SV :: Volume #6 太微守心

#689: If quickly meteor

Wu Jiu stands by the big hole, is raising the spiked club, has patted greatly baldly, reveals an ominous tooth, was exclaiming to these Livelihood Immortal Religion disciples: Is again chatty, from twists completely your heads.” 巫九站在大坑旁,提着狼牙棒,拍了拍大光头,露出一口凶牙,对着那些日月仙教的弟子吼道:“再敢唧唧歪歪,來自将你们的脑袋全部拧下來。” Livelihood Immortal Religion these young talents were frightened the complexion blanch, shivering that the body keeps, that powder cultivates to get rid also to have the discretion, does not kill people, but this thief under stingy is spicy, said that the murder kills people, truly stems from the immortal of prestigious family to teach the disciple daunting their these. 日月仙教的那些年轻才俊一个个都被吓得脸色发白,身体不停的颤抖,那个散修出手都还有分寸,并不杀人,但是这个大盗却下手狠辣,说杀人就杀人,确实将他们这些出自名门的仙教弟子给吓住。 The matter gets bigger and bigger, Livelihood Immortal Religion has elite disciple to be killed, this matter will be absolutely unfriendly, many people are glad to look at the good play. 事情越闹越大,日月仙教有精英弟子被打死,这件事绝对不会善了,很多人都乐得看好戏。 Wu Jiu raised also to drop the spiked club of blood to walk, these Livelihood Immortal Religion young talents were frightened the both legs to become tender, some were retroceding, some sat on the ground directly, two hands supported the body to draw back backward. 巫九提着还滴着鲜血的狼牙棒走了过去,那些日月仙教的年轻才俊都被吓得双腿发软,有的在后退,有的直接一屁股坐在了地上,两只手撑着身体向后退。 Wu Jiu arrives at the front of second in command, coldly stared at Feng Feiyun one, the say/way of devils: Hey, our seconds in command were asking your words, did your his mother sell.” 巫九走到二当家的面前,冷冷的盯了风飞云一眼,凶神恶煞的道:“喂,我们二当家在问你话,你他妈到底卖不卖。” This tone looks like a strong brothel customer very much, was asking the prostitute. 这语气很像一个强势的嫖客,在问妓女。 Everyone knows that the air/Qi of this greatly bald murdering is very ominous, a word will not kill people at earliest convenience . Moreover the strength on hand is very fearful, a club gets down to give to kill Heaven's Mandate 3rd-layer talent outstanding, cultivation base is very absolutely fearful. 谁都知道这个大光头杀伐之气很凶,一言不合就会杀人,而且手上的力量很可怕,一棒子下去将一位天命第三重的天才俊杰都给打死,修为绝对很可怕。 Livelihood Immortal Religion these elite disciples do not dare to speak again, the people thought that this powder cultivates definitely will submit, Liu Ruixin handing over, sold to this group of thieves. 就连日月仙教的那些精英弟子都不敢再说话,众人觉得这个散修肯定会屈服,会将柳睿歆给交出去,卖给这群大盗。 Some many people were regretting, they thought that if has given this group of thieves Liu Ruixin, the fate is very definitely pitiful, will cast the indelible shadow, even if the Livelihood Immortal Religion powerhouse gave to extinguish this group of thieves afterward, was impossible to recall a pureness of rare beauty. 有很多人都在惋惜,他们都觉得若是将柳睿歆交给了这群大盗,下场肯定很悲惨,会留下不可磨灭的阴影,就算事后日月仙教的强者将这群大盗都给灭了,也不可能挽回一个绝色佳人的清白。 Naturally actually nobody plans to get rid, after all here is 100,000 mountains and rivers, can protect oneself on already was good, no one wants to antagonize people. 当然却沒有人打算出手,毕竟这里乃是100000山河,能够自保就已经不错了,谁都不想树敌。 Liu Ruixin was also daunted, above the outstandingly beautiful appearance blood-color does not have, tight is nipping clear Bei tooth, in the pupil completely is color/look completely, this group of thieves are too really cut-throat, fall into their hands the fate not to dare to imagine simply, her hand has pressed firmly between the fingers the lower hem corner unrestrainedly, will point at to pinch to bleed. 柳睿歆也被吓住,绝色的容颜之上一丝血色都沒有,紧紧的咬着晶莹贝齿,眸中尽是绝然之色,这群大盗实在太凶狠,落入他们的手中下场简直不敢想象,她的手情不自禁的捏住了衣角,将手指都要捏出血來。 Does not sell.” Feng Feiyun sits before the body of Liu Ruixin, the body just like the rock, faint said. “不卖。”风飞云坐在柳睿歆的身前,身体宛如磐石,淡淡的说道。 Although merely is only the simple two characters, but has actually been full of the hard-and-fast imposing manner, making people feel his manner the firmness. 虽然仅仅只是简简单单的两个字,但是却充满了不可违逆的气势,让人感觉到他态度的坚决。 Liu Ruixin sits in Feng Feiyun, above the soft jade body by above ice-cold Buddhism Bell, the pear flower general immortal accommodates completely is the incredible look, he...... He unexpectedly...... 柳睿歆坐在风飞云的身后,柔软的玉躯靠在冰冷的佛钟之上,梨花一般的仙容之上尽是不可置信的神色,他……他居然…… Courts death.” “找死。” Wu Jiu murderous aura is steaming, bellows, roared like the ape wolf, by the sturdy skin, can see in his body is similar to the bone that the pure gold built, both hands gets hold of the spiked club, suddenly went toward the Feng Feiyun top of the head bang. 巫九杀气腾腾,大吼一声,就像猿狼咆哮,透过粗壮的皮肤,可以看到他身体之中如同赤金打造的骨头,双手握紧狼牙棒,猛然的向着风飞云的头顶轰去。 This is a terrifying imposing manner, was only the strength has started merely a piece of kamikaze, has detained like a Tienchu, whistling made noise. 这是一股恐怖的气势,仅仅只是力量就掀起了一片神风,就像一根天柱押了下來,“呼呼”作响。 The people are astonished, this thief good tyrannical strength, they suspected that his club wields, can sweep away a piece of mountain. 众人惊异莫名,这个大盗好强横的力量,他们怀疑他一棒子挥出去,能够横扫一片山岳。 This thief has the issue, cultivation base is very uncommon, as if has practiced a mysterious Bone Refining treasure technique, looks like with the valuable technique that some past background mansion renowned ominous person cultivated very much.” An elder level character of large-scale family said. “这个大盗有问題,修为很不凡,似乎修炼了一种神秘的炼骨宝术,与当年地子府名噪一时的某一位凶人修炼的宝术很像。”一个大型家族的长老级人物说道。 I recalled to mind, this matter happens more than 100 years ago, at that time that ominous person once continually killed the Livelihood Immortal Religion six elders, the slaughter extinguishes the Livelihood Immortal Religion eight rudders, in the hand had over a thousand human lives, afterward gave to alarm Livelihood Immortal Religion an overlord of Giant (thumb) rank, gets rid to injure him, has chased down several tens of thousands miles, finally was escaped by him.” “我记起了,这件事发生在100多年前,当时那一个凶人曾连杀日月仙教六位长老,屠灭了日月仙教八座分舵,手上有上千条人命,后來将日月仙教的一位巨擘级别的霸主给惊动,出手将他打伤,追杀了数万里,最后被他逃脱。” Could not kill him Giant (thumb).” “连巨擘都杀不了他。” Nyima, this bald to the Livelihood Immortal Religion hatred is not general, hearing is the Livelihood Immortal Religion person, then gets rid to kill, is relentless, perhaps is he.” “尼玛,这光头对日月仙教的恨意不是一般的强,听闻是日月仙教的人,便出手打杀,丝毫不留情,说不定就是他本人。” ...... …… Huang Feng Ridge has 3000 thieves, commits the big crime, offended the great person, taught not to accommodate by Divine Jin Dynasty these families and immortals, has to run away to the non-Chinese southern person border region, concealed identity, takes to the heather, each was the genuine big invader. 黄枫岭有3000大盗,都是犯下了大罪,得罪了大人物,被神晋王朝的那些家族和仙教所不容,不得不逃到南蛮边陲,隐姓埋名,落草为寇,每一个都是真正的大寇。 This point Feng Feiyun nature is clear, perhaps during Wu Jiu is really they discusses that ominous person. 这一点风飞云自然清楚,说不定巫九真的就是他们谈论之中的那个凶人。 The story big interests of Feng Feiyun to these big invaders, has not sat cross-legged on the ground, gets rid decisively, above the palm condenses a piece of golden Fokuang, like holding a piece of radiant magic lamp, direct bang above spiked club that in fell with one, hitting distorts the spiked club, makes a sound of metal collision, sparks/Mars scatters. 风飞云对这些大寇的故事并沒有多大的兴趣,盘坐在地上,果断出手,手掌之上凝聚出一片金色的佛光,就像托着一片璀璨的神灯,直接轰在了拿一根落下來的狼牙棒之上,将狼牙棒给打得变形,发出一声金属碰撞的声音,火星四溅。 cultivation base of this thief is really uncommon, gives dozen of distortions the spiked club, has not made him let go, cultivation base stronger compared with Meng Qiunan. 这个大盗的修为果然不凡,将狼牙棒都给打变形,都沒有让他松手,修为孟秋楠都要强。 The clothes robe agitation of Feng Feiyun, the strength above palm increases again, a strength impact of surging forward on, raising to fly Wu Jiu, the body flies dozens meters high, finally the buttocks were well-grounded first, sit on the ground, half body fell into under the ground. 风飞云的衣袍鼓动,手掌之上的力量再次增加,一股汹涌澎湃的力量冲击而上,将巫九给掀飞了出去,身体飞起数十米高,最后屁股先着地,坐在了地上,半个身体都陷入了地面之下。 However this bald body, unexpectedly rubbed the buttocks to have the station intrepidly, but actually does not dare to go forward again one step, knows that this powder did not repair affably, others sit on the ground can raise fly, now absolutely is not his match. 但是这光头的身体强悍之极,竟然揉了揉屁股有站了起來,但是却不敢再上前一步,知道这个散修不好惹,别人坐在地上都能将自己掀飞,现在绝对不是他的对手。 Feng Feiyun gold/metal restrains, sits cross-legged as in there, serene say/way: „The Livelihood Immortal Religion disciple wants to rob my Spirit Artifact, but this matter has nothing to do with Liu Ruixin, I asked her to come, but wanted to ask the Livelihood Immortal Religion great people to ask for an explanation, therefore you wanted me Liu Ruixin reselling, this matter I will not do.” 风飞云身上的金芒收敛,依旧盘坐在那里,风轻云淡的道:“日月仙教的弟子想要抢夺我的灵器,但是此事与柳睿歆无关,我请她过來,只是想要找日月仙教的大人物们讨个说法,所以你们要我将柳睿歆转卖,此事我万万不会做。” Second in command the big eyes of black and shining stared at Feng Feiyun to look for a long time, in the eyeball braved the strange ray, suddenly, laughed a sound said: Has the principle, I liked, reply in kind, cope with these so-called prestigious family Confucianism to be suitable.” 二当家的一双黑溜溜的大眼睛盯着风飞云看了许久,眼珠子中冒着奇异的光芒,突然,大笑一声道:“有原则,我喜欢,以其人之道还治其人之身,对付这些所谓的名门大教再适合不过了。” You must buy now.” Feng Feiyun said. “那你现在还要买。”风飞云道。 Haha, the person who to be honest, how to make the robber trade, wants the women with snatching, where has to buy the truth of woman.” The seconds in command said. “哈哈,老实说,咋们做强盗行当的人,要女人都是用抢,哪有花钱买女人的道理。”二当家道。 You must snatch.” “那你是要抢了。” Must snatch also snatches from the hand of Livelihood Immortal Religion.” “要抢也是从日月仙教的手中去抢。” The seconds in command laugh, then leaves, sat side of bonfire, on a face had the thief look of scar of knife wound to be cut-throat, full was murderous aura, say/way in a low voice: Second in command, why is not him.” 二当家大笑一声,便拍屁股走人,又坐回了篝火的旁边,一个脸上有刀疤的大盗眼神凶狠,满是杀气,低声的道:“二当家,为什么不做了他。” On the second in command face is having the color/look of several points of hope, said with a smile: Has the issue.” 二当家脸上带着几分希冀之色,笑道:“有问題。” Has any issue.” Another arm has the bucket that thick thief to say fully. “有什么问題。”另一个手臂足有水桶那么粗的大盗道。 I suspected that he is Feng Feiyun.” The seconds in command said. “我怀疑他就是风飞云。”二当家道。 .” “噗。” Hears this saying, the chins of all thieves must fall on the ground. 听到这话,所有大盗的下巴都要掉在地上了。 Beautiful 13 mothers' eyes are shining, said: This also...... Too obviously old a point, but I like, is just appropriate with my age.” 羞花13娘的一双眼睛在放光,道:“这也……太显老了一点吧,不过我喜欢,与我的年纪刚好合适。” One group of thieves disregard her directly, but the second in command mysterious say/way of: „An appearance of person can change, the makings can install, the look can hide, but on him that faint Monster Qi, how he hid unable to hide.” 一群大盗直接将她无视,而二当家神秘兮兮的道:“一个人的模样可以变,气质可以装,眼神可以隐藏,但是他身上的那一股淡淡的妖气,他怎么藏都藏不了。” The nose of Wu Jiu makes an effort smelled smelling, simple and honest say/way: Monster Qi, how I have not smelled.” 巫九的鼻子使劲的嗅了嗅,憨厚的道:“妖气,我怎么沒有闻到。” Your cultivation base is insufficient, does not know that Monster Qi is any thing, after your cultivation base achieves certain boundary, the father passes on your one move to distinguish the god technique of Monster Qi, you naturally can also be able to smell.” “你的修为还不够,根本不知道妖气是什么东西,当你修为达到一定境界之后,老子传你一招识别妖气的神术,你自然也就能够闻得到了。” The vision of second in command stares at the direction that Feng Feiyun is sitting cross-legged, in the eye is leading strange color/look, actually he cannot affirm that person is Feng Feiyun, because Feng Feiyun Monster Qi already hides vague, even if were he has practiced greatly managing a household own autobiography his knowledge monster secret technique, could not completely understand Feng Feiyun as before. 二当家的目光盯着风飞云盘坐的方向,眼中带着一种奇色,其实他也不敢肯定那人就是风飞云,因为风飞云身上的妖气已经隐藏得若有若无,即便是他修炼了大当家亲自传他的识妖秘术,依旧将风飞云看不透。 Liu Ruixin sits on the ground, the body does not have the slightest bit strength, the physique is gently beautiful, has a spirit rhyme, the look somewhat complex looks to sit in not far away Yun Feitian, the slightly bright red lip moves, said: You put me now, if let Monarch 3000 and Ye Siwan came, you must die without doubt.” 柳睿歆坐在地上,身上沒有半分力气,体态柔美,有着一种灵韵,眼神有些复杂的看着坐在不远处的云飞天,略显嫣红的嘴唇动了动,道:“你现在把我放了吧,若是让君3000和叶丝婠來了,你就必死无疑了。” Feng Feiyun has shut tightly both eyes, a corners of the mouth check slightly, said with a smile: Does not have Firmanent Ancient Sword, I do not put you.” 风飞云一直紧闭双目,嘴角略微的一勾,笑道:“沒有镇霄古剑,我绝不放你。” My this is saving you.” Liu Ruixin somewhat is discouraged, thought that at present this powder cultivates is too impervious, if not for he had not given that group of thieves her a moment ago, she not waste lips and tongue. “我这是在救你。”柳睿歆有些气馁,觉得眼前这个散修实在太不可理喻,若不是刚才他沒有将她交给那群大盗,她才不会多废唇舌。 You save you yourself first, if they have not carried Firmanent Ancient Sword to come, I can guarantee that you are more unfortunate than fortunate tonight.” The Feng Feiyun speech is very direct, daunts Liu Ruixin, does not dare to talk too much again. “你先救你自己吧,若是他们沒有携带镇霄古剑前來,我敢保证你今晚凶多吉少。”风飞云说话很直接,将柳睿歆吓住,不敢再多言。 The meteor has flown from the backdrop together, no, that is not the meteor, that is a person, the speed can actually compare with the meteor, ray can also compare with the meteor, nobody can see clearly her appearance, cannot see clearly her movement. 一道流星从天幕之上飞过,不,那不是流星,那是一个人,速度却可以与流星相比,身上的光芒也可以与流星相比,无人能够看清她的模样,也看不清她的身法。 The speed is too fast, a blink, falls on already to Feng Feiyun behind, speedily gets rid, must carry off Liu Ruixin. 速度太快,一眨眼,就已经落到风飞云身后,疾速出手,就要将柳睿歆带走。 This is gently beautiful peerless white hands, seems carved by the God, can describe with the clever axe finger of God, but the speed of this hand actually wonderful quick incomparable, is quicker than it lightning, held the fragrant shoulder of Liu Ruixin directly, must take away her. 这是一只柔美绝伦的玉手,仿佛由天公雕琢,可以用鬼斧神工來形容,但是这只手的速度却奇快无比,比之闪电还要快,直接抓住了柳睿歆的香肩,要将她带走。 Speed is pretty good, the hand is also very beautiful.” “速度不赖,手也很美。” Feng Feiyun shows a faint smile, gets rid, speed also wonderful quick incomparable, a claw buckle to that white hands, above the hand claw condensed golden radiance, like the golden god pliers, must that white hands grasping. 风飞云微微一笑,也出手,速度也奇快无比,一爪扣向了那一只玉手,手爪之上凝聚出金色的光华,就像金色的神钳,要将那一只玉手给抓断。 That Dodge is quickly incomparable meteor, exudes one lightly, can only let go first, above the slender gently beautiful arm overflows cold air, the entire arm was only given the package by the cold air, is condensing a faint cold ice. 那一道奇快无比的“流星”,发出一声轻咦,只能先松手,纤细柔美的手臂之上溢出一道道的寒气,整只手臂都被寒气给包裹,凝聚着一层淡淡的寒冰。 Bang, bang, bang......” “嘭,嘭,嘭……” In the air, only hears a series of palm hits the sound, merely one she then made 248 to be in charge instant, is in charge to practice one string, the strength has superimposed, the might was unequalled. 空气之中,只听到一连串的手掌撞击的声音,仅仅一个刹那她便打出了248个掌印,掌印练成一串,力量叠加了起來,威力无与伦比。 Her speed is too fast, therefore the sound as if superimposed in one, although linked 248 palms, but the average man actually can only hear sound that's all. 她的速度实在太快,所以的声音似乎都叠加在了一起,虽然连出了248掌,但是常人却只能听到一个声音罢了 But at the same time, Feng Feiyun sits on the ground, does not turn around, hit 248 to be in charge backward continually, strength that she ejected in invisible, the spiritual energy in body was unceasing, condenses a huge golden Buddha seal, poured to rumble. 而与此同时,风飞云坐在地上,并不转身,也向后连打了248个掌印,将她击出的力量化于无形,身体之中的灵气不绝,凝聚出一只庞大的金色的佛印,倒轰了回去。
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