SRW :: Volume #9

#847: Two difficulties

Chapter 847 two difficulties 第847章两处难关 Your majesty ~ “陛下~” The officials and palace maid outside resting palace, seeing your majesty to run lamely, shouted loudly, rushing to be first went forward to support by the arm. 寝宫外的宦官和宫女,看见陛下一瘸一拐的跑出来,纷纷高呼,争先恐后的上前搀扶。 Zhang Yuanqing relaxes at heart at the same time, did not forget that maintains the person to suppose, screams: Has the assassin, informs the imperial city division quickly!” 张元清心里松了口气的同时,不忘记维持人设,大声嚷嚷:“有刺客,快去通知皇城司!” The palace maids and officials also noticed in the resting palace the intense fighting sound, terrified rushed to various places, had assassin and rescued quickly the call to disseminate. 宫女和宦官也注意到了寝宫里激烈的打斗声,惶恐的奔向各处,把“有刺客”、“快来救驾”的呼声传播出去。 Passes on 20 to pass on hundred, outside the resting palace everywhere is the calls for help. 一传十十传百,寝宫外到处都是呼救声。 Calf injured Zhang Yuanqing under supporting by the arm of two officials, escapes to the square outside resting palace, in the gap of waiting imperial city division imperial guard support, he catches the sleeves of left officials, put one's mouth close to another's ear spoke several words with him. 小腿受伤的张元清在两名宦官的搀扶下,逃向寝宫外的广场,在等待皇城司禁军支援的间隙里,他拽住左边宦官的衣袖,附耳与他说了几句话。 The officials first stare, subsequently nods: Compliant!” 宦官先是一愣,继而点头:“遵命!” Drops out the emperor, runs in a hurry at nightfall in the color. 抛下皇帝,匆匆跑入夜色中。 In a moment, the big flame floats from the distant place, along with mail-armor and helmet sonorous sound, an imperial guard that grasps the flare takes the lead to rush, what lead is in the daytime sees the imperial guard to command Zheng Long to attempt. 俄顷,大片火光从远处飘来,伴随着甲胄铿锵的声响,一支手持火把的禁军率先赶到,领头的是白日里见过的禁军统领郑龙图。 Your majesty!” Zheng Long tu is conducting the arm blade racing to come, is nervous, feudal official rescues late, heinous crime.” “陛下!”郑龙图挎着刀奔来,神色紧张,“臣救驾来迟,罪该万死。” Taking advantage of the ray of flare, he sizes up Zhang Yuanqing up and down, sees not to have the danger, the stern complexion is slightly loose. 借着火把的光芒,他上下打量张元清,见没有生命危险,严峻的脸色稍松。 Zhang Yuanqing busy say/way: Fast captures three female assassins, must keep the living witness.” 张元清忙道:“速速擒拿三个女刺客,要留活口。” Zheng Long tu nods, the big hand wields: 郑龙图点点头,大手一挥: Fast captures the assassin!” “速速擒拿刺客!” The imperial guard acknowledged loudly, discards the flare, charges into the resting palace with stride. 身后的禁军轰然应诺,丢弃火把,大步冲向寝宫。 Suddenly, humming sound the sound transmits, is the fluttering sound of some insect, is crowded and sonorous. 突然,一阵嗡嗡声传来,是某种昆虫的振翅声,密集而宏亮。 In dragged flame, Zhang Yuanqing saw an insect to fall on the face of officials, that insect build two cuns (2.5 cm), were all over the body jet black, are growing pair of thin wing(s), could not see is what variety. 摇曳的火光中,张元清看见一只虫子落在了宦官的脸庞,那虫子体型两寸,通体漆黑,长着一对薄翅,看不出是什么品种。 The insect opens the fierce mouth apparatus, bites ruthlessly in the officials face. 虫子张开狰狞口器,狠狠咬在宦官脸庞。 „” “啊” The officials called out pitifully sad and shrill, painful falling to the ground tumbling. 宦官凄厉惨叫,痛苦的倒地翻滚。 Imperial guards similarly so. 禁军们同样如此。 Several hot divisions in imperial guard hold up the flare, makes an effort to blow, several meters large flame volume to the sky, illuminated the trim square, illuminated the insect group in sky. 禁军中的几名火师举起火把,用力一吹,数米长的火舌卷向天空,照亮了整片广场,照亮了天空中的虫群。 „.” “嗤嗤.” Rustle is fallen by the winged insect that the large flame licks, sends the produce coke stink. 被火舌舔到的飞虫簌簌掉落,发出焦臭味。 Is the gu insect, has the witchcraft master to ambush in the palace.” Zheng Long tu expression changes, shouted: You defended the resting palace, kills the insect group, shields your majesty.” “是蛊虫,有巫蛊师潜伏在宫中。”郑龙图表情一变,喝道:“尔等守住寝宫,扑杀虫群,掩护陛下。” He shoulder that holds Zhang Yuanqing, vigorous sound said: Your majesty, along with me goes to the side hall to evade temporarily.” 他一把抓住张元清的肩膀,疾声道:“陛下,随我去偏殿暂避。” Rashly, dragging Zhang Yuanqing to walk. 不由分说,拖着张元清就走。 Zhang Yuanqing that the body emaciated cannot take care of oneself can only , whatever he is entraining the vanguard. 身体孱弱不能自理的张元清只能任由他拽着前行。 „!” “哐!” Zheng Long tu kicks aside the gate of side hall, bringing Zhang Yuanqing to hide into, and turns round pass/test Haomen, draws in the door bolt. 郑龙图一脚踢开偏殿的门,带着张元清躲入,并回身关好门,拉上门栓。 Rejoiced very much, is well, these gu insects have not pursued all the way, has not tried to attack them. 很庆幸,一路上平安无事,那些蛊虫没有追来,也没有试图攻击他俩。 After closing the door, urgent serious Zheng Long tu, suddenly becomes incomparably relaxed, arrives at the table, pours water to oneself, confident drank one. 关上门后,原本紧迫严肃的郑龙图,突然变得无比轻松,走到桌边,给自己倒了杯水,不疾不徐的饮了一口。 Zhang Yuanqing stays in the entrance position, observes outside situation by the crack in a door, at this time, more and more imperial guards catch up, more and more insect groups throw. 张元清则留在门口位置,透过门缝观察外面的情况,此时,越来越多的禁军赶来,越来越多的虫群扑来。 Insect group and imperial guard mutual rubber, but in the resting palace ignited the flaming fire, three female assassin and Li Changshi have not come out. 虫群和禁军互相胶着,而寝宫里燃起了熊熊大火,三个女刺客和李常侍都没有出来。 The secret witchcraft master does not have the operation insect group to attack me. The goal of attack imperial guard is to constrain them, is opportunity that three female assassins create to escape? 幕后的巫蛊师没有操纵虫群攻击我.袭击禁军的目的是为了拖住他们,为三个女刺客制造逃跑的机会? In this case, witchcraft master who operates the insect group, the status took shape. 这样的话,操纵虫群的巫蛊师,身份呼之欲出了。 Is the small circle! 是小圆! Only the small circle will save them, but how does the small circle know their status? What is the role of small circle? First removes the empress she not to attack me, doesn't her duty assassinate the unenlightened ruler? But is also incurable I, explained that she does not know the unenlightened ruler is Primordial Beginning, still or is observing. Zhang Yuanqing rapid analysis. 只有小圆才会救她们,但小圆是怎么知道她们身份的?小圆的角色是什么?首先排除皇后她没袭击我,她的任务不是刺杀昏君?但也没救我,说明她不知道昏君就是元始,或者还在观察.张元清快速分析起来。 At this time, the ear bank broadcast Zheng Long tu voice: Your majesty, in the side hall is very safe, you can feel at ease.” 这时,耳畔传来郑龙图的声音:“陛下,偏殿里很安全,您可以安心了。” „Doesn't Zhengtongling, why make the imperial guard defend outside the side hall? What to do if there is a thief to rush?” Zhang Yuanqing takes back the vision, turns around to look to Zheng Long in room attempts. “郑统领,为何不让禁军守在偏殿外?若有贼人闯进来怎么办?”张元清收回目光,转身看向屋内的郑龙图。 He stiffens suddenly, the back is pasting the paneled door, moves does not dare to move. 他陡然僵住,背贴着格子门,一动不敢动。 A sword arrived in his chest. 一把剑抵在了他的胸口。 You Zhang Yuanqing pupil contraction, astonished looks that this imperial city division commands, from the blood relationship, Zheng Long tu is Zhao Shun's male cousin, should be the trusted aide in trusted aide. “你”张元清瞳孔收缩,惊愕的看着这位皇城司统领,从血缘关系来说,郑龙图是赵舜的表兄,本该是心腹中的心腹。 The side hall candlelight drags, shines in Zheng Long tu face, making his expression also somewhat drags erratically. 偏殿烛光摇曳,映照在郑龙图的脸庞,让他的表情也变得有些摇曳不定。 Zheng Long tu unemotional say/way: Imperial guard defends in out of the door, how do I assassinate your majesty? Your majesty has good luck ever after, strange poison of that refinement cannot kill you, harmed me only to take risk to assassinate today, is ingenious plan that who gave you to use poison to combat poison? The imperial physician in palace does not have this level.” 郑龙图面无表情道:“禁军守在门外,那我怎么刺杀陛下呢?陛下真是命大啊,那位炼制的奇毒都没能杀死你,害我今日只能冒险行刺了,是谁给了您以毒攻毒的妙计?宫中的太医没有这个水平。” Linxia city. 临夏城。 The dim light of night chilly fan, silence reigns. 夜色凄迷,万籁俱寂。 The flame of top drags in the night wind, the flare unfolds along the city wall, like a swaying from side to side fire dragon. 城头的火光在夜风中摇曳,火把沿着城墙铺开,如同一条扭动的火龙。 Zhaocheng tutelary god of city as Nightwalking God, natural holds the post of the night value to defend the work that. 身为夜游神的赵城隍,理所应当的担任起夜间值守的工作。 He stands in the top, looked into outside the city the jet black wilderness, tent overlooking the river of Northern Dynasty army is constructing, by his eyesight , can only see the indistinct outline. 他站在城头,眺望着城外漆黑的旷野,北朝大军的帐篷临河而建,以他的目力,也只能看见隐约的轮廓。 Arrives at the transcription the first night, is tranquil, tranquil defense soldiers yawn again and again. 降临副本的第一个夜晚,非常平静,平静的守城士卒哈欠连连。 , Poisoned poisonous emanations from insects the probe after the daytime gu insect, the Northern Dynasty army sees to have no weakness to exploit, temporarily was law-abiding, both armies confronted distantly, no one has opened the war. 经过白天的蛊虫、蛊毒试探,北朝大军见无机可乘,暂时安分下来,两军遥遥对峙,谁都没有开启战争。 But the Zhaocheng tutelary god of city knows, all these are the peace before storm, from the perspective of transcription, must give the Spirit Territory traveler/ascetic to adapt to the environment and collection information time. 但赵城隍知道,这一切都是暴风雨前的安静,从副本的角度来说,得给灵境行者适应环境、收集情报的时间。 From the realistic level, the siege warfare is also the protracted war, confronts for ten days to have the possibility for half a month. 从现实层面来说,攻城战也是持久战,对峙十天半个月都是有可能的。 But the war will arrive after all. 但战争终归会到来。 The Zhaocheng tutelary god of city has never experienced this large-scale war, somewhat is at heart disturbed, several points of anxiety, but does not fear, after all as Nightwalking God, the battlefield actually is also the home game. 赵城隍从未经历过这种大型战事,心里有几分忐忑,几分紧张,但并不恐惧,毕竟作为夜游神,战场其实也是主场。 Because everywhere was the body and dead spirit of dying. 因为到处都是死去的身躯和亡灵。 The train of thought flies upwards, the Zhaocheng tutelary god of city sees in the wilderness, does not know when filled the thick fog, the thick fog blocked the sky, making the dim light of night of chilly fan even more dim. 思绪飞扬间,赵城隍看见旷野上,不知何时弥漫起了大雾,浓雾遮天蔽日,让本就凄迷的夜色愈发昏暗。 Meanwhile, he arranges several resentment in the wilderness upstream towing spirit, catches the sound of footsteps that in the thick fog ran speedily. 于此同时,他安排在旷野上游曳的几个怨灵,捕捉到了浓雾中疾速奔跑的脚步声。 The next second, these by the resentful spirit that the thick fog packages, lost the contact with him. 下一秒,那些被浓雾包裹的怨灵,与他失去了联系。 The Zhaocheng tutelary god of city greatly cold, loudly shouted at heart: Enemy raids, the enemy raids!” 赵城隍心里大凛,大喝道:“敌袭,敌袭!” Shouted loudly, before while rushed to the drum, grasped the drum hammer, struck furiously. 一边高喊,一边冲到鼓前,抓起鼓锤,奋力敲打。 Thump thump thump!” “咚咚咚!” The heavy drumbeat spreads in the dim light of night, spreads over the entire city. 沉重的鼓声在夜色中扩散,传遍全城。 The quiet barracks recover instantaneously, garrison troops of being in a high state of combat alertness like ant of marching, some rush to the school ground to assemble, some enter the storehouse transporting defense instrument and tool. 沉寂的营房瞬间复苏,枕戈待旦的守军如同行军的蚂蚁,有的奔向校场集结,有的进入库房搬运守城器械、工具。 The soldier who the top, in the watchtower rests swarms, the skilled carrying out arrow arrow, carries out the kerosene, carries out to strike the wood, as well as operates in the bed crossbow of top. 城头,谯楼里休息的士兵蜂拥而出,熟练的搬出箭矢,搬出火油,搬出擂木,以及操作起架在城头的床弩。 Fu Qingyang and demon eye Son of Heaven and Xiahou Aotian take the lead to fly to the top, looking into the distance, sees only the iron grey thick fog to come in waves, the speed endures compared with the fast horse, from city wall less than ten zhang (3.33 m). 傅青阳、魔眼天王和夏侯傲天率先飞至城头,放眼望去,只见灰白色的浓雾滚滚而来,速度堪比快马,距离城墙不足十丈。 Fu Qingyang sinking sound said: 傅青阳沉声道: Fog lord can flicker to move in the fog, immediately blows off the thick fog.” “雾主能在雾中瞬移,立刻吹散浓雾。” These words saying certainly that listens to Xiahou Aotian. 这句话当然是说给夏侯傲天听的。 In team the only refiner master confident opening goods column, takes out one six chi (0.33 m)( two meters) the long giant white feather fan, wields furiously. 队伍里唯一的炼器师不疾不徐的打开物品栏,取出一把六尺(两米)长的巨大白羽扇,奋力一挥。 Wū wū.” “呜呜.” The strong winds get up suddenly, the thick fog that will come in waves patted. 狂风骤起,将滚滚而来的浓雾拍了回去。 Xiahou Aotian makes all-out efforts, uninterrupted wields compared with others high feather fan, the air current is also forming not a visible barrier in the top, thick fog fan that racing wells up comes. 夏侯傲天铆足劲,不间断的挥动着比他人还高的羽扇,气流在城头形成一道看不见的屏障,将奔涌而来的浓雾都扇了回去。 As his unceasing wielding, the surrounding area the air current within hundred meters was even more wild, formed magical skill ten meters high hurricane, some hurricanes patted oneself disperse in the top, some hurricanes went toward smooth wilderness roaming drag. 随着他的不断挥动,方圆百米内的气流愈发狂暴,形成了一道道数十米高的飓风,有的飓风把自己拍散在城头,有的飓风则朝着平坦的旷野游曳而去。 The wild air current curls up the thick fog, or spreads approaches in all directions, either in volume sky. 狂暴的气流卷起浓雾,或扩散向四面八方,或卷上天空。 Shortly, billowing such as the mist of thick smoke dissipates, hidden the enemy in thick fog, appears in the garrison troops eye. 顷刻间,滚滚如浓烟的雾气消散一空,隐藏在浓雾中的敌人,出现在守军眼里。 Pulls the rider of bow to the frontline, carries the infantry of scaling ladder to be the center, finally the side is the stone car(riage) that nag Ramallah entrains. 挽弓的骑手冲在最前方,扛着云梯的步兵位列中央,最后方是驽马拉拽的投石车。 Sees that two experienced Hundred-man Commander held up the pennant in hand, gives orders with the flag indicator. 见状,两名经验丰富的百夫长举起了手中的小旗,以旗语发号施令。 In the ancient large-scale campaign, what gives orders to use is the flag indicator, the language of human is very difficult to transmit in the turmoil of war to the three services, even if Zhang Fei this drinking the real man of long plank bridge is not good. 在古代大型战役中,发号施令用的是旗语,人类的语言很难在兵荒马乱中传达给三军,哪怕是张飞这种喝断长板桥的好汉也不行。 The garrison troops of top change according to the hand flag, part pulls the bow nocking, the aiming distant place, part of filling bed crossbows, calibration direction. 城头的守军根据手旗变化,一部分挽弓搭箭,瞄准远方,一部分装填床弩,校准方向。 When the Northern Dynasty cavalry entered in city wall 200, two Hundred-man Commander wielded the hand flag simultaneously layer on layer/heavily. 待北朝骑兵进入城墙两百步之内,两名百夫长同时重重挥下手旗。 In a twinkling, the top ten thousand arrows fire, the rainstorm washes falling. 霎时间,城头万箭齐发,暴雨洗地般的落下。 The heavy armor cavalry of Northern Dynasty is going against the arrow rain charge, has rushed to hundred in steps, pulled the bow counter-attack, in the city the city next two groups of arrow rain attacks mutually. 北朝的重甲骑兵顶着箭雨冲锋,一直冲到百步内,才挽弓反击,城上城下两拨箭雨互攻。 The attacking a city infantry under the cover of rider, lifts the shield to arrive under the city, puts up the scaling ladder, is nipping the back of the blade, climbs up the scaling ladder rapidly. 攻城步兵在己方骑手的掩护下,举着盾牌来到城下,架好云梯,咬着刀背,迅速攀爬云梯。 At this time, the garrison troops in barracks have carried the defense instrument to mount the top, takes up to strike the wood and stone to pound downward, the enemy of attacking a city crashes like the rain. 此时,营房里的守军们已经携带守城器械登上城头,抄起擂木、石块就往下砸,攻城的敌军坠落如雨。 But more and more infantries rushed to under the city, on the ant attachment scaling ladder, on fast crawls. 但越来越多的步兵冲到了城下,蚂蚁般的附在云梯上,快速上爬。 The garrison troops move in the oil drum, the viscous flammable liquid will pour into downward, the hot divisions in army spring flame, the ignition kerosene. 守军们搬来油桶,将粘稠易燃的液体往下倾注,军中的火师弹出一道道火苗,引燃火油。 The flame brutally swallowed the enemy of attacking a city, city wall under ignites the flaming roaring flame, braves the billowing thick smoke, the blazing high temperature and thick smoke make these not be subject to the suffering by the enemy that the kerosene sprinkles by luck. 火焰无情的吞噬了攻城的敌军,城墙下方燃起熊熊烈焰,冒起滚滚浓烟,炽热的高温和浓烟让那些侥幸没被火油泼到的敌军备受煎熬。 Fu Qingyang is gazing at this indifferently. 傅青阳冷漠的注视着这一幕。 As scouts top, he has seen this kind of scene, but Ling Jun and world turn over to the fire, the Zhaocheng tutelary god of city and Xiahou Aotian, has never seen the life such as the worthless scene, was shocked. 身为高位斥候,他已经见惯了这类场景,但灵钧、天下归火、赵城隍和夏侯傲天,从未见过命如草芥的场景,备受震撼。 Their occupations decided they will never possibly present the large-scale war transcription. 他们的职业决定了他们永远不可能出现大型战争副本。 „!” “咻!” The sad and shrill howl transmits, the speed that an arrow arrow to be inconceivable across the battlefield, shoots at Fu Qingyang. 凄厉的啸声传来,一根箭矢以难以想象的速度穿过战场,射向傅青阳 Fu Qingyang is gorgeously motionless, lifts the hand to hold the arrow arrow that the front surface shoots. 傅青阳巍然不动,抬手抓住迎面射来的箭矢。 In the enemies, the tall and strong form shoots up to the sky together, raids just like the shell, said with a smile crazily: 敌军中,一道魁梧的身影冲天而起,宛如炮弹般袭来,狂笑道: Yang policy, never expected that the worthless fellow skill of your aristocratic family family background, has not a little hit to satisfy a craving during the daytime, we fight one again.” “杨策,没想到你这个世家出身的酒囊饭袋有点本事,白天没打过瘾,咱们再打一架。” This person wears the blood-color armor, full Touzang the pigtail, the brazen nose is flat, eyelid without a fold, typical Northern Dynasty person. 此人穿着血色盔甲,满头脏辫,脸大鼻扁,单眼皮,典型的北朝人。 The ju que army right command, Wanyan Batian. 正是巨阙军右统领,完颜霸天。 Wanyan Batian still at in the air, the eye has two blood-color rune/symbol writing to reappear, Fu Qingyang garrison troops hold a pitiful yell, blue vein suddenly/violently Tu, loses sane mutual slaughtering. 完颜霸天尚在空中,眼睛已有两道血色符文浮现,傅青阳身边的守军纷纷抱头惨叫,青筋暴突,失去理智的相互屠戮。 At this moment, another side top, together golden red ray lasing, center Wanyan Batian. 就在这时,另一侧的城头,一道金红色光芒激射,正中完颜霸天。 This fat hold/container Ji tall and strong general, body one stiff, within the body spirit strength riot, stagnates in in the air. 这位一身脂包肌的魁梧将军,身躯一僵,体内灵力暴乱,停滞在空中。 In Fu Qingyang shakes the wrist to fling to act the arrow arrow, hits Wanyan Batian forehead, only listens to ding the sharp sound, sparks/Mars scatters, the arrow arrow of implication sword air/Qi broke open the body, cannot injure and bone. 傅青阳抖腕甩出手里的箭矢,击中完颜霸天的额头,只听“叮”的锐响,火星四溅,蕴含剑气的箭矢只是破开了皮肉,未能伤及骨头。 This fellow gave me.” Already impatient demon eye Son of Heaven bang bouncing, hit Wanyan Batian from one side. “这家伙就交给我了。”早已迫不及待的魔眼天王“嘭”的弹跳,从侧面撞中完颜霸天。 The hit of two ancient times war-god like ancient temple bell Ming, was long and fierce, Wanyan Batian pounded into the cavalry regiment under body, troops entirely to break, a casualty piece. 两位远古战神的撞击如同古寺钟鸣,悠长而剧烈,完颜霸天砸入身下的骑兵团里,人马俱碎,死伤一片。 Two ancient times war-gods seized to slaughtering in ten thousand army, from time to time got the top, from time to time fell into the Northern Dynasty army, place visited, true troops entirely to break. 两位远古战神在万军从中捉对厮杀起来,时而打上城头,时而落入北朝军中,所过之处,真正的人马俱碎。 The rank of demon eye Son of Heaven is lower than Wanyan Batian, but the eye of misleading makes him occupy completely the winning side, almost presses eight levels of Wanyan Tyrant heaven to output. 魔眼天王的等级低于完颜霸天,但蛊惑之眼让他占尽上风,几乎是压着八级的完颜霸天输出。 Did to ancient times the war-god copper sheet iron bone invulnerability, the vitality tenacious did not say when when the side also everywhere was the blood package, the physical strength was bad, is injured was serious, conveniently catches soldiers to absorb the essence and blood, then can the injury completely turn round. 奈何远古战神铜皮铁骨刀枪不入,生命力顽强不说,身边还到处是血包,气力不济时,受伤严重时,随手逮来一个士卒摄取精血,便能伤势尽复。 When both armies rubber, the Northern Dynasty rear heard the resounding drumbeat. 两军胶着之际,北朝大后方传来高亢的鼓声。 The master of oppressor wears the blood-color armor, joins the battlefield finally. 一支身披血色铠甲的虎狼之师,终于加入战场。 Ju que army! 巨阙军! Meanwhile, a pressure from high arrives, the soldiers in battlefield, intermediate-level military officer, senior general, hands and feet uncontrolled trembling. 于此同时,一股来自高位者的威压降临,战场中的士卒,中层将领,高级将领,手脚不受控制的发抖。 Even if Fu Qingyang as commander in chief, whole body muscle unconscious tightening, is critical situation. 纵使是身为主帅的傅青阳,周身肌肉也不自觉的绷紧,如临大敌。 Expression unprecedented dignity of Fu Qingyang. 傅青阳的表情前所未有的凝重。 Toba tartars light nine levels?! 拓跋光赫九级?!
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