Althoughisteasing of trying to find pleasure amidst suffering, butZhang Yuanqinggloomat heartis real.
The spiritdevelops the showto operateunceasingly, the personin the transcription, cancontrol the trend of real worldas before.
The layoutgrasssnakegreyline of evilcamp, the freetreaty of alliancehidden for hundredyears, the layoutis really broad, only need detonate a board game piece, canletdefend the forewordcampto be turbulent.
邪恶阵营的布局草蛇灰线,自由盟约隐藏百年,布局甚广,只需引爆一枚棋子,就能让守序阵营动荡。Advantage that in the New TestamentCountyCampresistance, hesaveslaboriously, beforehalfgodlevelpowerhouse, butis the childcrosseseach family.
新约郡阵营对抗中,他辛辛苦苦积攒的优势,在半神级强者面前,不过是小孩子过家家。Fromslaughteringtranscriptionalso20days, buthepromotes the controleven, inhalfgodeyes, was the antswas still ordinary.
距离杀戮副本还有二十天,可即便他晋升主宰,在半神眼里,仍然是蝼蚁一般。Thistime, defends the forewordcampfaced with the unprecedentedcrisis, ifcannotpasssafely, defends the forewordto crash, simplywill not have the future, the time that hewill growwill not have.
The Fu Qingyangcalmtonetransmitsfrom the speaker:傅青阳冷静的语气从扬声器里传来:„BolivianLancetis the experiencedhalfgod, no matter the Spirit Territoryrelatedknowledge, is the fightexperience, canmatchwith the positionstandard, shechooses and god of thunderfusion, thatin her opinion, certainlyisninety percent sure, does not fearplanning of evilcamp, butmisjudged.”
The Zhang Yuanqingsilentseveralseconds, „eldest child, you mean”张元清沉默几秒,“老大,你的意思是”Fu Qingyang„un”: „Explainedin the evilcampexperienced, knowledgeby farglassLancet'sexistence, wasyouwithIhave raised the god. The freetreaty of alliancebears patiently for hundredyears, plannedmany thingsin secret, an eveningerupts, certainlybrings the destructivedisaster, thisis very normal, does not usetooin a terrified way, supports, cancounter-balance all board game pieces of opposite party.”傅青阳“嗯”一声:“说明邪恶阵营里有经验、知识远胜玻瑞阿斯的存在,也就是你跟我提过的神。自由盟约隐忍百年,暗中谋划了很多事,一夕爆发,必然带来毁灭性的灾难,这很正常,不用太惶恐,撑过去,便可抵消对方的所有棋子。”Zhang Yuanqinghearshereto be clear, the eldest childis enlighteninghim.张元清听到这里才明白,老大是在开导他。
The evilcampplanned for hundredyears, there is a Spiritual Godto assist, onceacts, is the earth-shakingbigevent, big thunder , little rainis definitely unreasonable.
邪恶阵营算计了百年,又有神灵相助,一旦出手,肯定是惊天动地的大事件,雷声大雨点小才不合理。Thisisothersin the background that in the previouscampresistanceobtainsto save, defends the forewordcamponly to shoulderhardly, boils, thatwas then equal toconsumingkilling of enemyto incur, who will be the winner, may notknow.
这是人家在上一次的阵营对抗中获得积攒的底蕴,守序阵营只能硬扛,熬过去,那便等于耗掉了敌人的杀招,鹿死谁手,尚未可知。Cannot boil, thatalso can only accept fate.
熬不过去,那也只能认命。„Defends the forewordcampto wield a globalcentury, thenmostly the god, the card in a handismany, the relievedwaiting is.”Fu Qingyanglikeassuming the commander in chief in battlefield, landslideinbeforeis without turning a hair:
„ The skycollapsesto havehalfgodto withstand/top, halfgoddied, had the controlto withstand/top. Whichday of controlalsoreturned toSpirit Territory, was one's turnyourtime, whendied, thendied, the worst situationalsoreturns toSpirit Territory, that is all.
“天塌下来有半神顶着,半神死光了,有主宰顶着。哪天主宰也回归灵境了,轮到你的时候,当死则死,最糟糕的情况也不过是回归灵境,仅此而已。„Looks atpale the life and death, does not have anymatteranybodycan the chaoticyoustate of mind.”
“把生死看淡,就没有任何事任何人能乱伱心境。”Zhang Yuanqingsmiles bitterly: „Does not feelwilling.”张元清苦笑一声:“就是觉得不甘心。”Refuses stubbornlyfearfully, fearfulhas not made the enemypay the price.
死不可怕,可怕的是没有让敌人付出代价。Fu Qingyangsinkingsound said: „Thattraining, greetsto slaughter the transcriptionwell, whenyoupromote the control, at leastcanbe the board game piecejoin.”傅青阳沉声道:“那就好好修养,迎接杀戮副本,等你晋升主宰,至少能作为棋子入局了。”Zhang Yuanqinghangs up the telephone, wantsto return to the transcriptionto continueto practice, buthas such bigmatter, whichalsohas the moodcultivation, the daypunishes the trouble that twoseats of honorcausenot to solve, heis unable to return to the transcriptionsafely.张元清挂断电话,本想回到副本继续修行,但发生这么大的事,哪还有心情修炼,天罚两位首席惹出来的祸端不解决,他无法安心回副本。Thereforereturns to the housingfloor, convenes the member who the deadreturns.
于是返回居住楼层,把亡者归来的成员召集起来。„Was the big deal!”Zhang Yuanqingdeeplyinspires, looks at the teammates, „youshouldreceive the Spirit Territorypromptsound, butdetails”
“出大事了!”张元清深吸一口气,看着队友们,“你们应该已经收到灵境提示音,但其中详情”SunMiaomiao: „Wehave understoodwas clear.”
孙淼淼:“我们已经了解的一清二楚了。”Zhaochengtutelary god of city: „Whydaypunishestwoseats of honornot to knowenchantedly, slaughtersin the headquarters, the moralvaluereset, Huacheng is also hit by the catastrophenow.”
赵城隍:“天罚两位首席不知为何疯魔,在总部大开杀戒,道德值清零,如今华城也遭遇了大灾难。”Zhang Yuanqinglooks atthem: „How do youknow?”张元清愣愣的看着他们:“你们怎么知道的?”Guan Yasaid: „Yuan Tinginquired.”关雅说:“袁廷打听出来的。”Almostforgot that fellowinquires the news the abilityto endurecompared withruleZhang Yuanqingwhisperssilently, thensaid:
差点忘记那家伙打探消息的能力堪比规则张元清默默嘀咕,然后说道:„Huachengleaves the New Testamentcountyto be very far, is unlikelyto affecthere, butthrough this event, the daypunishesdoes not disintegrateeven, byweakening, howlater, will not be saidunprecedentedlycertainly, after allnot, Isuggested that youreturn.”
“华城离新约郡很远,不太可能波及到这里,但经此一役,天罚就算不解体,也会受到前所未有的削弱,以后怎么样,说不准,总归不会好的,我建议你们回归。”Guan Yaand the othersstern-facednod.关雅等人一脸凝重的点头。Zhang Yuanqingroutinewantsto askthemtoimmediately the situationview, feelsnot to need, the disaster of halfgodlevel, the saintschatted the brokenday is also useless, discussed the international situationlike the office workerall day, the international situationwill never changebecause oftheirwills.张元清习惯性的想问他们对当下局势的看法,又觉得没有必要,半神级的灾难,圣者们聊破天也没用,就像上班族整天讨论国际局势,国际局势从不会因为他们的意志而改变。Western suburbs of Huacheng.
华城西郊。Twoformsemerge out of thin airin the daypunish the headquarters, the white hairmarshalandwears the association president of silvermask.
两道身影凭空出现在天罚总部,正是白发元帅和戴银色面具的会长。Occupies a land area of68,000square metersdayto punish the headquarters, has changed tostretch of ruins, two peopleoccupy a commanding positionto overlook, whatvisibleisremnants of destroyed buildings, iseven/includingGenba the placeafforestedwoods, is the spraying waterpipeline, is the billowingthick smoke.
占地6.8万平米的天罚总部,已经化作一片废墟,两人居高临下俯瞰,看见的是残垣断壁,是连根拔地的绿化树林,是正在喷水的管道,是滚滚浓烟。Herehas no life, partdied, partescaped.
这里没有任何生命,一部分死了,一部分逃了。Finds at everywhereby the victim who the windbladedismembermentdismembers, was patted the mosquitoonwalllikelumps, shocking that the bloodsplashes.
随处可见被风刃肢解分尸的遇难者,如同一坨坨被拍死在墙上的蚊子,鲜血溅的触目惊心。Inthesevictims, someareunusual, someare the saints, has the great person of controllevel, butin front of the disaster of halfgodlevel, they have not distinguished.
这些遇难者里,有的是超凡,有的是圣者,更有主宰级的大人物,但在半神级的灾难面前,他们没有区别。FuQingxuanlookis somewhat absent-minded, the daypunishes the headquartersisalldefendssacred place in forewordtraveler/asceticheart, heregathered the defendingforewordelite in the world, hastwopowerful11 -and-a-half levels of gods, has the hugefinancial groupsupport, has the holdingrichestitemstorehouse.
The defendingforewordtraveler/ascetic in the world, takesjoining the daypunishesfor the honor.
全世界的守序行者,都以加入天罚为荣。Suchstands erecthundredyears of powerfulorganization, actuallysuffers the total destructiontoday.
When FuQingxuanis young, has once thoughtjoins the dayto punish, becomesoneby the public prosecutor who the personrespects, asalthough the agegrows, sheno longeris influenced byelder, hadownview, but the brand mark of childhoodstillat heart.
傅青萱年少时,也曾想过加入天罚,成为一名受人敬仰的检察官,虽然随着年岁增长,她不再受长辈的影响,有了自己的看法,但儿时的烙印仍在心里。At this timesees the day of sores all over the eyeto punish the headquarters, has mixed feelingsespecially.
此时看见满目疮痍的天罚总部,心情格外复杂。„Daypunished the powerfuleditionto pass by, the epiclevelweakened.”Association presidentmistersighed, held downFuQingxuanshoulder, leadingherto transmitleaves.
“天罚强盛的版本过去了,史诗级削弱啊。”会长先生叹息一声,按住傅青萱的肩膀,带着她传送离开。Two peoplearrive atHuachengat once, visiblesimilarlyisruinsin confusion, some time ago, thisstretch of cityencountered the fearfulhurricane and globe lightning ball lightning.
The housefalls down, variousplacesbrave the billowingthick smoke, on the path the vehiclesjamming, fleeing from calamity that peoplerush to be first.
The ambulance and fire engineexude the gratingwhistlingsound, was actually stopped upon the road, because the streethascollapsing and break, transportationatparalyzed state.
救护车和消防车发出刺耳的鸣笛声,却被堵在了路上,因为街道发生坍塌和断裂,交通处在瘫痪状态。Water supply systemparalysis, electrical power systemparalysis, every single minuteindeceased person.
The way of hurricanepasses throughthisstretch of city, wentsouthsuburb.
飓风的路径贯穿这片城区,前往了南边郊区。Association presidentmisterturns on the goodscolumn, the clickissues a warrant for arrest the duty, after examining the red lighttwinkleposition, leadsFuQingxuanto transmitagain.
会长先生打开物品栏,点击通缉任务,查看了红光闪烁的位置后,再次带着傅青萱传送。Thistime, theyarrive at„destination”directly, sawfloatglassLancetat the altitude of 500 meters, thisdaypunishingchief executive officerwhole bodyis naked, happytenderbodypiecewisp.
Her eyeis concentrating the thunder and lightning, is the bright blue, anothereyetransparentlikecolored glaze.
她的一只眼睛浓缩着雷电,呈亮蓝色,另一只眼睛透明如琉璃。Sheis overlooking the boundless land, the vision and expressionstaresdull, the mouthis muttering: „WhoIam, Iamwho”
她俯瞰着苍茫大地,目光和表情都是呆愣的,嘴里喃喃着:“我是谁,我是谁”Association presidentmister and marshallook at each otherone, the formersaidin a low voice: „Shewas truly insane.”
会长先生和元帅对视一眼,前者低声道:“她确实疯了。”FuQingxuannods, added: „Butwas also stronger, herauramakesmefeel that trembles.”
傅青萱点点头,补充道:“但也更强了,她身上的气息让我感觉到战栗。”„Theoreticallysaid,shehad12levels of positionstandards.”Association presidentmistersinkingsound said: „Ongivesmethisfeeling, isAsura.”
“理论上说,她有12级的位格了。”会长先生沉声道:“上一个给我这种感觉的,是修罗。”During the speeches, BolivianLancethas turned headfiercely, lookstotwo people, saidsternly: „Who am I? Whoyouare!”
The emptyeyesjumpprojectto be crazyandcruel.
空洞的双眼迸射出疯狂和残暴。Association presidentmisterrefers tolike the sword, fastwritinginvoid, writingonefullyis the contract of mysteriousincantation, said with a smilelightly:
会长先生并指如剑,在虚空中快速书写,写出一张满是玄奥咒文的契约,轻笑道:„Old friend, howyouwerewhoforgotincludingyourself, makingmetellyou, butwemustmake a transaction, Ireplied that yourissue, youpaidmyreward.”
“老朋友,你怎么连自己是谁都忘了,让我来告诉你,但我们得做一笔交易,我回答你的问题,你支付我报酬。”BolivianLancetis staring atthemstubbornly, cruelweakening in eye, askedurgently: „WhoIam, toldmequickly!”
玻瑞阿斯死死的盯着他们,眼里的残暴减弱,急迫问道:“我是谁,快告诉我!”Thatcontract before association presidentbodyshinesinstantaneously, subsequentlyvanishes, darkas ifhaswhatruleto be formulated.
会长身前的那份契约瞬间亮起,继而消失,冥冥中仿佛有什么规则被制定。Association presidentmisterhighsound said:
会长先生高声道:„Transactionachieved, listens, yournamewasglassLancet! BolivianLancet, Iwill take away the strength of yourgod of thunderto take the reward.”
“交易达成,听好了,你的名字叫玻瑞阿斯!玻瑞阿斯,我将拿走你的雷神之力作为报酬。”Then, heputs out a handto grasp, sees onlyonBolivianLancetto rushgushes out the innumerabletreelightnings, gathersin the hand of association president, finallyconcentrateslight bluedazzlingthunderball.
The transaction, is the merchantoccupationis most powerful, most commonability.
交易,是商人职业最强大,也最常见的能力。Butmakes the consistentdeal both sides, is displayedby the association president of halfgodlevel, shapelikerule.
而像这种双方达成一致的交易,由半神级的会长施展出来,形如规则。„BolivianLancet. Right, IamBolivianLancet, IamBolivianLancet.” The BolivianLancet'stwoeyesrotatecrazily, showseeminglyjoyfullyactually the dementedsmile.
“玻瑞阿斯.对,我是玻瑞阿斯,我是玻瑞阿斯。”玻瑞阿斯的两只眼睛疯狂转动,露出看似欣喜实则癫狂的笑容。In the world the swordlightflashes, FuQingxuanseizes the chanceto sneak attack.
天地间剑光一闪,傅青萱趁机偷袭。Sheis personalin an instant the king of thissky, pulls out a shiningiron swordfrom the goodscolumn, emits the rhinocerosharp swordair/Qi of sellingvoiddistortion, the thorntoBolivianLancetforehead.
她刹那间贴身这位天空之王,从物品栏抽出一把明晃晃的铁剑,喷吐出让虚空扭曲的犀利剑气,刺向玻瑞阿斯额头。Hersword, caneasilycrushhalfgodlevelruleclassitem.
她的剑,能轻易击碎半神级规则类道具。BolivianLancetimmersesin the joyas before, the mouthis talking over: „IamBolivianLancet, IamBolivianLancet”
玻瑞阿斯依旧沉浸在欣喜中,嘴里念叨着:“我是玻瑞阿斯,我是玻瑞阿斯”Saw with own eyes that the swordlightwill soon hit, shelifted the handto hold the swordsuddenly.
眼见剑光即将命中,她突然抬起手抓住了剑。In the fingersis lingering the azureair current.
手指间萦绕着青色气流。Shelooked atFuQingxuan, looked at the sword in hand, as ifresponded that were attacked, in the eyejumpsprojectscrazyandkillsintent, saidsternly:
“死!”Bang! A loud sound, the air shooting, FuQingxuanwhole bodyskeletonis completely broken, whole personshellflying upside down, fallslayer on layer/heavilyin the ground, looks like the rubber balltumblingto bounce, poundsgulfsin the ground.
轰!一声巨响,空气爆炸,傅青萱浑身骨骼尽碎,整个人炮弹般的倒飞,重重摔在地面,又像皮球般翻滚弹跳,在地面砸出一个又一个深坑。FuQingxuansets outdistressedly, the prettywhite hairbecomesrash, the clothesstain the soiltattered, bahspatbloodfroth.
The bonemakes noise, suddenlyrecovers.
骨头咔嚓作响,眨眼间痊愈。Association presidentmisterappearssideher, the palmis pinchingthunderball, the toneis dignified: „Probablycan't be victorious?”
会长先生出现在她身旁,掌心捏着雷球,语气凝重:“好像打不过?”FuQingxuannods: „Did not have the strength of thunder and lightning, herpositionstandardwas12levels, the fusionactuallysucceeded, the issueleftinherhas not obliterated the god of thunder the spirit, thereforedementia.”
傅青萱颔首:“没了雷电之力,她的位格还是12级,融合其实是成功了,问题出在她没有磨灭雷神的精神,所以精神错乱。”Association presidentmisterthinks,said:
会长先生想了想,道:„Fusedsuccessfully the evilcampnot to deceiveher, was right, ‚deceit’thischeap trick, howhas possibly hidden the truth fromher, what was the reason of failure? Is it possible that wantsto become the leader, but alsolacksonestep?”
“融合成功了邪恶阵营没有骗她,也对,‘欺骗’这种小把戏,怎么可能瞒过她,失败的原因是什么?莫非,想要成为主导者,还缺一个步骤?”At this time, the sad and shrillhowltransmitted, the windbladerainstormarrived.
这时,凄厉的啸声传来,大片大片的风刃暴雨般降临。Association presidentmister the shoulder of holding downwhite hairmarshal, leadingherto transmitis separated.
会长先生按住白毛元帅的肩膀,带她传送脱离。Two peoplejustcameinnot far away, immediatelyalsohas the windbladeto arrive, falling in torrents that does not ask for moneyto resembleunder.
The association presidenttransmitsagainleaves, so long ascomes, the windbladearrivesimmediately.
会长再次传送离开,但只要一现身,风刃就立刻降临。Theythroughoutunder the gaze of king of sky.
他们始终在天空之王的注视之下。Butattacked the failureafterFuQingxuana moment ago, makingtwo peoplenot dareto attemptto sneak attackagain, was worried that baredeliverstwogods.
而经过傅青萱刚才的袭击失败,让两人不敢再尝试偷袭,担心裸送两神。At this time, the east sidefloated the thickdark cloud, the moisture in airrapidlyincreases.
这时,东边飘来厚厚的乌云,空气中的湿气快速增加。In the dark cloud the thunder, the strong windserupts, a clear and melodiousdragonrecitedresounds through the four directions, sentear-spittinglydeaf, the mindas ifhas been washed.
乌云中电闪雷鸣,狂风大作,一声清越的龙吟响彻四方,让人震耳发聩,心灵仿佛得到洗涤。BolivianLancetbodytrembles, the chaoticandcrazyfastdissipation in look, shein the baptism that dragonrecited, retrieved, shortsobered.
玻瑞阿斯身躯一颤,眼神里的混乱和疯狂快速消散,她在龙吟的洗礼中,找回了自我,短暂的清醒过来。dragon of rainrecitedmostis good ateradicatingfabricatedly.
雨师的龙吟最擅长破除虚妄。At this time, was gray-haired, the tallold man, suddenlyappearedat the scene, heas ifemerged out of thin air, compared withtransmissionalsostrangetowering.
这时,一位头发花白,身材高大的老者,突然出现在现场,他仿佛凭空出现,比传送还诡异突兀。In the old manhandis carryingpotliquor, lifts up the headto filltoward the mouth, again a blowout.
The intoxicanttipsy feelingsuch as the smokelikefogdispersing, letsFuQingxuan and association presidentcreakies, cheeksfloodred, likefillingtenjin (0.5 kg)white liquor.
醉人的酒意如烟如雾般散开,让傅青萱和会长摇摇欲坠,脸颊泛红,就像灌了十斤二锅头。BolivianLancet'sglancingcovers a blur, the sobriety that restoreswith great difficulty, the fastdissipation, crazyandchaoticoccupies the mindagain.
玻瑞阿斯的眼波蒙上一层迷离,好不容易恢复的清醒,快速消散,疯狂和混乱再次占据心灵。Thatgroup of dark cloudscome in waves, have a suction, swallows the liquorair/Qi in airfast.
“放逐!”Association presidentmistermakes the soundto refer, „please”walk the owner in Bacchusclub.
会长先生打出响指,“请”走了酒神俱乐部的老板。Butin the nextsecond, carrieswine potoldwheatto appearagain, jokes: „Fromto me, withoutsignificance.”
The voicefalls, nearhisfootgroundsplitssuddenly, finds out the palm that tworockscondense, firmlyholdshisbody.
The scarletredflameleapsat once, a red hairlike the fire, the tall and powerfully builtrobust manin the flame, the palmroaring flamespout, changes to the long bladeobviously, a bladetruncatesfliesoldwheathead.
赤红色的火焰旋即腾起,一个红发如火,身材魁梧的壮汉在火焰中显化,掌心烈焰喷涌,化作长刀,一刀削飞老麦的头颅。Thatheadtumblingfalls, was caughtby a hand, gentlyaccording to breaknape of the neckplace.
那颗头颅翻滚落下,被一只手接住,轻轻按在断裂的脖颈处。Butbyoldwheat who the rockpalmgrips, has vanisheddoes not see.
而被岩石手掌握住的老麦,已经消失不见。Incurrent of knightoccupationhalfgod, the intemperantcannottwist the rulerecklessly, meltsdiestolive.
The west sidefloats a piece of green light, like the light smoke, seeminglyis slender and wispy slow, actuallyquickly.
西边则飘来一片绿光,袅袅娜娜如青烟,看似慢,实则快。Above the green light, the roaring flame of flamingcombustiondelimits the horizontogether, the water vapor in airhas evaporatedin abundance, the heat waveis billowing.
绿光之上,一道熊熊燃烧的烈焰划过天际,空气中的水汽纷纷蒸发,热浪滚滚。„Dádá dá”hoofbeattransmitsfrom the south side, eightsky-bluesteeds, are drawing a chariotspeedily.
The landsplits, wears the yellowrobe, the beard and hairallwhiteold man, standsin the stone column, slowlylift-off.
大地裂开,一位身穿黄袍,须发皆白的老者,立在石柱,徐徐升空。Halfgodsimultaneous/uniformarrive who defends the forewordcamp.
“吼!”Deafeningroaringattracted the attention of halfgods, a blackscalemustgreenfiveclawDivine Dragonmeanderingroamingto come, the whole bodylends the evildifferentaura, the eyesliketworubies.
震耳欲聋的咆哮吸引了半神们的注意,一条黑鳞绿须的五爪神龙迤逦游来,浑身散发邪异气息,双眼如同两颗红宝石。Gudragon! The spiritcan -and-a-half the gods of meetingcome.
蛊龙!灵能会的一位半神来了。Gudragon head top, is standingtwoforms, wears the capeto wear the hood, facesometimesmalesometimesfemale, sometimesoldsometimesfew, is the imaginarygod of south school. Anotherwearstraightsuit, handsomegraceful, wears the silverearnail, the local ruffianis a little graceful.
蛊龙头顶,站着两个身影,其中一个身披斗篷头戴兜帽,面孔时男时女,时老时少,正是南派的幻神。另一个穿着笔挺的西装,俊朗优雅,戴着银色耳钉,有点痞帅。FrightenedSon of Heaven.
恐惧天王。PS: After wrong characterfirst, changes.
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