SRW :: Volume #9

#848: The suggestion of transcription

The suggestion of Chapter 848 transcription 第848章副本的暗示 Imperial palace, in side hall. 皇宫,偏殿里。 Zheng Long does tu, intoxicate to plot to murder Our is you? Your Zheng can have today, all relies on Us, if We died, what advantage has to you?” “郑龙图,下毒谋害朕的是你?你们郑家能有今天,全依赖朕,朕若死了,对你有什么好处?” Back of Zhang Yuanqing arrives on the paneled door, moves does not dare to move, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning after life and death, even if crucial moment, not timid fear, but he now is an unenlightened ruler. 张元清背部抵在格子门上,一动不敢动,元始天尊历经生死,哪怕生死关头,也不会胆怯恐惧,但他现在是昏君。 To be honest, the development of plot is more than he expected, said logically, Zheng is a wife's or mother's family, what the wife's or mother's family takes advantage is the emperor, Zhao Shun does not have the heir, once passed away, after new Monarch high-rank, will definitely weaken the influence of Zheng, Zheng have no reason to plot to murder the emperor. 说实话,剧情的发展再次超出他的预料,逻辑上说,郑家是外戚,外戚依仗的是皇帝,赵舜没有子嗣,一旦驾崩,新君上位后,肯定会削弱郑家的势力,郑家没理由谋害皇帝。 Advantage?” Zheng Long tu sneers: Advantage naturally was ten thousand li (0.5 km) landscape of Southern Dynasty, do not fear, my sword will not kill ni, in palace your my two people, you, if died under the sword, I jumped in the Yellow River unable to wash clean.” “好处?”郑龙图冷笑一声:“好处当然是南朝的万里江山,别怕,我不会一剑杀了伱,殿内就你我二人,你若死在剑下,我跳进黄河也洗不清。” Saying, him is taking back the long sword, seizes the neck of Zhang Yuanqing, entrains to the table near. 说着,他收回长剑,掐住张元清的脖子,拽到桌边。 Then, Zheng Long attempts from the bosom fishes out a wooden box, opens, in the box is installing a dragon eye big purple pill. 接着,郑龙图从怀里摸出一只木盒,啪嗒打开,盒内装着一枚龙眼大的紫色药丸。 Your majesty, you are Monarch of the country, dying is not very dignified in the sword, I will keep an entire corpse to you, under the clothing/taking this pill, you die of assassin's hand , there is nothing to do with me.” Zheng Long attempts to pry open the emperor mouth, pill stopper. “陛下,您是一国之君,死于刀剑不够体面,我会给你留个全尸,服下这枚药丸,您就是死于刺客之手,与我无关。”郑龙图撬开皇帝陛下的嘴,把药丸塞了进去。 The Zhang Yuanqing card the throat, is not willing to swallow. 张元清卡着喉咙,死活不肯吞咽。 Zheng Long tu grasps the canteen on table, presses firmly between the fingers his nose, crude pours into the water the mouth of unenlightened ruler. 郑龙图抓起桌上的水壶,捏住他的鼻子,粗暴的把水灌入昏君的口中。 „.” Zhang Yuanqing choked several water, suddenly no longer the resistance, the throat rolled, swallowed the opium pill. “咳咳.”张元清呛了几口水,突然不再反抗,喉咙滚动,咽下了毒丸。 Zheng Long tu satisfied putting down canteen. 郑龙图满意的放下水壶。 Zhang Yuanqing holds the desktop, the fierce cough moment, the respite said: 张元清扶着桌面,剧烈咳嗽片刻,喘息道: Your Zheng Jia feng inadequate? Northern Dynasty wanted the army being near national capital, We died, the deliberation hall was surely turbulent, the frontline army will also withdraw the national capital, your Zheng Jia wants to usurp the throne, dream of a fool.” “你们郑家疯了不成?北朝都要军临国都了,朕一死,必定朝堂动荡,前线的大军也会撤回国都,你们郑家想篡位,痴人说梦。” Zheng Long tu looked at out the eye, saw the fight still to continue, this continued saying: 郑龙图看了眼门外,见战斗仍在继续,这才继续说道: „The frontline army does not come back, Northern Dynasty will divert Yang policy for us.” “前线的大军回不来的,北朝会替我们牵制杨策。” „Did Zheng also collude with Northern Dynasty? Seeks an impossibility, did not fear eaten doesn't remain the bone?” Zhang Yuanqing sits near the table, is covering the throat, is pale. “郑家还勾结北朝?与虎谋皮,不怕被吃的连骨头都不剩?”张元清坐在桌边,捂着喉咙,脸色发白。 This must blame your majesty you.” Zheng Long attempts the sinking sound said: “这都要怪陛下您啊。”郑龙图沉声道: „ After queen mother dies, your favor and trust empress, makes a good use of Yang, ignores my opposition of Zheng to appoint Yang Cewei soldiers and horses grand marshal, if he defends the Linxia city, repelled the Northern Dynasty army, in the deliberation hall, Zheng the Yang two situations will that reverse completely, Zheng Jia has to plan for later. “太后死后,您宠信皇后,重用杨家,不顾我郑家的反对任命杨策为兵马大元帅,他若是守住临夏城,击退北朝军队,那么在朝堂上,郑杨两家的处境将完全逆转,郑家不得不为以后谋划。 Only then you die of assassin's hand, Zheng can take advantage of opportunity the control deliberation hall, has the imperial city division imperial guard in the hand, full Chaozhu is purple, no one dares to oppose Zheng.” “只有您死于刺客之手,郑家才能顺势接管朝堂,有皇城司禁军在手,满朝朱紫贵,无人敢反对郑家。” Zhang Yuanqing snort/hum said: Laughable, the imperial city division imperial guard is my imperial family elite, is not your Zheng private soldier, they take orders with you , because you command for the imperial guard, once you revolt, then for hatred/enemy Kou.” 张元清哼道:“可笑,皇城司禁军乃我皇家精锐,不是你郑家私兵,他们听命与你,是因为你为禁军统领,一旦你造反,便为仇寇。” Zheng Long tu said with a smile: „This not work your majesty took the trouble, has the country masters to support for Zheng Jia. Also, your year of dry/does tommyrots, have stirred up the seething popular discontent, hundred officers hate, wished one could you to pass away earlier, my father ascended the throne to proclaim oneself emperor, complies with the situation, complied with the will of the people.” 郑龙图笑道:“这就不劳陛下费心了,自有国师为郑家撑腰。再说,您这些年干的荒唐事,早已惹得民怨沸腾,百官怨恨,都恨不得你早点驾崩,我父亲登基称帝,是顺应大势,顺应人心。” Country master? Who are the country masters? In the Zhang Yuanqing memory does not have the related information, but looks at a Zheng Long chart confident appearance, this country master seems like a great person. 国师?国师是谁?张元清的记忆里没有相关的信息,但看郑龙图一副信心十足的模样,这位国师似乎是个大人物。 Even if the country masters support for Zheng Jia, that Northern Dynasty khaki cloth, why your Zheng felt can oneself defend the national capital?” Zhang Yuanqing asked. “就算国师为郑家撑腰,那北朝军呢,你们郑家凭什么觉得自己能守住国都?”张元清问道。 Zheng Long tu corners of the mouth bring back the smile: 郑龙图嘴角勾起笑容: Father has reached the agreement with Tuoba Guanghe in secret, after he ascends the throne, then the by monarch status represented Southern Dynasty and Northern Dynasty peace talks, ceded territory presents tribute, always submitted. “父亲早已暗中与拓拔光赫达成协议,待他登基后,便以国君身份代表南朝与北朝和谈,割地纳贡,永世臣服。 Toba tartars light has the potential is too quick, the Imperial Court political opponents are extremely numerous, he needs the meritorious military service, but was worried about Northern Dynasty trusted aides are eliminated after they have outlived their usefulness, remains Southern Dynasty that a vitality damaged severely, to him, only then advantage.” “拓跋光赫起势太快,朝中政敌极多,他需要战功,但又担心北朝兔死狗烹,留一个元气大伤的南朝,对他来说,只有好处。” Raises Kou Zizhong! Zhang Yuanqing whispered at heart. 养寇自重是吧!张元清心里嘀咕。 Well Zheng Long tu with astonishment is carefully examining the unenlightened ruler, knits the brows: How hasn't toxicant manifested suddenly?” “咦”郑龙图惊愕的审视着昏君,皱眉道:“毒药怎么还不发作?” The voice falls, he coughs suddenly fiercely, rending of coughing, forehead boiling hot, during the breath is completely the scalding hot aura. 话音落下,他忽然剧烈咳嗽起来,咳的撕心裂肺,额头滚烫,呼吸间尽是灼热气息。 No, is not good, is the plague he staggers to set out, pulls out the waist saber, in the eye is completely vacant. 不,不好,是瘟疫他踉跄起身,抽出腰间佩剑,眼里尽是茫然。 „!” “啪嗒!” A water drop falls from the top of the head, drop in his back of the hand. 一滴水从头顶落下,滴在他手背。 Zheng Long tu looks up, by balking vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, seeing among the tiles to infiltrate the trickle, like rain leakage. 郑龙图抬头看去,透过纵横的梁木,看见瓦片间渗透出涓涓细流,如同漏雨。 These wander about destitute thin on the ground, swiftly condenses a strong female, if this female face the disc, an eye of bronze bell, the eyebrow thick lip is thick, the physique is firm, seriously is a real man. 这些细流落在地上,迅速凝聚成一位膀大腰圆的女子,此女脸若圆盘,目似铜铃,眉浓唇厚,体态阳刚,当真是一条好汉。 Is the graceful beautiful woman. 是婉美人。 The graceful beautiful woman stretches out the palm, resists the chest and belly of Zhang Yuanqing, wipes upward. 婉美人伸出手掌,抵住张元清的胸腹,往上一抹。 Zhang Yuanqing vomiting, put out by the opium pill that the tea packages. 张元清“呕”的一声,吐出了被茶水包裹的毒丸。 The opium pill has been wrapped by the tea, therefore Zhang Yuanqing did not have the poison to send dead, he has not certainly controlled the water ability, was the graceful beautiful woman acts in secret, displays the governing water ability to bind the opium pill. 毒丸一直被茶水包裹着,因此张元清才没有毒发身亡,他当然没有控水能力,是婉美人暗中出手,施展御水能力裹住了毒丸。 Zhang Yuanqing when swallowing, feels the tea the unusuality, therefore feels relieved the bold swallowing opium pill. 张元清在吞咽时,就感觉到茶水的异常,故而放心大胆的咽下毒丸。 The graceful beautiful woman is he sends the officials to invite, three beautiful women assassinate his behavior to be truly unexpected, on the one hand is enters the transcription the time is too short, the acquired information is limited. 婉美人是他派宦官请来的,三位美人刺杀他的行为确实出乎预料,一方面是进入副本的时间太短,收集到的情报有限。 On the other hand yes, who can think the duty that the teammate receives is to assassinate him? 另一方面是,谁能想到队友接到的任务是刺杀他? This has surpassed wisdom category, only if can have foresight, otherwise no one could expect. 这已经超出了“智慧”的范畴,除非能未卜先知,否则谁都预料不到。 But as Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, as continuously tall play who attacks and captures the S level transcription, in escaping from resting palace instantly, he is thinking, who is the spy in duty? 但作为元始天尊,作为连续攻克S级副本的高玩,在逃出寝宫的刹那,他就在想,任务中的间谍到底是谁? Obviously possibly is not three beautiful women, three beautiful women and he is a teammate, this is multi- people cooperation makes class the transcription, is not the resistance class, therefore the teammate possibly is not the life and death foe, this does not conform to the Spirit Territory mechanism. 显然不可能是三位美人,三位美人和他是队友,这是多人协作类的副本,不是对抗类的,因此队友不可能是生死仇敌,这不符合灵境机制。 The spies have someone else. 间谍另有其人。 In other words, survives 24 hours of crisis, had not finished truly. 也就是说,存活24小时的危机,还没有真正结束。 Therefore Zhang Yuanqing thought of the graceful beautiful woman, in the role story of graceful beautiful woman, on this fist can the standing person, on the arm be able the female man of horse race, after Zhao Shun falls in the water, snatched to fish him before the imperial guard. 于是张元清想到了婉美人,在婉美人的角色故事里,这位拳上能站人,臂上能跑马的女汉子,在赵舜落水后,抢在禁军之前捞起了他。 Average people, even if the talent different reported again, not possible strong expert in the army, therefore, the graceful beautiful woman certainly is not a mortal. 普通人,即便再天赋异禀,也不可能强于军中高手,所以,婉美人一定不是凡人。 Moreover, has saved a he graceful beautiful woman time, is bodyguard who the unenlightened ruler can take advantage and trust. 另外,救过他一次的婉美人,是昏君可以依仗、信任的保镖。 This is the transcription gives his suggestion. 这是副本给他的暗示。 The fact and he expects right, the graceful beautiful woman is the bodyguard of unenlightened ruler, is the bodyguard of transcription gift. 事实和他预料的没错,婉美人是昏君的保镖,是副本赠予的保镖。 Comprehends this suggestion, pass crisis that can be shocking but not dangerous. 领悟这个暗示,才能有惊无险的度过危机。 Looks at the fierce cough, Zheng Long tu who the four limbs become tender, Zhang Yuanqing says with a smile: 看着剧烈咳嗽,四肢发软的郑龙图,张元清笑道: We know early you had the issue, but Our graceful beautiful woman has not come, continuously with you empty with winding, has not exposed. Thank Zhengtongling to tell me so many information.” “朕早知道你有问题了,只是朕的婉美人没来,才一直与你虚与委蛇,没有点破。感谢郑统领告诉我这么多信息。” The transcription main line was all of a sudden clear. 副本主线一下子清晰起来了。 Daytime time, Zhang Yuanqing watched the memorial to the emperor inexpensively, is impeaches Yang and Yang plan, can see from the feedback of memorial to the emperor, Zheng is very anxious, suppresses Yang and Yang policy eagerly. 白天的时候,张元清手贱看了奏折,全是弹劾杨家和杨策的,从奏折的反馈可以看出,郑家很急,急于打压杨家和杨策。 Arrived a moment ago, Zheng Long Tugra he was running into the side hall, actually without the arranged imperial guard defends outside the palace, from this point, does not want the attitude of guardian only. 到刚才,郑龙图拉着他逃入偏殿,却没有安排禁军守在殿外,单从这一点来说,就不是要保护人的态度。 Therefore he detected that Zheng has the issue, but had not suspected toward spy, Zheng Long tu takes the sword arrives at his chest the time, Zhang Yuanqing truly frightens. 于是他就察觉出郑家有问题,但还没有往间谍方面猜想,郑龙图拿剑抵他胸口的时候,张元清确实是吓出一身冷汗。 Zheng Long tu clenches jaws saying: Unenlightened ruler, I must kill you 郑龙图咬牙切齿道:“昏君,我要杀了你” Takes up the iron sword on the thorn. 抄起铁剑就刺。 The graceful beautiful woman inserts to come, to keep off before the Zhang Yuanqing body horizontally, whatever the long sword pricks the heart, splashes the weak water splash. 婉美人横插而来,挡在张元清身前,任由长剑刺入心脏,溅起微弱的水花。 Your majesty, make way!” She turns round to push, pushes a dog to gnaw the mud the emperor who delicate cannot take care of oneself. “陛下,闪开!”她回身一推,把柔弱不能自理的皇帝陛下推了个狗啃泥。 The graceful beautiful woman grips Zheng Long tu wrist/skill, in a twinkling, air all around concentrates the light white fog, one drills into her mouth and nose continuously. 婉美人握住郑龙图的手腕,霎时间,周遭的空气凝出薄薄的白雾,一缕缕的钻入她的口鼻。 The moisture content eliminates! 水分剥夺! Zheng Long tu skin is rapidly cheerless and withered, he struggles fiercely, reveals the desperate color, in a moment, desperate expression solidification on face. 郑龙图的皮肤迅速发皱、干瘪,他剧烈挣扎起来,露出绝望之色,俄顷,绝望的表情凝固在了脸上。 He became a dry corpse thoroughly. 他彻底成了一具干尸。 PS: After wrong character first, changes. PS:错字先更后改。
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