Feng Feiyun can be the greatly illegitimate child?” 所有大盗都噤若寒蝉,半晌之后,才有人道:“大当家已经很多年不出面了,没想到这一次出面竟然是为了风飞云,二当家,你说风飞云会不会是大当家的私生子?” Second in command earnest nod of, said: „The possibility of illegitimate child is not very big, but affirmed that the relations were not ordinary, listening to the third child saying that previous time, Feng Feiyun to Huang Feng Ridge time, managed a household greatly came out one time, but also has given the third child «Red mythical bird Monster Sword», then transmitted to Feng Feiyun.” 二当家认真的点了点头,道:“私生子的可能性不是很大,但肯定关系不一般,听老三说,上一次,风飞云黄枫岭的时候,大当家就出来了一次,还将《红鸾妖剑》交给了老三,然后转交给了风飞云。” Huang Feng Ridge manages a household greatly mystically, almost little acts, only then the second in command and three manages a household has seen his several times, other person his appearance does not know, only knows that is a super ruthless person. 黄枫岭的大当家十分神秘,几乎很少出面,只有二当家和三当家才见过他几次,别的人连他的模样都不知晓,只知道是一位超级狠人。 Feng Feiyun stands in the distant place, is vigilant, looks carefully in all directions, hearing that naturally said the words that does not omit a single word this group of thieves, in the eye has the color/look of doubt, red mythical bird monster sword spread from the big hand of Huang Feng Ridge unexpectedly, that mysterious managed a household greatly is the unparalleled sorcerer in legend?” 风飞云站在远处,耳听八方,眼观六路,自然是将这一群大盗所说的话都一字不漏的听到,眼中生出狐疑之色,“红鸾妖剑竟然是从黄枫岭的大当家手中传出,难道那位神秘的大当家就是传说之中的盖世妖人?” Young people before dying, left a letter, on the letter had also mentioned unparalleled sorcerer, the secrets of five god clothes, she knew from the mouth of unparalleled sorcerer. Her red mythical bird hot clothes, is the unparalleled sorcerer passes to her. 红颜在死之前,留下了一封信,信上面也提到过盖世妖人,五件神衣的秘密,她就是从盖世妖人的口中得知。她身上的红鸾火裳,也是盖世妖人传给她。 This unparalleled sorcerer looks like with has the greatest relations really! 这个盖世妖人看来与自己真的有莫大的关系! In Feng Feiyun wants to go to find out by secret inquiry about the Huang Feng Ridge greatly news, has broadcast an angry sound suddenly: One's teacher's older brother, is he, was he has injured big Senior Brother and Zhao Senior Brother they, moreover blasphemed the wisdom to admire Junior Sister with the eye.” 就在风飞云想要前去探知关于黄枫岭大当家的消息之时,身后突然传来了一声愤怒的声音:“师伯,就是他,就是他打伤了大师兄和赵师兄他们,而且还用眼睛亵渎了睿歆师妹。” Livelihood Immortal Religion that group of young talents, are supporting a bearing extraordinary middle-aged person, Feng Feiyun encircling in the center, all people looked at each other to the Feng Feiyun angry glare, only has that the young girl who is called the wisdom to admire to bring several points of shyness, has lowered the head, tight following in that middle-aged person. 日月仙教的那一群年轻才俊,拥着一个气度非凡的中年人,将风飞云给围在了中央,所有人都对风飞云怒目相视,唯有那个叫做睿歆的少女带着几分羞涩,一直低着头,紧紧的跟在那个中年人的身后。 That middle-aged person has sized up Feng Feiyun, polite say/way: „Below Livelihood Immortal Religion Meng Qiunan, heard that your excellency cultivation base is good, but holds strong bullying the weak, bullying the weak, not only injures my immortal to teach the disciple, but also blasphemed the Livelihood Immortal Religion Emissary Bai Yue daughter, the wisdom admires, should give us a Livelihood Immortal Religion confession?” 那个中年人将风飞云打量了一番,客客气气的道:“在下日月仙教孟秋楠,听说阁下的修为不俗,但是却持强凌弱,以大欺小,不仅打伤我仙教弟子,还亵渎了日月仙教白月使者的女儿,睿歆儿,是不是应该给我们一个日月仙教一个交代?” Meng Qiunan suppression oneself sound desirably, many people have not heard his words, gazed at the past the vision, some people send out to call out in alarm: Is Livelihood Immortal Religion Meng Qiunan, heard just promoted half-step Giant (thumb), in some time ago Livelihood Immortal Religion compared in, captured first of 18 th generation of disciples greatly, the point vigor, who such didn't enlarge ones vision dares to offend him at this time unexpectedly?” 孟秋楠并没有刻意的压制自己的声音,很多人都听到他的话,将目光注视了过去,有人发出惊呼:“是日月仙教孟秋楠,听到刚晋升半步巨擘,在不久前的日月仙教的大比之中,夺得了第18代弟子的第一位,锋芒正劲,谁这么不开眼竟然敢在这个时候得罪他?” Heard that was powder cultivates, blasphemed the Emissary Bai Yue youngest daughter, the Livelihood Immortal Religion most radiant pearl, Liu Ruixin.” “听说是一个散修,亵渎了白月使者的小女儿,日月仙教最璀璨的明珠,柳睿歆。” Scratches, this powder cultivated was also flamboyant, unexpectedly dares to hit including Emissary Bai Yue the attention of youngest daughter, Meng Qiunan so was no wonder positive, it seems like that this was wants to make the performance in the Emissary Bai Yue front.” “擦,这个散修也牛逼了,居然连白月使者的小女儿的注意都敢打,难怪孟秋楠这么积极,看来这是想要在白月使者的面前挣表现。” The Livelihood Immortal Religion fame is too big, few people dare to do against with them, now actually has the fellow who did not fear death, making many people grinning, thought that had the good play to look. 日月仙教的名气实在太大,很少有人敢和他们对着干,现在却出了一个不怕死的家伙,让很多人都笑嘻嘻,觉得有好戏看了。 Young Lady Long, is Livelihood Immortal Religion this up to mischief? Powder cultivates, serves a need to set out half-step Giant (thumb)?” An old man presents in Long Qingyang slowly, saying in a low voice. 龙姑娘,日月仙教这到底在搞什么鬼?一个散修而已,用得着出动一位半步巨擘?”一个老者缓缓的出现在龙青阳的身后,低声的说道。 On the Long Qingyang face is having the gentle smiling face, draws the brocade gauze clothes that fell, the eye pupil brings the flow of tears eyes, the gentle voice to say with a smile: Meng Qiunan is a fool, so harms the Liu Ruixin reputation the matter, he can do, wants to pat the Emissary Bai Yue flatter, these time was to actually pat on the horse leg. Hehe. Right, how did our people arrange?” 龙青阳脸上带着柔媚的笑容,拉了拉滑落的锦缎纱衣,眼眸带着涟涟秋波,柔声笑道:“孟秋楠就是一个笨蛋,如此有损柳睿歆名誉的事,他都做得出来,想要拍白月使者的马屁,这一次却是拍到了马腿上。呵呵。对了,我们的人布置得怎么样了?” That old man looked at present the snow white exquisite flesh, that fine beautiful beautiful appearance, could not have borne a capriciousness, has swallowed saliva secretly, said: already has arranged, one, but Feng Feiyun appears, cannot hide the truth from our informers surely.” 那一个老者看了看眼前雪白细腻的肌肤,还有那精致绝美的玉颜,忍不住一阵心猿意马,暗咽了一口唾沫,道:“已经布置了下去,一但风飞云出现,必定瞒不过我们的耳目。” Above the jade collapses, Long Qingyang sat slightly, bends the slender jade waist, the eyelash is trembling, a pair of beautiful pupil staring in all directions, that eye is simply bright like the stars, finally wrinkled the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly, the appearance makes any men think that simply eats him, shook the head, said: I have the feeling, his already.” 玉塌之上,龙青阳微微的坐了起来,弯着纤细的玉腰,睫毛一颤一颤,一双美眸在四处的凝望,那一双眼睛简直明亮得就像星辰,最后微微的皱了皱黛眉,模样简直让任何男人都想一口将他吃掉,摇了摇头,道:“我有感觉,他已经到了。” What? His already to? How hadn't our people discovered him?” That old man is surprised the different way. “什么?他已经到了?怎么我们的人没有将他发现?”那一个老者诧异道。 Feng Feiyun, if were given the discovery by you easily, he was not Feng Feiyun! Relax! North Ocean Faction and Yu Qian Dynasty person worries compared with us, we first do not begin, wait to look at the good play.” The Long Qingyang luster of the skin is soft, has lain, the red lip clear, full is the traces of spring, brings to wipe the strange charming smile. 风飞云若是那么容易被你给发现,他就不是风飞云了!放心吧!北溟阀玉乾王朝的人比我们更着急,我们先不要动手,等着看好戏。”龙青阳玉体柔软,又卧了下去,红唇晶莹,满是春意,带着一抹奇异的媚笑。 Feng Feiyun knows that the Livelihood Immortal Religion person can also look for him surely, but has not thought that they come so quickly, smiled, said: Person is I hits, your Livelihood Immortal Religion sect rule is too loose, cannot manage well the disciple, I helped you manage. As for blaspheming which girl, this matter I have not done actually, if you must say that I have done, I also can only recognize.” 风飞云就知道日月仙教的人必定还会来找上他,只是没有想到他们来得如此的快,笑了笑,道:“人是我打的,你们日月仙教的门规太松散,管不好弟子,我帮你们管了一下。至于亵渎哪位姑娘,这种事我倒是没有做过,你们若是非要说我做过,那我也只能认了。” This powder cultivates is too rampant, the speech also very to/clashes. 这个散修实在太嚣张,说话也十分冲。 Xiao Tianyue injury did not have, arm also in drop blood, but currently has Meng Qiunan to support, he is then fearless, cold sound said: „ Our Livelihood Immortal Religion sect rule can it be that you can say this and that the one's teacher's older brother, I thought that this fellow intentionally is provoking our Livelihood Immortal Religion. 萧天岳身上的伤势还没有好,手臂还在滴血,但是现在有孟秋楠撑腰,他便无所畏惧,冷声道:“我们日月仙教的门规岂是你可以说三道四,师伯,我觉得这家伙就是故意在挑衅我们日月仙教 Also added a big crime to Feng Feiyun! 又给风飞云加了一条大罪! The Meng Qiunan complexion is pale, cold sound said: Since your excellency so does not pay attention to Livelihood Immortal Religion, I do want to come to see your Buddhist doctrine strongly?” 孟秋楠的脸色铁青,冷声道:“既然阁下如此不将日月仙教放在眼里,那我就要来看看你的佛法到底有多强?” Bang!” “轰!” The back of fierce autumn cedar to/clashes a round god moon/month halo, covers the body, wraps oneself body, above both hands condenses the seal Secret Art unceasingly, the god moon/month halo is getting more and more powerful, erupts the eye-catching god glow, almost makes the person unable to open the eye. 猛秋楠的背后冲起一轮神月光环,笼罩身体,包裹己身,双手之上不断的凝聚印诀,神月光环越来越强盛,爆发出夺目的神芒,几乎让人睁不开眼睛。 This is one terrifying valuable technique of Livelihood Immortal Religion, cultivates the pinnacle, can change the world, can let daytime the grow darking night.” Not far away, these member offered a sacrifice to this life Buddhist musical instrument completely, protected oneself, feared by the move of valuable technique accidental injury of Meng Qiunan. “这是日月仙教的一种恐怖的宝术,修炼到极致,能够改天换地,能够让白日变黑夜。”不远处,那些修士全部都祭出了本命法器,守护自身,怕被孟秋楠的这一招宝术误伤。 Bang!” “嘭!” Only hears a loud sound, is similar to some people are hitting Buddhism Bell. 只听见一声巨响,如同有人在撞击佛钟 Suddenly, god moon/month radiance diverges, Meng Qiunan full mouth was flying upside down of blood, fell to the ground with a crash, inverts on the ground. 突然,神月光华散去,孟秋楠满口是血的倒飞了出去,砰然落地,倒插在地上。 What? 什么? This is half-step Giant (thumb), now actually inverts in the place, the both legs faces upwards, like burns a joss stick to insert there, very being pregnant feeling, but actually nobody can smile at this moment, but tight stares at that portable Buddhism Bell powder to cultivate. 这可是一位半步巨擘,现在却倒插在地,双腿朝天,就像一炷香插在那里,很有喜感,但是此刻却没有人能够笑得出来,而是紧紧的盯着那个手提佛钟的散修。
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